THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1912, 1 V. A toa. Tl BRIEF CITY NEWS Save Mat MM It UMU sf clack. stna, 1ft sua DeucUa L. Taesna. Reese 411 Bw Bide am official Muki tor apptioauon tor x-rmm of pension under lot tew ,MJ n. ml Crete aea la Hw4-r. J. Pnlerty. motorcyclist, eras fined IS and costs la police court. Traffic Officer Emery says be arov hla machine forty-five mile as hour, i raster Tears Was Ossst fudge Pester, who went to Im Ana-ele to at tend the Shrlner eatnartnc la making aa extensive tour of the Pacific enact. He baa visit. Baa Werai Euenede, Lower California; Saa Fraaetseo. Portland and Seattle. Ha la expected back next week. Mver Strikes Bay Joa alamo. acd V. an Italian living at Fourth and Wool worth, waa arrack by aa automobile while crossing the Sixteenth street via duct oa bicycle. Hla machine was oe 'moltshed and hla1 leas lacerated. The driver did not atop, bat speeded away. Macno aaya the car bora the number "Warn Nebraska." . , Te ZawewUgaa Taesaea" Death An In quest will be held Wednesday to deter mine the real cauaa of Myron E. Thomas' leaui. He died Sunday afternoon while rated on a bench la Jefferson Square ,-uik. . Camaraa Join tttaelslr Kenneth B- Cemeron police' reporter oa the World- Herald, baa resigned to become business manager of the Sheridan. Wye., Enter Srtse. Ha wtU be associated with Burk H. Sinclair, formerly city editor of the World-Herald, and now editor of the Enterprise. Felloe te be Xmspeote Tuesday. May 8, Police Commlasionar Ryder, Chief of Police Donahue and other city officials will make a thorough Inspection of the police department. All shifts will before their scrutinising eye. The officers have been advised to procure whit vests gnd white gloves for the eocaatoa. Leslie Orders the Roads to Build the V,' Nicholas Viaduct Mandamus writ cotmnandlng the Illi nois Central. Missouri Padfla and North western railroads to; build ths Nicholas street viaduct waa Issued by Judge Charles Leslie of the acuity division ?' district court Tuesday, marking the dls- trlct court and of th city's fight with tl railroads over this viaduct. The roada contended that because of ths narrowness ef the viaduct asked by the city and th presence of many small commercial plants In the affected tern tory th viaduct would be of aa valu to anyone and a great expense to tha roada . '' Should tha viaduct be constructed as ordered. It waa contended, there still would be a grade crossing oa Nicholas street and M par cent of th traffic wouij contlnu to us thla crossing. Th ottv has refused to vacate and cloae th street under th proposed viaduct because It would work Injury to affectsd plant an either side of th strait. Judge Leelie held th railroads' show In- did not warrant th dental ef the mandamus writ prayed for by tha city. WITNESS CHANGES EYIDENCE John Carney Denis. Statements Said to Hart Been. Made Before. KOTHDTQ SEW JS GSOSS CASE Trias' at rial as. Aseat Grees aa th Charare of Jary Brtblaaj Strike ' a Staaafc-Uaa Black la It .' "Witneea. John Carney, a wnang witneea for th prosecution tn th Grose-Kemmerlln- jury briber contempt cans la th fall of 19H. proved an unwilling witneea when placed upon th stand by th state In th trial of Arthur W. Grose, farmer claim agent for the street railway company, for offering a bribe to Jobs) A- Kara marling. Couaty Attorney James p. Eng lish waa taken by curorts when Carney denied having heard Omaa tell, someone over tha telephone that he had "thrown up his Insldoe." Carney stuck to hit de nial even when the county attorney read th statement from a transcript of th Carney testimony In th Kemmarllng con tempt case- 1 Camay's surprising attitude and testi mony of Jamas Allan, private detective, that he took Kemmerllng t Council Bluffs and kept him then-for five days while tha sheriff was hunting him with capias war th features of the Gross trial yesterday morning. Allan testified he did the work under direction of "Cap tain" T. Cormack, another private de tective. . John Carney and hla mother, who. at th contempt trial of Kemmerllng. testi fied that they were m Gross' offlo when ha received a telephone call from some one regarding th Kara marl tnr case, were subpoenaed by tha stats. The Carney had a damage claim against th railway company and war visiting Gross to talk over a settlement. Carney's testimony today was vague and failed te strengthen tha state's case materially. Mrs. ' Carney failed to ap pear and sent a certificate from Or. J. P. Langdoa that the waa Ul. Tour mothar Is sick In bed. Isn't h?" asked Mr. English of Carney. My mother has been sick In bed for mora than a year," was ths answer. "WslU'la she sick In bed now?" "She's been up around th house a lit. lie," - Wasn't she out walking this morn- ll" . . 'No, atr.- ' It you war told that th sheriff want out to subpoena her and cam back and reported that she waa out walking would you still say ahs wesn'tr" - A sheriffs deputy had nought Mrs. Car ney with a subpoena and brought back th report that ah waa out walking and h could net find bar. Senior Class Plat I - Has Fine Rehearsal ' Th first stags rehearsal of "A Royal Family." th three-act drama which will be presented by members of ths Omaha High school senior class on Friday even. !ng. May XL at tha Brand els theater, was hsld at that theater yesterday afternoon under th direction ef Mia Ulllan Fitch. All of th thirty-nine atudenta who are Included la th cast took part, going through th entire three acta and four scenes In creditable fashion. Lines have already been mastered and all that re mains for the youthful thesptana until th presentation of tha piece la an qualntanco with th footlights and stag eettlnga At least one dree rehearsal wlU be held next week. Miss Ulan Renner and Everest Chi Ids have tha leading parts. . . Treasurer Issues : ; pistress Warrants First distress -warrants for th collee Dob of personal taxes were Issued tram th office of the county and city treas urer Tuesday and placed la th hand of Sheriff stcShane for service. . There are from IHMMO'to S3M0 In par. . sonal taxes for each ef th last fifteen years te be collected, and Treasurer Ur will issue warrants for all who can reached and who have refused to pay. Among th warrant Issued Tuesday wss a Mil for IX uncollected t against one ef Sheriff . Mcghane a per sonal friends and snthusiastle boosters. Vans to haul away persons property have been placed at th eenrtee of th treasurer aa well aa th sheriff. Other warrants will be forthcoming within 'the next few days. Constable Seizes .Furniture of an ' ' - Omaha Attorney Andrew E. Walkca, well known Omaha attorney, waa made defendant In two suits for tm and' tie la county and Jus tin courts Tuesday and hla office furni ture and fixtures were attached to protect the claimant. Mra Sopkl Payne. Walkup la barred from, hla oan office by Con stable Hansel and tha property is in the custody of W.' H. Swift, appointed cus todian by the constable Mrs Payne started suit against Walkup for tic la Justice Ebon K. Long's court and m county court Instituted suit for USX iR both petitions she alleges that she employed Walkup to make collections for her In Ia. that th collection were made, but ah has been unable to Ittijce the attorney te pay her the money. Attach men te were asked In both case. One attachment waa made la the morning and la the afternoon aa attachment was made la the fan) suit. Learning that the attachment had been Issued Eetelle Marquette. South Thirteenth street, telephoned to Henry Oenau. attorney tor Mra. Payne, and demanded to know where Walkup waa. Oenau aald he did not know. According te QenauMiss Marquette excitedly as serted that she held a mortgage against all Walkup'a office and personal effects, but no such mortgage Is on record at th court house. Efforts ef reporters to find Walkup to day were unsuccessful. The contable as cured service upon him through his at torney, M. O. Cunningham. The cases are set tor hearing Thursday. Water Hearing Off ; While Judge Goes -to Son's Wedding Judge W.. H. Mungar left Monday far North PUtts. where be will, be present at the marriage of hla eon, M. Horton Munger, te Miss Oeraldine Beehr ot North Platte. H ( expected to return late Wednesday and be ready to hear arguments la th amount of supersedes bend to be tiled by the Omaha Water company Thursday. . Armour Packing - Company Heads at Banquet for O'Hern Maada ef the office departments of the Armour Packing; company gave a farewell banquet te John A. O'Hern, th new general superintendent of the Ar mour plant, last night at the Millard hotel. Speeches were made by several of the men who have been closely asso ciated with Mr, O'Hern tn the past, and an expressed deepest regret of hla leav ing the local plant, whle haa thrived and become one of the largest ef th Armour houses under his careful supervision. Mr. Harris of the Armour company was toastmaster and under hla gutdaar lb evening waa full of lite and pleasure. ;e which all of the fifty, mea present en tered Into with heartiness. James Urtttln and A. E. Casey expressed the earn sentiments, as did manr others . . Armour A Co. knew just where and how to pick th best man for thla posi tion when they chose Mr. , O'Hern." asld General Manager Howe. "He ha de served everything he haa received In the A Permanent Cure For Chronic Constipation HyersandBriggs Argue for a Change Arguments were mad at Pa pillion yes terday afternoon for a change ot venue In th casta against Sheriff Hyers of Lin cola and Chief Brigga of South Omaha, who are held te account for tha death of Roy Blunt, who waa killed In the pur suit of murderers ef prison official. Ar guments for the change are based on tbe feet that prejudice against the defendants is so Intense In Sarpy county that a fair and Impartial trial cannot, be bad at PaptlUon. -' General G.M. Dodee Speaks Here Flag Day The Elka have secured General Gran ville M. Dodge, the civil war veteran commander, to' deliver an address st th flag day celebration at tb Orphsum theater, June 14, which will be held under th auspices ot tha Omaha lodge. MUSIKVEREIN FUND HAS REACHED SUM OF $23,000 The campaign fund of th Muslkvria Society for the erection of a new concert hall at Twenty-second and St. Mary s avenue haa new reached K3.0M. Phillip Handschuh subscribed am, Monday which la th latest donations received by the committee la charge of tha cam paign. - BOYER-VAN KORAN SAFE EASY PREY FOR ROBBERS Whea th Boyer-Vaa Kuraa Lumbar company office at Twenty-fourth an Boyd street waa closed Monday night asm on forgot to knk th safe A bur glar brake Into the place afterward and without any 'difficulty removed Wot from the safe. No clues were left by the Intruder. .. : . BURGLARS STEAL MATCHES " AND THEN LIGHT OUT Burglars broke Into' the Grocers' Spe cialty company's warehouse early Moo day morning and after taking three cases of matches lit out Th loss wsa reported last night. - 'For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain Liniment. Try It and aea bow. quickly It ogives relief. For sal by all dealer. , Omaha is Selected as Convention City Omaha baa been thnsia as the place for th BU eoarventloB of th Nebraska State Medical aseoelstlee, Mere thaa dess gatca wlU he entertained by tha Oowglsa County Medical society la May next rear. . . ' . . , . Army Notes - There are a number of guests st Fort Crook and la their honor many Social ; a' fairs will be given. Miss Foster of Fort Warn Is the guest ef Chaplain and Mrs. Chenoweth; Mrs. D. C. Whitehead of Denver Is a sister and gucet of Mra. William Allaire, and Mra Dille. mother ot Mra. Keller, ta also ' visiting st the post Mrs. Toungtof enter tained at bridge Monday afternoon tor them. Mra. Allaire will give aa evening . bridge Tuesday la their honor. Wed nee tar Mra Keller will aotertala at luncheon. Friday Mrs. Allaire win entertain at luncheon, and Saturday evening Captala Howell will entertain at dinner, followed by a theater party. OMAHA DANES SEND , - FLOWERS FOR DEAD KING Dane In Omaha, through Mr. I Srb b eras iib.. as dstsl by oasis a. barge floral deal re ta be placed oa (he beer of lata King PTuaejrV . and awe sent mlegrsms ef mudulsma t tbe royal family. . : MO-HELEN Quick Detachable Clincher 1 STRONG ''til VV RESILIENT ' 11 1 k. DURABLE - Jfy J past and ever will receive, because h has been equal to the occaeloa." Colonel W.- C. Pipe said there were very few mea In the world who are good enough to have a position mad for them and few who deserve It so well at Mr. O'Hera. "My success was greatly due to the co operation of the men working under ma you men gathered her tonight et thla farewell reception to me," said Mr. O'Hera ; "No matter where I will go or where I will be, I will alway look back with prid to th boy of South Omaha" Music songs and various other enter tainment brought to a dose the happy gathering. Schveous Services Held at Synagogue Schveous services will be held at tbe Chevra Bnai Israel Synagogue, Eight eenth and Chicago streets. Msy 3 and 3. Services will be held Tuesday even ing, Wednesday morning and evening enl Thursday morning. Rabbi Fleiaher will officiate assisted by the synagogue choir directed by Mr. Ronkln. A special pro gram has been arranged for these serv- Icea . . Although those may dispute' It who hare hot tried It, yet thousands of others, who speak from personal experi ence, assert that there ta a permanent cure for chronic constipation. 80 me testify they were cured for as little sa fifty cents, years ago. and that the trouM never came dock on tnem, -wniie others admit they took several bottles before a ateady cure was brought about. Th remedy referred to is I'r. raid- well's Syrup Peps la. It haa been on the market -for over a quarter - ot a century and has been popularised on lis menta, ny one person leinng simmer. The fact that Ma etrongeet supporters are women and elderly people the ones most persistently constlpaled-mske It certain that the claims regarding It as oermanent cure for constipation have not been exaggerated. It la not violent use eatnanir puis, salts or water, but operate gently, without griping and without shock toj the .system. It contains tonic proper-' ties that strengthen tha stomach and bowel muscles so that In time medicines of all kinds can be dispensed-with and nam 1 Is assln solely relied on. Among the legions who testify to these fact ar Mr. U. V. Palmer. a Peven port et., Dinahs. Neb., and Miss Rachel Bar ha, Trov. Iowa, and they always have a bottle of It In the house, tor It la a reliable laxative for all ihe family from Infancy to eld age. Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying it In the regular way ot a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle (family else can have a sample bottle sent tn tha home free of charge by simply addressing IT W. B. Caldwell. o Washington St.. Month-ello. 111. Tour name and address on a postal card will do. 810 $15 Young Men's and Men's Suits Most clothing stores sell suits at above prices, bat we know that at these prices we offer you the best! values, and you will agree with us when yon examine our clothes. Many who have bought agree with us. ' You will find great difference between our suits at $10, $15 and $20 and the ordinary suits offered at that price and that dif ference is in our favor. You won't find any outlawed styles in these suits of ours. Our styles are all new, smart and up-to-date, hence our suits for young men are up to the minute, bristling with distinctive points. DRS.MACH &I.1ACH aoseseor to BAILEY & MACH ' Kxpert dentistry st modsrst prices all work In charge of ex perts t Only sterilised Instru ments used. Porcelain fillings Just like the teeth. Moet mod ern ly equipped office In Omaha. TMlaD rtOOm. PAXTO" BLOOK Comer Ifltb snd Parnate Sts, rr Easily Fits Any Quick Detachable Rim ;v; No Tools Required The superiority of Michelin Tires is retgnized all over the World I - IW STOCK BY ' -" , if --,' - Nebraska Buick Auto Oo. " " ' ' ""-a- i 191M4-16 Faraan SL -Tel. 721. T ' OMAHA Paris and the Skirt : . ' , - " ." - Ycu can find out if you want to know and, of course you d what Pri My, .' ' what a gret dressmaker has'. ' done , and what Mis Gould thinks, not only about the Pannier skirt, but also the other new ideas in spring and ' summer clothes. The Pannier skirt is still scant There will be the kimono , sleeve and the sleeve bouf- fant. 1 " ' There will be sash drapings, . flouncings and pleating. It will be a silk season in Paris and here. OTHER things collected and ( I translated for you out of the original French about clothes and dress accessories, include - ' - The Right Clothes for a ' Short European Trip" "The Lingerie Blouse of To- day" - - ..- ; "Embroideries for Littler Girls" v "An Embroidered Pongee Costume" " , 'Dress for a Girl Graduate" "Two Stenciled Dresses" and many other helpful hints for every woman who wears clothes and cares what she wears and how she wears it Ealing in Summer Of coune, you must eat, but this is the time to abandon, the heavy, hotdiahe. Mki Fanner describe some exceilent vegrtanan diihe god ureet a whole month of menus for June. M for JUNE All steWMtsUKsS IsOtaT PanraerW r o i. vwj.-.y J, . v M urn i r v y Freaca I A J . res isksr. I 1 V? V-i ides e Use I I Xvk Pisnsar J ' I &y?? WOMAlfS 1 COM FAN The Biazar of Barg ams f . n How rnany tfiings you want that cents will buy ANY things pu wit to do but don't liUV TW I IW" ' 'SMI thouehtof doing you will rou wul appreciate and car 1 know how. Many things you never vulnowwanttodo. Things you wul appreciate and can use to help you dress better and less expensrvejy, ro neip vou Keep house better and more economically, to help you educate.entertain, bring up and dress your children. Special ankles for mother of daughter, and daughter of mothers, for husband and wive , thort ttorie and long ttorie! a delightful vi'rt with "Prince Pat," the loveliest of English princeuetj editoriaU and ar ticle about book and ait just th ort of reading for June 15 cent. - J ." Wexldlngt, . In June mother's fancy turn to thoughttof a ft daughter wedding. 1 he June Home wed ding" will be just u helpful to tuch a mother a'TVJuivBrrde'LinenChet." "The Vanishing Husband," however, i for wives whose wedding occurred several June ago. . Luncheons and Parties . Each month has hi own social functions. For Tuna there are suggestion ranging all the way from '.'Some Appetising Strawberry Uesaert by ran nie Merntt Farmer, to tome special June narties. including "A Goinv Abroad Luncheon," which work in well with Mia GouliT t article on 1 ne Right Clothe for a Short European Trip." The Summer Vautfots If you cannot go abroad why not ipend the vacation out door in a portable home, tuch a .it described in "A Portable Vacation House?" Another"vacadon idea is "A Backyard Experience Camp." A third Mggettioa m m "The Fresh Air CJub." L - Any one of these suggestion VY cairiedout will be worth many' t issLSe. tune fifteen cent for ijrour ummer enjoyment ;. The Fall of the Eiffel Tower It might be caQcd the "Awful " Tower because die Tower represents die great percentage of infant mortality in the past which ha been reduced by the method described methods you can employ. It will interest aft mother because summer t) a hard time for the baby. , . " And then the Children" There arc more Kewpies, more Jack-and-Betty Advm ture, Prizes for Young People, and a two-part story for girls, called Martha, by Eunice Farlind. There it also a fine picture ready for framing, by a tpecial new German process the equivalent of a ccwdy engraving. , ' tf-V H OME Tka Crewefl rVsbfisassf Casssany Ml Fearta Avaaaa, Maw Yera Ideas for clothea, coolrJas;, boosev .ftinushrnt, childTeri, estertaunrrMBt, TacatiotM 1500 ideas for 15 cents '.' ' .'A." --' ;