Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
All Tke News All The Time
ae ee flrea Its a daOF
puocUK at ' th happening
of the whole wwrld.
VOL. XLI-KO. 291 .
Statement limed at White Home
Place Fresident'i Support in
Conention at 570. '.. .
Result in Ohio Gives. Votet. Seeded.
to Bring Victory.
ExecotiVs layi Claim to Delegates'
at-Iarfe from State,
Raomili Headuaartera Olva Oat
Asenraae Coloael Will Carry All
, Distract la Ohio and Get
j Fall Delegation.,
WASHINGTON. May -Clalming t
delegates to the Chicago convention or
thirty more than enough to assure hire
the nomination. President Toft is a state
ment today declared be waa coins into
Jersey "to make assurance doubly
sure." He will leave Washington tor
i hiladelphla at 7 o'clock tomorrow me
Ing and make Ola first political speech
at Camden In the evening.
The president's statement waa Issued
after a day at activity at the White
Political conferences with his man
agers and appointments with members
of the cabinet wera followed at 4 o'clock
by a meeting of the full cabinet. It
was stated later that this meeting was
devoted to "routine" business, bat mem
hers of the cabinet admitted that the
political situation had been reviewed in
considerable detail.
- "Our opponents quota from a state
ment of mine made In Cleveland that
the fight in OMo, my home state, much
to my gratification, would bo the decisive
one," said the president In his statement,
"and would aettla the question. This la
true. I shall have at least IT votes from
Ohio, Including the delegates at large, for
we have every aasuranoa that wa snail
control the state convention.
Majority la Convention.
-This will constitute a clear majority
la the national convention. Indeed la ad
dition to tha votes from Ohio, delegates
elected for me from other staus of which
. I have been advised since my Cleveland
; statement give me at tha most eonaarva-
- live estimate, (! out of tha 1.07$ votes
In the national convention 30 more than
' the number necessary to nominate.
"I am going to- Now Jersey to take
part In tha coming rampslga there for
the same retaoa that I went to Ohio and
' such de legatee so wa may receive from
New York will thus make assurance
doubly aura. '
Earlier- la 'he day Director McKinley
of the' Tail headquarter claimed -at
. least S delagataa, lor 4e araeloaat. "
The president a. eatlaaate, while smaller,
waa declared at the White) Houa to
represent "rook bottom" figures
were expected to be materially Increased.
The claim to tha tlx dlegaue-et-larg
la Ohio was made by the president after
reassuring meaaagst from his Ohtoman
iters. , V
No definite claim was made by the
Taft forces today to tha twenty-four dele
gates to be selected la New Jersey next
Tuesday. ...,
At the Roosevelt national headquarters
Senator Dixon expressed tha belief that
Colonel Booaevelt would carry all die-.
trlcts In Ohio and secure tha full del
action, . i In a statement early in the
day Senator Dixon declared Colonel
Roosevelt would be nominated at Chi
cago oa tha first ballot.
Suffragists Give -.
Kings for Cause
CHICAGO, May JX-Twe diamond rings
were offered In tha cause of equal suf
frage at tha Mississippi Valley Suffrage
' conference today when a plea for con
tributions to the Ohio campaign was
made. Rev. Mary 8a r ford, a L'nltanlan
pastor of Dee Moines, la., asked for the
gift of Jewelry for the causa and offered
a diamond ring which she wore. Her
example was followed, by. Miss Rose
Bowers of Rapid City, 8. D. whose
musical talent has bean at the service of
the Chicago suffragists.
BOONE, la.. May XL Tha annual con
vention of tha Christian and Missionary
, Alliance Is to be held m thla dry com
mencing on Sunday next and lasting
through tha foi.ewlng week. Tha sessions
arc to bo held tn the Christian and
Missionary Alliance tabernacle on West
Second street and hundreds of .delegates
are to fee hero from all over the United
States. Tha head of this alliance move
ment as la New Tork City, too Rev. A.
B. Simpson, but ha will be here and pre
side with tha Rev. J. Charles Crawford
of Boone.
At tht stlass the graduation services for
the Boone Biblical college win be held
and Dr. A. C. Blanc bard of Wheaton
' college will deliver the address. This
commencement will take place on Fri
day and Monday nights, the sermon en
Friday night and the program partici
pated tn by tha graduates oa Monday, -
O'Neill Browne fought a losing fight In
tha house today la aa effort to no trs
legislation of the two special sssainni of
vJe legislature until Oovernor Dsnsan bad
acted oa tha bin appropriating tSJW tn
pay tha members their mileage and M
stationery allowance. -
Br a vote of 34 to M the bouse turned
Iowa Browne's motjoa to recess so mi
wbst Governor Denes proposed doing
with tta members' expense bUl. Than f that physicians had told him that there
:ha noose passed. Mi to a, taa bJI ap , t hope of bis Uvlng a auraber of years,
voprtatng 3.0Os to repair storm dam. j At tha Hist of hie release from the fed
age dona to the state house dome. Bottn, j era! prison at Atlanta medical man had
isrowne. Canaday aad. Dennis votel j predicted that be would sot survive nor
agaioet the passage of the bin. thsa gig months.
Eaxrimaa Interest Propose line
from Coast to Coait -.
PtwwlcttM Made that . Saa Trains
Will Ran traae Sew York to
the Pmclfls Slope Through
Thla City.' ,
Aa oeein-to-ocean system of railroads
within a year, owned and controlled by
the Harrtmaa Interests it now the pre
diction of local railroad men.
Information comae from New York to
tha Union Pacific headquarters here that
one of tha greatest railroad moves
planned by the late E. H. Harrlman. but
stopped by reason of his death, la to be
made, and that by securing control of
and taking over the Erie from Chicago
to New York, the Harrlman lines will
extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
with Omaha the great central point.
Railroad men of Omaha who were
close to Mr. Harrlman say that had
lived six months longer this arrangement
would have been In effect and the traffic
would have had to face a new condition
that would have revolutlontsedd relations
of years' (landing. !
Brio Being Daabla-Trarked.
Right now tha Erie la being doubled
tracked and the work will be completed
within a year, and It la said that tha
completion of thla is the only thing now
holding back tha complete merger.
At thla time the Harrtmaa interests
own the Illlnola Central, and with the
taking over of the Erie, their lino will be
continuous from ocean to oisan, The
prediction Is made that aa soon as this
Is done through trains will bs run from
Nsw Tork to Portland, San Francisco
and Los Angeles, ail passing through
Says Bridge Combine
Controls Most
of the Industry
NEW TORK. May 12. -C. D. Marshall
president - of the MoClintock-Marshall
Bridge company of Pittsburgh, an Inde
pendant concern, testified aa to ocm
petltlvo conditions In the bridge Industry
In tha government's suit against the
United Btates Steel corporation todav
Marshall was formerly connected, he
said, with tha Shltflsr Bridge company.
one of tha "bridge trust's" twenty-eeven
constituent concerns- Of thssa tha Fen
coyd Iron, Works, tha Keystone Bridge
Works an th Lashlg Bridge and Imn
Works -Mr h competition In Interstats
commerce at tha time they were taken
over. There were several concerns larger
than these, however, which were not
taken In, he said.
After Judge plctlnson bsd gone through
with tha witness a long list of concerns
sot taken Into tha American Bridge com
peny Marshall testified that re hie opla-
about n per cent of the Country's com.
peUtlvo bridge business when ft we r
gaalsed. During the last year tha bridge
company's proportion wag 10 per cast, ha
Mrs. Pankhurst, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence
Given Nine Months
LONDON, Key ll-Mrs. EmeliM Pank
hurst. ths militant suffragette leader,
and Mr. aad Mrs. Fethlck Lawrence,
Joint editors of Votes tor Women, ware
all found guilty at tha Old Bailey ses
sions today and each was sentenced to
nlns months' Imprisonment enthe charge
of conspiracy and Inciting to malicious
dsmsge to property.
The charge af conspiracy waa also
brought against Miss Cryatabei Pahk
hurst, who has disappeared.
The two women In the dock ware pa
thetic figures when the verdict af guilty
was brought In by the Jury. Mrs. Pank
hurst clung to ths edge of the prisoners'
enclosure, trembling visibly and pleaded
to bs treated as a first class misdemean
ant -
Mrs. Pethlck Lawrence, raising both
hands In tha attitude of prayer, swayed
aa she uttered toe phrase: "May God
defend us. aa our causa la Just"
The prisoners were all sentenced to tor
second division, which does not include
hard labor.
Government Will
Not Be Party to Suit
'' of Indians for Land
CHICAGO. May S. -United Btates Dis
trict Judge Carpenter decided today thai
ha bad no authority to direct the federal
government to become a party to a suit
to establish tha title to lake front landf
In Chicago valued at tBO.O0e.6rje, which are
claimed by Indiana and occupied by rail,
road.. -
The government was asked ta Join as
plaintiff with tha Ottawa. Chlppewas
and Pottawattamie la a suit to oust the
railroads oa the ground that the strlr
la question Is outside the lend ceded y
the tribes to the government.
. The Indiana attorney said the only
course now would be flung separate suits
for each individual.
Morse Returns from .'
European Trip in
Good Health
NEW TORK. May C. -Charles W.
Morse, accompanied by his wife, re
turned to New Tork thai afternoon oa
the Olympic and went Immediately to
afa apartments la West Fifty-eighth
street. It fa understood sir. Morse will
leave tonight or tomorrow for his old
bone ta Bath. Mi
The former banker looked well and 881-1
Secretarjr of Agriculture Will Sot
Represent General Assembly at ''
Pmbrterian Conference. 4
Echo of Official's Address of V
come to .Brewers congress.
Nearly Million and Half . Spent
Duinf the Tear.
Or.' Taeaapaaa ay glared Districts,
Oaeo Bulwark of the Chares.,
Have eeasao Soaree of '
LOCl8VTLLE Ky, May aV-Mambr
af tha Praalirla.1 general assembly c
s.seioa hern tbm .aftarwaoa voted ta r
sdnd Ha actlea la naming Secretary if
AaTtcvJtare WUsoa aa a delegate te tee
pan-Presbyterian eon gross at Aberdeen
Scotland. Thla action is. said to have
grown out 6ftn attendance of Secretary
Wilson at tha brewers' congress In Chi
cago last summer.
-Whoa Ood wanted ta give a
chance he started him ta a garden, bat
when Cain's crime called for retribution
he built a town." declared Rev. Dr.
Charles T. Thompson af New Tork m
speaking oa tha report of tha Board of
Foreign. Mission. -
Hs waa emphasising the work of the
church and country Ufa la the depart
ment af the board. The report declared
rural districts, once the balwark at the
church, "have become sources of moral
peril to the nation." The department Is
undertaking wide reconstruction of ths
moral and religious aspects of country
The most prosperous year In the history
of Presbyterian borne missions has Just
closed, according to tha report, receipts
exceeding enr previous year by IHu,un
having reached a total af R.aUlH.16.
staport aa Sabbath schools.
A year of earnest ssrrles filled with
educational, missionary and business ac
tivity was reported by the board of pub
llcatlon and Sabbath school work.
Of tha department of Sabbath school
and missionary work ths report says in
"Tha number of Sabbath school ml-
si on art as In the field, for longer or shorter
periods, waa 1M, besides twenty-three col
porteurs whose attention was given en
tirely to tha visitation of foreign settle
ments. Fallowing ths missionary policy
of their respective Presbyteries, our mis
sionaries have organised ! new schools
and revived Ml, making a total of M,
into which they have gsthsred U0 per
sons, 'of whom I ON wars officers and
fniSers and jr.iss were pupils. Morr
than tn mission achooia not yet self
supporting have bssa aided during ths
year, Its ports received from our mis
sionarles show 144 Sabbath school, unt
dar their oars, with a membership of
11I.W. During the year M,l volumes
and t,M,at pages of religious tracts ha-
distributed; besides (.Ml Bibles and
Testaments, of which 177 were In foreign
languages. Reports from ths field show
thst ninety-eight new churches have
grown out of mission tchoeis organised
by our missionaries during previous years
Of thsse churches seventy-eight are Pres
byterian and twenty are of other denomi
nations. Our mlsslonsriss have jeaslsteJ
In ths erection of elatr-oae Presbyterian
chapels to house thslr new organisatlona
Tge value of these buildings Is tlXsM.
Insurgent Movement
in Cuba is Rapidly
Becoming Serious
SANTIAGO. May 8The situation Is
rapidly growing mors serious. It Is now
estimated that over 4,000 negroes have
taken up arms In the province of Orients
HAVANA. May H.-To assist la the
movement ta surround the negro Insur
gents further reinforcements, consisting
of two companies of Infantry and two
better tee tf artillery, entrained hero to
day for tha province of Ortente. The gov
ernment troops already la that district
number more than l.M) men. The negroes
under General Everts to Estenos and Gen
eral Ivonat are operating at El Caney, E!
Cobra and San Luis, In the vicinity of
Two American dtlsena, Floyd Schick
snd Joseph Bryan, have complained to
Ross E. Homday, American consul It
Sandtego, of being assaulted and robbed
while oa their way to Stboney by armei
Services Held Over
Richeson's Body
M ti
BOSTON, May lt.-.u funeral of Clar.
enoe T. T. RJcheson. who was electro
cuted yesterday for the murder of Avis
Unnell. took place this afternoon tn the
vestry of the Warren Avenue Baptist
. Rev. Herbert 8. Johnson, pastor of the
church, wna was ana of Richeson's spir
itual advisers ta Ms last days, conducted
the est vinos.
Leas than a score of people attended
Before beginning the service Mr. John
son refused to . ststa what disposition
would bo made of the body.
The National Capital
Wodaeeday, Map ta, Itix. -
. The Senate.
Met at rood and considered eight-hour
labor MIL
oenator Smith announced be would file
Titanic Investigatlang commlttee'e report
neat Toeaday wkea he would apeak on
tha subject. ....
The Eon. y
Met at noon Considered legislation an
regular calendar.
? 'lir,"'"'? MJiU-ltrr mtewta of their ward) had been pro
S " mUmt tectad. They rved fees of $36 each. ,
lLL.dtF .TaorATb The- fee hm the B&$MShjM RAMPeAdCJ J
. :,eA
1 5-axw--rf-iSe . 1
From ths Baltimore American.
- It Only
All Previous leoordi Made at South
Omaha Go Into Discard
Brtaaa Flftoea Moad of Mereferde
Avarotfag !,SSS Faaads Each
' , and Disease af , Thest for
ROard Frtre af f.IO. '--' '
All records made and smashed during
tha present month were thrown Into th
discard yesterday whan rc.M waa palf
for a consignment of caul received at
the Kouth Omaha yards. This It th
fanciest price ever paid for cattle on this
The cattle wtre of the Colorsdo-Teiss
Hereford breed. There were fifteen of
them and thr average weight waa I.I3I !
pounds. They were shipped to market
by Lemmlf Bros, of Stanton, Neb., and
ware sold through tha Bowles Live Stock
Commission company. . . J
Meat Prices Rlee. ,
Meal hrU-u iwnllnn. .a w u Q.' I k. I I
last twa days aa Increase of I cento a
pound on nearly all kinds of steak and
chops- has been made. And commission
men and butchers ara prophesying a 'still
greater Increase within the Immediate
future. ,
Tha markets everywhere, they say,' ara
unusually strong snd tha tendency seems
to be toward a higher price on every kind
of meat. At present housewives ara pay.
Ing a higher pries for their meats than
aver before In, Omaha. In other cities tha
situs Hon Is practically tha same
Ham Is about the cheapest meat that
can be bought now, according to Martin
Reum, manager of tha meat department
at Hayden Bros., soiling at U cents a
pound. Bacon, the standby of the poor
man of a few year ago, hi ranging tn
cost from 17 H cents ta M cents a pound.
Tha rise In ths price of mutton In ths
last thr months amounts to a
cant Increase Other meats around aa in
crease af W per cent la the same period.
Roaad Steak Soars.
Piala old round steak, tha former friend
of tha common people, has entered the
high society and Is enjoying a good de
mand at m, cents a pound. Sirloin steak
may be bad at N cants and porterhouse at
cents a pound. Shoulder roast la I34
cents and shoulder steak, l cents a pound!
Muttoa chops era bringing ttVj cents and
muttoa shoulders S cents a pound. A leg
of mutton may be purchased at UVt cants
a pound. Pork ta tha only meat that has
dropped recently, and butchers say that
la only temparerlly. Tha prices run: Pork
lolna. IS cents; perk shoulders, a) cents,
pork butts, tfa cents.
Veal la dispensed: Steak, ITH cents;
chops, 12H to Is cents; roast. lVj cents.
Hines Buys Lumber ;
of Senator Stephenson
MARINETTE. Wls Msy H-The con
summation af a 11.00 COO lumber deal wa
srmouneed today ta tha parches by Ed
ward Hlnee of the Edward Hiaes Lumber
company of Chicago, of ths entire cut
of two mills owned by United States
Senator laaac Stephenson. ,
NEW TORK,' May J2--The will af Con.
nl John Jacob Astor waa admitted U
probata thla afternoon bar Surrogate Fow
ler. The special guardians recently ap
pointed for Vincent aad Muriel Actor,
his children, snd Mrs, Madeline Force
A st or, widow, were discharged after they j
had submitted affidavits stating that the
Don't Lose Your Nerve, Uncle!
Only Happeni Ono.' ETtry Four
British Miners ;,
Are Not Averse to j
Another Fight
. LONDON, Mar a. -The national con
ference of the miners' federation, jrhlcb
has bean meeting this week to discus
ths operation of the . recently enacted
minimum wags act for miners, adjournel
today after adopting a resolution whirl)
Indicates that the men are not averse to
another fight.
The resolution, which waa carried unan
imoasty. records ihe federation's stren
uous protest against ths swards being
given by the district wages boards. Thes
boards.' tha members of the union dorlar.
fix the minimum wsga for miners at.
figure below .the' reasonable living wage
which the government led the men to
eipect ,
The executive committee of the federa
tion waa aaked to Interview ths govern
ment with the object of obtaining action
on this point and afterward to summon
snot her conference without delay to deal
with tha government's reply.
Wheat Corn and Oats !
Advance on Buying ;
' by the Speculators
CHICAGO. Mv U-Eidted buying by
peculator who wtr trying to replar
holdings thst were sacrificed in th sell
ing stampede laat week caused th price
of all cereals to bulge today tn a sen
sational manner. The greatest strength
was' snowa In ths last hslt hour of
trading snd wa based to some extent
oa fear of damage by hot winds and dust
storms In the southwest. Compared with
last sight, wheat showed a net gala of
r to IS cents for July, coin S cents
and oats is cents. --"
Jealous Lover Kills
.-. Girl and Himself
HAVANA. 111.. Msy a-Wllltara W.
Brown. 8 years old. shot an killed his
sweetheart. Mica Jennie Kelly. U year
old, when no met her on the street laat
aight and then killed himself with the
ssme revolver. Brown had quarreled
with another young man. He told friend
two hours before th snooting they would !
1 1 V
Li I
. 1. B. PfceRU Y
never umm nun maun- wee a rail- I
road telegrapher,
Aged Educator Diet at Home of Hii
Son in Grand Rapid,.
ttradaaa from sal, Later Taklag
a Telgleai tears, aad fes
.ifS'w a Wabissraa la th Early -
i ' . 'Sovoatlea, .
Rv. David Brllnbid Perry.. en sf til
founder and th first pre.ldsnt of Dean
colleg, died yesterday af th horn of
hi son, Thomas Perry. In Grand Rapids.
Mich., at th gg of TI years. He was In
tha east on a financial trip for the
school, and while near Grand Rapids
waa taken down with pneumonia. Is
which he succumbed yesterday.
He waa' bora in Woreheeter. Mssa,
March T. 1. In MM hs entered Tais
eollag and tour roar later graduated
with th degree of A. B. After gilduat
Ing he took one year of theological train
ing at Princeton seminary, and graduated
from the Tale divinity school In IM7 with
th degrae of S. T. B.
He took up hi work In Kebrsekk In
Hamilton county In lITt It waa through
Mr.' Perry., that Lioane college was
founded. , ' I
General Strike of ' '
Freight Handlers
7" 'i ... .... js Ordered
CHICAGO. May 8.-Frelght .hendlers la
all parts of the country today received
notification that a general strike 'ardor
had been Issued by President P. J, Flan
nary of the International Brotherhood of
Railway Freight Handler.
Th strike order waa decided en several
day ago, according to Information given
st ths freight handlers; - hesdnuartert
today, and the notification mailed to th
different unions. - ' I
'ST. PAUL. May 8. -St. Paul and Mine
neapolta freight clerks as well as th
handlers ara expected to strike late to
day. Eleven railroads and L men will
be affected la case a walkout ta declared.
Three Hundred Deaf
Pupils Escape from
, Burning Structure
FLINT. Mich.. May tt-lt Is estimated
that It will cost the stats dose to 100,00
to replace th buildings of th Mlchlgaa
school for the deaf. In this city, that
ware struck by lightning snd burned early
today. Among th Important loose ara
many remarkable place of era ft mare
ship, ths work of pupils of ths Institu
tion. All of th SO deaf children and
teachers and employe who were asleep
In the mala building when the fir broke
out wars rescued without panic or Injury.
Two Killed hy Train
Near Rockford, 111. j
ROCK FORD. in.. May tt-O. R. Peter,
son. Je. year aid. and Mart Larson. J
year old, war instantly killed, while
Mrs. Guat Larson wa fatally Injured by
the Omaha train of th Illinois Centra;
railroad last night .They were walking
a 'rose the tracks whan th train hit
thorn. ' - -
oaalaa Dlplaaaat Is Dead.
MONTE CARLO. Mar It -Count ru-lt.
rtjevltrh Von . Der Oatea-iiacken. Kuerten
ambassador to Germany, aad deaa of the
diplomatic corps la Berlin, died her
day in bis tn year. -
Mexican Forces in Jaaret Told Xuif
Sot Shoot Into American
Confniion Over Imaginary Division
Nearly Cause Trouble.
Contending Forces Prevented from
Coming Into United States.
Federal Expert to , Sarraaad City
They Bvarwated Yesterday aa .
Saaa aa tha laeaunwatoa
Take Poeoeealaa.
WASHINGTON, May n. -Colonel E. X. "
Stssvcr wsa today Instructed by th
War department to Inform tha com
mander of th military fores la Jaorcs '
that he . must not permit any ffing
whatever Into American territory.
I.lae Will Ue plainly Marked.
FA BEN, Tex.',' May &-The inter-,
national border line during tha proa- -pectlve
battle of Guadalupe will be
plainly marked by a cordon it OUva
drab troopers, each carrying a rifle. Th
confusion over th position of tha
Imaginary tin nearly caused aa latere
national episode yesterday.
To prevent contending MexJoaa troop
from using American territory In th
battle. .Colonel , E. X. ateever of the
Fourth I'nlted Statea cavalry today,
ordered twa troops af cavalry ta follow
along th boundary Ho several mile to
th east, parallel to any lighting that
may occur. ,
Tha evacuation of Guadalupe by tha
federals ta a rua that waa expected ta
culminate la a fight Swing th day,
Th - withdrawal of the federals under
Major tenches, southae-i toward th
hill allowed th rebels ta enter th town
and th Inaurrectos will find themaelve
hemmed In on th seat by too men under
Colonel do Da La Crus Saachsa. who
cam up rly today from OJInaga aad
la expected" to tta:k first. The pis
ha been to hav th federals, who want
a few mile south, asov In betwsea
Ouadalup and J a urea, cutting 'oft re
treat ta the west or outk. whit th
American, boundary lln cut aft any
northward' march. .
Titanic Warned of ;
Location of the Berg
! That Wrecked It
LONDON, Msy it-That th iceberg
with which th Titanic celllued was one
af those af which It had warning from
othr ships, m-mg-mwrmtiiili reached by
th board of trad Inquiry after a care
ful xamlnatlen at the wlrelest lelegrsms
passed to and from Ih (learner. .
Tht wa brought out tot th course of
today' hearing when th testimony of
Herbert John Pltms. third officer; Jo
seph Q. Boxhsll, fourth officer, and
Harold a Low, fifth officer of the Ti
tanic, was concluded. Their evidence
wa similar to that given before th
United State senatorial commute.
Jury for Darrow 4 , .
Trial is, Completed
LOS ANGELES. Cel.. May B. Th
selection of the Jury. to try. C'larenc S. '
Darrow. th noted Chicago attorney, for
alleged Jury bribing In the I MeNamero
raae wa completed tht forenoon, open
ing th way tor th taking of rktencoi
After th acceptance of the twelfth
Juror, both aide agreed to the ss led Ion
of a thirteenth, ar upernumrry, ta act
tn th event of Illness of a regular Juror.
Lewis Edmisten of 'r
Graf Kills Himself
TECCMSEH. Neb.; May ' Si-f Special
Telegram. Lewis Edmisten. a wed to da
farmer living near Graff, la this county.
committed suicide this morning by shoot
ing himself twice In th bead with a re
volever. Domestic trouble are reported to
be th causa H la survived by a widow
and tlv children and he waa 9 year
old. Mr. Edmisten own a farm and" a
stock of general merchandise la Ormf.
i I. ...
PHILADELPHIA. May Jt-After being
Idle for forty-four working days, tha
17S.0O mine workers throughout th an
thracite coal flelde of Pennsylvania re
sumed work today under a new wag
agreement. It Is expected that tn a
week or two mining will reach. It nor
mal condition.
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