THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MAY 2i 1912. 3 Nebraska MXLAUGHRY ON THE PRISON Warden of LttTenworth Peaiten tiery Writel to Aldrick. KATES SOKE EECOMXISDATIOHS Believes Sew Dlalag Room Km. mmry mud Improve Metheela ef f , Mre Fighting ommr.d, laetltatleai Officials. (Fonr a Sun Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May a. Special. r-Colonel MrClaughry. warden of lha federal pri son at Leavenworth, woe recently visited the Nebraska penitentiary, has writtaa Uia following letter to Governor Aid rich I spent yesteraey from M:W a. nv to i t . tna trajka state peni tentiary tn company with Warden MelKk , and Deputy Warden Amies. Warden Mellcfc impresses me aa a man about a. who haa led a temperate, well ordered hfe, consequently Is in poateation of ell hia powers and faculties to an enviable degree and able to perform, every day. the amount of physical and mental labor mat nia position requires, theugn not as quick, perhaps, to "catch on to" and retain new ideas and suggestions aa fcu) more vigorous and youthful deputy. Both men fit well into their places, are mutually beipiui. and wont together in entire harmony, f think I can ssfely say that, they have mastered most of the very dteroui aging problems that con fronted them when they took hold of the- prison: nave restored order, estabiiahed a -commendable degree of discipline, and are dally improving It. and have the institution well in hand. They ought not to be expected, in the short time they have been In charge, to produce a state of affairs that would leave nothing to be desired. , . Will Take) Weeks. Vndrr the most favorable conditions It will take many weeks to eradicate all the evils that resulted In the lata tragedy, but they have a firm grasp of the situation, an honest purpose to carry out the law and disoharge their duties faithfully and impartially, and they seem to me to be amply endowed with the common sense that will enanie tnem to solve successfully and satisfactorily to the nublta the many and serious prob lems that will confront them for some time tn come. ... I was glad to note the strong faith they have that in all 'wise and proper measured to make theirs a model In stitution, they will receive the hearty support of the executive and the people. 1 found the prisoners generally employed; work was proceeding In nil the shops and depart menu steadily, and quietly. Means ts right Fire. I suggest that the state, unless It Lost $1800 TreitingvEczcna SS Yean Torture rCnds When Re Be gins I'slng the .Wonderful Zemo, That Curee All Skin AfUictlona. . Oct the Liberal M-Caat Trial Bettls. W orry as merc.absat arsems, pimplea, blotches, blarkheads. scrofulous skin, tetter, salt rheum, barber Itch, dan druff w any other skip eruption. ZEMO will cure you. Read this: Pond, Mo. I take great pleasure la recommending your ZKMO, I had eczema all over my body for twenly-flvs years, and In all that time not having more than two or three hours and many night not more than a half hour's sleep the whole night I spent no less thsn fl,0 for medicines trying to find a cure. One In a while 1 found something to give me relief for a few day and then I would be )ust as bad as before. I finally tried ZEMO and to my greet surprise was entirely cured fire ( ers ago. John A. Kern. Thousands of others have been cured by ZEMO. ZEMO la sold by. druggists, at fie? per bottle, but you can now ob tain a S-cent trial sis to prove first Its remarkable worth In your -ease. ZEMO Is fully guaranteed by E. W. Rose Med icine Co, t. Louis, Mo. Zemo is sold and highly recommended by leading druggists throughout America, and tn Omaha by Sherman at McCoanell Drug Co., 'leth and Dodge, Mth and Faroam. Owl Drug Co., Mth and Harney, Loyal Pharmacy JOT- No. Mth St. ROYALTY FIGHTS FAT Coir F&rorf fto U tk "DtTlnly Blaa Amt" XMn-rt 0aMlmttA oo4 Work of Wmiag tfeo . maoituUr ObMi. Wtim knighthood wu .la flower, It wu (ho habit of royalty to bo tltn4r. lmlcd, no kfnff or baron eoutd ever foretell what the morrow would bring rortb-iHl th racy wnt to IM xiMt nd the fleet were m variably atenoer tttnee tHoM halcyon day of loan utility. condition ttav changed, and the mem bera of regal houaehoida have eaten much and vtovtxi about little. Nature has ex act) her toll, and today European nobit- tty is noted for TU numefuu XKaUi, actena and daughter. There la nothing aiarttlng tn thfa, per- ha do. for othra who never Doaaeased a title-are ateo sniftering from the aaute. malady. But the intereating tvauire r found. tn the fact that Ivuropfc&n eRirt-- may agatn be noted for the slender leVJifcu and knights, becauao aa .American sin fjgtrred It all out on ner own account. Miss Mariorte Hamilton of Denver, Colo, wno became noted aa the 'Calen dar Olrl" while still tn her teens, soon found th golden wand deserting her and one aha started to lose her liHlr race of girlhood for the obese propor tions of womanhood, site mm no -kmger La demand as an artists' mooet. Hundreds of thousands of women-. nd men, too throuchout America have learn ed how ahe again recUlmed herselt. without drugs, diet or harmful ezerci. or anything else strenuous m nature. And now her treatment has gun forward to Queen Alexandra of England and the fcmprea i Germany as well as to many other roj a famiile. "Fst Is a wltalty." mym Mus Hawtltea. "aad lfke ail Sreedfal mmtlm it smmK irrateS. thwarting a rrl (Hie a Mga af mm ity. im4m. h Mf he a tWan-cal t eSMtiy. I tepe fctvr that thtir nrai hlftotis aar aaai taten tbs rwki t Um Wit4r aad I kt that Um tif raak m aelr nttpsMt.v teaiM tll M kaw imm trt ta4i trvjta artDg ute tnmtam r mI-c that Om mm aa) ? f mj ma ontrf are mafytmt," 4t uta yew ti the Mcri. Utm MawlKoa Irwwii aa ta vltaei t mt r BtMHcaat ) ta aar amtwa meg ta the Caau-sl Baak easMtaa. u mile . . "Off teant. I nrcalr as-t t hae rarattr eeata eet aptaly vltk a tetttaaealal. arte I caa aa mt ctgac I ear eai U u (feat am the caaa eat sty- Cat raawrtat trcatMsnta eoae far as fm wmj I aaa InSaeaS t wee hmm 1 aawfcef Batter.. It ta a Hut war. I mrpom. tmx awtala strseaa ala. as te .ta wetira fa- n mwm- m trasiiac (Mr Cavara aa nUatfwra taair Scatraa. I am aHa taalaataS as te lae aatcaaa." AfJr. Nebraska carries heavy Insurance, ought to pro vide the m M effective means for fight ing tire. With the tree circulation of air that we enjoy In this region, a slight slase, started in one of your snops or storage rooms, will, la a very few min utes, be beyond control and do incalcul able damsgs. I also auggeat that the state ought to provide, as soon aa possible, a suitable kuchen. dining room and bonpital for the prisoners. The present quarters for the kitchen and dining room were un fortunately planned when the prison was builded. and cannot he ao Improved that they mill not be unpleasant, unsanitary and serious obstacles to sucessful Tison administration. No time should he lost In correcting this evil, which is very destructive or discipline, aad a constant menace to safety. Believes le. Treat lee. The stats at Nebraska Is fortunate In possession of a largo amount of tril able land In connection with Ita peni tentiary. Good uss may be msde of tnis land m maintaining the Institution, and If trust ss. carefully selected, are used In cultivating It. the effect, upon them and the entire body of prisoners will be most benefkial. In no way can practical "reform" work be snore successfully ac complished. 80 fsr es I could note I waa much pivesed with the spirit that seemed to prevail between officers and guarda With vigilance and patience, whlclwhow seem to be the watchwords of the In stitution, and with proper support by the legislature, there Is every reason for confidence that your labors and anxieties In behalf of the Krbraska atsts penlten tiary will meet with early and eeilsfac tdry reward., Corrick Engineers Meeting for His Ends (From a Staff Correspondent I ' LINCOLN. Neb.. May IL-(RpeclaLl- The gathering of the republican delegates to the Chicago convention with a number of politicians from over the state has started some interesting gossip. It H said that the meeting, ao tar as it re- Is ted to ethers than members of the delegation being present waa etiglnserel by Secretary Corrick of the La Follette league ta behalf of kls candidacy for the chairmanship of the state committee, and this la given aa the reason that Nels Hansen, chairman of the Lancaster county committee and food commissioner of the state, waa not ens of the tnrttol ones. HanssB haa been argsd for the position and some little work haa been dona la his behalf. Hansen, by the way, has bean a Kooaevalt man aror since the colonel ' hat haa been la the ring and was ana of the ssost active of Lin coln men la arranging for the Roosevelt meeting and accompanied ths colonel during his two-day trip through Ne braska. Conatdarable criticism la heard concerning the holding of the meeting be hind closed doors. It being said there was no algn of discord, and even If there had been this oould all have been threshed out at a preliminary meeting, and If there was any buslnesss te transact which It was thought advisable to keep from the public It should have been transacted by tha delegates, with all outsiders excluded, but friends of Hansen say this would not have fitted 1a with ths plana at Corrick to further his In terest as a candidate for stats chairmen. Nebraska Prince Sentenced v to Hang August 20 LINCOLN. Keti; Vajr -.Albert Prince. convicted of ths murder aLJPuty War den Edward Davis of the stats peniten tiary at the close of chapel exercises oa February 1L waa this morning sentenced to hang on August A Price, a convict at the state prison,, laughed and joked throughout the proceedings and was hotly censured by Judge Albert J. Cornish troth ths bench. NEWS FROM WEST POINT AND 0FCUMINQ COUNTY WEST POINT, Neb., Msy B.-(8peolalA Mrs. Prod Dietrich, sr a well known woman of eastern Cuming county, died la a sanitarium at Chicago on 8anday of acuta diabetes. Mrs. Dietrich waa W years of age and a native of Germany. be waa the another of four children, who with her husband survive her. Funeral services will be held In the German Lu theran church In Nellgti township. Rev. Williams Harms, pastor, officiating. The last program of the West Point Woman's eluh for ths year was given at the home of Mrs. i. O. Benedict. The subject assigned for the evening was tha composers Wagner and Donlsettl. Dur ing ths reading of the paper an the sub ject by Mrs. George Korb selections from Tan aha user" and " Lucia dl-Lammer- moor" were given by Mrs. Benedict The club will resume Ita work at the advent of cool weather. J. If. Oatman, tha father-in-law of P J. Kennedy, the Chicago dt Northwestern station agstil at CrowslU died on Wednes day of tuberculosis. - He waa a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of gnat age. His body was taken to Hastings for burial.- , A mass meeting of the dtlsens of West Point I called to meet Monday evenlne for the discussion of ths proper method of dtipoxlng of the sewerage of West Point. This question haa became very Important. the danger to the public health by the exposure and retention f sewer matter being great This eondi tioa of affairs baa. heea caused by the destruction of the river dam. there beln- now no proper outlet for the large Quan tity of sewerage daily waiting ta be dis posed of. Mrs. William Koehler died at her farm home en Saturday. She was It years of age and sweumbed to aa attack of pneu monia from which owing to her advanced age she could not rally. She leaves an aged husband, seven children and forty' six erandcliUdren. alia a large number of great-cardchlldren. The funeral was held In the German Lutheran church at Bancroft , . MtmoiiaJ day will be properly observed by D. . Crawford post of the (hand Arm j- of. the Republic at West Point Hon. A. V. Cola of Hastings w:ll deliver the oration In the Audltoriuas. . . Jsmes Rosendal, a well knowa farmer and native of ths Netherlands, succumbed to the ravage of t sneer at the home of Km father souUwut of West Point He is arrived hy-hm parents, four brother aad foar sisters. Ha was a prominent member" of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. " ' . Two eighty-acre ' tracts " of Cuming eowatr land were sold by a real estate firm this weak to Carsteaj Miller, a we! knowa farmer of Logaa township, for OM per acre. The Improvement are goad, but not extraordinary. BLUE HILL MEfUSK CONSENT Party Wants " Bailway Board to Agree to Phone Sates. eaiisassBsnan O'HXIIX CITIZENS SEEK SWITCH Leatasrtoa's Keenest for Xesr Resra tattaaa at la tow Pacific sta tion Mecelvlas; Attratlea af Caeasaleslea. at Cosasslaalaa. (From a tSaff Correspondent) LINCOLN. May &.Special.r-A paly of Blue Hill men were in to see the railway commissioners today regarding tha purchase of the telephone property I nthat city, which Is now owned by the Uncoln. Telephone A Telegraph company. It la sought to get he approval of the commission for a scheme for exchange of business between the local concern under the new management and the long dlt sanoe lines of tha Lincoln company. Ths commission advised the parties it would approve any agreemA which waa agree able to the esraptnlea involved, provided It was not a discrimination against other companies similarly situated. ' Want Transfer Track. While no formal complaint haa yet been made to the commission It Is probable tha people of O'Neill, or, rather ship pers along tha line of the Burlington be tween O'Neill and Pious, city, will ask tha railway commission to compel a phys ical connection between the Burlington and Notrhwsatern roads at O'Neill. There haa beea of lata a large shipment of grain and feed from points along ths Burlington to points west of O'Neill ca tha Northwestern and at present this freight must all be unloaded and carted to Northwestern ears, which ths ship pers say la both annoying and sxpenilrs. Iilastaa raaaplalat. Tha railway commission haa not yet made any ruling oa tha complaint from Lexington and ether places along the Union Pacific where there la double track, concerning the rule of the com pany requiring passengers to get aboard trains aad get off on the aids of ths ear furthest removed from the other track. The company insists any ether , course would be dangerous and cites the custom oa all double track roads. Tha public eotaplaina because under this rule a por tion of the passengers must always get aboard or alight on the aids opposlts from tha depot, cross the tracks to get to the depot and also without ths pro tection from storms afforded by tha depot train sheds. The commissioners ssy they can see both tha inconvenience of the present arrsngemant and the danger of the proposed one and hesitate to make an order, fearing they will bme held blamable la case they should order a change and someone should be killed or maimed aad will be damned it they re fuse to do what Is asksd. oelaw ta sleyd. C. C. Boslaw, deputy commissioner of public lands has returned from a trip to Red Willow, Frontier and Furnas counties, where he haa been viewing school land appraisements. Owing to crop conditions ef the last two years. the school lands la that section have not shown ths.advsnce Indicated In many portions' ef the state. He goes nett to Boyd and other counties In the northern part of, the stats. Letters received at tha office of the state superintendent Indicate a larger at- Nebraska tendance than ever before at the junior summer normals.- Addison Walt, aecretarv ef state, haa goae to Mllford to inspect the state ta etitutloa at that Mace. The governor started today on a trip of several dare during which be wiil deliver commencement addresses at St. Paul. Alnsley. Alliance and Grafton, la the order named. J. J. McCarthy today indicated that aa soon aa the transcript arrived at Liu coin In the appeal of William Plegs. con victed of manslaughter during a recent trial at Pender, he would move the court to tlx ball for the accused. Plege waa convicted of killing hla sister. Prlsaaera Bmalayed. Ths advent of warm weather has brought about the employment of an additional ' number of prisoners at the penitentiary' at outatde work. There are aow about thirty employed at garden ing and farming and later about fifty will be employed. Tha institution haa a acres of farm land and ta addition to farm crop ralsss all the garden truck consumed at the prison. Ths prisoners not only like the outdoor work but rel lah the fresh vegetables at their meals. Chemise Keeps Ke sieved. State Chemist Redfern la trying out a new method of determining the strength of comphor solutions, suggested by the federal bureau ef chemistry. Owing to Ita volatile nature camphor la one at the most difficult of all common drug to determine Its strength and methods pre viously used are only approximate. It is customary with the federal bureau when It invents or hears of new methods that promise Improvements not only te try them In their own laboratories hut to ask stats chemists to use the, msthod and tha sum af tha experience of all h taken ss a guide to tha valueof the method. Deputy Game Warden Hyers went to Wiener te Investigate complaints of Il legal seining but was unable to locals anything which warranted a prosecu tion. Pereet rteeei i e Mssey. 8 tats Superintendent Dslsell has cert. fled to the state auditor that there Is now In the hands of the treasurer B.1HH derived from tha forest reserve fund and that it should be apportioned te the couu tlea entitled to It aa follows: Blaine, pia). Chsrry. tM.; Grant fU: McPherson, rt.BsMl; Thomas, Hit. These are ths only counties la the state havmg forest reserves. Araeld Boosters Will tele lire te. ARNOLD. Neb.. May Sl-8prclel.-The town of Arnold will celebrate tht opening ef passenger traffic on ths new extension of the Union Pacific railroad June 14. Mil Ths Arnold Booster club ! preparing to entertain several thousand guests with a free dinner, addresses bv prominent men of the state and sport enough to keep every one busy. They are arranging for a special train lea vine Kearney in the morning and returning early la the evening.' mall Class at Haasheldt. v ' HUMBOLDT, Neb.. May .-4 Special. )- The graduation exercises ef the high school began last evening. The Christian church waa packed te its utmost capac ity. Musw was rendered by the high school Mora and Miss Anita . Wilson. The class sermon was give br Bar. C. E. Ruch. Ph. D.. of tha Methodist elmrcn on "Ths Centraltty ef Ood." The ttlt cass la unusually small for Humboldt. . Straw Hats Ready! . Great line, too. Split Braid Sailors for those of quiet tastes. Rough and very rough Sennits for extremists. Genuine Panamas for fellows who want Straw Hat elegance and Real Bungkoks that are truly "as light1 ' as a feather." The styles are .quite in con trast to those of a year ago. w Better pick one out while the picking is good.- Tuuut, $2.00 U $10.00 Butkoh, 56.00 Saaits, $2.09 if Splits, $1.00 if Sift Fnifc, $1.50 if Omaha's Only Mud era Clothing Store, slat Hoeac of QwaUlty Clothes. V !.-' Ths graduates are 01ads Boyd, Kllea Cope, Gall Parsons. MAD DOGS KILLED IN " SUBURBS OF BEATRICE BEATRICE. Neb., May Jl.-tSpeclel -A number of dogs having symptoms of rabies was killed In Olenover, a suburb of Beatrice, yesterday. Sylvester Jackson waa obliged to kill to of his dogs nun day which showsd symptoms of the mal ady. A few weeks sgo a dog having symptoms of rabies wss killed after bit Ing a little boy. The animal's brsln wss sent to the Pasteur Institute at Chicago and a letter waa received here by one of the physicians of this city stating that the brain showed every evidence of hy drophobia. . The authorities from now on will begin the extermination of all dogs found running loose In Olenover. At a meeting ef the Nebraska Driving association last evening arrangements were made to have bass ball exhibitions during ths races. DE8HLER. Keb.. May -(Rpecisl.i- The big ham on ths Jake Walker place nine miles north of Deshler. was struck by lightning and burned Sunday evening. A horse, three sets of harness, seven tons of alfalfa and sums farm tools, owned by ihe tenant. Jake Lubblns. Wars burned. There was no Insurance on Ihe barn, al though the contenta were Insured. PIERCE PLANS FOR TEAM THAT WILL KEEP AT FRONT Plirnrs! Ksh.. Msy 11.-4 Special. ) Pierce expects to open, Ihe bass bsll sea son about Juns L Last year when the eluh disbanded hare It had won the great. est percentage of games' over ail ths trams In northeastern rurorsass. m year the team intends to seep up ns record. Roy Booer. the stsr southpaw . . .kib mciImi will have eharae of the team, having gs an advisory board Messrs. L. P. Turnsr. F. H. Monrman ana F. B. Drebert, all ardent fan A catcher, nlteher and shotlstop will be the only outside ptarerg si wo. .,,. ,si I. - ' 1 ' -.i t ..-1 v. Persistent Advertising 1 UnRoed ,( Big Returns. ....... , , 50 Persons Will Make $20.00 Each Writing Jingles In Mttv1912. we will buy 60 good Jinglessuitable for. a Poat Toastiaa Jingle Boak. . -en ah sfj . ej m You may get $20.00 writing an original Jingle or lor lining in the missing line a! the incomplate Jingle in tne coupon, a une way ta have some fun. . Sertoste MrenkOema- - results from chronic constipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills relieve headache. stomach, liver aad bowel trouble. Sc. For ante by-Beatoa Drag Ca. . A COMPLETE JINGLE , ' (Aa aa example only) Picnic dars are com Inc. joodness what a treat, rill np all the baskets; Iota of stuff to oat. ' Sever Bind the rake and Jam. nover snlod the tea. Plenty of Poat ToaaUee -that's good enough for toe. Sign here 1 L . Pat. Street ind No. ; 1 flity - FINISH THIS JINGLE Uttks orpeea Annie from far, far attar ' Came to make a visit, aad o stay. , Roawe aow are blooming, oa he c bee he so pale, (Fill in this line. mentioning Toesllse, and writs plainly) .State. ' " " Use of above form of answer is suggested, but not required. ' ' ' Address and mail jour Jingles to ' Jingle Dept. 573, FOSTUM CEREAL CO LTD., BATTLE CHEEK, MICH. ' Jingles accepted for our book, will be bought and paid for at $20.00 each. f - Only the Jingles we pay for will be used. - There will be 50 Jingles purchased and the names and addresses of the writers will be printed and mailed to every enquirer who sends us a lc stamped and addressed en velope -for return. The Jingles will be judged honestly upon merit, so if you are a sensitive person and not a good sportsman don't try, for we have no time "to pet up" those whose Jingles are not accepted. Fill in the missing line of the incomplete Jingle printed above, making the last line include the name "Toasties," with correct rhyme and metre. Or, write an original Post Toasties Jingle of not less than 4 ' lines, anj line of which must contain "Post Toasties" or "Toasties." ' with As many Jingles may be submitted as desired. ' . - - - This is an opportunity to make some extra money, and, in addition, become acquainted Post Toasties the delicious bits of toasted Indian Corn. Try some of this crisp food with cream and sugar. It is not easily forgotten. OMAHA. Jb May 10. 1013. ' ' Ihrar Malta: , Replying to your Inquiry regarding our nrfrea aad methods of rug cleaning, we take pleasure ia quoting the following prices: Kor dusting, dry cleaning aad aterllsiog ruga, Sftc ' per sq. yd.? tarrieta, 110c per running yard. . Often Wil tons, Bruasela aad rivets require aiaing, ewperially If they are getting a Utile eld and flimsy. Kor this we charge Ac per yard. Kor Just dusting and steaming our price la 10c per asj. yd., for either rags or carpeta,, Aa for the methods s Use, he-re are Just. two: Dry Cleaning, or the Naptha proreea, rcmovca all dust, grease aad moth eggs and make them look aa bright and fresh aa aew. It takes out ervery thing but stales that are caused by the color remains;. - - Our other method Is tne old-fashioned met hod af dusting, to whlrb we have added steamlag, as stated a note. W e do not arour or wash them, aa aU ap-to-date . cleaners have diarardrd that mr hod oa account of M bring Um hard oa the goods; . , : We have spent years In developing our re root r lean ing department and feel that our work la aa good as raa ' . be done la any;rty. JVe guarantee satisfaction or ao , ..'..-.' We will rail for your work any place la Omaha, fleuth Omaha, Irundee, Urnsoa or Florence, aad will re-' turn It to you promptly. . , , . . Phone Douglas OAS or Ind. A-318) . ' ..Vf.; IHK ' PAKTOHIL'M, ,' ' 1SI5.ISIT Jonea M. that P. J.n-We also clean all kinda of hoase furnishings m - iu m cti stand washing. i St r:- f . $10X3 - .tit i -r- le CCXPIETC A - All K30KS SUMMER COMFORT '' , The Hammock Swing, like picture, is made of heavy tanlchaki, is six feet long and 30 inches wide, made with cushion seat, heavy valance,- windshield back, and maga zine pockets,' A most comfortable swing at ....... .$10.00 Porrb Swings, strong aad durable, Kaltem . . . . . 11.1.00 aad Porch Hammock, with metal aland and canopy top . . .'. . , Folding Tent Cot, with drop slides Courhea for Porrhea, made of Ksltrx fibre. . . .$16.00 aad Rocker, hand made of Kalteg. .,......'......., v. .... , Met lee, Kaltex, roll arms and back .'.'. ............ Ana Rocker, fo match settee. . . . . . . 1 Arm Chair, ta atatrb settee , . ... Maple Porch Rocker, without arms. . Porch Rocker, hoary maple frame. . . Fibre Rocker, full roll arms and seat 8KB OCR tVLIi LIKE OP Bl'M.HER IXUNITl'RE.- . r ORCHARD & WILIIEL.r.1 CARPET CO. Therms tic (Irelesa Cooker Demo not ration Continues In ' ' . i Our Kitrhraware Department. S2.1.00 S-.10.00 aaoo . Sii.on $11.00 $10.00 .$1.00 ' .$2.7 A .$3.00 ' YOU OBTAIN A PERFECT BREW CESDS THEM ALL J. A. TUTHILL TeJ. Dowglaa ISM - v Rear 1513 Dougiw IK I Local Retailer, Omaha. Ken. - - I 1 !