ihe.-BEE: Omaha, TVEDNTgPAT, may ft 1912. The Mi SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT The Judge is Caught With the Goods Again Copyright Mil Natloaal Kwi Aeea, Drawn ior. The Bee by Tad - ( M tOOOMCRMfM oneem-rOB, rAr IKtl wiim iww wv I Married life the Third Year Helen' Sfilf-Coosciousaeia Is a Cause of Mach Irritation 1 11 .. 1 CXMtMCD V tWJAV X f f- NO- , J-, - ' "' ' Kl'ojft. -v www vo. J U3Jrir mtrhuu tmotr) , j RED) (CAll rSTSrX i I . ' . :, I li 3 B 1 1 1 .ti ', ii'i'i,,,,,. "y- ! J " M I .4 ' '- . aW in rwrn. "-Tf. rv r- - rra. .- - 1 ..I 1 ... waw - r 1 -' ft' 111 'Try place of breads-some of til crust" Helta broks off Uny piece end nibblsd at R plnf ully. v. "fake enough to da sows food. Her," an4 Wvrtn broks .-,' off- larger piece and banded It to ker, "That's tee trouble with shad It's full of those In tend bones," - Helen obediently wallowed the crust, ee beet she could. "OowT She ' theo bar Br UABKL atERBEBT VBNKR. tome I H 0ftf -st;r' J Tfkt water." 8fce tnlpva down another kaU laaa of water.-' "Jiow atop thtglf Inc about It Jtuat to . and and eat yon ur it'll . ( dowa Iteett. . But U la dUfleult eat 1U a. I bone, however' Uny, lylnf obstinately one's throat. ' ' ' Whenever anything;, happened to Was rtn, fca always took N moet serlousty. He nursed all hie little 111! with alraeet ludio reua ravlt) But wha anything; haopan to Helen his attitude was. "Oh. that notMnft Juat don't think snoot tt-tt ll ba all ytfht." ' ' ' Am a ryle (he tried hard te keep from him aU her sllcht eomptalnte, knoednc ah would only ba hurt, by hie lack of alm- . u a n .v.. trtMA Hard A fOraet HUI7. " M ' ' tie untaUon In. her threat - But Instead ef paasln It away ft be eame mora painful and mora difficult te swallow. After dhiaer eke went to bar owq room, eloedd the door and with the am ef a hand mirror and a buttonhook wrted with absorbent cotton Uled to dislodge to bone. But It waa too far down to be reached. Just aa ah wee holdtnf her mouth open at the widest and.' Warrea aaddealy appeared at h Flush hie. ah haatfly u down th hand mirror ad ts buttonhook. Helen was always painfully aeU-isciu and enuld neW bear for Warren to sea her In an 'awkward or ykUculou position. with this eU-consclouenees not only d he never srkpwtllse. bat for some reason U aJwav hrltated bus. And now he growled aa he saw her rary evident confusion. "That bone still there?" "Here, com over to the window and lets sad,, "Oh. no. no," drawing back hastily. Com here. 1 aayr taklaa her by the ana and drawing her to the window. "Wow even your mouth! Let's see tf I can't get that evtr "Oh. no. naWWarrra I can't r turning bar head and trying to draw away. "Why can't r! Open your mouth I ten yon:" . . . :VTarr I eaa't-I cant stand there with aar snmith open! Tou know I can never, do anything Use thae-I always feel so rMteulons,"' But Warm forced bar none to (catty t the wtadw. - "Now Pa your njouthi That s about enough of tMa tomfoolery r But a h released her arm to tura her face urwarda the fight, aba Jerked away with aa Indignant: "I won't I'd rather hove ten wanes la my throat! Barely yon woa't as force: Purioaai at' bar reetetanoe, with asaut- tend oath Warren flew eat ef the room. slammln the .door a hard thai whole flook shook. And In a few mo- iptme sha heard hint. gtMfnd into his coat la the halL Then th outer door banged. Helen Hood f tMtrihaw liar CUM out with reddened eyas. Oh. why should Warren never raspect her self-con sctea tkHiancssr? Why did it alwaya Irritate HlmT o doubt she waa foollab-4f It waa a- aenalttvasKs that ah could , not Vpway stiauld he rsssnt at so? Ther war sneer Itttl tbtnge tha hrnw th waa absurdly atnarttv and self eenedoas about. She coald awvar bear for lm ta aee her la a dental chair with her mouth sti etched open, aor would she curt aar hair he tore him. bar let him au per to curt, papers, or with cold cream an her face. It was an ef Helen's most leep-reoted Instate that Warren must have tal pictures of Or which wen rtdlcnlow sr ScpeUef. If taer arlvas had ones ot king -ef that tastlnct the" proportloa of nnhappy mar- riaces. would be hnm .As a ruM nwet women are whwlly mdlfferaat as la what mental pictures thdr hurhands may have ttfCTB BTsel H'Sl'Mk' "CaaTrtaSfBl 'gafCgT ' tivtsss to this to th extreme It was after U when Warren came home. He took hit bath and went to bed In aullen silence. And Helen was far mora distressed by Ma diapleaaure than by any aaassty about the hone which waa not yet dislodged. Bh thought, or oourea. It would ha ton by morning. But In th morning It waa atlll there. and Just to swallow waa difficult War ren shaved and dressed In the aama aullen alienee. But at breakfast whan It was very evident that Helen could not cat and that sh waa merely sipping her coffee. h naked curtly: "Boot tnr ?" She nodded. "Serves you . right. Jove! There may be ether women with aa little- sease as ran, i hut I've never met on!" And ha hurried oft without eft ring her th altsMest symsatby or sdvloe. His whole altitude waa that bavins re fused ta 1st him take It out she could now get It out th bast way aha coald. At. luncheon It waa even mot difficult to swallow and ah could hardly drink a glass at milk. By avealnc Helen many heaaa to grow uneasy. - When Warren eaaw-aha waited, anilnuely tor him to ask about her threat so she might tell Mm K wa wan and something; should ba daeta. After-all that has) happened ah heal bt d to brtna hyus herself- . BUI Wasraa did . not . speak t her throat He mad only a few nsr re mark! asout mer things. - Had ha for gotten or. did. hf lntaaa lnr It com pletely r Wa be trying ta pamah her still forthar?' At svssl though she mad hardly, a. .nratenee. .of . eailng. stui he seemed sot aorios. And than aha knew that h' Had hot forgotten but that he was chooatpc I deUberaMy IdDore the incident. jot before sh left th table sh said heattaluie-iy: "W arren., that bona i stui I my throat, rm afraid something wul hsvs to fee done." Huh. so. you had to com to It, well. what'a your Msa what should be aaraaatlcally. "II don't know, dear. I'll stave that to roa.'" . - This waa Intended to be conciliatory, bat Warm ealy sniffed. "If you'd left It to ma In the first place, ri hsvs had it oat hut night Now eom over to'th window.-: Helen flushed, but she followed him meekly to the window and as meekly opened bee mutb- . .. How do you expect me to see like that?" Thafa better." as sha opened still wider. "Now take your handker- "ShJl?f najlJal TWiaf BWIsW - v - At this Helen looked up Imploringly. "Take year hanVrehlet and draw ant your tonamer" ha reared. "Here," tailtur a fresh handkerchief from his pocket as Helen fait vainly lor here. "Now hold It out and nay 'Ah." Again again! Hum, your throats all Inflamed. What ve you been dolnc to HT" Wttfe her mouth open and her tonghe held oat. It was somewhat difficult ta an swer, and her -Nothing" was oniy suttural aaaad. "WsU, yea've fixed youreelf up for doctor, all right" releasing? her. "That throat's too Irritated for ma to do aar thiol with. Now you get on your thing. We're gain- to aa Dr. ataadford." Evidently tha reddened throat bad made him somewhat anxious, for his manner was leas harsh, and ha even inquired with aosaa solicitude It It hurt her. Whtl Helen tressed be phoned to the doctor. In half an hour they were there. Asd Dr. Standford, after several swot's painful arebing la Helen.' throat biesMal out th Uay bone. -. 'There s th brick that's caused all the trouble!" a he held oat th almost In visible Silver oa a piece of cotton. "ow, rn give yoa a preecriptlon to sprsy that Uiiuat and erfcowH tayhf- - To cause for anxiety removed, Wr rea d seHcttnde peomptly vanished, and as thay came nom be aaid graffly. Hope thts'H be a lesson. Tod lee now, don't yoa. that all Oils .trouble and, ex ponas could have, been saved far you bada't been auch a little fool last nicht la her heart .Helen, doubted If he cpnld hav gotten It out last B'sht avea It she had let him art. at bad beea neast dif- ecutt for tha doctor to"' reach- -wKh Us Inatruanerus-aad what could ' Warren haw dowe wtthoat them? - - Huseru. sre waa SBacb-toa waw.to express tMa doubt, ' Irissead she sok refoga la that stronghold which had so often shVslded bar frwav Waevea e arrtta- t a 0U5 OrV-MO CTOfry teV$ JNnnd ArTAlptf eTrV CtlOKTV IMlAMaf lWUr nA CHT HOM ASVHOJ rwn BeVIN Owwan) U TO tHOM4IAPat MvHet wtstvaa oo WrtUES Of ft at AiO ucoVOVMThtv f&ts TMB MaW tVCK FftHW OILsVvarff UCdMridl TAjBHr Tnatr mmo MMcS TWs? IHMATgJ Kiflwdr? off THE XXlTlC CHAIf, - Dx or TH7 JJtip uth Mri : HAi HUttta TJTC frVvVaJi ArO JttaBMAr WMty TvC-pNtC.CAMtJ 10?. Of J rM?AatfCrr Cr. V&i tNGZdt Hrn0 TO VrVitC Al TO fw Atou iwt of thnsr . TH FUaUD ItmH 'MfVATE ' fOUTSNCSSXAlD VCXU rta-LflVf TVf6 GCN ZtAL wfrSHEUPot' HArtCb -WATHFutXr COeWadero . WlvOWt ITarO-Tt) Cw Goel' vTme ?-vict HG . esBsaaaanwsasaBnasaaisWawg a VJrtrVC tXJ WO" UNO w pA A CCMMQXJH,' 11 THXfot 110 ter rec o-ueojt.' AMD ITTQC AJ IX VLU fujMGHrM'rtiteO.', 1KH t ViAidC AfLOtHft TWeUr- f?rVt ntaT" . , efPCW ANO r!- s E . m a. i'd SET AT AevOTMEJI JJOft Vm AM) ViO e.;Tltt. IQ THQt t (irbHOrAC. A HO UAtt MWtC fit A WCtJ JTWTM So twr rrtu fcEM UK jo iCW AevHtCO ! 0W. . htaUd tKn" asVlaTA CHOCCp A . (yifcAFf VatMJN COreWKrtT70t eSUCrABUO AT fVTfl f0. fViftAOfU TMC w-7 tHOeH trtfUrCD A9MrrCH0stfsfd meiK Aneai At.0Cr45K.lf. tVia lEXtl , FfNAU-VAfHtCO Af-MOTTT CHOfW HifsxSBdV 9f hft-t(r IfWBrAvifcS AAOVEO , MOOCPTM6 PAflUTEJ.? BARk oh iovtaV&!ll& OOtS ) 1 rCTM'rr i T My Old Friend's 8on . I saw him at the theater tha other day -my old friend' oej..- i . . a Ha had ealy a few liaes say In the play, but there waa foBelhtn la kl voice and the way ' ' he carried Ma head that attraoted my attention. I looked n th hllnv-yee. l waa the same name -let'e see, lea, fif teen, ilitaen, sev. entsen, )uet about that .by now. my friend a - eon tha mts ; tykw ' wha d re led ate te the nursery to) aee kl aesr iwcsdnt horse -January he called him, I remember, j the last tint I w him. What bright sye he -wad. and "What latitat looked da It there never wsl going ta as snrthtni for him In the world awl music and laoghtsr. And now hla fathac la dead and hla mot her Has ta her low crave, too, and ha'a n In th warld atom Oghtiag hi awn flaiM. "Bhad I task hhw up." I thought "No, hs'U think ata a bore he looks happy and prosperous. I'll lust asnd him a lvtn thought over th foot. By WIMFKF-D BLACK. - .. ' -1 hghOr aw M It aw at that- But la tha aet sot tha hay steed stlaat. for awhll and watcbtd Hat star and haw r troublrtt aa bar pas bade him de, and' therewas somethias; tststful end strained. about, hla faoe that callad to ma. Ilka B well-loved and wetl-reaesataerad Tatoe," nd I changed my ml a , - I went back and hunted a th aar.v; and he looked at sn with sye fun at unshed tears when 'I satliaiil Ma mother's nam,- sod all aha saat atC the , week wa vac frteada. tha bay aad IV. And new we Shalt ba friend s anaar.- aa era Hva, the twe at aa. And h neod m that very day. tea. Ha waa trying t make up hla mind aaeot aaaaa thing, and wa talked th whole tatayiad. fnoiuh. complicated- affair all aver, thl' boy sud I. and t helped hi at la aeotde to da tha atjuara utaa. eve tf It did twrrt . aut to be a little troublesome, an almost heard my old friend's vole aatl -. Inc to tt In th atarea wind,' and It s never sounded sweeter la all tha ttata Seve heard Mi Very fw women hrvath properly. That I the reason why wemtn ( .asratty eonv plain of bwtfy , eirfetepeil chMta and it I for thit.and a tsw other rtesni thai cerUla women find W. almost Imaasilbl te reduce th sis of their bust sseaawrw Deep breathma la bit fundanveatal prin ciple of good health and looks. Unless you breathe- properly, all the other exer cise will be of little or no una to you. - Many peosie think .that aeep area thing aotutet e m an soeeaionai imssewee breath, that tills the lungs to bursting aapadty. send alt th Wood rushlna te th heed ana when It la axpane from th luKrs leaves a person panting dod sxhauated. . . Deeo breathing should bo a habit, act an aaenion. i.pon ia m.. - . general ahaaUeeaa of the figure, eabe- dally th- oeoks dhoaldsra and bast Th Color ef the ssmglssirn r-i T rawsrlt rtetlea. .. - 7 Tote for Boggles, the people's Candl date.' - The Bsedsewosm Is WwO and Favor. ably Knoera Here, and the Bride Is On of th Loveliest and Most Popular Young Ladies ta Our CM to Health u at a:D$P Breathing end What it - Wi!l to for th4 Sickly C!rl .V.-'-.'.- . MDa braU ' lrW I. tha ttmAm.- "y mrntal yrln'(ilo, vt 'mx aytattk ' aad.rook,"'.. w m ,.' a. w '.w .i r t j i v.' " 'mwMU ' x. j !y.tv , vl y . X X J I 1 1 ft l - aad. with area j ".'..I' I I told of ta bar ' 'jni 'l 1 article, will, If rYlfv.' l-K . I snake woadcr. II '' I 11 I tal rXovcmeat ' " " (J .'".' U "A 1 1 II I ta wo""' f ; ' )V -V Si ' ahonld ba a .Vl ' f i hH, not a ., -, '"N?" exertloa. Graduailr rata tha arms aad In halo deeply ant 11 tha limp ' raa tautd ao eontour of the cheks. which, nine ne j out of ten, can oe niiea out sy umus v systematic and habitual dee breathing. Ther are a great many d. Iterant avetn-- sda of deep breathing, th yogi eemg Bcssiblr th moat temowa, alaca tt as front- th cast, and be beea ex pounded. by the plplureeque Srtrets of th Orient Bat yogi breathing, which con sist of rythmic breathing. 1 tremeo- Sous concentration of the mi ad, and ably should be practiced by adopt wh axe deeply versed la tale sdaaca ot breath. aad who are under peraoaal eupervtstoo oa ins wacner. For ordinary anrpoaea a few siupk) ex- erdaea are enough, and they cannot make so dissy sr bring about a taas of com. as tha yogi ssetsjod- caa tf practised bp the Inexperienced. The reason weasea breaths auparfleially. using oaly th top of thdr nine. Is very often because of their "otofhlag. I aa aot reerrlng to corsets alone, but to tight waists, bodice that an too narrow across th shoulders. sJeave that Mod on at th armhole, and more especially te very heavy hats. ' , Ton do not. think that a heavy hat could poasfbty Merfcre with tha actlea of your tung but I secure yoa that N dees, because of the pi-secure It exerts ea tha spinal ocd at tha hack ef the aedr. which pwasnis ommwsciatcs Itself ta the rest of the spine, and from ther te the nerve j ef the body. ' 'how, th nerves hav a great deal to 4pw, begin to fill your lungs, bseethtag through tha BoatrUa. UM .your mouth closed.. IP) bree,the la U th ir yo r abt to held, but ertthoat rfhe eeje of suffecatloo which eeetee at attaining. v - Hold thl breath wlJle v count four, and very slowly expel It through the noes. counting seven thl time, whs' you to hat, free tic thla at leat tea time. New stand upright, with your head up, shoulders throws back, and arm hang ing by th. de. . Oraduallr raise the arm until they are high ahovi the head. Whll you are performing thl movement. Inhale deeply through the nostril until the lungs can hold so more. Batala tea breath, then gradually .lower th arm and expel the brsath at tha aama tlraa, . Tou can hold a staff, a Vewei t a piers ef material about a yard long, while per forming this sx arc lee. yroid th tee-el at either end, awing t ahov tap' bead, aad forward and downward as on exhale ' ' ihh'alf . 's wing ihs toe si up, exhale at you bend tha body to. the side, letting th arms awing down, first to tha right side; and theh to the left' with th mo tion, at tha body. Each- wiovwwaht call for special deep breath, hold tha breath when the arm sre e hove the bead. To till aut hollows la the shocks, on of the very, best esarslsss is thl lung filler: tand erect and exhale, puffing vary Mt ef breath Mi your tuafa. Cloat the mouth, aad aaatf the air In little puffs almost at If yoil were Ia&ajlng water Instead of aid. Put your salad oa filling the veny bottom of your lungs and feel with every puff that yoa ai not only filling th hinge but aasrctslpg Thl, Mis Kel thr, mahlag thea move.,"- Tou should feel a distinct sense tica with each sniff of air. th sensation be ing down at the bottom ef th hing. a sort of a Jerk. When you have Inhaled all The brsath yob can 'possibly hold, ex. hale la a steady stream.- 'Now mi yeur month full of air, puff out your cheeks and give yourself s fiack. tight rub ever the cheeks and (ace with th ringers of Swing tha body front glda to aMa a ahowa above. InheJiBet haling with each motioa. both hands. Thia will bring the -blood up Into th cheeks snd' If yoa repeat thl ten of twenty time a. day you. .wtn find, a wonderful Improvement In a short space at time, ? .... , , What s heosms of th tkttdrta at our. old friends? , Soma of them are little yet and aaata,; rw at seheet- aoaaewhers away from- horn, perhaps In th very elsy when , ', are. , - . 1 . ' i What hecom af lb flii that was the" Met of tha horn we used t . Won. ' derfully clover We aU thawght ber-whe. bored na sometlm wtb her oasrieaa.i and her Utile spoiled war, but w.J Mvar eared art her melher think so, Poor child, shs'e spoiled no knuTMV - ! Bh I making her own way sew alo' -and nobody marvels at her olevwrnesa , or thinks the gray old- world aot good enough for her now. , ' ' " The little hsrlds that were a' whltT and eo ne.lsss.. what heavy work they da : now, and how well and courageously they i do It tew.' ' ,''"' XM as look bar. up snd 111 bar about the good times we used to haw wttb her ' mother, when all th world wa fuli of love aonga and tha only thing Ih moon , waa tor was to leak pretty far and-' torn an ordinary walk Into a romaatio 1 svvotdr.: " . , -- i - ;, Who I that hobbledehoy ever there! : Cocao ta isnva to aa to soal, thdy aay. t eesaa to baaw many seepta, arrd . hara always sa the porch waltlag fa the poatman every morning. Bomo ef'th era lw hi claaa aaU Mat Hhe Jay." ' si- wonder If he s se very homesick ret . . vhy. kht (ether asd a drag ye aa bla aied arbta yau were aot half aa big aa bhla boy ef kla. Why not Mr the awe . slad aw scout It aad aaH him anaa a flaw fliw bla father waa, and fcv toot He la a little worried about It now, ha I so different ftosa the, seat tf the kiad. la hla etas. , ' . . Who l aa lew. some ea earth aa a bwy away from horn among, strangers? . ,' ' Kelt Ago. UUia mot her, la your low i grave I knew you eeo aad loved you. aad fhr your sake that boy bf youra shall , never want for a friend as long aa I shaft' live. Olvt ma your bond, dear boy. with your mother's eyes Wo, t won't nM mentallt ever yoa. I won't lectur yarn.'' rn Just love you and sever say a Word about It-boy faahton. ; Hark' Whose eras that th the March wtnd tha voice that used to sing so dear aad gayT . Ctrl Hen. keep In oV mWdls of de row, Oh. den chillen, keep in d mlddld at dt' road i . . . . ton I yoa look to (M right Pont you look to hrft. - 5 lews keep In de mUMle of ds read. arhet awl at darky eoamt she aaulet asake en new w uesd to love ta bom, bar slag the std labatee aong. "Des Ksep ' te do t taste ef ale Road-" ' , - Bear friend, year Bxtle dsssntag foot waihsd dow ahaskrwed reads before yoa' earn to the end. chea t they? ,- . i Bat yoa tana ell tha way, they toil axe, ' "Keen a O rattdie ef de read.'' Well' that boy of years shall keep there, toot ' il ihes te any virtue la leva aad earnest 4 effort to help him to reeaecaer. ; - in Over Production of Qold . . . . M1S9 ASSETTB KBIiLKRMASJr. - - -- - - - (Other pose In sllhonett by. Isabella Jason of Tha Winter Garden.) do with breathing, aa yoa notice whoa yoa "yoa get a nervous shock at any, Urn. . To lmasediatsly aegia ta peat or yoa loos your breath entirely for an InstanL Consequently. Is order to breaths prop erly, we want ta keep our nerves In a peaceful, eutet state, h? passible, and aa th mind has a great deal to do with the serves, deep treat Mug may be saat to begin with mind culUvatiot So you want to do your breathing ex orctae when yoa pre feeling eontsat and placid, vatll yoa get the habit After that tt yoa ft upset aervouely. or It you Worry rory much, yea will find that tea minutes practice in rythmic breath tog will restore your mental and physical bxlanc. - On s ruing, whils you sre still clad In year nishlrirsss, staad aft with your back to the wail, and quite near aa open wln. BeUJCBBM,CEE..-U- : ' As v walk on the aveau day bf day ' ' " " Or amble Bios' tha greet "Whit. Way," Tn uesUon, when vtawtug tha a4Ub tfW, U, - - W br do thay get tha Broaey? . t . :'- - - - f ; I rroni'tha "topi of Uelr keade t tha tfpw as? tbatf tsea, Th richest fur aad tha autartest ar elotneg -: With locJtg peers abundant than -atura beatowa ' Ob wbera do they gt U aaoaayt Their wonderful batg whit aar not admrra-s. And tha very eholee flower that adorn their attire Speak mutely of bills moanUag higher aad higher, . But where do they get toe atonayT Tha veils, the frlDa and th furbelow. ' . " , The- ranity bag and tha chid IttU bewa . Asa oaatly; as tell aa U any eaa kASwa, y,yx do they get th money?. i