Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE -BEE: OMAHA, TEDXESDAT. MAT 22. 1912.-
1518-20 tvnua Street
' " . ' ' PARASOLS .
A wealth of newest parasols is shown for Women,
MiiMS and Children.
thar missionary blthop ' bct) for
India, and It to' almost certain ther
lit be, I. Harvey Calkins, a missionary
la that country bo and a delegate to
th eonferenc. will te all probability a
tha man. C N.
cesfeware Ar 6eai F
- sslsstn a Units.
rasroedenra. -Tlie enabling art which
the Nebraska dsleaatlea to lb Methodist
general confer, twe was seeking treea tha
sstnatittos en- bound arts awa araaesd -day.
Tha delegation preeesUd to Ik
committee three prososKions, aa twUowi
first-A prepasttioa la ttft tba boene
aria hstsesa all four aafaraaaaa la tb
atai of Nebraska, making a Mata-arta
eoorlMn tha oveat tM coadsrea In
terested should as ratify that peta they
aakad tbs.rtght t o I ft tha houaaerle
between tha rtbcsske . ocnfsreno. tha
North Nebraska aad tba- Wcat Nebraska
eenferseeen and tha readjustment af Uu
boundary between Am Watt
Kerthwast naoraaka eoafarasafsa aa a
raault In two roafetanaaa only li tha
ant. rndr this alaa a aart af tha Waat'
Kabraaka canhiraaca woijld 1 tbmara la
with th Nortnwaat Ktbrkska siafsaaaaa,
maklnf a Mi csnfaranoa la th waatarn
aart ad tha atata. Tba aaatatndar of . tha
Wrat eontaasne .would ba tkrov) In with
tha Mahraak and Nrtb Kabraaka can
(kram. nakhif apolker blc eoafafanot
la tha aaatara aart of th atata. . 1
Tolrd-ln eaa nalthar tha tUA or aa
ond arapoalttoa cartad, la tba .ooaXar.
antaa rntanatari. tba Kabraaka aad lha
Marth Nabnaka oonfsiwe ba aoad
to Hit tba kouaaary Una hetwaaa tbant
an maka ana l ootlaraao ta th aaat.
a part of tha atata. tetvtof tha tw
eofro la th wmaara part a thay
tm haw. Of count, nana of tha plant
hataaM aparatltr antil each oaafcraae
mtaaastad haa aa appartaattf ta vet aa
In protiaaltloa.
nar all that baa haaa aaid abaot th
pskalMlHy af a "dlatiKtad aahjsasary" la
tha HMhadMt ahareh th aetloa taa eta
ml tonfarmr sk today ta an axoaat
Insly nil nrtnin leoklnl at that direc
tion, Tha ooafmhoa vataa to acoaat th
rccoarmendattaa of th aoamlttaa aa
eptaeopaey, which I brtafly ahottt aa tal
lew: Tha board ad biahap la aakad ta
dlrtd th antlra llathedlat ahusca 'la
Aawtra tnt not las than four eratt
dhNrKtt. la aaatantnt atahoa a praslda
arc dnauat eantarMiaa thay aiiMt
(Kline to annual aanfaraaoa In th
Your Choice
of over 1,000
liasaa Waaliibovl
' an.
Every hat In th
lot worth doublo
, OtrHriaa) janfjBfjf
TwoCtofvs -
1T12 D.if;!5 Ct.
OZi Pcxton CSX.
Ssirt HtUforWeaei,
Hisses,' Cfeildrcn and
Little Tots
Tha littl Franeh word
"Chit" or tho American
ward "Oavar" boat daacri
bat tha multitude at koto
maw an tola qt vary mod
arata figaroM.- Oar trim'
mart axcal in quaint bow, ,
oar of oilk or ribbon oat at
uncommon anla, quills,
atick-upo and flotoar.'
Ml-' Hat la aUIapa, Hetta Ud
PeiAt braid. doM 1b flower.
' rosette thi Kb boa, at M.e&y
,.oaad ...4.50
. , e , v . A
Duu Hat In amy new gbapea
of wait' duck and ratine, IS.ot
down w 504
Lilliputian Hal for llttla fork
la Koit eadleeg variety at avery
rataooabl prka.
VYomea't Orose
K'w glib, (tore
from tba Croat
tacttrlat ta
tana, gray) and
black, an Bale
at .. ...,500
Elbow length!
at ... $1.50
Won Haad
'Recent arrival
In newly fttk
loaad thifiet of
favorite leath
er with smart
mounting and
lined la pretty
spring (bade.
M to f 12.
. ,
mm wwrnwraanai
An -WH 0araMd,
dlitrl.-t In which Uiay Hva. Tha ehiact
of thlaf ladalaUan I t da away with tbr
sraetle of handing Make from aa
utraaa aUaacf tha uaiiaaat ta ihaatbtr
lO tha admlnlatratiaa t eaafaranoM, It
I bUvd that by rh aid anthod .thr
haa btit a wana af Utna, asanay and
man, and tha -trvt)nf af thouaand nl
haadlaaa Mlaa. -
Anothar nravlalof af th Icjiaiatloa to.
day la I h attach viahop la ta t nud ra
tatnalbl for to' atfrUaal and tamparal
lataraata ad ta ckdreh la tha conlaratM
Imowdlataly adjaeant tar his alao of raat.
aanaa. Wat taalM kj ta aM air of th
aaauaj oanfamacat iw.ttx aajaoant
ta hU raaldaaaa, aat that aaratstlb hava
tavaratht of thwoHi In tha mtarlm ka-
twaaa annual eohafenca aaaatoaa, '.Thh
lltn aoas not forbid tba apaotntlaax of
kjsnop tofh anothar aactloa of th
country t hold any or all af th aorfer.
adjaaant V a ellaa(ua"t iatdiKi
bat thirty daya art at ha ha bald auek
aafraaraa,kl aathartty Jo the tarrt.
tory caasa and th rail aaat klabop tbrr
haa full chaxta.
70 kustna aaMohi of th IfatbMlat
aonfarxwa ayara bald oa bandar, but del.
ante aratty aaaarally attended th aarv.
lea af iooal aharaha.. Many af ah put.
pit war filled with vlsltlna: snlntatara
and blshapa. Bishop John U Kualaan af
Omaha 1a mwk In drmand by tha 0ar
man church. He praslOad Bunday morn.
int at tha NoHhaaat Oarman MetaodIM
Kntacopal churah in thla city, daverat of
tha prominent mlrdstir supplying pulpit
ar HMkaa upon M candidate for th
Tcepcjy. ta vmw of that fact thay
hava haaa graotad with flna aodlonca.
Matt. If eeat all, - riaHtc thratsarrat
akly, and In a faw fbatanoaa tha aetaen-
Pi stork of arena ba rtsra parrastahly.
X. H.
MaJi v -1 cm ncHKa ( PAirti.Kf
Preabyssrtaa Aaesaabl Mseaeaoo the
Need) ef Mere nllslstsre.
LOUIS VIUJS, Ky, May tt.AJtr the
deciarktloa that i.00. churohaa. la
tailed Htats war "pastorleM" had been
mad In th gsneral assembly
Nortbera Presbyterian eburch
rsscJuUoqs were adopted urging all Free-
byteruMt commlaatonar (lay mas) to. kosp
In cloa touch with young men, b might
n laadiaata for th mlnlatry.
Rv. Joseph W. Cochrane of Philadel
phia, discussing a aUaistar'a "kvtaa
I chancaa." aaid: ,-
"W bear advlcea that a man ta b a
minister must starve, 1 never knew that
ta b true I will admit th aslartea ar
not pdlnroly, but R caa't be remedied a.
orpt by thla vary assembly."
Immediately Rev. Dr. Henry J. Backer
of Dayton, O., terwrupted. . .
"Rundrada of gray balrod men af tb
mtnlatry ahaually are dismissed or cast
aside." he mid. sfea ot brain, educa
tion and good rqcoraa art eliminated for
a other reason thaa that thay ar too
eld.' "
To thla Dr. Becker attributed tbe grmd
oa) decHn at successful caodtdata tor
tha mlBlstry. Tb young man need the
edV.oe and counsel ot their elder; but
new there are too few alders.
Th genertP assembly today proceeded
with eonsiderstlea of a report oa a now
Irtensediats cater Msa aad a mesa at
other technical task.
over the ear nest becUon of
eommisaiooert. led by ox-Cbaaoallor
Henry M. MacCracken of tba Univer
sity at Mew York, the assembly adapted
the proposed Intarmedlat oaualuam,
provMlng. however, rttat tha commute
b contlnoed another rear, receiving
suggestions and amsadment oa watch
l report at th liu aasvmbty at
Th catechism ialacdsd for th reltgi.
ous lauaing at toe ywang. is tha
duct st (our ysara f ktsor by the
mlitc ot twelve headsd that last year hy
ner. ut. uavw a. sehstc at flsUbutgh,
it consists st 7i quetuosa and aaavera la
uvs usual ran, osuchot
laoguaga. aa tgalset 10T
answer m th sbartsr tsaehiam.
corviBg catachkut. ot utx
-What h) taa chief and of maa'a brr
Aaswar: To know Ood.'
xne latarrneaiau cataeahua : besias
a ; net. so we moat need to kaowr
,ji Answer: -r. e most need ta know whit
Ood. would have n keiirre rsad so.
Siadfttivd Couittad'of KaUoajJ
Coircatira at Bo Xoiaaa.
fsaaliaaaa art TeeweMv-rta Aauataat
Collra-aa Caa tor Over reMai
of ataadaraltataa lyatpas
of laatraatlaa.
iTrom a ataff Caraapondant.)
DES MOIKICO 1.. May JL-BpaelalV.
Tha osaeutiv comanttaa af tb Baptist
National convention hold Ita prsllmismry
ataatoa today. Thla oaaamlua la fhs
Judical body af th convention and draf-i
tha kgtslatlaa aubicet ta tb aatuVaUoa
of lb coavailUoa. Th report of lha
oommittaa will ba mad WcaUMSoay
morning ta tha Oonraatloa. A aoounatlna
oommittaa mad It report but th con
vention will apt In tha eatctloa ot out-
oaaaori't taa Oaavaatioa oftioe ra. wb
gare ootic af thalf TasaxnaUoa today.
Theae are; 1 H. FrankHa. Colorado
gnrhig. .corraapoeiding aacrataiw: and
Wat. E. UnoM ( Ptluburgh troaawar.;
Praatdent of twenty -five Baptist out.
lecaa soaet kt Daa Moines eollec and dla-i
usaad metnoaa of atandardtsatloa so that1
tha work of tha schools may b mad
mora easily uniform. i
That ba was robbed Of K.O la gold
Monday hy two aegroaa wb approached
klm and aeeaulted 1Un waa tha declara
tion . which Charted Johnson, grocer of
Knterprts. made to tba "police today. The
matter baa been Investigated aad no trac
of tha money ha been found.
Caaaot Blad Oat Chllelrea.
Tba supreme court waa called upoa at
thla term t decide a peculiar caaa, I
which thay bald that. ta authorktlee at a
towa cannot atr into a contract for tb
adeptioa, af a wait while ta huthartuee
f a city nay da en. The case waa one
whcrata a girl wka had base adopted hy
a man In Taylor county, sought to estab
lish her right to aa aeut. Tb coairect
et adoption waa made by tha mayor of a
towa. which tha aupraro aourt aays is
illegal But th sown alao bald that laae-
wh as all partias to th contract bad
treated it aa valid It would b eroding
ander onmwna law aad eanaot pot ba eat
aeld. ,
Now gtaa Baak.
Th article ot tncerporattoa war tiled
today with tb aecratary of auts tor tha
tat laving hank af Woden, capital
Hi.; ale for the rernMraV Mutual Tb
Pboa cosnnajty af flock lUbida, llOOOa.
and tor th liberty Juaibar covrpaay.
Kfaroat. ',. .
rear Jviy I tow.
The Bute officials ar much worried
over the ihorUd-o( coal and th fkiiur
t reopen tb Iowa mine. The ate I
nllrly out pf coal at tha capltol. but haa
coal at moat- f th puta InsUluttooa
Tha targa eonsuwiar of - coal In IM
Motne ar beginning ta feel the affecvo
the hartage and many" of" them will be
emharraeaad before tb coal, wag contra-
vary I finally aettlad. .
Sattteee 0 Held CaTla".
PrpraUaa era balng mad bar to
ear for eeverel thewaand dstegat to
attend tha Northern Baptist convention.
which commence bar .on Wednesday.
Th. ambara will "com great all tba
norther . state vbr tb . northern
broach ot tba' church is located and aa.
eaianalv paogram la en be carried aut,
awatwmT var'wawB afaal saaalbeWgrfjfawawBej
' Tba atalo board af coatrot aarthd awl
today far tnaaoctloa of too state butb
tetloaa of aorthaaastern Iowa, coinjr flret
to ladmadenni, Th board haa partially
otvwa. a-arohlem aa ta care. of eartala
platan af pa tie ate at th Oak lead aaal
tarlum tat tuberculoala. Th lav -con
npla that Oaly inc latent aaaaa ehall
renal red or treated there anaV thla
kl be taken te aaaaa that where a raw
tetanus ohront It. than aa renuujet But
th board .baa rafumd t enforce thla rule '
and wilt ask tb lealalatursafor provttjoa I
Par tha porrnaaeat ear at th Insurable
oasa coming Into thalr chart. Th boant
baa had a great deal of treukle arar Ula
an assstkaa In reger. ta tha atata seat-
' Otvt Rsese) to. M wytOesl.a
A sansaKonal lastdont took at ra the
office of Has Da Molas ablef of poSPt
vsday he a ff-yearoM girl, Maud
KlfMI at Rod Wing. Mina.. sarused to go
lo a bom tor fetrm a Paw Bays while th
authorities secured work far her. She had
bees arrested aa on out ot work, knd
when told aba muat be cared for at the
St Monica boms, eke t vised a knife of the
chief of pollra Which was laying In. tha
desk at polios station, and cut her threat
fortunately ah did Bat acosmpUsh her
purpose. ( , ,
Met to Be Prsesesrted.
th ally polio depart vent rUI sat
prosecute Ira. Nichols, patrol driver, wb
ea aunday (hot aad killed Beverly At
kinson, a aogro. who waa attempting ta
eeuape from custody. Th coroner ba In-
v ttyOoo omen m amciiica
i.-waaj gaas Is maaaoBt jhsrUsat sv b- s sag Msashsswg bssygt g, ikas gsa
fag Ski.iliias am ay O'tw-vTw Cb i ipigjlsaal t-a awa-al . fsaVsd atgaass. bay.
aTgs-aA oaw. om ejSgVvr.ra, aaarkaw aamsMt w.ivsw kmB bjaaBh waksaasi I
MiVrr ta - a- ;. r-aw-"-. avlBsrsvaast.
sc. a. van. re reissue
1-C8. W.'. .8-C0lUct
- '. .
H&ydan Bros . s '
Tour- offer aaeepted on ouf atir surplus stock cans oys
and' ehlldrsas eases shipped today fast freight halaned)
Broadvay Brtmd. Maz fioedmiva Ppesldarit,
Thfs Big Purchase received and will be placed on
Sale in Our Clothing Department
" Beginning Thursday, May 23d
Watch .Windows and Ads for Tremendous Bargain
Offerings in. Mens and Boys' Clothing.
(dicatag belief that the shooting erae Jaatl-
BeM. Tha negro waa being taken ve pence
ataQoa wbea ho struck one of th officer
and the other ahot him Old.
A Thaaaaael raaeliauitea.
. PcJk county mao-aad aota waeaen -Ilk
to run (or office.
There are over MM wamea of aspirant
for oftlo. auaject ta the artmarte June
S. aad tb empteyes ot County Auditor
Frasa'a office ar working aver time oa
tabulating tb sauna lor ta voting ma
chines. . .
loera Beasa Bote.
PAKORA-Basn J. Hall. ged M years,
the sen af Ellas' Kali wet drowned la the
Baeeooa river yeoterday.
CLARION f R Blunt, aooertmendent
ef the Clarion oivteinn ot th Chicaga
Great Weairm. raelgned today to accept
a bettor office la the wast. He haa been
at the bead of tha local division tor
eighteen yea re.
. MABSHAI.LTOWK-Threa out of five
ot one family were very badly Injured,
when the team Dr. and Mra. R. H.
Whalea. of Rhodea, war arivtng ran
away. The IntureO are: XT. anO Mra
Vital eo. th latter very aertowaly an
their toungeat chile, a boy, aged t years
' ULK.N WOOD Tli baeelaureate aermon
to the graduate of to Olenweod High
achool waa Oelivered by ike v. Btone of
the Cengregattonaliat church In th Bap
tist church last evening. The sermon
whs the ssoat scholarly ever heard in
this city. The beautiful church audi
torium waa handsomely decorated in the
green and -white ef the class, and In
front at the altar waa the gorgeeua arm
ful ot American beauty rosea won by the
shoot for th laraeat delegation of young
women In attendance at tbe Tabor find
meet. Th flowers wore offered by Mr.
Wlicea of Council Bluffs, recently de
ceased. Nebraska City Gets
Second of Series
(apeclal Telegram.) Nebraska City woo
th second gam with Auburn today and
it waa witnessed hy a targe crowd. Ducky
Holme played second has aad made the
Brat tw ecoras. score D.HX
Auburn ... r .... 1 t -t 7
Nebraska City lllltlilMIl t
Baltertea: Zondermaa and Muaaer:
Coooran and Ooldwait. Umpire: Quigley
and Ward. . .
VF1arf ssaM 99 aiAtartew'
T AIXB cm, Keb... May ILSpecUl
Telegram.) Falla Ctty .won th gam by
Beatrice's errors I tne aeoond of the
erl. Tha. fee Sure wea th batting of
Tappaa, Htchlln and Cktray. Scorer
I ' ' RH K.
Fall Clty...t atdldia-jes
Be i rice I I I I t. 4
Hatlertot: IMalnce, Pull, Bel ana
Derrow; Fall City, Cnnnetl and lue
atau. Tim: I M. Umpire: Meyer.
Has. ttssaas. .
KORTH FLATTE. Nek., May M. (dpe
alel r-Han Uanarn. ad old eat t lr of
thla county, died at hia home, seven miles
north ot this oily, yesterday from a se
ver attack ot paralysis. Mr. Hansen came
ta Jhlg country forty yaer ago. direct
from Denmark and began aa a laborer on
th railroad. la a abort time ha took a
pi eaipUoa claim and started farming
and stock ralelng. Ha was on of Lincoln
county a waalthlet farmer. Hp woe
year aid. - ,
Joba Schmidt.
NEBRASKA ClTT. May -(ipeeial i
Joha Schmidt, on at tha phraser, of, thla
county, died at fit home, south of this
city yesterday et old aga. Ha waa bora la
Oeratsny. Oecsaibsr B. etsL. aad aa a
young man ane ta tola oouauw, laeatmg
la On. "In- Udi. In ompaoy with hia
brother, he cams U this stale aad located
sear thla city, where he prospasad. .
Kay to tb dltuatlnn-Ba Advertising.
K.wtoaoer -Aavsrtlrmt I th Road to
iButlnes buci
Nerves like iron 1
and a healthy eppetitt
, ". Doog tnat appaal to you? If top any
reason your nerve ar all uottrung, you
(aal all lagged out, .brain weary, tirod
sad hava so anoaUta--don't treat bo blind
ehaac to recuperata, but got a bottle of Duffy Para Halt
Wbhtkay at OBca. r .
- It will brlnf back tba ajmrkla to jour ayoa. put an edg
en your kppstlta and sty y botur diceaUoa. Better dl
gattlba drive mora nourishment Into tha nody, build more
siren i lb, gtraagthaaa U Brt. give more reaiatanea to
dlaoaaa, mor anargy to tb whole ayatets.
1 baa beoa tb ataadard of parity and exoelleoea tor.
over SO year; made of carefully letd gratn, Aorongbly
BH.rtod; wbolosene and pleasant to tha taste.
- Bold byall draggldts, grocorg and liquor dealer or direct.
11.00 a large bottle. If yoor dealer cannot gupply you, writ
ng and w will tall you how to gt It. .
" Tbj Ditty Malt Whltkey Co., Roche tr, fl..TH
I tjaBtaB. sV
'SW 1 watra '
Gray Serges
make good busi
ness suits , We '
have an endless
array of them
which we make
to order at $25
to $40
UicCartliy-noi Tailorin. Ci
BOaVBOa Boatk (MxtoeaOi Si.
Monty it Kttded ta Fat Ansa Wile
' loa Property in Conditioii.
Fbaa lor Baps ire call fee sua Sa
pewdMsrw ef A boat BsO.OOO, hat
' VAilsoa Msser te Avals
" " , bbl at Thla Time.
I us hands f trosteea of th Old Fo
pl's Home are mating an appeal ta th
publlo tot funds with which to improve
th property bequeathed by ' Anna W.
oo, Th appeal I put ra the followmt
form, signed by Cvtsrle R. Sherman,
Fdwant Johnson, i. C. Hammond, 8, PC.
Spalding. John Steel Jeff W. Bedford.
Charts A.- Tracy. Robert "K WlHoa.
Cdt Taylor; W. B. Taylor aad Oaorga
Tilden: 1 -
The Anna Wilson bequest I about Wt,
. 4lvked aa sat lows: W'lrt street prop
erty tappralsement 4U.OUU oaah, tlo.iui:
baa Inberitaace lex. fJ.irti. leaving Pfi
on hand. Tha estimated balance.,
to torn la whs rent estate w sold der
ma next five year , 11 muat be -understood
that the Wilson bequest Is to
framed that tbe property muet ba Uaed
aa a ham at ence. part Of the rest,
dual llim la In tha han&a of tha true
toe, and may not bo until the five years
era up. Therefore It la absolutely nece.
aary to aak th public tor thla HM at
this tlm.
Tha plan for new home on the Wil
son properly raqulre BO.Ouo. - We have on
band In building fund U-ilti. which added
to the Wlleen buret a( s,0u. makes a
tool of ttG.'dO. with MC.dua required to
raise additional.
w ju-ouesed to ash the men
i of Omaha to rain this ttt.'uo.
We understand that some sie.os in aue
sei muixie are lo (whs. waving but a).Qa
a h prsvlded. -
For over twenty-eight yegra the trus
ters have provided a homo for old people
(nd carried oh the worn, le Wo Id be a
hlnsiil tbiaar M sees ease could establish
and endow tble home, as wsa dona In
Loa Angelea. Cel.. by M. Hollenbeck.
Over Usii,a has been Invested aa a per
manent memorial to her husband.. What
could better appeal ts a man or woniaa,
financially able to provide a home for
ages to come, where th old people can
a .mm
nvTvcat aaoon ar.swat ataemrta
' ' x
HT. ay10 -1918.
Items That Should Interest
The Man Wanting Furnishing Goods
$1.50 and $2.00 Negligee Shirts $1.15
Another Kl t Co. Jciar-Soft collars, attacHed
or detached FreBch cuffs plain colors silk finished fab
ric a most unusual shirt offer.
$2.50 Pajamas . .$1.15
$150 Hlght Shirtd. . . . .95 c
$2.50 Silk Suit Ties. $1.65
Think of baying Boy' Smart Doable Breatted
Saif that told at $5.00, f6J0, o Cf)
$7&K S&SO end $10.00 for only... pOoOU
' ..This store. affords you just such au opportunity it's
a clean-up of broken Ones and odd suits exactly 44 suits
in the lot every one an extraordinary bargain while
they last your Choice $3.50.
. 5. WneCOX Maaaga-. 15th at Douglas Sts.
spend In th comfort' the eVsnmg af lift?
What mar enduring monument?
But tor the present purpose, in tbe ab
sence of the fulfttlmrnt of the above
suggestion. fcjo.WII te eet.wd are required
to rnsMs ths txmrd ts Improve the Wll
au properly and every maa and woman
In Omaha should hava a part to this
grand work, according to their mesne.
No appral ha been made to th public
for bonding puraa by thl ensmotaeisn
during lha twanty-alght year ,ot lu aa
istence. Send rrinlttanres to Mre.' tda V. TtMen.
pasatdsnt. of Edgar Mflrsiaaa. Jr.. Board
ot Trade buiisi no, tressursr at buildUig
fund. Large or email amounta will ba
appreciated. Th free Of Th city can
materially aid thl worthy project.
Psseral sf Judge trsdgts.
HARTINOTOlt. Neb.. May n.-(Bpcll.)
Th funeral of the 1st Judge Dodge
tosh place Monday after noon at I o'clock
from th. first, r lei Ian church. Th ser
vice wer conductr hy Rev. McClusky
af Laurel and were largely attended.
County offleetla, meat of ' whom were
eieoted to office th sain year a Judg
Dodge, were the active and honorary pall
bearers. Interment wait made In tha
Hartlngton cemetery. Th court bouse
flag has been at' half meat sine th
death of the Judge yesterday and all
business house war closed today during
th funeral, -
Smoke Mild, Fragrant
of DeUciou Flavor
Yaej will fiwe pOcW aajoysseat la
Tb favorite brand W hashees.
nerchasts, dabsaoa anal others
rbo wast bp aaaaka tba beat. '
tQc, Straight and 2 for 25c
pma l igarj srvmadr hy expert etgar makers
m Tanrps, from clear tiavana tobacco the
best selection ef the choice 1911 Cubes atop,
New Verb sad PW. -
. B. tmtinn,
' Itaa Bantam Bareec .
OMASA ym,OW7 cw Manufao
turars of high grade mattrasses, pil
lows and bedding.
Hava rial aid
'eetser beds mad
Into summer
and winter aid
Saturday, Day 2
(Second season under management of ft. IL Eamet)
Plenty of Water ia the Lake This Stasoa
For information, telephone Douglas 1352 or drop a
postal, to B. U B&met, Lake Maaawa, Council Bluffs,
Iowa.' -
Base Ball
Friday. BTay ta, Bohosl CaOdrsal Bay.
Car tsave Itth aad Farnaia. SUA
Oamaa called JC
TABBBT1UB ladudaa Tba Trlllera.
d.. k.iiv: Uilma Orth. Pianeloerue;
1 staters McConnelt. Eccentrlcii ftich-
srd Burton. Hawses, rivnr
id ally- Nw Vasdsville Thursdajr.
Hour.: 1 V- UlTSBlW
Matting Suit Cases.. $1.35
Waah Ties, 20c; 3 for. .50c
Crepe Ties, S5c; 3 for f 1.00
Interest aHowel h
sayings department at
b per annum .
The United States
National Dank of
Omaha gives prompt
and courteous service,
Cordis absolute secur
ity and has a most coo
venlent location.
Beat saddle
ever", pad;
and hag
been ts
gta b d a r d
paddle for
fifty year. They Are guaranteed
not to hurt a borae'g back and to
give the but of servlc.
(8ufioeaaora to Colllna A Morrison)
tlttO Faraam fMrawt Orasita, eb.
- Writ fof frea eatklogne. '
It will pay' yon' to
r -Ik." ft yonr old bat
jui-7- cleaned asd rebloekad.
rtrat clsaa work at mode rata priced
- Schmartti' Hat Factory .
- lath aad Callforala.
XtaSKMEMg. '
as v tar Wsek I gdo gdi
Mesai BTghta. ts. ase. 5. Mat, taa.
vauorsa ise.
rraaos, Baplsa.
Bosae, Blsnais.
llatertaiflers & Photo Plays
: Dine iOnt Doors :
aawrtasloa 10 Costs
ah E r rvl lVrV tlpVIW