lHE bili OMAHA. - taAti)Ai, MAi' 22,-1912. DON'T BE NERVOUS AMD RUM-DOVM Kew Tonic, Tona Vita, 'Will ; Positively Restore Your ) ' "Old Vitality:;- Nervousness, depression of spirits, lack of wiy, all run down, thee are the ehief symptoms of nervous debility, tiM modern affliction caused largely by the rush, huatl and worry of modern Ufa. If you are a sufferer from tut all-too-eommon complaint, and cannot go to a hie a priced sanitarium to have rest and ;4iet build you up, you should read care fully ins loiiowinc statement by c. N. Hunt. aq., of 0J SUth St.. Milwaukee. Wis., conosroina the remarkable new tonic, "Tona Vita" that has made aucb a real record during tbe past year. Mr. Hunt aaya: "For a number of years my wife baa been a aufferer from a coo tin no ua run down, nervoua condition and and stomach trouble I took her to a number of doctors, but none seemed to Vive bar any relief. She crew constantly worse and her entire system became affected. She could hardly - ant anything would say tbe very thought of eating made bar atca. She caught oaa bad cola after another and waa always tired and languid.- She had bad headaches and attacks of dissJneea. "I (ot some Tona Vita a (aw months ace.. My wife bee an takinc tbe tonlo that, aicht and we were pleasantly sur prised to notice an Improvement after the second day. She is now like a different woman.' The nervousness and depression are all '(one, and she eat and sleeps better Stan she baa for years, it aeeroa wonderful to note auch a chance la ier. I believe "Tana Vita' la worth Its weitht la cold- . If veu Are, debilitated- and run down. above ail things try Tona Vita." Tea mill never secret It. aa It will build yea up like meafc. It la the finest prepare tloa now on the nsarkst. ' . Sherman McOenneU Pruc Co., Mth and Exwae, Obri Drue Co.. lth and Har ney, Harvard Pharmacy. Mth and Far nara Sts . and the loyal Pharmacy. W- Herts, Mth St. .are the aitenta for Tona Vita In Omaha Tour money will be re turned to you If you are dissatisfied wub the toatc- The Approved formula IM Daytoa. Ohss- 1 .., RUBBISH MOST BE REMOVED Commissioner Kugel Flans Cam- - paign Against Careless Ones. SOTICES AEE BEING SENT OUT Sixty-Six Men Are Let Oat el the Street Cleaalaa-. Caasa Beeenee f a scarcity of Panda 1 ' ea Hand. " . V Comrplwloner A. C. Kucal has planned crusade against property owners and resident who maliciously or negligently keep rubbish piled In open boxes or !n heaps In their back yard or In the al leya A special man has been detailed to notify them that the law must be obeyed, rubbish not al loved to scatter and walks must be ewept before the hour ot I o'clock in the morning. after a while Commissioner Kucal. In tends to have waste can with tlht lids placed at convenient places In the city to hold rubbish. He will then compel residents to place all rubbish In these cans tof be carted away by the street cleanhic department. . .' Mr. Kugel has cut - down the street eleanlnc brigade to forty-four, dlscharg. Inc six gangs of eleven men each. The remainlnc fortj-.four are divided - Into four canes . of eleven men each. This move la made because funds have been runntnc short.' Three Ad Club Men ' Are Visited by Stork The Omahm Ad club will follow the stork to the .homes ot three ot Its mem bers and lease hue bouquets. During the last week three members of the board of directors ot the club reported new ad ditions to their families. Sam Rsee, Jr. announces a baby girt and E. AL Htggtng and Dr. Z. D. Clark report the arrival -of heirs. Aa American Klaa . Is the Croat king ot cures Dr. King's e i Discovery, the quick, safe, .sure cough and cold remedy. Me and O. For sale by Beaton Drue Co. il i B 'ft l mm, m HOTEL e 1 ms. Wt ST, I& GOTHAM celegance, located in Newark's tocial centre Easily accessible to ' tWtre anc! siicrppinjt districts. . r SPECIAL DISCOUNTS SJXfeJOS MAY re OCTOBta Wetherbee tyWood Fifiti Av. & FifVt?t?ri St NEW YORK. CITY BBxM Tha Favorite Rye 31 Sis Generation" iiojatt?oe-s.aegtej kJRY.aC We cannot make it better . in &vor, -meflowness or , purity; Distilled 4 times in copper. (Ordinary whiakey not more than twice) Ak for SCHENlY RYE Bottled in Bond Each bottle is sealed whh tbe U. S. Government Stamp. Its age Is guaranteed by the -' U.S. Government , , Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its quality speaks for itself. ; Uhen you buy Rye, buy School ey. At all delrs. Schenley Distilling Co, LBcesco, Pe, ' 00s punt . eH -saaaaaaapaaa m Ptira , beer -needs protection iron neat, OLD ACE Is pat np la Amber bottle so tbe rays of tbe sun cannot de- troy its purity or (ire It a disagreeable taste. . v . Old Age Is made from the. costliest materials., ft Is not. simply A beer ot quality, out' A beer ot doable ualtty. Family Trade Sappiied by: South Omaha WM. ' JETTKK. SB09 X SC, rboa So. 808. v Omaha HCOO T. BILZ, 1321 . boat-las C rhoae Dous;. 1842. Jettef Brewing Co. BOVTH OXAHA. KEB. . IMPLEMENT CONCERNS DUPED Slickert Secure Big Orders tad Auc tion Them to laraer. ( SOKE -IDIOT BEUO SOBBED All el Tkess. Theasa. Say that the Other. Fellew Waa Steae by tbe Mea ks Cleea Ca Abeat ' ' ' erty Thoasaa Dollars. ' a Severe! Amaha Implement firms durlns the last slaty days have" been tjeatea out eT'aa assresate sum ot !a.M by some tske dealers, and three firms declare that It's nobody's boslnesa. . Tbe manager ot each company stoutly avers that It eras not kla company that was defrauded and forthwith lays at the door of his competitor the humltlatlnc chart ot having been duped. "They are suckers." he says. Thus each has been branded by his neKhbor. It all happened and the rumors were started In this wist: Pea as eaatrr Dealers. Some polished gentlemen with fluent toncuea came, to Omaha not Ions since, and purpertlnc to be country dealers In hardware, plows and those sort ot thing, placed their orders with certain firms, the consignments to be delivered to these towns immediately. So adept were those men that the implement men fen." - Goods were shipped to Madison.' Vir ginia, and other points la Nebraska, and the good were sold from the cars at auction. , -' " When this was started the Implement firms began to hear from the regular dealers. These auction sales were not doing a thing to their home trade but taking It all away. ' They were unable to get their cash discounts bscaure of the auction.' t H. F Brownfleld. who two months ago bought a hardware store from Mer men Frtcke at Madison, was about the first one to kick. He sent notice to the John Deere Plow company that persons ksd come Into his territory and supplied the farmers with enough Implements to plow, harrow and do other things to ths entire county for some years la the fu ture. X John Deere traveling salesman looked up the matter and found It so. The salesman waa peeved, too. About, M.MS worth' of goods had bees dispensed at auction. . ' Then a C. Q. D. flashed In from Vir ginia. Another dealer was In distress. He notified another Omaha Implement company. And so they kept coming In. ' Qeads Caaefct la Ttaa. Flnally a firm was about to be stung S second time. Men from Red Oak or Waterloo (the Implement people disagree on the point) came In and ordered a consignment of goods sent to May wood. .The firm caught the goods Just la time. They were en cars ready to be auctioned off. A salesman for an Omaha firm In terfered. The men fnd their rapid-fire auctioneer left the town-left ' the state, maybe the county, nobody knows, but many would like to. Since then the excltmenl among the Omaha firms has abated. Or, that Is to say, their fears have abated.' They sr. ow excited over ths question of which firms were, duped. Rumors and sub rumors, charges and subcharges and sur charges are going about. When asked about the perplexing thing Ihe manager of each - firm which was mentioned by the. other as 'having been a victim, stood Upon bli Mod legs and dented P. And while he thus stood, he mentioned two Or three other firms that had been victims, -'- Te Make leveatlavtloa. . C. T. Donkls, assistant manager of the eMollne Plow company, aa did the others. declared his firm had not been .affected. He added - that the firm wait .going to make' an Investigation Shd probably something would be .given out In a ,few days. .',-"'' . . ' W1. D. Hosford, treasurer ot the John Deere Plow company, said that his com pany hsd not suffered at all. He had heard that men bad - "worked'.' soma ot the companies, but hadn't; Worked his. O. M. Durkee, manager of the Pari In A Orendorf Plow company, didn't 'want to be quoted, but there are two or three com' panlee, said he. that' he absolutely knew had been duped. There Is a traveling sales man, he said, who knows air about It J. C. MoConney. manager af the Ra cine Battley company, believes there hasn't been any such deals pulled oft. "It's s fact," he said, "that many Omaha Implement firms are overcrowded with stack. It would not do for an Implement firm to go In and ssll goods In competi tion with their customers. I have beard In a round about way that there may be a firm, a certain firm bore well, I don't went to bo 'quoted." .'And so It went and so It Is going. THIS ADVCRA RCFUCT, " ftJf VTBeMiHTfORVcOHSIDIReCOMA fWt'Y'"'. " VvCQ j THE GREATEST 1PARE. MAKE hjJ , ' 1 X REDUCTIONS prpunjoouLAcs; , !L . ft UN WaNO PRICESA DO'TRIPIB ($ClK V vyvHwN l KNOW' xDU T.Y yf 1 $fffL Uncle Sam Sends - Man to Inspect the City's Water Supply A. J. McLaughlin of ths United Sta'e. public health and marine hospital service will bp ,ia Omaha Saturday to make a sanitary survey of the watershed. He will test samples of Missouri river water and determine the sewage pollution.. Health Commissioner Connell has place J at the disposal ef the Inspector the serv ices of the city chemist and, the city bac teriologist, and the city laboratory win also be used. , 4 Mr. McLsughUa Is now In Kansas City sod will arrive here with Mrs. UcLaugh Un Saturday, or possibly Friday. Ha has asked for the co-operation ot local and state hea'th .officials, ' . Cement House Wins ' ;Sujt Against Hull - Verdict for W.KJ Is the result of litiga tion brought by the Marquette Cement Manufacturing company of Chicago against the C, W. Hull company of Omaha In United States district court. The Jury was Instructed to compute the Interest on. the principal and then to take up" a counter claim by the 'defend ant for Htft.H and Interest thereon. This "dears the- docket of civil eases whica. Judge Morris wished to put. out of his way before he took up cases In which tbe t'Mted States Is the plaintiff. The prosecution of Dr. William 8. Frank lin for alleged fraudulent nae of the malls began inunedlstely after the Hull case went to the Jury. - There sever waa a tune wnea people ap preciated the real merits of Chatmber Isia's Couin Remedy, more than bow. This la showc by the Increase to aalesand voluntary testimonials from persons who hsve been cored by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and -become aonaioted with Its good qualities. For sale by all ammofb Spring learanee ae Of Rented. Slightly Used and Discontinued Styles of Pianos and Player Pianos On a scale of GREATER MAGNIFICENCE than any piano tale HELD ANYWHERE, at ANY TIME, we come to you, Mr. and Mrs. Piano Purchaser, with our Annual Spring Clearance Piano Sale. A DAZZLING array of IRRESISTIBLE BARGAINS awaits you. The Bargains enumerated in this ad- vertisrment have beea exchanged In as part payment oa new 8TK1NWAY and STKGKR and VEBR PI A SOLA PIANOS. A . great many of these pianos have had little or mi use at all, as thejr were received from homes where the upright plsno was a silent member. These bargains will be placed oa sale Wednesday at :00 a. m.. If you contemplate haying PIANO with in the next lenyem, you cantu afford to overlook Wednesday's speclsls. Beetag Is believing, investigate these bargains, found only at 8CHM0Ll.tR Ml ELL 1 11 S. f e I Inn & ) Fischer M ; 7 J These bargains will J IJlC' f I fVa-f be placed on sale ' 'r I ; wpKjmK ill MJfar Wednesday at 8 a. m. FXt ' mZZc TNN. BKindly BRING W: r y&gLl J THIS ADVERTIS1S. f&$ J J y- MENT with youand A;;:.: Emerson f ;.. ,.ti Cteaeaaee f I. ... MENT with you and ask salesman for bar- gain sp e c i f ied ' pre- : f erred, which will s greatly aid us in hand s ling the-crowds and cause no inconven- ; ience or waiting. ; Player-Piano Specials for rJedneoday TERflSi It raakat no diffarvnoe how little yea with to pay; We will teoept anything within meon. Your Choice of Makes Was , Wow Technola ............ .-..94M ; $318 Hardrmui Atrto-tons $350 $640 Btuyreta&t Pianola Piaao.$700 . $555 Chue & Baker Plays-. . . . $275 $75 HuTinftoa A.ato-Tone .. .$660 $425 OUT OF TOWN PATRONAGE SOLICITED. PIANOS SHIPPED ZVEETOHXtt. Bflwy far reimtamd to rrarrAaMrs within a r&diui of 200 mil- of Omaha, freight chargM prtpaid. Writ today N0W for dcriptiT0 bargain list and Unai. ; SPECIAL $400 yosx e son PEAcrncE i PIANO, rOat 035.00 Schrno era GluellerPianoOo: 1311-1313 FAnilAF.l STREET OPEN EVENINGS TILL 0 O'CLOCK. 1 1CANUPA0TTJKB8, WHOLESALERS, RXTAILIRS. OLDEST PIANO HOUSE ifl TOM WC&T. FOR SAFE ANDSAKE FOTOTH Danghtert of American Resolution Plan to Help Canw Along. BOULDER IS TO BE USVEILED Marks Bnth tae Oresoa Wesfeva , Trail e 1 1S43 isi . ike Cali ' ferala Trail ef IS48 rla -., Dar te Be OSserisel. Aa active cam salsa for a safe aad safe Fourth of July Is being planned hy the Omaha ehaoter ef tbe Dsua-hlers of the i America Revolution. Tae society de- " to)te": 8'uh"' M"- . ... . .... k.. 8. D. BarXalow aad Mra A. L Fernald. eises will be eonducled ky the Dsughtere at Ihe location of the boulder Ihe after noon of June 1L flag day. Mrs. J. J. Stubbe Is chairman of the committee In charge. The other qtembers sre Mea dames J. W. Griffith. C. Sa Wllhelm. C H. Aull. W. L. Belby; John R- Webster and Miss Psnnls Adams. Mrs. Fressly I. Barr was eleeted regent of the society and the ether new officers were etioeea as follows: Mrs, J. C Weeth. vice regent; Mrs. T. H. Trsry. recording secretary; Miss Fannie Adams, eorre s ponding secretary; Mrs. L. D. Shlpman. treasurer; Mrs.' William S. Heller, regls trsr; Mrs. Charles Johannes, historian; Mrs 8- A- Collins, chaplain. , Members of the advisory board were dded at its annual business meeting lion- day, te the public library - that fire crackers, say rockets and other pyrotech nics are not necessary to a fitting obser vation ef Independence day. that such combustibles sre. dangerous, to Ufa and Irnbs and that a more peaceful manner of celebration should be adopted. A com mittee, of writes Mrs William S- Keller chairman, will bring the matter before ; the city commissioners.- , ... .'m Fiana were also 'made for the onveilmg , of the, boulder at Thirtieth .street -and , The retiring officers made their reports end Mrs. A. U Fernsld. who was one ef the representatives of the chapter at the Twenty-first Continental congress of ths National society la Washington. D. C. last month, gave a report of the meeting. HEART. TROUBLE CAUSES . BEIT WILCOX'S DEATH Organic heart trouble caused the death i Lincoln eouu-veiej. wnics marks both tbe I as pen , mv. jnnur v mv i.u.iuj n I Oregon westenard trail of ISC and the I club, whose body was found Monday ei 1 California 'Mali ef' ,' HtriMie exer.;tht club room llooi. ; ' . - ' v - I City May Force the M.P. to Build Dodge Street Viaduct Now Derision br tbe United Ftales circuit court of appeals gives Omaha th. right to force tbe Missouri Pacific railroad to construct ths Dodge street viaduct.' This case has been lingering la Ihe marts for several months, the railroad resist In g tbe orders to saake tbe Improve ment on the question of the strength of tbe viaduct and the fact that the. street would be closed during the work. By decision' of the court, word of which wa received by City Attorney Rlne Tuesday the railroads must construct tbe vtsdurt at once. Tbe decision will prob ably end the litigation and result In the building ef the viaduct ' H. S. LAOS HAVE THREE . ; . ' BALL GAMES THIS WEEK The base' ball team ef the Omasa High school will have a busy schedule the last three days .of this week, playing two gamea out of towa and one here. , On Thursday afternoon the squad will meet outh Omaha High, probably at Twenty-fauna and VtnWn streeta, .The out-of-town games will be aa follows: Friday afternoon. Tekamah High school at Tekamah; Saturday afternoon, .Logan High school ai Lesan.- In addition te Charles Kalian, student manager, the following lads wtn make ths trip for - the out-of-towa - games: Alfred Adams, captain and catcher: John McFarland and Mark Hughes, pttcners: : Harold Munneks, first bass; James Gar, diner, second base; Roy Plats, third ease;: Warren Fitch, shortstop; Peyton March, i left field; 'Charles Sheets, riant fieUJ. and Wallace Mensie. center field. '- Key to the Situation Bee Advertising: TCssE'S OLD : COLCEHCCFrEE Start Ok dir riM. tta tee f saserb Mend. Observe aSVeody sad ws rirnnesi ef ks sroass. OM Ootdrs ssiMes because It b food eohee throw and ejesurh. Finest cones erewnis bataOed s sake me most rlonosj cue that ess rrsce s snarissi tab or too oil Sfooddisaei. awtsrciseseaiaasbeBbea, - Mm a pound al your fTocef TOUt sWOTWas, Dee km. sswej Tkete sre two kinds ef Seise.' .,. v-v,-. .... h,.