Desperate I-THE BUKNINU OLAB& I 11-OFF WITH THB OIRU .1 IJJ-ON THE PJCMC GROUNDS. ' I 1V-THE EXPLOSION. I V-BAVED. 5 . , Our hero, Claud Eclalre.M now tn a trrrlbl porltion. Thai fiend In human torn, Drapers! Desmond hu bound Claud to a atak. Attached to (ha etaka ta ft lam bag of gunpowder, and an lop la etrong burning glare. Whan the , rky al th aim reach I he flaaa they will be concentrated npen tha powder aad produce hn explosion. WANT ADS Want aua reoaivrti at any tlana bat ta tiisoj" prwper rlaaalficatloB must araawand befog 13 eeaock ia. to ha avwOuc adiUea and befor TiBB . at, foe atomlng and buudal adl too. Want ad recairetl after auch tow wlU bar their tarn I mertaua ad tha beading "lu Lata ta CASH RATES tH WAST AD RaXiLLAK tLAabli ItATlOX Oat jMsrooa 1 M tnat par wora etna t-mt par wora for each subsequent wisscntiT tnaartloa. Each toa aude on odd days 1 M-can P' twrdl IIM par tin peg awaus) fhea ad la run alUuMtt cliaatfa ol any. KELP WAXTED tEMALB Aanta a Saloanaaaea,, WANTED Lady a rents, local and trar linar. far Mm. MocsM). Lft I-or on and or-dU'Rol rata, t'niflta large; style ipulnt. HU Louis Comt Co., eu Lout. to. Hakaaea ud Ua tic. I THE iERVANT OIRt, PROBLEM flLVBO-Th B ill run a brvnt rl Wanted Ad FRKK until you get th ealred rMUit. It applia to resident t dmsha. ttouth Unitil and Council liufi. Bring yuur ad to Tha Baa attic ir teiephon Tyler mX (WAXTEI-A girl (or genual neuae Vers, a weaning fell Larnra. 1 01 nu fur groiM hauMwoik. eaU Uimitig. Harney 4JW. ' WASTKfV.ierteocd white girt 1W nral houMwark, in family at two. .rt a. fjth t,, Harney tin. ( COMETKN f glr for general bouaa- forW. Uit rarnm. Tel. Harney Tls, ( CXrVHlKNCKU alrl lor glaral house "ilk, to iMway avanua, ii. Uaraay (VA,N'TKl-Olr1 for getwial housework; wo In family; one who can sleep aut, pply fca lo. Slh Avei ( WANTkiO-Coaipetent girl for general WuseworkS small lamlly; good wares. Irs. C. B. Rualin, Mi a). Iith It. Tel. a'nev fwAfiTKD-A aei-ond girl, 1 no. tM lv. Phon Harney art. i VANTKl-A housekeeper. Ka laundry I nrk. Phone Douglaa Ilea. fvVANTEO-Woman ft attendant for inppkd man. Kit to. Mtk at. Phone '.. Tim. I Co MP ME NT girl for geneial koue Urk for thl mmmetv lira. K. A. Baa- on. ! i KXl. . WASf 2l-A girl for general hou.e rk; no washing. Apply 80. uth. arny t- j w ANTKI A girl lof aeaeral bous ork. tm Park Ave. Harney rWANTRft-Sairlenced glfTfor general ouaework; email family. Tel. II am; ii. .! Dodlte. . I WANTKO-A girl for general house- Urk. N. Htk. Orocary attor. r oatl tnuglaa MB eveatng. ( " NTKO-Oood girl for gnral house- ' ark, thr tn family. Mrs. E. VV. Ouniha-, N, eath. Phon Harney usi. fttHd. lor genual houaewurk. no waah v,g. good nagea. 331 Dodge, Mr. Cbaa. i u-n. ; I viANTBO-Competent girl tnr general oueewcrk In email lanuiy. lei. narswy . m n. tist at. 1 w AM f.liin a J.m eare 04 situs teea !: and i. Uil w"0. M. 1 sUssalluw, I TOUKO weaaan eerang ta Omaha ft raolr are tavltad te visit the Young 'omea ChrtMlan aaaoclatioa building t bL Mary a Ave., and UtB gt.. wnr :.y 1U be directed to suitable beargiag jiee or otherwise eleteO. Loak far or travftiers' gnid at tt oaioa etatiaa. f: WB WANT Women and glrla to learn jlrdresaing with the .Herrmann pernm np wee. tnanKurtng, tacui aauaag, .iraaoely or alactrolysias beat paying ork for ladle. W arratut Christian imea for student while hare. Write oier College, ChHago. 111. WAWTElt-A ahirt Ironer at t n Laundry, lloone, la. HELP WANTKD MALK J Agania gaAaasa aad sotlctlure. ' HRST CLAM aollcltor wanted. Ooed uney for right owe. Kxeeuaeai guar meed. Call lirmaa EaJkui, caijurnia Oood men ar Iit4 us get. Tby doa t wanner around ta Mraet looking tor gna tn wlafiowft , Wkea yen need rood help advertls la Tn Bee. flee Want 4a ar read by keen, energetic wen who wtak le Miter Ueir condition. Rata I per word t run twe or an lime conaeeuilvtly. Tew ntioo Tyler koi. ClTf Wwinatt, ft-iive. prosreeeive, S v A h here I aalarie pM by oid reli 1 i firm; fH t tie per muMh. Call mm ! beard of Trade Bute-. Jnajuir r W. C. iwapiro. WAMfcD tiautct BUmuter te eeteb wi ceuaty agencies; ptMHion good lor ) per atofith or better. Act quick. 111! smam, upstair. ' EXPERIENCED aaleamaa want lwt m In city or nearby temtury, employed )W. B'kt, bee. ''Jr..1 a wanted ift av-ary county in Ke ska to wnte h and aoctdent in traBce. Liberal oomroisatosa. Aoiireaa fid Actalent Asseciaiiea. W. O. W. . . Omaha, Nb. I , Ckrrleal and tHttew. , PTLI dree su-ta and party dree foe t. also tor rsac llJ ta UK a tught. jHH FaLDMAX. 3t K. t?tb. U. HO. I raavtary ana Trade. mig atore nan) ton. Kaleet. Be BUsg. , WANTBI-DruthUman. Misener V tccktam. architects, tat Ranu Bielg WaXTRO stair butider. mtmhe"flrt asm wvrunaa. . T. U. WeirWh FUtura Desmond -- , Having thus securely bound Claude, tha vUlain Desmond now chuckles aa ha laavaa tha aero ta kla dread Cut fata. Beautiful Roeamond. Claude tma love, la In tha scoundrel power, and Deemoad la hurrying her away from tha atana of , tha coming expleeloa. Despite the horror of tha occasion, Rosamond vowa etemai fealty to Claud Eclair or Ma memory. HELP WAXTKD MALK raatory aad trake. . WANTED - First rlass barber. No ether ned apply. u (If a wk; oh oca for rata. J. A. Louda. Crata, lo. ?AKPENTBR with Diana aad la build for a couple plain 4 and i tn htuara. Call at one. P. D. Ludarlg, Ml e. Ittta 8t. (Cor. Imdfet. MtaewlUatewaa. . TELEGRAPH poatttoao guaranteed rot by th Union Pactflo and iliinoi Cen tral tallroada if you gain yaur training in eur aihooL Practic ooH.Il. wires. Ad dru fur partleulara, H. B. Boylaa, praft Hey lea Colleie, Omaha, Neb. WAKTED-atore people to rata poul try with th Old trusty laeubaior. Write for tree catalogue, al. M. Juhnauk. CMr Center, Neb, kiEM and boys for best paying work In xitnn. th baibtr trade. Vi e teaoh by free work aad carelul inatrucUons. Our methods have their advantage. Ka why. Writ today or calL- Molar Barber Colleg. W 11th t, "tVa.VTEI Yard man. Millard hotL KM monthly fitting eyeglaaeea; prof itable asalnesa quickly learned at hem, both men and noroan Rucuafut, Writ Immediately for free Information. Alli ance optical Kchooi. ErU Pa. WAKTkU OR U. a. ARMYoAeea. bodied unmarried men between th en f U and It; citlaena f United fltal ol good (haracter aitd tamperata habita wh ran apeak, read aad writ th knahs langUMi. Kor Informatlun apply ta r eiuiting officer, uth and Dougiee Sta Omalm. Neb., uT 4th it.. Mun City, la.; u n. wa m . unoein. Nta, "tOU AUK WANT ia tor aovermnsnt position. M per month. Suit postal for list of positions open. Franklin Inatltme, Dei'eruiiini 217 P., norhester, N. T. lib V i.Li tU OUR SS.W TRAlNIN'll SMtiPa. The largeat. finest and beat quipped plant fur automoblla training. ! )ou want pi Meant outdoor work, wua tnouuno 01 money. making epportanl Ileal Writ or call ea ua. Dav or itiabt aiaaaea. tnllmited course; liberal term. .NTI. AL, AUTOklUUiLB TMAlKUty AtkN. Hit W. tilth at., Omaha, N.a. "i"i nnVEHMjv.sT pi-tt)irirtg OPkN. Write fur Ht Praeklla Inail- tute, uep 1 at p.. Kounaator, N. T. HKLP WANTED Mkl.M Oat FBB141.B. ANY Intelligent. peraoft may earn steady In om eorreapunding for newpapera. Ksperlence unneeeaaary. Add ree Press C'orrcapundcnce Bureau, WasnlngWa, D. v. - rV AXTKU ctrTUATIOXB 'LACS outuin aBeoielty wurki ' gua ETiTNuity work taken horn. W. WB. WAkHlNft and Ironing eon. T- liTu ULal waahlitg, to aut a don; ropnh dry, II cente a Boson, Wbeter lies. Carey L'adry, out rat'. Trier liut A-iaat it AN nant powtlua aa Interpret a or som ether poaltloa. Can speak I dlf frnt languaga Instantly. Oermaa, trench, American, kjree. Italian gad Ttdiliah. (Jail Poug. -., Family bundle laundry; guar. W. tM, "vfAaliINU ud IrvnTug, by "lite day, by White, reliable woman. 'Phon Web. mil FIRST cue pr act leal ' nut. Harney LADY wanll day 'work. Call Red tM. " r.' 1 f . m. n w 1 , towuis M Ing preferred. 'Phone Dougiaa 17 U. EXPERT STENOGRAPH kR - Wants poaitlon, best of reference. Addrea o 9H, Be. li'4lCTirrCIkAW a Art, k. trl would like bouaaaeeping ar eaiiij. Or wi 01 any kihu. awiarrss diwi" FAMILY aashinal ruuah drM or bundle. Call Harney HU. WANTED Work by a color d lady. Tel. Harney tai. RKGIs'rsukD Pharmacist want work aa relief clerk. Addreae Pruggltt, lill caiiiomia jL. umai.a. tlH CATKL) lady waul position, typist ar general oflice work. Tat Webster Ilk IXDLKTAKKRS. ANTl.TRUST LNDWtTAKER, Oskett H trust price. Pkene M. T. Braas Co.. g. Bt or F-1W abd aeva rnonay. OMAHA FILM EX. iV" Motion pletar machine aad filan aaigeina. ANXOlNCtMLMsl THIS Id WOtiTH Uc ea your bill for repairing carpet rpr at gruedtag lawn cwwtra. Nam ................. -ma-m,,,,.-..,,,,, AOdreaa aad Thone.... W e do th work at your horn. Call MtfT bracer for man. 'Gray ' Nrv Food Fill, II per box. postpaid. Sherman A McConneil Drug Cv, Omaaa. Nek. J. A GENTLEMAN, embalmer. 1C4 Culeag Bt D. 149. kviev KL CO.NTKNTO HA BAN A CJOAR. Boa ia. postpaid, H;i; try half doaen, If act aatKfactory money refunded, BCA TON DRUG CO.. 1M Par nam. Omaua. NEW PHONES. A-US1, TYLER UtB. tL AHEY UUSUltT. CI T FBK EB. GITT ur diamonds at Brodeeaard'a. at. B. MTlil. china paint, m Brandei Ta OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. all Douglas. Stevanaon. carpenter, cunt. Beth paoae. D. n. Griffith, wig mlr.. It preaaar B.k. MONEY TO LOAN -LOW rata, Ic aume ta auit. n b auag. Phone Doun. aajs. ONION LOAN CO. Omaha Bill Poatlng Co. Is la Har. D. 10M. OFFEBMAN SnlTliSr Twenty per cent leas than Omaha prices, HOME FURNITURE CO, Twenty-fourth aad L Sua, south Omaha. Cpho altering, pano. turn. rep. MM Par. Estimate ft ea. CottrelL, aren't Red uSf. PHOTO auppllaa, Auac film aad caper. 4ratova Drug t . ktb aad Ames. W. 114, Lawa muaara akarpecad. perfect work, atssuambsseharaaa. tth and Coar. aVtat THE BEE: Tha ataka to which Claude ia mad faat la erected on favarlta aumrner picnic . ground. Partial of extreme nihilists fra Bantlir flock thara M fin day to enjoy thejnaeive la discussing th affect of high explosive. And naturally om of tha mora eartleaa frequently leave a booth or two lying around promtacuou llfce la the greas. A.VNOnfCKMETTS SOD SOD SOD SODD1NO DONE, BENSON 714 W. WANTED Repair work at all kinds; grinding and new filing. Cell lad. B-ak BEE HJVE" JJf b. Z"1" we call ana aellver. Both phon. NORTHKUP LETTER DlkPLiCATlNH w., aa raaton Kik., circular letter, any guantRyl eldest established company; aj perra o asumgrapa ana tvecwtyie. OFFEBMAN ErS "Si untune, nata til pougiaa at. DOUGLAS Printiag C. Ti Doug. te. CHOBFENCaSCX), iron and wtr fencaa cheaper than wood; hutallfethne. a N. ltth. Phon Bad lit. EP HOWl, Well boring. Benson Mi. Guarantae Laundry, fine work. U bit,' Wedding announc-e meats. Doug. Ptg. Cq tCDUAK Kaaunaa Oooda, cesnplete ta,WLAV9 t -.JSm? a.i,iua Har0B,,Dl4naTER CO., ; lt Farnajn Bt awl BX a Uth Bl Keb. ad C. 184 lonea' Both phoneft f.f.AZTVft CARPENTER WOHki AND BUPAIHd A. C. Lemard, Tylar liel. VU Lav. B. H. Col 11 c. D. 174. Ull rarnam. ALL will b lorriveo. iiiy. If you will meet m at th glaa sf tna crown and tli oolden BUlrs en lath and Douglas street. That It where BROUEOAAiUI tnea lucky weodlng rings. A.h-T.TTV. Hair rood will put the aaalp in a healthy oondl- tlon. Mm. Frayer, 1411 Fanram 81. T.PARV Hff'SlH SVWSW afusfi taehra attidnt nd mueteallv Inchned pecpl I help promote our Co Operative Mtudio flysiem of musical In struction for Vi. Plane. Violin and ether I net rumen ta; no eomaetlttnn possible- Write for fre Information, of floa Vnlvaraal achool of Music, Hi Pan. son moon, . AtTXlMUBILKB MurphrDidltSH DRUMMOND Cale M, t-pasa. car, worth (I.1M, for aww. at onea. inn ana narney at a. EE .COM "m r end vulaanta e sise rarnam, vwuat. jti. 0ragc.r-4('ailfurnla. Phono Rej"T ear TLRB EXPCNBKB aut ta l)i REB aut la 1st a. work guaranteed, ci"ri air tint nu: wora auaraniM, AUTO Tutu REPAIR CO,, lib Farnam. HAVlkis ilaflunt1nuA iNrf:tn AlTTrC MOHllAA we eflar u ataWTkdBJ BW1 Bll fmrpWA PTIwS. MtlBV Co., 10m od JoAm St TtaUnl f(Mlr) nil ' at U ' D " tW ' ai shttS fm iiEPALRINOV-d tlraa, W snak them ahaoat aa good a new. Nothing but hlf heet priced and new ,mA All . Arthur btora AaU Bupply Co, Bat Far- """1 .li'' AuU laeap repaired. Omaha ftifver Oa, 8ECOXD HAirn Arm vin nit n MVEX-PASgBNQER ftll lekardl T ' sw eoawuoa wd tally eaulpsed. Inejuira aflie i. ( BCSIITESS CHAJYCaBB. get la r out f buataeaa fall a BANOkHTAD, m Bee BM Tel. bTun. kd, Skotharul' BttdaAa aiul iimt r-,2 Kachanae Co.. Reom til. MoCague Miag. Til t SL..tnuu. ui, T WILI.lAM Room 41L WoCaaua kM. . Kennebec Ca., H) Bee Bfg. Om, DRCO etock and ftaturea oamnieia: at. tabliahed trade; beat location In at. Paul; 1-AU9U prescription file. For eaie at less than half Ita value; no old stock; excep tional bargain no trade ootuidareit. Act oukkly. Fred tlohl. owner, ill Capital psns cuag.. gt, raui. attnn. CONFECTIONER! In good Neb. lawn; BP-to-dat place; cloewt Inspsctlon; rea son for selling Addreae T tl, tn ear Be. FOR BALE-Bottlina work eullr ecuipped. ail modern machinery. Oawa system, Twentiath Cmtary Soak, Auto, mua caraooator; rase aad aettiea. Pilter. etc. Plant la located in central Nebraska Doing a good bualnee. Will make term to right Dart v. Call ar ad. dreee. Charles Msatn. Broken Bow. Neb. FOR BALE The Fraoklia Movln Pvc lure theater, an of the beet paying the ater in Omaha. Will aland isvaetturailua. F. K. Oeff. sttT Franklin St. FOR !iALEV-Bet market In town: a bargain: haa gaod trade, air.' Addis, jMimjen, reo. NICK little cfetiDau-y.atara. cbeen rant, good place. tsV tA.OETAD, 45! FEE BLIXl. CEMENT block and tile factory for ale; per cent brnflt; n oontpetltton; m.m. Box m Madwoa. s. D. K-ROOAt hotel, rowty seat tewa. apiendld rropeHton. U ' UAMJ&STAD. en BCBT BLDO. S SHARES ef Hupp Automatic Mail Exchange Ca. stock, a.vS each. Addreae, C low. Be. . FOR SALB-Ptocaf of general naerrhan- diae that ta realising h per cent ea th Investment, located la .northeast Ne braska, progressive town, stack eleaat n eld good; traae thoroughly etah Ualied. beat of reeceun tor eailing; deal direst with owner. Addreaa V M, Car omasa teec CONFECTIONERY, cigar and ns bualnaaa; rent el atore aad three aso llvtng rwema, tM; good teaee. prtce ef Mxtureja. etock and koueehOHl good l M, r without beueelmid furniture. 1.5. Re eetpu average 13 a day. Death cause ef siting. Pee WILLIAM 9. room til. Mc Caru BMg . 1Mb nd Dodge Bt. LCMBER YARD for aal: good oar: grounds. hu'Minga. tek and all about tltata. Baaeanabi wma If yea mean buise and wmat a seed thing, call en ma, WILLIAM. 4TI McCaen Bads, kkk aad Dadge fKa, Oaaaha. OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY Claude 'i Life Is Saved by a It Bars, at a Distance, Of course, when th gun's ray, con centrated ay tha turning glass, travel around aa far aa the forgotten bomb, eotnething happen. There la ft tremen doua aerlea pf explosions, loud enough to ' attract even the aomewhat ateepy Rue aian nolle, who duty It I to be on guard for bomb explosion. So th sol diara quickly start for the picnic grounds. BISIXE.S8 CHANCES LIVERY. BA FIN. FOR BALR-Real bargain; Ik horaea, t (mag. fully equipped; building lit feet long by W feet; S double Italia; beat town In Wyoming. Ill health cauae. Ak for partleulara. Thl I a nap; part eaah. H. a. Dub ling. Casper, Wyo. Partner wanted for butcher shop; good business. Address Loch Box a. Shelby, Neb. NORTH DAK. drug atera for aal; cleare KDOg a year: full particular free. A. McDowell. Palmero, X. D. tXneiat Omaha Agency.) LAUNDRY n city m eaatern Neb.; good opening; cheap If taken at once. A no ree 1 is. care Bee. REAL estate business averaging tt.4uv per year tor; r an interest; poor neeim, nonreee J- 9, boa. aleeaalaa atan lew bale. GOOD t-r. rooming houae; Inoem Mt Bwoin; vioee in. v lei, care tsea. BCSlNERSEKfJONALB Attormeya. CL W. Bhlls.Attorriy, HI B. ef Trade. Baca Maaataetarara, BF.M1S OMAHA BA1 CO.. Omahg. Neb. Bea aad Paekaa Mavaalaatarera. Wooden Bek A Package Co.. U14 N. Uth. CblfpoeUata. f PR. HOT. lWt Farnam. Douglas Mr), Clothing hi aa a tact arose. Wear Ideal dress hlrt. at. BJ. Smith Ce. Coraloe aad tl teUlag- CARTER Sheet hiatal Works Omaha. 4 eeaaseelee, Batetea aad awpaviive. Palrmonf a Diadem better. Always, goo. DAVID COLE CRBAMERT COMPANY. DaaulaB Aoadeaate. M ACKTF.K Dancing all aumrner. JslAVak-LXeO y,ulm fhree time a w. cwn, By nme. w reamer, li. ana Watewtlvo. L. W. LONONBCKFfl. H7 Barhwh BIk. Omaha aecret rv tit Paa tea elk, D Ulk 7a MEsTaLLAN 111 NevUl Bik. . Ev dance eecured in all case. Tyler llM. - aaaattata. Bailey, the denll.t. City Nat l. P. Bat, "bach A MachTld floor Yaaton. D. MM. Teft dantal rooma.' 1A17 Boug. P. JUT aaUiagti Terry' Dre saroakiaa aowg. BRh ft Far, Dreaamaklng by the day. Wtbeter Mat LitfcaBMAiUNO. Tt. HARNEY kaat. Dreaamaklng and tailoring. Web, ton. 8EWINU by day. Red Kte. Dreaamaklng suit and gowns: good wora guar, lost N. loth. Tel. Web, am . Dean Mia. . DBUOil at cut nrlcaa: rrelaht nald aa HI order; catalogue free, gliermaa J MoCaanell Omg Co., Omaha, Neo. Ceary thlaa for W saea. Elect, vacuum cleaner, tl H day. Web. MM. Dr. Babcack Co.. tM Wlthyll. It A Har. FUR; Jackal reltned with ekloa aatln. at repaired. Western Fur Co., MM lav. Curtalna laundered, air. Carmody. H. 4t. AIT. v CARPCTB aaut ruea cleaned on floor Without removal; free estimate. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co Phone Doug. 7i and last DREeS sleattns. button covered, all alaea and style. THK IDEAL PLKAT- 1NO CO.. ta Deuglaa Block. Both phone. alvarytftiaca Sitoatraaat, Electrle lighting fix., wheloaat and retan, Burgess-arandrn La., Ull Howard, u-aii. BTTANDARD J LKPTHKl CO. Tblapbon Doug. tall. il douth 1Kb Bt. LPttAKU P. CI HLK1U. Mgr. 2d Hand Electrio Appartus aad repair. La Broa, tit S. uth Bt. Fd BUlla 1 Feed all krnds. Oleoeo Mil la. CM taard. Ftarasta, A. Denagho. MCT Par. D. WM. A-lt UKSg SWOBODA. K a Farnam St. L. HCNL'ltHSON. Mt Farnam. D- li BATH'S ILORlrlTtl. Boyd TtMatar Bid. BENNBTTa. act ftowera. Doag. W. , FeaasLrS. McDnnaH bras aad brooae foundry, aiu slaum. tin, lead caaunajs. 1W Jaaksaa Laewetrlwe. HOCSfeHOLD Bnerm, wm. the: white preed. I each, ar le piece,, Tec rpreads Included: ahlrta, sc. htot lie; col lar, le. tc: ahlrtwaleta, UV. Sc. Carey e Laundry, CJ1 no. Isth. A-rM; Trier Uut Always open. Delivery everywhere. Mevtna Staraae aaet Cleaatag. rXPRESSMEN S Delivery Ca-Kwtng furnrture, packing, fireproof Meraga. City office. 94 8. 17th. Dog. 14. Ind. B-tsi PIANO moving. Cot a atoraga and ex- iia capttet Ave. ia -o: acsi. lens van es giofaaw. ryier uw- miiaa Farm, movies: I men, tl per hr. W. t7T Maseartae aad aeea. STEWARTS. iEEDMEN t K. MTH. ASTEKrl. lac. Balvta Veiheaa. air. Slant Carnation. Giant Delay. Pa nay aad Ferget-Me-Nota. tta per doaen: fiae plants; prepaid. Ferguaoh Broa.. Station D Omaha. PHoa Benatm Sit. ALFALFA SEED. Good quality; wrtta tar pe-nwa, Bamalak "aTHWABB BROS!. ChadYon. Ne. , tlrteesawew . B. F Warn, fitting and rea r U Braadet . Base eylfty. A Ben Jhnawn. tm- Brsrvdets Tha. BMg KaUieira Nlckauva. sat-g Braadala The. " ietant AdverUaan, a la ttead t BIS 20, 1912. Bursting Bomb. of Course , BC8INEh PERSONALS Palata and Ctaaa, Tea are Invited ta aerae la and get color cards and talk over your painting and decorating. Complete line Sherwln WUIlame paints and varniahaa. BAliKEIi BliOS. FAINT CO, laftea Farnam. - Doug. 47K. D. O. Bantell. Pax ton Blh. Tel. Had TBt WUlard Bddy. tM City Nat, fek. B.cjg7 Pbetoaraphera. Bine hart, photograpiter, Uth d) Farnam. Ptatiaa, OMAHA SILVER CO.. tu a' ttth. tteaoarapkera aad CeoM Mepartera. Myrtle A. Kelley, Tut Bran, th P. 9BV. Frlattaug, UwW.EaW Printer, BIB BLDO. ENTRANCI ON COURT. LET tha CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od pour work. 1411 Deuglas St. Tel. D. I7M. Rale-Hail Ptg. Oe.. lg S. 14th. Ind. A-CM. Lyngatad PrlnUng Co.. Mth and Caoitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-ncll tor good printing. gleet Teak and Calvert Canspaess, NEBRASKA and low Steel Tank Com pany. Uth and Nlcholaa. D. lraaks aad halt taaea. Frellpg A Itainla, Hut Fame m St. vViaea aad Lleaoee. WILLOW BDiinra beer, tlauor. elrxre sandwiches. Alex Jetee, 401 -I u. uth St. VIRGINIA DAME Wine, too a large bot tle. Klein Uauoe Mouse. 1X1 N. ittk St, Tenia and Awalaga. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. t Douglas, EDWATIOXAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL TILE YEAB ; CemBlate Oourae tm Buetneaa. Book- keeolnar Stenoaranhy. Telearanhy. Civil ear vice or aaivamananip. 1 ne catalog j I fre far th asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at ansa. Adtttaaa H. B, Boyle. Pmldent, , College, umena. nan. Tutoring, ut to th grade. H mm, UVI STOCK FOli AL Mar aad Vehicle RVFHVl'S Bare. Horsed and farm snarM for aala: draft and wagea noraer to let by th day. toll 8hr ss Av. Phon Webster llBl. Buggy Bargains Must close aut before we move K ve hicles, all kind, new and second band, DRUMMOND - Uth and Barney St. HORSES u " y week. UVXVOlO man a barn, Mth and ( Sher- barn. Mth and Clark. riersea ana mare nought and sold. HORSES and cows, "till Cuming St ALFALFA hay, tl. ton. Wagner, stil N. 14, SMALL team mule and hat neaa, W'ng. IVCIl. . LOST AKD FOTJXD LOST One Boston bull duo. kinder re. sura is iu ft aua at. tor reware. tear. PERBONB having lost same article would do well to call up th eUloe ef the Omaha Council Bluffa Street. Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the street ear. htaay articles each day ar turned In and tha company la anxloua to restore ineia to in rigntnu owner. t.'ai ueug laa at.- OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STUEET RAILWAY COMPANY. niu, pswjr wno sucaco up au pruta en No. Mth St. ear Thursday aftarnooa after t a. m.. please call We. ITU; LOST Tea and wkita bulidoa. screw tall. Harney UM ar Brandela theater. Kewaro. KKDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. a Tarry cares Pile. Fistula, and etnar rectal disease, without 1 vunricai eperatloa Car guaranteed and ne money paid until cured. W rite for bock oa rectal d leasees with teatimonlaui. DR. B. R. TARRY, Bee Bidx.. Omsha DR. RACE aasflailst. nervous and all chronic disease, ua Harney.. Doug, aval Weama silaa ts. Dr. Burke, a Dong. But Ladle' guaranteed reanedtea. all Ware bik. Dr. Baboaek. asectalist: both saxes. SB Wtthaeti klg. Mh aad Maraar ata. ' HO VET TO LoAT. - salary aavd tbauel, NOTICE I Anna negotiated ea real estate furni ture, fitanoa, aaiartea etc. very lew rate and confidential. ' Wa aill appre ciate your caH. , ttiOGK.-tT. BEST AND rBEPtST. -RKUABLB CREDIT' CO.. SB Paxtea Block. fit 8. lath Bt. Telephone loig. 1411 ar Ind. A-1411. Money . furniture, ptanaa and - M g ia ejgej. lB)t FI VaVBs, race ea saterewa. isebrabia Laoaa Company Dug. UK 1 B'dg MONBY I' said aatarlrd pejswee. warns teepang bouse aad etners. wntaowt ae artry; easy paymenta Office la 4? prta etaal etuea. Tetaaava, lug Cwvaha NaTI Bank Bi . lonweriy N. T. Ufa Bsg. CHATTEL LOANS, t I'. SALARY LOANS. Yea can gat H today at STAR LOAFS CO.. CM Pavtow BFtt. DIAMOND LOAN it at Be, and I ne . tLATAI", U Dedr at Tel. Ot FERivD FOR BK.VT J. M. K. haaka trenka. D. atL A -KM. By A tha pollc rush to tha old picnio ground they com upon our hero, bound faat to tha a take, it needs but ft glance , for them to decide that they have coma upon foul play. It la evident to them that Claude lan't occupying hi present position for pleasure, so they hasten to release bur hero, who summon them ta aid agamet Desmond. , OFTERE0 Vtm llEJiT Board aad Roam. BOARD and room, by day or borne cooking. Transients accommo dated. 172) Davenport. jit N. ilUT ST. Roon aad board Phone Tyler 15JJ. ONE elegsnt suit of room, with board for two or more people, Th best summer house In tha city. Tha atadl- eon, nag and tytucago. ST. MARY'S. ass-Z. hie rooms aMh noar THB MADIiON MOTEL One of Omaha flmt-claee family ho tel boarding, places la now under new management and baa been thoroughly renovated throughout. Clean, pleasant outaide roo ma, nice bathrooms, elegant dining room and every convenience at reasonable price. A NICE pike for NICE prole, 21H gad Chicago. Within welkins distance. Unraleaed Heeeae. m HARNEY BT.-Deolrabl room, n private family; suitable for one of twa prow vcriciiy bbocwto, swiaraaw as, changed. Is24 DODOE Cool, pleasant rooroa large porch, lawn rteaa. rate, troegiaa eaia with or without furniture; reasonable price. xa CAPITOL Ave., delightful aumrner heme for one ar two pwopie, easy wiv tng distance, -lei, uoug. ajiu. U N. Central Blvd. For rnt. Fur- nlahed front room modern with board for two young men, rail Tytor law. mrlha l-gMfc1l-SIIJJ. l,.l.w room: private tamiiy; awnsieenaus. eHa THREE separate handsomely appointed noma; two large gnd one smaller ream. In private noma, reference required. Uo) t apitoi Ave. FL'RN. te unfurn. room, tit S. 17th tl. vil'Cl.v fumlahed five room cottaaa. modern, to adult for gummer. Wabaur 472. 21fH Chicago, 1 or I rooma, modern. with ar without furniture, rrtea able. FURNITURE of t room, everything from lawnmower to gas range, cheap. van 73 10. tvtn. HARNeY-Deilrahie room In prl- rate family, aultable for one or two per' eon; strictly modern 1 relereneee an- changed. . K & ISTH BT.-Two desirable rooma, R rival family, suitable for two or four. :eference exchanged. Donglaa 7431. Kt N. tSD isT.-Furnlahed room for lee ping or light housekeeping. Doug. is. FaraUhcd Uonaekeeptaaj Bwwaca, THE MANUEL Twe-room apartment, IU Th Howard. -rooav private bath. Wc Tlat and Howard. drsn. kit No. Uth St UO N. 1ST ST. Two light housekeeping rooma, mi-iemenL pnpn lyier id-ci. TWO fumlahed housekeeping Irent room, lavatory, second, floor; Bt N. 19th st THREE-ROOM apartment, nicely fur- nlihed. modern, lit S. 2h St at So. Mth. modern, cool rooms. 1 NICE roocox, housekeeping! UU. i. Uth. THREE furnished rooma la new pri vate home: liaht hounekeemmr If desired: a as, electricity; no children. Tst. Web. ttllA Lafaraleked ftaaaaa. FOUR ROOMS and bath, upstairs, la- qulr tilt Emmett t THREE ar four cool and pteeeant rooma In private, modern bom: shady lawn, close In: references. Harney get. FIRST floor, modern. 8 fl. ittb. Adults. Haaela aad kfaraasaia Dewer European hotel, ttth and Fan OXFORD and Arcade, tpeatai wkly rata rrrr)ori HnLol Coundf Bluffa Room ugaen uoiei .m te r p wk. DODGE HOTEL all reoulrementa of a flrt-la hotel, at reasonable prloaa. . Aaartsaeaia aad data. THREE aad 4-room apartments, mad. 111 al. Ml. 4-ROOM aaartment. new. was earn brink: steam heat; abort walking dietaace; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blind: laundry; Baa taoitar asrrtea Deuglaa m ' f and I-room aioaera flat. Scargo Bug-, IIP N. ttth St. a Omaha. Mail. 4S Hamg Blflg. V. ran, a-ms. j , tf. A Ma tu evX STRtc'TLT' buih-xrade t-room APert- ont on West Pamam Street. JOHN W. FOBRIN8, !! FARNAat ST. FOR RENT t-room flat, modern ex cent heat, aaltable for t famillea; only til. 1 Bo. Ken. ' Tel. Doug. im. - Monaco aad Cawtagtea. MOVING, aackirul aad atonaB ef kouae- botd anode aad piano la eur boaineaa Omaha Van A Storage Co., fireproof ateraga, at a 1Mb. by th viaduct Branca etnoa, aw a. ot Tea, u. tic A-U. 7-RDOSi new houee. &Tt Evans. Ke children. Harney 4Ut. - E in ail part of the city. Oeigk eon ft Oe, Bee tctdg oases SI MASON ST. Brick bouse, eloas te Park una. Phone rinraer Men, . act S. atuv St - e-R. MODERN, weli-leeatad; beauulul yard: te m Boatk t7ta (it Web. Sa MODERN g-raom cattaen. baautcfui lawa and a hade. TM Miami Bt UU Bali Avac ku-uu. ; -rooms medera Vacant May Mth. The. F. Baa. 9 Ramge. Both tMMee. Cottage. H3 Caldwell t.7 rooms, taodera t-room flat St floor. BH Cuming St 4-rooro tlat Id floor, m North tk St. a houae at am jierta 17th Bt O.C. REDICK, Attorney. BIT Farnam Street STRICTLY modern t-room flat tSctu. SS t-oettk 3tth Ave. 4-room cottags. rum . antw Bevtk Uth St phone. Doug. 1177. FIVE-ROOM house, targe comer Int. city water, electric lights, til it Ave. A, Cornell Bluffs: It minute' walk ta Omaha business renter. - a-R. asedera. SN) Caicag St. Doug PIT- Hershfield Vl-A VILLAIN AT BASE. '."I'm the boyshl!" cries Desperate Des mond, "and this li pretty aotokL The villain ia reclining on hammock at hi ess, wail the boaatltul Roeamond la bound ancomfortably to ft tree- But retri bution la on M way. Claude and tha Russian police are creeping up an Dea liond in hi fancied security. Look lor v the surprise tomorrow.. OFFERED 4T0K BENT . Heaaee and Cottage. CHEAP RENT. t?7.S-S-rootn. brand new Rt. Louis flat. hard-wood, hot water, walking distance. 117 8. Kith 8t. tM 00 t-room, modern brick flat, corner to. 00 t-room. modern brick flat, corner, am n. Mth pl tU.fjn-4-rooih. roodern. ttti N. 21st St. . IlltO-i room. VM N. Slat St m O-trooms. u&H S. 18th St. HOP 5 rooms, JS77 CUmlng St. . rlARRT WOLF, 4M Brardel Bldg. Dnug. BBt, A -3871. MACOaRD VAN AMD STORAOB CO.. pack, move, (tor and ship H. H. go a ft and aiaooat so eharga far ratant drive orrioe. ueug. lev or ts-ssas. HOUSEHOLD OOODS pack ad tor warded; cheap freight rates; moving aad gtartng. Bxpressmen' Dlivery C Tel. Daugiaa 4. City afflv. tit S. L':h St, Be Bldg. i Blz-toom, striotly modern ooltkia, avarrtbiBg ta Coa eoBdlttott, BeaTtr new, Hear " thraa ear Ubs, floa that! a, closfl to. IJ7.50. Talafooat . Setiflts 1770, "DANDY T-room brtck. fine repair. Mni North JXh; paved, reel aumrner, worm winter, tank. Turkington. 0t Bee Bldg. BRICK Wn kt tno North OA Street. 6, C. REDICK. Attorney, ' Ml Faraam Street. Stare aad Qlfleea. Wa Kt S. Mth Bt. tawtf. Twl. Deng. Bag. "cV'rtc at-1"iiHi eirvrr tter 1 ,"cTi J caciw, nviwu.u. Ml , V DODOai, Attractive oltlees, model ale iricet. APPLY OMAHA LUaVN AAU lUlLDIKG A 8HOC IA Tl ON. New centrally located halt well euuia- ped. at aecoftd floor itot-kt Harney. utTica ar salesroom at wa ana naraay (new).. Third floor at 1104 Mara? (new). Office at 1M7 Farnam taeoond floor). Store at MU Maraey Street - a C. REDICK,- Attorney,: ., . t uir rarnam aKreet OFFICE with ua of reception room aad ttenogrkphlo aervio. Very reaaoa able, nut City National Bank Bldg. Store at tM Cuming Street. . . Store at 510 Cuming Street. Star at Kt North Mth Street Btora at S3 North Mth Street. Btora at NT North ttth Street. Store at 109 North Mth Btreet. ' Btora at 3 North ma Street. South Omaha. O. C. RJ DIC N, Attor pay. , 1517 Farnam fltrtet '"' ii. i , j OFFERED POri BALB Farwnara, , i f b n ni ,ia iv iiui, row., ea. Ceutral Typewrllar sgehangt, HOT Jttf BENT an Oliver typewriter from ta Ollvar Typewriter Co. Dosarlaa Bis. WOULD you show eur wholly vulble typewriter to your frtendg and let tham aa wherein It excels any tu typewriter mad if you eoaid. without oottlng Vou on cent, hav the typewriter to keep loreeer aa year awnr Taen write u ser fnk partleulara Emerson Typewriter vac, vox a weoneaocn. us. RL'neiELL BROS. FI.'KNlTI RK CO. Sigh closet gas stsvs. Ilk new, bargala 11 Cuming. Douglss tlst. ROLL top desk. - electric fan. uorixht piano, carpets, ruga and furniture, cheap. Call Sundays also, tit N. Mtk. Maalcal faatraaseata, , VIOLUT. M mar aid. sat Eruw lea Opposite Krug Brewsry. TO BALB-New sod seoead-kaad carem and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and acceaaorleai bar fix tures of all kinds: easy paymaata Tha cruoswicA-aaauce-vajialiaar c ev-aa) is. POOL tables, store, restaurant Jlxtura bought sold. Levy, tSM N.. So. Omaha. OLD SAFE. DKRIOHT. IkW Faraam gt. tna su e .k . , .k - Omaha Comnaarctat aBgs and. ana ta Boyle college. Busuvasa attloa, Omaha SArEA-OnMk-i -tl, ,-r..M.t ft-J alee: aU Slses and makes, bu-aaina. waiwicaii ouppiy oc. i,ig rarnam at. LA Tie mecUi N atieual Oaaa H-iui.t klmoat new: a aaaa. XnMh i,,k South Omaha. FOR ALEOe acoouat eel hutbfiiur cigar aad pipe eaaaa. four poot tables, eiectrte Cans and Bale for exl oaaatv iv, is. stn. letfpiiow uemglse nZk ONE solid aak. hand made, euraioai examining tabte; ueed very little: n naila 1C4 South SHb Ave. Phon Harney 17. FOR SALE-acholarship In Boy lea col lege. Call at or .address Business office. Omaha Bee. FOR BALE A he by carruge. nearly Bew; reaaonabea ptkoe. Call liarney tc't - In tha forenoon. . FOR SALE O a & H. p. holler with fixture and smoke stack. Stack all la good condition, win sell cheep if taken at ewe. Add! tan an eommujUcatlon ta Joha Or bow. Charter Oak. la. WcKBOTAL HAZEL LEAF FILE CONEd-Beal remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing pile, tee postpaid; ampls Ire. Shormaa atoCaaetl Drua Ce, Omaha. A New Truss SSW CCVSNTIOK. ACTION AAD RESULTS. Doe aot eMsad rupture open Internally I convex pada de. write for bcokiet. THE TYRRBLL TRCS OCX, Km ssraadway. New York Cxr. VDAT BLOOD REMEDY. Wte-ilsa Pharmacy, Uta aad Dodge. a-ASSEOTHEBPY 2lw. ANett ef Chisago, BO 6. IT. let fx. D. Teas. THE BALVATIOW ABMY soUctta east arf clothing; u tact, earthing yon da aot aeed. We eotlexx, repair and sail at im N Uth St, ta eeaa cnliertlosc, ta the worthy pens. Ph eas Peii.-iss tiAV aad wurne will call. Vital maaaage. aalba. aiectna vibrato, y KM radiator traatmeata Dr. Anna D. Ftahar. 4M Wars bik. M & kith. IX a BWtwaav . " J ' .