Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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I7e are not going to make
much noise about this
piano sale, but let the
following prices tell the
Saturday Specials on
New and Used Pianos
Kranich& Baclr. ... $239
Chickering & Son ...
Hallet & Davis
Kimball . . . .
Vose &Sons .
toddard . .
0 t $
He Ltanii Somelhinf About Tax
, Collecting Buiineu.
I H s la Blafflae -a
. rmlHil Cltlaea Wbe U la
th tlahll ( Dedstsg
Ilia Taaes.
City Treasurer Vra la feeling blu. Nil
faith In man and la woman at been
ahaken. Cllll he I not pessimistic. He la
willing to forgive. - Thee wbs shocked
bin r glad that he la willing ta for
give. Oaa of Mr. Or' ollertnr want forth
la faraar 4ltnunt paraoul tax, II
celled a a prominent eltlten. Tha prom,
laaat crtisrs refused t fart with hla
feard-eeiaed dough. Tha eellectar toek
leave. : ,
"Walt a minute," auj tb a. . Tou
a ouldn I r erneve a art Couldn't
uaa a little money, couM youf Juet er
r forcat about the personal taxes,
IN collector didn't anoka Ha didn't
need money, lit wanted tp csllact tanse.
Thcrefon he earn back ant reported
hat bad happened. II may bar colored
II a llttl bit. He It aa pretty
Tb collector baa just fin Ultra M try
whea there aa tb sound at a pleading
otre at lb par window and a fact ap
Ptared wreathed In pleasant mull. "I
LUe r
25c... I J
50c f V We"
Holds U
If your .Vl
II . ock )
II smooth as )
If your skin )
u II
Buy by nnj U
Sea EreiTntn r
Just cam In to aay my personal taxes."
tb tecs declared. It waa tb o. H bad
heard about dlatree wirraaU.. . ,
It wa aol tha p. c. who moat radly
shocked tb ally treasurer. It wa - a
school Keener. Sb I not a pretty school
taacbar, but fba la efficient. 8b la vary
And It happened that tba collector of
tua approach to bar residence and wa,
allowed to enter. Tb taacbar grew India
nant whan ah learned wh tha pleasant
tantlaman waa. She aant him a hla Fay
and there waa no freater bull In tb
pocket where he carried collection.
She eent him on hla way and aba aant tb
Ireaeurer a warning, she weate falra ta'
know that If be dare hunt It her again by
uridine a oolleotor t taaaa to her booM
an will pul. all hla balr uu (he doeaa't
know that a almllar eataatroph nuat
bav happened aorna time aao Further
aha ha expreeeed the Intention of tfalt-
Inc him. Mr.. Ura waa unavoidably
daulned from in of tie during tb after
noon, wbn the reception wa achedulad
to occur.
MITCHELL D.. May H-"Pclal.-Vra.
Joeeph Bennett waa. accidentally
killed thl morning at hay horn near
Letcher. Bit attempted to atea Into the
wagon to drive to town and In torn way
her draaa caught a an wa getting Into
tha vehicle and (he waa thrown te tb
ground near the nor. In falling aha
rere a Jerk to tha Una and on of tb
animate In Mapping back placed In foot
on tha breaet of Mr. Bennett. Aa eoon
a tha bora removed hla weight, which
bald her ther for a moment, Mra Ben
nett got up and walked t tb houae aal
a phyalclaa waa aent for. Before he could
retch lb boua Mr. Btnnett bad paaaed
away, death being ta an Injury ta tb
heart. Tb body waa takes lo Mount
Ayr, Ie for burial.
Property owner In the diet riot from
forty-eighth to Flfty-tklrd atrecta and
from tdge ta LeanworUi atreet are
oontamplatinc aaktag Dundee for an
nexation. In Ut dlatrtrt ar Ftrnam Helghta.
funeet, Harney Plac and Richmond.
Holy Sepulchr eemantery, whkrh ta In
cluded la tb dlatnot and tn email ola
tiicu wwat and north of tha cenMtcry
will not be included.
Tn giading In tb dlrtrlct I about com
pleted and (, feet f atdewalk are being
laid. Tb owner believe they will an
get ooonectloo with tn oJty water main.
OctMC rwewr C9.. Sutm oTa
Haiti Kennedy. it-year-ald girl at
Oakdale. la., waa aaaaulted and robbed
of til by a youth ab met en a train
Thuraday. ' Tata aaaault took plac aa
lower Famaa atreet. bllja Karnedy met
tha young. man, whoa nam aha doe
not know, wtrti on her way to Omaba
ta take a plac with tba Konhweaeera
railway company. Not knowing Omaha
well tba youth agreed I take her to a
bout When hey err! vat in Omaha the
young man attempted to tan tha girl la
a hotel ta tha wwer part of town, but
arhaw ah refuaed te go be aaaaultad ner
and took ta msny. . .
Voted Btcteriologitt Sayt it it of
the Bert. 4 , .
tmall gtanaboat Maehtna Will
Be eteagbt tor laapeetor, te
that Ho Can Oct Oyer
, Territory ftolckly. .
Dr. W. A. Kvan. th aipert on health
mattart and recognlncd authority on
th aueatlon of pur milk and bow to
get ft, wa taken for trip to tam of
th dlrte about Omaha by Dr. Connall
and Dairy Inepactor Boaal Thuraday
afternoon. Th dalrtea vlalted wer
picked at random, and Dr. Krana went
over them carefully.
When be waa parting from tb Omaha
official at th Omaha club lata la tb
afternoon n complimented Dr. Connell
and I na pector Boaal vary highly on the
condition of th dalrlea he had aten. K
aald they ar cleaq nnd 4luvy a
any tn the country, nnd wa then naked
the queation point blank by Dr. Connell,
Do you know of nny better T" Dr.
Evan admitted that be did no, and alee
npraaeed anro degr of mjrprta that
eueb a tranalonnatlon toward the. dai
could have beta brought about In meh
a abort time. - . ;-
Buparlntendent Ryder of th depart.
mrnt of nolle and aanltatlon any h
will at n Hy day ttk no tb matter
of eecurlng a email runabout machine
tor th dairy Infpaetor. "Th machine
would not coat ta exed 7lu" tatd Mr.
Ryder, "and I beltar w ean aave lit
coat In th ft ret year, through raorgan
I nation of lnapetrahlp which Dr. Coo
uell and myaalf bav under aoneldaratloa.
With aueh a machine th dairy inapector
could eaally oover all tha dalrlea la Doug-
la county that aerve at feeder for the
largo concern leoated In Oman and
handling milk f the out! da dalrlea.
A It I now, th aalrte cannot ba to-
apaeted nnd regulated a are tb dairlaa
In tn city limit and el by, over th
county line, and yet they ought to be.
If thay are to be allowed ta Mil milk la
Omaha, such a fin conditio ha beta
attained her In the rieenlln of dalHee
and ta tb car rcled ht handhnf m8k
that It aught ta be apread aa (ar aa w
can retch." ,
Omtha Printing' Company Set Bee
ord is OmAfct Water Cate Brief.
Ltawtya Meehlae Mead Matter fee
That Tim a ad 11 Weekere
teaaplete tlx. BlaT Val
amea ta Tea Pay.
Buatnaa (fncianer preachere irught ob
tain aubjeet for many lecture and for
brilliant leaaoa if they war to paue
Tu Omaha tor a while. Juat now tb ex
pert of the caromeretai world ar writing
volume on uiteo on gatUaf hualnau
down to a firmer and more profitable
baala. So It might well be if aom of
tb country buelnea experts wer to look
lata tb efficiency that characterise th
work of on of Omaha' largeat printing
Ubllhnwnt-th Omaha Printing com
pany, which naa juat completed an of
tba ktrgaat printing and binding order
ever filled In tb city In th Urn allotted
for thl (wtrieular plec of work.
With only ten day la which ta com
plete tha brief in tba cae of the Omaha
Water aom party again at tha city at
Omaba a itupendou work, which, when
printed, fUlad atx mrgw votumea of &7M
tngaa-tha Oinatia Printing company as.
captad the job and ruabad tb printing
through to completion la let thaa th
required Urn.
It ArgratBgi fwr Time,
Whan th Omaha Printing company waa
naked whether It could do th work la
th nine day, there wa no arguing about
time. Tn work bad ta be dona by
WedMaday. May O. which wa only tea
day olf when tb Omaba, printing coro
pan'a manager war eonnulted. Th man
ager of th company did not atk many
utloo; they did not aetk, delay: thay
Imply aald, "Wa will gat th work out,"
and then they went at their taah with a
"Mas-to-tarcla'' Uk antrit. and thcr
completed th wbol Job la leal than lb
required Urn. But It took a mighty lot
at work; th detail of tb taah and oX
tb manner la which It waa carried te
completion will enable aayasa to real la
th magnitude of th work.
Tba brief Include a history of tha en
tire case of tha Omaha Water company
against Tha City at Omaba, and waa
prepared for aubntlaafcxi to th Unit ad
State circuit court of appeal, being th
final appeal thai can be mad hi thl
particular rasa, ft eentatned everything
dealing with this famoua ens, and on
volume, tb elxth. I filled with all th
eahiblta In the can, auuh a ftbtement,
blue prints and photograph.
Tha completed brief occupies six large
volume, all of which make a thick neaa
of mora than (waive Inch. If tba brief
bad barn set aa aa ordinary transcript
U would have required trior than MO
page for tb printing.
Baa tUahlaee Bevea Bay,.
In order to get tha work out it wa
neoeaaary to run ten linotype machines
every hour for nine day. Th tint copy
tor th brief Waa placed In the baada at
the Omaha Printing company an Mon
day. -May 11 Tba machine wer thett
et to work la molding tb type and th
shift wer chanced vry lgbl hours.
All ' during this time, from Monday,
May IS. until t o'clock. Wednes
day, May B. tha printer of IkM firm
warw kept at work, without losing a
minute. Tha linotype machine were
run steadily, tor seven . day tad tba
printing and binding of tb work took
up b other time of th tan days.
In getting out the brief more than IS
people wer employed. On, tore of
thirty man war kept at work front '
o'clock Monday, morning. May u, until
7:M Wednesday "morning. May C One
of tb foramen who wished to see that
work waa put out. with vry detail per
fect stayed on the Job for alxty-two
hours, Olherl of th man stuck to the
task for forty-eight hour without, tny
long period of reel. '
The men on the Job wer given pay and
a half after nine hour work and doubla
pay after fourteen hour. Help on the
linotype machine wa aecurod from flv
other printing abop. Tb prtntera
worked In perfect harmony aad tot man
agers of the teg plant give prats to
these outsiders far their efficient help.
All the workmen In th atsblUlunent of
the Omaha Printing company war anx
ious to hkv th big Job don wall, and
hey erurk te work until avcry dataU was
During th time" th Job wa underway
newt of It wa spread to tbt other shop
Th Knight of Columbu will give a
vaudeville and moving picture entertain
ment at tba Orpheum theater Thuraday
night. June t A picture entitled the
"Coming at Cetumbu,' -tn- tor reels,
will ee shown, and between reel vaude
ville aketrhe WIN be siren by local
talent. E. J. Water will five the bhrtor.
leal tketch of tit picture as they ar
thrown on th screen, .
beau will be oe eat la a few da,- tt
the eiubrooma. MS Dodg -street, and at
tn Beaton drug store and tb Melcbw
drug Mora n South Omaha. There will be
aa reserved seats. The price of admission
will be crnta. ? , ; .
Th Peratwent and Judicious Va at
Newspaper Adrerueing is the Bead ta
Business 8ucceev 4-' ''
; - ' -i-r - '
Laratn Black, the keener of a roe ml rut
boua at MS Capitol arentx, waa caileo
ta the Witness stand Friday and told what
ah knew of Situ Klnst and the three
defendant. Bay Murfleld, Orover Miller
and Let Van Oorfcora,-wa trial la federal
court for "whit slavery."
and tbr eras . eoeudderahl speculation
as to wbtnr the prsaba Printing esa
peny could get tt aot a time. Son of
th older beads of the trade doubted
very much that th task could b done
In inch abort time. At thia time offer
ef assistance tram out of tha city were
received, but th managers decided that
they would do It with Omaha men or aot
nt alt . . ' .-. . ;. i
On hundred aeta of the work "were
printad. VsugUy ealy.a few copies are
made, but tb extraordinary neap of
this work caused a demand for aa extra
number of tha books. The six volume
mad a hook mors thaa a foot thick.
There were Itto.out em art en aktven-
point oHd slurs, used in the printing.
The would max a Una of typaJit
feet r nine and a quarter mile long
It on, man .were to apt thl much type
it would tak him 7.IM hours by th old
method of Betting type by band. More
than ene-third of tha matter waa figure
and tabulated, tha setting of which takes
double the time of ordinary matter and
cons oouble tha price. In the entire job
only one error eras discovered. Tha en
tire brief was doubt proof read, checked
twice and had a final thorough reading.
It la the largeat Job of Ita kind tbat
ever has been attempted west of Chicago.
Tbe time allot ed for the work ta tha
shortest ever given for th completion of
any task at such magnitude.
Bashed 'Waahlaartoa.
Tb rush a tha work was required ba
causa th brief had to be la Washington,
D. C, on Friday of this weak, and It was
necessary to have It mailed from Omaha
on Wednesday, Th ntlr. work waa aant
out Wednesday . afternoon, and should
hsva reached Waahlngtoa on time.
Before the Omaha Printing company
took the Job St. Louie flnna wanted It
They, la feet, were the only ones who
wwa at first considered, because It was
believed that n Omaha firm wa
quipped for getting oat such big plec
of work la such a short tuna. Tba man
agement of the Omaha Printing company,
however, accepted tba ardor with tba
staunwnt that "We'll o It No price
waa est an tha wark. The printing firm
waa toM that tha job bad to ba aut o
tb aet data aad tb expense waa not a
ennalderaUon. Th fact that th Omaha
Printing company accepted the order,
however. I aald ta have kept mora thaa
K,gOO In Omaha that otherwise weald nave
gone to 8t, tools ar aom other city. On
of th printer received IS for seven day
work on th Job. Other draw nearly a
much for their work, a th printing of
tha brief greatly enriched torn of
Omaba' printers.
Settlement of Water
Case is Again Put Off
Settlement of th water company' ault
before judge Muagar la further delayed
It ta believed that action I being Worked
between b attorneys themselves snd
they will not appear In court until art-
tlement ha been retched or negotiation
broken off. Judge Munger ha not be
given set time for th attorney tw meet
la hla court
"I will be bora; ready for them at ny
Urn," J4 th Judge.
It become more positive tvery day
that a move of thl kind I on foot.
Counsel for th water company aays It
ha nothing at preaeut to give out. but
that when tt ha eama ta aa underatand.
Ing tt wlU be known, J. L. Webster, at
torney for th water board, says he
would probably know mere definitely by
Monday. -,
Meanwhile tha oeurt I waiting.'
There wa almoet a trlk among the
ighty poticemea Thursday and all b.
cauae of th brass number tags on tb
new helmets
Tb helms ta r furnlahed the officer
thl year by tha Nebraska Clothing com
pany at th ld tlgnra of C at per. Th
brass IMS are is cants extra, and It Is
Ut II seat that the officer ar up la
arm about
After aom arguevant and dlaousaloa
hetwean Captain W. It Dunn and Lieu
tenant Hayee. th afdoari decided not ta
"strike" and pay the extra 1$ pants, but
despite thl agrasinant tbar la will a
great deal of grumbling.
kiaaed troas Mead ta Heel
w Ben Pool Throat, Ala., when drag
ged avsr a rough road: but Bucklea'a
Arnica halve healed all hla injurlee. 16c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
;ernii. v m'-WIUHU .WHaWX HttTW BwBMatssjje
Summer ( Yf Tours
30-Day Round-Trip Tickets
Direct Roots or Yia WasUixgtoo
New York
Atlantic City
Cape May
and Other Seashore Resorts
June 1st to September 30th, inclusive
Variable-Route Tickets
To Boston or New York
Cboica of Routs AH-RxO Direct, or whl
Waihing-ton or Norfolk
Also ttail and Steamer, tailor la principal ejtie of th Bast,
and Montreal. Niigra Fails, Buffalo, Cleveland, etc. a
" " Co On Route Ratnra Another
Tksket Agesta at Westers SeOwars enifaT Hffoegk tickets re the East srSJ
ffvs travelers the beaedt el rsdeced feres If tkev ask rer tlcbeta ever the
Peeslvaaia Lisee: or tall loferoielio) may be eHanwd by cauBaeeicatlea;
M me eederiisnsd. Ask tor elaatraied OeKOiptlve booalet. it a weni
bvlagUycaxBsgBaat. .
- W. H. ROWLAND, TrsveUng Passenger Agwnt
ttt City Natiojat eak Banding. OMAHA. NEbV.
n -' i jw f. w v
rrn iv
& Mueller's
IaAMAMA a -4 afi9t,
ariioTB mm
Of Rented, Slightly 8sed and Discontinued
Styles of f'mn and Player Pianos
Om a araj at GKEATBR MAGNIFICENCE thaa any piano sale HEU
AinrWHKBK, at AKT TIME, w com to you, Mr. and Mra. Piaao
Purchaser, with our Annual Spring Clearance Piano Sale. A P.US
UiNQ array of IKFvKSISTTliLJi BARflAIJiS aw atta yoa- Tbe Bargaina
eaBnurato4 la this a4verUfeot hare bee exrhaBgceJ in aa part pT
mwnt on avaar 8TEI.VWAY and 8TBOER PlANCkS and WEBEB PIAN
OLA PfAKOf). A graat anaay of Umbo pianos have had little or no-two
at all, a they were reeotrecl front homes whore the opiicbt piano was
a silent member. These !r,al(u will he d1cJ on aale Baturdar at
S A. M. The ago worth UvtisUnc. If yoa rontemplnU hujrlsg S
PIANO within the aart tea jraar yon osnnot afford to overlook Batur
ay's Bfarlai. ersetaa; ta lie-ring,
a. d
II pir
r'.ilaaX 1 VV
- Of
.t ! II i
I?f4. t if T
L '1 i, 1 li
it Xi
L& .la?
fjlI's'V'.J w
r?, ..
y l l""' ,ry.
3 y
Player Piano Specials for Saturday
It makes no difler
snco how little 70a
with to pw. w will
aeetpt urthing
within nasoa.
Your Choice of Makes
mi., . W Tow
Taol $318
Hardmsa Anto-tone 350 $640
BtDTvssvnt PianoU PUno.OO $555
Chase it Baker PlByer. . . . $275 j75.
HsrriaetoTj Auto-Tons ...$63a sto!?
, j v svuuuuraexi u Tjrir.
chaser, witiun a rsAns of 200 miles of Omnia. Freight nrwrfairi
Writ today-HOWfor tlsscriptiv. Uryiia Ht S
SchmolIer&MuellerPiano Co.
SSucfamr(sWrKItaert,a n.
Olisrt Piano Hons, ia the Wsrt IbllHol) rHmSITl Sti
Open Evenings Till 9 O'clock