THE BEE: OMAHA. SATCftADY, MAY 25. 1912. 17 GETS RICH BY SELLING OUT! John Stevenson Canny ScoUman, ' Testifies in Steel Soil TTJI PLATE MILL FIRST VHJTTOE i only ' J J)rS Dahmg L Grape Powder (gancjTfltt IsolufelyPiro 4 a iiitVCITY NEWS Hav Boat MB n. Llfktinf ruwm Burft-OrtadWi . M. Clark, itans. Htn ud Douflaa, Cka. noatii Koom 411, Bm BW . baa m official blank for application (of lixrrif ot pension under lata law May II. Uli StewsU Is Vary Stan T. G. Howell, a pioneer resident of Omaha, la eerlouely HI at his home, 171 Lesvanworth. Ha H S yes old and no hope ara held for hi recovery because of hla advanced an. Caaritle Bapor FrUta Kaport ot the fourteenth annual aaaatos of the Ne braska Conferenc of Charities and Cor lection haa been printed and a large number ar now In the handa of tit Associated Charltiea tor distribution among charltjr workara. ' Idnaeai swat to ta aalom Jam T. Lindsay, acquitted, ot tba murder ot bla mother on the around ot Insanity and Inebrlacy. was committed to tba stats hospital for insane at Lincoln by Judve Button. Lindsay oei to tha hospital for an Indefinite period. Dempster Bays tot Robert Demp ster, vice president of tb City- Trust and Safe Deposit company, haa - pur chased the lot back ot his bom; 9X1 Harney street. Tha property measure Ox KM feet, faclnc Dewey areola. It chanced handa at B.600 through . tba Clover Realty Syndicate. Veterans Address Ptadenta Captain W illiam H. Russell and J. A. Dempster of the local Grand Army of tha Republic talked to classes of Omaha High school students in the two assembly noma at the school yesterday. Captain Rusaall spoke on "Incidents of the Ctvll War" and Mr. Dempster talked on Patriotism." The letter Illustrated hla talk with a handsome silk national banner. Do; Ordered Deported Jasper Brown, colored, was ordered to deport bla shep herd dog from tha corporate limits ot Omaha by Judge Altstadt , Tba dog la said to have bitten tba tittle daughter of Mr. Anna Elliott of 4601 Burt street. When Informed of tha court s decision lira. Elliott said she said she would snoot the animal, because she believed Brown would bring It back after a abort time. Wilson Says Politics Behind Attack on Him WASHINGTON, D. C, May X-iuotlng scripture. James Wilson, secretary ot agriculture, commented today on tha ac tion yesterday of the Presbyterian gen eral assembly In striking hi nam from the Met of delegates to tba Pan-Preaby terian council to bo bald in Aberdeen. Scotland, because be accepted last sum mer a Ties presidency of the brewer' congress at Chicago. ,v - "And when the on of men cam together before tha Lord Satan cam also.' be aaid. 'This passage seema to ily to this Vase, for I have learned from every dependable source that tbere has been a whole lot ot politic behind the attack 'on ma from certain quarter, because I. as secret err of agrtraltnre at tended a brewers' conference. It will all Ola out a soon aa tba next election is over.'' Tb secretary expressed tb opinion that Job. tba araca aff acted, would hare nade a fine secretary of agrlcolton. Job. fen said, knew a lot about larpjsna- and BRYAN HASJOP JOB ALSO Choien One of Delegatei-it-Large to national Convention. -r- MAT KOI HAVE TO SIEVE So Far aa Known In Capital City Paopl' Party Ma Kat Yet Called Convention to Art an Political Problem (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. May H Special.) W. J. Bryan promise to be on of the busiest men In the country for between the Jobs of lecturing and running the democratic parsy. the paopl at tha recant primary alo gave him an order to take n hand n nominating - a populist candidate and shaping tha policy of tha party. The of. fir force of tba secretary of state has Just completed the task of figuring up the winner among the minor and the tabulation shows that honor hav come cheaply to some. In one Instance, that of socialist national delegatea from the fifth district, eight men tied for the two places each getting on vote, and In several Instances two votes wer enough to get a man credentials as delegate to the na tional convention. . Popnllat Delegate. Following ar the populist delegates-at-large W. J. Bryan, KM vote; I. i. Dunn. Ii vote; George U Loom It, at votes; W. H. Westover. 71 vote. Third district: W. H. Green end J. P. Kelly. Fourth district: Matt Miller and E. O. Weber. Fifth dis trict: Frank Swanson and Peter W. Uhea. With district. F. J. Taylor elected and James W. Flnnecan and J. B. Gibbon tied on two each, and will hav to pull straws for the place. No popaltst dele gate wer voted for in the First and Second districts. Socialist delegatea-at-large: F. ?. Beii. votes. John Canrtght. 11; C. R. Oiler. ; C 1. Wright, 11 First district. J. S. Baker, only one voted for. Third district: J. W. gunhart elected and John R. Kelly and Lou la Llcbtner tied. Fourth district: R- F. Walker elected with only on vote and no other voted fur. Fifth district: Aba Hubbard. Thomas Chrlswell, Sample Henry, Grew B. Brainier, a Stuta. Billy Chaffer, Bob Cole, all tied with one vote each and two to be chosen. There were no vote east for delegates in tba Kliat and Third districts. Tha credentials of the socialist dele gatea will come a little bit lata aa the convention haa already 'been held and Eugene V. Debs named a the presiden tial candidate. So far known bare tb populist convention baa not been called and there to a strong probability none will be held. Leovttt Mr Olv,e Evidence. At the governor' office It was aaid today that If Rev. A. I. Leavitt. secre tary of tha Slat Society for the Friend leas, which la aaid to be formed to aid released convicts from tb penitentiary, know what he la talking about and will furnish tba evidence, someone will be prosecuted. In a speech m Omaha In which ha arraigned the penitentiary man agement he te quoted as saying among other thing that when meat to delivered at the prison tba best of It 1 et aatd and convicts who have money can get It by paying for it, and tb one who are without mean or wbo da not. wish to pay get what to left. The meat, of j course 1 paid for Jr tha state. Abeo- and It la credited at tba ststehouse aa simply being one of many circulated by parties who find It to their personal ad vantage to retail sensational allegations. Kaon ladlan Problem. P. H. Peterson, county attorney of Knox county, haa written tha attorney general, reciting that considerable portion of that county to occupied by the Ponce and Ban tee Indiana, whoa lands ar not taxed. Ha wants to know whether when these Indiana Mil heirship lands and In vest the proceed In Improvements on lands not taxed under the law the Im provements ar taxable; also whether when heirship lands ar sold tha money Is taxable. Ilk the cash of white men. The attorney general baa replied that unless tbe Indiana have received title to lands In te and tbe government has ceased to exercise a trusteeship over tbe Indlsns and their hud tb land to not taxable, and In case of money derived from heirship lands similarly conditioned tha government bold tb fund ar trust funds and not taxable either; neither ara Improvement taxable when made with tha money on lands not taxed. Teeter Vlalta Capitol. Colonel Teetef, in' new commandant at the Mllford Soldiers' home, made bla first visit to the capltol since taking charge. May M. He haa appointed Mr. Dewey adjutant and Mia Campbell, ma tron at tba home. He reports everything running along smoothly. Dr. H. t. Cole. J. W. Ransom and F. K. Fulton of Norfolk, who ar interested m the gaa plant at tbat place, tailed on the railway commissioner today to as certain how to proceed to capitalise money they had put Into the plant In ex tensions and bettertnente. They have mad no formal application to issue addi tional capital stock, but probably will do so' in tha near future. Reform Chnreh Eleeta. The claases of th English-speaking branch of tba Reformed churches of Ne braska today elected officer for the year. Rev. E. C. Holyoke of Omaha was named president; L. 8. Faust. Lincoln, sice presi dent; and Rev. C. M. Rohrbaugh. Omaha, stated clerk. Betwaea twenty and thirty delegatea wer present. This afternoon waa devoted to tha Sunday school ques tion and this evening there waa n meet ing of laymen taking up ttta subject "Men and Religion." ' ' !. Back From Saotb. . Rev. Lather P. Ludden of thl city has Just returned from a trip to El Peso, )ut this aide of tb Mexican boundar and says that a deplorable condition of affairs exists In Mexico and tbat Amer ican citizens In tbat country ar being mistreated. He any that whan they reach J us res they ar la variably robbed of all their money, generally thrown in Jail for a few daya and then told to "hike" serves tbe border. He nay that newspaper in that section of tb United State do not print tba news for fear of hurting the business of that section, which is largely with Mexico and Me leans. He aaya tha general rmpresalon among those In that section wbo ar faml.ier with Mexican affairs is that no matter bow th present revolution turn w viit h sheet time only until ... . - A mere ie snwim w former opponents now wteb they bad IHms back in power again, for be gave tbe country th only semblance of stabil ity it ever had. a Cas Mea Wind I . Th gaa manufacturers of Nebraska. Iowa. South Dakota and 111 mole, who had their annual, convention bare, wound up tasuant with a Baaonet. Th prepajnieol gaa meter was discussed at length this forenoon, some pointing to it aa a solu tlon of one of the most perplexing prob lem of the buslnes. via. the collections, others maintained it had no place In th modern bom on amount of Its danger through careless use. Efficiency of em ploye waa th topic of n paper read by J. B. Parry of Omaha. . . . Negroes Under Arms Rapidly Increasing in Numbers in Cuba HAVANA, May II -In spile ot reiter ated protestatlona by the government tbat military condition In th province of Orient are most satisfactory and that It to only question of a few hours be fore th negro Insurgent, under Oeneral F.etonos and Irona. ar scattered, addi tional troop were rushed to the front tonight. In addition Prevldent Oomex It sued a decree authorising the enlistment of volunteers for active service. . The new cruiser Patrla Bailed for Ouantanamo tonight with Infantry and machine gunner under commend of Major Pujol. Th presidential decree directs that all persona desiring to en list present themselves at A tares Castle, Havana, where they will receive unl fry-ma and arm a These troop apparently ara intended for garrison service, to per mit th remaining regular to take the field. So far there haa been only one smell aklrmtob between regular and Insurgents In the vicinity of Santiago, th latter be ing dispersed with a lose of one man killed and one wounded. Feeling tnroufV nt Ortente shows grave fears of the ability of the government to control th situation. Th number of armed bands, according to general report, la rapidly Increasing and the character ot the country la such sa greatly to Impede th movements of the regular troops who ar likely to find much difficulty in forcing the insurgent to risk a decisive move ment. L'p to tbe present ther has txn prae tlcallv no depredationa committed on American proper! lee in Orient, but some cane fields, belonging to Spaniards, ar reported to hav been burned. Ad Men .Will Meet Next in Baltimore DALLAS. May 34 -Th Associated Ad vertising Clubs of ' America concluded their annual convention today with the selection of Baltimore aa the next place of meeting', th re-election of George W. Coleman of Boston as president, P. E. Florea of Indianapolis aa secretary, C. D. Mekeel of Minneapolis as treasurer. Fred E. Johnston of Dense aa vie presi dent and tba adoption of a eonatttutional amendment empowering the board ot di rector hereafter la select tb ptae of holding tha annual meetings, subject 10 tha ratification of tb general conven tion. , Tha selection of Baltimore' as the tfl3 convention city was by a vote of X to tot over Toronto. Ban Francisco, a con tender for the convention, withdrew whan It waa pointed out that tba JMt meeting probably would be keld in tb California, city. - reel Plaat Paid to Treat tar Thlr- Mllliawa la Beads Tea Mach CaaaMlagr Abant Cam. man Stark, He Saya. NEW TORK. Alay It. John Stevenson Jr.. a Scotchman and a rrlaUve of Robert Louis Stevenson, enlivened tha hearings In th federal suit to dissolve the United State Steal corporation today when be told in a rich Scotch accent of the vart sua deals by which ha old out halt a doaen steel properties to the Reld-Moore syndicate. John W. Gates and tha steel corporation Itself, each' tiro striking a profitable bargain. Mr. Stevenson waa called by the gov ernment to give evidence to support lis allegations ot monopollMIr Intent in the formation of th various subsidiary com- blnatlona of the "steel trust." in which all of Stevenson's properties ar pow eon- I ttltuent parts Entering the employment of the Carne gie Steel company in ISTJ. when hla fel low Scotchman. Andrew Carnegie, was making hi reputation as an Iron master. Stevenson in ISM ostabllshed at New Csstle. Pa., the first successful tin piste mill In this country, he said. It waa capitalised at tUa-Wu, Ten year . Uter, after selling out this and four other steel plant which he eubaequently built, he started tha Sharon Steel company. merged It with tha Union Steel company, and then sold out to th steel corpora tion, taking for th Sharon Intercuts $11.- 000.000 in: tba corporation bond, hs said. . He had built the Sharon steel plant, be remarked, "I shake the apple tree again." "You did not get shares for your In tereetr asked H. E. Col ton, attorney for the government. "No sir, bonds," said 8tevenson. That aeems to be a Scotch habit," commented R- V. Llndabury. attorney for tha steel corporation, apparently refer ring to tha fact that Andrew Carnegie bad taken bonds when ha sold th Car negie Steel company to the corporation. "No, sir," retorted tha witness. "That a as wisdom. I'd been getting too much common stocU in other deala and ther waa too much gambling about that." Stevenson told how ha sold hi h nango Valley steel plant "Let sea," ha aaid. "there' was tOTJO.OOt lock In th company, SU0,M bonds and th cash profile brought It up to an even tl.OM.rro. I waa lying In bed with g broken leg and my wife and children wer begging ma to sail It I told W. E. Rice, my preeident, to go ahead and sell end 1 give him tb credit tor getting a Judicious pries. H Bold it to tb aam old crowd that waa bobbing up every where about that time for I3.soo.ono i common and preferred tck of th Na tion) Steel company." "Who waa lhat crowd V "Oh, Judge Moore, Dan Raid and W, B. Irfeda" HI 'Shenangs Valley tlnplata plant he old to th American Tlnplata company for 13S7.00J preferred and th aam amount of common stock of th latter company, h aaid. , "Could you hav got cashf "If wa had all demanded money from that crowd ' In those daya I hav my doubt If could hav got It It waa the understanding that I could take HJ7.000 oash Instead, but tha understanding waa not much more than a hops." "Waa competition keen In those days?" "it got worse and worse th longer t waa In tha buslne." It ss because of their being to many ire mills in tha business, th witness aid, that ha (urranderad hi New Castle wire nd nail plant to John W. Gate, wbo had organised th Conaolldated Steel and Wlr company. In IKS there were forty-six planta and competition In two or three years had driven all but eleven out of I he business, h declared. He ld then had been a meeting of wire nail manutarturara In Cleveland where It waa agreed to tlx price at fi.W keg. "When the meeting waa adjourned for lunch, Frank Baacke want down and sold by. wlr hO00 keg at II. to." aaid Stevenson. "I was going down for th same purpoaa and th telegraph operator handed m Base Its' telegram by mistake. I stuffed It in my pocket and took It bark io th chairman of tha meeting. 'What hall we do with ulmr I aaid. " 'Kick him down staira' said the chal-r man. " 'I can't,' said I, "he's a bigger man than I am. " "Thl wa Frank Baarka, now. vie president of th American 8tael and Wire company.'" "Te, and a very decent fellow." Mr. Llndabury brought out from th witnees a statement that demoralised conditions In the wire and tlnplata trade during the lata '0a had directly 14 to th consolidation of numerous planta Into the National Steel, tha American Tin Plata and tha American Sheet Steel com pany and that many of the manufacturers had gone to Judge Moore and aaked to be taken Into tha combination. L . I Persistent Advertising to tbe Road to HiddenVirtueina Simple Beverage A lottlc of Hawaiian Pineapple juice Excels as a Home Remedy for Cues of DipLlieria For all affliction of tba tbmat this delightful beverage i. nnequaled. It ssould be ii every bom. Public speak ers bud Singers And it use invaluable. Pineapple Juice eon tains nothing but tb par juico from eboie pineapple. It ii bottled and startliged nnder tb most modern sanitary conditions. Dole Pineapple Juico invigorate and refresbe tb wbolo svatam and its daily nse will preserr tb health. A an aid to digestion it is a decided benefit and baa a nation wide popularity for that reason. .Dole's Pineapple Juice is good, taste good ssd does yon good. Order soma to-day. Sold by grocers . and druggists everywhere. "Cooling Drinks and Desserts," ! asefal little book tolling bow to auk' many pleasant, cooling driaks, ma.ledj free for th asking. j Hawaiian Plnoatrpl Produci Co, Ltd, 1 . J-U Mazkas t Ban Prsaciaco Exclusive special features n next Sunday's - i Omaha Sunday Bee" Millionaire Papa's Latent Cruel Blow at the Chorus Girl Something of interest to everybody. Writ ten by Ethel Amorita Kelly. Simple Pannier Garden Party Costume Lady Puff-Oordon describes the pretty Bolera evening gown. Out of Doors, the Greatest Cosmetic By Lina Cavalieri. How Sun Spots . , Control the Weather Oarrpt P. Servisa turns the light on some facts that you will wish to knoV. Sweet Girl Graduates Some pictures of young women who. are be ing sent out from the girls' schools of Omaha. Mutt and Jeff Just another picture of the greatest fun characters in newspaperdom. , The Katzenjammer Kids These mischievous kids in another of their best tricks. ' . Other Funny Fellows Four pages of colored comics-the world's best. ' Four Pages of Sports The best pink section, with the best "dope" bv the best writers. Omaha Sunday Bee Is the one Omaha paper in which to concentrate "your advertising it goes into as many homes as are reached by all the other Omaha Sunday papers combined.