Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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THE : BEE. : OMAHA, - SATUEDAT, MAY- 23. 13lrr -
The Omaha Daily bee
En red at Omaha soetaffioe u )
c!i matter.
Sunday Bee, on rear....
Pally Bs (without Sun-ay I. m rf j"
EmiIv Rm and tyutxiMr. sue year
Saturday be, on hit
Evening Kee twttli serdayl. per me.--
Daily Ee tmcludiog Sunday,, per
ally Be (without tsunami, P' me -r
Address ail complaints or liregularltise
la salivary t l it) Cir-'i'-stloe Ij.
Remit bv ''alt, exprees or roe" fr
a a to T Bea fualiehlnt 3ilo.
Only t-cent etsmps received in sayateui
o( smail eccou. i. Personal hecaa,
ept cm Omaiia aad saatera xxnAnsa. not
accepted. .
Omaha The Bee Bldiof.
couth Omaha im li fv suut tMt n.
Lincoln: Little Building.
Cnlcago Uts arquette bullding.
Xanae Clt -Hellene Bulldtn.
New Tor M wi i mrty-uii.
Vk sjhinsitn M Fourteenth alt., ,
CommuoKaiioria relatini ta new n
editorial ri"- Ihouit b aaraeea
Omaha Bee, Editorial t-c part meet.
AfMU UKl.l'i.AUON,
tat of Xbraa, uiai.ty of Dougta. ta:
Lwignt William, citcutatlng manager
ac 'toe Be fua.ialurts' ootuiwat. oe,S
euly sworn. ye met ue avtiras deny
cuoulaw-u, ter Uta moats i AM
aa hMW. .
Circulation Manaar.
gubecrlbrd la my nraeenc and ors
Is betor ms tola nd day ot May, IsU.
Sabecrtbera leaving th ettr
teeaaararlly akeald hav The
ee aaalled t them. Address
will be ehaaged a ' na
Ma bat not been giving ui the
cold shoulder entirely.
It A oerlea stranger ask you to
lean him SUO, don't do It.
Prices era faUtnf , rsporta toll us.
But not suough to hurt snyons.
Two daje bs.vs passed and not a
new word about the Wiley baby.
Corporate net nrtilnp foil off last
yesr. Tho volume ef buslbeet, how
ever. Increased.
Ty, Cobb wlU ba back in tho tamo,
and than tho old world will roll along
a smoothly at bsfore.
Kentucky's whiiky output sbowt a
blf surplus this year. Now, It tho
mint crop only holds up.
Omaha has just give commlsittont
to a bunch ot nedlral baalort; alto
to a bunch of political heelers.'
H U graUfylm to learn from Ohio
thai Adame county cast a cieas vots
this Uma. dinded though It was.
Germany has Jurt launched a vee
ael larger even than the late Titanic.
Let as hope It will be better ttsn-
Lucky Omaha does not have to
take Hi next cvasus during the period
of the Chicago and Baltimore con
ventions. Nebraska dentists wtll hold their
state meeting next year In Omaha.
Come on with your forceps and
laughing gas.
A Los Angales polloemad it dis
charged tor slapping hit wife. Borne
oops are scolded tor not being on the
beat enough.
Another noise la the Derrow use
similar to the one that exploded In
the McNamara trial is m ytredleted.
Let her come.
A ecUcUst aaaerta that Eve Was a
Vary plala woman, hot at all beauti
ful. At any rate, eke was very
plainly dressed.
Mr. Morey says he went into the
sugar beslneas sgatnst hie will,
Which only proves how some men
have millions thrust upon them.
One of the Nebraska penitentiary
coevtet murderers has been counted
by a Jury of tree-born end Intelligent
oltiseaa. Fiat example tor the other
"I am absolutely cos via red Champ
Clark can win," eayt Mr. Hearst
That leaves paly about TAoO.000
mere for the bound dog candidate to
A Sac Francisco newspaper is msk
lag a fight tor a better ball team tor
that city. Some city meet have the
losing team, but hot "this" city, is
mail the cry.
Btin, it "Charley" Wooster Is to go
beck to the legislature, he ought to
premise la advance not to Inflict an
other two-a4-a-salt-hour speech oa
his defenseless colleagues.
With ccrpo ratios counsel, a ctty(
attorney. te assistants and a city
prosecutor. Omaha, aider Its new
form ot government, should have ae
difficulty in getting Into legal
Perhaps Mr. Hearst weald not
enter the cabinet it China Clark
became president even If be were
esked; be might prefer to continue
te be just Champ's chief edriser aad
head pablidty agent
- Omaha's 7,eS.eo water bond
Issue sold this mouth by the Water
board secretly without competitive
bld for 104 are eireadr quoted at
164. eubjact te increase la price
Great fUiauCerisg that, "
To Whom it May Concern.
The officers newly elected to ad
minister the municipal affairs of
Omaha under the commission plan of
city government nave made public a
list embodying their selections for
the principal appointive places.
On the face of It, t bis list shows
thst it It the result of a process of
trading, and that it contains nsmes
thst are good, names that are bad
and other Barnes that are only Indif
ferent The presumption and as
sumption will be that these appoint
ments are to be taken as probation
ary, and that tor test for retention
will be the ability of the appointee
to make good. To do this some of
them who hsve been on the payroll
heretofore, without rendering ade
quate service in return, will have to
straighten up and do a good deal
more than tbey have been doing to
earn their money.
To whom It may concern, there
fore. The Bee gives notice right here
end now ef its ettltade toward the
city officers and employee: that its
searchlight of publicity will be kept
In focus and that It wtll not hesitate
to show up any case of crookedness,
graft or time serving thst may de
velop; and where the evidence of dis
honesty or incapacity la conclusive,
The Bee will feel free to call upon
the mayor and council to remove
the misfit, and substitute some one
of integrity and ability equal to the
The Troth About Omaha.
Omaha men with pride in their city
are often pained at the erroneous Im
pressions they find prevailing in the
minds ot good people In the smaller
dtles and towns of the etate. Ex
cept for the seriousness of these
wrong Imprest Ions, there Is an In
escapable humor to find how
ludicrously distorted they are. Of
course, the blame Is not to be laid,
entirely, on the deluded Individual,
but rather more largely upon his
source of tnformstlon. .
It la needless to say If our cam
paign of "Know Omaha Better" Is to
accomplish Its object, the converse
propaganda of blackwashlng Omaha
for 1 selfish purposes will have to
cease. To make Omaha better known
It will be necessary not to have only
the truth exploited, but the coinage
ot fiction to end. To advertise the
commercial resource of the city.
while at the tame time keeping np
the untruthful backfire about the
city's shortcomings, la self-confuta
tion. ,
Omaha has everything to gsta from
being known ss H Is and the more
complete the knowledge, the better
for Omaha, It It aa average Ameri
can city, certainly ao worse, perhaps
a better, tbsa the average when It
comet to morality. This, of course. Is
thoroughly realised by those respon
sible for the blackwashlng and that Is
what mskes It to Irritating. People
who art not in position to understand
this cannot be eeverely censured for
their adverse views, but should and
must be enlightened.
Women in the Pulpit .
The Presbyterlsn holds Its plsce
among the conservative churches
which refuse to ordsln women tor the
ministry, its general assembly hss
rejected the suggestion of a change,
clinging to tta doctrinal belief that
woman ahall "keep alienee" and not
"uiarp authority over man."
That doctrine and not expediency
actuates this assembly may be gath
ered from -the fact that, Instead ot
there being a surplus in ministerial
tupply Just now, there is a decided
shortage. According to official re
port a, 1,000 Preebytertaa churches
ere pastorleet aad the aemlnsrlee are
each year showing smaller numbers
In their else. Ooe-et the prob
lems In this, at well aa some other de
nomination!, It to attract young men
Into the ministry. Nevertheless the
followers of Calvin and Knox refuse
to tall back upon the women for their
reintorotments to the ministry.
Most other professions and voca
tions are wiping out the lines of dis
tinction between mea and women, but
many of the prominent sects of re
ligion, Protestant, Catholic aad Jsw,
decline to follow this trend ot busi
ness and other professional callings.
Tet it mey be Just ss well, for already
the criticism is made, not only by out
siders, but by the church, Itself, thst
It hat more women In ttt pe than
men and needs more of the latter to
increase Its, power and Influence.
Whether putting woman la the ma
jority In the pulpit aa well aa the pew
wonld re-establish the equilibrium is
decidedly euesttonsble.
The Wild Kan from Texas,
Ben Tillman threw away hit pitch
fork when the blustering Jeff Davis
stamped Into the senate. The Ar-
kanasa man raved around tor a while
aad then he cooled down and the
sonth, known for Its conservatism,
began to breathe more freely ta the,
hope that Its last wild msa had found
bis er te congress. Ot coarse Till
man and Davis both have Intermit
tent Spells even yet, bet the danger
ot the fever seems to hsve passed.
And now comes Texas with its Dice
of the house te embarrass ths eoetk
aad amuse the Test of the country
with bis ravings. His latest display
should make s alt hope that he may
not soon be superseded la this unique
distinction. Tracing ths history of
Greece. Bcste, Italy. France and
down te the. present day ia Mexico,
of ejKirts hay,' Dies 1yWke loose la
the house with the "fervent liope"
that "history would not repeat Itself,"
but that this nation might yet some
how be rescued from the wreck In
ruin toward whicu It was most surely
heading. - ' ' .:'-. .r ----
71 am not a pessimist," shouts the
Texsn." "but ' I look only for ths
worst If there Is any hope at all
left, it is In that last sentence.. Texas
Is the state of long-horned cattle and
dark nights, but does the sooth de
serve this kind of fame?
St Canal Tolls on Domestic Traffic
The house hss twice within the
week voted down the proposition to
levy tolls, upon coastwise traffic on
the Psnama canal. Thlt action It In
line With every attempt to monopolis
tic control of the canal and to make
it a free highway ot domestic trans
portation, which in every sense ot the
scheme It wss intended to be. We
levy no Imposts on Interstate or
coastwise commerce, so It Is asked
why we ehould levy any on commerce
from one ee board to another. More
over the toil and toll-gate system baa
long ago been done away with In thle
country and to all practical purposes
the canal Is a part of continental
America, for we own the land aa well
as the waterway.
The powers behind the toll system
manifestly were not those chiefly to
be benefited from a clear-cut com
petitive basis of transportation and
they were not easily defeated. This
is apparent from the fact thst after
the houss had once voted the proposi
tion down 100 to 10, It bobbed up
again and was then able to muster
111 rotes ss against 147.
Thlt csnal should be made a part
of our national tyitem ot waterways.
including our rivers . and Inland
canele, upon which we have that far
spent $(00000,000. One of Its prime
functions Is the Improvement of ship
ping facilities and costs to the
It turna out thtt several .of : the
democratic national convention dele
gates In Nebraska had their names
written Into the populist ballot so
thst they were commissioned as dsle
gates to a populist nations! conven
tion, which, however, baa not been
called thia year. The farce and
fraud of branding democratic nomi
nees for off ice with ' the populist
label, however, continues In this stats
alone ot all the atatee In the union.
Onr old : friend. "Johnny" Maher
and his typewriter have emerged to
msks ew -remarks af ter the Her
mon victory- ia Ohio; --snd "Its slg-
nl (leasee for aa' eminent Nebraska
three-time loser. , It Is at least pleas
lag to know that the. Maher, type
writer battery ia still la condition for
action oa proper occasions.
A man who seeks and accepts euv
ploymeat from the dty ought to da It
on the same conditions thst govern
employment la any big business es
tablishment No business oonoera
would' tolerate the diversion of time
aad attention" which it pays, for, to
tide lines worked by. the employe for
bis private profit
Our Coagressmsa Lobeck it fath
ering a proposition to compel banks
In the District ot Columbia to dis
close the unclaimed deposits held by
them. For some unfsthomable rea
son, Mr. Iiobeck did not evince any
such solicitude about unclaimed de
posits in Omsha banks when he was
city comptroller.
fua has been poked at the
colonel because a book, "The Life
ot Roosevelt." which formerly told
for S ia now selling at IS cants. But
It seems to be circulation among the
people able to pay It cents that
Saaae Bala by Fire.'
Cleveland. Plain Dealer.
Those turned rscorda of the trusts
misfit be Included In the nation a annual
flre-wasta" statlatlca.
Skeit-MreS Utatlarttaa.
New York World.
National enthnslaam over ins launchtnc
ef ths klttt warship In the world Is
tempered by ths tact that other nations
are ne looser boaettnf or the blxtest
ever ia ship ceaatrvcrjon.
Aaareby Tana laoa 1 ta Freaeher.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Came OeMwisn's manager. '-Dr. Rett-
man. complains that he was tarred and
fcathereS and kicked out at &a Dteco.
Toe bad! And assuredly reprehensible,
But caa the aiana ear ef aa advocate of
anarchy ceasslaui about anarchy
Clvlllaattaa'e iaasraetee,
kiew Tetk Tribune. - ;
Theas bemoan who reared tor the surety
of the nauoa Whew It was anne.
that mere whiskey Was need last rear
than ever before max be cheered by the
aonouncaraant that kit year was alee a
record-breaker In the dietrteuuoa ot
Bltaalaattaat ike Dancer. -
Beaton Traneerlpt. ,.
Whether an act of congress and subse
quent amendment ef the constitution
shall provide for a single alx-year term
foe preeldente or shall Haul the period et
Service to two-fear year barms, eae fact
will ha made eare-het bs. that as danger
like that ef a third and possible awo
ceediag terms ahall raapend. ' . : !
Saasa event toe teastiis, :
- klrooklyw Eagle. ,
WW cengToaa bs talking about the
eaaaaew ef the half-cent and three-cent
ptecea. It should cowaMer the matter .of
cetoiag ptecea that arm paaa tor one porno
et the beet tirtohj steak;: one pound of
potatoes: ae pound ef butter. ne peond
of bread, aad to on. and make H s
crtnwnal offense, for the nuaofactnrtT or
dealer ta kick at the prhw offered. That
le the way to pleaae everybody, provided,
of course, the costomary coin ia need to
pay wait " ' -
MAY 3.
Thirty Yean Ago
The Burltnstoa A Missouri extensions
was completed by eeaneetins the track
a little evwr ten mile east ef Denver,
the silver aplka beirtf driven by Superin
tendent HsMres ta the presence of a
number ef offlclala
The second day et the tournament of
the Nebraaka. Sportsmen's saaoctation
furnished soma need aheetinc. In one
contest PannalM and Petty divided the
first sneney, aad ta another petty. Pres
ton ant Eneriy took equal shares.
A lot of new anoMnery wil: shortly
be rntredured hrte ths meet and cannlnc
works sf Harris A Fisher, Robert Harris
having sne to Cklcas-e to make the
l na oocsev sor the Juoe term or the
district court shows Kt peodlnc eaaea.
conduoted by HS lawyers end fourteen law
firms. In the Uat are twenty-nine di
vorce suite.
Tke I'Bien Pacific la new Working- lit
employes la the freight department at
the transfer depot.
Superintendent Lane Is tlvtng personal
exarmaattons In arithmetic te all claaaas
la the High snhoot.
Judt Be nek e is ths noUca court has
handed down the. aaaw decMoa that the
Klocumb law requirlns B.OOS license fee
dons not apply te wholesalers.
Hon. John L. Webster delivers the ora
tion at Fremont oa Decoration day.'
Twenty V
The escltlng feature of the day In ths
Methodist general conference, was the
adoption of the committee i -spurt glvlna
laymen equal representation with The
clergy. Seme ef the clergy fougCt It hotly
and the vote stood : For, M laymen and
W clergy; against, II 'ai.iee anJ 1
clergy. So, It appears. In spits of the
clerical opposition, the laymen would
have lost without the help ot the min
isters. Walt fkeley returned to etlnneapolle.
Where be secured (Wd quarter al the
Brunswick; hotel for the' ebrafcant at
tend tint ths national republican cosren
tloa at a flat rate of 15 e day.
The .-ity republican eomraUtini met' and
endorsed I he plan of ths county rommitut
tor a .iv nd ratlflcatloa rally after the
lltr-Miro'ls eaaventten. Dawn Mr
w n iddid te the oom-tilltia havlug charge
f t kffair. -
?f.-. and Mr.' A. J. Turna returmd
from Salt Lake-City, where they had
fcein timing.
Fnt'Ont 8. H. H. Clf of the Union
Pacific tnd George Gottid left Onmhn at
t p tu. lr. a special car for the west ex-
perttig U consult 4b nit rstlrosd matters
wl-li Jsv Gould st PlllbU
Mr. Alan Lewis BaU and Miss Jeanette
R salami Brbonfetd were married In the
evening at the Chare ef the Good Uhi p
berd. Kpkwopel. by Rev. J. V. D. Uwyd.
The room was tke ao ot J. W. Bell, the
well-know dmrslet. and the bride the
daughter of Mr.' Henry gohenteM, the
antiquarian store keeper. Mr. and Mrs.
Bell left la 'tke alght for a honeymoon
trip la tke east.
Tan Years A go
Tares bandied aad fifty high school
cadets looking tarty In their regimentals
left tor WMMr,g Water xm their annual
eneampmsM Jaunt under CeeMnaadsat
M. T. Temneett. ' -
F. 8. Kennsrd, who returned from Chi
cago, where he attended Ike convestloa
ot the Amertoan Plate Qieea Jobbers' as
sociation, tepefied rhat the glees combine
was not Vet broken; net even eraeked,
tkw ugh ewme et the MtMS Ineawenaeat beys
had been busily hurvlhg steties ertU
The city engineers ernes save out the
statement that she eawuat to be raised
by uses for the C astral boulevard to pay
for the Property condemned was toxies.
Among those diaws ee the district
court Jury panel wsre: Harry Nott, Wil
liam Buthorn. Richard L. Metcalfe. W. O.
Lre. Thomas H. MeCaaue. C M. Hunt
and August Miller, s South Omsha city
councilman. .
Tom Fleming. Omaha's left fielder,
who had been sulking tor Ps Rourke.
was let go te Colorado Spring, which
was thea playing tn Omaha, and George
fttaaa. who bad bean doing utility work
for Rourke. took Fleming s place ta left.
Frank Oantna . taking .center, leaving
Bobby Carter 4m right. -
Base Dreskar left for WeahlnstoS. D. C
rhere he brill werk tos hie brother,
George, a brides eestraetor. Sam was ta
be earns beaa.
August fat. Arrteaa, USt Sherman ave
aoe, died St-the age of It, leaving a
erldow end three children. He had resided
10 Omaha for Sine yea re. . -
Ckafraeaa Kllhe Boat.
Chicago Poet.
Senator EHha Root of New York has
been called "the Nrteett mind la the re
pub) lean party.' He wtll need aH that
wisdom in the orOoe to which the na
tional committee of kla party has called
him. As temporary eheirman et the
Colteeum eoaventlee be win have to han
dle a situation apoa which may depend
la large pert the eeminatloa of either
Mr. Taft or Colonel Reeeevett. Cer
tainly the task will be his te meet and
calm ths first eulbarsla sf the bluet
feeling engendered ta s bitter campa'ga.
The party may eeatratuiate Itself that
la thlt cnets It Is St ke served by s states
ansa tee big aad toe wise te lead himself
te any political trickery by either fac
tion. '
' S LeeeewtaMe aVeaeaeieb.
New Tork Tribune.
The Lake Mohonft cenfsreace hut week
waa right la eessjswtathvi tee president s
effort fer sen oral araitratlaa trestles ss
aa "Uluatrloea serrtce' and ka sipiaaslag
the better that ta that memorable effort
be represented the great popular eentl
snent of the Amertcaa people. It la a
laments Me reproach that each servtea
should have beea even tcmperarUy bat
fled aad anaullad by a JeakMta an willing
aeaa to let the pi salaoal have tke credit
sad prestige at aa seble an ewluevesneM
aad by a mean sad spiteful desire te
"put htai wita a heie."
- - fceeelaaa la Aetiem. '
- - BL Peal Dhraatea.
The baste was- passsd the rSeoluOaa
providing foe a canatlMtJenai aiaiodmsnt
ta permit the- istople to pick their ewa
Catted Plates senators It b getting so
ta that country that the people caa de
almost a tu tolas they pleaae.
' short and Statptr Mte. -Xew
Tork World.
Kinz Frederick VU1 ot Denmark had
a abort reign, com lag to the t arena late
nfe but be VM a aoeelar and aa
pretentious ruler, aad at laved by hie
people. ' ---
In Other Lands
THfllas With IJve Wire.
Despite .-the freqoencyof Tne shocks
edatroietered te the complaisant arlatee
racr of Great Britain by the-trie wire
Of Wales. Mr. Uoyd-Oeorte. spokesmen
of the guild, tike spoiled children, return
for mere and set H. In the debate over
the Welch church. dlseatebltahmeBt Mil.
Lord Hugh Cecil led the tory oppoaltton.
charging the ministry with diver crimes
against civilisation, relgloa and God. - A
gentle reminder to the tory lord that ac
eueatlene lll-ntted the mouth of one
whose forebear were enriched by the loot
of the Catholic church during the refor
mation, pasted unheeded. Lord Cecil
blindly . returned ta the charge, r-e
Iterating In aubttanc the words of. a
political leaflet which eccvsed the liberals
with "the robbery of God." Doean't he
know," queried IJoyd-George. "that the
foundations ot hie fortunes were laid deep
In sacrilege and built .on desecrated
shrines snd pillaged altar Angry pre
tests from Lord Cecil snd his felitwera
brought from the chancellor ot the ex
chequer this scathing retort: "What was
the story of the pillage at the reforma
tion? They robbed the Catholic church,
they robbed the monasteries, they robbed
the atmheuae, they robbed the poor, and
they robbed the dead. Then they come here
and when we try to recover some part ot
the pillage for the peer they accuse us ot
heft, these people who hands are drip
ping with tbe fat of sacrilege. These
charges thst WS are robbing the church
ought not to be brought by theee whoee
family tree to laden with the fruits ot sac
rilege. Their ancestors robbed the Catholic
church, the monasteries, the altera, the
almhouses. They robbed the poor.' They
robbed the dead. Then when we try to
recover some part of this pillaged prop
erty tor the poor, their desosndanta ac
cuse us ot theft -they whose hsnds are
dripping with the fat of sacrilege." By
this time the current la the Bve wire
rendered the opposition speechless, and
only a moaa was heard In response. The
great leader of British nonconformity,
ripped off ths sanctimonious mask ef
aristocracy, exjwetng s typical repreaen
tstlve to the rude gase of scoffers. None
enjoyed the discomfiture ef Lord Hugh
Ceell with keener relish than ths English
Hard Tlmea la Japaa.
Te those who study authentic reports
ot the struggle (or life In Japan, the sto
ries of design on American territory
must appear aa ridiculous ss ths weird
est tale of Baron Munchausen. Not only
la the empire staggering under the load
of debt Incurred In the war with Russia
but ths Increasing cost of living Is dimin
ishing the ability of taxpayers to meet
obligation. Plicae of foodstuffs are now
higher than ever before In ths MelJI era,
and distress Is very great among ths
working people, since wegee hare de
clined. Count Ok uma has been person
ally Investigating conditions snd reports
that th average monthly income of the
coolie olsas Is M ysa a family, or Is. 30,
while the average monthly expenditure Is
3 yen. or I12.H. The result Is sn sppall
Ing increase In crime, men being driven
te steal for the aupport of Hfe, In the
last five years the number ef convicts
haa 1 net-cased U per cent The problem
et dealing with this etate at affairs Is
ons of ths graveet and most urgent before-
the imperial government, r ..... .
First "Irish Cabinet."
Home rule (or Ireland Is tar from be
ing eul of reach of the storms of time
sad politics, but this does not check the
activities ot political prophets ia (ore-
easting tks "first Irish cabinet." Her
I the lineup: John Redmesd, prime taln
Istsr; Joseph PevUn. home secretary;
Them Bextea. chancellor Of the ax
chequer; J. J, Clancy, lord chancellor:
John DUkm. prsatdent of the board of
education; William Redmond, postmaster
general l Wlllltm Field, president of the
department ef agriculture; T. W. Russell,
president of the land purchase depart
ment; Hugh Lsw. president local gov
ernment board; Michael Joyce minister
of marine; Thomas O'Donnell, president
ef board ef railways twkea taken ever
by the state! : J, p. Beland, minister ot
commerce; Thorns Esmonde. president
Of board of public works; Swift McNeill,
president of department ef constitutional
law. It la predicted that T. P. O'Connor
will be speaker of the I risk House ot
Commons; Tlmotky Healy, attorney gen
eral, sad J. J. Mooney, solicitor general.
Eadleea Carevaa ef Ciphers,
Preaching against militarism while
world powers strain their productive re
sou roe la at riving tor supremacy on land
and sos resembles ths object attacked.
It is energy wasted. The unorganised
taxpayer la the goat ef organised power.
The hopelessness ot relief from the load
la this generation or the next may be
gathered (rem the etatenwnt of Preaident
Jordaa of Leland Stanford university that
the present war debt of the world
amount to nearly t)7.SM.ol0.0aS. "An snd-
less oaraven ot ciphers' I the pictures
que name President Jordan, writing In
World's Work, attaches te the mighty
grip et moneylenders oa big sad little
nations "The figures carry ao meaning
te tke average taxpayer." says President
Jordan, "until be (eels lu pressure In the
rising eeet of H-iog. sad ia kts ewa dim
cult lea la sos kins both ends meet Tbe
Interest charges of the world ee Its na
tional bonded debt ere about tl.MC.OOS.ft
a year, and about tiset'Bo.ote are ex
pended yearly ew standing armies and
a battleships. K ws were to cell eut
the eaurs boMIng of the United St tea.
capita its the returns, snd pot ths whole
sum et mtereat at -4 per cent, it would
Just about keep up the military expesses
ot the world ta time ot peace."
The eitaatteet la Chlaa.
Dr. Morrlssa. th - well-known
resident of tho London Times st Peking,
referring to the recent opening et the
Chinese advisory council, wrltea: "The
ceteaway Which, waa held In the former
seat ot the national assembly, waa simple.
quiet, and dignified. Ne one seeing these
earnest Well-educated men ssptrins; to
raise their country to the rank of highly
developed western nations and eon treat
ing them with the antiquated reavctioa
arle Wh in the Past n-Jagoverwea this
country, oautdshare : the pessfsajsaa ot
tho critics In" Europe who condemn
the repubue aa hopeless within three
nwntha of its - marveloua Inauguration.
Certainly the condition la th Interior.
due to the change of government aad th
lawlessness of the troops, have been Is
many provUces deplorable, but there Is
ne reason te tear that they are lr
remedial. Tbe sf toatioa la gttttnr under
outrol; the fcrcee tending toward rese
settdadoa are Infinitely stronger than
those tasking tor djimegrstioa.',: -
People Talked About
Carl C. Wilson, member of ths real
estata firm of Barnes A Wilson, believes
In putting the horse before tbe cart He
preaches to'th renter that the first step
In owning a home Is ths purchase of a
good lot. Wilson specialise In vacant
Iota and haa a good corner oa this lucra
tive field la Omaha and vicinity. . i
' The capture ot a forty-foot whale off
Long Beach, L. I., put that resort and
Its neighbor. Far Rock away, several
mite shesd ot Coney Ulsnd ss a see.
serpent rendeavou.
$t j
AXl t '
g ft
! 1
Get theWell-Known
Round Packaijo
WaT Me -
"-j -m
I tiriii hi
Solid VtttibuUJ Electric Lighted Equipment. Modern
GxrcAes, Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping
Cart and Dining Cart
Lr. Chicago :1S A. M. ' Ar. Baltimore. .. . .:4J A M -
Ar. Pittsburgh.... 18: 30 P. M. Ar. Philadelphia., .12:0 p u
Ar. Washington. ...8:30 A. M. Ar. Nee York '.J:1S p; m!
No. "WASHIXCTOJI 8PI5C1AL, it Drawing Room SleeplDg
Cars to Washington and New York, trill leave Chicago at ll-su
A. M, running via Newark and Wheeling, arrive Washington
12:30 P. M, New York 6:20 P. M. u,g
w ivna uuiui, us urawing Koom Bleeping
tag Care and Otjeervwrtkm cars, leaves Chiesco S-tl
rives Pittsburgh :40 A-'M:. Washington 4-4iP ii
10:40 P. St.- - . "-
t-ars, S7tums '
P. H ., arrives
New York
Ko. le-SlOUT rXPKESS.'' will run through solid to New Tork
with Modern Coaches and Drawing Room Sleeping Car Drawing
Room Bleeping Cars to Pittsburgh and Wheeling. GrHl Cars ssd
Psrlor Dining Cars. Leave Chicago :3 p. u, arrive put,
burgh 1 1 : SS A, U eling 11:50 A. M, Wuhlngton l;io
P. M. New Tork e:S5 A. M. . ,
B. N. AUSTIN, General Passenger Aeent
, 71S-Tlt West Adam, Street, CHICAGO -
Lawyer-Tou claim to be a profeesor.
w"ttayour degree and where did you
F-t . ? , ,
itnees i n owy - - - -it
was the third, and th police gave it
to c.-Baatlxr America.
Mabel-Tel my grandr as reachl
tbe-age of InTt werfuL
wniiiWeoderful not hi n !
tbe time it s taken him to do It-Boston
Transcript. -
The fable of Venue must have been
iDterded I as a satire on the Inconsis ten. y
or toe remimn sc.. .
mow so.- , . ,
-Why. the was bora of the foam
the era. wain i sue
"Then fhe went snd married a black-''
arel h." Baltimore American.
Jennie Ksoower McOrew.
Lawse mercy, honey, child! where d you
ait them flowers? . M
Why. Iait seen no such a bunch fer
many day; - , . . .
How d you ksow th't 1 wa Jest a honln
fer 'em, bun? . ,
I allu d think lllacks was th purtlest
flower of May. .
I Jeat want take an' hug 'em, the purty
purt'le things: t ,
1 leva th poke my uose right down Into
a bunch of 'em ,
An' amell an' emell. tin 1 am full ckan
down to my toes
I never yit hev sad enough tub git my
rill nf 'em.
I reckon I'm plumb foolish tub be actin
this way.
But when 1 smell them posies. I c n see
my dear eli home
Jest a little liitewasned cotlag setun
back amongst tn trees
An' In the aprlng the macks loaded
dowa with purple bloom.
Mother allu loved 'em-said they mad
her think of heaven;
I wleht they bloomed the hull year
round. Instead of Jest In spring;
But mebbe If they did I wouldn't care o
must fer them;
It s the pleasure that air rarest tnac
tho moat enjoyment bring.
So fetch 'em here tub me. oeanee.
Land! but ain't they eweet?
' 1 e'poee you think I'm silly, but some
day you'll feel the same
About some tuing or other that con
nected with your psat:
It may not be sweet lllacks, but you 11
love It Jest the same.
-aaaeew "BBSr - - - Js. M. Jevv ava v at
i -a it. J T-JZ.l
celfarH.tcKatecl in
NLwY-m-1 asw-U. rtarttrs
Lasiiy AccessiDie to
tlieatre and srioppincL
Single icossskksaer tefkV ntSV
gPtXIAL D1 SCOtl KTS tygroJOt
Wetherbee syWood
Tx(Ay.UMm, St
Made In the largest, best
equipped and aanitary Malted
- Milk plant In the world
We do not make'mi'ZA; products
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.'
at the Original- Genuine
Mad from pure, full-cream milk
and the extract of geleet malted grain,
reduced to powder form, soluble in
water Beat food-drink for all afege
Used an over the Globe '
with Drawleg Rpon Bleeping