THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAT 24. 1912. 7 BRIEF 'CITY NEWS v loot Mat I. - : S. M. Clark, atgna. Mth ul Douglas. Okas. S TloaHi Koora , Bm B1U . haa Uia official blanks tar application for Increase of pensions under lata U .MiT O. MIX Deft taaltarloa Laws W. H. Rua U of ift Poppleton avenue, tu fined 13 and costs for failure to connect with the aawara near bta house. Be appealed the case; contending that be need not connect with the aewera unless he ao desired. . Srmak, rail Sown Stair Too many drlnke cauaed Fred Evans, an employe of the Paxton hatei. to tali down stairs. Ha tald Judge Alutadt that the beat cauaed hi faU. but the officers aald It rai too much boose. Five days were given Evans (or not admitting tha truth. tkesnaa Dies of Meart TroaM Myron E- Thomas, the circulation agent for The Bee and TwentietU Century Farmer, who died Sunday afternoon . la Jefferson Square park, came to hla death (rem ar ante heart trouble, according to a oor- oner's Jury. The funeral arrant amenta are yet uncompleted. Wealth Drank. Brake Soaes Hallu- clnatlona causa many as, believe they are wealthy and vice versa. Yesterday George PerceU had John Paris, colored, arrested, lie told the officer Davis bsd robbed him of 1130, Both men were In ioxJcated. When sober PerceU could not remember bavins so much money and Davla was dlscbarf ed. Suae SaUalmg Ordered wa Fire warden Ed Morris has ordered the old frame Mo-shop at Eighteenth and Case streets torn down, and Mrs. K. Neil son, owner of the lot, will erect in tha place thereof a modern brick structure. Ftre recently partially destroyed the tlnshop and residents have complained 'that it was unsafe and ought to be tors down. Mrs. Nielsen has araed to erect a brick busmen house to replace it and work of demoliehiaf tha half-burned buUdla( will be started shortly. Bancroft School .Children Enjoy a Lively Field Day "Field day" was held 'yesterday by tha students of tlia Bancroft school at Jtlvervlew park. Games, running and jumping contests, singing and folk dances comprised the day program, Besides the children and teachers large number of relatives and friends of the pupils enjoyed tha outing. Tha boys of tha firth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades took part In tbe following contents: Running broad Jump, running high Jump, fifty-yard dash, relay race, one-eighth mile race and tug of war. - "A Partner Sweet." was ' given by Helen 'M. Hltte, and "The Muffin Man," by Maria R. Hoper. "Meeting and Greet ing." a. folk daaca, was ably presented by tbo children of Ue kindergarten. "The Clap dance," German, and the "Pane of Oreeting." Danish, were ren dered by the pupils of the first grade, and "I See You." aad "Coming Through the Rye," by the children of the second grade. "Annie Went to the Cabbage patch," was glvea by tha third grade, and "Ao of Diamonds," by" the fourth grade pupils. "Circus." was danced by the fifth grade students, and the "Norwegian Mountain March." by the atzth grade was also vary good, aa was the May pole dance by tha seventh grade student. Ths day' curators were brought to a close by the "Iwedish Weaving Oame," by the tu dents of the eighth grade. ' UNI OF OMAHA STUDENTS . READY FOR THEIR GALA DAY AH la la readiness at ths University of Omaha for the annual Otla day exer cises. Th last rehearsal was held last night. Though that is only tha eeeend year that the feta day has been in exis tence, there is every indication that the attendance Friday afternoon and eve ning will far exoeed that of last year. Bo far the ticket sale has beea vary heavy, th different cissies together have already sold more tickets than wars sold last year in ticket sale and at tha door. Tee drowning of tha queen of Kay, which will be tha most elaborate tear tur of th festivities will bo performed both afternoon and evening on th uni versity campus. Mies Gladys Solomon will be th queen and Miss Lottie laoor Bltl. as maid of honor, will place tha crown upon tbe head of Miss Soleaaoa, Immediately attar the Installation th student will put on aa amateur veude vtll la which every class end tr of the otudeat organisations will do "turns." Th dramatl society will give a on set comedy entitled "Mia Doultoa' Or chid." The Utopian society will glvs a musical Bower drill. The frsshmee class will bring to light all of tha domestic Intrigues which arise in many kappf fatal Uee la their play "Aa Obstinate res. Ily." Th sopnomor class will turatsa tbo moot gorgeous act la pi minting a beautiful minuet, k ths minuet ther win be eight oeuple wearing tha dross of th colonial forefather. Th junior class will eompieta th program la aa original svostoal earned call tied "At tha End of th Her," Th mosey realised oa the entertala sseat will go to make up th deficit ta tbo treasury of th Attueti asaociatloa bcMeat as athtetlae. Loot year th fe tlval netted ever so baodred dollars. SHIPPERS GO TO KANSAS CITY TO PROTEST RULE 10 - V protest against the appUcaUos at Rule st to aar , part at westers si seal noattoa, U. body at Omaha jobber aad s turners' left li nrjit for Kaiuea City to attend th bearing of tea Inter- Henry T. Clark, Jr.. representing tha Nebraska Stats Railway ewtsarl seine, and S. J. MaVaaa. loaiaaaiillna tha Omasa. CeantaarcaU . club, are ta tbo party. Other member will be: Cenimhtstsa Ootid of th CommerciJU cub; W. a. Wright of th Wright WUhatmy compear, jr. 1. Heel f tha MeCord-Brady company. Joaa Xeaaop, jr. of the Pmbrmeat Creemery company; Walter a. Whines, secretary th Lincoln Comsnarclal crab, aad W. X. Blaas of tha L-Q1sss Aodrsossa . Western olseetS cartas B baa been sus, psnilsd mats December U. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ' Dr. and hfra. B St. BroakflaM of Idaho Faila is in ths dty visiting his father. Boa Bvookfleld. of tbo Union Pastflc Presleent eHeokey. of BeHova. wot . ver tbe comraeacemern eddiis for th Arlington H'ga reboot. Fmlav eveiucg. S. A. Sear!, rice at the erne road oesasit'Ja of tha Commercial club, will eoeak Prma- aigbt at WaJuflaid, 'ea. oa -rrasucai sue m B Of Good Rood, " WATER SETTLEMENT DELAT Absence of Attorney Stout Put th Hekrinr Off Another Day. STILL HOPE , FOB Jadge lliager Raa ftctaraed aad All th Attai-aera Are Bxswoted te Be la Ceert Friday far the nteariag. - Flxieg of a supersedeas bead or eettle mant of th suit brought by tbe Omaha Water company is further delayed until John F. Stout, attorney for the water company, returns from Papiltlon. where no is attending a oa ta tha Sarpy county court. Hla return waa looked for Thursday and all the attorney b) the water ease ar expected to appear before Judge Hunger. Judge Hunger returned from North Platte Thursday and was' reedy to hear argument concerning the supersedeas bond required of the company in tta ap peal to the circuit court of appeal. Th matter ha been put aft repeatedly sine Saturday because of absence of attorneys or th court. '. ' ' knot of Farther Coort Action. It has been rumored that the water company Intends to apply for a writ of certiorari from the appellate court and take ita appeal direct to th supreme court of the United States for earlier set tlement. The city, n M said. Is prepared to tile axceptlona to this application. Another rumor ha it that tha city and water company wUI drop all litiga tion and coma to a settlement out of the courts. It hi believed th amount claimed by ths company of some 190,000 and the claim of th city on th matter of de precation, diealiowad by Judge Hunger, of a bait million dollars, could balance th respective claim. Th interest oa tha bond required of the company and tbo Interest th city la now paying oa Its water bond laau ar Items which may hasten this settlement and subsequent taking over of th plant by tha city. National Convention of Musicians is to Open Here Monday Th National convention of musicians will open tn Omaha Monday, when XD delegates, representing nearly every city and town la th United etstee wilt have arrived. Thar will be a big band Is escort the delegtt from th Paxton hotel, th head auartera, to Waahlngtoa hall, where the business sessions will be held. Th visitors will be entertained at a bosquet a Wash ington hall Tuesday evening, and eH day Wednesday at Manawa. Thursdsy fur noon the Unlnger Art gallery will be In- epeeted by the women, who will also have a reception at the Paxton Monday, a Shopping tour Tuesday sfternoon. aa automobile rid aver the city Friday, ending at tha Grand Central hotel In Council Bluffs, where refreshments will b served. I 1 Bourke to Quit the Board and Try for Burgess' Position W. T. Bourke. chairman of th teacher' committee of the Board of Education, will reeiga at the first of second meeting of tha board la Jon. HI term expiree January L Immediately upon hla resigna tion will begin a merry War over the election of a member te fill the vacancy. Upon tha outcome of this e lectio will depend th position of secretary to which Mr. Bourke aapirea. t J. F. Burgeaa, present ortary, has at least five member of th board who will support him for re-election, other hav ing aa yet expressed no preference. Jama Richardson,' chairman of tha finance committee, la elated for tha loader tn the right to retain Burgess - Dr. E. Holovtchlner. chairman of the buildings and grounds committee, has beea accredited with supporting Bourke. but he assert that he la taking ao part In the campaign. "I believe Burgeaa la a good, competent man," ha said, "and also I think Bourke could fill the position." Election will be held about th first ot July. J. W. Uaynard. cwatedlan of auppliea, and Duncan Flnlaysoo. superin tendent of buildings; will probably retain their offices. The fight 'for tbo oscro. taryshlp. however, I gradually becoming bitter aa tha Issue remains In doubt aad while tbo members of th board are reti cent they ar scheduled for a wars crap before the case la settled. RourketoBeHost to 10,000 School Children Friday . Pa Rourke expect fully W.0W kids at tha ball park this sfternoon wnen the Omaha team will play he last game of th sari with th Anions. Th day has beea sat aald aa "school kld'g day" and every boy aad girl of school ago will be admitted to th grounds tree of charge. Ladle' day will not be In effect se ll y aad all woman who Appear at th park without money enough for ticket will be turned away aa every available seat will be turned ever t th "kids" gad ths paid admlailons. Pa's' plan I to let all th school chlldre from th grade schools, high schools, universities, cel. Irges, parochial school and private schools of Omaha and south Omaha lot th stand, fro gratis. lu order that he may tail just what ths attendance I Mr. Rourke will put everyone through the tur net! la Teachers will alas be allowed la th stands free. WRIGHT IS ARRESTED AGAIN FOR PESTERING MRS. CARR Almost (II th trouble that Oeorg Wright, a plumber tnd ex-treet car conductor, baa experts need whtls In Omaha can be laid to bis Infatuation for Mr. Julia Carr. married woman, wh refuses his attentions. Oa March IT Wright assaulted Mrs. Carr because ehe would not commit sui cide with him. he had him forcibly ar reatsd and h wss fined S3 and coat. Wednesday be forcibly took gold wstcb from her sack, and again be v. as ar. reaud. Hs told ths court that he took th watch to force her to meet him at Nineteenth and Chicago street. For his offenss Judg Altetadt gave him ten days la jail ... WOMAN DRINKS LAUDANUM , IN EFFJTO END LIFE Bell Smith, aged li. U North fovea ieentb stratO swallowed an ounce of laudanum Tuesday night with suicidal intent Dr. Elwwed saved her life. Tks Woman said that domestic iroubls was th sasa at her attempt to die. - Chief Jump Believes ' Omaha Lively Town When Chltf of Polios Jump ot Aber deen, & D , dropped off la Omaha to pay hi respeot to th Omaha polio be did not expect la be forced to as what his name implied to Jump and Jump lively. But he did. There were numerous raids, calls for drunks, fights, . suicide and would-be-ulcldes, and to' ail of these Chief Jump waa taken along. At midnight while try ing te catch a ulet breath, he leaned over to Sergeant Cook and exclaimed: "P you know, sergeant, that I thlak Omaha is th Hvalleet place 1 hav aver visited. I have been treated royally. And. do you know, I had believed Omaha a very quiet plaoe. Why yu hav mors excitement her In a night thaa.w hsvs in a jeer up at Aberdeen." Society Girls Will . Boot atBall Game fntil of haldlne? their reculsr sml. monthly program meeting, th glrlg whs are aiemhara af the Pleaidaa aooletr of ths Omaha high school will sttend th ball sama thl after enan and ua their vociferoiM efforts for the Rourke. Th society haa a membership of thirty and svsryon of that number I a staunch fanett. ' Cultivated taste prefer Permits Sc. GROCERIES AREGOfllG DOWN Butter Drops Three Cent, hut is Six HigutrThaa Tetr A?o. GREEN STUFFS MITCH CHA?EB Carload af Ptaeapale Expected to Arrtva la Osnaha ea far th raaatag aad Piaasi t Butter oa th meal market la 0 cents, t coata cheaper than a week ago. But tbe price I cents higher than a year kgo. v Cneesa, which usually la aa strong aa butter. Is lagging behind la the aero nautic capers, having fall a couple of pennies. Brick cheese tumbled t cents and I now retailed at cent. American cheese la dispensed at a quarter a pound. Vegetable ar coming ta the rescue of the common people. While cabbage eraa a nickel. It haa declined to 1 rent a pound. Spinach haa fait th press of dandelion competition and has rone down to a nickel a peek. Ail tha things that th grocer put In bunches ar coming down. Radishes ar selling sight bunches for t cents, onions six bunches tor the ssm pries, lettuce three heads for I cents, rhubarb tour bunches tor I cents, asparagus two tor i and cucumber three tor dim. New potatoes are limited three pounds tor It cents, while they did sell at I cents a pound. Cauliflower ta selling at T cents a pound. Pineapples are expected to go down. A carload will arrive la Omaha Friday ready for th canning and preserving lea son. They ar expected to sell St ttataad 79 a case. A. King, manager of tha grocery de partment at Hayden's, aaya th housewife did not take advantage of tha low price ot strawberriee. they ar new going up. Dadley Mreaaht f rem Weet. CH1CAOO. III., May J. Bliss Dudley who recently wss Indicted by a federal grand jury In Chicago an a charge of operating an alleged "get rich quick" scheme through the malls by means ot aa Oil company, today waa returned from lyoa Angelas! Federal authorities assert that Chlcagoana lost about .M through Investment with Dudley. New-Fangled Alarm is Stolen hy Slick Burglar Peering that aoraaon might break Into thetr ubnshmant aente night and carry off a floffln, a eerse or a rot tie ot em balming fluid. Brailey A Dorrs ace In stalled a new fang led burglar alsna known aa a protortegraph. - But there waa one culprtt who refused t be frightened by R. Ha ared the place, hynotiaed thecontrlvsnce aad car ried it away. Morris Nicholson Book has beea ar rested oa suordclea of having takea th alarm, but he say h doe sot know any thing about H. Two Nebraskans Get Degrees from Iowa IOWA C1TT, la.. May U -t Special Tel egram.1 The University of Iowa' ttll graduation list Issued today, contain the name of Charles Motia. Omaha dentistry, aad Lena Trott, Lincoln, medicine. Key to tha ituatloa-See Advertising. VANN USES SICK MAN'S MONET TO ACQUIRE k JAG Tom Vgna proved himself to be a friend In need when William Hutchinson be came III and had to be taken to a hospital for an operation. Hatch Inaea was deetl tute and calling Vana to kirn, requested bit mead to go out and collect tot thai waa due him la email nsu from sev era! persona Vann did a be waa bidden. but instead of turning the money ever to th sick mso, bs proceeded to take aboard ctrgo ot liquor that required th tv lira amount col acted. Hutchineea toed the polk s about the mridellty of Vann. and Thursday night Detsetrvea Dm and Fleming arreeled him whll be ley sleeping off hi hi' toiiostlo Ids JsiNrsoa rqusr. The Persistent and Judiclou Use at Newspaper AdvartMag la th Road Buetnoao Si "XJO purer, clvner food comet V" IN to your table than FAUST SPAGHETTI in itt waled ptck- V f ; , tge. Andlt'iiogood. , . I V MAUlXEROSe ts MORE BALDIIEADED WOMEN THAU ' MEN, SAYS AUTHORITY That' Why Women Should AboaihOaU)druitanl End Scalp Itch. Oa noted assthorltr aaya that there ar Bve haldkeadad women I very four haklhiadaw saoa, aad leas af hair among ansa la aaeddlr marssalng. Tbi the rtanHrrg emtoroeat pubttsked la one of th standard aBagsalne. This would indeed bs (lstrssatng new for wsfoaa war it not tar tha fact that FAJUBIAJf BAOK will surely loa't worry; this shortly may be right sod may be wrong. lust put your faith la FAJUUA eUOSi will bee far pea ail tha heir m hav now aad grow for yea aa abend gne af aew hair. rAJUsSAH BAOS I tha avaat doughs, ftu aad kivtgoratiag hat? dreeing la th wared I If paw 0 hot va f daisy row are asksang a gtorlooo treat, ft te as, a ay and dee a asaMB petiole of danger sugar f lead ar sulphur. tt will koswsh aoadrva kill sh desv draff gewnss (eeuee of ssldnese), seep fals ing hair aad sesis weeks FAlUrUAM BAOB akm w laotro aad radtaao Into dull, faded hair. Urg bottl M asatt at all drug aad depart meat sreres aad a wenrterg waera talbN goad ar aald. gubatitatos. Aak far FAJBIAT gA-tb girl with a . . . -. uile bara hair obj overy v Dr. Wiley Has Resiped but the good work for pure food and clean food will go on with unabated vigor. The best way to promote the cause of pure food and clean living is to eat SHiFeddedl WHieat made of thewholewheat in the cleanest, finesCmost . w hygienic food factory in - the world. A simple, natural elemental food-containing no yeast or baking powder,' . no chemicals of any kind just pure wheat made diges-' ' tible by steam-king, shredding and baking into crisp,' golden brown Biscuits, ' ' Nothing ao deliriously 'nourishing and satisfying after the heavy foods of Winter aa Shredded Wheat Biscuit and fresh , v . fruits aerved with xoSk or crtvo. Make Your "Meat" Shredded Wheat- The Shredded Wheat Company , Niagara FaHa, N. Y. BRANDE1S EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL IN Men's Spring Suits $5 and 17.50 Suits at 1198, $2.93 Here is a Mnsatio&al special in Men's and Young Men's Clothing. Thee snits ar odd sizea from our spring lines, together with a few lota of last season's buying. They are well tailored, perfect fitting suits made of serviceable mater. Sw"!. JU8-$2.98 Men's and Young Men's Tuts made of worsteds, cheviots and tweedsregular $1.50 and $2.50 values, at 98C Boys' Knickerbocker Pants all mads with fall peg, belt loops and watch pocket regular $1.00 values at 49c Boys' Blouse Waists with open cuff sleeve large se lection of materials, at 25c Boys' Washable Suits in Russian or Blouse styles blue, tan, browns and fancy percales $1 to $1.50 val ues, at ,...59c and 75c BotC Rrrmprra, well tawed and cut full regular TSe value, paclal at 45c ALL ON SALE IN OUK BASEMENT BRANDEIS STORES Are you saving the coupons? Your spoons are here --FREE! You con get them for five consecutively numbered eoopona, like No. 13 below. Cut the coupons every day and get a do?e ipoous. Buy of the co-operating Omaha merchants, get their certificates and coupons and you soon will have the entire 65 piece set of Wa Sogers t Son's beautiful silver. All coupons must bs exchanged at the Bee office. Ten venta must accompany tbe Bee coupon, but no charge is made for merchants' certificates. The 10 cents pays cost of handJitiS all tbe silrer. $1.20 for the ewnplete set of 65 pieces. TbM taerckaau fls coupons eorUflcMtaa vitk jaxebag. . ' Clip This Coupon Omaha Bee Dally Coupon KO. IS. f rXday. Mr 4. This eaupoa tria preaontod vrlta tbo tonr Mbart eensomitlvalr tmbrtd. aad It coata to eevtr tbo eott ( handling, entitle tbe bolder to m Vav Rogr Boa (viaraoteed TeMpoos of te Jloeee. aalr pattari. Out-oJ-towa readers vtll add H octra for port jo. Attsmxeaa : XaATS " oe. lata M -le S. vvu sim Urn Brevrlag Oo a)oelevar4 aa rmg an, ( afTM srrri.n BtU.UVBV 111 BoagUa, m ri. -srrrawr MAS v anvlaaa Sal. erg. Mi sva vara BV tteae .....i.,. Street ad if.... reetoffleo ,. aiir ariag ssassas to ta afflo af Taa Baa Clip This Coupon 1 I Me.taeeeeeaetee.aet.aetl,. I aaase SAaafel eeiaeeeee yostoffleo....... Vala error epatUa orerveaa, sasoatise aa Sao Yearly iukaritl Coapoa -Omaha Bee I noauat sire Tl oouno "hen aroporlr alg-no an presented at ea offleo ef The Omaha 6 (r mails by thoss reeld ina eut of town) will Oiiag I In holder full Inforrav tier, how every none aa aecur a full eaaa Wm. AS srg See auaraateee Teasoooo at oqt-e. ajao. the aeader will receive free catalagu at all piece ef thi set togsths with ths a umber of earn aeaa ait! artlflcate require for ach aloe aad la aassss el Cunaaa turn latulBt tbsss to ta pustia : ' rnB4alBU , rva. oo. all Sob Waa tV . xaosoav oe. law risase aa. - VsaSATal arririosTamT oe), Xn raraaaa sH.- JsTaTM-amiTeeW sV aVCO. Mta asv Ill r PmECTBMW J. A. TUTHIU- Tel. e(le 19M - Boar U13 DeMqlgsj SV IsksJ leUUer, Omaha, Heb. , , . . 1 . - . . 'i.' .