Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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PltGiTM by Ajaatar for Benefit
s vof Visiting Hunes.
Rata naafMi rtciwt Deliajht by
Hrr Arties In th
i 9in Crw 4tber D
Very Well.
With the kom filled from tne boxe
ta tlx 1M raw In th balcony with
happy, expectant UtUc tuts. ung prop)
nl tnterrsted friends. vTb Litis Prta-1
hi." or Sra Crewe." the charming
tittle play at children's lift by rraacis
Hodgson Burnett, man ably presented
yesterday afternoon and wnln In a very
rratl'tlc way at the Brsndrls theater
lander tha direction o( Miss UHInn Fitch.
in the roe of Sara Creae .Mies Iluth
Thompson wis snoet Impressive, bar
childish. Innocent Ulk and sympathetic
ansaner many times bmurtit tha audience
to tha verge af tears. Sha wa well up
ported by the en lira out. The play tails
tat atory at a yoang girl placed In a
gtrttf school by her wealthy rather upon
the Seith of her mother. Tha arhool
was In charge of to elderly iptrsterr
who showered luxuries upon tha youthful
helm until the death of her father, who
wad supposed to have leal all hl money
hi a, dtsaiond mine. After her father
death Wra was harshly treated by tha
two spinsisre. often point to bed In bet
bare farm bedroom hungry and cold.
hiring tha entire performance lllss
Thompsoa was the leading ftf'ire. Her
lovable treatment of the other young
gliia in the s bool was the same as a
anther's toward her children. Though
weak from banger, she was kind and
gentle to the other children, aod seen
fed tha rats which mad their noma la
her garret bedroom.
' Tha play was brought to a hsppy
close. Tha man who had Induced Sara's
father to Invest his fortune In tha dia
mond mines returns wealthy. Instead of
running away, b had been confined In
hospital and the diamond mlna bad
turned out a success, although fara's
father had thought It we failure and
had died from the shock. He find
Sera and make her again a wrallhy
helreea, ,
.Mildred Connay Mis Mlnrhln. one
of the spinsters, was also very good, as
wa C. R. Porherty as Mr. Crrlsford.
who diamond mine had caused the dark
dsys of Haras life and I he death, of
her father, and Naomi Towl m the role
of Krmengarde.
"Die Pouth Omaha High sohool ercheirtrs
furn'sh d the music under the direction
of Prof. R. If. Johnson. The play was
given for the benefit of the Visiting
Nurree association. Tha entire proceeds
of the play, which was .more then .
wna give to the astorietien. following;
Is the cast:
Sara Crew (the little prineeasi
, Hum Thumpson
Ermengarde Kml Towle
Klsle ...Catherine Bsum
Hlanrhe l,ucy Garvin
lavlnt Ullllan Preston
Jessie Hasel Nlrliol
Wilms..... ..Mary Loulee Olffnrd
Janet Pells Msy Hvers
rWa.,., , .Dorothy Judsnn
Haste .....'....Annette Frayer
Ijtmald .....Henna Somtner
Kerkr .- Nellie tlrey
Jllea Mlnrhln.... Mildred Comwy
DIM Amelia Helen (larvln
Mrs. t'srmlrhael Marlon Jarvis
Mr. C'arnilcheel Sidney Jt. Powell
Mr. t'arTl.lord. ,. Charles B. In. Iiertv
Ram Iws Psul Unman
Mr. Borrow,,,, ...Edward Itratton
Mr. (luest , Kdwsrd heuney Csrrnl Kuenne
little Olsdys Prenira
Marjorle Pauline Toad
Patsy Elisabeth Rlngwalt
Klltabeth Helena Chase
Allna Marjorle Smith
Owendollne Bather glutei!
New Moderator
. tOllSVILLE. Ky.. Msy W.-Organlsed
, arid grrstv efforts Inward genersl
realisation of tha commandment, r
sneimber the Sabbath day to keep , It
holy," will be me tie throughout the ter
ritory of the Presbylerlsn church la the
L'nHed Hlates of America this canning
year, it tha recommendations of the gen-
ral ftatwiiibly In erosion here sr carried
Out Three provide for nahbatlt observ
ance lu every synod, presbytery and
church, all co-operating with similar
committee of other denora a it Ions and
ll assisting the tabors of the Lord's
I'sr alllanr of the I'nlted futea and
the Woman's National Sabbath alliance.
That Presbytrrlentsm mean what It
has slwavs meant was shown today,
when during tha session, the moderator,
Ui Rev. I)r. Mark A. Matthews, sternly
rebuked the assembly for what b con
sidered undue levity.
Hit Patrol Wagon;
Narrow Escapes
While going to a ftr night the
poitce aatrot wagoe caught fire ai rv
enteetith and Caaa street end CbaBffeur
Ralph Jones, Conductor Peter Dillon sid
three reporter had narrow aiicape froto
Injury. When the wagoa started from
the police garage the rngtn "back fired, -but
waa later started. As It Beared the
fire C'hauffew Jon discovered that It
wis oa fir, and Just as he shouted
"Jump" to the other occupant the en
grne exploded, throwing the front end
of th wagon high o It rear wheel
and spilling the snen Inside to th ground
A moment later th car. which bad get
tied to lu regular position, broke out Into
sheet of flame la front. Patrolmen
Chapman and Kcbwager war near th
seen and. running to th nearest fire
wagon, they secured chemical eitngulrh-
ers and put the biasing auto out. It waa
later towed to tha garage, where Chauf
feur. J once estimated that th damage
would be 180.' '
The patrol was to have been taken out
af-service next week- end placed In th
hands of lOarag ttupertntsndent Tom
Ba ugh man for overhauling and repair.
Goods.! I ud Lore So Katck for Joe
Adtmj u4 LewTence Buschmai. .
i Whea people of wealth
irete ptorwtw Make tisuaae rlaht. bet j MUaud d rwa down ta health they
go t high artcwd smaltartusws aao
health rasort he btdtt ap again. But
Enraged' Boarder
Attacks Aged Clerk
While. Henry fuester. In aged day
clerk of th Burlington hotsl, lay sleep
ing en a bench in the hotel office yester
day afternoon, Charles Islstr a merhsnle
employed' by th Union Pacific crept
up behind and struck him blow on th
forehead with a gasplpe, fracturing
hi skull so badly that th phystclana at
t. Joseph's hospital, where h waa
taken, say that he cannot Hv. JLn-
medlatnly following Isler look hi grip
which was being held security for a
board 'Mil, and which was th motive
for the attack, and hoarded a tram for
Cheyenne, where he had a new poaltloa.
Th polio were notified and they tele
graphed to all statlan between her and
Cheyenne, and at o'clock Isler waa ar
rested at Orsnd Island.
Csntaln Kempsey will" detail a detective
to go ta Orand Island this
for the prisoner.
Many "Bills" Plan
Grand Lodge Trip
. Though th data of the meeting of th
grand todg of Elks la Portland, Ore.,
still 1 more Utaa a month away, thirty.
five of the Omaha lodge have booked for
paassge on tha special train which will
from Omaha. Dan & Butler, repre
sentative of th grand lodge, who will
head I he party, say ha experts mors
than three time this number to make
th trip. Th thlrty-flv who so far bar
decided to to will ha accompanied by
twenty women, wives, sisters and
daughtera, Th special will leave Omaha
on July t
Crelghton university teen Is teas repre
sented by Joe , Adams nSM Lawrence
Ruechman. easily triumphed over tha
Doe no college team of Crete, Neb,, oa
tha Crelghton courts yesterday alter Boon.
Doeoe sent only two men. Good all and
Love, and Adam and Buechmaa were
chosen from th Crelghtoa team aa th
best men. Th Oon players were
outclassed from th mart, tha Crel gri
me aot being forced to extend them-
solve. Donna fought gamely, however,
and took one oat la the double. ' Th
attendance waa mU. but enthusiastic.
Tha same team will meet oa th Doan
courts at Crete next Thursday.
Th first match waa between Adams
and OoodalL Adaasa stsrted off with
rash and won th first set 4-. In
tha second set he attseipted a number of
fancy strokes, bat waa forced to settle
down to hi own style of playing. The
final (cor waa -! to favor of Crelghton.
Th seeond match was between Huech
lan and Love. Buschmen woa both
sets, f-a. Lava forced Busehman to Ms
limit during tha first set. but tired kt
th second. Ha played two, neat game.
but failed on long drives. Toward tha
end of the set Lovs took a but stand
and woa three games.
Dewae Feet ta IMtnblea.
It was In th double that Doom toad
her best showing.' winning tha first set.
Adam anal BusehmaB cam back
strong and woo the next two sets, -
and s-t. Th double were character-
I by fast. Hero playing and many
brilliant Tetuma. '
Th visitor war entertained at din
er at tba Country club by Ray Byrn
od Chart HamUtoa .of tha tennis
association, and spent th (fvwtunS auto-
Th eecore by sets:
Adams of Crelghton. t, 1
Ooodall of Ooene. , 1
Buscbmsn of t'raightoa. I. 1
Love of Doao. . 1
Crelghton. t, a, ,
Dosne. , X. 4.
Offldsls Refer: lj0 Maahane and
Ruesell Larmon of Omaha high school.
linesmen: Ed Bmrth. Frank Campbell.
Ueorge Riley. Chester Wells and Walter
A,rreted a vagrant la Huron, . t.
s hob presented an Omaha Commercial
club membership card to the chief of
police. Mad he bean a lltu mora pre-
sentabl In appearance tha rsdentll
might hsvs worked oa th chief snd
Mr. llobo anight hsvs sucured his re
lease. As It was tha chief wanted lo
inaka sura. I
Tha commercial dub received a
communication from Ih chief enc losing
th membership card. It Is mad out lo
C K. Giltnskl. An explanation was sent
to Huron. Tha Initials wer wrong and
th card had been thrown In tha waste
basket, t'ltlmelely It was picked up by
Ih hobo, who evidently re a Used , lu
worth, Judging from his futile attempt
at Huron,
$4,000 Loss Caused
; By Incendiary Fire
Tha work of a firebug Is believed lo
have ( aaertleV M.Ow fir early this morn
lug at eighteenth and Cass streets when
tlia two-story building occupied by the
Flanagan blacksmith shop and th Duffy
Tin work burned.
T. r. Keeter, C3 North Eighteenth
street, discovered the blase st l.U and
notified the department. By th time the
first c em rentes arrived th entire roof
waa aMu) and the red glow lighted up
th neighborhood for blocks. The blase
Is thought to have started in the second
floor of the . tin works, whkb is owned
and operated by Jo Duffy. The hi--smith
shop Is owned and operated by
John Flanagan. The grett loe n to
t bulldUig. which was via ma ec d about
ia The building Is oncd by Mrs. A.
elsoa SkM Davenport street.
Th Canadisn club at their annual Em
pire Day dinner thl year. May St, hav
secured a speaker, Cy Warman. th wall
known poet and writer of Canada. Mr.
Warman will give an Interesting talk
on the great north wee t. a subject ha la
well qualified I Ulk on. hating travailed
over most of that country In tha Interest
ots the Orand Trunk Paclfta railway,
of which be I assistant general manager.
Mr. Warman will Illustrate his ulk with
views of that country, Uken by himself.
Canadians or their friend who hav
aot mad reservations should do so at
one, as the number of seats I United.
W. A. Toneon la secretary and Dr. R. S.
An 11 a president of the club.
Th silver loving cup gives aa a prise
lo the men securing the moot members
during th recant membership campaign
of th Commercial dub has been received
and now l on exhibition ta th club
moms, Th following Inscription la artls-
ticallxeeengraved upon It: Commercial
club of Omaha membership cup to com
memorate the membership campaura of
February 1 to March . in J. Mi new
members. Best Individual records: Uuy
H. Cramer, . Thomas B. Davla, t.
I Physicians Hare Great Success
s With Tonic in This
tre owtelaaaed lidall sad
!.ve rawtar ' Few
Bete. '
what about th thonaand of oeOllltated
rvwB man and woman with a vital-
Ity r hjnbiUoa who hav neither th
um sjr meoey i spars tar awesi iax
aries aa aanltartumaT If yew arw ta
this mlswrabla oeatdltHm road with oar
tha following statement by It P. Maes,
Irvine at M Good A-rwawe. Buffalo. M.T.
,T hav bad tndigwetloa and beew all
ram down for tea year. ' I couldn't eat
anything at time and era always con
stipated. My rss tear eat of order
and I had bad headache X believed I
had ktdnoy trwabl. too. a I had doll
pain ta tay back mack af th ttm. I
was easily asettod and eftaa whea I
seutda't eat and had a eirvaa art tack
I would suffer sever Hxsr SBoTis.
"I hoard s much about th aww Max.
Tosa Vita that I decided to (tew n
trial and I feel 11k a dlfferastt xasav
I am strong la every way. I stasp teatL
eat anything sad svy asrwoa are aa
toady aa csjs b. ' I bar gained f aejr
posstds ta th last tea says, I
Toss Vita' is th kea
Tu Vita" was introduced la this
coustry by s a umber or pnysvnana
scarealy s year ago. Th tonic has
proved th biggest success f say ntoaV
da ever boforo soMl-to fh sjabtle.
If yea arw debilitated and rwa tews
awl allew this mlserahls conditiow to
last a day tonjtac Let Too Vita bwOd
ap ss4 bring back your health, n
It falls year mooay wfll a ratwnsaa wy
oar agent la your dty -
Rbermaa at McCoaaall Drug caw iso
and Ddg: Owl Drag Oa, lsth. sad Hor
ner: Harvard PWrnacT. Mth and rwr-
am t, snd lyal Pharmacy. lT-
worth Kth K Is th agent far Ton.
Vita la Omaha. Th Approved Pormala
Dart est, O, r
HASTINGS. Neb.. Msy n).-(Specll.)-
Tne Doan college athlete from Crate
carried off th longer end of th honor
ttf s closely contested sod an usually fast
dual field and track meat with Hastings
college sa Hanson field yesterday after
soon. The records of both tnetitutlona
war broksn la a number of events.
In the short dashes Nutaman, Marvel
and Dickinson kept nearly abreast. The
Ms-yard dash waa especially cioee be
tween Nutaman and Marvel, aad la the
hurdle Rice and Dunlap wer practically
neck and sack at each barrier, th bifh
and low being paired.
All th track event wer especially
fast. Nutaman waa tha star performer'
tn the short dash. Th Dunlap brothers
woa three Crsts for Hastings.
TABOR. Neb.. May ll.-8peclal Tele
gram K-Jn ths Inter-county high school
field meet Olenwood woa th banner
with a total of 41 points. Carsoa waa
a rloas second with a) points: Randolph
third, 11 points. Highest Individual score.
Burton. Carson, a points: seeond. Car
tar, Olenwood, It points Olenwood won
tha boquet of roses offered by Wllooi of
Council Bluff to th school bringing tha
largest delegation of girl to tha
- Bjees
jsA sst Wsrfc sMsaswsscsssV
.Readers of...
A defective flu caused tha destruction
of th boarding bouss .occupied by Mrs
Jennl Doyle, - Ut south Twenty-second
street, at o'clock Isst night with an at
tending kw of about fl.000, which Is
covered by insurance. Th firs was first
discovered by th rook, who turned la
tha alarm. No one was Injured and th
greatest lo was from moke and water.
Th department was forced to us s large
umber of stream because of th headvJ
way the bias had.
Affidavits accusing lb street rftilway
comt.ny of umpering- with petit Jurors,
fff other improper acts In connection with
teweuiu snd of removing a witness from
the lartsdlctioa of the courts while
rend Jury was tn sessioa were filed lu,
dtstrK.t court today la support of a me-1
Uoa for s new trial In Ih case of Aaron !
Ferr. administrator of the est-itc of Mr.
Kelts Coraoman, The tutt aa for t3.ut
Samerea for th death of Mrs. Corenman.
she waa killed an a street car accident
U Thirty-third and Leavenworth streets
August a. IPS.
Ta new trial motion is grounded Sa the
contention that Oeorga Seay. one ot the
iarors who served an the Corenman case,
waa prejudiced aramst personal injury
actions aod lor years had been doeeiy
Friends of Mrs. William Hunstker,
1214 rAouth Tenth street, are s termed st
her absence from horn since Friday.
Nothing his been beard as to her where
shouts. ,.-.--, --.
Glass, before Breakfut
tones up th stomAch, dean
the head and doet you good.
Qalcklw Sellevcti
kieatlficd with the street milway com-! CON ST1 PATION
kjf Save five coupons ano K
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' "j ' fte Bee Omaha '
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silver. These certificates and coupons
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changed for silverware. without any cost
whatever. All coupons must be ex
changed at The Bee." , . . .. '
' The number of certificates needed
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HTEX3-HULLD3 DWO OU. ltk anad Jarwaaa BTuesa.
Or. lata aaat Dongs 8ta.
- . 10OT Jaritarjsl 8t
- SMa laxaaaJssV 9d FsOOtV
jNuty. A hearing ow the motion
tvsd some time, next week.
till BV.J
Cp This Conpon
Toa"t be suisjaaed -J yoo ttave an
smack of rhesJiistlsra this spring, just
ratb ta affected pert freely with Cham
wertain Ldument and It will oaos die
spsear. Soid by all dealsra.
Omaha Bee Daily Coupon
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Clip This Conpon
Yeavrfw SuWrlptifre Cawjesiu Omahi Bca
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Ing out of town) will bring t th holder full inform
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Tat erter appaae
t everye,
get more high class, exclusive
features than the readers of any
other Nebraska newspaper. The
highest priced newspaper writers
and artists in the world contrib
ute daily to The Omaha Bee,
furnishing delicious and instruc
tive entertainment ; to the thou
sands of Bee readers. Here are
some of the specialfeatures that
appear txclusively in this paper
Matt and Jeff
Everybody! is acquainted
with these great laugh makers
that "Bud" Fisher draws for
The Bee.'
' Looking Backward
A record of Omaha history of 30, 20 and 10 years ago,
tersely told.
The Bee's Wedding Book
Marriage anniversaries of people you know, printed
from day to day. . .
Silk Hat Harry
The character that Tad
has given to the fun-lovers
of Omaha and the west, He's
a big favorite with'everyone
but his wife.
The Brinkley Drawings
Nell Brinkley, originator of the beautiful pen draw
ings that you like so much, draws exclusively for The Bee.
V DaffydUs,
, Another of Tad ' great hits. They make everybody
laugh. . Nobody can nake up Daff ydils like Tad.
The Katzen-
jammer Kids.
- The captain id
w-nti stver gtm him smile f
He is acquainted with the Eatzenjammer kids as you
' know and is still among the funniest pictures in the
world. t - ;
- Sherlocko the Monk f,
' He's rtmning great criminals to earth all the time.
It's a funny -way he baa of doing it, too. v ,
Little Nemo "- '
Some one has pronounced these- colored funny pic
tures the most instructive, for children, ever created.
Better than any dime novel,
yet so humorously formed
that all Omaha daily laughs.
Happy Hooligan
Who is there that does not know of Happy poor, old
chapt He futnishes the beet kind of fun every Sunday.
What Women Like to Read
' Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black, Mabel Her
bert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Francis Garside, Ada Paterson
and many others write exclusive articles on things that
interest women of all ages.
Carpenter's Letters
These travel tales of this great writer are among the
most interesting features of this great paper.
Colored Comic stA
' sJCWleWJa .
Every Sunday ap
pears four full pages of
comics, printed in col- , . .
ors. The best comics published anywhere..
Pink Sporting Section
The pink section four pages-gives the best news of
every branch of sport. The Bee is the only Omaha paper
that prints all the box scores. .
In the Political Field
'" Every bit of news and every interesting sidelight
dealing with the 1912 presidential campaign appears in
The Bee. . - ' Y :, ' ' "
Telegraphic and Cable News
rvcm arsrv nart st th citnlized rlobe The Bee rath- B
X luui wrwat. j f - - r - ,
ers news, keeping its readers informed on every subject,
Tour one paper for every day should be ;-
The Omaha Bee
Jty to Um SSiuxttio be AdvcrLuusg.
essw-0 J -ae-eseBS-ese-e