Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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. , ,
nraiuionert Assign th. Various
Department! to Member.
rewtattvw Arraacexeeat t wade
I Wales Mar B DwtM lawn
'. at a llmlii ta Ha Htli
Wi daeeaay.
Appointments ay eoauniialoner ana rw-
TMad IUU ef office holders under
wmmtastoa system will ba submitted at a
neettng of Iha directory and adjustment
cured today.
A brief dlacusskm at appotntmeirt iraa
rid yesterday morning when tba eonv
artasloeer convened ta consider tha ep
porttoamtnt of tbs general purpoaa fund.
OffK force ta tba several depart
natu will ba considerably depleted
tba prent arranaents so through-
The city engineer office win ba bit
tbotit tha barrtaat and aarara) mea wtu
M let eut
Assistant Street Cnaunlaatoaar Xmery.
a ha served under Straat CamaHaateaar
Tata Flmu. will ba lat cut ny Commis
sioner KugeL Mr. Kugal will appatat a
ansa wba eaa kaap books, typewrite aad
e general offloa work.
Deaa Noyea, baad of tba atraat rapalr
want, all! ba' retained and planed In eem-
' aiata control of tha department, answer-
Vt ta Oomtnlaalaaar Kugal for tba uaa
at the fundi aat Said for atraat rapalr
irort. -
Cat Dwwai r
It b understood Koyes wtll eut dowa
tha forca of man bow employed ta ra
ta tr wars. Tba aapbaU repair plant baa
ben running fall blast anUI tba bigger
Joke are finished and a email foroe of
man will ba able, to da tba rapalr work
la tba outlying parte' of tba city.
treasure la being brought ta bear aa
wwimlsslonera ta secure appoint menu la
office, but tha director have already
reached declaloaa aa ta wba their ap
pointee win ba and disappointed office
seeker will ba auraerous.
Dapartaaaata Aaslgacd.
. Cowuntaaeoasra win have charge of tha
following depart menu If tba tentative
arrangement bold: . .
Mayor Danlmaa. puktia affaJri:
Weights and measur,
License lawpeetar, .
. Clerk of pollea court.
' Uaa commissioner, ,
Market neuter,
; City clerk.
City abatractar. . t '
Legal department, .
' Coetodlaa of city ball, Janitor, angta-
(era. firemen and elevator conductors,
baa B. Butler, account and ftnsece:
cmnr.llar otrtce, ,
Bond dark.
' Paynwijt of city emptor,
Purchaaa aad auppltea.
Police and Kabila Health.
I John I. Ryder, police aaaiutloa and
public, baalth:
f Health department,
" Hospital, i '
Collect and diepoee of garbage, s
; Dog catchare. , , .
" Pound masters,
Pukllo library.
';. C M. Withnell. fire protection and
water aupply:
Klre department.
Building Inapaotor,
Boiler Inspector.
Plumbing Inspector, v
BtactricsJ Inapaotor,
fin alarm.
- C. Kugal. atraat cleaning and mala-tenant.-:
, .
. (Street, cleaning,
-Asphsll repair plant.
Block sweeper, '
. Prlaan gang.
Thorna McOovara, paWls Improea.
Engineer' afflca,
Cats and tins, . . t i
"log, .
trtdgea. ..." ,
Conduit and culverts. '
Repaviiig, . ...
& Hummel, parka and pubUa pre.
frit- -!. ,
AU bulldlnga, Implemeata aad ooulp.
aat uaed la oanatrucooa, Improring or
earrylng work ar carrying for boule
vard. . Conduct and management of park pa
villona. .: .:
Tbt acrangenwnt will be submitted ta
tba emmauuonara a a whole today,
whaa a meeting wlU ba held to apportloa
HT fund a well aa la paaa aa ehangea
and spools! menu la tba a vera! depart.
Tubercular Tests
for Iowa Cows to Be
Bigidly Enforced
' Health Cookmtaatoaar K W. Cennell ty
oa tha trail of cow dealer wba have
eea bringing animal across tba Mis
souri from lews lata thai city without
first having them tested for tuberaiioala.
He ha asked tar the ao-operatloa of the
rallroada and the pollea to apcrebeuj of
fender. He held a coneulttrJon with Dr. W. N.
fell, chief laepactor for the United State
bepenment at Animal Industry, aad
atepe wta ba takea ta prohiwt any ewnaia
from bringing cow tato tha dty unteaa
they are tailed ana have been pro
nounced free from tuberculoma
) -Jfy man waa detected Monday atght
driving cowa acroa tha bridge. Ha aaM
the animal had bean taapeeted, but the
health autborttiea are kwkmg np the re
cord a ft la believed that animate have
been brought Into the city without bavtnf
aeea teeted pecaaa tba autberiUaa ban
been laa m In rp action.
Mlk sold by Omaha dalrisf I being
IneoacUd aad but few aamplea hav
howa evidence at tuaerculoeta. HeaHh
d Octal an enoeavonng ta keep the
dairies free from the germ and stringent
laeaaurea will be employed If attempt
at violation of tba testing statute are
It wetud surprta pee w knew eg tba
great good that M being ease by Csam
bartaia Tablets. Dartua Dowser of Mew
berg Junction. K. wrttaa, Hr wife
baa been tulng Ckamfceraun Tabtec
and find them very effectual and doing
ber lot of gaceL- if yea hav aajr treubla
entk reur atamacs er aawlea give tbaa a
tiieJ. rar amle bf all daalera.
or-. TTFlAr I 5 liJi -
XJ omen's Tailored Suits
JeL. In a
v ii
. I 1111
Hantlsoma m model la tail-
or4 Uaeaa, flna llngvirle aad
beautiful voile waiets many
laboratelr trimmed, Dutch
nark, hort ileavea
aew coatee effect
paclailr priced at.
IL M F at
. Besutiful Lacei, Bands, Galloons, Allorers, Nettings,
Trimmings, Etc.. ,
Rlrk simulations of real laces In crochet. Venl, filet,' ratine,
m scram, oriental and shadow effects chantllly lscesr flouncing
sad bands rich (old and silver, trimmings silk embroidered
bands trooped on firs bis bargain squares for easy selection.
Worth up to ft. 60 s yard at, yard
10c, 15c, 25c, 50c and 08c.
Partly Made Ket, Iace and
Heeded Hoses aad TaMrs
Also richly embroidered rolls
robes, chiffon robes, lacs
Jackets and coats In crochet
effect Imported novelties;
worth up to S3 S each at,
$3.50, $5.08, $10, $12.50
A Special from
AU th silks, fancy lumngr French fgsrics Bstlns, Ramie
suitings, gsuses, fiic, aad plsls marquisettes, chiffon cloth,
fancy printed Moussellns de Bole, llasa suitings snd fancy bor
dered imported voile worth up to I3.SS a yard Wednes
day St. yard 50 &M no 11.00
Special Showing in Notion Dept.
These bags are dustproof,
moisture proof, moth and insect
proof. They open on the side and
are made of specially prepared
blue, paper, as white garments
will not turn yellow in a blue
velope. These bags keep laund
ered articles fresh and crisp.
Style A 24x40 inches for shirt
waists, iackets and children's
clothes, at . 50c
8ty!e B 14x80 Inches, for business,
outing snd dress suits, skirts, etc.
Style C-14x0 Inches, for dresses, Style D 10x. for large busl
eosts, oloaks, gown, orsreoats, neu overcosu and other gar
tc' st 85c4 I ments of snususl stse, at (I
The Standard of Elegance
in Perfect Fitting Low
Footwear For Women
Purt White Back.
Patent Kid,
Black Ooze.
Black Satin,'
Got Metal.
" "oir Ta n '
Plain and Tonfne Effects.
Fortune or ; success have often
come through a little' want ad -
, Have you read the want ads'
$17.50 Tailored SuiU, $8.75
Faultlessly tailored, perfect fitting
made of the finest materials
trimmings in the smartest
styles of the season some only
one of a kind, others in regular
sizes. Suits actually worth np to
special (Q
Handsome Tailored Suits
range of models representing
tf i i: it..
cnoicesi creanuno vi iuo oeo-
i j it c: J
elegance ana bijib iiuu ue-
llghtfnl eipreasloa la the mart weave
and perfect tailoring. The vajuoe are op
to 25. A the lot Is imall early selec
tion is adrlaable at tbls pe- rid me
cial price. llf
Three Specials Bargains in
Dainty Lingerie and Tailored Waists
Clever at y lea. tome with peplum. also
coatee effect, high or low neck; scores
of pretty volla wslsts. An eitrsor- &
dinar; special value,' at..' wl
Beautiful Waists -In the
most charming styles for
summer wear well made,
many very elaborately trim-
med special sale ' Ar each . . . wXe
27-inch fine sheer Swiss and
Batiste Embroidered
flouncings. also 24-inch all-
overs, wlds bands snd galloons;
i choice, nsw design, worth up to
75c a yard on bargain 5Q
square at, yard WTt
the SUlc Department
1- !
We Sell Pictorial Review Patterns Be
cause They are the Best Patterns Made.
Sixty Dozen
That Wen Purchased From th Burlington Railway
Co. Will Be Placed on Salt Wednesday
At An Average Half Price
These wslsts sre all nsw.
fresh and clean, strictly- down-
to-date In . style, aad were sold
to as st a phenomenal reduc
tion simply to satisfy the freight ,
charges that had accrued
against them. So, Wednesday,
von will buy soma of the finest
lingerie wslsts yon have seen
this season st prices that aver
age cloee to half. They hsve
been divided Into two lots only
to make ths selling snd choos
ing easier:
Lot 1-Up to $2.25 .
Values at ... . 95c 5 .
Lot 2-53 to $4.50
. $1.39
Lot One is composed of high
and low neck styles with either
short or long sleevee-about twenty
choose from. They are made of excellent voiles and lingerie mater
ials : besutifully trimmed with laces and embroideries.
Lot two consists of shout 200
and low necks snd long knd short
and embroideries sre used In the
values going t $1.3 .
Ths sals begins with all aites
A New Lot of Silk
Presses at $9.95 '
They are made of plain and
striped tsffeta silks and messa-
llnes In low neck and three-
quarter sleeve styles. All sre new
models, trimmed with fine laces
and are worth from $14.(6 to
$18.00 each.
S&le of Oval Picture
Frames Wednesday
500 oval picture frames
finished in gilt, brown and
black and fitted with glass
and. white mat ,
Regularly Sold at 79 ,
cents. Sale
for your choice. Sises SxlO, 7x9,
x$. 6x10, 4x1, 4x0. 6x7 and cab
inet. Ths workmsnshlp on each
frame la far better than you us
ually, find in oval frames regu
larly selling at 7c. '
Every time you spend
a dime, ask for S. & H.
Green Trading Stamp.
Notions Specially Priced
for Wednesday Only
Pearl buttons worth lOe the
dosen, Wednesday ........ . . So
200-yard spools black and white
machine thread, all numbers.
Wednesday, t spools tor ... .So
10c bolts of four yards of embroid
ery edging...... 10c
Nickel plated safetv pins in all
ai tea, worth ie tha card, Wednes
day, S for So
Women's and children's lie pin-
on. nose sapporters, all colors,
Wedaasday, pair ..Be
Pnary hat pins worth up to lOo
each, Wsdnesdsy
Mourning pins, worth 6c box, lo
lue bolts of four yards of finish
ing braid for 5s
Special Loiv Terms
This talking machine embraces all the features and
high tonal qualities of the higher priced machines.
. ; . 1 .
' - - ' . .'! . '
Columbia Phonograph Co.,
- -' ' - Distribntors - .1
Lingerie Waists
different populsr models for you to
waists in newest stvles. with high
sleeves. Only the very finest laces
trimming schemes. (3.00 snd $4.50
In each lot. ' ,
New Wash Suits
, for Summer Wear
' f ; . -
Just a mere mention', to give
you an idea of tba prlces-Tsn
cotton rep Norfolk suits, $6.05;
tan linen Norfolk suits, $0.60;
tsn linen tsllor-msde suits, $7.60;
tsn ratine linen cosaque dresses,
IT lb, granulated ugar for ..SI 00
"Pride f eaaetre" flour special
after af a aaak for gl.40
1-lb can Bennett' Break fee I coffee
and 4 lamp, can ....SSo
H-lo. can Hennett e Capitol baking
powder and li etamp 13o
Aaaorled tea and 0 atanipa, lb. as
Tea el ft lute and IS atamp. lb. IS
S par. Toe to eera flake "aa 10
stamp Sfte
Jl-lb. ark "Queen ef the Pantry"
paetrv flour and IS atampa .. S1.S5
Bennett' Cspltol extract and .'0
tamp, bottle IS
Bonelesa sardine. 10 atmp. ran, ISe
llnlrier'a aalad dressing and I
lamp. bottle SSa
Ilnt eaa ealliarS'a pare olive ell re
SaeeS a 400
Glaaa tumbler muatard, 10 st pa, lo
TValker'a hot lamalea. It at'pa. ran lfte
S can Rverirecn corn, 10 st'ps. loo
Full cream cheese, lo atampa, lb. Ssa
Hand rtheea, at'h ge
Keufchatel cheese, earn 4a
He bottle large Bpenlsh Queen olives
for . . . , SOa
Bnider'e pork and beans and IS
atampa, can ISa
Peanut butter and IS atampa. Jar is
Hmall aweet plrklea. 10 st'ps, qt. SSo
Three lam cane Cottage milk and
10 atamp . SSa
Onion Belt--tha beat universal aea-
aonlng made and 6 atamp. hot. IS
1-lb. can Ohlrerdalir chocotat and
IS atamp 3Se
Blue Label catnip. iO stamps, bot. S4e
!!rnurts And
Say ertsmw harries for csaiatlavg1 aw.
Yu -w tit find them to b much
frhr, sweeter srwS In setter condi
tion thsn later In the sestion. Quality
for quality the price will not be
lower. Per quart box. 10s. Per
crate of 34 quart boxes, ttaM.
1 bunches fresh asparagus .,.,...10
Fancy new potatoes, IK se
J large heads plain lettucs ......10s
Texas Bermunda onions, lb So
Largs Jutcy lemons wrth J5c ths
dosen st 06--the SOc ones at flss
Three fancy rscumbers for ...10o
New solid cabbages, lb. Ss
Rousing Bargains
Big Special
Sale of
Silk and Serge Dresses $g95
Values up to $25.00, at Choice .... u
Nearly 1000 leautiful dresses in broad assortment of de
signs, suitable for evening, afternoon and street wear;
nobbiest new spring 6tyes and colorings greatest lot
of bargains ever offered Wednesday, - .
White Goods
Linen Department
Soft Lingerie Cloth, sheer aad
fins,-worth lie' yard 121
Chamois finished Long Cloth,
1 yard wide, worth-12 toe yard,
per bolt 1 yards . ; ... .fMJe
White Linen Walstlngs. strict-,
ly pure flax, worth 75c yard,
t 39
Dotted ' Swisses. ' striped and
checked dimities, worth up to
26c ysrd .J 10
Pure Linen Irish Batiste, yard
wide, worth It. 2 5 yard 7541
An immense special purchase on 6ale in' millinery
department in two big lots
Lot 1 An immense assort
ment of untrimmed hats,
in black, white and colors,
worth up to $2.50, on sale
at......;.. ,. 49c
The prettiest line you ever saw. Don't pay $10 for
your summer hat till you've seen these.
Fruit of the Loom, 36-inch
bleached muslin 7
Amoakeag Apron Checks (ilng
hams, at, yard 5 Vi g
IMr Cotton Voiles, all good pat
terns snd colors . . , . . .12Vg
12 Me Lawns and Rati tee. good
patterns and colors . ...7H
Satifartloa Bleached Muslin,
10c values, 36-ln. wlds . 6
For the People and Keep Dowa the High Coat of Living.
la ut aasT urnxATB str-
AB 1.M
10 bar ' Lennox. Beat-'Em-AII or
Diamond c Soap SSo
10 lbs Best Mixed Chicken reed SSa
10 lbs. Oyater Bhell IBs
Snider' coups, can TH
Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg .TH
Yeast Foam, pkg. So
H-os, pkg. Best Domestic Macaroni
hi. cana Condensed Milk
Grape-Nuts, pkg
K. C. Com Flakes, pkg. . .
OH or Mustard riardlnes, .
1-lb. pka. Best Corn Rtarch
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. ....loo
Peter's-Breskfast Cocoa, lb. SSo
m-lb. boxes Best Select Soda
Cracker eoo
Oet a free sample of Looae-Wllea'
Orahsni.' and Krlspy Cracker at our
cracker department
The butter truet was compelled to
come down. The supply. was vetting
too much for then.- to hold up the
high price By trading at Harden s
you fight trust prices.
Best No. 1 Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk, per lb. SSo
The Bes No. 1 Dairy Butter . ...5o
Oood Table Butter, lb. '. S3e
The Best Country Creamery . ...S7o
Try HAYDEN'S First
I iw.G (IfflinViniiifCrl.!
f sat cash wlli buy aa Ir
rigated farm In tba San
Luia Valley. Cola, ,
We offer - lantf cleared
and ploed with a full
water rtaht where cood
crape hare bean grown for
twenty yes: where wheat has
sveraced ii bu. per acre, eau 4S bu.
per acre, potatoes 1 bu. per acre;
where sugar beets field peas sad ai
faifa ar money making crops
a a postal card. We wilt acne our illustrated Booklet aad full particulars
' - aa -to terms, prices, etc. Write extar- :...
- Boom I01T fin aTasisaal Bank Blag, SIsTTZB, COIO.
in Wednesday's Sale
Speciil Sale
ct Women's
J White Shoes
. Wash Goods Specials
New and up-to-date ana better
good tor lees money. Her are a
tew polntera:
A handsome 'new line of Pits!
or crinkled eeersiKkera, in all
colore for fine underwear: yd. ISO
Another new ehlpmenl of Voile,
new shades l&o
Kew shades In silk striped Voiles,
regular 29c vaiuee, at SSo
Ratine white, colored and fancy
at. yard SSa, SSo and SI .00
Genuine Egyptian Tissue. 2o
grade. ' at . ISa
French Percale, Inches wide,
in dark or light color. In bor
der. In ahlrt walM stripe, in
wrapper patterns at tha same
price aa domestic. . . HMo
40-Inch Bordered Batiste, werth
Jc. a lyerd. .....SSo
A large amount of silk mixed
. N'ovelUea. yd. SSa, SSo, SSa, TSe
Batiste 134o and lOe
Organdies ISa and Sae
Lot 2 'Pure white chip,
fine Milan and Hemp
braid, all latest styles and
worth up to $3.00, choice,
at.... 98c
10c Long Cloths and India Lin
ond on sale at
mic Ready Made Sheets, 72x90
site, on sale 3Ss
Pillow Cases, good qual
ity 42x36 size, st 9Vig
$1JM St. Regis Red Spread, as
sorted patterns, at ..... .85
S3e Pongees. 32-in. wide, ail
colors snd patterns . . . 12Hg
TtSITlllll AT
bt ratoss
Hayden'a make , th price, and
break tlie prices
Kreah Hplnach. per pk. .,..,..,TUe
bunches Kresh Onions ee
bunch Kresh Radishea ...aa
4 bunches Fresh Pieplant ........ g
J bunches Fresh Iaf Lettuce .....So
New Potatoes, per lb. Sa
I.are cucumbers, each lOa-THe-Se
Fancy Rip Tomato, lb. .......10
Freh Peas, quart loa
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. TH
Fancy Cabbage, lb. u,o
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. ISHe
Tomato or Cabbaxe Plants, in
crockery dept. per down THa
1 pkgs Flower or Vegatabl Baeda
tor as
We hare received a carload of
Extra Fancy rltrawbarri from
Arkanaaa to aell for tha grower.
These are the large slie. and tha
quality Is extra fine. There are lota
of cheaper berries, but none to com
pare with thla fruit The regular re
tail price of this fruit Is lie quart
box. Twenty-four qt box a ag
cases, per case .
We advise our customer to buy
now. as thla will probably be th
lowest price of the season.
si -ir.. -jirii.5i.?
FOB IT On Kan Luia ' Valley
1MB II termer raised on thousand
Ion of sufar bsMta oa tn
Another farmer cleared
more tbaa Si. on aevea acres ef
cabbages ta 111. Na reason why yoa
" can't de aa well. Otra yourself a
fair chance to "make good. -