THE BEEt OVATTA. SATUSlDr. MAT 3. 1511 1 You Can't Afford to Miss Saturday's Sales Exceptional Saving Opportunities all Depts Saurday KMiLy Saturday A big special factory purchase of 1,500 doien mea's Summer Shirts on sale Saturday and .Monday in Two Great Lois Men's Shirts, worth from $1.50 to $3.50, all new spring and summer styles; come in pongees, madras, chambrayg, white linens, etc.; plain or pleated bosoms, made with' or without collars attached all guaranteed perfect 69c and 49c Other Interesting Furnishing Items Men's Undershirts or Draw ers, 75c to $1.25 values, in white, ecru or colors, fine balbriggan, lisle or mer cerized; "on sale Saturday, at garment 35c and 25c Men's $1 and $1.50 Union Suits, all styles, all guar anteed perfect; on sale, at 69c and 49a Men's $2.00 Union Suits, in fine lisle, at. 98c Men's $3.50 Union Suits, in silk lisle, at. ....... .$1.98 Saturday Specials Women's Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Etc. Kait federal ear - IUUan Bilk Vesta, worth to $4.50. hand embroidered yokes, oo tale at 81.98 611k and Uale I'nion Suits, lace trimmed or tlgbt knee, to fl values, choice J 1.50. 98 tiadies Lisle I'nion Suits, regular and extra sixes, fancy yokes, t 49 Fine Cotton I'nion Suits on sale Saturday 35 Ladies' Gauze Vesta, values to 25c, at ....9Vx od 12 57Ar Cloves and Parasols Kaiser's 12 and 10-buttoa length Silk Gloves la all colors, t 75t to 81.50 10-button length Silk Gloves. In black, white and pongee, regu lar II values, Saturday 59j Parasols, Parasols Ladles' and Children's, veritable confec tions In coloring! and designs. Popular Sheet Music in Saturday's per copy Hundreds of popular .songs arid instrumental num bers to ?lect from. Come early. -i H? dware Cut Price Specials Re,. igerators Special Sale Refrigerators II Famous White Mountain Refrigerator, oak cm, IS lb. capacity, fit White Mountain Refrigerator, quarter sawed oak flntro, ro lb. capa city, at : 8.e t: White Mountain whMe tinea. le zen cms nzEssB 1-ot. Ice Cream Kreeeer. .fl- 2.e I-qt Ire Cream rreeitr. IX.59 -qt Icecream Kroner ..! U 4-qt ico Cream Frouor. -tl-SS OMtl KOOM nenzaa wia-now rx-aatzg Any slxe green hardwood Snor. ass Any alio ti t fancy oiled door One alio only, 1-14x6-10. fancy o-n door m Screen Wire, beat double strength. lc: per roll SUIH Adjustable Beraen at special re duced prices: li!.i. le; :iSJ- 3e; SOxJT. SSs XOan. ion ZS,0 feet of "Vel vet ' 4t and H-inc highest grade high" pressure hose: our regular Men's Sterling Union Suits, great values, Saturday on sale at . . . .$1.98 to $3.50 Men's Muslin Night Gowns, $1.00 values, oil sizes, 15 to 20, at choice 49c Men's Silk Lisle Hose, 25c to 50c values, iu all colors, guaranteed, 25o and 12VjC Men's Pajamas, Universal brand, samples in white and colors; to $3.00 values, at i 69e and 08c The tw things you're always cor tain of In buying here, SATISFAC TION and SAVINGS. Head then specials In MuaUa aad Kait L'nderwear, then come In and ex amine the quality; the result will bo mosf satisfactory. Muslin Underwear. Skirts worth to $6, exquisitely trimmed, have 32-ln. flounce, great bargain Sat urday ... -S2.98 " 81.98 Skirts worth tu S3, also Princess Slips, all beautifully trim- med 81.45 Gowns worth to 11.10. fin quality Nainsooks, Cambric and Rep cloths, all are cut full and long, special 98 Ctuwet Covers worth to Sl.OO. all sixes, many styles, all daintily trimmed, at 450 black and white effects. Per sians, white embroidered and plain linens and all colors. price 8 to 87.50 Children's Parasols, In all col ors and plain linens, on sale from 19 to 81.25 Hosiery Specials Kayser aad Esco Silk Hose, fl.iO values. In black, white and colon, at 98 Ladies' Silk Boot and Silk Lisle Hose, In all colors, special, at ; 49 Bilk Embroidered Hose, lace boot gauxe and silk lisle, values up to l.0ft pair, at 35 Ladies' Me quality Hose, black, white, tan and split foot, at, pair 25 MikseV SOr Silk Lisle Hoee. all colors and black --25 Ladies' Black. Tan or White Foot Hose, 60c values, pr. 25 Sale 5c lb. capacity ..; is.a Ho grade goes on sale Saturday. at m late Tie Brass Fountain Lawn Spray t 4ee Plain bearing Laws Mowers, up SX.80 Ball bearicf .Lawn slower. ui from S4.9S t CMT CSXW CSWT nvlU !5c Ena.-!il Vah Baain So ISc 4 quart nan el Pudding Pao Be le Enamel He Pans bo lSe Enamel trtppers ae Sc Enamel Pudding Pans tie Heavy Tin flour Pleve So Je set Jelly MonUls So 24c gink Ptralnors ao JSc Dust Pans So lie Potato fUcer ae lec ghlnola .-. as New Veilings . Taney Shetland Veiling! are the thing for this season and we're showing the most com plete line in Omaha, at per yard v 25c to $1.50 Ribbon Sale Both Plain and Fancy Ribbons, in a tremendous assortment marvelous values yard lc to 10c If you've ribboni to buy, see these Saturday. 60c Box Handker chiefs 35c A new line of fine Shamrock linen Initial Handkerchiefs, 6 in box, 60c value, at. . 35c Panama Hats Straw Hats The best line shown in the city at most reasonable pricings Panama Hats Telescopes, Optiinos and all newest shapes, at $4.50. $5.00 and $6.00 Straw Hats Every imaginable style in sail ors or soft straws, all widths of brim, at $1.00, $1.50 $2.00 to .........,..$5.00 Boys' and Children's. In Domestic Room Bleached Pattern Table Cloths, food. heavy quality, very handsome de- . signs, regular 11.10 value, Satuts . -98 Extra Bargains in Cmels Extra long skirts, medium and low bust, four hose supporters, batiste and netting, worth up to $1; Saturday at 49c, 75c Extra long Corsets, batiste and net tinge, embroidered and lac trim, med, six heavy hose supporters, worth up to 33.10. Saturday fgg and 5.00 High Grade Corsets, high and low bust, tlx heavy Hale hoee supporters, draw strings, fancy lace trimmings, special (or Satur y 82.45 Boys' $1.00 Blouse Waists at Ste in white madras, ehaabrays, neat stripes and figures, also plain blue and tan, all sixes fro at t to is yean, made with or without eollara at tached, special for Saturday 35 Boys' 50c Blouse waists at . . 25 Big Shoe Sale Saturday Manufacturers' surnlusi utino r1a white and colored shoes women's $3.5tf and $4.00 white and colored shoes, oxfords and pumps, at : .$2.50 Women's White Shoes, oxfords and pumps, also gun metal and patent leather in one, two and three straps and buttons, worth up to $3.00, at $1.98 Misses' and children's shoes, oxfords and pumps in white canvas, black velvet and leathers of air kinds, black or tan, go on sale at np from $1.00 Men's $4.00 shoes in tan or black, button or blucher, the last word iu style, at. .$2.50 it's Hay den's Grocery Prices That and Keep Down the High Cost of Living 18 lbs. bgt granulated sugar $1.00 48-lb. sacks best high grade Dia mond H faallr flour, aothln- Ilka It for f LSI a sack, per sack. $.. 10 bar Beat 'En AU, Diamona C or Leaoi soap tit 10 lba. beat mixed eblck feed. 10 Iba. oystar abeU lis 7 lbs. beat bulk laundry starch. .S5o Ltl La scouring soap, It beats the 'Dutch, per can So IC-oa. eaaa eoodepeed milk . 2 lb. caa Mascaf (rapes 15o 2 1-1. eaaa Booth baked beana IDe lib. eaaa asaorted aoupa ....THo 3-lb. cans fancy table pears, peaches or aprteota la keary ay nip . . . . lie S can Star lye ...,.t0c 3 1-lb. east aolid packed tomatoea. t Joe McLarea'a peanut butter, lb-..He Peter's breakfast cocoa, lb tic Coldea Saatoa coffee, lb. ...... !5c The best tea siftlngs, lb. ....11 He fry ma 'h'f .(Mil f Millinery I The most beautiful, most attractive price showing of SUMMES STYLES ever offered in Omaha. Are their pride at $3.00. They're worth $10.00. 50 new ones shown for Saturday's selling. New white "Wash Rag" and Duck Hals in 10 styles', Sat urday at 1 88c, $1.25 to $1.08 We are Headquarters for Panama Hats, and quarautee a prie e savmg or 23fe or refund- your money. Unf rimmed Hats Milans, chip and Leghorns, values up to $2.00, on sale, choice ....39c 500 Sunbonnets will be closed out in Saturday's sale, at only ........ 5c and 10c We guarantee willow plumes and all other millinery. KarnrYisiv n Men's elk outing ana iau can, values up to $i.U0 fl.Og Boys', youths' and little gents' shoes, values up to $2.50 a pair, in this sale $1.50, $1 Men's white canvas shoes and oxfords, white kid tipped, values up to $2.00 . $1.35 Women 's kid Juliets, rubber heels and patent tips;;a fine house shoe ..$1.00 Children's 1-strap kid slippers, all sizes up to " misses' jiize 2. .$1.25, $1, 75c and 50c Crover and Queen Quality shoes for women. Stetson and Crossett shoes for men. 5H-lb. boxes best select soda crackers 40c Batter Drops Three Casts Pound. The butter trust was compelled to come doers. The supply wag getting to much for them to hold up tba high price. Br trading at Hay den a yoa fight trust prices. Beat No.1 Creamery butter, carton or bulk, ib 2e Tbe bast No. 1 dairy butter . . . . 35c Oood Uble butter, lb 13c Tbe beat country creamery . , . . J7c Tbe Greatest Market In Otnatia) for Fresh Vegetables. Cheaper than em. Fresh spinach, pack 5c S bunches fresh radishes 6c ( bunches fresh onions Se 4 bunches fresh turnips Se t bunches fresh ' asparagus 5c t bunches fresh parsley ,5c Fresh cabbage, lb. 3e t large cucumbers 10c Fancy wai or green beans, Ib...l0e Ladies' Neckwear The new Fichu U the latest hot weather novelty in neck wear. A big special counter of these goods, on sale Sat urday, at yard . . . 25c New Macrame and Ratine Col- lar and Cuff Sets, big assort ment for selection, A y jr at from... JI D Corsage Bouquets and Roses, regular '2oo to 50c values, go at 10can4 25c Trunks and.S'uit Cases $15.00 Basswood Trunks, fibre or canvas covered, heavy brass bumpers aud oak sluts; sole leather straps; all sizes, at $10.00" Others.... $2.50 to $32.50 0NE.TMRD OFF OH BUGS msvncAsts 75 Leather Bags and Suit Cases left from our big purchase, will be closed Saturday, $5.00 to $40.00 values at prices, from $3.45 to $27.50 -asMsWegeajBagssasanflnMBenWe In Domestic Room Belvedere Bod Spread, 7ixll site, good weight, assarted patterna, . ft. SI value, special --T5 Sptclat Salt Base Ball Goods Croquet Sets tfammscks 4 ball Croquet Sets.....,..59o 6-ball Croquet Sets, tegular $1.25 values.,.' M85o 4-ball Croquet Sets," long mal lets, $2.50 kind.. $1.98 Boys' Bast Ball Masks, values up to $1.00, to closo put, at choice , . .15o 75c Catchers' Mitti. ...39c $1.25 League Balls, at. . '. . .95c $1.25 Hammocks, at ..98c $2.00 Hammocks, at $1.50 $2.50 Hammocks, at $1.98 $3.00 Hammocks, at $2.50 $6.00 Hammocks, at $4 98 shoes, patent colt, gun metal Break the Prices Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb ,'.l0c 3 heads fresh leaf lettuce 5c 3 heads fresh hesd lettuce :...10e 3 lbs. new potatoes io0 4 bunches pieplant Quart boxee fancy ripe- atrawberrlea t ' 10c Watch tba papers for our first big annual pineapple sals. ' Beautiful Blooming Gerani ums. Plant npw so they will be looking well for Decoration Day. These are extra fine plants, in 4 inch pots, and retail regular for 15c esch. , . We have S.flOO for Saturday that ws will aell for, each 0 Nothing blooms longer or looks . prettier than Geraniums. Crockery Departmeat. mm First &M w$ MS III Women's Ready4o-)Near Gar ment Bargains for Saturday Nothing Short of. Marvelous Our New York Resident Buyer has certainly out classed all previous efforts in the splendid new lots of Suits and Dresses sent us for this Saturday's Special selling. Seldom In a lifetime do equal opportunities for profitable buying offer. $20.00 and $25.00 Tailored Suita $9.75-200 of them clnsay new spring styles in rios and colors, including a fine showing of the popular cream serge suits. $30.00 to $40.00 Tailored Suits $17.50 Elegant designs iu the choicest of the season's new materials and color ings, snappy distinctiveness in every graceful line. 100 of them for selection. Women's Silk Dresses, values up to $25.00, t choice $8.95 Silk Pongees, Mescalines, Foulards, etc., in both plain and fancy colors. We've shown many tempting drew bargains this season, but these are surprisingly beauti ful and good. Don't miss seeing them. $i5i $18 Long Silk Coals $10 " Something that every woman wants and ought to have and here's your opportunity. They come in all the newest spring models, loose, semi and fitted effects; make a special effort to see Lingerie and Lawn Waists, lace, insertion and em broidery trimmed, all s'uea high or low neck, regular $1.50 values, choice of 25 dozen 69f Long Challie Kimonos, made to sell at $1.50, great enep, at t r '....09c Children's Waah Dresses, in lawns, ginghams, chambrayg, etc., all sizes 2 to 14, splendid assortment of drinty styles, at D5c Little Miss Dainty Will find Her Desire in the jnomense showing we're making of pretty white dres up from $1.95. $2.95.. $3.45, $5.00 Why Pay More For Drugs Prices for 1 00 six Pure Hyareeea FaroxWie. extra slat, for See ;tc alia of Pure Hydrogen PeroiMe at Ihrae holt Ira for Me 2&? alse Bay Hum, In sealed bottle, for Oe 1 5- ran Violet or Lllao Talcum Powdar for ae see box ef Java Wee or Pexaonl'a Face Cuwaar for He lie site largo Wool Powder Puffs go at, each lea lc boa Khlnnla (thee Pollah for so One big lot ef te a bar Tollat Koep. (lightly solleo, par rake tte 10.- Jap Kae or fain) Olive 8ol at two tara for lae I0- and "' ie Tollrt Waters, as sorted, big snap at 8o :f,- alte Peroxide or b'anltol K' Cream lor .... lie Bed Spread Special Linen Department Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, knotted fringe, worth 38.00 each 34.83 High grade scalloped and fringed BC4 Spreads, worth 34.00 eeeh at ., $2.50 Hemmed, fringed or scalloped Bed Spreads, worth 33 25 sack 81.08 Scalloped crochet Bed Spreads, full else, worth 33.00 each at $1.75 Full site hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, assorted, worth 3! SO each 81.59 Hemmed and fringed Bed Spreads, heavy aad durable, worth 33.00 sach 81.25 Liquor Dept. Specials 6 year-old Maryland Rye Whisky, ppr full quart. .... ,75c Per Gallon ." ...-...$2.50 Gu' kenheimer, Schenly, Cedar Brook and Weldon Springs Whiskies, all 8 years old, per full qt, SI; per gal, $3.50 Sunkist California Wines, all varieties, per full qt.. .50c 2 quart bottles high grade Beer ......25c a wealth of most wanted fab' them Saturday; they pleas. Lawn Dresses. Lingerie Dresses, Linen Dresses, most complete and attrac tive showing in Omaha, up from $2.95, $3.9!? and Toilet Goods. Notice Saturday. I0e alas Message Crcaiu. for. . . S5e Large Jar Poroptlen Maavage Ciiaam 'or lie Sanltel or Dr. E. L. araevgr Tsetk Peadar or Paste far. . latie Dr. Hlnkle's Cascara TabiMa, sealed boll lea for , .ass II iS values ID large WaahgUa (hamola for aotoa, ge at....saM SOe valtMe In laraw asiaagea al aas 0 Uuaranteed Rator and tilts Kaxor titrop. both for ....V-S140 II 00 Peerleea ShouJSer Brae te, aala price I. II. OS rountaia Springe er tvttie ase It it Comblnattea Syrtsge utid Bot. tie for T. .gLSO 1100 Wellington Syringe InA Hot- l If. guaranteed far I yetra, (3410 Parle tireen W la. lac; J lb. IJc or. per lb. ......aas SATl'RDAT UPKCIALS I.X THE HIGH GRAMS' Wash Goods Dept. 45-ln. Drmwnwork bordecwd voiles. a beautiful range of colors, sold regular for 35c yard, on 69 lu-inch plain Voiles. SOc grade. :;.:.:; v-S ii-mco piam vones, zac grade, at IK The popular black: and white stripe Voiles. 0o grade, 40-ia. l" S5e Beautiful striped Voiles with Dresden borders, 40-tn. wide, 75c grade ; 50 Tryon Corda for oas-piece dresses ana salts, eon grade, at 39 Extra Specials In Ginghama and Shirting Madras for Satsr- oay.