--. THE ' BEEr OMAHA:. TTi3)XBSDAY;;ilAf -22,:191- ITHE OMAHA DAILY BEE liNDEii by EDWAKO KObwAibiU i VlCTl .a ROSEWATEK. EUIToH. l.fcB Bl'lLXilXG. KAKkAU AND l.TM 1 Enured at OotMpWulda u seinnd t as matter. 1 tl tRilS OK LBSCKI10X unday Be, one year itimuv Um am vki r ....... ,.n j. aiiy Bea ithout Sim-eyV. one Ijttiiy Hee ud undar. .one year .. DKUVERED BY CAHKJXR. ! Xrenlng bee iwitn Sunday). pes' mo.,.. i-Wiiy Bee (including Sunday . Pr mo- lAly Be (without Sunday), par tn--;ec J Addraaa all complaints or irregalerluee 4a eelivao it city Ctr"ilatioa S Remit bv "rati, express or poetai anlar, . .... ... in,. a.. PiibhAhinc ocmpany. fSily J-cent stampa received la permeM mt email arcou. is. Personal cneesa. ea tea ea Omaha and-eastera tscoans. at accept ad. OFFICES. '. $ Omaha Th Ee Building. I South Omebe Wis .N til. Linoolo-J Little Building. C Chtcege-liel Marnuette B'J ng. ,aw Yora-M West Thlrty-tbird. W asht nyton T Fourteenth M.. W. CORRk-i-oNtNCK. r.i -ii.ii.m Miauua lo new ana editorial mate ehouli be eddrad jmah nee, r.aitonei ufnw" J AFKiU CIRCULATION. I 50,109 ' ' ,.,. f Kehraika. County of Iouglee. ai Dwteht Wnlltma. circulating manager f Tlie Bea Publishing otnpany, being gluly sworn, says tnai ih-yr deiir irnlatlon. for, the month of April. IHU, r MV-?-)WtOHt 1 ' - , circulation Manag. I guboenbed m my oreaenc n4 swore H before ma Ula Jnd dtv of May, lsu a .Beet. I , .,- KOBKRT HCNiiuH. ... m , , , notary Pabte. g Mtwriem lenviag aa, city eaiBrartIr ahaela aw TB Bra maUed ta ibae. Addreee will be ekaaged ai a flea aa rw- Did fee decide to bay a new bonnet r iutoT . .. 11 . " . i. perbipt tA Buen wm only thoot- - Nebraalta ti bully old WU, r tardlaaa of lu poUtloa. ' v ' rUTi' day ! Udlea' day at tba ball park. Oh. you dad! ' ' , ' Mow miay of tb iieoplo wbo a4 vorato park! aver vlalt tbamf ' ; Patten majr.ba a (rtat- plunfer, but torb-llaa. ha r alnaa. j JlltOd.'tha "applaklni at tba araat" hilled blaaalf. Woman and Ua appla anal-' Bprinf , aatumn, tummer or'vtn ter, It U ner oat of aeaooB to bpoat for Omaha. ? ' - ' If tba alterable Airbaaon died Ula 4 man It la wall, for ba tailed to lla like ona. . . . ' . . S : Tba real huuot of tba eamnalcs. la ta tba thought of Colonel Rooee yelt bartat "maneier."-, !; , It will not ta denied, bowerer, that tba Hanaatar trnat ta rtaptnf ona od tree a4rtli!ni. Tkoee new bora twlna wboaa father la will probably call hit "jtrandpa" when they grow on.' Thla aearob tor crtmlaal traita an grata that Detetta Burnt might be tba ri(Bt van tot attorney taaaral. ' It will not be tha tlret rapabtloan eational eonventlon that Mr. Bryan will bare, reported from tha preei tablaa. ' - .-' 4 ; Baaa ball, with Ha tlgere, Cuba, white elephant; grtullea, antalopaa nsd like tbloga, la uru a wild gme Iter all. ' li than, too, at laaet halt of Ihaee lahlea dtagraiainr tha preeldeaUa! altgataeot art ' aura to be knoektd Into A aoekad hat. . ' I, t. ' Thoaa wha are advocating new-and , amaller cotoi. eould make a Bit with ua by replenishing tha aupply of tha aba wt aaed to litre. . , Tha commlaalaa plaa 4oaa , not neeeamarily rprodnoa tha maalclpal milleaalum, but-It ought to give ausady and noticeable Improvement.- It really aeema aelflak tor Je braaka to enjoy till aalubrloaa oaona whtla other autea cannot. But tha door la open -to all- who want ta nharaltr " .- " If the Methodist gtneral. confer ence) want to sulk ea araal pop alar chord. It will adopt a rul limit ing the length at Sunday seratocs to twenty, minute. .... Governor Stubba deal res to abol ish the legtalatar. . That might be all right so long at Governor. Stubba lived, bat what would become ef' the tute If he should bappea to die, Do'wa la Missouri milk drtnitng contesU are gala la vogue. Tnoaei profligate Miaaoariaa will bo lndulg lag la butter eating matcho the bait thing w It sow. According 4f the dlspsteaaa, Clar ence Darrow 1 doiag aiac of, th attontey work la his ova ?. At tb rate Darrow asually gets, it will pay bin to to it til . . , , It turns oat that a majority, of Sa braska'a repabllcag eonveatioa dele gate were personally enlisted for La FoUette. although now, instructed for Roosevelt In this respect tfcfy ar ta the same ot as the Roosevelt deksxtes in 'aiassaclntaetu tastrseted lor Tart, tN ta Taft aVeiagatas tall! Marnd lattraeted for Rooaevelt. .t I Boot for TrapreVcnuirmn , The eelection by the subcosjmittee en arangemeata of Ellhii Root to be thaiporary chairman of tba repnb- lican national eonveatioa at Chicago aeeorda that high honor to ona of the moat contpicnoui and ablest lead er of tha party, and ought to have tba unqualified approraJ of all con cerned. Mr.-Root waa eecretary of war lk the JUKInley cabioat. aad aecretary of ttate In tha Rooaeralt cabinet,. ru ring to go Into the tea ale. Aa ona of tha delegatea-at- large tb tha' conrention "from the great Empire Kite, ha hat teen fa voring tha renomlsatloa of President Tart, but Colonel Rooaevatt thou Id bava no fault to find with tha selec tion, bacauae Mr. Root waa llkewlae temporary chairman of tha republi can national convention which waa held la Chicago In 184, whan Tbea dore Rooaevett ' waa' nominated tpr pretldtnt. ,Tho( chief function of thai temporary cnairman it to oaiiver tne opening' addreaa I reviewing the achlevementa of tha party, and point ing out tha reaaona why It tbould be entrutted with the further ' con fidence of tha paopla. That Senator Root can, and will, do thla In a maa tarly taaaner no ona will for mo ment doubt Pentiont for Preacher. Tha Pretbrterlan church la general- ataembly baa ratified the pre liminary action of tta committee rec ommending penitoae of I50 a year for anparananatad mlnlatar. Thua It la acting rn Una with Induatrlal In. atHutloBa. thai have conceived tha wtee-plan pi. making provUton for tha old kg of their aorployes. Tba etrurch doea wsl to keep abrtatt of iba'progfeaaiva aplrlt ta tnla way, aad oartalely..ao claaa of mea call louder for toil kind of recognition than thotf wbp give their Uvea to tba ministry, wbera thay bava few, if any, opportunltie for laying up compe tencies for tha futura. ' But the Preabyterlana' action an this pabalon matter la of particular Importance takan Into consideration with another point which tba general ataembly bat brought op, namely, the tendency of congregations to crowd out tba elder preacher and prefer tha yonng onet. Tbl vary fft l a moat cogent argument forpniioe and yet ; good bualeesa economy abonld tee .that thor bacdmea aa ground for the exlttencs of aucb aa argnmeat. y '. Tba length of time devoted to praparatloa for tha ilnlitry, espe rtally la tbl and': some ' other eburcba. makea It Imnoaalblc for tba average man to serve muck mora thtvn flrteea roars In' tba pulpit before ha reaches that deadline wbUa many thureooe r dtawlag a Mnf t 41. or a congragalioB to msrk'aa as undesirable at thla ago la hardly .Tr patlbla with'wbal the church teacbM. Ak a matter of f act, U doea aesa that. U there it a profession! In which the Lrlpenub Of age with Its seasoned Judgment, tta large leaning and It ptoue Influence, should count for most,' that profeealoa ta the ministry. Cvery seminary In thla oharch bear evidence of the difficulty la getting youths to reapond to tb call of tha ministry. -Is It any wonder, whaa, la addltioa to tha material sacrifice that arast be mad, tha church draw tha deadline ea a man Just aa he I really entering hta prime? The free, byterlaas seem to have taken hold of a 'very live proposition and they will wla favor,' ao doubt, by doing what caa b tone to efface thla fool lab and unjust discrimination. literacy Ttt for Immigration. Strong opposition baa arisen to that clause la the senate Imralgre-Itoa- bill Dof la the house exacting aa edaaaMoaal teat of all Immigrants. The oppeaftlea ta Just aa maalfeat as that" to- tb passport; clause ef the same bill, which denies refuge to political prisoners and which has been denounced as a contradiction of iWprinctiSlea of liberty oa which ear government waa founded. ' - Prof. Charle R., Henderson, tb eminent sociologist of the Uni versity of Chicago, condemns tha lit ersry test as absurd, asserting: "If Immigration is to bo mrrieted for ecoaomlo reasons," that Had of legis lation should b opea and frank, ft tttould dc be cloaked ander tb bill." ; f ';'' This act should not' pass 'In ha present forts, nor thoall InunlgT ttoa 'reetrtctloa betotae- the Intlrb ment for tb aggrandisement 6 aps clat Intersex a. America la tap' longer America wbea it deala admission to aa.allea sound at body aad mtgd, tree of criminal talst or latent, aad ambitious' dnly tor a-' cbaac ta eanf an honorable living. This nation, 'which' sprung -from the ImarigTant, caaaoC.coaaistaatly damaad more or ccaslstantly dan tba praatst er fes tare Immigrant the nam prlvltaaw stforfled to ou,r i fathers and theirs la thla land of opportunity . ; it baa awvar.beea abawa that artm lasnty. diiaHse er pautxrtsas. th car dldal barrier to Immlgrautioa, le mare Inherent ta the Illiterate alien thaa la the literate aad wbea we pro ceed, a if they were It t e a false ateutiptiotji. " , ',, ') ' . . ; . ' Omaha t.ooe.tne , water boada, dispoeed of thla very atoatb at prVate faale-, without competitive bid for a premium ot mree-iovnae os t r eent. are already quoted oa tb lo rett tfieat "taarBt at a premium of per cent, being a not advaac of Sa-jier tectlaviarr of those who atood la on the deal. It la a aafa gueea that Omaha bonda never before Jumped to fast after they . were turned over to the bond broker. Testinf VaJorigatioa Finance. . Tb federal g ovemmeat propoeee to test tha principle of valorization finance and tba power of the Sher man anti-trust law to reach beyond the aeaa lo the suit It fcaa tiled against the so-called coffee trust, whose trade baa been valorized by New York at well aa Europeaa interest. Some authoritiea scoff tha government's ac tion aa not only futile, but unwar ranted, for tba dual reason that the Brailllan coffee producers, "who were doing bualnese oa a losing basis," had a right to negotiate for financial aid to enable them to make money and also that tha Sherman law cannot be made to apply to other conatrlea. Referring to the former argument, while, of eourae. the Brasilia coffee planter should be expected to realise profit out of their trade, the records show they have done more than this. They show that tinea thla vslorlia tioo scheme went Into operation tha output aad price of coffee bava si multaneously doubled.- And It I ad mitted before a congressional inves tigating committee that valorising tha Induatry enabled tha dealers to hold back sufficient or their stock aa to give them monopolistic control of the market as a meant of fixing prices. And the attorney general al leges ta bis complaint that now oe. 00 baga of coffee valued at 110.- 000,600 are held la New York ware houses away from tha consumer. . Congress cannot control the flow of mocey into or out of tbl country, bat perhaps congress can control sit uation like thla wbea It finds the goods figuring as the Instrument In a monopoly eontstned la aa Arerteaa dock warehouse. Valorisation fi nance aeema to be 'very effective, but la tbie case the legality la not a yet so definitely fixed for the resson that It seems to have contemplated dellb erata restraint In trade. Another Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge bill has gone through the lower house of congrea With pros pects reported rait ot pasglag the sen ate. Thla la the asms bridge that wa have bacon building on paper an nually for tha laat twelve year. There are ao odda laid aa to whether this Missouri river bridge or the Platte river power canal will coma under the wire first.! la a Utter to th Lincoln Journal, oar aid friend.. "Charley" Wooater, again claims credit ' for saving tha atate of Nebraska 1100,000 on tha score of hls.famoua two-hour-and- forty-mlnute Jpeeca against the OaaAA exposition sill In 187. Never atad. Vr.Wooetar, rspubllr are ea- graterul. and tb peopl vry week forget greater public services than this. ,..! . v Bat th easaa of Floyd All and Dr. Rlcheeo are: grim remladera that twentieth century courta of Jus tice still less for their support upon the Moic law, "an eye' tor aa aye and a tooth for a tooth.". - ate (low to get away from tbl belief that organised society ha not th light and duty .to ihed tb blood t him wb abeda th blood of his 'fellow- Th offer ot Omaha; water .bonds at 101, at which price the favored original purcnasera win Claag Bp f lTt.OOO that should have gone Into the city treasury, la made ''subject to prior sale and advance, la price." Thank awfully. Of eourae, if our reform , demo eratta sheriff had aWoeoded. la knocking oat the law requiring Jail feeding by coatraei to - the lowest bidder, there would bar beea a kirk oa piisoa fare. ' Three democratic aiplraat era still quarreling Over .which It en titled to last place tor atate senator oa th local democratic ticket What a wast of time and effort, . Tb British Titanic Investigation la evidently being carried out aa planned, "with: order aad dignity." Or, nexb., thsy merely forgot to appoint a press agent vtu- k-rei ' Boston , Transcript. Tb Mowing Upt of the powder tract rper ta have keen successfully tecom pkxbed; provided that th thr trsgmenti eentlaue te it tosineea upon the coav petlUv basts as agreed. f ' ' i - Jwm Rapptwl Sew i ' . ' lndtanaseUs New. ' ' " bntnt wet) established prareaent ta wire poet tnveettgmtlew .anew that certarh" tentlrwiea who had a good deal tq de with the business of th organita Uplf ari new. try some strange eotncl- dnre, la eTuroae. srrj Bjeafw Are arena.1 . PMtaburglt IMapatcfe. Rcat aad targe esaendlture at money brtag east ta the asmpalga as nasi ha somt tlmea half. Bat traaoentiy leas tbaa that stesertlun of ties fegolar party vote. Campaign tnanagera are Ooubtf ul whether thay weeod aot mora.- tseeiamlcsllr. ta PellttMl raMatllewkaa Chlcaga Rassord-Harald. PallUcaJ coatsilcattciM have turtms so Mimeroue and te far rsachmg that the nveraa eittsea caa tta hsnger eacape troubea by beeatnlng entbuaiaatle far a candidate merely secant be happens te k a aemocrat r a republican. In many ctess the strain ,1a beoomtng painful, and there are Kkery te be srrtoos ronsequeacet anieea the oh order rcreatabttsaed, etocw BocklDBackwanl n . i0 m. l CSMPIIXO fROM BU fill LjjlJ - MAY 21. Thirty Year Ago Swedish remsenta worked up ever tile appointment of a consul here sa rep resentative ef the Swedish gorerameat. The Bwedieh mints tee at Waajlngtoa was trying to name John Johnson. Esq.. end was drawing vlgeroua proteata The B.-A St. la grading tor Ua track ea tha north tide of Jackson between Btghth and Ninth., The remaina of the lata It P. Kiddoe were Jn tarred at Preapect HID by Under taker Jacobs, Rev. Harsha officiating. He had received fatal tnjurtee In a .railroad collision Bear Oil more. - Hon. Charlea Kaufman and Hon.. Fred Ueta left for .Chicago aad the east or bualnese. ., ' The wives, daughters and sitters of the members ef at. George t eoetety. are Invited to meet at the residence of Heary Udsey to organise a ladies' auxiliary so ciety. The Invitation la signed by Mrs. R. H. Carlton Mrs. James. H. Kyner le expected bone thla week from Ohio. Mrs. Roeav lt CapitoL avenue, wants a girl st one, to do kitchen work. Rev. William J. Harsha preached a commemoration at the Praabytarlaa church for the. late ft O. Robinson, for many years prominently Identified with Its work. f Twenty Years Ago t Paul- with old George Hogriever playing center field, beat Omaha. L Oeorge totnaa. chairman ot the I'Sloa Paelflc englneert gTleVanee committee, waa stopping at the Arcade hotel. . William B Millard was elected a mam bar ot tha board of aireoora ef the Ath letifl dub.' Frana' C. tal searing, son" ot Dr. wad Mrs. 0. Leisering. died ( brain fever st Uie age at , at the family home, m South Eighteenth Street , ' Bishop Randolph 8. Putter, considered to be the greateat preacher n Methodism, preached what . was regarded at the pivotal sermon of tha entire. Methedtat general conference at First church In the morning oa the text "Great and Marvel, eua are Thy Works, tort!, Ood Almighty," The third, anniversary of the orgaalsa tlen ef she Epworth league, waa cele brated at Exposition hall. Bitheo Flts- gersld presided. Rev. H. C. Jennings. Rev. 1. H. Coleman. D. D.; Rev. J. U Hurbort p. V.y Rew, H. Uebhart Rev. i r. Barry, U. P.; and Hon. W. H. Beach and Hon. Warren Swltsler, wha represented the Toung Men's Cfcrl atlas association, apoke.. ' - ' Tea Year Ago Oelsgataa te th .state encampment of the Grand Army of Republic. Wonwa's Relief oerpa and thi Ladles of the Orand Army eOhe Republic, finished all tha business of their annual gathering and gave themselves ever te the last day of pleasure, rioflge, Eateltt In firing the first shot of the day j made the women a target tot Ms eefnpi latent. General Terrene, General S. rl. Tewlre, both of MlnneapoUa; Major Wilcox, department commander of Nebraska; Past Commander Reese of Broke Bow. Captain .H, V. Palmer ef Omaha and aVtiera) col of Jdnlata, Ctp- talnCalvsr.ad HUlotf. jpaafbllti Rb. meon rfone. nauonat. reaioent ot uie Wotaen't Relief corn; Mrs. Anna Ask' with, department prasldsnt; Mr. Wealthy Kemp and ethars.of net, occupied easts oa the stag at th Orpheum theater, when ths'bl1 oaap fire waa held. Judge Bstelbl being the presiding ef fleer. Colonel JA, Coy la of . New Tork. general railway nm of'CoIonef V. F. Coyd'a show, was at He Milliard hotel. , He claimed to make arrangement tor th show's vbut In July. ' "Mayor Moorea' signed the tax levy er- dlnaaoe. which carried a W-mlll levy. Is signing It the mayor said: "1. think R Is unfair that the new ahould go out that Oman haw veted a thirty mill levy. The tact, a that only, a twenty-four mill levy, as the additional six mills, veted for the schools, entirely sea rale from ths levy veted for the eupport of the city government. M News wa receive' that Judge Herbert J. Davie dt Chlcagv." formerly of Omaha J and st one Urn on the district beack Ityj Douglas county, bad been appelated by Qtrverrto Taft aa en of the Judaas of the court of first Instance for ths Phflts- Pi! PraaMent Hofac O. Rurt. General Ms hater pteasneew. ' and -Buparintendast of Motive Power Hlgglna of th Ustoa Pacific. Aft -for tha west en- a teu ef their POLITICAL 8SAPSH0TI Hsuatoa Post:: Clonl Bryan request bit low frlerxla not to start sny been) to his behalf. ' K any Bryan boom la to be tart a psychological moment neces sary and no doubt Mr. Bryan expects that stoaMnt- lo s bohmalie with the third or fourth ballot at Baltimore. Brooklyn .Kagle. .. nderwoed has bad actual experience aa a buttneaa maa bj making a bug enterprla pay. Oa that score b leads them ait Olvaa en uadm Ited atneunt er cash to spend, say poli tielea aea da eeaasialcg. but the best t ffloteacy It. la- ssaaing vry - dollar count, . , ;, estHlaeare AsmOmi: Pnsldeat Taft has proved Ulnualf a'tlghwr of tb first rank. The energy and force be bat beea compelled t us tn th poll treat arena have beea a revelation to many peopl, bat Um. achievement ef hit adaermatra Uon could Awe beea aaad only By a maa ef wcueual force and energy. t. Louis' Globe -. Democrat: Colonel Roosevelt says, m Ms Minnesota letter: "Ther I Just on candidate whom It la possible to-twmarinat against tha bosesa aad that at nrael." The eehwera Mn loa of bimself a new a weU kaswa that be might bare left oat tha mention at himself sa- the -one aoaalkl eandidat ef rlghtseuenies ant pregiate. wltltaat sa Ing anybody la th dark aa ta whom he meant. Ever since he referred to him self aa "th only maa la tight- ra country baa understood that be oaa st eotoody else. .'.,."' . - . ! Phiasdetphia Record: Clark. "Wilson and Underwood are the candidates, ta the order named, who have th largest a um ber ef dessaeratka datagatea. But aot era Clark nab a larg aursber yet ta proportion.' to the nam bar requited, end IS ef the delegates already elected are entile nected, ee that the OeM te son wsta often. Minball. Burks and BsJdwtn bav all the delegatea ef tnetr rteteetrs states, aad Fee, who wanted a tsmth nsentary vote (n hta' own state, baa era taea of the Massachusetts eMgat,: who are expected to be delivered t Clark Tt namber ef eandMatea Is aeeotna ta Wraac."rorateaaurrd, .' j wOr CawssaaadaMaav aad f rttleesm. . OMAHA. Neb.. May H-To the editor of Twe Bee: - la connect Ion with the ea ojosed aapptng ot aa odltonal whlck eartalnly eammeada Use IX t anyone who obaervaa er thlnka. It may net be prayer eaJI ywar atientlea la test eonoertlea te the tact that la that sertlo of the alty where the bea owner We aad where a a) ntad w .tbjt soil aad ts th City by tiantfu treat aad asndtag a aama. hq tretera ware antl-rhhnaa Thas te particular! r aotJceable ta an or twt the eapeelallr wall kept ap-ire-preeatamit dntrkjts, aaeh as Prairie Park and the Field elub. Pseirt Park at .Vobaoly the beet heat ut auburbaa da la the city and ra located at the slnth; practnet ef tb twetftk ward. The segtst ration jrat 1 and the vote east was tu or a llttto aver T per cant, la thla peecloot Mr. Pahlaeai got tavaaty sts tratea and Mr. Kennedy, ia highest enpwvsrl. w er nearly twa to one against Pahl nam. la the Field elub dlatrlct ta Which civic pride nana very high and lit which preperty 1 kept up well, arata cut and walks kept free from enow aad treee planted and a general spirit . ef thrift aad enterprise prevails, th suburb beta la the third precinct f the seventh ward, the total registration was ITS. the vote was m, over at per cent ef regtt tration. Th - PaMenaa - vets, was - US. Mr., Kennedy.,, hie, eppentat receiving M ee nearly three to ana agaiost Daal aian. I am calling yeur attention te tbie aot with the expectation that you will gave R any publicity but to call your ettsu tiea to a feet that la making up enes opinion, aot oaiy ahould the lata! role bo eoawklered but there should also be considered the teuece ef the vote aad the kind ef .cutset wa do the voting, whet her rotted lo the toll and contribut ing valuable service te the dtp er simply f laat era waw wmr he bm today and somewhat eta Mmerrew, Tew as deubt noted thla tact already tort aa far aa 1 knew, aoae st tha great awwspnpore have mentioned H la eenneotie with the lata eleetleaaad 1 caekir U a very I portent ract and worthy of mention la your rat rleaa home owner a family paper, to whkh we torn for rellabet newe nd In which w de meet of ear advertising and would ale seem aprope la connect Ion with your excelleat artlcl aad la fact would eve asar atejcl SMnetblag mere than ecademi valaeu . C F. HARRISON. OMAHA. May at-Te th Editor af the Bee; When I asked a bar If thought t the future, af what be wanted do er hosed te be, be said. "No I am enJy (arteta aad I want te be Just a bey while I caa. later ea we win uur for the future." I htd notmraj mere sap. I saaliatd be was right, aad ta death of thought had atona bard ma. Ah! beykovd eontea but oaos to t alt AH oyer thia world ars seta who efttt look laaglni baak Ujtnelr bovbead dart, aad would gladly give. baak. to the world ail the may have beatowod. euld they Uvt sgsia they boyhood days. Happy eare- rra soya -with all Uielr noise, their pranks sad fua. ta thee bjtar tli where Ufa la a rash aad we Itve to feat, are we depriving -oar boy f part ef tbain rightful her Has at to rm their brain with so-called knowl edge Ao fit them for A Place, as quickly as poeslblt, that they may chat the mighty. dollar at we. are doing, cutting Short their Dest years, tbatr boyhood days? tea' let him be a boy. gad thank uoa tost n la ret. Juet a bey. , ' 'I , .'. : :W ' torrjjt. Jerry U Still Tbaahfat r SOUTH OMAHA. May tt.-To the Ed Kr of The Beei Your great paper today report that ths Douglas county canvass tag bri has somslated. the tabulation ot the votes received by candidates fur t'sis senators sad stats' representatives While th ttbulttors had only the phli boeert tip Uk tbtlr figure fromperhaps thfr anay be some unavoidable mlstakss er errors mad, In carta la prectseta is reading Off tn naraea that may be the eaus ot my name not appearing oa the top ef the nst. Nevertheless, notwlth- tandlng errors sad mistakes that might a made, I gm Mtseejely pleated f the aumoer of vot I received. Being uri able te meet all my true and triad friend t. ditner Indivtdusliy or collwtirely, I de sir t extend through your columns m heartfelt thank ta them tor', their Jeytl u PPart. JERRr HOW A HO. People TalltcdAT)QUt Archie Un4. sresldeat at the Wttau.ta- saraae Co.. general manager ef the Oar- j maa Fare laswraire Ca. aad aridtat ef : ta Uswa-Hassiell Co.. eased, fela w Haters i la eautaera Caitfarala. where a ewes a lai S leenea rausrw. I - j AMbesay aim was a yean etc bad bad j tmaaired esgbt twr thirty year sad baa bean totally Wtlad tar thtrty yaara. lira f sfarrUSA in Iwanam st mm eke ' notable haaatwue of Atwater, fx She dwea alt-wee caoktag.- 'baking. washing, swsesing. aad bsaau.sutaiag. G1I5S ASH GSOANS. "Ta. sir, when we were ambushed we got eut without losing a maa or a botsc or a gub er " "A onnae," . chlawd ta a email, ttlU voice. Judge. f . '--heae mountain outlaws are. excap tional marksmen." aaid th stranger. "Tea." replied the sheriff. --And- I want to tell you that It takes a heap ot Judgment for a man to take Just enousa moonshine ta make htm frd Wta start ing something without gettng so much rat he can't shoot straight.' Washing ton Star. "Why da yea take- this country seas paper r- at Just suits my wit' ideas ot Jour nalism." -,. "HowJ ' - i ' ' - "The front page, as you see. a entirety given over te love tunes. "-antaa City wuureai. Tramp, (te ttetsrbrl Bear Dhrdon. mis ter. Paaeerwjr Granted ! But .there no uu begging anything tale. Boston Trana- f; ; "Do you believe, doctor." asked Mr. w"umpe, --that mea ..become .what th; "raa. madam. I do," said the bishop. "What a comfort that mutt have bees ta those early mtBslonertee when they wee eaten by th cannlbalri" atgbd Mrs. u tape. Harper's Weakly. . . t "Have you ever written your memoirs?" asked the enterprising publisher. - "No," replied Benator orbum. "Aad ra not going to write them. When a man latervtewe himself there Is sa chanee for him to rover a mistake by saying he waa. misquoted." WaaMngton Bear. "Here Is sa actress's esrd with the words 'at liberty' oa It. What do they "I'm aot sure. But tt'e.etther that she's ut af work .ojr.Just divorced " Detroit Free Press. , ,. ""Hew did yea come to buy that worth leas (Mains; ateckr' , . , , "Well, you. see. I thought It waa all V ; CutUng . household expenses r With food prices soaring skyward the jhouse4 -wife needs an elastic allowanceor innst " , buy more wisely. This doesn't mean buy- -ind cheaper meats; but buying less meat flints place with A 6c package of Faust Spaghetti -vTill jive a enero'Os, ' , hdpinii to five persons,, And they won't require meat, v for they get all the nourishment from spaghetti that the body require. Set what a aaving Faust Spaghetti; ' means to you. . Make it the chief dish for dinner at -least once a week. . - Your grocer sells it in 5c and 10e rckages. Write for our free booklet of Faust Recipes. : ; i ' iMAULL BROS ' V '' - aSl. Louis, Mol Parts Prices Are Tax--Get Them Low . Bssntsbehsl rWaawis"seTeMtAgCaa ' ..'' Pisaa. Iisafaid geasasad. gsM - Now te for you buy a car find out what'5 . repair part will cost you. . Part price are your taic.' They come to ' ' crery frarner aad they will come to you. But you can prt them low, if you will. Moat manufacturer take for gran ted you won't think of thla before you buy a car. Then they've tot you. But Stude baiter ay v'Trnd out not.' Because the StudebeJtt.msuim ia a square deal ' for every owner. ; - We guarantee E-M-P "30" and Flandera "20" , cart faur timei a long at moat manufacturer, and then aell you part at price lower propor tionately than any other manufacturer in the world. M.SSM i A) set !? rVwa. ( t The Stndebaker Corporation ; :' Datrwit, MiJiigaa i V aha BVaaea, mVimia etiwat, JV 'a. afalsaz, atgt. a. a. wrtaoa atrTOMOBrz.a co wl - - fceoal Agsaat, sois - lS - T tSYsaCe&sT a PATENTED TEETH TODD'S WAY. . right "The. man who told It to tee d mahogany furniture la hi office, !' braaa cuspidors and a swell rug en to floor." Detroit Free Pre. J-TA'hr Is Jones- iselmt -his gltfrtake music lessons? She ll never learo, if jebe practice for a failaaw yeara- "Jone say ha knows she has no- tal ent and he can 111 afford the expense, but that he hates' th people ao an the next floor."-Baltimore American. AT LAST. . Knickerbocker Press. . At last We can Sit dows in ease. And smoke our pipe Where er we pleats. Naught to disturb. No one to say:. " "Cat eut of here ; Ton re la the way., No being cbaaed From cbair to (Uialr Without aafa . Spot anywhere. ' . To reat eue'a bone; - I - Or read a book ... f In any old ' Secluded nook. 'No eating on The kitchen floor No coid -and etele - . , Grub, any more. No rugs to thump. ' N fioora to scrub.11 No porch to wash, . No glass to nib. No tacka to drive - .' Or ttrumfcs to emash, -No nails- or bolts , Found in th hask, JCo fam'ly Jar" - Ot repartee Of caustic tort. ' Py wife and me. -No aleepln' oa Tb kitchen stovs . Or on the floor ' Of tha alcove. - No clothe shut In , The folding bed '. ' Far out- of re Hi ' Out In the hd, , To llv again. We ve Just begun, t laat, at -lam. - Houaecleaalng s done. -I it 7. t t5 i - .. . '. ' "''';, 5 down 1 the "-JC- biianO 'v ' -.v-'J.-. , tiir Tr-A&w- Q& II 'la! aesssTra Oas Meet Cseafcgaa ' 14 - lS atanay Bnasb ' ' I I VI . Why awai th old styla half booth wbea yoa ca ge final teeth,- Uhe aatara's owa? , v . "DR-'TODD: . . 403 CrUIDBS imifiilfS t "A