Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY. MAY 22." 1912.
The man who comes in
here and says: "Brooks,
LARS for a suit," has an
apparel surprise coming
to him. I love frankness
and reward it with con
scientious endeavor. Try
me on suits at "twenty.1
"Knape-Fslt" Mats ax Fin.
n myosin ,
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
W s ' ', ' i ;
Prominent Missouri Woman
I I Relates Her Experience
' , With the United Doctors
. , J.
To Their Skill and Thnrotigbnem la
the) Treatment and Cora of -
. Chronic Disease. ,v.
Possibly on of the went mistakes
made by kim physicians la a careless
examination of their patient. A doctor
should new jump at conclusions, no
difference how seemingly plain and triv
ial a caw may appear. Th doctor should
always aiak a thorough, searching and
painstaking t lamination to And out if
there la not soma underlying, bidden
causa for th disease.
Ons of th secrets of the phenomenal
suae est of th Halted Doctors, who have
their Omaha offices oa the second floor
of the .Neville block." corner llh and Har
ney streets. Is th thoroughness ot thetr
examlnstlons. The United Doctors never
undertake to treat a cass until they fully
understand th cause of the disease and
can explain It t the- patient.
Mrs, E. r. tteeby probably saver had
real, thoroush examination until shs
went to thee specialists. She has Hved
for years., nest, Nodaway, . Mo and . Is
from a well known' and prominent family.
Her merry friend here been "baton letaed
at the treat Improvement la her condi
tion In a single month's treatment with
the United Dec tore, the wishes all
other sufferer ts find th benefit . shs
found, and so writes th following lsttsr
for publication:
"Nodaway, Mo,, May 4th. Mix.
Tor twe years I had ben suffering
with stomach sad heart trouble. When
I, consulted th United Doctors Just a
month sgo I wa In pretty bad snap
and had been around to many physicians
and taken much treatment ot various
kinds without any relief, but got worse
"I wish to ttat that th United Doc
tors have done m mors good in one
month's time than all the other treat
ment put together. I feel better now
than I have for six months past, am Im
proving every day and . know I am an
the right read to cur. I found' th
examining peclsllt of th United Doc
tors very careful and thorough. Beaming
to understand my case from the very
start and I can nob xpres my appre
ciation ot th good don m.
"Mr. E. r. Bteeby."
t ' "Hm W. D. Ho. V
Thousands of others apeak In th same
way. A visit to th United Doctors, who
have their Omaha Institute located at
m Neville Block, comer ot Itth and
Harney streets, costs nothing and may
prev to b the first step on th direct
road to health. It has proved ao for
Ths United Doctors treat enraMe dis
ease ot th stomach, kidneys, ltvsr. dl
eetlvs organs, blood aad name. Includ
ing Indigestion, constipation, , rheuma
tism, catarrh, asthma, spilepey, nervous
disorders, diseases of men and diseases
of women. Consultation and examina
tion la always free aad Invited at thetr
offices, and th opinion of the sperlallst
ts glvea la a frank and honest way.
Ths aid Idea at asm aam tar darkest,
kg th hair Is again coming in veara.
Our grudmsthers had dark, glossy hair
at seventy-fire, wall our mothers are
gray before they are fifty. Oar grand
mothers kpt their hair soft aad glossy
with a Twe," which else rasttjwd
tbs natural cotsr.
Oa objection to taaac sash a sssnsr
auosi was the troobU ed assklna: U Tale
alyjntlna has besot sawwaose hy the
Wyexh- Chemical Company ad Hew Tor,
whs baa placed en the market a superior
preparation sf Sage, imnhasi with -paw
and other valuable iwesitles for
dandruff. Uebavg soatn, asm thin. weeX
taihnc hair.
The aesaty f th haar depends saarb an
Its rich, sews shading than actythxeaj case.
Doaft herrs dry, barnh tasked hair, wwsa
a slnst. harmless remedy H brhag
hack the eoier kt a tow days; sod aewt
and moss, falltac halm. Wyetn-a nan
aad Sulnhsr Baa- pemsdy will sstckly
aorrect thasa tinblsa. aad g)va color,
trongta aad asaaty to yossr hair.
Got a fifty ess battle tram yew drw
gtst tsdig. and prsva tabs to ywar own
smtlsfaetrtsi AH dtuajtsta e it. saves r
guarantee that ths asessejr whs ha ro
tate IT Cm reseedr h not eaacthj a
Exercises Will Take Variant Tonal
,. in Different Schools.
Katortalasaeat at Comoalas Win Be
t Mixed Motors, Esakraclag '
Folk Oaaeosi XI a etc and ' '
A elsas program will he given at Far.
nam school on the afternoon ot June T. at
kit o'clock, and will constat chiefly ot
readings tram th works ot Charles Dick
ens. ' s
Comenlus school will give a class day
program oa May 8, beginning at 2 o'clock
la the afternoon. Other class and field
day date are: Mason, dsn day. May 31
Clifton Hill, play festival. May ; Man
mouth Park, class day. May a; Windsor,
field day. Hay 3; Windsor,- class day.
June 7: Central Park, class day. May 17;
Bancroft, class day. May S. Students at
Lincoln school held their field day exer
cises yesterday.
Following Is th program at the Fsroars
school for Friday afternoon. Juno T:
Dlekeaa Program at Faraaas.
Biography ot Charles Dickens,' by Isa
belle Hartman.
A Dickens' Boyhood. Spenoer Ha cC rone.
Piano Solo, Irene Buck.
Reminiscences of Dlekeaa. Buelia Clark.
Child's Dream of a Star, Helen Olttnor.
"Utile Charley," from "Bleak House,'
Edith TUton.
Character sketches of. "Oliver Twist."
Paul Dombey and Bnuka, By Harry
Caldwell, Milton Bradley and Harold
Piano selection, Thompson Wskeley.
"Utile Nell." from ''Old Curiosity
shop, by Thomas Graham. James Key.
nolde. Victor tians. Dewey Higher,
Blanche Frank, Nellie Dudgeon, Leon
Kehn. Olga Mats. Russell Park. Merlon
Brown, Helen Kemph, I.lllle Hllleman.
Ooldle Melcher, Ruth English. Arthur
Herring, Timothy Sullivan. Harriet
Warner, Margaret Howes. Alvfn Oelsler,
Elisabeth. Burnett, Penelope Hamilton.
"Mr. Winkle on Skates," from "Pick
wick Papers," by Cordelia Johnson.
Piano selection, Nona Qeurett, ,
Class Prophecy.
, Class Day at Corneals.
Th program tor class day at Comen
lus Thursday afternoon. May 8, follows:
Plana duet. "Uislplel Overture," Ella
Edwarde and Rose Hoffman.
Song, "Sons ot Herman," Eight grade
Recitation.' "Our Own Dear tend,'
Delia Uoukel.
Song. "March Away," Eighth grade
chorus. t
Recitation, , "My Country," Anns
Seng "The Ship ot Btate." light grade
ononis, v
Recitation "Borne Home,' Clara loo
kup. .
Sketch, review ot "A Man Without a
Country" by asmma Cecha. ,
Piano duet, "The Wltche Flight,"
Msry Kllllan and Matilda Hermanaky.
Dramatleatlon "A Man Without a Coun
try." Eighth grade boys .
Piano duet. "Qui Vive." Vera Beobt
and Cera bterelts.
-'Klapp dance (Oermsnl. Bleklnf (Bwo
dleh), mountair, march dues (Norwe
gian), by Primary grades.
Games Fox and chicken, arch ball, un
der ball, snake and birds. three deep.
dodge ball, by Fourth grade girls; see
of diamonds (Danish), beans porridge
hot (English), the circus (Swedish), by
Fifth grade girls; mountain march dance
(Norwegian), Btrssak (Bohemian), Hun-
.rlan folk dance, by Blxth grade girls;
ay pole dance (English), by Seventh
grade girls;
grade girls.
weaving gam by Eighth
Joy Eiders Have a ; , .
1 Narrow: Escape on
-West Center Eoad
Two persons were painfully injured and
three , others narrowly escaped Injury
when the automobile m which they were
driving on Center street road, near Con
cordia park, at forty miles an hour, left
ths roadway and crashed Into a telephone
pole. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Jones, gussts
st the nanford hotel, war injured. Mr.
Jones sustained severe bruises sn ths
body. According to Dr. H. A- Waggoner.
Mr. Jones has wrenched back and may
Jiawa sustained internal Injuries.
F. R Leeds and R. C. Fields, of th
Sanftrd hotel, and Miss Perkins of Coun
cil Bluffs, were to ths auto and were
thrown headlong over the front ot th
raachine, but were uninjured. -
A turn in th road was obscured by a
eloud of dust from another machine. Ths
automobile waa wrecked. Ths telephone
pole wss broken oft and waa found lying
across -the automobile. Other autotsts
picked up' ths Injured members ot the
party at midnight n few minutes attar
the accident had occurred.
General Oengeimsn of Cheyenne ts In
tows looking after some legal matters
tor his Wyoming clients. He says tost
many new eettlere are coming lnt the
state and the prospects for a good year
era very krtsht. The general was consul
to Austria under the WUUsm MchUnley
cuncuM SOAP
For Tender Faces
Isdispeneal! for thee subject I red
ness, toughness, sad other irritation
at the skis. Asharlcg luxury. Ho Bug.
neooggysaap, no germs, aewssteef
timsormoaer. To nickeled
stores or by audi. liberal sample free.
A4dressCuUcura,' Dept. 28, Boston.
OafHBCliVCljr efetoMEt ttd staTeprCsTalnjty
CUWiWiaTTinisir JiWa&pceets
" .t'lli' Ft
w i a
City and Water Co.
Come to Terms on
v Occupation Taxes
Reprcaeatstrree of th Omaha Water
company and the legal depart meet of the
city, representing the city com mleet oners
roaahsd an egroemont yoaterday on pay
ment of occupation taxes by th water
company, warrants to th enter company
having been withhold until sottleowat
By the agreement ths wsur company
will pay the olty I per cent occupation
taxes oa ths grow receipts yearly. Occu
pation taxes and penalties were claimed
by the city m the sua of tetttlt-A. Of
this amount VX per month waa penalty
for non-payment ot taxes.
Under the agreement reached th city
will receive tM.W approximately. Instead
ot ncMOR. A meeting of the core ml est oner
wss herd and the metier considered and
agreement reached.
Former city Comptroller Coagrev had
withheld two warrants iasaed by the city
to the water com pan y for hydrant restels
The warrants were for tlftJOO and tlU,
SU.TO. totaling th amount of occupation
taxes claimed.
Thee warrants will be turned over to
the water company upon payment ot ths
occupation taxes sine September. 1
The city had figured occupation ta.
and Interest, including th penalty, to
January 16. 1311
Within the next week, W. F. Chambers,
assistant In the office ot the comptroller,
will go over the books of the water com
pany to ascertain th gross receipts of
the company to the years during which
the occupation taxes have remained un
paid. .
Are Water Board ,
and Water Company
v Getting Together?
Th unheralded presence In Omaha ot
President Woodbury of the water eo
psny. together with Howard Mansfield.
Its Now Tork legal advisor, and John F,
Stout. Its local attorney. In conference
with representative ot th Water board,
haa given rise to talk of noaalbl com
promise ot now pending water work
litigation. Th report to that negetle
Uoos are under way. apparently for th
first tlm in esreest to got together snd
that a complete settlement may he ths
outcome. Should the parttee tall to get
together, appeal front the decision of the
master's report would postpone the final
decree, while by mutual agreemsat pay
ment aad possession by ths city could
bo effected upon a designated dsts. Of
ficer and attorneys ot both Water board
snd water company or reticent on this
subject, aad refuse ts answer sjeestloiis
shout it.
Plattsmouth Chief
Acts as Messenger
Whether aa alleged nets given by
Henry R. Owing to Joseph Fltsgeraui.
former chief ot polios ot Plattsmouth, for
delivery to Mra Benjamin Rodman was a
not or medical preocHption Is not yet
dear, though tbs sot or prescription
waa practically ths sola subject ot eon
Mention yestsrdsy In th . trial of
Benjamin' Redman's alienation damage
gult against Oerlng. ..
Fltxgcrald. who served as eblef far
(our year and tea months under appoint
ment by Oerlng as mayor, testified that
In IK acting gave him a note to deliver
to Mrs. Redman and cautioned him to
transmit It In such a manner that no
one abauld know fat had received It
Matthew Oermg. attorney for his brother,
declared hs will show ths supposed now
was a medical prescription and was glvea
In MOT instead of la IMS. Me cross-examined
Fltigarald aa to the Urn ot th
transaction and aa to whether th papor
waa a not or a fweerlptton. Fltagerald
stuck to his story as to time, hut said
hs didn't knew ths contents of the paper.
Ths remainder of the cross-examination
was designed t show that Fltagerald is
Motrins' to injurs Oerlng because Oerlng
oaoO offered to Impeach the chief when
be wss charged with drunkenness.
When ths morning sitting ended Fits-
geisld still wss on the stand and the
plaintiff had not yet succeesed In es
tablishing any material tact by his testi
mony. .
Injuries Are Fatal
to Charles Kinsman
Charles Kinatnaa, aged II years, a house
wrecker, who wss hurt last Friday in
ths Ames building. Sixteenth and Far
nam streets, died la 8(. Joeeph hospital
yesterday. Kinsman was working oa
a scaffold. lour stories from th ground.
when o guy rope holding op the frame
work became severed and precipitated
him to the ground. Ho sustained a osra
pound fracture of th skull and Internal
injuria. His death haa been expected
tine Saturday. H tired at HI Miami
street. '
Judges snd clerk of election who
served at the nrimarle .April I and a:
th city election May 7 may receive war
rants by calling at th comptroller
office, where thsy were prepared yester
day. ' .
Each clerk and each judge win reserve
S per day far servtce at the primary or
the dectioa. At n meeting at the Board
of Education last night clerks and Judges
tor the primary were awarded UM eea
per day.. " .
With th railroads Tuesday was ths sec
ond "homeoeekerr" day of the month, and
While there wart many people moving
about looking fer new locations th num.
ber wss not as great so had been antici
pated. The Northwestern. Bm-llngtos
sod Union Pacific had extra ears at-
jlashed to trans runaene; out lata Ne
braska, and Wyoming and th movement
of bsDeeeekera la that direction was
heavy. ... - '
Th Baker Manufacturing company
1H construct a etx story retnfaeoed eea
crete building back of the D. 3. O' Br lea
efetabttactcajene. Haas are hshsg prepared
by architects Fisher A Lewtfe. Bids wtfi
Q We Have. TJ
Started Something
Four weeks ago, hearing that an eastern piano factory had to "shut down" on account of having too many
fianos on hand, owing to cancellations from retailers, we made them an offer they accepted WJ5 STARTED A
ACTORY GOING. The pianos (about 200 in number) were immediately loaded and shipped to us. They are
hew and are now being placed on our floors. . .
Tuesday, May 21 at 8 A. M.
Buyers will get more piano value for their jnoney than has ever before been offered. -
We will sell Pianos Highest Grade Standard Pianos Fianos that for beauty of ease design, sweetness of
tone qualities, durability of construction, and everything that goes to make up the best Piano, at a saving Of
from $125 to $275 on each instrument. We can do this and still male" money, for we bought direct from the fac
tory and we save in our purchase priea the same.
We have started something that will be of value to every home in Nebraska that is without a Piano. .It is up
to yon to finish it do it and do it at once. You will never live to regret buying, but will always rejoice , in .the
great Piano Bargain you will receive. .
Below Are a Few of the Prices
Full aise, beautiful oak caae, colonial CI 7
style, was $375, now : ...PI Of
Genuine mission case, beautiful tone, was .
$400, now
Large, fine art, case, beautifully carved, j
was $700, now
Large, beautiful Circassian walnut case,
brass trimmings, was $450, now
Strictly colonial ease, fancy mahogany,
was $350, now ,
Full sise mahogany art ease, beautifully
figured, was $450, now .............
Fine, large oak case, very impressive, , ' C))C
, was$425,now ...f,..f
Beautiful, large, plain oak case, was $375,
Nice, plain case, Circassian walnut, semi
colonial style, was $350, now f .
Fine, large American figured walnut case,
wat: $500, now
Hay den . Eros.
Offers to Take Settlement at tat
Sato of 39Centi a Day. :'.v
iTSCH' to loos Arm rooo
WIU too that th r re seat Coatraa-
tors Sepply Wholesome Meat
at ths CoMtv jail troas -'
This Tfcxes On.
Sheriff reltx It McShane ha reduced
kit tt.T bin Sgalnat th county tor feed
tg Jail prisoners e ta.tao. He appeared
before the Board ot County Commission.
ers and said h would be satisfied to
tsks psy st ths rata ot cents day
Instead of M cents. John C. Lynch,
chairmen of ths hoard, said he would be
m favor ot allowing the reduced claim,
but Commissioner Frank C. Best said he
would' oppose any such action. Comrata-
aranon Bleessee- and O'Connor did not ex
es their attitudes: Commleeloner Hart
wss not present. Th claim will not be
abtad upon until Friday. ,
Commleeloner Best declared th county
will be no more Justified la paying
osnta a day than in paying M cents
. "Furthermore." oald Mr. Best, "I am
Informed by Courtney's meat man that
Oardlpt A (lanes an, th present tesov
mg contractor, are paying tit cento -a
pound for meat for ths prisoasrh while
MeBhsne only paid I cents,"
They are eeyinf m cents," oorreoted
. Commissioner Lynch ssld he will take
It upon himself personally ts so that
prisoners are properly fed on Whole
some, nourishing food. Th hoard agreed
to lot Oardipa Flanagan retain ths
contract and feed the prisoners under
Lynch'i supervision. Th contract, will
sot be taken from them unlee trier is
further complaint.
Th ttnth annual state convention of
the Bon of Herman, a German national
society, began yesterday at ths Ger
man horns snd will continue through to
ssy. About 1M delegstes from all parts j
of ths ttat are In ttaadancs. The ad
dress of welcome was delivered by Mayor
' A Life Problem halved '
by that greats health Ionic, Klsctrlo Bit.
tera, . Is ths enrichment of poor, this
blood, and ptrsagthenlng ths west. Ma,
rot sal by Beet as Drug Co, '
You will tone tip your
system and feel Wttar for
tmkinf,b the tTJornbffHllnMol
Bl BaUBebi iOf
"I eat such a lot of TRIX mama
says I'll be a big boy soon." ;
K 1 " " " f -
- .... . - - M -
A delicious
If your grocer is not yet supplied,
telephone Doagku 36S6 and a
package will be delivered to you.
Scientifically blended
from wheat, rice and
.barley. "Easy to digest
and highly nutritious.
The New England Cereal Co.,
South Nrwlk, CamA.
Omaha Sales Co.,
National Fidelity Bldg..
Waster Dtttribulort . . . .
.Could SJiythinij ba mors
Important than an always
eff ectiys motor car signal
to avert accidentl ' ,
' Remember, JERICHO I
7 MM $
OCKASi blr.A.llBMil'0.
(art . Ca
X worn
ot XX i.lM)OU
tmirm. s . a b - sta
Ilirs Asst. Tie. KHh, IOA-X,
tTtetorla tVoiee . .dth, a- t
rss. laaooia ... tth, U sV at.
Amarika lata, A. t-
I rrstori Utb. il.ll
CUeelaad tcrth. 10 A. at.
aasabarg ttd, 1 aooa
xalsa Aa-. Tlo. ritt, S A. M.
rsa. Siaat ....nth. It A, at.
Otastaaatl : 4th, jg noon
lOoassylsaaia . .th, 10 A. kt.
Asssrlka llta, r. X.
Vree. XJaoela . .tstb, li.ll.
OlsTshvad tSvh, t A. K.
lid cabin only. V'1U call at
Boulogne. list Cabin only.
to the lam or m sgxa.
Vtam S. Eltht delighUul
cruises euiing dsse, Jeiy
Aarast, from Baatbus; to
Vorway, sTorth Cays, Spite Sex
gsa, tselasd. etc IMtrauaa It
U i uaya ... - .
Cost $62.50 and up '
lseM tsrXee. Leifs ttMmsttee.
vicTowa uii," "Ktto.vrniN.'
Utsiti cscsua-'aa ltrrgo-
Writ tor bonlilet ot any cmiaa.
un '
ISO W. sVasdolBfe SV,
Ohieaga, m, r loeal act.
ismiti inn
n , .
he received soon Snd work began stan
early aalo.
nail DrasQa.