Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    ej.fcj., ..-tiawi u.
1 vt.
1 Omaha's Greatest Clothing House "T.L
mmSi&U s A ll f f U I I i I : w . I
u u u ira U W U U iLr-a u
js' ii v L-iPt gz g i n n n nn n s i r i i n yv i
will do well to investigate the special offers on complete
homefurnishings that we are making just now. We're
supplying some exceedingly
canasome, outfit for hornet of
3 to 8 ROOMS
nd making prices on them that
mean a genuine taring of 15
to 40 to the buyer. We make
. a specialty of furnishing these
oomplete Home Outfits and can
give valuable suggestions to
newly married couplet, and at
the same time save them considerable Id the cost
TOUR terms will be OUR termt. We require smaller pay
ments than any other hometurnlshing concern in the city.
I -iiV.s1'
5 E.T Ctfcf
On Small
Monthly Payme
Tid ft a
fair tampltU
of our won .
dcrful XilM
bu in tern,
pitta room
Complete Dining Room Set $
As illustrated above, in genuine solid oak. fumed or
Early English, thoroughly dependable and very hand
tome i . . r. ....... '.
(Other Suits specially priced at $60, 978 and 9102.)
Equal val
ties Zm in
BeJ ream
ream fit.
Council Bluffs
Council Bluff i alderman Diet After
Day's Ulnest.
Taken III Wltheat WeraUaj With
' !rtl Trouble aa Arrt M at Hoe
' ltal Toe Late for pevwtioa
Ceeeetoes Until Lett.
After being III only twenty-four hours
former Alderman Oecar Tounkerman, of
Council Bluffs- died at Edmundson hos
pital last evening, half an hour after he
had been hurtled there t- undergo an
operation for what was diagnosed a
stoppage of the bowels caused by. In
version or 'telescoping of the Intestines.
tr. Macrae. Jennings and Cole were
falling there to perform the operation.
ut when the ambulance arrived after
nme delay. thr, discovered that fatal
symptoms had developed la the brief In
terval since they had diagnosed the case,
and that Mr. Touflkeraaa M In a dying
condition. Relatives were hurriedly noti
fied, but he died before all could reach
tbe hospital. He waa 'conscious up to a
few minutes before be expired and
calmly gave directions concerning the
business affairi of the Tounkerman Seed
company, which he had created In the
hut few years.
Mr. Tournxennan s alcknesa and death
came almost without warning. On Wed
nesday ha worked Industriously at hla
borne, on the corner of Beaton and Har
mony street directing and assisting the
men engaged la preparing tha grounds
(or the foundations of a new garage be
was preparing to build. Prompted by hla
Council Bluffs
far s
f V I
Quick sales and
small profits is our
motto. That's why
our suits to order
at S20 are the best .
clothing value in
Omaha. Come in
and be coflviflcecL
HacCarthy-lv-jwi Tailoring Ci
Soau- Bsznantk M.
usual energy he did almost aa much' phy
sical work aa any of the men employed.
At 4 o'clock he went down to tbe store
to' close up the day s business there. At
I SI o'clock he became III and waa taken
home by bla brother-in-law.. Albert Qrote.
ite- In the evening Dr. Jennings was
called, but waa able to give little more
than temporary relief.
Testerday the ether physicians were
called Into onnaultatlon and efforts were
made to correct the trouble without an
operation. At 7 o'clock, however. It be
came evident that aurgery presented the
only hope of saving his. life. Farforatlon
occurred before the hospital waa reached.
Mr. Younkennan hss had frequent at
tache of stomach trouble but baa aldays
quickly recovered, and for the last year
haa bean unusually free from any form of
Native of Oeraay.
Mr. Tounkerman waa 41 years old. He
waa born In Germany and came to this
country with bis parents when be waa
14 years old. coming direct to Council
Bluffs. He had lived here aU of the time
since, getting hla education In the public
schools with tbe scant opportunities that
were afforded him. He got his first In
sight Into the business world by clerking
In e grocery store, in 1887 he became the
bualnesa partner of J. W. Kelly In tbe
grocery business. The partnership ceased
in 1880. He engaged In the feed and
commission business at the location on
Broadway that la now occupied aa the
headquarters of the big seed company.
This business, reaching hundreds of thou
sands of dollars annually, waa created
wholly by tha Intelligence end energy
of Mr. Younkennan. The company haa
acquired not only the property where the
central plant la located, but a great deal
of additional ground. Including tha Clau
sen Implement company's warehouses.
wr. lounxermaa also two years ago
built one of the most expensive and beau
tiful homes In the city.
The force of Mr. Tounkerman s char
acter waa felt In many other directions.
In politics he was one of the best known
men In tha city. He served eight years
aa a member of the city council, two
terms aa alderman from the First ward
and two terma as alderman-at-large. He
waa never defeated In any of bla cam
paigns; for be waa alwaya on the side of
the people In every public matter or
Mr. Tounkerman was married a num
ber of years ago to Miss Qrbte. daughter
of Herman Grote, one of the wealthy
German-American clttzena. - They had.
no children, but.a number of years ago
adopted a little girl, now about I years
old. to whom the foster father waa pea
slonatety attached. Mr. Tounkerman
waa prominent In the Odd Fellows and
Maeonle bodies and waa also an active
member in other local fraternal organise.
Uoos. . -- , -
. .JJ.
m ; V&jZ-- . ik f !h
You Need Summer
Weight Underwear
UNION SUITS We have the Supet
' ior, Vassar, Peerless, RiteRize and
Striven makes, in long sleeves, half
sleeves and athletic style, in differ
ent colors, at, the suit $1 to $3.50
sleeves, half sleeves and athletic
styles, at ......... .25c to $1.50
Military collars, attached or detach
ed, in Soisette,,Flannel, Madras, Per
cale and Silk very attractive pat
terns, at ....... $1.00 to $5.00
With separate collar to match, Silk
Hose in all colors, and something
new for you in umbrellas they are
very swell ask to see them.
TODAY is our initial showing of
fStraw Hats-such a lare variety and assortment
has never before been displayed in Omaha. ' Panamas,
Bangkoks, Sennets, Milans, Mackinaw, Swiss, China and Palm Braids
in sailors, soft negligee, telescope, pinch, fedora and iencil curls. Heavy
braids, high and low crowns, extreme wide brims, in" fact all dimen
sions. You will have practically unlimited scope for selection here. We
will fit all your bumps correctly and crown you becomingly.
Priced at , ...$1, $2. $3. $4, $5 up to.$10
Ladies' Imported Panamas $7.50 to $11.50
It's Warm Enough
ior Wash Suits
Your boy should be fitted in'
one of our suits. Very attrac
tive colors in Sailor and Rus
sian Blouse, at 95c, $1.45, $1.95
and $2.45.
Play Suits, Indian, Cowboy,
Baseball, Policeman and Scout
Suits, 95c to $4.50.
We're Here for the Race
We mean the human race. It makes no difference to us whether you
drive an auto, a motorcycle, a horse, or ride in a street car, one of our
cool suits mu6t look mighty good to you now. Norfolk s,' English sacks,
Homespuns or Mohairs, any one of them is enticing at
$10.00 to $35.00
Special for AuUists
Norfolk Suits, Khaki Suits, Auto Dusters, Auto Caps, Auto Gauntlets.
1 Omaha's Greatest Clothing House
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs-
Minor Mention
Ts Oaaaan Blaff Offlea af
Taa Osaaaa Baa la a 1
eoM mrss,
t - -
Postal Wires to
Go Under Street
After dalaya of nearly two agontlta.
Contractor Wlekham yesterday baaan
tha work of laylni tba conduits requitxl
for tha wires of tha Postal Telccrapli
company in tha bualnm section of th
city. The eoaduita will ba laid In the
alleya. Tbe work was becun at the alley
oa Benton street, between Broadway and
the creek- It will follow that alley
parallel to Broadway to North Main
let. It la expected that about thre
weeks time will ba required to complete
the lob.
The Western Union, which was relieved
af tha east of laylnf epede! conduits by
beinc able to use those of tha Inde
pendent-Bell telephone, owtnc to buslnee
aaaoaarions. haa not made any move
to pot tta wires under ground, so far at
actual work la concerned. A lot of tre
meter!, however, is on hand and there
may aprtac up a rivalry between tbe
oompeirtee to aaa which win complete tha
work Brat.
condition aa new. Every pie
guaranteed. Prices reason able
Davla, druga.
VlctroU. fl6. A. Hoapa Co.
H.' Borwlck for' wall paper. '
Woodrlng Undertaking Co . TaL . '
Corrlgans, undertakers. Phones Ma.
NEW YORK Plumbing Ce. 'Phone Met.
High sundard printing. Morehouse A Co.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone IT.
wired for lights a specialty.
Graduation cards, folders and appro
priate gifts. Faubla Art 8hop.
Bluff City Laundry. Dry Cleaning and
Dye works. New 'phone No. HI.
Mutual Bldg. A Loan Ass n.. m PearL
Attend Mrs. Miles fire sale; tl.MO worth
of damaged goods going at bargain.
Maeonic Temple blocs,
BUDWEI8ER on draught Tba Grand
Anheuser on draught 8. Adraln. Bud
weiser in bottles at all first class ban.
Clean your house with a Santo Vacuum
cleaner; twenty different attachmenta
Tor rent. Si a day. by Peterson - Schoen
Ing Co.
household good. horses, cattle and all
chattel securities at a big discount of the
usual ratea. Office over tJt W. Bway.
BRING In your disabled watch to am
watchmakers, they will put it In as good
or work
FOR SALE A highest grsde JMaaoi a
good typewriter; a fine toned violin; one
oigan; owner leaving town; will sell very
cheap. Enquire at 114 East Washington
Lawn mowers that stay sharp. We
have tbe great American kail bearing
mowers that are self-sharpening. Prices,
til. tu and HA P. C DeVol Hardware
Georre Weatherbee: son of Mike Weeth-
erbee. waa painfully hurt last night when
noree ne was Denoting at hla father a
livery stable on Broadway fell upon him.
Weatherbee s leg wee broken an- ue was Injured. He waa carried to his
apartments n the building and a physi
cian called.
Sam Harrison and Emma Tucker, ar
rested bv Chief Froom and his men while
thy were In the act of trying to assist
Liennls and Irwin to escape from tne
county jail, were arraigned in police
court yesteraer morning on the charge
oi aiding prisoners to escape, cloth
waived examination and were held to tne
grand jury under ll.OuD. The grand Jury
VI not eet again until gepteumer 1,
end the prisoners will thus be compelled
to remain in jail all summer, as both
ucrlared there waa no hope of procuring
the bond required.
Six carloads of gaaplpe have been re
ceived and unloaded within the last few
aaye to be used by the Citisens' Gas ana
ttectric company for the extension of
its service west of Thirtieth street. The
.pe is all of four and six-lncu slses.
i tie new mains will be laid on Avenue
A. B and C and the work will be puened
with tne usual ardor that marks all of
the doings of Manager English and Cou
I'truction Foreman L'dey. The work of
taring it will be begun at once. Eaten
aione contemplated by the company that
year and otner work for tha betterment
of the piant will call for the expeodiiur
of more Loan fz .An.
Macrae and Friedman, the two speedy
sprinters, were each awarded a CounoU
Bluffs monogram bv the Athurln
elation on Monday nighL Friedman haa
been making fast time ' a year. Macrae
broke the record for the broad jump. He
was aieo ueia cnampion. rtarna waa
the other man to receive a Council Bluff
monogram. He secured ten points In the
meet, gathering three seconds In the dis
tance runs and a third In the broad Jump.
He aieo haa woa a Diaee In e cramm.
country run agalost Omaha. This Is his
third year la running. The members of
the Junior basket ball team will probably
receive Bum erais.
Persistent Advertuu ng Is
Bf Ret urea
tha Road to
'Prominent Women , ,
i! Seriously Injured
1 in Auto Accident
Mra'L. C. Empkle and Mr. B. Ter
winner1, prominent and pioneer , women
of Council Bluffs, were seriously liurt
last night when an automobile driven by
Mr. Empkle, with Mr. Terwltllger also
aa a passenger, struck a telephone pole
and waa overturned. Both woman were
thrown out. Mr. Empkle sustained i
serious fracture of the left leg fchd Mra.
Terwllllger also suffered a broken leg,
but of not so serious a character aa the
Injury sustained by Mrs. Empkle.
The accident happened about t o'clock,
on East Pierce street, in front of tha
Keellna residence. Mr. and Mrs. Empkle
had taken Mr. and Mra. Terwllllger In
their big touring car for a ride, aa tho.v
have almost every evening during the r
oent pleasant weather. The car was com.
Ing down tha street at a medium speed
when the wheels skidded oa a Wat plac
in the pavement. The car was diverted
and was turned Into I he curb, striking
the telephone pole.
Tha accident happened within a fW
hundred feet of tha Jennie Edmundeon
hospital and the women were quickly
taken there and turned over to tha car
of Drs. Macrae, Jennings and Cola, whi
had been waiting to perform aii operating
upon Oscar Tounkerman. Neither of tha
men waa Injured..
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs.
Holden Men Form
Campaign Club
An organisation was formed yesterday
afternoon by a number of republicans
to promote tha Interests of Prof. P. O.
Holden and aid him In hla campaign for
the republican nomination for governor.
They met at tha Orand hotel and had
a aonference with Prof. Holden, who
had stopped In the city for a few hour.
Among thoss present wars a number of
business men of tha city and prominent
farmers from the county. Among them
were George F. Hamilton, Joe W. Smith.
J. t. ' Hess, Robf rt B. Wallace. Free
man U Reed, C M. Atherton and Fred
H. K lopping, all men Interested In tha
prosperity of tha state, and who look
upon the work of Prof. Holden In
Iowa a cornfields aa having added mora
lo the permanent wealth of tbe state than
the combined efforts of ail of the poli
ticians. The meeting waa of an Informal char
acter, and came about when a few ot
the men who were personal friends of
Prof. Holden learned of nil presence
in the city and called upon him at tha
hotel. Others were advised and soon g
large crowd gathered, with the result that
after an bour'a- conversation all of those
present by a spontaneous movement en
rolled themselves Into a Holden campaign
club. Tbe orgsnixation will ba further
perfected at a meeting to be held this
evening la tha office of J. P. Heaa.
The plan la fully to organize tha county
and nave a Holden club in every town
ship aad by this means carry taa county
at the primaries by a big majority.
, Marrtsuge Lleenee. , .
Marriage licensee were Issued yesterday
to the following named persona:
. Name and residence. Age.
Embrls ElnW HlUts. Omaha X
Nora Moore, Omaha
August Freltback. 8llver City, la
Bessie Weaver, Silver City 17
JCOTT ST. ... t
Trip to the last lUy Mem Mnch
For Council Bluifi. ,
Tkeegkt to be Certain That O bat re a.
; tloaa la tka Way af Ceiilrto
I .- Ilea af short Line arc
Attorney J. J. Hess Isft last night tor
Philadelphia In response to a telegram
notifying blm that Secretary Leslie M.
(haw would arrive there from London on
Saturday. This Is taken to mean that the
nbatartea that have appeared In tha way
of the plans to carry through the pur.
pose of purchasing tha Atlantic Northern
A Southern and Treynar Short - Line
railroad properties nave all been removed,
i Mr. Shaw haa been In London for soma
time conferring with the syndicate that
It backing tha railroad schema and the
men who flashed tha ttm.OOl) draft at ths
time the railroad property wad sold by
Receiver Harlan at Atlantic In February.
Attorney Heat, who haa had full charge
of the legal and of the deal. Including
the sale and the formation of tha new
Iowa Short Line company, waa very Jubi
lant lest night whan be started east It
waa upon tha repreaentatlona that were
made by him to Judge Arthur on Satur
day afternoon1 that the oourt'a order
waa made extending ths time of payment
lo tha receiver."
"I am certain now that tha last of the
difficulties, or rather causes of delay,
for they were not real difficulties, have
been removed, and that one of tha most
Important things pertaining to tha pros
perity of Counclf Bluffs haa now been
brought about." said Mr. Heaa. "It will
not only release about IJOG.000 of local
capital that haa been tied up, but It
will be the beginning of an Interurban
railway system that means much tor the
town and the western part, of tha state,
helping more than anything alaa to make
this city tha real commercial metropolis
of western Iowa.
Bonds Leaden Merket.
"The new company has been capitalised j
for If.ew.Oci) and Its bonds placed
on the London market, quoted at close to !
Mr. Hess expects to return- early In the
week aad the distribution of tha money
Is expected to follow shortly.
The benefit of an Interurban line to
Council Bluffs can ba appreciated by re
calling tbe fact that all of tha east
and west railroads passing through the
county run diagonally across It, making
tne distance or nearly fifty miles to
Walnut, and the other principal towns
are all located on branches. Increasing
the length of the Journey and tha cost
of the trip to Council Bluffs. For ex
ample, tha trip from Oakland to Coun
cil Bluffs could be made by the direct
line followed by the Interurban In about
an. hour and a half while the Journey
by tha railroad requires nearly six hours
with but one train a day. It waa stated
at the court house yesterday that a move
ment baa already been start ad la tha east
end of the county to ask for tba abolish
ment ot tha Avoca branch court when
tha aew road as built. Tt will then be
cheaper and easier for those la tha Juris
diction of the court to come to Council
Bluffa The new ii-e, new built to Trey,
nor at this end. goes through tha richest
and meet thickly populated part of the
Two Courts are
To Run Full Time
Judge Wheeler announced yesterday
that arrangements had . been completed
(or securing tha preseace of .an addi
tional Judge to push along the work ot
tha district court judge E. ' B. Wood
ruff will be here next week.' and for the
next week or two there will be sesslonr
ot court dally. Judge Woodruff will oc
cupy tha south room and Judge Wheeler
will continue hla work In the north room
A special venire of fifty Jurymen was
ordered by Judge Wheeler esterdsy and
ordered to report for duty on Monday
Council Bluffs
These were drawn from Council Bluffa:
Robert Fair, J. Jensen. John Hamil
ton, S. C. Hammock, llonrv Meyers, J,.
L. I-owtng. A Rnper. Claude Mattltal, H.
T. Ward, J. R. Hell, James F. Hpare, I.
B. Clark. E. E. Cook, IK A. Ualrd, tW
Kink., sr.: Carl J. Hwaneou, K. 11.
Payunk, ('. E. Kimball. K. H. Warner.
William Winn. K. F. l-eon. 0. A. Van
Imeeene. I'. W. Market!. Thomas Butlei.
John 11. Jones, Kred Dingle. Jr.; W. L.
Pnlen. WIIHsm Wright. Den Franks. Ar
thur Knuffln, Ola Hansen, Willis Coy, M.
B. Oliun, R. J,j Vincent.,, . ,
' The following sre from the country: 1
A. Ransom, M. J. White. J. F. Mi--'
Olitly. K. 8. Pslmer. T. J. Aden. II. W."
(Illtlna, Neola townahlp. Freeman Chllde;
Garner townahlp: Klllnt Hopkins, Fred
Hsrlnn. Lewis tnwnehrp; U ft. Jonee. 1
Rockfnrd townahlp; . P. Hamilton,,
t'etlef Kay, York Inwnalilp; John Meaaok,
Heart Dell township; Bruce Baugnu.
Crescent township. .
Tka Famous Vacuum cleaner, US ma
chine, wttk complete equipment of tools
for twenty different vase. Thla machine
will clean tha average alaa house ta a
day easily and thoroughly. For rant,
H a day by Petersen eboaaix Co.
Isn't this Easy ?
' i - , -
To six cups of sharply boiling water, pref
erably in double cooker, add one-half tea
spoonful salt. Then slowly 6tir in cjne- cup of
the new food
Post Tavern Special
Continue boiling (stirring occasionally)
10 to 15 minutes. Longer slow cooking im
proves the delicate flavor.
Serve hot with cream and sugar, and .you
have a delicious dish for .1. '
Tomorrow's Breakfast
Sold by grocers in 15c pkjs.
Made by Portum Cereal Co., Ltd, Pure Food Factories,
. ' Battle Creek, Mich. ' . '
? i