THE. BEE: OMAHA. WEDXESDAV, -MAY .21, 19U. 11 r i r 3 OFFERED FOB BALK -; fntwriniii - WOULD TOO how our wholly vlktble typewriter to your Mend and lot them see wkanb It exel ny$10a typewrit Mill If you -could. without coating you on cent, nave me irpvwnur w aoe forever as your own? Than writ u for full particular. Emerson ' Typewriter C. Boa WooAatoea, I1L . roR BXLB-New txl eon4-kand urea aod poekx Millard takte ana kil( laT aad aaomorl; bar fix tures ,ot all UuU; aaiy payipasu. Tb Bruuawiek-Ba!k-ColU!xlr Co. W-Mi ' frOOl labtoa. tare, restaurant flztura eiillit. ooia. iayv.i w.. oo. jjmaaa. OLD HAinty'.-PBRtOHT. 1M rarao jT rCtR SALB-TWO Kbotarabli IB Ut ' dacha CoaiBMrcial. oUs ao4 a ia Bgyla ceil. . Binlnon otUo. Omaoa lAFhJi-Omialixktd nilh Mcoad-ttaad afti; alt "aief and .'mks;' btroila. Amancan-upiiy ux. uw rarnam c LATJC model NaUonal Caah lUatsur. lmot Mrt a.aB. ii Nort.24Ul 64, .' BlIC lLkl.Mkla.lKUitW.aal. !. Call at or addnsaa Bulo oKtca, vmui ree. 'pgr ma LB On It M. P. boiler with dxuira and . (muk tck. tck all to ood sondttldo., Ut (ell cbeap it takao at on. - AddreM all communication to . jmii wii. (.narttr o. i. . Ux-hiraiwir. l-(t motor IM. cooil ondltlon. H. C.4omwn. Uth and. Hat- rlmrC eVurtti Omaha- Phon Soirth ua. or fhon Wetuier - --.., FK80NAL "haJZEL. LtMT PILS C6MKaU-'SMt rtndy lor Itcblnc, biMdioc or protrud In pil. KK: puatpald;' aampl fr, tlitHnan HcCoraK'l Dru Co.. Omaha. 1 A- New Tr$s Do sot praad ruptur offQ tnternalty a convex pad do. writ for booalM, hx jrkRtsieL-TRCM'oo, : vw mumm n ar www ftw iuv. MASSEOTHEKIfY ilXlil? THB ALVA7I0N ARMY aalldtl UM aff aiatiuaii: lu taat, anyliilna yott da aot Bd7 W oUck Apatr an? aU at Ut K. UtA t, lor c-t at eollctlqn. to tb; ruy BOOT' fbutw DotutlM 4UA ot aun oall ' . ! . . vital havLha. alaotrla vHiratBry and radiator treatments. Vt, Ann P. ttar. U War A 1Mb. D. IS. Itaaa Mr. Rittaahaua. BoWaa Bid YOUNif wosoeo omlac t Oatana aa atranaer ar invltod to visit tb Youaa Wotnea's Cbrtsttaa aosUut blldia at Bavantoaatb an L at-ry- Atra, wbr tbay BlU a dtfastad to auttaa hoerdtna plaa.' or atUarma Miidi Look tor ur iravalsn aid at tb ttaw nKT-TTrt B. RroM, W - 1 - - a Utn. td floor. ! Hi KEKf aaa raoalr all kind Of but munis, lnd. A M; Douaia lata. MktBRAgKA CTCLB CtA. ,. , , ma ana narnay oca. ANNA H. MARKS, ram. Pavldg at, apt, a. Ka nut. MASSAGE -STSSt Raak BODT jdABSAOB. iS-l KrvlllB. P. T7L VacCL'M MASiACB. 60. Ulk (-, IL ts, dally. .Buuday;, opaa' vnunii hours B .to 1 ..... . . ; - POULTRY AXD TV? ATOCKv , EGGS EGGS From tho6utbrd turkeya, Tsulus a. Kotian, iwua. ktuaoovy aad Hun net docs, fanri sd . Who (uiaea; Banlasnai riii aiul Brown Leahorrw. Hodau; Gams; Black Lencthans; Buti Orpindtons; Wtait. Barred and buff Pfy moutk Rocks; Wntta. Baft asd ftlvar Wed Wyandtt , Raed Ialajtd Jtadsi B. 8: Haisbergat - Hen- ef . 17 -tor U, ind trf the. KW rwaonabl. Fancy piirsona, rabbit,- Cota' Wrrur fBr-fr otrouusr. it. U BRUEI. nau Canter, Neb. !reiuaj tlM par 1U0. Wanr. tel K la. ' FINE femal Bostoa terrier, rtaaonabi; U marked and pdl(rMl, Tylar ISA UA LKiCt as- , - Peratauuit Advertlauid la ta Road 'to BIS Ratunak &E.U. IvalATK LOANS CMARA Droitarty and Nebraaka tilt New Omaha Nat l Bank BuOdiac HON tT to loan 00 but, tea or rsr aeno proparOaa. tUB) ta BVaxaak W. IA THOMAA. H( Ptrst Nat l bank Bldf. WANTEJJ-Clry lean and werreaia, W. Famam Smith A Co.. ICS Panoua at. Ho to MM mad promptly, F. D. Weed. wad Bidi . uth and rarnaas, WANTED City loana Peter Truat CB 6 CJTT LOAN A Bamia-Tarlbara C, M-l Braodai Theater Bide GAByiNS03,a?. LOANS Farm- ataf ally Broaerty. H. Ouaiont A bob, )K4 faraaaa at. FOR BALE OR KXCH.ANGK TO EXCUA-aaV-Oood. sraxxh. land la Colorado for furniture and undertaklnc boetn. Addnar Loek Box L. atbr Clo. . - ' GOOD Improved property, alee -In: Fill trad fur aood auta Addran Xe Wt Omaha He. .iJtzxm Ranch , H!ly tBtproead: all fixed up. onty 1 nfi of tow a mala hrt of R- R- For further Irafcsrsgatioa addr owrter, ia einrood At-, OnAba. Jtea. . . - , lklPaWVED FARM. 'Oob t -town; b waau land:. aot far fram Own lis; aooA teriae. reasons .lor rklnr'. bo axenta. Aadcek owner. K ia. Oawba Beev ' VTT. ... an Umbrella EVERY ANAH MAI HIS PftlCC" OCEAN STEAMSHIP. , .THE ALLAN LINE ROTAX. Han, STEAKS RS UONTRKAI UVAUtKOUU' dLADOOW. Msalleal. Uarr PlyaHMKn; 1-orKim. Tha Ploturaaaua fit. Lawraoo Houla. Four days on Ut ocean, tor day la rir aod-trull tHXndid B Turbin wamera, oaUoaa. aaKoad-oabui amd Uklrd ciaa. fiuperior n-cia caoia arvia CuUln nuxclld. Courteoui atMBUoo. &nd fur circular. - rMM. plaaa. tc Aliaa t ea. VCl N. aXarbow 8t, Ctm ' Anchor Line Steamsnipa Kow York. LoBdondarry and OlaafOB Kw York, ilanu aad Napkw. AHraciW rat tar uokaU batawa tin Tork - and all aVotoa. Encuan. Irla ContlMntal andT Mdltrraaa poiota Buparlor aecommadaBMB. uUat cui ia. BtrtCMBt ncvM. Apply Minly for rarvatioa u local asaat c Assaat Ua r ' Hndtoa BrgUura, 0acai AieMa. Chtcaa. 111. ' WANTED TO BIT HouMhotd ffa,'?loth a bbo. trsrtl Btfu Id-hand looda Kalaar. VOO Cntr.. D-MU. W6 p 11. moat for Md,cMbJs. MattutA'l Ioan Oirie. 10 80. Uth. Oileaa bupara, M-kaad tkHha. lMiaa aau: ; price.; wll caU.Tylar UO. UVS STOCK MARKATt OV 6lu v- atauB to-ttouta umana. aa mfleac and hrlaa Tour ONWuta bmou roH ' arBiat and aaraful a ma UOB.' Uit r CaaUalB aXarakaBta, Byaai tiro. A Co. atr-f aad rpdnfNa WOOD BROB.. li-Pt acaBf IH4a Orat Weatl Cum. Co.. Omaha A t)nr. Clayj Hownaoa B O.; Etcang ma, CUrroN Com. c m Macliana Blo , Co A fonaa Com C.Q.. riunch of bnwiara. U 8- KOHIiHYd A 00 .1 aBataoa, BtoaV tuirtui. Bro, a Co.. aut-t ?mcB. bldf, T AiO gRoA J ". Opoalt ixwMd ol hiBiaant Taraajii-ri, ban, . Ooly baak 1 at yard. REAL EnAXK. WANTED 'WAjtTVD to Buy'.Al maim. nw t or treaom bunaalowi la Weal Farnam m Uanaosm Park dIMrlet, Will par Bart eeea-and trad la m Bore rood eBtaaaa land are stoat .ail . ktxruipf Bua call or adtlria. -C Jj-Andartesv- Uat Varnara 6t- tsTA amtbvaut w nrkav, Ox. eldest aaetr Aee a Metre aa, , .161 K read us Tti. KfcAUt A CAJaPBKLUTu rWaa a. Sfcal)BVB UsatAttvA' iBnease'aaa t xtasea, Omaaa sajvaf C. Ideal Cstnent Co.. 1B and yarning Bta, Fuehsvdoa A iuiad. pataua. oeaoratioa. SCREENS t&mElWi Wsnicti rtxtwe cav. Ur? N. Mta Bt, h-'Gros. tunj-rc,'ay'ni. fa A Faull - AbUaA6B Fwst (ALA. i-, . .. . .... j if Acres For Sale-.; r. Be usf tor 1 1 f and -bct timefa Wear Omaha - of 'ootk jUmaha, An ill easy N. DODGE & CO.' , 1Mb aad Harney Bts. ACREAOB SAftUAlNS near Omaha. OrlnS HsrrllL U1J City Nat. Bank BtdA CITY PROI-s-KTi FOR lALBl.-. Dundee Houses v i NbMW-fpr 2-story, reees modens, a war noes, in nrsr ciaaa repeiri do , roam, ti . floor; furoac Aaat; eiaae ta car Una M.BV-ow, 1-story, sictlyoAra kauaa. . j-rwom ana nam; let iiuor tin . . lsh4 la oak, convstaent to car MJaVfo a't-rtory strictly aw&ent boua in cooa repair; large nvtng room and kitchen. 1st floor; 4 light at tractive bedroom! and bath, deoor- " ated throug-nout.-boutil -front lot. 1 iuxltk leL , K&O-newr 7-roontr modern bungalow, oak - rtraatred tot Ooor;. 'beamed iUa; "., :! one bioer from car' Una. aouth .- , kt 'tut RmlA. lest. BeaannaDi terms. ' . - IMM-for a new nM-dt m Vcixa. - ekx to tm oar line bia Kb ' hi finished m Hard wood, aaauned -' ; eetllac la Mrtnf aad diBUBi rooms, -built in -bonkcase. bum in buffet '.- - Bad BUraetpva brtok BalsL lasc- rtd- tOroilgboul. stair way to laeae attlo: hot water, heat. fttSOWtor a saw house, located W Happy Mot low, on bUMi mm the car . line and overlooking tb bouatrard ' . and Happy Hollow Club Ground The 1st floor has Jlvtna room acrosa the cottr tront of woo, ' fmlhd , m aek : .' bsemad catllna. Built ta boakcBBs and tltosf flre piace. The dlnlna room, kt alas i finished In aafe aad aa bwlll la bufteL Tber hj a breakfast room fintsncd la mli -strle, wltk table .and tntostob '; alsw .a large 'room on-ta south vfitk window; Jd door ba t bedroojaa. fnetudlna barge ' siseplgja -porch. ' Time- rooms ar ttniihedT In wnlte eoamel with maherny' door and oak. iloora. Tiled bathroom' with up-to-date flaiurrt; ed ffoo baa twa finished rne. This bue - kt attractively decanted tbroucn ' " out and yeady to mov ato at onoe . riot water beat, -. GEORGE b COMPANY--- ' . Phone D. THer 'A-n& - ' ; ' tO-U Ctty Ntk- Bask Bldr ' . Buy Nw v Only- Four; Left W refer to tke choice builrnna- at tea which wa bav In' Han scorn Park dla trtct. only two block Bonk of Hsnawoa park, on Harrta Bt.. ketwaea Park Ave. aad Mb Ava We bare four aouaee nndar oeaVwstie wruyi ar sold, and have aot te saora ta be started soon., latok thews propMTJ nrr. observe earetu y haw tkwy are betna butU; fben tt tWi at-a asms rust auostanually bant i east Ktalw -a rwaaonabt Bavwaaei down and baJsnee practically like not, let as" flaw with you. 2" ' SCOTT HILL, ' B-.W;A-ra. . -RoCawBidr . SLTitiEI.L A BRANT RKaLTY,CO. e BUY-AAaw-KXCHA.C:B . :" Douglas oa.- ' H7 afcCacue BlCkc REAL KSTATK C1ITT PROPEaTY rOH !,;. Six Room. House Hanscom-Park - District Entirely modern, . flit east' front ; lot: Mfolw mAAmA ft , " J icii,nu, wm Wla The honae was built by prant owner iui a mm ano ia rery comptet and substantial. Fine InteMor arran(ment; nteely paptrad: oak finish to Mln rooma Nvar J6tU add Popplttoo. Price, HOOa Term. - SCOTT HIU-. D. cm; A-Vbi. . .. sn MoCacu Bide : CAN YOD ' RAISE $100 . . VILL YOUt ,...1 Paw a tHfl, . w . . , ...... " twii, par nd per month on five-room, nrlotlv mod ern, -room dwallina. located ta Just about that best plaoe In Omaha. No bwias belter bulH, few- a well. PMrnare KaK l a aal aaaul aaat Aaaa. a .--a. arwrapw,, -"A , MWm BnajllRf BB BB.nrj fMiiah ! itiM rtffht O elr1 Uht TWO DAYS. ONLY, and then. well. Utea stuff s -off, for M wee t last kmcer. a-rive aun 'roes B rr- MMatlOB, . BEMIS-CARLBERQ CO. . fit Brand! Theater. COMMISSION SAVED "By Buying of Owner Benson. Strlctl aoflarn ' t-rnom hauaa- built by owner; leavlnx stste, must sell. riron nenson t r u. box U4, OWlVER LEAVING CITY - ' RAVE COKMIdSION. Must ll aoleadld T-rotMW wnawa Kauaa i stortes, eacaptlonajly rl built; t lara bedroom and bath, reflection hall, lane dlnlna room, Ualt, eombjaatloa aa and aiecirtc uxiurea: larre ooruBaa. Bront anil aide; nlr laWn and ah ad, fement walks and paved, aueet.. pear- bast. car lie IB ell. Bom oo Bill at a haraaln. Prlee, CMS. Term. ,.J1 gpauiilaav , Phone v eoeier m. ON WIRT STREET fUeajrtioB BAIL Darter. aHtlna taomand dialog raoin. ask ftnlKh and oak floor, very oanvealftnt kllrkea. hot water keat. four bedroom oa td (laari aa extra rate complete path reera, stairway ta it floor, partly flat shed; full besement. camaated, laundry, toilet. House it J yaara old, extra wide, bwlU by ewaer for a bonvti outt trout ret. MxUt , -. W." a t3Af sai M4 Omaha Nt- Bk. Bldfr . 'Phone toa1a ltM. ;:DUNDEE . R hav just completed a dandy t. room sirictly modern bous. with sleep. In porch' and fireplace, ar tit No. 4it street. Thif nous caa be bought an asy payments, ftttr caah and M par month. Kay at sur oftlos, :; VCreigh, Sons & Company, Pnugla r. - (W Be pmg , Walking Distance Price Only $2,900 Flv-room. nearly new and entirely snodara cottage, full cemented baasment. with laundry sink acd A frrt-laa fur nace; larg floored attic lit! cottage 1 flnlehed la ak la tk living rooms, wall ntcelr sjessratod tbrouakeat. Can be bougat now a tl.BOO, en reasonable urma Located about U blocks watt, of Mtk aad Chicago Bt. - ' , 8XJ0TT HILL, D. . A-IIU. - ' . J0 MoCaauBld BEMlaPARK Almost Bw.. f-roam. atrjotly modera house; has racptka hall parlor, dining room, kHobea first floor finished In oak. three bad room, .batti aad steeping porch on ssoond floor; lara aoutb front lot ita 1B; issnint walk in yard and in front of lot; storm sash and ariasns for all wind owe. Owner leaving cltv is rea son for low art; gl.tas oaah WIU BABdi Uua, Twa Monk ta ear. . BEMTSXABLBERG CO. DA-flf BraBdeis Theater. Ox0S&LfBARGAIN Nlo. big, lt-roaB houe. In the aeieh- borhood f long Bchoot; 'hooe newly palnlad. .pawtd street. , cement walk gilac la clear.- Buy from owner and v dealer- etammtaaion . 1 1U nil tor tl.swt, xfnl cash and baJaaca 00 aay term. ' eaarcst if. wst, oee. . PRAIRIE PARK, most arilsU aad -lo-dat miiiniBmty la Omaha; no etveoe. ehlckeos alley, tlk cans or dead oars. Ha piibilo grag and aoctal renter rtub house. Houses and lota. ROne to ft ISA Four bouse now , being finished, kasy. term. Cheapest property of It class la Omaha. To Pxton Real Cstate eomasay. tu Ware -Block ar Ztnl fowler TO. BUY. 8ELf, Ok RENT. FIRST ai JOHN w. nolrpiKA lsa FAR.WAkf ar. HAKB afte. lot -blok A Syndicate BiiU Wilt acrepb reaaanabl after, it. Hall. UUDIu tu Diego. Cal. - FOR SALE BY OWNER fTlca. Aroom beus modem excewt boat porches, tree, and cement walk, cistern, lot StaMt;. good neighborbood, gear tar. Phone Red 1. ' FOR SALE . BY OWNER' t-raeSB modern bouse and 1 lata e on or two ewr-ant-lets.-End ad Wtn Bt. Beat location la Kooatse piaew. It roe waat somwtnmr aoad tt- the right prteer Call Doug;aa int or Call at aw Wirt at, r- R-LU, ESTATE ." ' " " FA A kt Clt t,AH ) BAAB " T I CaUtwrala.: ' ' TT YOU aa ta tare tad ' ta Calif oral wad for frurt r xrdckeo raai a. ca4 tm Fix di Weatberg. alt Bee Bt.. Oman. . k CelaHreAei. . fat acres Xlova oovraty, Cstorada; an level; waiar at J feat; B a cre; to atta) an aetata ViH eaaaract to retail ia aaa rear toe II aa acr aet, or buy ail Ian dot, A Box PA Dsovar. ola. . lot ACREA good farm land near G rarer Weld eoomy. at IT an acr. Timet". CJOk Box-Stv i)ear CoJd. t , Coprrtgtit. I3U, National " n BW II ..III I d . f . .- j . j in inn! i lit i r v,m iy je REAL ESTATE FARM IH tlMli FOR tALB Cvlwrado, LAND . , Finest farm land la Colorado and west- era Nebraaka. We ar Just opening up new tret. Boll blark loam, clay sub soil. Flo water. Ivl roada, sood market. Wheat yield front B t a) buacala, Laad pars for tteeu in two yaara. Writ for clroular. - - FLATTB RIVER VALLEY LAND CO., fiuvid City Nat. Hank Blaf. Oman, Neb. Oeairala, GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA 1 Traversed y th ATLANTA, BIKJUINOH Ast-ATLAN-TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to Ui widest raaa f crooa. All the money crepe f tb aoutb plentifully produced. For literature treat. ma with that eosnlat atry. Its ell, cllmata. ohurck and scttool advaataxaa, write W. B. LEAHY. TJSPT K, r General Pasnenaer Agent. , ATLANTA. OA- j a rat) easiest way ta Had A berrwe pat rtr (arm la ta laser! a sa)H waat ad the Dee atolBM Capttal. Lartest h rukulea Ib the tats f low. W.BM dally. Tb Capital kt read by aad beUeeea (a by the standpatters ( Iowa, woo aimpl rafus ta permit ana atkaf paaer la Usslr kernes. Rates, t sent a wont a aayt LA per- Ua par sqoq1h asttai aia ardiaary word to tu Uaa. Aa4raa ! atiaa Capital. Da aloln . la. . ' ., - , avBaaas, " . ' - -. . a) eoarter C(lona lit oa towarhlp, stsnian eounty. Knast n rre wholeeale: agent t' comroiaaloB. tAMt Bos m, Denver, tow. 39 q lBl Xftr aaasv I layttS w BBBtr-I II IA. ,(.! a, . A I a. J Aa! - a. auu. aa. I ll Baaaa. ( WRU IfeVIin a4SM , sail bbv r-w-, win pwi ft uv m SOUTMERN UiN NKflOTA FARMI FOR HALE If you want to way aa Im proved farm In aautbera Minnesota writ for catalog. Boutnern Mtneata Land Co.. Mtuo Berth. tanbilt Co., aUna. FIFTEEN year to pay !) aer acr for Montana'a ohotosst irrigated farm lands; 7Q4u aera sow oaea ndr tb Carey act at Valler. Hoot.; 10 buebslt.of wheat, i)f buahtlg of oat a M buaheU of flax pep, acr. Writ today. Cuatoa. Hurtt A Co,. Box t Valtor. Mont. RAt'H VJ to IMtMA Bead far lis Nhopen A Co.. - ptoacA laira Omaka. Neb. - ' ' " ' AoBraaBav, ' ' ' FOR PALE Key PaJlk onlry', It. braaaa. St acraa M mUea SI. W. at Bsrtnf. mew, XM0. J. I. J Ikraeniaf Macbia v., xiactna, vvte. I awn at Quarter sections Nebraaka laad, scattered; will Uka gt aa acr. nec Carry t ser quartar I year, oar Mat. BOX M. DENVEfV CK1LO. to) ams. Banner oeunty. Kb, 13 at aa acre, all cash. Must act Quick. Oesrgt U. Mawklna, Box 5, Oenver, Colo.' ' Lea) acres in Valley county' Itft oalty vated; a,wa worth of modern Urtprev. meaia A bargain at Kt per acrot. res. aonakls tsrrws, bo trada Claud A. Oaeta, OrA Neb. - I Mctloa aood land. Lint oln county, N'sbraaka. at IA an acr; naif. caah. bal ant t years, t par cent Cmrlslon. .to gents. tl.BA. Box Pa, Denver. .Colo. HOMEBTEAD-ns aoros risk farra lasA tor tin, tlllujf fees ad all. No aaad Bin. j. a, Tracy, m recall. 0-AC RE RANCU Wit B aood unprov. menta, aom timber and ruaolna water; 10 seres under cultivation and aiostfy ail sood farm laad. : A aoad ranch far In vestment or a hoe; a bargain at til per acr. Bay W. HMcnoock, Ceoy. Neb. . ' aaaah IMatBtaa, . ' , SM BUYS a rlln)ulhmnt bt ttH county. South Dakota, ba tb la mows Rosebud county, located near Whits Rlvtr, th county aeau Jsxksua Bros.. Oman nfflc. lldl City katioaal Bank Bidg. , ' 1 Twaaao t . , ' . t 1... . -. 1 TRUCK FARJtrNI. Bwerraody's dorr It. Mm? ' what? Raising crop all th ywar -arnd ano reaUslna from to R.uu par cre. Bat yea have ta be Mt Ban Hwnita, iota our excursion Tuesday and a Hub araat country. Writ nr or call at our of flea. OULF COAST DEVELOPMENT CO 13i Brandeis Building. VtralatB. ( FARMERS-Maaa. more IBaasr Com to Virginia, where you aaa set. cheas ecrea. lona sessns. fine cllmata, bign. art markets. For Informal! and eau. lorue of barcalno srlrlissa noualaa XL Taylor. Blrbamnd. Va. . , - GOVERKMa-XT KOTICE8 " 4 MAMMOTH HOT SPRINaS, WTOl, May It. IMA Sealed propoaai In tnp ncst will b received here uaul f p. nv, Jun N, 1SU. nd thea fubllcly Opened, for fu ml so lag la oof and material for oorurtructiag Annex to Hospital, Includ ing plumbing, heetlng. electric wiring and fix tare, at Fort Yellowstone. Wyo. In formation furnished on epeuowtiod. " Bn reiopna containing propoeais to b In dorsed "Proposal for Annex ia Hospi tal'' and addressed' to Cpnetr wrung Quar- temaerr. . BiAt-a-a-fJ-Il.n MAMMOTH HOT sPRINGd. ,ya. siay is. ixu. as at proposals 19. trip- Neat will bs recelied her until 2 D. m. Jun V). l1i and thea p rblicly bpeosd. tor fta-niehin aad tefeliiB pewe and otbsr famllur In Chapel at fort -Tsl-lowstoa.- Wyomlna. InSarniafion fr ntehed on apehcatiea. Envetope eon. ttinkig proposals to bo Indorsed "Fro. poaal for Furnttur In Cnaoel" and d drssssd to Constructing O tarrarmaxter. - , . ., . , kU.Jl-ai- iUl GOVERNOR OFFERS REWARD . - FOR RECOVERt OF. BABY AiArONA. lav. stay tL-Orrornar Car roll has offered IM reward to th psrssa selrbig lh Borther Iowa bars' mrxtery. Ta . Iltlia J-yr-old sen of Mr. and Mr. Hugh Wartarw of that piaoa, asps. isikyasly diseppeared oVer a week ago, Th reward, baa addd renewed Interest la Lb starch by Ac stick camatr rsat donia - Drawn News 'Ana. AfFM ATJOUTH OMAHA Ordinttae to Kestriot PAekirn Dis trict U Sidetracked. MO&E TDtX FOB YARDS 8TSTIM Herat Beat Will Aaaam Datt as Ctty Kaalarer Next Taeeday Irrkar RoaAy far Part 'asaat Meat. Qhst at Csaarlt Meet. Proposed ordinance to restrict th packing district afcd the roloa of slaufkur boase so a distance not lets than TB) fset from aay church aad school waa reported unfavorably ky th Judiciary ccomltt and roted down, 4 to A Csrttfloats of deposit for work don n tb I street gukh' placed to th order of Hannoa A Crate, oosxraetora. Thirty . lctrlo , light formerly rderod out: of sstvto uatll such Urn at light fund became stronger. , . Ordinance granting sjt tension of tlm for th completion of tti Vntoo Block Yard watar works put on soosnl and third reading aad pssssd, with on dissenting vol. Deposltortos of th e'tr Botifled that Uclr bonds hsva-sxptrad. . Packsrs' National. Uva ' Stack Ms Uonal n4 (look Yards Kktloaal binkl -as trustee of th city tn th matlsr at th I110.M rssewal bonds ordered to transfer same after the bayraant of th money by Oarer Alloa, purchaser a th boada. ,. , . . . H Orad t V strwst from Thirty-third : to Thirty -sixth stneta rocoatraeadeA. Attar rsposlng In th comnirttet room tor a week th proposed ordiaanoa avak- Inf H gnlawfu to construct or malntata a laughtr ,hou within a dlsUnce of W test from a cktireh ar sekoot. was taken out last eight and put to a Aukk and sudden death by a rota of I to t, Rlba, fUrtaeU aad Badirra roUn "no" oa tli arxsptanaa of th uafavorakl . frt of ih oomaiitts. ; r Th report was written la -a car slot and soBBtrvatlvk styw and wa road hp Councilman Walters, chairman of th Judiciary commlttoo. Th paper sited four rhtirch Including Bt. Wary'C Ut AMumptwa hurh, St. AsHhonp's and th Coleroa at. X. church all of -whtck would wkrhla th Jo) foot limit fxoai a Paoklng bous. It declared th later. tot of h tlty la church aad school work but Munthy 'stated that IBs r atrictloa of th parking Industry would he a policy that would at ait stagnation of buslnsss' tn th towa.' Whn th rot wag sailed th members broa party ma - aad - voted sceordtng to their la dividual Juda-mcnt tn th case. 1 . The sad of th much discussed aad bag dc(srrd issus of tlM,m renewal bonds appeared la sight whs tb coun cil by resolution ordered th transfer of the bonds to th custody of th thro banks f tb dtp, trustee r th ass, to' bs dsllvsred to Oscar Altsa upon pay. msnt f tb surohaa nsoary to ta baaka, CoWncllmaa R'ha arrtered a strong pro test Against, th. removal of Hghta from th iHtcoBd ward. Mayor Hoc tor ex- plainvd that.' many llghu bad keen r. moved front that losallry h sea as a formar kd ministration had ba guilty of lncrsaslaa th nsmbar of lights bspood A raw perfunctory Darters engaged th further atbmtkm of th city fathtra aa- III adjournment, ;', Boat Kie City Oaaiweer, ' Further uocertalnty as to lh IntaaUaas of Hemaa Beal to aaaurn Lh otitis of the city . sninrlng -department were dispelled yesterday tvsnlng when Mayor Hector racalvod a telepnon srtesasge s tb Hnt that ' Mr. Baal would tok aharf of.AH office Tuosdsp mnkig. Mr. Beal was appointed city snglnaer Urunedtataly after th i action of Mayor Hoctor. 81 oca th apotntrernt, however, termer City., Engineer Oeorge W. Rob erta, continued tao work of th depart ment. It wa give out that Mr. Beal 1 ate. AAtar tt developed Lket tb aw anclaosr was being pusk4 for aa Qmaha appoint meat. TeMerdey Mayor Hoctor waa notified that bis snginr would . aasuma charge la th afteraooa. A Mr tar message rndt oated that Tuesday momlsg would see th actual assumption of of flc bjs Mr. Bel. . i Jt is understood that J. Lflx antl k aanstsat uwdar City Engineer Bel. Lie Stork CoBTOatloa. aecreury.Tratrle Manager f. A. StrYkar of the Uva Stock exchange -1 - making preparation for tb oa Uonal convention f Llv Btocb EcIuuuh wkich will bs bold oa Juno 11. M aad U tn Pertlawd, On. - '.-..' -'-- ; Walter E. Wood. Tic president of th National Llv stock Eackange and T. B. McPbtdb. preajdaot of th local ex change trill head th South Omaha, dele gation. The other members of th dele gation are G B Bogue.:; A W. Cahow, O. A Ingwerren. R. M. Loverty and CM. Van Aistut. Th dslegatlo will bs. accompanied by lh wtrss and wore en relative of Ms members and will spend part of thir tun along the Pacific aoaat. . Wblls ia Portland .they will witness tbw famous rose carnival. ' Wbll guiding his friend rranx pochlakl through the dark collar of kls burned grocery star at Thirty-third and L street. Jo Majka was Severely burned about th bead and hands yesterday oven ins at- f elock. Pochlakl was Injured about the eysa. Tb MAJka grocery wa tb seen of a for; The Bee by '0 Pin rr-iu gasoline sx plosion Sunday, svsnlng and tt wa wail InvssUgatlng th reeult of Sanday's bnts that Majka anfortunetely lighted the match last aight Th fir department responded to tk call on both laundmy aad Mooday vnlng. Ctty Phystrlsa E- J. 8 bans ban attended th Injured men, whom ho says reey toss their Might as a result of th titploslan. latjered la Fall, Two daya'lB tao Magic CKy and Danny Welsh, recently of fhwago, found blm U In th hand of Folic surreon K. J. BhanabAn, who nunlstsred to sever i hurt which lbs Chicago man eoutd not well arwourrl tor. . Captaia John Dvorak, oho brought Wsish to th pvitc atatloa, says ha found him In Cuak-k s boarding house at Twsa-ty-sixth and ) stteete When leuad by Captatn Dvorak. Welsh appeared dated and comnlauMd that k had telle dowa a flight of stair a- uejurod kls back near th sprat! eoluraa. Tb aata furthsr added that bhi Inrur wer aeqixlred In a ssloen, but a could aot locata tb PlOjCB. Sprlaa Feetlvel. To a arowdo hssi las sight Bt A (n' school children rsndered a . wr. graa) ot aruslo and ung wtuch won farorabl cost meat for both cklldrea and teacher. - - t. - v Th aciktwB) of lb atoruinmat seemed to bs m th natur of a aprlas twUral and throughout th vnln( th freak youns .voles, of, Um .younf Thtkptana re-echoed th spirit at Ut varnai breath. Th tollowlng I th program: Opening Chorus- "" Vocal Claaa-At tb si aaa. atlas C Mc- Cauley. , . Cavalry (Jalop-Mlsse W. wait, u Parks, hi. OkA- -,..,'. - . ACT L . ' Whoa Ross BWO At Aian. Mlkt.E Manaan- Urand Qalop 4s Conrort (HsIMr-alna) N. Keen. Aags Brennan. . Vales Story Mlsa O. htcCauley. Cborus-nenler boy. At th pUn. Miss 'ACT IT. ' ' ' Orand Imperlsl-Mlse. C Donki, M. Moran and H. McCarthy. . Reeatotionaas Cushlnf. ' , Fsuet tuuoad Bmlthl-Mias M. TJoL act in. , , Sewvd-ntt M. Hnnon. - South Oman High school orthoitra. 7 AtfT IV. . ' fjiutb Omaha High school rcbstr, Tablaug. High rttp CtaaetB. I Thar win ba c msatinf at th school board tonight. Fa Rant-Two room furalaltotl tor Mint bousskosplns. It. E. dixlar la bom slier spending ssversi wsska on bla fruit farm In Idaho. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Boarr runted at th bom of Mr. Bcarr'a unci, t. IL Beam, last weak. A whit French poodl wss token off th chain at Salt C street. South Omaba, Saturday aftmon; rtura and reostv reward. . Th ftr aad aollc board will hear tb protest against th Issuauc of a Ilea to Ben aAutaartea this stornuur at o'clock. 1 Tea willlBat Workers ot th First Christian church will meet at th church. Twenty-third aaa I streets, msanesaay afternoon. . . , , . Mrs. K Fuler. Ml Nartk Nineteenth street,- will ntrnala tb keaaingtoa el south Omsha error N. It. noodowa ciroi. Wsunssday aftoraooa. Tb B. P. P. H. taasa defeated th "No-1 dy"i It) a but am bunoay evening a Ooat' Mountain diamond. Tk score ww IMA- Pa rise's fielding aad hs votny' hauBuj ar tao taatun f th gam. -' " Fir la s bay barn at th Union stock Tarda reused th kt of the building aad tJOu worth ot hay yesterday avwaieg at J O'clock. It Is thought UtJt igrtt crirtolp throw a by a passer bp cavtsed th Max. -Tka si an dan Parks defeated, th Twin City Sunday by a scor of i to 1 on th Country club grounds. Chlsek nd W li ana hattarv for the Mandan Park, won much appiaus ror ineir gooa worn, in victors wui ptay tn voiier veil b Jaaeonlna Pet reel k a. ths ' lt-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ptirselk. died yesterday moruina. ai. ta family resi dence. TsunyvBiata ana u treis, The r tt navel will be bald Thursday alter. noon at I 'ioek from tb iwandnc to tb Buhsmlan national comotary. The least deoartmsnt ot th dtp; rspre- sentina lh mayor, clerk and city eeuasU, will appear today to show eau la Judg Kennedy's court why they should not be cnjuuwd from alios wing- asp ' : any suaits r . J TTT Tootnacne Gam STOPS TOOTHACHE J-'- Illfrtfalltly .' -OillllJcewr.ateewaey. AJI die awrar, St br aaa. lie . . . e. a. bttst a e.. at 1 sen. knew. RUPTUHE -fsllvrlilaoidbi 1 a taw day without aiaorlceaof Uma. Bo Uafptuent M objwA WrtuoroaO.' Pssoty Sawbii! Car -Aa. S-SPM-OBVa ' Ptaa. . B . '- H 1 jee sans'ssj. Hal Coffman i 5r warrant far contract work don andef th union labor ciMua. until uh time as a decision of tn court shall have deter mined th legality si such clause - Th women Horn and Foreign Ml, innsr-y octaty of the First PVewbytetiajl church will meet Thursday afternoon at th hoewe ol Mr. H. C. Reavers, stw 1 street. The special feature of the da will be an addree by Miss TCffr Cham ber, wb will toll of he work Is Trky aa a missionary. Mlsa Chamber ks -a talented speaker, and a cordial Invitation, la siinVtl to the. publt. Mr. C. M, Lfl will give asms juusWal e last ton Eoliwer Predicts ; Bad Fruit Season "Ftult pros pacta fof this ysar do aot krra up well and aa far as I ca todas fnom tb oondiuon at my awa oa chard aad thea Bear arras, tb yield ww b from Tt t Wt par cent of a (ncrak average" aaki llory Bob wee. truk) g-rower. ot Fort Calhoun. . "Kw pstchoxt will b bad this year and applos will not h mor than two-thirds yield." .r Tb dreuth of- taat. -taU did. wwV t Injur th fruit I ha th art-wr wtotor nd tot spring," continued MP. Robwar. "Another reason why th prospects for fruit thlo yr ar not good la bsoaar of the extremely aold wsatker dSdas to winter. ii; Rohwer tabulates a rsport oa coodlUoa f fruit follow: r rples........' SI or T pr cent. Peaches , h Per cent Plume per sevtt Chsrrl.... St per cent Of the amall fruH Rohwer setlmats strawbarrlsa to be I th poofest contB tlon for many years. .- There I coastdi crabl of this fruit raised la Waahlngte eounty. .' . "Laat year' droath baa wiped out; strawberries to a (reel extent." be said; "and growsrs ar replanting. Rpbr rtos and black be rrtse should haw ap bet far, but sren at that nan of tb small fruit wUI approach tb yield of ttra years ago." . . . A a t'a-lp oaah haul bs covered wltb clean bandage, saturated with Buckkut'B Arams Baiva, Hsei burn, wounds, sra, pile. Mot For sal by Boston Drug Co. "Uwa'sGrandOldMan'! Don. L S. Collin Pntlicly Ecdcrscs HEAL DRIi'lK CURE . . As a real aad practical phius throplst rthr" Coffin of Fori Dodgs. Iowa, ths proaldeat aa fouadaf of ths National Hama fop Destltuu snd Dlkkbled RallroM Usa, Is S suburb of Cblcagw1, baa s nation al1 reputation. - Ha bas devoted tbo fasAjr yaara ot bis UI to tba yplLft of men. Altar two ysars of obsorra Uoa In Neat workh says: ... "Tbs retullt of tb Nekl Trkt stant border on tits realma of U mlraenlou," 1 " Upon application wa shall bdj ple4 to furnith a full copi ol bfs aignad public statament, with otaof conrtnclng InfornjaUon ragij-cUiig tb Naal treAtuient. 1 .' tail . r . addraaa Naal InaUtuts, lto: Sooth 10tb St., OmahAKehg bona Dougjaa 7SSC. . i Hintt On Caxe of Your Hair fjaiok. Rarmlasg TratXBat ta Baatoro th' Former 0tor aad traaaas to Blr, Every aomaa nallse that who bar hair turn gray r became streaky hat bostrty Is swuaalp taperrlexl. but tnatsatf of using dye ' or hair "shadera," sH should r- If ah Is a brunette get A small. Original packsge of bartetua fs-ora hr dru grist and steep It In oa pint of water. Each night th hair, should p combed 4 thoroughly with tho eoaao slightly -motstened with .this bariulwS tea. and In a short wbll her hair win regain its formar rich color and xlose. m Faded blond hair can bo restored 1 Kb original gotden shad by washtnf la a tea mad by put Una an ounc ' at arbane la one plat ot boilloc water; and auburn or Titian lock will autekly re gal 1 thdr radiant shad and setlee lustr when washed with a tea nuui traat ordinary cam hi Adv., - HOTELS ASiO St' MM EH atBSOR' Hotel Flanders i 1S3.1X7 West ATUt gUBSt. . , K. T. CUT. tOO Fwat Saab at BrOwmr. ' a moderw fluurouf bout ia tb - aeart ot th theater, stub and hotel ' 'aiAtr-kn; satuwiunt to sal tar Baaa, Aa xosptlonAl urchestra, Jtooma e.nh pnvsts bath a par day. '. From Grand Central Station. Broad way sax without M-asafe. Preaa . pecawrivaraa sHaOob. 2th At asm ; oar wiLbettt trtatfar BxwUt. INSS. B. R. SBARJCnV lo