r OFFERED POh SALE Farallax. , , TYPEWRITERS tar M b mo, U emtmi Typewriter exchange, no rer nam. . . IRON bed complete, good a Daw; also drawer, parlor stand, gat flaw, lor sale cheap, til N. isth Bt. ' RENT an Oliver typewriter from tha nil'var Typoa-nrer -C. Poaala tan. WOl'I.D you show ear Knotty vtelMe typewriter to your rtrns and. lat them ar wherein It xcla any Sue typewrite mad If you oould, without costing you eno cent; have the typewriter to keep forever aa year own? Taw writ t (or tall . particular. Emerson Tjpewrller Co?.' Box S. Woodstock. 111. " ROrfKLL BKOS. FUKNITURfi CO. Tllch closet aaa tov. Ilka new, bargain JM fuming. Dougla M3. .- ROLL top deek, electric (aa, . uprtaht plains earpeta,. ruga aad furniture, cnean. Call Sunday also. 8 N. ilth. - - . , Maalcal Uuraawau. v- . VIOLI.V, 10) year old, SI) Krug Aw. Oppoelta fcrug Brewery. , "' roR SAL-New an ' econo'-hsnd carom and pocket Billiard taistee ana bowline altera aad ItceaUuhM; ba flx- Our of ail kinds; aaay parmaou. Toe Brunewtek-Belke-Coliander Co, eK-e) ft lMh St. ' POOL tablea, itore, reataurant flitutea emifht. aeia. Levy. w au- mnana. OLD SKTT.t. DKHIOHT. li Varnaia t. roR SALE Two actWarahlpa la tba - Omaha Commercial collate and aaa la Bortea euliaaa. ihMlDaaa offtea. Oiaaiia Sea. 8AFcM Overatocked with eecoad-haad aaraa;' all allot' and niakee; bcrfaina. American Buufiy ce.. Ill, farnam at. CATS model National Caah Realner, almoat M; a aaap. tt Hoc MtA 4I, fcoutli omana. . OUB aoUd oak,. Hand made, au ideal ialla. ISM South '90th Ave. Phone Htrney 17. vnn RAt.tiachuiarahlD In -Bovlaa eo- lefe. can at or aoareai ueineaa ai. Omaha Boe. - ... .. . . FOR BALE A baby carrlaae. nearly new; reasonable .price. Call haroey HI hi IM forenoon. " POR bALE-tne H. K bailor with flvturee ami amoke atack. BtacK atl la coed-ooadlUon. will tell cheap. If taken at once. Add reaa all communication, to. John (Jrabow. charter Oak. la. f St ,.ppys At. UAttk'UAf 'KUi COKEAi-Beal remedy for Hchmf, bleedlnr or protrud lug bllea, Wc poetpald; eamplea we Cbtrmaa MoCoaneil Vru Ou.. Oraafca, .A New Truss ' KEW INVltKTIONi ACTION AKO . . RSbULTH. --Doaa aot apread rupture open Internally 4a convex pad a do. Write tor booklet. ' THS TYRRELL TRUSS CO.. T. .-flat Broadway. New Work -City. . m-DAY BlAXiO RKMSiUr. :Oieanh Pharmacy. Uttt and Doit. M ASSEOTHERP Y gigTuSi AlMn'of Chloaca 10 . IT. lat f. V. Ttee. "THIS 8ALVATIO" ARMY eollclU tul- arf elotnlni ; la tact, anything you aa aat Bead. Wa collect, repair and eatl at let K. utn W, (or coat of collection U the worthy poor. Phone Doualaa tlS aod a(oae wui can. , . i . .. i .... hal,a . Ia..rr vtbiektora'' and radiator treatment ,Dr. Aaaa D.' ytaher.. em Ware, blk. Ktb. D. CTe. Maaaaaa Mra, tttttenhauaa, aa Buaton Bid TOUNO woawa aomins ta Omaha aa atraaaera an. lavlled W vkelt the Yuun WomaD'e ChrUUtn aiuocUti"' bulldrng at Sevantaauth and St- Mary-a Ae, where they wit. be directed to auliaela haardlns placea, or atherwtw aaeiauo, L k t u uTtravelere aid at tna Oama atatioa. MASSAGE rCV5!SSrD. tSL MAGNETIC rid ay"-" WB BXNT aad repair all kinda t eaav kia- eaauhinaa. ind. A-ltW; Uouslaa .iaoi - SiEBRASKA CYCLB CQ ietn ana nanwr ANNA H. MARKS, SSTjaSTS nam. Davidae Blk.. APt Red 33. massage 2EZ!t.-S: BOtiY MASSAGE. Oi-i XavUle. i. 77L ""kIVB-ROOM nouea, tJa i. tl Ave. "vacuum idAtiBAUK. a bo. mh at. B. Si, la,l, suuday; open avenluda; hovra l is. "THeS rUV ul.'.'nnlir. ... r publ!: I . iw.hw r that-1 will not be re.polble for ocbta taat are- coaoewa w n'j LutW. after liua data, i. M. Lund. PttlLTKV LSlt PET STOCK. Scnenlriae fa to per HV Wanar. wl h. at. ClKf. femitle'Iioaton tmer. rcaaoaebie well awk-jd and padiaraed. Tyicr tat rii Uoueii. . PK.N htkda I. land icui uuckena witn eotkorell. acep red color. iu aettiaaV can liicnewient. in- a-mt. ViilX Uch H n cociw. 4 hena and luiie HEAL ESTATE LOANS OMAilA urupcrty aod .Neoraaka laada, OKEErS KKAL E3TATS CO.. K Kew Omaha Nat'l Bank Baadla. IO.Si.Y to '.can on baai waa or tear denee aroparuoa. tlAM to Mjm. W. H. TUOatAa. Ma arret re WA.VTBO City wana aod wanaata, W, Farnam biaUi a Co.. U rinaa ex. aiaa tn liduA aneda nromotlr. F. B. eVead. Weaa U-if., Uth aad Farnam. . WAVTtD-Oty leana. Patera Tpat Ca. rr CITY LOAN Berale-Carlbar Ca. QTf jUftt Bradt Theater Blda. . UAKVINBROS. Omaha Nat I Bask LOAXS Farm aad uu praparty, H. liumoDt A Sea, laot raraam at. fOR'SALB OR- 1LXCH4XGB UlIJ. take Omaha .hoate.or clear lot, an aay nai-accuoa; i auaa ta u. men tine, weatern Nebruka. black aotl. do aaod: requirea SU.5 Per acre aaaa. la I 1 laatailBieDta; ' oeacrlbw yaw bouae or locAddreea F XA are Bee. TO EXCHAXOB-Ooed. airMoth tend la Colorado Jupr furaiture and undertaking bualneaa. Addreaa Lock Bex U Btebert, CaiSt tOD Imoreved preaerrv. cloae In; will (lad far oad auto.. Addreaa L Ff, Omaha Bee. . . FOR B.lLK OR KXCIUXGlc Farm Ranch F1Mt imnroved: all flxad ua. aahr 1- mlle of towa aa mala line of R. R. For further tniormauua ad dream owner, an Oleawood Ava Omaha, Neb, IMPROVED FARM. Pin, In town: na araeta land: not far from Omaha; good terme; raaaoaa tw elhnc no aaeaia. Aoaren owner, a. IM, Omaha Bee. - OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ' ROTAL MAIL STEAMERS MOKTHkWU LaVAUtfOUL, iiLASOOW. Moalreal, Uavra, Plyawuta, JLondoo, 'Xbe Plctureaque SL Lawranot Aoute. Four day on the eceaa, three day In river and -utT. Spteodld new Turbine ateaaiera alwoo, aacoad-oabla aad tntrd BIB UUK. VH, - Cuuuoe uaexcallao. Courteoua attentloa. bena tor cwuiari, raiea, yien ei Allab t Co.. Ul K. Uearbum at , Calcaav Aoctior. Uw bujamshipa New York. Londonderry and OUUM New York, faieima and Kaplaa. AttracUva rate (or Uoaata helwaaa New I or and all wcotch, Cniltah, Irleh, CenUnantal and MedlNrraaaaa keinla euuertor aoooaunodatUitia, aaoallanc cdi iM, affleleM eat vice. Apply promptly for reaorvattoa to local aceat M Aauaat Line or Header Boa Brothara, Uaaarai Aaetna Ctucao, 111.'- ' KKAL 8TATS t'OB. KKST FOR KKNT-A very nice auwurban home aad aardea farm, thraa-fourtha of a mile from town. Uood e-room house. barn, chicken houee and oai-hulldlnca. Sam fruit treee and a mall patca ot kerrlea About two acre ta pasture and the balance in cultlvadoa. Mot to lata to put In a crop. Vary pleaeant ptaea ta live. Let ma ahoaryau the place. Rent net for the -aeaaon etrdlni Marco I. nni Oedke O. Clark. II Pearl St, Couacil Biuxs, la. Teiepnena n. : REAL ESTATB WANTED WANTED To trade for jqulty la I ar fevjam real ilea oa a 4-eyUadar i paeeaagar auto ID gooq cunoition. a. wi. iee. Houaehold fd a. "olotfiaa A aboad. PaTIl 6B5 M-kan'd ooda Xetaar. 1M Center. t4el WT pax moat for old tkitliina. Nathaa Uaa Offaca, - ga go. awa. miraert It'TT! Id -hand olethea, an aaa, hale; beet prlcaa; will call, Tyler lit. WASTED-taTO RK.VT furnlabed or uofurnlahed. In food live town. No aeau Bead apply. Addraaa H ara, nee. a'l.'TL'l i Bwun ltl ImMw laa ;a Koontae Plaa. aaar aar Uaa. Ki. Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET W WEST Rhift . at oca to aouta omaea. wn mllaaaa and afcrlakaga. Vour ocnaoja man receive .prompt aad carafaa attaa uoa. unc trroc. HARKjn or west Bvert Broa. A Co. itijf and reaponalbla WOOP BHoci m a Bxehanaa Bd. Ureal W cat. Com. Co.. Omaha Denver. tlty, Raoiiieonet ca Iud Kacanaa im CLIFTON Com. Co.. U Exehaaca Mt Cox a Joaea Com Co.. bunch of Uuetiera, U B. ROBBKTo CO.. t Baea, Bead- Martin Broa. A Co.. 0-t Exch. Bld. TAUO UROB. hand la cattle, hoaa, eheep. Deboait a.joLada of ahiDmenu la atack Tama vfl Sank. Only bank at yarda. SEAL ESTATE AMlfatACla uF TtTLB. Heed A be tract Co, atdeat abatraet ea- Boa tn Pebreaka. aa Branaeet i neater. KCALB CAMPBELL, ltlt farnam at, BtiaUlakJUf aWetaAltWB. Blectrlc. (ai fix t urea Omaha BITer Ca. Ideal Cement Co. -17th and Cumlni Bta. 1 . Fucke, 8oo ft Blind, paintlna. decorauns- bt'REENS Jr.,Fl Weirlck Fixture Co, U17 K. titk Be U. Qroeav him. wreck's, alb. B PaaL . ACtLSAUB FOB t ALB ACREAGE EAE-1AINB near Omaha. Ortn a. Merrill. UU Oty Nat Bank BKlk. tUTV FBBFBBTB 'OB ALB :VPRICE REDUCED Thla bai aatn corn ulna reception ball, livinc room, dlalac room aad kitchen on firit floor; open atairway ta Mcond floor, which- eontaina two LarFe badrooma and bath . room; nice cemented aiiar with Ink; No. I furqaca. romblnariaa llshtlnp; tlaturea, modem plumbind; houee a little over a year old. rnca naa been reduced for quick aale to K 'A Lot la nicely aet out la brubbery and treee. )ut block to Be neon car line, aflolnlnt Buntalow Cttj.- tnf awe kt' aaBly worth tUM. Soma caah -r balance aaay paymaota. .fiEMIS-CARLBERO CO. P--f)Fanilte Theater. - PRA1RIB PARK-, meet artlatlc and up acate community Id Omaha; wo aheda. cnKaena, aileya. uo cant or aaaa cate. Haa public carace and eodal Mr club bouee. Houaea aad lota. H to B.om. Four bow leuueoa aaver batnc Oat a bed. kaay term. Chaapeet property of Ua claaa In Omaha. The Pa it on Real Fslate oompany. MS ware Block ar zrw rowier are-. Pbona wabater il WE have a aooae. almoet new. hoatr4 ea a mca aueea. paved; abode, lawn, a very deairebte aelghsorhood; I einma. trkxly all modern; occupied by the owner, who la leaving the city anon and offer at the hurra I a price at V,7 SUNDELL eV CBANT REALTY CO. B7 MoCagua Btda Phone Poeirtaa tat. ROOM Modern . Howe, In .aWlrabia loratkm-da Pin SC. . aeroxa . BrowaaU Hall. Terrna to euu. i i ..li i ic.ur.x.nteapex lot ta iunaee; cen tra) location, vm car Una; tUM. Phone nai ill1 J mi, COMMISSION SAVED '"By Btiying of Owner Benatm. trtctTy tnoAern t-room Tiotiae: built by owner: leaving atate, met Phone BeaaeB eta, P. O. Box eH. The Adventure REAL ESTATE OITT PROPICRTT FOR aI,g. ONE acre of (rood land, fenced, a.para rirn bed, fruit, (oad well water, ntoa, new -roora houee. cellar; doe to paaad treat, car line, echool, churra, etc. Call on owner, Dr. Paraona, or phonea Bcaaoa JK or m. TO BUT. 0LL OR KENT, FIRKT JOHN VY. ROBeUMi. UU1 FAKNAM T. -NKW home in beat of Weat Farnam dietrici: rooma, water hrat; beauti ful ahado traaa; price raaaonabla. 'Phono barney TOR SALE BY OWNER -i ah a.-... awaae4a Aweaktt Kdaxl t r trirvuiH nvuxaj mviw -r . porcbM. tnxm, and cmnt wJkv cKm. lor ixl8; sood nlshtorbnod; ntmt car. Phon Fed W- ai-o l( u Mlh a n nd Utrt- more Aye. Only H.J0, Phone Webetar i&t 4 m .M,u.ib,ii K.i it f mm Awner. Flrat lot east of 1671 Evana. Hamey mil . l i.. r uIB bhWm 7.r,iom home in mr.t beautiful location In Bemta Park, r.. wt tine ararden. Ideal urroundluB, Tel. Harney we. K)B SALE -BY OWNER -room mourn n ovuev e,iu - or two vacant lota. nd and Win Bt Beat location la wunie " " - onicthlni ood at the right price. Call UOUBiaa liw nr m "' , p. NKAB LONG SCHOOL, Prlca JH. ' FOR ALK-By owner a 11-rooea bouaa, atodera. Rrnla (or 130 per month. Two hlocka fram ear Una. Pared atraata, ce ment waika. Take a look at thlo pUaa. Key at MH Franklin 8t MAKE offer, lot block t, ayndicata Hill. Will accept raaaonabla offer. M. Hall. Ul P 6t.. aaa tneco. CaL BARAATN-Muet be eoid at once. Good lat la Bemla Park dlaulct Ready to build upon. Block to car. Pared alreet. Owner.' IS H. Mth Street. . NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Modern except heat. I! down. Terms to au.lt. Located K2I Taylor St., near echool and car. Coma out and aee It. Phone Webater KM. REAL B9TATB rAttM dt RjtKCH LANOa FOB f ALB Caeata, CANADA LAND ' rich, black loam aim. One villa from town ot Bruce on Orand Trunk Pa. elflo railway In Alberta; B acree under crop. A beautiful farm, wall located, at baraala. The Phultpe-Latlmer Co, N TVhrte Ave.. Edmonton. South Alberta, Canada. . ' . - Colaeada. loM (area Kiowa county. Colorado, all level; water at W feet; If aa aare; to aattla an eatata Will contract to retail la ana yaar for IT an acre net, or buy au land not eald. Box Ma. Denver. Colo. . Uearala. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA travereed by the -ATLANTA. HIRMINOHAM-ATLAN- - TIC RAILROAD.. Laada adapted to the wideet ranaa at erope. All tn money cropa of the aouth leatiiuity prooucea r or literature ireat-na- wllk thla oemlna oountry, Ite aoli. climate, ahurch aad eohool advantasaa. writa W. B. LF.AHT. CEPT K, Uoneral Paeaencer Agent, ATLANTA. OA. TTTB eaeteot tray ta flnA a wayer far Ciur farm ta ta Inaert a email want aa the Dae Monroe Capital, largeot ctr eulailoa In the atate of Iowa, Uoaj dally. The Capital la read by mni heaarad IS by the aUnd part era of Iowa, who aim ply rafued to permit any other paper ta their homee. Ralee, 1 cent a word a day; L B par una Per monia; ceum aaa onauaary worda to tba Una Adoraaa IM Capital. Pea Molaoa, la. Mlaaa 10S SOUTHERN MINNBBOTA FARMS FOR f ALB IX you want ta buy aa im proved (arm la aotethera Mianeaota write for catalog, bout ham Miiuieeota Land Co, Blue Earth. Faribault Co, Mlaa. Maettaaa. FIFTEEN yeare to pay M.M par acre for Montana cholceat Irrigated (am. Lahda; 70.WU0 acrea now open under toe Carey act at V alter. Mont.; M buanele of wheal, 11 buabela of oat a. 3u buahela el flax per ' acre. Write today. Clinton. Hunt Ca, Box I, Vuller, Mont. ' RAKCHBB e.eQ9 to 0M. Baud for Mac Shopen Co, Haacb Omaha, Neb. Bek FOR BALK Keya Paha county, Xe- braaka. at aorea M mllea N. W. ai Bpiiua- vtew, ftoa, i. 1. Caae X area king Macaiae Co, Racine. Wla. JILeT aacrllra Una ranch In Nebraaka only Be aiiiea from Omaha. Thickly bat tled neighborkood. Bear good town and near eenooi; 7x4 acrea deaded and have iartg-tlma ecaoet land leaae aa adjoining action. Total. LM aarea. Some timothy. I Mi acrea fine bottom. hay mod. Peat ore kuid wall are ear d. four acree will upport una animal. Good butklinata. Cora and po tatoaa do walk Land vaiuea around tiiera lacreaaing faat. Immediate poaaea Addraaa Bna tt. Council bluff a. la. HOWE9TTAD t acree rich term mad for 117a, (lltna teea aad au. Na aaad bHla. i. A- Traor. Kimball. Haa. MO-ACRE RANCH with good Improve ment!, aome timber and running water; K acrea under cultivation and moetly all rood farm land. A good ranch tor In veetment or a home; a bargain at til per acre. Ray w. Httrncoex, cooy. neo fBVACRB aerta. Arkaoaaa Ira roved , ,Mn .km 1 AMI li i In m traaa. teeuBli John L, Mauear, Chaalo. Naa. . , aaath Bakeaa. tM BUYS rellenutahaieat ta Melletta coontr. Booth Dakota, lb. (be' tarnaue Roaebud county, located Bear Wbrte River, the eaeuvtr aeat. Jaekaoa Broa. Omaha at nc. Ilea city ivauoaai Bldg. - ' Tanae, t TRrCTC TARMLfTJ. ErervbodT'e oVaa tc Doing wiat? Raialner erosa all Oie year around a'd reUair.a from C3C4 to tJ.gw percre. ' But yoa have to be la San Benito. Join our exranloa Tueaday and ee tale greaa couBtry. Write ua or call at our arftc. GULF COAST UKVfcUiraRST uu. . - ca TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1312. of the Agitated Householder - - -' i -' isr-J . .'. "TF - .-"Trl REAL ESTATE T- ' ytna A BAWCM I.AWTIS FOR Stl.g r TOtt are Interacted ta Calif oram land for fruit ar chicken ralatnc aall ea Ftxa Weal bare, lift Bee Bia., BREWERY -EMPLOYES HRM Say They Will Insiit on Their De- mind for Increwed wagct. ITVS.FK CZKT RAISE OFFIUZD Bat the" Brewery Workere Say tkat ,la JVat Kabakh aad that They V; .Vaet Have Tea to Plfteea . Par Ccat Advance.', '. . : m '- ..- : : , BY' unanlinoua vote of the brewery war litre branched II a, M and M of tba ka-al union decided yesterday aftarnbon ta aund by tbelr demanda for a 10. ta U per cent mcrteae of wagra. It was further decided, that tlie leee V an t par cant In- ereaaa atferad aa a compromlaa by I brawera' be rejected. .' "The poaaw. hava refuted ta coma to a conference." eald the ooeratary ot aaa of the locale; 'and hava oTfired ua n each per week all around, but wa will Inaitt oa from M to U par cent, However, we will to to any extremity to prevent a (tribe." Requeat for a ralee and for a confer ence will be taken before tba brewara by the tnavanca committee or the arbitra Uon committee ot the Central Labor union. ., Between KB and ) workera alteaded the meetlnc yeatenlay - afterneoa and whan the vote to itand by.tna ortflnal demand waa takaa there wax aa dlaaent-' mf vote. All except two or three who were tick attended the meeting. Brewery employee all belong to the Union and all' are affected by the demand lor aa In oroaee of pay. ' - ' ' . j BODY OF WELL DRESSED MAN FOUND IN SAN PEDRO HARBOR Let ANOBLBS. May .-The body of aa unlJeiitlfled man waa found floarfnt la tba Inner harbor at tan. Pedro .today by a flaherman. ' Hla bande were tfad te gether with heavy cord and. the ekaH aa fractured In two place. Tire body waa weighted with a forty-pound iron bar (la feet long. The body la that ot a man About to year old, all feet one Inch In height and welghe about pouada.. The clothea are excellent broadcioth, tuck ee n worn by e'ergyatea. Peraittent Adver1laln tt the Road ta Big Return. , .. . . ... OCEAN BTEAM8HIP0. W. a. BOOa ISIS raraam a. L. BrBBSB. Flret Batioaal Beak. 3. b. BETBObOS, 1SOS Faraam St. ' r3 ' .' JJ 1ST' fl !?-,.im.(iTi.i.i-i-iii,i ; my WHITE SJAHp Oommton Conation Serricm ONLY ! 4 CAYS AT SEA ... eeea. vey C I l.a,MS e eeUcle. A Jy.e.aa. J TeeM Avitje. IXAagje few BrJe, mobI 14 J9 OaaClaiareiaiiaaaeM ia cam uj a iBiiekliejaallkl nialwiaiifi eearr'i OflWa, Chlcaco. is. OOTERXxtETT NOTICE MAMMOTH tt -eiPRlNOS. WTO.. May U. Hit Baaled propoeahl In- trip licate will b received here until f p. an, Jiiu .IA. 1412 and then Dubllclv Opened. for furnlanlag labor, and matertale- for eonatructlhg Anfiex lo Ilovpital, Irtelud Inr olumb.na. beaiinx. electric whin and flxturee, airort Yellowetone, Wyo. Ja- formatlon furnlabed n appneanoa. f n veMipaa ocntalaiae; propeeele to be In rliM aad "ProDoaal for Annex to Hoepi taf and a4drefj! Jo Cnratrtrctlng Qnar- tarmaater, .. miiMUTk HOT srkiNui rt io. May li. Till. Sealed propueala In 'trio- Ucale wtil-oe racetvea ner until P Tn. , June M. U12. and then cubllcly eoened. for furnlaMng and 'mute I ring pew and other furniture Jn Chapel at Fort . Tel le wetone. . '. W -omirix 'lufoimailca fur nlatied on apcHeartoa - Brrreiopea ot lainina Brocoaala ta be mdoraod .Ti pnaalt for Furnirnr In Chapel" and ad- AaHaart tiek A NEW YORK OTY Freej ear aalat ia avrreH tear. erveredm eeeealaHavia xeaeaatebatal la H bran, by eaeaial trata. Every kuary aa eeyaee. Cea eerie, iaaaaae eaiaiae. eauy papera, graa- aeanaa. Kacary. oie, make aaaa aaaa efl lee eaaaa, leer r iiatlirtiaiaaiela I Qvick, Delijkfal Vo7U Via I 1 French Um Steamers MewBeaM Traaer B ewfeai. Bu- M m eat ead aaeal euaairlaaat CeMiaeetal W TA Qsaaraeia Screw Teraiae itmmM All Steamer- "rake M , . V okTly Ooarae aO CteeeaenL. PSTIC 'mlttH ttw aad every UUrt at Tkaraaey. eaugeeFaee.elaae 0 a.Ua ' ""axeSFS ,r- g4g M gTO. U ihlu lealeaia e at e li ale- 1.1m ami e. aa Umlmg eellnn, fat aaiamlimaaatyer diuand ta CorjetrucOag uarteraaaatar. MJ-a--2i-UL '., ' ' 4 . Ceryraihl. 11.' Nattoaal TAFT HOLDS 11. IS BEATEN Pwiident lutes Statement 8mt- tieslly AttBokina; EooieYelt SATS WOULD WCX THS PABTT Caataarea IB Celoael ta the Frewcb KIbb Wka Said, "I Axa ir Hat raaaaaiaa la Ohio Claaee Today. CINCINNATI, O., May -Ib a moat bitter aad eoatnta damiaolaUoa at Colo nel Theodora Rooaevelt, Trealdeat Tatt laet night declared "The eertainey. at hit defeat tor the repabMcaa nomination Biuet be a aourc of profound confratu ktllona to all petiiotle elttaena," aad aa aarted that hla predereaaor In the WTUle Houae would wrack the repablk-aa party If be were not ohoaa 7 h' rapubUcan ewtlonal eonventton - and onmpared -Mr. Roeaevelt ta Laula XIT ot Franoe. trha aid. "The state; 1 am IL" The attack wa In the form of a ta te nant. In K Prealdent Taft eald ia part: "On Thuraday laet. I gave t eta lament ta the preee In wkih I aald that with US Taft dslexatea then eleoted ta the eonvenUon, and with the Immediate proa pent of the aleedoB at enough t axoaad the neceeeary Ht, the auocexa at the cauee of oonetltullonal govarnmeirt Beamed aa, ured. The delegalee altered ale thai thne have confirmed thi . eenclualaa. '. Mr. Rooaevelt'e epeeoh at Ceartand ebowg Mm In aueh k light In4 tfca oer Ulnty f Ma aet eat for the rtpabHcas iBatkoB must be a aourc or pro found aongratukuion la aM patrlatlo it laen who can bow ee the utter wreok that be weald have made of the party U nominated, n the great danger to which the country would bave been ex poaed pad (here keen any ebanoe af big elecUoa to a third terra. ... Mr. Roosevelt aaya thai he le the rpubllran party and the repinneaa aarloeei committee lo paailng aa m ere- dentlale of delegatea r the DreHiB- Inery roll la the convention thai bold ta be unfounded Mt marflUnay con Mela he will decllae to abide by .the Juddot of then having authority, .the Inference from thw la that ha will boR the oon vantloa xeiaaM k f uf eonetltutad ra publloaa national ecximltlae nhaU, after B judicial lnvtlgtton, refoee t aat ble oeateetlBg delegatea If hie efllrf h la be beetled, then the balding el any ednvenflon at au to OeTftmctoTy and oa peTfluoaa. : . ;V"v :''."; ' -The BrrataBO at bio etaiaraent that he M the repubRram party and that faU. ure to comply arlt bl Vlewo and wtahee put thoae going so 10 10 atUtode of bolter e. flnde no parallel In hlatery eare m Ihe famoui word of Louie X4V. The eute, I am It." 1 i - TtaamaVrlf aatlaflad.' CLEVELAND. May H.-'l sa enUrely aliened With toe met week." -eatd COB enel Reoaevelt In s alatenWut, today.- "1 believe the people of Ohio are Bound, aad will placo Ohio bealde renneylvanin aad Illlnola m trds lineup ef the people osalaat tn Boworo tfeat arey." Colonel Rooaevelt ataUment W bv aued at Mentor, o euburb ef CI eve Land, trtere hd epent the day with Jamee H Garfield, far roar eecretary of the loterter, In It be tsritieuMd PreBdent Toft eluvrply, Baying the Breeident Bod claimed credit for tha mining bureau. .... Colonel Rooaevelt ataerted that thla bureau wa watabllahed by Mr.-Oaileld. with t ajeiotanoa f S eoarallo ot engineer!. - Bellota teaapllceted. COLUMBUS. O, May X1.-AI1 the preal. dentlal cnndldBtea bow. In Oh reeled today after their whirlwind week reading ap ta the primary election Tuaeday and the campaign xaaoagar began a float effort ta inatruct the vetera how properly to mark their ballota. Both rapuWIcaM and damooraua bOOeti or large add com- BHcalcd. On the rapublicaa ballot tb a wll be three .aeta of eaadldatae ' for aaeegatae named In each ef the twanty-on dm trtcta Tbaa are pledted. respectively, ta, Praaklent Tatb Cawaal RooeeveH ai.d Senator La Follatte. The name ot the piealdentml eandMoteg wh not appear a the pallet Tb aUt deleratee-at-larxe will be named by the Mate aenaantiea her to June. 'i Both ballota ar oomplieatad ay earrr trig full eoonty tlaketa, oaaie and caadV datae la county, radio! al and atata ooa vartlona and cougteealonal eaadldatea. The aoeUllats hava a oomp(te aaUocuV and atate etcket m tb ttetd.. : - The prunary will open et I S ! and cloae at t : a. at . but a) aocaaat ot tb cmn plicated nattrr ot tba battat It ta' expected th return win be slaw In coming to th cryonty boards ef owe' lion ' . .; . ' PerVlae Wake kaaseeeloa. NEW YORkv, May kX-PubucaUoa of all eoryeesaajaeao relating to the Uon of the International liarv aaay was auggeated today by Oeorga W. Perxlna, the New Tor nnanctar, who upon ble return ta Near York today la oad a reply to the gtatement given out. at the White Houee hut Friday sight by Charles O. HUlea,, secretary la tae preetdml. . . . .- ; - . i Bear ttahaaro la Cklcaa. CHICAGO,' May 39 -Harry a. New rhairman of the Ub-eottimlttae on- ar racgeuventa for the repubUcan. natktnal ecnvenUen, In an uitai alw tonight aald nothing further bad, been doae.ln the aatlar af naming a temporary rbelrmen eC the urn reaittoa. Wna tba aub man mltte member ajjjosraed yesterday . R was announasd that th aelactioB of o temporary chairman had been left with Mr. New. 1 wa bosy ' today Scutlng tlegram News Am and lerber m reiatroa t other BxatteT aectad with the ranvatuloa." eald Mr. New, "and nothing waa done re garding tba temporary ' chmnnxunhrp. I will have no announcement ta toak re gardlng tba ahajiwiiiiaktp tanlgivl." Tsar won considerable speculation re garding tb cbolrinansalo by polluctar today, and a number ot rumor in that ennnerttrm war beard at the hendtraertert of th republtoaa natleoal aosnrnttle at a hike front hotel. NOnO ot On rumara, however, could bo verified, aa Chatrmaa New ot the euo-ooramtUee aod Beer bvnr William Hay ward raluaed to die- cue the reporta. '...;" Baby in Aim Stops , Two Bullets Sent at Woman. by Assailant LITTLE FOi-K. ArlC. KAy .-&. Tt.. I. .Coulter, victim of on nMaraatad at tack, lives tonight hoeawee bar menib eld baby, lymr on bar bra ant, caught In Us ewoi ntu body -tb owlleta tired at her by her baffled aeealleot. The bahf died IneianUy. Ilk city has been lerrwrured iately by a eerlea at attempted attack on wnraea. OMBmttted by A myeterloue parson whott tb nolle cell "Jack, the Shooler. Thl afternoon Mayer Cbaela E. Toy lor Balled a proclamation celling upon the dtlaan of Little Rack la awn thorn- eelve aad old tb polioe is anptarlng ay killing tba prowler. i Early thl morning th Keen entered the Coulter realdroea, tares bleak free tM Center ot the buvlaees wtnirat, and si taeked Mrs. Ceutter, who held nor baby M nor araaa. She aaad mnery and Ue Intrwder tired at nor twlca, both bullet striking tba child. The murderer fled. Half an hour after. word the earn man. R le thought, en tared the reetdenc ef K. M. Mankloa,V halt block fraea the mala buMaaa atiwM He fired at Mra, Hanklne and two s lloemen who ere Aluacted by hbr erlei The Bonca emptied tbehr revolver! a1 him no he ran, bat 1 eaaaaei agala. Reeetitly, euppoaedty th aaraa' ma hu ktucKot one and wounded two etlitv women and ntade unaucoeearui atlaaayul ta attack several etliera,; , -; Remains of Seven ' Bodies Are Buried in One Casket YANKTON, . D, May BV-(BeclaJU- In an casket there arrtvad In Yonktoa for burial th charred rtmelo ot A hue band, hi wife and their five little chil dren,, Mr, said Mrs, Peter Paterae a. for merly of Volln. this county, and their en tire family war burned t aeatk m tbelr llttl bom en th family claim at Freeho. Thw waa some doubt at first as to the oaoa et death, but thla 0ms removed po a aeerck at the rid tied bails by Utrua Olson, n brother at Mr. Petaraoa. It was found that an Inoubgtor bad no doubt art fir to (he house end the flimes were not dlao"iid la tbaa tor th fam ily to reoape death.. The oldest girl bad lumped out of a window, evidently, as her little charred form wae found out side the none.. The bents of the mother were found Bear Che kitchen etova, aad tba rsraaln ot tae balance af the family about the boasa. The Bra-tax nvara at night nod lhar are bo witnesses to the terrible fate that for the first time to the Matorr of th aisle had overtake a family af eavsn by fire. Tb funeral took plsea at Yoiln, near Head Aches?. Co Uceaadic, Be4achea. tOkntam. ' ' Bbbbosooi. ' Eisniil Conttlpatioa. ... Coottipalloti. ' ' Conatipatlo, Arcfd Pbm. Ayor-S Pub, Aytr Pbb. B your doctor tay this is H rlgM, rtmtmhtr it 1 Low Fares East ; . ROUND TRIPS FROM OMAHA TO , AtlaBUcCityeN.J. . .$44.25 Aaburj Park, N. J., $42-$45 Boston,via Montreal, $40.60 Bonton, direct t.r,.$41-$45 Buffalo, N. Y. .... $32434 Detroit, Mich. .... $25428 . . These ere only a, few of the attractive 6ixty-day sniaV mer totirist faret on wle daUy, June 1st to September ! 30th, 4o inany reebrtB in the east - ; , ; ' ; , ; : VIA THE - . '. ;. ; - W-1:-- Chicago, ilwauke a St. Paul "It ; Railway ritTHr Uroit innWr tourist tickets to Wisconsin, Midi-' igan, New York State, New ific coast resorts. . Let ns etaflg. Mormation aod . W. H. BOCJL City Paoenger Agent ' Rv fiiis MaSer A Saved from Eapids by Three Men's Bravery NIAGARA FALLS. N T, May K-One et the meet daring reeeuea ka the history ef Niagara Falls waa effected today by Aran Kevorkian, 'an Armenian, who waded out weiet deep into the rapldo a abort djatenc above the cataract and pulled to Shore with' a pike pole th un- srlow tons of Ueary J. Srallk, ee yean old. ot Buffalo. Kevorkian was aaalated by vavia oa. don and Park Constable Thomas Barfloy tn, wOjo rarmed n numen enaw aacaoi -trig tb Armenian to the ahor and -n-btiag him to realit the current which, was aayjarailly etxeng. owing to tb high water. Mmlth was walking tlong( tb aamw seua aaanan Me - bov th Sklla when be Missed hie foot ing and tell Into th turbulent tareara. He etna became exhausted tn his en rat to reach ah ore and wa floating with hat head wnde water, when caught by Kevorkian with tlB poT lent than xB'teet bona th brink, btntth was (eaa rwrtoretl conecteueaaea. apparanUy nana tba wane tor SI expertarrc - TM Paratmeat sad. Judicauu Uee ta Newspaper Aevertlalag at ta Read SO Bualnoes tMeoogg. ' i Sure, Sato Wayf To Curo Corns 'ItejA" iMtt Itoav taxsr iui A rues no mere with bloody knives ana. raxore nth cHmy aalvee aad sticky etickiag piaatarel Bother no mora with bulky strap, oettoa wad, etolk doiuro amis aad atmllar aulaanoaal N Bora need addlajg maait ta Injury. - root-torture daya are over I Praiee h to tun I Oreat, wonderful, Caru-Con-querlng Blngot Wont corps . quickly yield to ite withering touch, inflamma tion and Pal atop "as Lf by magic!" No barm to normal fleeh. . Corn er enlloua lust fades awsy-you pew tt off, cast It from your sight-foot trouble than k merely ammory! - ' Make' no mistake. If peateied with corns, bunions, eelkiuees. warts eeveraiv ly or colKotlvery-M' B1NOO you want,' Thar Un t anything "Just ea good." . At eressleW. SU. or dteaet assa leeskyt f rtoe, ky Deaatem naraeral Oa. Ul Be. Daae- aara SC. cwiniea. ill. a aa vm herwaa B McCaeeell Dra I lh an Uareev. JUb aet I Ore Ce, 1k sad .waa sayai. 9t.m.mm Ml We. t Mt. T' . I in i, To Your Doctor Hedadic. Hraadaca, AytT-tPOa. Montre Que-. . ... . .$35.00 MuskBka Lfikes, Out. $33.95 Ncr York City ... ,$42-$45 Qnbec, Que $39.03 . Portland, Mf. . 44il35 Toronto, Ont. . . ..s$29.60 England, Canadian and Pa plan your tnp ana arrange lae foldert free,.! . ' ' " "C V CownvfrOSt ' f I '". m Cars-(ra I jlr Ilk a t j Ticket Offira, 1612 rartam St, Omaha, Neb.