Desperate 2) slips -gii rfel tkL J sswSfei I-THH DEADLY WEB. ' Like a tsrrtbls spider 1 tk bMN uf Its wall. DMptnia Desmond recllnee In btc bun mock among the (Mm, Bomb ar scattered all around th tm and from each a long; Am ran right la Desmond . Mod. ao that spproachlng snemle can easily be blow sky high baton they et a chaec to grappl tth ths International 'crook. ' ' : WANT ADS Want a4s reeotved at any tig bs re Insure proper ciaoclflratlnai anal ta pratmta beor IS aock m. h Tba Taviiuj adiaoa and Isafor f :M a. an, far ssoming aad Sunday ad Unas. Want ads received altar sack hour will Base tbaar Ineertiua Jtder He AeetUag Tow U(a W Ueesifj." y CASH RATES FOR WANT AH ' R&bLLAA CLAolKlCAIIO- taaertloa 1M teal pe Mar4 aJl sat par a card for each absarjaanl asuasocuUv UumtUob. atoch laaar tttoa asaMle odd day lH-c-aK aaarat tl&O per Una par aaouU rhea 4 Is ra wttluniS coaaga al sup. CARD OP TBA KPV ..W wish s thank our many kind Jnenda and neighbors for their kindness nd sympathy ahown ua In th toes of xr desr husband and father, alio for the beautiful tloral otfarlngs. Mis. Allea Ji, utiy and Ksmlly. . (' N4RBIACB IHMIH. -Th following marriage Ucnse have irea ud: Km and rlesldene. Age Henry nwinghoim. lioulh Omaha n Kale Oraff. Omaha " tearlea Wilson. Omaha " Jusephlne Oruhm. Omaha... 1 Cyrtel Daemet, aouth Omaha Vsona tvoa. Omaha.. .-. m m I, Brack, Council Bluffs, la.... V Aimer Jdhe. Lincoln, Nek CViartea ti Oldham, Dalls City, W'....VH Ha Ml P..Kwartsenoerg. Omaha U Mark O. tlsutler, Omaha...... Jj lutrMt Maag. Omaha.. ....... . ' BlRTHf AND OKATH, jf- '' i ! . . A Btrtha-Duane and Gertrude Arnold. Clarkaon hoapual, boy; J. t and Adele flaaa. Methodist hospital, girl; Andrew and May Nelaea, Omaiia Uenaral woaiuial tmy; Kred C. and Leota Robertrofi, tsw tSilth Tnirtv-flfth street, buy; Albert and Luella twiatafson. California street, piv;, Fiank end Julia Matthews, 411 p t 4 n street, boy; Jonn and Mary Nam, tta Wirt street, boy; 8. snd Rutn Reea, ,1 Nortk Fortieth atreet. girl; EIIM awl Alma Thoraon, ltll North Twaniieth Sneet. girl; E. . and U E. res, MO south ientvtourth avenue, girl. Ueatnt rrank ateueaek. at years, South Thirteenth (reel, James b, R, hina, t .hour, 7! Harney at reel; Henry Kanl. T years. Pender, Nsb. , BlILDUO PERMIT, ' , . w 'jnho -Ollven' BW North Thirty-third street, frame idwelllng. SaTS: A. Carlton. .. idblin slreet, frame dwelling, I3KI: E, K. lAn'lerson, Utr Webster street, fame dwelling. tAMs; Paulina Kooa. !K s.anh Thlrly-llfth avenue, frame dwell big. II. ; Arthur P. OukHt, Fortyflret ainj Harr.ey street, brick veneer dwell b)!. 10.W; A. w. Hugh. M Bouth Thirty itnth avenue, frame dwelling. SUMO; H. O.i Mailer. 8J North Twenly-tourth. atfeet. frame dwelling. (W Charles Haaa. lUi Davenport aireet. tram dwell big. H.. ? stiU' WA5TEI rEMALB aieais aad alceoaaa. ' WA NT ED Lady agents, local and trav sthg, 'for Mme. Met aba. La Corona snd Cuf-du-Rol ouraeu. Profits largs; styles Bupulax. t. Louis Corset Co., at. Louis, to. -. - ' v Clerisal aad wgfiae, ' ' ATTENTION, we rennet meet the aemaad tor com' patent stenographers. If you ar sipen- enced and competent, DON'T FAIL ta s ue AT once, tiers are uree epw 4iri aoaltuMa to ba filled at once. ttookkrvprr and stenographer, maker rrm, Pw-i'S. , 1ienf rapner, pukliahlng bouse, ME. , etenograprter snd booteper, MO, COVfEKATlVE RErKReNCB 00 liHVl City Nat Bank Bldg. . Hoaeekeesere -aad paMeattes. . "THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM aLV ED 1 be Bra will rua a servant birt Wanted Ad FREE unlit yo get th irrlred reeulta. Thie appuea to reaidents r-f Omana. boutb Omaoa and Council kiu'ia Bring your ad la To Be tiK tft telephone Tyler WU. i WANTED A housekeeper. No laundry a iri rnons pougisa 11 e I SI ED Woman as attendaat tor tr rwed man. ita 8a. ,Mtb at. Phea 1. , .1 as - COMPETENT girt for general house work for thie summer. Mrs. K. A. Ben- mx. s.-l Dodsa ae l Me e iwr ifuriei eiw tin . no wamaioa. afpv eje m wu. c Ttbl--A sir! for ceneral house- stork ls rare Ava Harney eaa. AN TED Eiperienoed girl for general rouecaora, email umuy. ea. uaroai e;-j Dodsa. T X' t lb-A g:ri for general bouse ..". 4 S. lath Orecery ixore. or call eiaa Vm aveelnga A A.VTSD Oood alri tor federal houaa- vork, tt-a in tamiiy. Mra K w. uuataer. N. ea. rBone rlarney sal. ANTED - Caretaker for chlidrea. Hi eaving lnHitute, eld aad Jackeoa. f WANTED A reliibis girl for noeral louaework; retareaoea. iuM So. r.ih Sc '.AT ONCE, experienced girt for general ,., cr. good nis, small family. i . Kra.- Hodry, UiJ Doaga Phone J! ., J,KL. for general houaework, no waak-u i-t. goca wa4a aa iMog. atrs. cosa. i WAN'TED-Comoetent Klrt tor ceneral "uaeork la small famliy. Tsi. Harney l . i . 4! at. : WAVTED-Olrl to tax care of child yxween M ana a. U!i No. TM. 2 v. ANTE'L Eiperisnced wiuis girl for , T.eiai l-ework. Wages f!. Pboas kr. a Desmond II-RECONNOITERINCJ. Claud Eclair baa not given up bop rescuing bis beloved Rosamond. Through powerful binocular b spies out Des mond s position, and saw' that It Is Im post! bU to fir a vol lay at th scoundrel mm Rosamond ba wounded. It ts plain to on o( Claud' pntratln Intellect that a awan must bs found to cut lb fust f and thus baffl Das mood. HELP WAXTED FEMALE HoaeekMoars aad Oosseaatea. . WANTED-Mlddla aged lady for san er al housework. Colored preferred. Oood horn for right parly Call fed Daven port. Tyler 17M or B-ilX WANTEU-A girl to asaist with bouae work st t. Mary's Ave. WANTED Housemaid or woman to as sist In taking ears f children a few days in the week. No laundry Call at MOt Bristol. WANTED A young girt to assist with housework. Phone Harney titt. WANTED A girl to an UK with house work, one who can go noma nights. Ref erences required. III! Callrtnla 8. GOOD girl for general housework. Harney, phone Harney IU WANXED-Olrl for general housework. I In family. Oood wages. I7N Spauldlng. Tel. Webeter Cam MAID for geiMeal bouaework. family, good wages, pleasant room. 3t far a avs., Marney 7a. GIRL for general houaawwk; gwediab, Danish or Jewtak preferred, ta N. Uth. WANTED Kipertenced white cook. Phone Barney ft. j0 Burt Hi. tiiRL for general bouaework. KB Call fornla EXPERIENCED girl for general houee work wh la a good oook; no laundry. . W. J. Hyoes, UK Harney BL Phen Harney 179. btlsoellaasaasi , TOUNO women omng to Omaha at strangera are Invited t visit th Tooag Womeas Chrlatiaa aeeooieiloa auildlag at Bt. Mary Ave., and 17lh Bt., wnere the will be directed to eultabl soardias plaoss or oUmtwIss aeeieted. Look for our travelers' guMe at the Union statloa. halrdreasing with the Herrmann perma nent wave, manicuring, tacial maaaage, nhlMmtif er rnl. ,1 ' keat hsvln. work tor lames, w srranga cnrlatiaa homes for students while bar. Wnta jaoier college, t.nH'ago iiu WANTED Msid. Apply housekeeper. Hotel Home. HELP WAffTED MALE Aaeata, alesea aad jwrtlatawra. ' Sales Managers Th Acme Automatla Printing Co, (Inc.) hava aa attracllv praposlUon to offer competent atoa who can handle general selling agsarr for their saw patent auto matic roll-paper Sri n tor; guaranteed for I years; needed by ail merchants; ex clusive rights, territory. Bee J. H. Hol btook, Oeaeral Bala Itaaagsr. - Room 308 . HenshaW Hotel AG K.N T a wanted In avrv eoante t Me. braaka to writs health and aoudent In auraaca. Liberal oooiratasioaa. Address v orid Auctdent Aseooauoa. W. o. ,w. Bldg.. Omaha. Nab, WANTED Youne man for aaUaman le the city; expertaaoa aot meessary. , B et, cmre nee. AGENTS Handle remarkable mnnev. a ie i ewey 10 eeii; eeay to nanoie; re peat orders almost every house. Writs lor tree sample. William Riches A c.. be W. Kanaolph Bt , Chicago, III. (Mod men are aar ta get, Tbey don t waaoer around the streets looking far aigaa in window When roa aead good halp , advaru ta Ta Bee. Res Waat ada are read by ', fceea, aaergetls men was wiaa -ta bsttar tbetr aoaditloa. Rata per word If rua two or ears times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler kao. . ties anal aad Offlso, TOUR OPPORTUNITY , securing a noeltton Is to see ue Ws hava placed thouaanda ef applicants la the flv year we have been salami ah eu B omaJuv aad If you ar auallfled there la no reason why w cannot Btaca yea We need AT ONCE Rata ana bluing clerk, out of eity, pn,e. Stenographer, real eetai. ee. Stenogrsuber, railroad, toa. ' Salaaman, paper, tUu. bookkeeper anal atanoeranhar. hinbai Crm. BilUng elark. experleaced ta railroad war ktiUng. Ki. New cans aally. Call and get SC- vueioiea. tAhUriKATlVE nrERNCa COu Kit-le City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED-avxcertencad floor -weiMee ror women a ready-to-wear department. Apply ta Superintendent Brandets ntnre FULL drees salts and party dresses fee sale; also for rent, II to 11 a) a algriL JUHM rtUlMAN. Sue N. 17ua. IX tils. Faetexrr Mi Traaea. Drvg store teaanr Jnaa. Knteat, Bee Bldg WANTED A good plumber, aone other - - J KMlllC eitawt B W .. eun, Terraiuion,' CV u. W ANTED Drsushtamaa. Mlaener A rocanam, srcnitects. a wamge Bg. . wi'verr, ietM ' k , a. chsaea .tor raia. J. A. Loada, Creiai ttisVEifl u i irn . w.. w-. oa ssddla and barnesa reoainng, wages ta par week. Dava Shelly. Cody. Wyo. WANTED Two good eemaat finisher. 14th and Jonee. MoQowan. WANTED Hard candy maker. In quire Manawa Park, or Tel. Doug. TJ61 WANTED A sheet metal worker, siao A wood worker Apply Brown Track Mfg. Co. Raiaton, Keb. f . TELZSRAPB postuosw guaranteed yo by the UaJoa FeaOo aad IWaot cfes trai raOroada tt yea gala your trauusg U) caooL Practice on R, R. elm Ad dree far particvlara. H. B. Uaylaa, Pres. College. Omaha. Keb. WANTED More people w raise peal try with ta Old lruety tocusatnr. Write for free catslagwa. M. IL sobasea. CM Center, Rah. ,. Ill THE WINGS OF A BIRD. ' Claud observation of natur now stands Mm In food stead. H ha fr" fluently observsd that a bird, before roost Init la a tree, will fly around It sveral times, as If to so that all Is safe. Th party no, captures a bird, and Clauds hotda It gently whit a sharp knlfo la tied, to it. Oa this bird depends, perhaps, the vsry lit of Rosamond. HELP WANTED MALE t Mlaeellaaaoaa. .J GOVERNMENT - POSITION OPEN. Writs for list. Franklin Insti tute. Dept Mi P.. Rochester. N. T. MEN and boya for best paying work In existence, the barber trade. Ws teaea by free work and careful Instruction. Our methods hava their advantage. 8ee why. Write today or can. Holer Harper College, 11" 8. Uth St. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT-utbto-bodied unmarried men between tbe ages ef J and la; dtissns of United States of good obaractsr snd temperate kablta wbe can speak, read and writs -ths English language. For Information apply la re cruiting officer, Uth and Douglaa SU. Omaha. Neb.; W tth Bt, aious City, la,: IM N. Uth St.. Lincoln. Neb. YOU ARE WANTED tor government position. ts per month. Bend poalal for list of positlona opea. Frank 11 a Inatltuia, Department 817 P.. Hoc healer, M. T. MOVED TO OCR NEW TRAIN1NU SHOPS. The Isrgest, finest and beet equipped plant for automobile tralaliig. Do you waat pleasant outdoor work, wlin thouaanda of money-majting opportuni ties T Writs or call oa ua Day or night eiaase. Unlimited course; liberal terms NATlw. AL AUTOMOBILE TRAININO ASS N, 114 N. BHh St., Omaha, Neb. . WASTED B1TCATIONB DAY' work wanted by colored vstman. W, Mtt - A OOOD, atout and buaky colored man wante a, poattloa as Janitor; hava bad several years' experience. Address D low, uee. HOUSE cleaning snd lawn mowing, pricee reasonable, satiafartlon. H. iaii POSITION sa housekeeper by widow with -yesr-old hoy; bachelor or widower preferred; no objection to Bohemian or Herman; references exchanged. Address E low, care Bee. EXPERIENCED oolored woman wante position as oook. Web. BA WASHlNOsnd ironing don. T , H. Mia BUNDLE waahlng, a osnts a dosen rough dry, cents a dosen. Webster lus. Carey L'adry, cut rates. Trier laag. A-1M1 Family A bundle laundry; guar, 'w. Mat FIRST class pracUoal bursa, Harney ana , - . "WANTED Day work by a oolored girl; would Ilka housekeeping or sewing, or work ef soy kind. Address B WW, Bee. W ANTED Day work, cleaning or Iron- tag preferred, rnone uougias ;iii LADY wants day work. Call Red txa. FAMILY waamng rough dry or bundle. Call Harney Hil. s WANTED Work Tel. Harney lute. by a colored ladl REGISTERED Pharmacist wants work as relief clerk. Address Druggist, 11U lanrornia nr., uraana. auui-Air.i May waiia ouaiuon, iriwei ur seneiw oince worn, lei, ntwe vie. r a, nuauie-aeeu oarnoi nian wno nae executive ability and experience, phone n"inj e"M -. POSITION wentod by experienced nurse; terms, IJU per week, call Har. HT1 and ak for Mrs. Bstes. EXPERIENCED Swedish girt deeiree general bouaework In small family. Phone W ebster w. WANTED Day work. Webeter MI. CNDERTAKER& ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER. Caskets la truat nrlcs. Pbone H. T. Brsss Co.. S. 14 r F-lTtl aad save money. AMl'BEXEMTS OMAHA FILM KX. 'kjjj , Msejaa pietrshinsadf Jm kaigsJaa ANNOINCKMEKTB THIS IS WORTH loo we raw SUI for repairing carpet weepers c anndiaa laws dm wars. ajam Addrsaa and 'Pbone we do the work at your horn. Call B-t. E R. Shertck. tta Cuming. BET araoar ror aaaa. Grav e Narva Food PilU, H per boa, postpaid. Sheraua A McCoonetl Drug Co Omaha, Neb. J. A. GENTLEMAN, MSSft tmbalmer. lot Chicago St. D. ISM. B-l6a EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Bug M, poetpald, tAie;. try half dosen; if rot eattafaciory aaoaey rafunded. BEA TON DHUu) CO., 14 FaraaoL Omana tiEJ your diamonds st Brodegaard'a M. E Morrtll, china paiat aiS Brsadels Ta OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. ta Douglss. Stevensos, carpenter, coot. Both phonea D. S. Orltfun. wig mlr . u r ranter Blk. MONEYS! LOAN-LOW sums to Bee Bids. pnone Doug, sjvk uniu, iajax 1.U Omaha SUI Poeting Co. lull Har. D. tat. Twaaty per cent less than Omaha prtes, HOME FURNITURE CO, Twenty-fowrtk and L tiu.. South Omaha, l.pboleiertng. piano, turn. rap. taut Fsr. Eaiimstes flee. Cottreit. sroh't. Red aau. PHOTO supplies. Auaco Olm and paper. Saratoga Drug Co, Mth aad Amea. w. ul Lawa awwers sharpened, uerfect work. Reasonable charge. Mth and Corby. B-tMl SOD SOD SOD SODDINO DONE, BENSON 714 W. WANTED Rspair wk ol all kltda; grwstng an saw ruing. t.aii inc. RKE HIVE:-i'S aad Die Works - j. u. Booastra, br, Ws call aad delh er. Both pftoaes. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING CO . sa Putoa HU-, circular Wtters, any auaauty; eierst estaauaoea ooaisaay; aa parte of Multigrapa and Neoatyla. OFFEiiMAN aathtabe. Bam, !! Douglas St. DOUGLAS Pruning Co. Tet Doug, aat, ANCHOR FENCE 00, . trea and wire fences raeaper thaa wood; hast a Ulettme. 187 N. nth. Phone Red tit. ED ROWS, v. ell bonns. Benson lay waaraaia Laaadry. S um aark. la, 'Even the Birds of the Air Tight Against ' the Great International Crook rV-CXTTINO THE FC8E8. f Th Mrd. as soon as released. ' flies ' straight for the fare In which th scoun- . drsl Desmond I concealing himself. As ' the feathered messenger skims around th tree th sharp knife which th. besiegers attached to It seven th thin fuses of th bombs upon which th Ttllaln relied to keep his foes at a sate distance from his leafy retreat. - ' , ANNOUNCEMENTS Wedding announcements. Doug. Pig. Co. KTlllAKSi Eastman Good a, complete txjUAOjj ,tock tMitt tiniahiug apartment In the west. ' Jill Par nam St. and SB B. IstB Bt. Neb. Seed Co. 1201 lonoa. Both phonea GT 71X(1 CARPENTER WORsi l..-il,NU AND REPAIRS. A. C. Lessard. Tyler 1597. 17&4 Lsav. S. H. Cole Sign Co D. 174a. UK Farnam. ALL will be forgiven. Mary. If you will meet me at the Slrn of the Crown and the QoJden Stairs on Uth and Douglas street. That la where BRoDEOAAltO sells those lucky wsddlng rings. AriP T.TTV Hair Food will put ths -UHi-Lti 1 1, graJo in s healthy condi tion. Mme. Frayer, 1421 Fanram Bt. AtXOMOBJLICB Murphy Did It .RKPAIRINO, TRIMMINO, PAINTING. e-pass. Tour car. 46 H. P. Bee. M-9M. DRUMMOND Cola SO. t-Dssa ear. worth tl.ioa. for too. at ones. Uth snd Harney St a BEACOM ul repair aad vulcanise . w any puncture or blowout, aea ai.e rarnam. Doug 17IA Oarage rod California. Phono Red 4e3 Your TIRE EXPENSES cut la two, Reneet ties - wb , AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO, ltj Faxnam. HAVINO discontinued handling AUTO MOBILES, we after oar remaining stock ooaslstlng of three high gredo Firasioae touring cara at bargain price. Racine Battlay Co.. Mth and Jonee Sta. TLBE REPAIBLNO "- Urea. W make them almost aa good as oew, p, pining out BigDeet pneed and new material uaed. ' All work auarantee Arthur Storg Auto Supply Co., MM Fax asm. Auto lamps rspaired. Omaha Silver Co. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILE 8EVEN-PASSEN0ER , ltll Packard; ed very Utile; la excellent Condi ue and fully equipped. Inquir ufftoa J. U Brandeie Bona CU8IXE88 CHARCES. TO gat la or out of business call aa OA NQ EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. MU FOR SALE The Franklin Moving pt. ture theater, en of ths best paying the, aters In Omana. Will stand Inveatigatioa F. E. Ooff. BUT rrankun St. BARBER SHOP PROPOSITION. I hava building to rent, beet location In town, aad capital fixtures;, can make It t-ehatr If wanted, with bath; town will be county seat January 1-U; Population about MO; R. R. dlvinon; new settler taking up country ; -reason for deal, have lumber business to ettsnd- Want to correspond with none but reltsble part lea; wani reierencre, win rumian same, w . JC unaerwooa. triiietts, wyo." BUY A LOT In a new western tZenade town from ue aad you are osrtain to mske splendid profit. We have a clean, equare business proposition for you, having busi ness property In all new terminals and division point In western Canada. Every one can buy at our prices, and easy terms. Write quick for Information. NATIONAL CANADIAN TOWNUITB CO. pioneer Bllg., St. Paul, Minn. Ed. Roinery, Buslnsas and Real Estate Exchange Co.. Room 11. McCsgua Bidg. TO get la or out of business call oa WILLIAMS, Room 411, McCsgua Bldg, To uulrkiy buy or sell business, any kind. anywh e. Kennoboek Co.. Ui IM Bi g. Om. FOB SALe-Heet market In town: a bargain; has good trade. Mr. Addis, eilnaen, reo. FOR SALE Stock of general merchan dise thai la realising per cent oa the investment, located in juw-tneaat No braska, progrvaaivs town; stock; elean; no old goods; trarlo thoroughly asub llahed; leat of rseeoae for selling; deal direct with ownera. Addresa X 3a, Care Omaha Bee. LIVERY BARN. FOR BALE Real barsein; IS horse. carriages, fully equipped; building let feet long try a teet; 4 double stalls; best town in Wyoming. Ill health causs. Ask for particulars This Is a snap; part cash. H. O. Duhling, Cssper, Wyo. Partner wanted tor butcher shop; good business. Addrsaa Lock Bog as, thlby. Keb. LAUNDRY In city la eastai Neo.; goud opening; cheep it taken Address Y a, car Be. atwvMeeaug ! . GOOD S-r. rooming souse: month; does In- O let, care Baa. BUSINESS PERSONALS - -. Attawaaya. , , O. W. Shlslds.Attorosy. BTRet Trade. Mag, Aaamalaotarssa. , BCM1S OMAHA BAO CO., Omana, Ms. hex aad Paskaa Maaafaaawows. Wooden Box Package Co.. IB M. 1Mb, , CAlrepeSUla. PR ROY. IRS Farnsai. Douglas saw. C lata leg Baaalsstsiei v Wear Ideal drees ehtrts. M. E. Bnaltk Oa. Cora if and Steal Oeilliaga. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Onaha, trfeauaisrsew. Patriae aad gawgllsei Fairmont's Dtadem butter. Always goo. DAV1D COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Uaaolag Anadi'ealaa MACKLES EE?'" ssr. weak Coaas say time. UK Haraay. x Sai : . . Sretewtlvea. U W. LONONKCKER. RT Rarwaeb Blk. Omaha Secret serv. a Psxtoa bik. D.lllk JAMES ALLAN'-Ill NevUl Blk. KW deaca secured la all esaea -Tlsr Dk - lesatlela. Ranay. the desrlet. City Natl. ymr Merh ad rVa paxtoa. D. Mai, Tail A denial ruums. aj DauoV aA a4V BUSINESS PERSONALS king. Terry' Dressmaking eoitega, Soth A Fsr. Dressmaking by ths day. Wsbster Hie. DKESbMAKlNU. Tel. HAHNEY asai. Dresaroaklng and tailoring, Web. s77. SEW1NO by day. Red hb Dreasmaking Butts and gowns; goud worn guar. ttJ N. XKh. Tel. Web. am. tiragsiata. DRUGS at cut srioas; freight paid oa SI orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4k cConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Kswrrthlaui lae- Wees en. Elect, vaouum cleaner. tLM day. - Web. alii. Dr. Baboock Co.. Stt Wlthnell, U Har. riiR Jackets rellned wHh Sklna satin, at run dull season orloes.-ta. Everything repaired. Weetera Fur Co, IBM Leav. Curtains uvandarsd. Mra. Carmody...H. 46. A-J744. CARPETS and rugs cleaned oa floor without removal; free sstlmatea. Ths Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. 741 snd IBM. DRESS pleating, button covered, all rises aad styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. RX Douglas Block, Both phones. kivsrythlaul Ekoetrtaab Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail Bur gees-Oca nOa Co.. ltll Howard. D-au. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. Mil. 21 South 1Mb St, EDWARD F. SOU U RIO. Mgr. 2d Hand Electrio Apparatus and repalra L Bron. Ml S. Uth Bt ! Feed Bulla ssd Staraa. Feed all kinds. Olenco Mills, aa tsard. . . Flaeiata, , ' . . A. Donaghue. lSEtl Far. D. 1W. A-Wsl HESS A SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 11 Farnam. D. UU. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flower Doug. 117, ' '. . Foaadrtoo. . y ' . McDonald brass and bronss foundry, alu mlnum, tin. lead castings, leg Jaokeosv . Opt iota as. B, F, Warn, fitting snd rap'g. 4 BraadeH. . tstaoptgir, . i , Alio Johnaon. K- Brandeie The. Bldg. Esther? Nlckolas. gM-l Brandau Taa. Mavtng, ataragw aad Cleaning. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Ca.-Mevtng furniture, packing, fireproof storage. Our office, 114 S. 17th. Doug. SM. Ind. B-U4. PIANO movliur. Cola's storase and ex- preea 11 Capitol Ave, D. e70; A-H47. Ferrtn Vsa A Storaga Ty'er UA BUTta, Furn. movlug; men. II per at. W. rjet. X arwertea aad . aede. , . STEWART'S. SEEDMEN. U N. MTH. ASTERS, Uc; Salvia Verbena, 40c Giant Carnations, Olsnt Daisy, Pansy and Forget-Me-Not. Jeo per dossn: fine planU; prepaid. Fergason Bros.. Station V Omaha. Phone Benson M.' ' . ALFALFA SEED, flood onaiitvi write tor nrioa. Sanula 'froe. - ... . BCMWABB BHt-m., unsarwo. net . Palais aal lelaaa. Tea ere Invited to soma la and get color card and talk ever your painting ana aacorauaa. vvoeoeeie let Ofisrwio- wvuluLme usinta ail varnlahal BAJbLKEB BK08. I'AlNT 00, Doug. 7ta Paleats. D. O. BarneU. Paxtoa Blk. Tat. Red TUT. WUlard Eddy, law City Nat, lea. sMg. Photwaraphsiw. , Rlnshart, phot ogre olier. Uth 4k Faraaaa. v Piatt age, OMAHA SILVER CX. Hi B. Ota. ' . .isaaajraphar aad Caar Meperaere. Myrtle A. KeUey. W Braa. Tba. V. Mai PrlaUaab UwW.lUbirPTlnter, BEE BLDO ' ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET th. CENTRAL PR1NT1NO CO. od your work. MIT Douglas St- Tel. D. IttA Rels-Hall Ptg. Co.. h A Uth. Ind. A-sMs, Lyagstad Printing Co.. Mth aad Capital Ava 'let Ind. A-su tor good prtntlag. Steal task aad Calves vosspaatas. NEBRASKA and lawa Btsel Tank Caav pany, ltth and Nlcnolaa, D. A T ranks aad Sal Cassa, VreUng A Bteinie. MSI Farnam 4K. Wlaea and iAw wriinff aortnaa beer. Bovar, andwtenea. Alex Jetea. a-t SV Uth el. V1ROLN1A DARE win, gks a large Sot Be. Klein LIqmoo House, ia N. Mth as. . Tenia aad Aaralaga. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel ga Pouglaa KDCCATIONAIi B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCE00L ALL THE YEAB -. keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Crew S) fre tar to aiaa;. t-aia, wru as koyis, Pi uaast, Ken. TUVUSLLNie. let as sta gredo, H. aaa. UTS BTOCX FOe BAX PnrnT'S Rara. Hm and farm OJUEAsCt O . tar axle: draft aad wagwa boras to let br the day.' A-l (ber- nu Are man veoster au. rr ,pcpo to let by day or week. Bhar nUoa0 maa ,bara.Mb sad Csvra. tin ua and maraa bought aad sseA ' HORSES and oswa Ml Caxmag St AlaXJA bay, i; too. Wagaar. am N. M. By V-A TRAPPED VILLAIN., . With th bomb thus rendered harmless. It Is an easy matter for Claud Eclair and th Russian potle to rush In and t force th scoundrel to descend from his ' perch. Desmond la-now m ths hands of -his relent leaa enemies and soma terrible fat will ba mated out to him by-the Rua-' atan sutborttles, who "hava watted- their chanc. ; -. .-.. s .-,.:.. ;. , UVK STOCK FOR SALE . H arena aad VehleUa. SMALL team mule aad harass. Wsg per. N. Mth. .... - Buggy Bargains. Must doe out before w move 3b va nities, all kinds, new and seoond hand. DRUMMOND Uth and Harney St LOST AND FOUND LOST One Boston bull pup. Finder re turn te Ul a lath 8L for reward. Hss. tt;i. PERSONS bsvlng lost soms article would do well to call up ths office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company ts ascertain whether they left It In th atraet cars. Many articles sack day ar turned la nd th company la anxious to restore thsm to too rtghtful swner. Call Doug laa 41. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Tan and whits bulldog, screw tail, Harney ISM or Brandeie theater, Reward. . i MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. X. R, Tarry 'carat Pile. ' Fistula and other racial disease, without surgical pe ration Cure guaranteed and aa money paid until cured. Writ for book oa rectal dlesesee with testimonials. PH. n. H. taski. see ciog.. irmena. Ladles' guaranteed remedlee. all Ware blk. Dr. Baboock, special let; both sexes. Kg Wlthnell bldg. Uth and Haraay ale. DR. RACE Speclsilai. nervous aad all ehronto dleessa. UO Harney. Doug. SMA t's alias' ta. Dr. barks. Doug, Blk lSOlfTT TO 1A?AX - NOTICE -w-; Lean nsgotiatsd on real ssuts furnl furs, piano, salaries, sta. Vsry tow rates and confidential, Wa will appre ciate your call, . BIOOEST, BEST AND CHEPEBT. ReUABLB CREDIT CO. M Paxton Block.' - AT 8. loth L' Telephone Doug. 101 or Ind. A-I4U. ' ti en furniture, piano and fYinnr'w' real sstate at a vary lew A AVllt. J o imsr,. ' Nebraska Eoan Company Doug. IXC . BO Bee Bldg. A-laA MONEY loaned salarMd people, .wamsa teeptng bouse aad others, without se artty; eaay payments. Offices la 47 prtn- elpal ettlee. Tolmaav kg Omaha Net 1 rarmenif w. t. ure auog. DIAM0ND IOANSatKaaodtperaaaa, tXATAU. Ml Dad St. Tel. Red. SUA CHATTEL LOANS, fe to 1100. SALARY LOAN A You as get K today at STAR LOAM CO.. 444 Paxtoa Block. OFFERED FOB RKNT Sssrl aad keens .. O. M. E. heals trunks, p. ta.' A-StU. BOARD 'and room, by day or week, homo eooking. Tranaisnta aoeommo- dated. 1771 Davenport. UO N. tlST ST-Room and board. Phone Tytsr ua. - . ST. MAJtrs. Eut-7. Blca roccn with board. ' - BUS HARNEY BT.-Deslralile room, private family; aul table for oaa of tt persona: strictly modern; rotates a cnangea. 4401 NO. MTH. fins front room, also houeekeeplng room. 134 DODGE Cool, pleasant room large porch, town Roes. rale. Douglaa. ell Tirnrr aene - 1. -t - - - rooms: two largo and ens smaller room. Hi private hoasa, reference reoulred. 1KB Capitol Ave. FURN. or upturn rooms fU 8. 17tk 81 S3 N. 8D ST. Furnished rooms - for lee ping or light housekeeping. Doug, eai. net LA.v'DON COURT-PleasaaC coot. light, single roan; gentleman pretemd easy walking distance. Tyler taw. -ST. MARY'S AVE. Moa-Larga pleasant rooms, private family. - CLEAN, eool room, close In; angle or Sou Me. m B. at Tyier n - xiorWT.w rurwlehed Moaoa. ntst elean. desirable: rant reasonable. Douglaa TatT. M , mi" Fermlekod Meweekeeptmw Siiai. THREB-ROOlf apartment, alcoiy fur nUhed. modem. C4 B. th Bt IM N. EST ST -Two light housekeeping room, eeml-besement. Phen Tyler lea. THE MANUEL Two-room wartaviaL ta. Tba Howard. -reoav. prtvata bata. pa. gist ana Howara. NICE roecaa. housekeeping. UU A Ilth. ST. MAJtT-8 AVE. Sfla-rrw nicely tarnished, xooeerw. south noma, complete for ho oai keeping, rsfrtgaratar and cook ing gas HARNEY ST, 3d Strictly modern newly furnished room tor houeekeeplng. emgls or ensulta. Also slaoptna! room Harney MST- . THREE furniehed rooms tn new private homa: light housekeeping at desired; gas, electrtcky; no chlldroo. TeL Webster 4Sii Ul A MTH Clsaa, pleasant front suite ef beuseliiplnr room . or hath reota Boer. THREE sr four pweeant rounia in prrewta, moaera noma: soeay lawa, dose ha; fefenocea. Hamey Mot, FIRST Poor, modem. a $. letA AdultaT Sloseks aad ApaxuwaAas. Pawry Enrivpaaa aotai. Utb and Fsrwaaa. OXFORD and Arosd. apeclal wkly rate. Ogden Hotel ODOE HOTEL, all rssulrsmenu st a flrsveisa botal, at rae an nihil prsoaa. - Hershfield VI-BENEATH THE BATTLESHIP. . Tm th boreal!" cries Desperat Des mond, "but IH soon be a rolypolyvitch." Th villain la placed under th ked of new Russian battleship about to ba launched by th caar, and as soon as th great hull berin to (tide Into th water, good-by to the villain s lite. Tomorrow pictures will show An launching. OFFERED FOB RENT Apartments aad flats. 4-ROOM apartment, new, aiuoera brick; stsam hest; short walking dlatancs: gas itovs, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe! blinds: laundry; One Janitor serrtc. Dugig saw. 1 ami a-rrwSm modern flat Scargo Bldg llH N. Uth St, 8. Omsha. tUU, 4H Karore BWg. u. 7 a-em n 1 a Xr CI Bt ll mod., good condition. Tlsard. CO N. B4. flTRirri.v hieh.erede e-ro6m anart ment on West Farnam Street. - JOHN W. FOBBIN8. 1MB FARNAM BT. Mouses .aad Cottages. , SUMMER home. high, sightly, beautiful t-ecro woodland' north of Florence, room, largs deeping perch, furniehed or . unfurnished, for season. Phone Harney MIA - ' - ' ... MOVING packing and gtonag ef house bold goods and pianos ts our buainesa, Omshs Van A btorag Co.. fireproof storage. M 8. Mth, sr th vlsduot. rt ranch offlea, BB 8. 17th Bt, Tet X 41 t A-UeA . TnnuAa tn all parts of th city. lOUSea Oelgh Sous A Co.. Bs Bldg. a-R. MODERN, wsll-located; beautiful yard: lift, 7A South th St. Web. MODERN A room cottage, beautiful lawn snd shads. 934 Miami SC : Ual Hali Ave.. ;-rooms modsra, Vacant Ms SSth. The. F. Hall. Alt Ramge. both phonea Cottage., 3i Caldwell t, 7 rooms, ntodern. -room flat, 2d floor, S10 Cuming St. ' -room flat, id floor, MI North Mth Bt, a-room house at H&S North 17th St. -O.C. REDICK, Attorney.' HIT Farnam Street. STRICTLY modern t-room flat.. IX.Oa, m South 24th .Ava. ' 4-room collage, tliot. 8AtH South UU St. phora Doug. H77. MA0OARD VAN AND STORAGE CO, pack, move, tor and snip H. H. good and pianos; ao charge for return drive v efilce. Doug, im or B-WJ. . . HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed aA lee Warded; cheap freight ratee; mevtig aad storing. - F.ipr asswus' Delivery Ci. Tea, Douglss est. . City SUM, 41 a llfb Bw Bee Bldg. - - ' - 81i-room, strictly - moaern a cottage. rarytblDg Jn tins .-, 1 coBdttioB, BTl7 Dw, near 1 tuTwS car Uhes, fin had.' close la. 117.60. Telephone Dou.Isa 1770. , . Five-room fist, east front, close ta 14th and Locust, S. , Nine-room flat closo to Mth snd Har ney St.. reasonable rent- - GALLAGHER & KELSON . ett BRANDETS BLDG, Doug. X5 I-ROOM cottage, 134 8. atth Ava ROOMING HOUSE OR HOTELT So-room,, steam heat several bath rooma, now occupied by hospital; tine building tor same purpose. bachelor or family hotel. Located at 34 Marcy St. N. P. DO DOB A CO, ."., 1Mb ana Harney.' 1701 N. Mth St, l-r, only JlOflO 701 8. 16th, l-r, close-in itoj 7c a. rtb, t-r lot 1KI 8. Uth Bt. S-r 7.0 aa Dewey Ava., 4-r. nt, mod. sx. neat U.8S At -Uth and Harney Sta, unfurnished rooms Cor men. , - Uth and Ohio, l-raom cottage for - colored - is on N.. P. DODGE A CO., Uth aad Haraay. 8 IX-ROOM cottage, all modern; pear cars. Dundee- Phone 6I Hartley. ' 114 Bo. th St, l-r, modern. tS.OS. MM Capitol Ava. l-r, modern. gn.s& 50S Hamilton, s-r, mod. sx. heat IM 0 IM4 So. rth St, Ar, mod. ex. heat HA KM No. tnth Bt, l-r, part modern, IU. im Dupont Ar, part modern, 112.00. ions No. 42d Bt, Ar., city water. 112.01. K Cuming,. t-r, city water, HUM. 401 Parker. Ar, well, tlO.tu, UU Pino, Ar, and garden plot. HASA CREIGH ON8 A CO, 'Douglaa 500. tag Bee BMg , Staraa aad Offices. tal Uth Bt. Kx4s. TeL Doug, cm M CAQUE BUILDING, UTH ' AND DODOS. Attractive otfloss, moderaie prtcea. APPLY OMAHA LOAM AAA SUILDINO ASSOCIATION. New centrally located ball, well equip ped, st second Door 1U-W Hamey. (Xtlos sc salesroom at Uth.and.ilarop (newi. , Thn-d floor at If Hamey (aowk Office at 1M7 Farnam laecosd floor 1. 8for at HU Harney Street - IX C. REDICK, Attorasy, ' ' UIT Farnam Street OFFICE with use of receptioa roent aad stenographic semca Vsry reesea abla MIS City Nsuoosl Rank Bldg. Store at O0 Cuming Street Store at Set Cuming Street. Store st m North J4tk Street, IKore a SB North Uth 8tret ', 1 Star at aTl North Mth Street Star at 1W North lttb Street. Store at SM North Xk Street. Booth Omaha. , O. C REDICK. Attorney. .... . UIT Fsrnsm Street , FOUR ax rooma tor offtae uae. located st Uth snd Harney et So N. P. Dodge A Co.. Uth and Harney. OFFERED POM BALM FTTtXTTTRE of rooms, everything frewi lawnmower a gaa range, cheap. CaH 7B No. t0- ' I TOtI WANT TO BUT A CHEAP HARD COAL BURNER, LOCE AT THIS ktovt FOR tli: MUST SELL AT ONCE. HAVE PUT IN FURNACE. CALL WEJa- STER aw. - PIaNOl oak furnltur. ruga, lawa mower, xatrrera, Douglas STB. IRON bed complete, good as aew: :aw giw sir, parlor eland, gas ptxls, lor sal cSeap. US N. St Typewriters. -TtPEWRllERS tar rent I as. ML Central Typewriter exchange. Mat Fsr- RCSSELL BROS. FURNrTURE CO. High cloast gas stove. Has saw. hergaia nvtg CwmtnA Douglaa tat. RENT sa O trees typewriter from tba OUvej Type-writer Ca. Douglaa tta.