10 Thiinigs 4 Eat for Symidlay imnnieir Sunday Dinner Menu and Tested Recipes BREAKFAST. Slewed Apricots. Lamb Chop. Cincinnati Coffee Bread. Coffee. DINNER. Coniomme Japonalee. Fricasseed Chicken. ; Rice Croquettes with Jelly. Mashed Potatoee. Agpaxafua Salad. Charlotte Rugae. ; SUPPER. Tomato Rarebit. Graham Toast Lettuce Sandwiches. Chocolate Cream Pie. Russian Tea. Rice Omelet fteearee Three SQuares are ales for luncheon Te make this novel dish, btat thro eggs, whiles and yolks together, until verv llgkt. season to usta with salt end sap- par, and fold In lifhtly a scant cupful of cold boiled ries.' The rioa must flret ha . well broken up with a fork, so that sac!i grata is loots. Poor Into a hot, buttered omelet paa and cook, sat Una It la tha even for a moment to brown en top. With a sharp knlfs cut It Into squares snd Ira rufr these quickly to a hot platter Oernith with crtsp lettuce leaves and squares of tart currant Jtlly and serve Immediately or It will loss Its crtapneea. ' rtlat of Beat aa Casserole. Cut a three-pound filet la slices ens asd a Jialf laches thick. Tie sack with cord; dust with sslt and pepper. Put In aa earthen casserole two tablespooafuls of butter; when It is hot put In the (lists and cook five minutes on each side. Re mevs and cut off twine. Put In. the cas serole two tahlespoonfula of browned bread crumbs and two of chopped pickles and parsley. Stir and add butter. Put the Diets back for a minute. Serve at ones. ' Strtagbeae Salad. Cook string-beans until under la boil ing salted water. Drals and dry thor oughly on a soft cloth. Lot them stand sq les for hours. Mix well with a pood , Flench dressing snd arranfs ea lettuce leaves. Garnish with hard-Soiled age cut la quartan and serve. Cereaaat fie. , Put two svea UMsspeonruls af (rated cogaenut into a tnt of milk. Add three even tablsspoonfuls of sugar, the yolks of two stall hastes sua and Iwe even table spoenfuls ef eernetsrch stirred to a pasta wHh a Utile cold milk. Add butter the alas of a wslnut aad cook until thickened erid smooth. Line a pis plate wtlh crust, prlrk In several places aad bake la a hot oweu. Then fill the cruet with the toooa nii mlxturs and spread with msrlncue mads from ths whites ef the eats beatsa to. a stiff froth with two tableeDoonfuls of suasr. Sprinkle won esooanut, set la en oven and brows slightly. theoelete rial PI. Boat ths yolks of four efts, add one full cup of sugar and stir well together. Add eight heaping taelsspsonfsle ef (rated choceiata and beat again. Put late a saucepan and as It beets stir la slowly two tablespoon rule of flour dissolved In a quarter cupful ef cold milk. Aa It begins te thicken tsks from tha fire aad add en Urge cupful of chopped tigs. Lias two pie tins with pastry aad bake. Then put la the filling aad return to the even a few momwuts te "sst."-. Boat the whites of ths four sggs with (our scant tablsspooa luis of sugar and a tablstpoenful ef vanilla. Spread lightly ever ths plea. Bat back In a ooolish even te puff and brown. Either frssh or canned pieplant may be used. Take enough stowed pieplant for one pis. about a half plat, and stir Inte It while boiling a hasping teaspoon fui ef cornstarch mixed with ths yolks of two eggs, a cupful of sugar and ens table spoonful ef butter. Have ready a pis tin-lined with a aloe crust already baked. Bfreed this with tha pieplant mixture and cover with a meringue nude of the white ef the eggs, beetea stiff, with two tablespoentule of sugar. Set la tha even until alosly browned 'and serve sold. - Rice Bella. ' Heat one cupful ef cooked rlca and the same of milk, and press through a sieve, "baa lukewarm add ens yeast cake Soft ened la one-fourth cupful ef warm water, one tablespoon ful of sugar, ens tea spoonful of salt, aad one cupful of flour, bet la a warm place to rise. When doubled la bulk add one egg well beaten and flour to kneed. Whan smooth and elaetic allow te rlae once more, then snaps Inte bslla. Put lots a greased pan. brush tops with melted butter, and cover Ull almost doubts la bulk, bake fifteen or ' twenty minutes, according te alas. Brush lightly with melted butter wbea done. ' . Plain Baas. Bell a plat of bread dough Into a sheet and piece 'n lie center a wetl-ncetea egg. four tahlespoonfula ef suiter melted after measuring, half a cupful af sugar, half a taaspoonful ef grated nutmeg or cinnamon snd one cupful ef sultana rais ing or currants, fold ever the edges aad knead till thoroughly mixed. Form bails toll provced ss for roils. .... J. wet-t route Halls.' "To one pint of lukewarm sails add eae fcalf taaspoonful of melted butter. Stir well and add six goed-slsed sweet po taioea cooked and pressed through a ie e. Add dour te kacad and est te rise. Proceed as for oilier rolls. s-relt salad. Soak ha.f a Sox of gelatine la a gsa ei eus pint st water, add ths Juice ef two lemons and tee cups of sugar. Bring te a poll aad strata. Whoa cool poor over tee sliced oranges, two bananas, ha'f sua of elurrise. naif cup of English wal nut tmeses' sa nearly whole as peeeib'.e. Visa on the Ice till R seta. Serve with skipped cream; " Peach Caaapwte.. Ote-half cup rice, one caa of peaches, boiling water. Blanch rice, thea boil la lightly salted boiling water till tender: fcain, form Into molds; make a sauce of one cup e( peach jmee. twa tabltspouot , sugar, two teaspoons butter, one table ieoa lemea Juice, one tablespoon corn starch. Cook peach juice, sugar and corn starch together tin thick, remove from tire, add lemon Juice snd butter and poor aver peaches and rice. Sweet Preset Rote. Cream, one-fourth of a cupful ef bwt'e arid one-fourth cupful ef sugar together and gradually hast late a pint of Ugh' sponge. . Add two eggs, whites and o.k states separately, and fleur enough t. Biake of the same thickness as before. Caver snd stand In a warm place until it begins to rise: than add fleur te make a soft dough and knead we. I. Bet aside like Parker house rolls When light anas? three parallel creases scroas tha tap of each. Brush with the beaten white of egg. la cold water and a little rani!' a. Sprinkle granulated sugar thickly ev-r e ton. Bake fifteen minutes. When '-re lay a napkin ever the roils In t-:e ran for five minutes, which makes a ten der crust. Steered Leal lie. One and a half cups tentlla one tea spoon sugar, twa tablespoons butter, one snd one-half teaspoon sslt. one-quarter teaspoon pepper. Soak lentils over ntgtt, drain, rinse and cover with belling wate and cook slowly for one sad one-half houra brain again, return to kettle, add seasonings, let become very hot and serve. selasea (sawder. , One can salmon, three potatoes, three tablespoons butter or drippings ,two slsees onion, one-half teaspoon sslt. one-eighth teaspoon pepper, three cups milk, three tables poona flour, two crackers apht Open salmon, remove bones scald and flake fine; para petetoea and slice tren; fry onion la fat, add flour, cook three minutes; add two cups boiling water and potatoes; oooe until tender-about fifteen minutes; sdd seasoning, salmon and mill-. Boll up ones and serve garnished witn minced parsley and split crackers dipped la hot milk. Cnirwte with Saaar laece. Three cups chopped or dried carrots two lebleepoons butter, two snd a bait cupa boiling water, on teaspoon sugar. and one-half teaspoons salt, two tablespoons flour, few grains pepper. Fry narrow tn butter till a little soft; ado flour, seasonings and water; 1st boll, then simmer till the carrot are tender about a hour. Orwasa ef Potato Sea. ' Three large potatoes, twe tablespoons flour, four cups milk, two tablespoon! drippings or butter, one small anion, twe tablespoons salt, little pepper. Boll pa tatoae until soft, the drain and mash them; cook the onion la the milk; when the potatoes are mashed, add ths scalded milk, salt and pepper; rub It through strainer; melt drippings la small sauce pan, add the flour aad a little of the soup; add this te the soup and let boll up once. Oaaked Wheat. Two eupa cracked wheat, one and ens- half tsaspoona salt, boiling water; rtnss wheat la eold water, then put to soak !a cold water te cover for a few hours; add alt and boiling water te cover again. aad simmer oa back of range, in even or the fire less cooker till soft- bout five heurs-re plenishing water as needed. Baeallaewel t'heewe. . Pour eups soft bread-crumbs, one and eae-htlf teaspoon pepper, three eups milk, ens egg. Beak crumbs fifteen min utes In milk Add cheese, seasoning egg (Slightly -beaten!, add salt and pepper. and bake la a moderate eves until firm. Th leaser Teseateea. On quart, can. tomatoes, one teaspoon salt, twejabletjwjorie sugar, one-quarter teaspoon pepper,two tablespoons butter wr bwjgvw ewe, one siap aneu ersaoemmoa. Put toaafHSf- sunt- eaak till thmkanil taking care aoVtstetra H. ; Ba'feta Bill Peddlaa. Two ' cues bread ' flour, ens-half tea- spooa sal. wp tablespoons drippings, one tableesoos sugar, four teaspoons baking powder, about oae-half sup milk, one-half t chopped raislna, two tablespoons sugar, one tsaepooa slnaamon. Mia to gether flour, salt, sugar and baking pow der. Work ta drippings with fingertips and moisten dough with milk, turn on slightly Poured board, pat ta halt Inch thickness and eprinkle with ths sugsr, raisins and cinnamon mixed together. Roll up Uk a Jelly roll, out la slice one inch thick and bake la a quick oven. Serve with lemon er ratals sauce. ' Batata Saaee. One and a half oupe water, eh and one-half tablespoons cornstarch, one quarter sup raisins, dash ef salt, one- quarter cup sugar, one-half tableepoon vinegar or Veovoa Juice. Soek raisins thirty minute la water and bring te a boiling point; mix cornstarch, sugar and salt together, add to boiling mixture and let cook thirty minute, (timng eon- Know Omaha Better Omaha's Parka aad Boulevards. Omaha's park aad boulevard syetem. while yet la aa uncompleted condition. has sssumsd such proportions that Omaiua ranks wall up with other western dtles In ths matter of parks aad boulevards. Omaha I fortunately situated for a comprehensive system of parks and boulevards, which soma day will be the standard tor cities of far greater popu lation. Nature has contributed much In laying the foundation for a system. Natural ooodttlone have but te be Im proved here aad there. The gentlemen, who have been In charge ef Omaha's parka and boulevards for the a ten years, have realised this end have beta working; with one aim In view that of completing a systsai thst will tacit ths envy and admiration of other cities. The members ef the various park boards hare been ecmewhat handicapped by a scarcity of money. Funds for Improve ments and main tans nee have been qui inwfricieat but with ths money avail able, much has been eeeomplishea. Had It not been for generous contribution from publls spirited cltlssna, Omaha's present excellence would have bees Im possible. Omaha's parks and boulevards at the present time consist ef fourteen parti with a total of 3 scree, and about twenty-five miles ef beulsvsrds and park drives. , The parka, with acres a e, are: Jetfersoa -equare, 1.T acres; Hanscom park. B.t acres Elawood park, 3 1 acre; F on tenet le park. JsTA acres: Bern park. Si acres; Miller park. 71 acres: Htntw beugh park. LI acres: Bivereisw park. 11. acres; Deer park. Hi acres; Kotmtse park, le.7 acres; Cart 1st Turner park, !J acres; Bluffs View perk. I sere: Levi Carter park.' MM scree, and Carolyn Mercer park, about acres. The park system as outlined canters about the larger Parks, with Riverv lew la the southeast part ef the dty. Miller park ea tha north. Levi Carter pain on the sorts east. Elm wood park ea the west fonts Belle park ' en the northwest, and Hanscom park on the eouth central as the objectives. . Ths boulevards are piaaaed te connect these various parks and when the systesr. ' retiring beard, which was compoasd ef Is completed all will he connected by ' E. 4. Cornish. Rome Miller. W. R. Wet bouievard drives. Ths existing oeuie- i eoa, Joha NeMe. and Omaha haa one tarda arc Florence. Chicago and Kine-1 acre of parks far every IS et Its Inhabl iaaeuh. alrast M aUief JaVk. 1.3 aslias iailsala, "fi'v ' Vf J "A3 SMOOTH Makes Plump and Rosy Cheeks Children love BBUCXA I0B OBBAht its delicious sweetness and coolness And II Is sasy to see why their natural appetite craves for Just such food. Food? Tea for Irs cream Is not. ss many think, a n.wre delicacy, but contains everything that goes to make healthy, robust glrle and boys. DE stantly. Add vinegar and serve hot A a sSasjlMk Omelet.' Break six eggs, ths whltss and yolks inte asperate bow la Best the yolks thick and smooth. Add a ealtspoonful of salt te the whites and whip to a standing froth. With a few quick strokes fold ths whltss Into the yolks. Havs a tablespoon ful of butter hissing hot, but not soorched. la a frying pan. Turn ths beaten eggs Into this. Keep the omelet from sticking to ths sides ef the pan by running a knlfs blade around It wow and then. A the omelet thickens, shake the pan gsntly from elds to aids to keep It olear ef ths bottom. Whsa the omelet Is est" (old It ever upon Itself with a broad spatula; turn upon a hot dish and sprlnkls lightly with sslt and pappsr. Serve at ence. Spider Cera Breed. Beat one egg till light add twe table snoonfuls of sugsr, one-belf taaspoonful of salt, one-half cupful of thick sour milk, and ths same of sweet milk. Dis solve half a teaspoonful of soda In a little hot water and add te the mixture, stirring till fosmy. Add tws tabisepoon fuls of melted Isrd. three-fourths cupful of com meal, one-fourth cupful of whit flour and beat well. , Turn Into a hot frying paa containing one tableepoonful ef melted lard. Pour one cupful of sweet milk ever the top, being careful not to stir ths batter. Bake la a hot even about half aa hour. This bread will havs a soft custard ea top. If prop erly msda length; South Omaha's parka and boule vard. Central, Bivervlew park te Hanacom park, t.t miles; West Central. Hanscom park to Twenty-seventh and Burt streets I t miles; Southsast, Mason snd Eleventh etreets te Riverv lew perk. II miles. Northwest. Grant and Forty -fifth etreets te Pontaaslls park, 1 mile, and the pro jected Orsnd avsnue boulevard connect ing Twentieth street and Levi Carter park. Drives through the various park- ways, Elmwood having (our and one-half miles ef excellent drives. All along these drives and boulevards the scenic effect Is ths most beautiful Imaginable. Nowhere caa be found pret tier drives. A trip over the routes will at once impress with the grandeur ef the scenery. - Omaha's parks and boulevards repre sent a cash outlay ef H.N.. ef which about feat, toe has been expended la ac quiring the sites. About tUS,Ss ha been expended for improvement, while main tenance has cast the remainder. For the last twenty-three year, aa an nual average of SM.en has been expanded for park acquleitiens. Improvements and maintenance. Fart e fthla money wss rslssd by direst taxation, the remainder through donations. At present, the an nual park funds amount te about MOM. Other dtles. notably Kaaeaa City, spend shout ten times aa muck. From WTt te IMS, the park were under the control ef the mayor and dty coun cil. In ISK a park board was created by legislative enactment la its the act was amended, providing for the appoint ment ef five cemmiestoners. to be as lived by the mayor and a park fund created, tha levy for which could not exceed i mills nor be less than IS mill la aay one yeer.' The Park board mads possible the pres ent system and through uie untiring en ergies and effurte ef business men. the present system wss evolved aad carried to Its present excellence. The new commission form ef govern ment recently eaeptcd. eliminated tbc Park board and tha whale direction Is now under one man, Joseph B. Hummel, she proposes to develop the syetem under the general scheme outlined by the 3 V.VT' JCIA ICE CREAM Is good at any hour of ths day. It Is aa pure aa ths blossoms of spring. And. valus considered. It Is ons of the least expenslvs foode you can eat Order a quart from your druggist for Pun day dinner. All the family will be pleased. At all leadlug drug stores. SfABB XM OMAKA BT Fairmont Creamery Co. 12th and Jones Streets TERRIBLE POWER OF ICEBERG Thrllllao; Bspertewce af Sea ear a When the t aeiperted Happeaed. A chapter In "Prosen Mountains of the ' Sea" recounts an sxperlenre of a ship cap tain among ths Icebergs of the north At lantic, aa follows: By M o'clock I had counted nearly )o berg. Several of us watched with ab- sorblng interest a Isrge. square mass off les ruiiy an reet long and from eighty to lot feet high, which lay directly In our path. It whit tides gleamed and sparkled In the sun. as though set with ceuntleat diamonds, small, but of purest water. At our steamer lumed to pass It a large mass ef lea, weighing, according to tha captain's ssttmste, fully seventy-five tons, broks away near the top. and with a loud report crashed Inte the sea. In an Instant a still larger mesa wss hurled downward. and the berg, with a notes like thunder, spilt Into three pieces. The crashing and grinding of these hugs masses, tossed about by these sudden risen waves, Wat swesome. yet It was ss nothing compared with the mountain of Ice thst wss slowly turning over In the wster. Grasping an Iron support and holding to ssch ether, we waited, with that huge solid wall of les resting directly under our eteemer. A grinding Jar, a stop, and we lay ever to one side aa ths fro ten leviathan lifted us up and up until ths steamer was out of wster! Would the berg turn completely over and hurt us down amid the grinding Ice? It seemed almost Inevitable. So curtoua ta the working of the mind that In this moment of suspense, though fully realising our danger, -we moot carefully noted the noises of crashing dishes, (sit ing chairs .as wdl aa heavier things, the sngl at which we lay upon the Ice and the maaslveness. If I can so express It of ths motion of ths berg. One feels power in ths dashing waves, but thle we as If ths whole were being slowly swayed to snd fro. At this crisis fortunately, the Ice beneath oa sank down a little In the water, ss though tired of Its burden, and before It bad time to rise sgsln we were struck by a heavy wave. With a shudder ths et earner started, slid a little on the Ice, then plunged Into the seething waters, going down, never. It seemed to me, te come up again. But. thanks te Its stanch timbers. It did come up. though with ke from the berg upon ita decks "A moment Is a great thing wbea crowded full." snd this lasted two momenta The lifeboats on ths port side were quickly got ready, the officers and crew working quietly snd rapidly. When It wee found, however, after ra pes ted soundings. It wss not tasking, ws turned back for a last look apoa the wreckage ef the berg that covered the water for yards around tn all directions The great xaaas of ice ever which we slid was now stationary, the streak of rust and paint aeroes Its face, ths mark mads by the steamer ss It took Its plunge, was yet plainly -vlstbls and wa were filled anew with astonishment at our marvel ous escape. HAYS TO PRESS HUMORISTS tnrrleis Srveapaavr Mew Have Plewaaat Mesaartea ef the Sreat . aaltreaaer. The American ptess humorist who stteaded the enuual gathering of the ergtnisatloa In Montreal in 11 will recall with pleasure the brief visit they msda st tha Grand Trunk offices la that city and the little speech thst the presi dent ef the great railway. 8lr Charles M. Hers, msde en that eccasslon. And the remembrance will wmttn a pleasure even though it cannot help re calling the president's tract: death en the Titan!. The visitors were escorted to the dl reetor'e room by Cy Wsrmaa. the newly elected president of the organisation, and were Introduced, one by one. te President HJs, gad that toUirtat of- - . ' - ' ROSEIIBLUM'S Eitter Groceries for Less Money If you want clean, fresh xroceriss st prices lower than you pay elsewhere, 'phone us your orders. IS lbs. Best Sugar SIM Beat 'Em All or Swift's Pride Soap. 1 bare for S5s ftubnomors Soap Pewder, t pegs.... 10a Argo Starch, : pkgs. for 10s Searchlight Matches, three boxes 10a Good Corn. ie grade, for... So I cans June Peas for Soa 4 cans !c Mark's Milk SSa Seven ie cane Pet Milk Sso .'ampbell's Tomato Soup, t cans les Silted Peaches, large can... 18c ih redded Wheat pkg 10c Fancy Queen Olives, quart Jar SSe Largs Braaee. per lb lOe I B. C. Fiskes. two pkgs lse Rumford or Calumet Baking Powder, one-pound can SOc 1 pkgs. Mscsrani for l&o non STBOTAIVS. Sine Baa Saaktst er World'e Bride a-loar, at 1.40 tX Clear, saek S1.H FOR SATURDAY: TOMATO PLANTS CABBAGE PLANTS PEPPER PLANTS SWEET POTATO PLANTS Tuberoses, per dozen 25c Sow Green Pod String less Beans Now for a late planting, also Lettuce and don't forget abiut Golden Bantam' Corn. Sprays, all sizes ' and prices. Slug Shot, Bug Death, Hillebore Bordeaux Mixture and Nikoteen. "'Nebraska Seed Co, ' Phone Doug. 1261. , " 1613 Howard Street, 21 lbs. Best Sugar .. .$1.00 1 lb. Best Coffee 40c Ys lb. Tea, any kind. . , ,35c 1 bottle Pure Extract. .25 Quality combination, $2.00 Sugar sold only with $1 order other goods. Phones, Doug. 244D; B.2446. T.loyune Tea Co. 404 North 16th 8t. . BATH'S Sitordiy Bvfaias Our choice hon.e dressed Chickens. per lb lie Lamb Legs lae Pot Rotate, littc tec and Sa Pork Hneet lHa Spare Ribs Sve Sugar Cured Hams 13HS Sugar cured Lean Baron lSt Home made Pork Sausage ISSs home Rendered Lard 16a 1921 Farnam Street. flOal extended a special word of greet ing with every handshake. A little later he made a brief speech. Hers It at, tn substance, at least: "Oentlemea ef the press, I fed certain thst you already know yea are welcome In Canada, welcome In Montreal. Let me add that you are especially welcome at this time. Our read la emerging from the unpleasantness of n serious dis agreement with certain of Its employee This hsa been a time ef trouble and distress, and ws feet sure we have beta largely sustained through many trying boars by sn active sense of humor a blessing which you gentlemen are sup posed to represent In Its concrete form. Need t call attention te the pleasing fact thst you snd ths sunshine of peace mads your Joint appearance at almost ths same moment. Wherefore, gentle men ef the press, I claim that you are doubly welcome." The simple dignity aad fine cordiality of thia great captain of Industry was highly attractive, and no sua who had the good fortune to be one ef the group la the Orsnd Trunk director's room will over forget it Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Baeaeler'e tterieetlaaa. If you don't spend your own money somebody etsc will for you. A hat temper coole off long before the disguec It causes In others. Teu could put e good resolution la cold storage and It wouldn't keep any better. Anybody wao'o very human is s bur den to hie family, but If be ten t he's a brute te them. Tha reason a man criticises people le he gets madder than a hornet when any body crilicieee b ire, New York Press, - No our Is a hero to hie wife's mother, j en ana women woo are owe migut get. even by wfeamrlag. Don't set yowr esters mixed whsa yaex art out te paint tha town. Bat the early bachelor le saver bagged V we Usiid ieae year girt. ' Omaha's Pare Peed Caster Saturday's specials ' PBBSX PBVTTS ABB TB 6BTABIBB crates Fresh pineapples, eacu Sc per duxen, 95c per crate S3.se Fresh Apricots, per duseu, lc per basket Tie I Fresh Erg Plant: each ISs to SSe esli Radishes or onions; per dozen bunches too Xew Potatoes: per peck ; .- .'..Sso Fresh Mushrooms. Cauliflower, Cherries, Head Lettuce,4 Celery. mives. Apples, etc. I Dole's Hawaiian Pineapple Julc. I pkgs. Kagle Macaroni "Brown Daisy" Dustless Dusters, Evaporated cranberries, per pkx. i,uiua cairacteu rtoney m gtaiia jars KsIlogga Bran, per package '. Largest assortment Sardines lii city up from 5c can "Galllard's" Imported Olive Oil, 40c: --gallon ' Quart Jar Queen Olives, ;0c. Quart isr .Ma.ita-illla Olives.. lie Jar "Lotus'' Olive Relish Heine Health Biscuit, per pkg. Kellogg'a Laxative Health rilscuit Strictly Ktesh Kgg from Rrsndeis farm per dozen 4-ox. can "Hnow-Diift" ths new sliortsntng i...., Imported Csmeinbert Cheeso Fancy Full t'ream Brick Cheese, t'ottage Cheese, per lb. uomeetlc Hwisn Cheese, per lb. Chow-chow. Celery Relish or Sweet Pickles, per qt Stuffed Melon Msngoes, per dozen Claret for Lemonade per bottle. I finger .nie ueiau' jr per nor.e.1 dinger Ale Imported per dozen tlinger Ale Msnitou qusrte. Ii'.id: pints Grape Juice quarts. 45c: pints Grspe Juice wUte Isrge Club Sods pints II. SO: splits A complete line of all "Sumn.er Drinks" carried in stock. i&Jtiap BELIVEIY WA60RS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. tod S P. M. 9z Right in the beginning the Increase of our business proves so great that we have been compelled to add two additional telephones Douglas 27t,and A-SMT, lnd. We hsve also added a new auto delivery service. Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens . Pig Pork Loin Steer Pot Roast '., Steer Steak . .-.'. . ........ Pig Pork "Roast ............... Pork Butts Lamb Chops ..... .. Lamb Legs .v... f. No. 1 HaniB No. 1 Bacon ............ .... a raw of OTftt mastt nuoxs nr tkb mostst sUtTnret oxoobbt oapasTaLaaT utmuiuw SUSS'i IV pOUUUe pur own brand of flour that can't Public Pride," 4-lb. sack 10c Dutch Cleanser', i for ..., 54c Gold Duet at Best ursnulstsa-Sugar, is pounda jv oars Beat 'era ait soap ror loo corn lor so 16c Karly June Peaa for .' ; 100 10c Peas, t for .. 15e I to large can Tomatoes, I for -. .,......... 'sse 10c Mustard Sardines, 4 for aso e Oil Bsrdlnes, 4 for , ' .....SSO lac csn Pet or Carnation milk, t for .' lse 4c csn Pet or Carnation milk, 7 for , ., ste 5c Tooth Picks, Ideal. I for so 4o Hafety Tip Matchea. 3 for:.. ao lc Toilet I'spar, lose sheets, 4 for ase c Toilet Paper. 400 aheets, 7 for see 15c Dried Peaches, per pound too ll'tc Prunes, 3 lbs. for ,., gee Bulk Osts, 4 lbs. for aso 10c package Heedless Raisins, 4 for See 8c Argo Btaroh, 4 for ,,, loo IS tie Rice, per lb , fHo Oood Jap Rice, 4 lbs. for ' ase Jsll-O, sll flavors, 1 for Ma Corn Klakea. per package ..go lilpe Imported Ollvea ' age Ma.on Jar Olives or Pickles, per Jar : .....lse Fresh Country lifts, the bast thst money can buy. per dozen ISO l'uck Eggs, for setting, per dosen ,.v , ase Beet brands of Creamery Butter, per lb :....SOo Oood Dairy Buttsr, per lb. aaa An.erlran Cheese, per lb. ige We carry a full line of fruits and vegetables at the lowest prices. BAKERY DEPARTMENT . . " The Finest Bread fresh twlcet dally, baked in tha moat sani tary bakery, la the most modern wsy the best loaf for it. Cakes and Cookies fresb every day. ... lUwepse route tours ' Attractive and comprehensive vacation tours of the East to Boston and New York, liave been announced going and re luring by different routes that include the standard, differen tial and indirect routes, also the coast journey between Old Point Comfort, New York and Boston, or by Sound steamer, between New York and Boston; the rontes include the St Lawrence region via Montreal, Quebec, or Lake Champlain or through New York state, Pennsylvania or the Virginias. , This scheme of diverse route tours should stimulat Eastern vacation travel; it opens up routes on one complete ticket that permit travelers to make about any kind of an eastern tour. It is impossible here" to describe the various routes, or publish the rates applicable, but I shall be glad to explain their scope. STILL LOWER RATES EFFECTIVE JUNE 1ST, with sixty day limits, going and returning same routes, to New York New Jersey resorts. Boston, Portland. Me, Montreal, Buffalo Detroit, Canada and various Eastern destinations. ' ' TRAIN SERVICE EAST At 4:20 P. M., connecting with morning trains from Chicairo I Jf" WDnef ng w.?.h fT,oon tra f"m Chicago! At 7115 A. BL, connecting with night trains from Chicago. lilliiiqijni lite lse, gas aad 60 See loo, aso aad 3So 10 . .Sao ' .(1.40 . ..aoe ...150 .aso .Me .See .350 .0e .10s .SOS too par lb smms Sou; per gallon. ... .TSe ...11.34 . .Sl.Tb . Si. 50 a So SAO .Si.ao Ci. QjsJRiA 1S10 HAB REY ST. Phone : Douglas 2147 Douglas 2708 Intl. A-2144 lnd. A-214T llM-c ....li .....9VcC and ....me v.. dVtc ....... ...,:.ii!Ac .....v.lle ........... v-.12Vi;C 14 lie 16c , .. ,, 4 . ... g be beat In price and quality SI '.'.:... " , ....,.. . .' . ...'. .flM 1 JO ISO IBM east per bottle . each ,, . . . , Call, wnte or telephone: let m, beIp , yoarlnp and secure your aleep,,,, e of Ckicao. during U. early rJS? J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent," 1502 Farnam St, CTriaha, lad. A-3323. Bell D. 1238.