Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    "IE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY.' MAY 20, 1912.
Save Beat mat B.
' . ML Clark, stgna, Hth and Douglas
any T. Ifkots, formerly wtth'L
Stephens and Jorta R- iacCawille, lata
with the Benson Thorite company. i
now with George Brooks, comer Six
teenth and Barmy streets.
luw af whedag Aspiraats-r
Father Magevney, president of Crelghtoe
university, has received a latter from
Chancellor Amy of the University at
Nebraska asking (or the nam of the
atudenta woe propose to take the Rhode
scholarship crimination la Nebraska this
year. Tba examinations -will be held Oc
tober IS and It; but It has not bean de
cided where they wiQ be bald.
VnbUe Market aTea penlng The
crowd which attended the opening of the
new grocery department of the Public
Market, KU) Harney street, waa one of
the largest aver witnessed at a similar
opening In Omaha. The vial tors were en
tertained by a concert band and each
woman la attendance was presented with
a rose.
Season's Program
at Happy Hollow. ;
" Looks Promising
season program of the Happy Hollow
dub was given oat by the club - yes
terday. The season will open May
and will close September X. The pro
gram is afollows:
Saturday, May EXghteen-hole hand
icap medal play; three flights. First,
acratrh to handicap; second, to 17
handicap; third. IT handicap and over.
Prise for each flight, coif shoes.
May 30Swatfeat. For winner, prise
given by George Boss; for runner-up,
prize given by J. M. Olllan.
June 1 Handicap team match.' Winning
team to dine at expense of losing team.
June s-Eighteen-hole handicap medal
play, x to quality. Prise given by T. U
Jui:e 15 Team play for Tom Morris
trophy. Also eighteen-hole handicap
mutch play against bogey, a to quamy.
Ptlse given by J. U Van Burgh.
June S Best ball 4-ball foursome, hand
icap medal play, 4 pair to quality. Two
j une Mais cnamntonsnip at coun
try club. i
July 4 Bogey flag contest for 'prise
. given by F. M. Cox and W. R MulvllUil.
Approaching and suiting contest. Two
July s-Elghteen-hole handicap medal
play, f to quality. John H. Beaton cup.
July It-Team match with Field club
en Field club course. Bwatfest. Prise
for winner given by O. M. Xlurkee; for
runner-up, prise by, F. D. Weed.
July So-Western Oolf aaaoelatlon tour
nament at Denver; I-hell foursome eighteen-hole
handicap medal play, 4 pair to
qualify. Two prises.
July 17-Ft ret eighteen holes of qualify
ing round of club championship; at to
quality, three flights. Champlonablp
flight, president's trophy, presented by
President Robert Dempster; - for runner-up,
field glasses, given by Dr. H. B.
lmere. Second flight, first prise, tro
phy given by C. C. George : for runner-up,
silver pitcher, presented by Harry
Ryan. Third flight, directors' cup for
winner: directors' trophy for runner-up.
August -8econd eighteen holes or
qusllfylng round for club championships
Prise for low handicap qualifying score
in thirty -six holes, hat, given by- Charles
B. Black. . r
August M 19ghteen-ho!e handicap
match play against bogey. Prise by Jr.
B. Burchmore.
August 13-1T Transmlssisslppi Oolf aa
aoelatlon tournament at Minneapolis. .
August 17 - Klghteen-hole handicap
medal plsy. Three flights, scratch to t,
t to 17, 17 and ever. Three prises. .
August 24 Open date.
August II Sweepstakes, eighteen-hole
handicap) mart'd play. - . ,
labor Day. He member Eietiteca-hol
handicap, lfnd bogey. Prise -by-Archie
vv. carpenter. Driving contest. Two
September t-E!ghten-hol handicap
match plsy sgslnst bogey, I to qualify.
John tt. Heaton cup.
September 14 Right een-hole handicap
medal play. Prise by C. R Sherman .
contemner 81 Team match for dinner.
September 28 Open date.
Shebuoth Program
, at Temple Israel
Program for the Shebuoth and con
. firmatlon aervioe at Temple Israel,
Wednesday morning at 1:1 BU bee,,
given out and is as follows; '
. Anthem, "Sing Aloud Unto the Lord."
choir. ,
Shebuoth service, prayer book, " pp.
Knlrsnce of Confirmanta.
Opening prayer, Elisabeth Hart.
Contralto solo, "See Ya the Lord." Flor
ence B. Kats. --
"And it Shall Coma to Pass," Michael
Goldsmith. -
"The Lord, the Lord God," and "The
Torah." Isaac Rubin. ,
Sh'ma Yuroel. class.
The Ten Commandments, rabbi and con
flrmants. The Haphtarah, Joshua . xxlv., Isaac
Prayer of Blessing, Sarra Rubenstein.
"Shebuoth," "Oh. .Magnify the Lord."
Leon Schlank.
"The Law of the Lord,". Emanuel
Floral Ottering:' Floral prayer, Irene
' Mottoes, class.
' Floral offering. Sadie Rot hols.
Cello solo, "Adsnte ' (Gotterraen). Leon
- Weltman.
Profession of Faith: Prayer of accept
ance. Michael Goldsmith.
Confession of faith, Emanuel Green.
The declaration of principles, Isaac
The doctrines of Judaism, class.
Anthers, choir.
Address snd awarding of certificates.
Dr. Frederick Conn.
The tow. class.
Consecration: The blessing,- RsbbL
Soprano solo. "Entreat Me Not to Leave
Thee." Mrs. w. o: Dale.
Closing prayer. Edythe Castleman.
Anthem, 'Sing Oh Heavens." choir.
DmuWLu, Baltic .
, Pustlude. organ. -
Crop Indications '
; m Iowa; Are; Great
' " i "
"I find business eondttions In Iowa
, usually good for this aeasaa of the year.
' said Bay C. Wagner,- secretary of the
Bankers Reserve Life company, who re
turned yesterday from a tour inciadlng
. soma of tba larger 'cities of Iowa and
Illinois. "I met a number of the prorat-
aent business men of Davenport, Burling
ton and Keokuk, and found them coe-
ftdant of a good crop . yield, generally
speaking, and consequent impetus to all
Hues of business during the year. In
short, I found tba situation to be satis
factory, and the unusual confidence ex
pressed by the business mew may be due
m part to tba heavy anew ' fall of the
winter, which created a degree of moisture
In the soil not usual as May.
Tow wttt look a good rs before yea
find a better medicine for coughs and
colds than CharAbrrlaln's Ceng Resaedy.
It not only- gives relief It cures. Try N
whan yon have a cough or cold, and yoa
re ce rials to be pleased with the prompt
cure which it win effect. For sals by aU
The Persanent and Judicious- fjse af
Sewspapes Advertising at tba Bead to
i Business Success '
Rambles of the. Approaching; Com-
; meueement Season..
Coldea Jabllre Mee-Maer af JSatloaal
Kwweatttoaal Assectatie A a is.
polatsi est te Clma Fda- .
catlaaal Katea.
The official program bulletin of the
fiftieth annual convention of the Na
tional Education association, to be held
in Chicago, July to 11 haa been Issued
by the committee ta charge of the ar
rangements All needed information
about railroad rates, side trips, excur
sions, hotels, meeting places for the dif
ferent sections, as wen as the subjects
to be discussed and by whom, till thirty
sges of the folder..'
As the occasion marks 'the golden
Jubilee of the association, special efforts
have bean made to make the convention
memorable in point of attendance, edu
cational , development, hospitality and
recreation. Reduced rates on land and
water are assured, local entertainment
varied and extensive, topped with - an
"educational Sunday," during which
scores of pulpits wilt resound with trib
utes to schoolma'sma and schoolmasters
and their Joys, triala and responsibilities
form the framework of oratorical word
pictures. - . '
Copies of the program bulletin or other
Information can be had by addressing
William H. Campbell, chairman of the
publicity committee, 101 Greenwood ave
nue, Chicago. t
Terse Cleee
Heela (
' Claalag Tear.
The regular school year will does on
Wednesday. May (a. Registration for the
summer term will be on June t and 4. A
Urge number of the students now In
attendance will remain for the summer.
President Conn haa Just received a let
ter from Dean Hahn, who haa been
spending tba year In Columbia univer
sity, assuring htm that he will be In
Wayne and ready for work on June 4.
Prof. Hahn received a good off to work
in another field during tha atftnmar. but
ha prefers coming back to Nebraska. -
Mrs. J. O. W. Lewis received a tele
gram Monday apprising bar of tha death
of her mother. Mrs. Lewis left on the
afternoon train for Fort Dodge, la.,
where aha was Joined Thursday by Prof.
Lewis. .
During his stay In tha city H. F. Car
son took advantage of the opportunity
to attend chapel exercises at the normal.
The talk he gave to tna students an Mon
day morning la considered one of the
brightest and wittiest speeches made
during tha year.
The art department waa at home to
Its friends on the afternon of. May la
A One display, of tha work during the
semester was on exhibition snd members
of the class acted as guides for visiting
friends. This department la in charge of
Mlaa Sarah J. Klllen. who has worked
up a good Interest In this line.
Among those who will-appear on the
program at the alumni reunion en May
31 la John G. Nelbardt. a graduate of the
Nebraska Normal college. Mr. Nelhardt
Is the author of aeveral volumes of
poetry, which those sble to Judge pro
nounce of tha very highest rank. Mr.
Nelhardt lives. very slmpry In his little
beans at Bancroft, where he writes much,
spends a good deal oi time sut-of -doors
snd enjoys himself in a healthy, normal
The Juniors of the normal eatertaloed
tha seniors, at a banquet on Thursday
evening. May t. It was held at the Dene
cafe and waa presided ever by Mlaa
Fannte Brltell, president of the Junior
class. Tha tables were tastefully deco
rated with amilax. the oolor scheme be
ing red and white, the senior colors.
Tha favors were red and white proses,
snd the place cards bora a eream -rose,
hand painted. The toasts Interspersed
between courses provoked much merri
ment A four-course - luncheon was
Isspartaat Poet ta trains,' tor Pbys
- leal Dlreetar af Wears.
Miss Abby 8. Mayhew, tor eighteen years
director of physical training for womjn
at the' University of Wisconsin, baa ac
cepted tha pottttoa of director of physical
training for women of tha Chlneaa re
public tha work being conducted by the
Young Women's Christian association.
Miss Mayhew as going out under the
auspices of- tha National Christian Asso
ciation of the United States. Her head
quarters will be. in Shanghai, from which
aha will organise tha work of physical
training for women In all parts of the
republic. Mi as Mayhew will Uke with
her a young woman who will serve as hor
- Tha executive committee of the alumni
association of tha University of Wisoon-
sin has passed resolutions urging the
regents to Increase the salary of Presi
dent Charles R. Van Hisa to the
amount received by President George Vin
cent of Minnesota and by President E. J
James of .Illinois. President Van Hlse
now recedes $7.W. . A new bulletin of
tha United States bureau of education.
Juat Issued, brought to the notice of the
alumni of the University of Wisconsin the
fact that President Van Hlsa is receiving
a smaller salary than tba presidents of
other large state universities. President
Benjamin -Ider Wheeler, of the University
of California receives Klft, President K.
J. James at Illinois tft.OSO. President G.
B. Vincent of Minnesota .. Prestderrt
J. G. Bchurmann of Cornell tw.d. Prem-
dent E. K. Sparks of Pennsylvania Hate
college K-Me. President E. A. AJdermann
of the University of Virginia. ,. Pres
ident H. B. Hutrhlna of the University of
Michigan kl.sN and Preedent Ross Hill of
the University of Mseenuri T.50. ,
sl'lsseir aad Trtmr Teachers Ap
pelated fader Kaba Faaadatlew.
Two more .'American professors , will
start In a short time on a trip around
the world' under the. Kahn Foandetlon
for the Foreign Travel of American
Teachers. .They are ...William Ersklae
Kelltcott. Ph. D.. professor of Biology
in Goucber college. Baltimore, Md.. and
Ivan Mortimer Lin forth. A. B, A. M
professor of Greek In the University of
California, their appointment having been
made last week.
Tha followshipa to wMch they have been
appointed carry with them stipend of
13. OCd each, and an additional tm for
I the purchase of sowvenirs. books, . etc-
The followsbips are unique In that the
mevmbenta are required only to make
the trip around tha world.' The choice
of route, countries slatted) and length
of star In sny one place are left to the
discretion of .the fellows, their only duty
being to sea as many peep lea and court
tries as possible- The object of the
founder was to give teachers an op
portunity to carry on their work from a
broader and mora International point
of view. -
The first aprointmenu on this foanda
tloa were made last year. . Francia .Dan
iels. A. B-, A. M., professor of romance
languagea at Wabash cvollege. ' Craw
fordevtlle. Ind. and John Haneen Thomas
Mcpherson. A. B.. Ph. D, professor of
history and political science at tha Uni
versity of Georgia, are now abroad, and
are due to reach this country during too
summer months.
The foundation waa established by M.
Albert Kahn. of Parts, France,. aad Is
sdmlnlstered by . Edward D. Adams.
Nicholas Murray Butler and Henry Fair-,
field Otborn of New York City. Charles
W. Elliott of Cambridge, Mass, Charles
D. Walcott of Washington. D. C. and
Frank D. Fackenthal. secretary of Col
umbia university, as secretary of, tha
board. .
Aaaaal May Day . Otebrartoa Will
Be Held Week frwas Taeeday.
Plana are being made tor the annual
Mai Day celebration at Roane; which la
to ' occur Tuesday, May . An old
fashioned county fair la to be pulled off
with the various classes participating in
Its different phases.
The base ball team haa concluded Its
home gimes and on Tuesday will start
out on a three days' trip, playing every
day. Out of six Intercollegiate games
played, two have 'been won, three lost
and one tied. Two of the games lost
were by the narrow margin of 1 to a,
so that tha team on. tha whole has bean
doing fairly creditable work.
Tha assy way In which Doana won the
dual track meet with Hastings makes
a victory In tha state meet all tha
mora assured. This occurs st Hastings
next Saturday and enthusiasm Is running
high at Doana. ; Doana haa won from
two of the three other contestants rather
easily, and with everyone on the team la
action should pull out ahead In the state
meet rather handily.
Miss Margaret Brown a 8uhday school
worker, who had been at the Saline
county 8undsy school convention held
In Crete, gave a vary Inspiring talk to
the students at chapel Thursday morning.
The Juniors, who are going to put on
a play commencement week, the slsea of
which has seldom been reached at Doana,
ar making plana toward having tt In
tha evening and lighting tha grove where
It will be held, with electric lights. A
beautiful natural amphitheater In the
grove east of tha buildings affords a
beautiful place for the clasa play to be
glyen. ,
Friday night Mlaa Beasts Noyce govs
her graduating recital In expression, as
sisted by the Juniors In the piano de
partment. An excellent program was
The alumni are making plana for an
extra large number to he here at the
fortieth anniversary of tha founding of
the college as well as tha fortieth an
niversary of President Perry's services
tor the school, v ,
Notes from the kewool Show Mark
Activity There.
The academy will close Its year'i work
on Wednesday. June i. and everyone ta'
getting ready for the closing events.
The base ball teams have a number of
games on their schedule and are prac
ticing dally; the first team has played
five games In the Oreatet, Linco)n league,
and won four and lost one; there are four
more games to play to decide who wins
theVup. David City and Wahoo teams
will play our first team on the academy
grounds next week. Corner and Wes
leysn academies will also play here.
The cadets who will take part In the
stajta track meet are Ward, Daniels.
Hay, Shlmonek, Saar, Brown, Wheeler,
Smith and Plnney.
Tha dramatic club will give a play en
titled "The Unhappy Pair" on Tuesday
evening next.
The tennis tee ma are. busy getting ready
for the tournament Penny, Wheeler,
Heasty, Ward and Cousins are making
good showings.
State Superintendent Del sell and wife
visited fhe academy last week and Mr.
Delxell gsve a very interesting talk to
the cadets.
Mr. Mareellus of the city gave a read
ing before the school last Sunday morn
Ing. a bleb waa very much enjoyed by
nil. . ' ' ,
Mr. W. C. Burnett of Sheridan, Wyo.,
v tailed the academy last week.
Military day will be celebrated
Friday; May l. Inspection ' will be
made' by a United States army officer
and the various competitions, spelldowns,
snd other military contests wllf take
place. The. "Hayward" cup wlil be
awarded Is the company making tha beat
showing. Individual cups will be awarded
to the best drilled cadet In each com'
pany and aweepstakes cup to tha best
drilled man In the battalion.
The baccalaureate sermon will be de
livered st the scademy on Sunday, June
3. at 1 o'clock. Junior-senior banquet
will be held next week, senior hop June 4,
commencement June (. Ex-8enatot
J. Burkett will deliver the address to the
seniors. -
resessearesseat Esevrteee Will Oe
ntr ataaeata Dart a a Week.
f tate Superintendent J. E. Delsell and
Professor J. L. McBrien of Lincoln were
visitors st the normal Tuesday morning
and addressed tha students In chapel.
A Joint meeting of the T. M. C. A.
and the T. W. C. A. will occur at J:3
p. m. Sunday. May 1, with Mr. Will
Beaehy and Miaa Alice Nichols as lead
ers. . .
President Thomas delivered commence
ment addresses at Smith field and An
selmo oa tha evenings of May M and 17.
The comic opera, "Sin bad tha Sailor,"
was given before an appreciative audience
by members of the aenlor class on Friday
evening. In the Kearney Opera house,
i Mr. Wayne Chapman, of the els as of
'at, who graduated from the University
of Michigan last year, wss a 'chapel
visitor -on Friday morning.
Professor A. 1. Mercer delivered the
commencement address at Axle 11 on
Thursday evening.' . .
The president's reception to all classes
took place at hta residence on Saturday
Dr. W. A. Clark delivered tba com
mencement address at Platte Center Fri
day afternoon.
Tha Normal baas hell team won from
Tork college In the game played to
Kearney Thursday afternoon, the score
being 11 to B. Both teams senna il to be
in good batting trim. '
Many graduates aad former students
are here for the coenmencement season,
which began wth too senior play in the
opera house on Friday evening. The bso
calaureate aerraoa will be preached by
Dr. F. aV Stein of Lincoln on Sunday
i Hiii li
morning, at the First M. K. church.
Haydn's oratorio, "The Creation," will
be given In the Kearney opera house
Tuesday evening by a chorus of 1U9
voices directed by Mrs. Grace K. Stead
man. A g-nerslrecertlon, orchestra con
cert nd the alumni banquet will occupy
the evening of Wednesday, May tt, at
the normal building. The commencement
exercises proper will take place i the
Kearney opera htise on Thursday morn
ing at W o'liocK. Dr. Frank L. Love
land nf Topeka will deliver the elaat
addi ess. ,
Kdwcatlonal Safes.
Commencement exercises at the Hardin
college, Mexico. Mo., are to be held
May V. A large class or young women
will graduate title year from both the
college and the conservatory. - The prln-
V . .1 in 'V' iflJ Lil .
on v mmjtf r ma jraa la, vs r 1 i-
. L At Sewing Grde V' , ; J
J J A housewife who has found a good thing j
f-Pbst Tavern Specital
It is easily prepared same as oJd-fashioned ponidge arid served
hot with cream and sugar. ' '
Let your fcurjily enjoy this hotel dish for
Tomorrow's Breakfast.
Sold fcf grooas
Made by Pastura Cereal
The 1 Genuine ha 'this Label
lllllilllli lllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllll!IHillllillllllllll!lllil!lllllllllllll!
anr4 aO .
Only the oeniiivs
wear hat this Ikbd,
Bood with every darrneot , Beware of traitaborti.
I hey rt numerotv
with any imitatii m Turn tlv garments fourJe out
Note how we te v the toatn wice throtiohout and
tape the teat-tei m anrJ front opening of drawers.
All .armenU to tnished thdtf he wearer it pleaied
always with the look the tW the wear.'
Real comfort lin
They are cool and elastic not tod
another ht jutt right aU over, is . ; v .
AD styles. Union Suits fit nbliulging ; la button and un
button easily and i$ buttoned while on D away. with double
thickneii at waist' 1 ry Vorortrtt
tf Any Styles, Shirt
UW . - pet rf :
. Union Sunt--$1.1
Chalmers " Guarantee
, D, in yarn opnion, nut aajuaot,
.sxs. aa.seoe
taut to nv you ito cost mjuS ia etsfcrvsaaf aatasacbos, Rttn il dwat
to ut and we will sspUot t or refund your asoney, KSjdsaj poatagS.
This fauantea appoes to srery geshsint ' fWabat' Misasnt sot
riagtpd 'Second. ' of Moperfoct acres, the ParoaUl Ubi
OlansTl ITjuTaag Cssspiay. Iiditl .NewYar.
lr-Vi'1- H"liB..t l.s,atu ..ajips
address by Dr. Nathaniel Butler of Chi
cago. . , .
riarenos H, Mackey and his mother,
Mrs. John W. Mackey, have made an ad
ditional donstlnn of IIW.ODO to the I'nt
versliy if Nevada, making their total
beni-racllons 4Uu,usu, 1
Marshall K. Snow, dean of the college
of Washington university, who has been
connected wlih the university for thlriy
seven years, resigned and Frederick A.
Hall was named aa hi. successor,
J. C. Ferrer of Durani; Okla.. S car
penter, R yesra old. Is going to Nashville,
Tenn,, to enter Vanderhllt tinlveraliy for
a three year course preparatory to enter
Ing the Methodist mlnlnry. Mr. F.rrer Is
a grandfather.
A mother, daughter and son , Will be
awarded the degree of bachelor of taw
at the coming commencement of the Uni
versity of California. They are Mrs.
Anna Kaltus Hprro, her daughter, Miss
cipal feature of the exercises will be an
This new food, made of wheat, com and nee, am
first served to guests of the Post Tavern, in Battle
Creek, a Hotel well-known for good things to eat, is
now supplied for home use. , 1
in 1 5c packages.
Caapsey, Lksseo. Para Food Fadrjrie. Bade Craek. KfaiagaB
'PorotUiit1 Summer Unci-'
v UocqDditkxiaJ Guarantee
avauSoe 'Porogknk Barmenta,
foote, (pin place and too snug
in jury style.
atf DmwJ
Men? 50e
WtrleJ as 1
Italia Do Jarnetta snd Henry De Jar
nette. the son. ' . .. j ' .
Oenrge first ion TVHsnn. professor of
International lew st Harvard, lias been
appointed as Harvard rxi-hgnge professor
i ine EKiriMipne in, ixni lor isu-tvi
He will go abroad in exchange- lor lrof.
Kmllle I Manilla, who Is professor of Eng
lish literature at the eioroonne. -
" ' Fern Naraaat Kales, '
- The girls' basket ball -team was recently
presented with some handsome blue and
wnne aiiaay mouses. "
Bishop TUien of Lincoln was nrcsent
at chapel services on Thursday last, and
gave an address on educational themes
He vastly delighted the students, and won
a tolerant smile from tits faculty by
Insulting that the Institution of examina
tions had nothing to recommend it ex
leapt Its age. - - ,
D . ill
Artot..-'. I
..... '. iri
A harmless remedy, naada frora eora
non garden sage, quickly res tores gray
hair ta natural oolor. The rare of tha
hair, to prevent it front losing Its eetor
and lustra, la just as important as te
are Cor teeth to keep them fresa dieeoi-
ortng. Why spend money for cosmetics
and creams to Improve tha eemplextea.
and yet neglect your has, when gray hale
Is even mora conaptcooaa aad suggeetiv
af age than wrinkles or seer complex-
oa? Of tha two. It Is easier to pr as era a
tha natural color and beauty of tba hair
than tt la la have a good complexion.
All that la necessary Is the occasional
ass af Wyeth'a Sage aad Sulphur Has?
Basnsdy. a sreparaUos of common garden
gaga and Sulphur, combined with other
vegetable remedies for dry. harsh.' faded
hair, dandruff. Itching scalp and, falling
hair. After a few applications of this
simple, harmless remedy, your hair ami
gradually be restated ta Ita natural color,
In a short time the dandruff will be re
moved and year hair will no lengar eosna
out, bat will start ta grow aa Nature la
tended It should. ---.-'
Do net neglect your hair, for It goes
further than anything else ta make ar
mar your good looks. Ton can buy this
remedy at any drug Mora far' fifty seats
a bottle, and your druggist will give yong
avwey back tt yen are not satisfied after
using. Psiohase a bottle today. Ton
will aevee regret K whan yon realise tba
difference It will snake in your appaar
anc. - Agent," Sherman at MdOenaeU
Drug Oa.'-'. - ' , " '
Drink Always . : '
Brings Disaster
i i -.' . .i
Creates Cnvinij Which Noth
, ing But More Drink ; :
WU1 gatisfy. '
4 Drinker Most Haa Hs!p ;
Neal Cure Destroys Cravinjr
, and Leaves Distaste and
' Aversion to Liquor.
. . , . , . ..'., . . ' , . .
There may be. successful men who era
heavy drinkers, yet-they. are .successful
In apila. of rather than by reason of IL
The men who can drink and be so suc
cessful are iso race tp strength of char
acter as to make them an unsafe pr sea
dent In considering the average man. To
tha average mas habitual indulgence In
Intoxicants Is practically eertatn to result
In disaster. It breaks down his nerve
system. It unfits him, for business, Ita
loses caste. He loxs money., The habft
bring, sorrow to his friends and poverty,
misery and deprivation to his family.
Tha thing ta do Is to stop It and atop ft
now., Every successive indulgence con
firms the habit and makes it harder to
break-' a msn finding - himself on - the
down-grade, however, is constantly beset
with -a craving for stimulants -which he
in time Is no tnnge, eble to resist, for
on'nstsnt Indulgence hot only creates that
morbid craving, but also weakens the
am power-so tnat it is tmposetoie 10 re
sist. He must neve help. It la such
help that the Neal three-day sure for the
drink habit extends to him. It takes
away -the craving destroys It utterly
leaves In Hs piece a distaste for and an
aversion to liquor, ft brings about Irs
miraculous change "In 'three days. This
Is no rash statement, fnr It has been
demonstrated In thousands of vases. It
matters not how. long you have been
drinking or how many other treatments
have felled. The Neal treatment wfll
cure In tuat three dsva It la safe, harm
lees and- positive. No hypodermic injec
tions sra given ana no powertui or poi
sonous drugs are used. - If you are af
flicted with the drink habit and really
want to be freed, or if you are Interested
In a friend or relative who needs treat
ment, write to the Neal Institute com.
pany for their free booklet giving full
Information: It will be mailed to you
under a plain sealed envelope and every
thing will be atrlcth confidential. Ad
dress. NEAL 1NHT1T1TB. IMS South
Tenth street, Omaha, Neb. ..
E.irofM Hoyitia wAo Xwt1 - To
, ; Bedtice Their Weight Will .
Leant BecreU of. Pretty . .
. American Girt . -
Uv)ri HaalltaM. . tM tatMU. Simv
ait." tt fluiBleh a trt ferr-a ktt tmmmm
I teaMUay rmtwt- from alftMsl thstf ite- m
tkm a tri t ttti kf ttul ti Wf4mc hr
titavtwt. fw fat n49tkm tbat tM Urn m
HcftN t. tlfc I'altfd tutaa.
mm . atreasal. Iwva tatir4 , kwr tmm
tM att4 nwr im IsMia ao griK aa
tMr t"rat VaaLwaM mH a rW lrmtmm
Ifcat H to ctaiM b? Iw trim that aawai
triaiiai arf'i-yat Mki vtw Oavl tMr alMliiwU
In at,a wra-a, ttmm ,kam tk .J4-faat-W"l
Wgtaaltt taur kaja it owm.
Tddf ar wayr-il nryaltta. rwmi , wHtwmn
TiaH tnm tht IttU all vf a iH wham t
ctT ti-wwitac (r arllpsraa mm lvr -m
M kawwa- Qua -WlittelMlM t emM ta 1m
growhic fIt Mttttr sWaJ las awttarly immt
i. ratwaciur ikit roft. tr t Iwr mmrm.
Qm AbM taf Pertvcat, tas twwt
bswaiirwl wvmm gtervf, teat, laar MirM
ta( ItaMi ayatibtaa ft vwy Clak mwrm
thm rlv.lM MM hmr taw ; Wgan-JMIWpas,
mt gawawttf kMt rmu Tb mpnm
of (itnaaai 4k iielMf eoa wtM wemi4 kw tia4
t aba ttta4 aarbar of Iw tavplM fmnai
at aig. waaa J4ry af Bniva4. la ravM. r
cr trareafiil ltvl atnd (ttriUcir tiiartiagsf aaa, to
ftMHig an apfrftatato wviaiit gala, v -
Tavajsj tbam ara naugerbl) mm af i-rl
ItBMfa, artW etMllet irCaA ft. gar t gMT Bn4a.
It iMa Imts tmttr kiwa-a Mlaa Harairtn
ttwt -M a raa taav trwr-ir aa? tattta bar t"
flr tm SsStA CMlra) BaM Hatitdiavf K Daamar
WC aagdMtaJD A fWI Ik AltoMtC Will ft4
rMCf f cMuMfi aaasmf tlva ateat ark win
a cHd) r 9 tbrmim to twr rtert . or,
emrm 4tpfmkr w. yafaatt am mm -
tt tw rHa1 to yr ksjt wH. tf a, ra
aniitBf to uk a ktat wm tt ia givm mt. aa
artll aaat tot k far rarral torn omen wk ar au toaa
ao try Ina ftVa-r af llv liMaaaat aJ that
"atBsatna lHiVa AtsMfiaaui girl." a en ttla-sl
afttrtaMa atytoi MVea Haalltaa ka ka waa
4fab 'Stt-rti
' LoaMloa Paris Hamburg
Ctaeiassel Vsr aV 1 r.M.ltvletarls Lea ..Meg
IKasra Aas rtc Vsr iras. Usrata ..Immm I
tut. rMs' esir. . '
tRKa-Carlue a la Carts ItsaMaat. '
fttaaawravAaaarssaa Jdaa, led Weea Sa
dolPh SW Caltage, JU, av loaal agesa.
' ' . V -v. "