Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    - " .. - J' v ,t . ... i - .- .. .
P MaiaZiirlP p)afe
pi e (g e e,
SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Toe Judge Discusses the Seven New Wonders
Copyright Uli National New Am.
Drawn for The Bee by Tad
WW OMeK TH ttf M4
ITWNK. M AS ft fa&S OeHT
TB MAKS OUT A urr op -tetOMOcVrVj-
IfrliMf, IMS evNTrtAr tNVCNTSft
vieu. uu&Jjo
reu- vo wtr
iLf him.
1 1 : - : i : : r i 1 ! "i
. i- t. miM nr Tur in it t !.....- ,. .f uunn-unuKi . . .. i i - - . 1 i v
I I ijdv' -w-'T'.T' ' i rnu"'- - i . I - - I iMnHr-WW" lift - .r A I
iv r r . . . . ii .uujiir f i i . v .-
X 1 - ' I I WjV MXITFmiOCff 1 ft rr "w- - X I 1 ' I mat. I I I J
Hooting a HusbandUncIe Henry," in
Spite of His Age, Looms Up as
Prospective Soitor for M Viiow
A wck btl pttu4 itM KaMttai'
nir. n Beatrlc found kM kond
to tfcalh.' It ni a ntw wtfrrtmc M
her, (or. tlthouph tooaljr .jit 0m, the
had aly hMn Ma to lotereat herMlt
le her ehUdren. her needlework or ber
book. Now, etaoe her Uutte cf
life, the exleteoo which (he had Jed
etnee her huebuid'a death eecmed ilat.
tele and unprofitable.
She dresaed tse children herself each
day and took them ' to ktsdarfartfo.
Then the morning lay before her. uaea
tHrened hy h proapeot C any hrhtiieM
for the afternooa or avenlnf. She
' thou-ht of many of her'wotnea aoouaiBt'
aaea w hom aha might ask fto go ut u
luncheon with her, or to acoompany tier
to too matinea in the aitemton. hut the
Idea brought with. It no. thrill. , .
She begaa to appreciate that whoa a
woman hae allowed hrreerf to enjoy the
look of admiration In a man oyaa aha.
uneoneotouely at first to heraalf, wasai
to reseat the'oapertrnee. But how could
the tv4 a waw f ajoMlok SOllert 'lay
nard TWf' " j
Shetaefced. Jxarailt-thta ueaUsa .ofhaa.
and It 4k( JtjWinoat-,ln .her .mndvooe
erenlRf wbeii, aa ehe aat alone In her
little drawina room -the ighlrdran-tiawlnt
rona to hd oho heard her aparenwgn
door tell rtnc, and, aa tt wai the tnatd's
learinc out, wont to the door herself.
To her surprise Mr. Blanc hard.' Helen
Rabbins' -Uncle Henry"- -stood there
wnlllnr - - -
, "Whyl't sxoMmed -the astonished
woman "Come ml "I Mi not expect' to
sea yoa tonlcbt
, It was a banal and trivial remark to
make and Beatrice frK herself flush hotly
aa aha appreciated that aha most -took
like a fool. But her Mettor. notl of her
rkanc ooior, experienced a (tow f (rati'
fled vanity, attributing the blaab
dejlcat at serine htm.
Well." be aaid, as ha pulled off his
orercoat, "I happened to he pesalnc. aad,
rememherinc that jroa had toM ma the
other aurht where yoa lived. I thought
I'd stop la aad see yoa for a lew -
"That was kind of you." Beatrice saM
cordially. , noer sufficiently " recoveecd
from her eurprlso to he aaca mora- mla-
treaa of the attuatlon. "Do sit down and
talk to mv Before yoa came I
lonely and wishing that something aloe
would happen, and jrou sea It has:'
The elderly man beeiaed. happily, Ha
was S yean of asa and had oftea bean
obliged at he expressed H osnotlmes,
ta look lively to escape scheming moth
er and marriageable daughters." tot It
waa kaown that he had a neat little for
tune, with nobody dependent oaoa Mm.
But DM niece knew this also, and had re
solved that aaid tort me should, bihan
Vacle Hoary should die. some to bar aad
her children; therf fore aba watched htm
as eomethlng too precious ta he allowed
to fall a victim ta scheming womankind,
aha had thought M would please him
to be aaked to her dinner, and one of
the men invited tailing Ul, she had pot
her relative Into his place. She had
seated hjaraest w Boatrloa, aat to aleeae
him, but to punish the latter for her .re
sentment with regard to her hostess
match-making er hemes and to ptque her
Into being kinder to Robert Maynaaa.
Falling in thta, she bad thought that, bar
busbaad'a Utile, niece. Maude Snauldlng,
could do-worse than to mak a match
"with Maynard. evea Jf their ages were
so unequal. v-
But Helen Bobblna .did not rook far
enough aheadto ceneirlir that aha might
ha making future trouble for herself m
introducing the naas hrrteni4 aad wa-Impreretonablo-ald
saohetar to a young
and attractive widow. 4Yemea aaUoaa
take Into consideration a widow's fas
cinations, kiea aeldom forgot or Igaore
them. - . ' -
To do Be trice . uatiee.- aha bad aot
thought of lir. altaacbard aa a poestbia
suitor until thta avening. . Than, aa he
said, with a twinkle la hia eyas, l
didn't mention to Heiea that I waa-tJuab-.
tog at ssaitug to see yoa, far she has
uesr heaa asneh plea salt at my going to.
call aa the laaiee." a sudden Idea flashed
through Seatrioi'a mlaoV if Helen knew
that her ancle had eaOrd bora oho would
fancy that be esaa already la daagar at
being snapped m by an entiryrweiig
widow. Bidtculowat anisrd Beatrice. . As
If say aroaaaa la bar aeasas weald aeasry
thia plala-loekmg. Ihoagk kind hearted,
maa. aid anough to ha her father! -
Bat-Helen wwoM aot think that ssoh a
thing waa out af too aoestissv aad the
widow decMed -that since aha was as
weary or her loaoHneei that aha fooad
area this vhetor a wiloDma braak re the
moastony of a dan evening, H waa as
wea that Br. BHaeherd ahoabt not teU
hla Weoe af ba -voBtnreoomo eawedlOra 1
Tnenfoeo aba laughed arkb Mm aa be
spoks-of his seeretrroBeas. -mad 'TWUoed-j
eourteooaly whlla ha rambled sa wKh
rarclnlvcencea of his boyhood had of how
be bad -marts his first half-dollar ae ai
errand -boy,- Yea, Helen echted, to wit
aa . agreeable Ineldant, which tsha pi-'
tarred to ' the solitary and -uneventful
hours which were oftea here after the
bairns wans asleep.
Whoa bo spoke of going she suggested
that before bis departure bo might honor
her by having a glass of wlno and some
fruit eaaa. I awya keep ahefry and
asm aJd-aabJoned 4ml t cake la the
Iwuea." aha aapktlaed. ta bto, "Jaat aa
my mother aad gwrulsaother -used: to as
whaa I -waa a Utlis
"An a aw owa mother ueed ta do.
too!" oaokUmod her guest, delbrhtedb-.
"Yea. taOeed. ahlM. I will take .earns
oeke.aa wmo with ealy for tao
memory at the good old rlmea. Coma to
think af it. you aemlnd was somehow at
ensn of other daya Tea am
ad mascalima like aoma af
Helen a fflenda Ton are softer aad
goaUsr to aaaaaef thaa sa Heloa bar-
"Pertissa," saM Beawtoe. -if -aaus had
awe, ahauble thaBtaka haahaoVaTnot
sometimes aulete amv you kewS
ee dtd not mean to pose aa a forlorn
wtdow, but" eke- vowed hereorf- Vpiaymg
up" to. the part ' that the kind-hearted
mad ksaigned nor. And 'when ha said
"Ah. yoa, poor girl, you have had a tnat
sorrow, I am our.- In the death of your
husband!'' aba was hurprtsed to find her
eyes filling with suddoa tiers at hla
symnathetM toaee, -aad aha -was seised
with a kind of self-pity.
And -too man, noting the tears, asked
her to "forgive aa old codger for making
her sad." At wnloh she tried ta smile
and to reaaeuro him, but only succeeded
in . convincing .him . that aha waa an un
usually grave little Woman who bad goat
through' moots sorrow, and Who- still
mourned tbo husband aha bad lost Yet
she bad not schemed or meant to produce
that lmaraaatao. aha repeated Ibla am
tlea ta bmsilf after having partaken af
the rake and wine and praised botbad
gently told ber (oed-aignt and asked If
ha aught sail aamla.
. "And I couldn't explain that I don't
regret Tom,' aha muttered aa oka locked
the front door of her apartment I
I witched aff the Hghta
Aa she sought eight of her faoc m the
mirror In her own room she amlled at
the reflection, noting her bright eyes and
vivid aoloring. . '" ' ' ''
"You loot better .tonight," aha whlsparad
to ber tmaga. "Aa evening with asms maa.
to chat with does keep a woman young.
After aO. that dinner did bring me one
friend. Not Robert Maynard.. but Hoary
Blaaehar. 1 ahaed at the MaekMrd and
kit the crow- But-" with a Tegretful sigh,
"to tetl the truth, 1 don't, cars much about
erow. A blackbird kj Utter gamaP
MtW rbyi 7rqr -
IHeWfiAMI jrt-EST-JUftEHW-rVratV
aVhtO ApflmVOICe 1lfC0.
ano nvf-r ra rt vsi oum
youhrrrTAIc6 ME ,
jnWArWfiAwr "
HA MA rM 1(1
TOKtiLt NOW . ni
A faav I Agra wa ur
1-A-M CUTAr) TVC .
BiH hT TVtEM, '
tOhitJ - P1U7AH CprWOV Pa NT B
6O00 tOOtiSA LoTi Wf ( eVAfCD
TO APll-tAIL oFJAi-r
IKTHkUJCvTOg,. se- Vol fly? ,
TmArAfrfAATltrAh'OAr "
itm, .rrmr-WFLLialllttUlaf rr"
eftOADwviAViO AitTAW.
ftAT o an' Ht. jurmeMry
TI)(Ld(( JPtrO r4l9C
jrieer. - 4
I NfbAJS woo ..
Howe clean WE MM
GOClWkMfMIuf, IrUrrfr '
fHEM MU, aEaAMea.
Ta l)AVy a-AJH TW
nu. msiAv,
JrVia.-TrW 5hVt-TWeXVNrJ
; fiiEAAl A LTTTUT AMi-l
aaid Pvt -rue Rear
to hi EAn.fjinr hc,
fRcPen. Au "me
CHATTca "Ttvvr ne
A B90P JUSCT mi mr nor.
SffJKiH 0" 8ir-A '
, : Ksy is. ...
tcry Be
VJrt tavvat IbvVaf Aff
foy swfr MATMr
rtE, frVAjtC OUT IkOT
HAOTOf1 (utiSCTfrva-
IrnHte V MJemMsW
A v
Married Flirt is Meane st Woman onEarth
Thr-re ,re sua. -who gr -waives la
beep's jililhlaa, -wwa fray spaa Yaaag
girl aad ah are one of tha menaces
of aeetatg. "
There are ttomow atha art serpents la'
aatiaa and ktrte I
aad dhtmanda, who
ray upon rouag
hoes, who ana
aoually dangarouo,
and who do just ta
much Asia la tba
(very mother to
an her guard
gains! Ike evil
man,, .ana eoes tan (i
best the ea to pra. rj
tect bar daughter
from blm, but tear
Sid I hers over ' real
ise the daagar their
son Is In from tba
nprloctpiod wo
man, or ' peek ta
guard bite from aa
experience that Hear 'ha aa .blighting ks
hia be any Tote for tune that could hata
hit filter woald be le bet.
I do not speak ban of I he se-eelltd
bad we man," the seacaoiMd and ,aub-
Mama aaya the fairies grew weary
Of aot having people believe
That fairies exist in thte.dreery, ,
Sad world, where so many hearts grieve
And "oar their belonginga aad flalngo, i
Their drosses, light, ilmsy aa air.
ta wkahlallao iaaca (boy packed wkh
their . mca. ,
And flew away no-oae Irbowa where.
Kow, aver since tbea we've heea waiting
And hoping to oea them return.
esse spring, wbea the btrda are all
.'. mating. : .
And violets are under the fera.
But only perhaps a stray fairy
Haa ever come hack, aow and then.
To cheer with ' Its preaeaco the- child or
The aulcklji haa vaaiahad again. .
Bud I have been thinking aad thinking
That maybe if every eas tried ,
And wished dor' a year wtthaox winking
The fairlea. perhaps, might dachM
To oatac-baok aad live ai tner' aeed to
Aad -help tbo ahUdraa aa gasd '
We il wish and believe it aa bard they'll
beUavo M,
'And cant stay way If they would. '
rhraty af Lead far All.
Borne years ago the government opened
oast of ba mueotain lasjds of Montana
ta sertiera. Aa Irish man was Owe at the
first to aw ta aad prea aat a awed data.
Aa bo was emerging after aaya spent
la chmbtng up aad aVera parpadleumr
stretches- of landerapt. bo met aaotbor
homeeeeker iust going in.
"is (bar leanr af land ka vthassr b
q aired the latter.
"Partner." aaid the Irishman, thero'e
so-, dad blame much land .In there that
tbo good lord had to slack iq"-8atvdav
Evening Post.
,What is Life?
' a
ProT. Stephine'Ledflo'Ha Hade Th tiuetUsB Kow fwM&t
If J!"l ". " " " 1 ' . 1 ' beoome
ry r7
II '' vv,ffi kfn I'o' II oea most
i i j " a; a- A : j: i mad
rYxi.Th . , js. .-i tar. r i
yy::: i iiir-ih-;';;'. AX J '
If- 'rr't--' -it'''Jf i '
- IjV It' 1 '
, r,9lA ym IWaahlngam
airrusod through oasml
soperatlng them. Ma calls them "oeinotir
growrhe," but neither -be nor anybody
also knows exactly how or why the thing
To see thnee rppaiwntly ttvlng forme
efraw -aad develop out of a uhrmleal aont-
ana af the anet amaslng
and startling oeghta -abat oould w I
If -f rot. ldo bad dived a
hundred Wars age and done that ht
weald, either base baon burned at the,
take aa a v isard -or wresehlpped .aa
god. Hut scieaoo a bat superstitious.
When it seas aonarthlag unknown before
it t explains b If It ran. and If It cannot
It waata for the explanation, and as lbs
amantlmsi tries ocperlauata.
' At aressnt aiaot men -of oewne doorv
Prof, edue'o oonrJusloii that there a A
hew farm of Ufa about those aalags.
(Mil, -they cannot explain thorn, heyooid
soring that they are "curious result af
a hemic al action." Their dleooverer. how.
a homer. Dsrlsrlng that theta
"phamaams" axhmit lite aawar aT nenrt-
llon, of aaslmllathra (the otlttiLng of Im
bibed auhstenre), of Uainatloa (tbo re
pwUoa of aedeas aubetaaee),. awd of Irri
tability, he gees an In -speculate on the
possibility that they grt related. In
war. to actual Ufa. if ealy he
make hla mysterious treatlone reprodar
thamaslvas hs would probably sstaMb
hie caeiteMloa, for then be would have
In addition to the other rharsrterhrllca of
living -beluga, which be profeassa to haw
found ta tluua, the ana miming oesoaUsI
ta make tbea raalla .aUva,
Some Jtlt the Form of Brsncuinr
; ' Coral.
What de you think of the photographs
reproduced on this Paget No doubt. If ,
you simply trust your eyre, yua will uka
Ibea for plcyxres af real stoats, .animals, -hUs
aad eorala
In fact they are photographa of phan
Muas. A phantaam a eomethlng that -
appears to the rye aad the, tinxlnsOef
ta ho arbat it to not. '.'phantasms yf the '
living. ' an English seieathHc writer haa '
caned (hem. -, ' ' ' ,
But the strangest thing about them a
that they are aot made by band, or drawn
by pen or pencil, but they grow Into the
form which you see. Nature puds tbam,
aa oho makes actaal animals and planta. -But
dim did not do it In ber regular way.
Maa Interfered with tbo rmitsg devisee. ;
of chemistry, and caused nature to he- '
came aa Imitator at bar own' works. l
These marvelous treat urvs-for crea
ture they are, whether tBoy 'reany isva I
any kind of life or Dot-tmttahs Ifying
thing not only tn form, hut , Also, in
growth. In developing according' d or
ganic law. in absorbing nourishment. In
moveaareit cad tn "b-ritabtlfty." which In
aciejjtlfic sense, rnneiRa, ,pocding te
excitement, or provocation, Mke a raier-
pillar wbjck rolh) Itself lalo a hall wha it'
a timrJod
tmttate mushrooms.' others
Somo grow tan and put out
leaves hae gieaias ar fkraiering -plaBte;
aoma take the form af sraschuig corals,
or af oea sbelH; anme orawl-aver aolld
obiects like apreadlag aaouMa, let
of thesn wcro horn from seed, ox
nets, or from eggs, All, as far a we
can so, are coaigoeed, af Inanimate, or
nonliving, onbstanoo. ' Prof, gtephaa
i timed seout-of them 40- suns
putting Itsgmeats of calcium cfaiorKte a
knewo cmmlcal. a kind of salt
a hick a oftea used for -drymg purpoooa)
Mto aolouoa of water aaturated with
Some Grov TtU mnd Pit Om eTet like Qnutt of Flpweriki lUatt.
oaboaatr. ar pbfMabaU.-of pots -a. end throack which It passed by mesas of
bringing the -diseoived sMSsaa luto "cemcati." which is the scientific Bass
aowtact -with - a membrane compraed at fee tba atranga pi overly, or tendency, of
parchment, or some similar ' material jfluida of different kinds and deniltlea ta
Buwdlea a tbo subway.
Bundles on tta street,
ttt-ktiig Trem the bocketa ' - -
Of every man you meet.
Bundle on tbo ferries,
Kvery abape and slat. . ,
XvenhsdT'a at them.
Bundles to lbs errs.
Buadlea rauwd'add nobby,' ' -
Suadlea Ion; and thta, ,
Many burstlag open, ' '
rKiowlraj what'a antklo,
padts and hoe md -trowels,
Paokage of seeds.. .
Everything a gardaa
la a suburb a at da.
Kveoy tfecd cornmutor
Something baa ta bring;
Little pota af psnsie,
Odorous of aprlngi
Wade of -wilted hrttueev "v '
; Too, am all the erase
Buadlea. buadlea. haaaiee,
'These are bundle dara.
' LmwaaPtllc aem Pee.
betweea layer of cake baked In
Is bma. haneo Ailing, aad
sprinkle top with paadeied or onfec
ooners sugar. Par tbo filling thoroughly
mix aa cupful af sugar, two and one
self tshlerpoooiul af flour, the grated
rind of tac letaoas, aao-foanb eupful of
karan Mot, and ana egg. etijbtor beaten.
Melt ana tot spoonful of butfr ht a small
turn la mixture and
stirring constantly, until the bolling-poan (auspicious of
& reached. Qrrat "care taust bo taken
that the mixture dee not adhere to bot
tom or sldovef pan.. Cool silfhily Mora bi
above dt . , a "
Uolf sramdad oaiataf ady. Ab a -aut
oaeoay aut -ta -ehe oaon, -wka amy bo
opeaHr fawgh. Meeldea wjileb, she a net
half aa dangeraus m boy aa Is the ore
man who I mug aad good aatboat anet
g taarael bueai arklUai waa obeeiees tag
attar of mosaatr -wwet trsshlag its
splrll. (At tba worst tba acarat avemek
only ottlara Ms weeks, but she whaa
robed tiypaarla Tab bin af ba soul.
rlrrrefara. wbea yaw Jmmr Ottddsaly
beavns to baraj arouad Mra. Biawk. aoat
tu be alwat a at bar houaa. aad ruaaing
Her errands aad arlsag her ear lor baa..
ad Peart a awenie "wit war. and a u.
an she Maka orllb bar. aoa't be a lot
e atugh au hM lafatuaikan. -aaA
oimgvatalaea l eureelf that kWa lauoa ,b
love wMfc a amsn-ald aaaugb la be tifc
aether anatoud af with soon girl af ha)
nti that hs algal want la merry.,,:
Aad gan't task aboat what dpsod
women Mn. isak It. aad oav bow .
yea are that b has feHea autdor such -a
aaa aad rofasug Irrtluenoa. Bra wr
the lntieaaay bodsro Jimmy a twoaty;
knur hour oldrr. Mad him away lor a
WkUa, aa tar from lb temptress as
yea' gat the owney to buy railroad:
bua ,PuU aim back as vow would If ftf
stood Ml tke brink el the pit Itself.
Kvery married woman who rirta a a
court eaaa at heart. Cottartlca, or grard;
or the nostra to hoia ber place In owlet f.
Buy kaap ber wllhia the bounds -ot to
tnectpbtllty and asks ber atop abort of
actual cfimthallty, but at the cor of her
being she a rm moral, and there It neither
a-uth nor bovrar la her. '
The tnatiiedewrimta who. not aonteat
with her hasband's effectfea. vay U
Wve vflih other man. and sack their ad
miration, the White sbo warn bar hus
band's brood and wears -the aatboa ba
greet bar aa aba drag ba naaoa bhroagb
the mud. a a contemptible anough figure,
heaven lasxara, but the wisamt wimaa
la -tba tnarrled dim waa a a
attoh orarnaa daas not wvoa g-lay tba
tarn anus rely, oaaauss aha nim her
knearledgo -mt Ufa aaaleat a ber'e gor
aaea,, bar ajaanwatnc ojgainst ba s-
ir art -aad aaea oUMuaat nw
,waa. AamlBot ber flaUarles,
her oajolertea. be as belplta -aa a
bah a tba AanOs af aiaat. U a -a
aay asr way aearrtad woman aba la A
flirt to maka a boy foil In love with bar
a a would ba for prise fighter ta tako
monor awa- from sulia. am
As anatbtr of fat It aaly lb
tloud omaxag tllrtailows marrkad aronaa
wks wo in rar btdMpiag. Too keeker
sort prater to have their kUsws orith
ovaavbut tbo -farmer are toe ajiaeb area 4.
poepB) wootd taoi It Mr. ioaee wr Mr.
oritk waa too mueh a owUemm tn dheW
oompany, but to err fraud ealy 'agb
Whea tbo rasi boy ar tbo dbnltb way 44
forever dardrtnrg t Thetr ateren efrtiea.
The boy -ar fe gama. Tlimeforo th
women, -whoao bangry -vanity must be
oontlnually Ted by mt flatteries of lover,
and who play with vaasloa a m ohltd
pity with fir, sacrifice the had to therr
egotism. ,
They lure the boy on. They coax tha
very heaxto aut af their been me They,
bind litem band aad toot and mak alavoe
ut af taara. Thar a avenr flame of
desire, and fbaa, wbea their aU awrk
m dona, and the bay a pa longer a boy,
but sudd ealy turned awn, gulao out aoma
and lave pppaal to tbeat, they tan and.
laugh at htm. They are so surprtaed. 8a
tmuoaaly ladlgnaat. They never ahouid
kv IhotaTbt It af Jimmy, ar Toaamav
whom tbep thought such a wieo lad.
It la the faahla to ridicule aalf lover
M tha best and purset kwa ad a asaa'a
whoa Ufa, and the plty-of It to that a
any boy break the alabaster caakot at
their unworthy feet. Par no youth evtf
oomea aut af a furtatian with a marrie
etmu uoocathed. It lean bmt with
brokra faith and klsstrd mat. and ever c
ami f aomanbood amlrcaed.
m tba beautiful eld pier af . Haace
OMftebl'' a young boy. who a a woet
talU a kve with aa-actrrps who a muca
kl elder. ad the ad aatbor taduoaa
ber to euse him of M romantic Iwr,
aa doe ahto by alspetliog th tllualona
with which be haa susrauadad ner, ana.
by showing wermoi to asm aa in, aw
cjddke-agad, and aordid. and vulgar, that:
froon bar to August. Th tauter
back ana ks: "Did yoa dura
Bar . . ' '
Vos. aaawar the eiliesa. "but 1
bavs done a terrible thiag. I have -put-
out tha light apoa the altar for htm."
That hi what too married run doe lor
very yoemg -boy mho eomee under aar
OaKful tnfrucnoe. he alia tba btgh and
holy tbtnga for aim. Ska slay ht any;
Back aa affair too a
wound oa bsa soul that sever beam.
It a tbo duty of paresis to prot cot their
mux bore aaaJaet these aauaaaro aa
much aa they oea. aad thaw awa feuad-
evea among your aaa frtoada. So crWUiy .
haa herd at prnmg cab teUowtag bett
There to only aaa worn aa garth who
ka letf Uaaate liking far tba eaty K
young boy, aaa uet a aa awa mmm