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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1912)
T.. THE BEE: OMAHA, MOJfDAT, SAY 20, 1912. The Omaha Daily Bee FOUNDED BtiDWARU ROtifcw At O.K. VICTOR ROBEWATER, EDITUH. flEE BIILDINO. FAKNAM AND UTK I to' -wl at Omaha peatofflc second- ei bias' matter. . TERMS W SL'BScaii ION. Sunday Be, on year. ..... C tUrtiMtav IW Ml TMT I -43 Dally Bee i without one er.M- aJeuy Bee ua auneay, otto year ,- . DEUVSRet BT CARKIBH. ,- .,ioe COWlDta In dejiveey t Mty CircUat'aa 1I. . , RSMlTTAK'iA Remit we rIU etpree er pee.r, etden, pa' ut U) The Bee Putilhi :npiy. Only' l-cnt annua received in payment Ot email rCOU- lv PtWlttl cheCIU, cent o Outa ud eastern excaiie. a " Omaha-The Hee g-Jl'ding. " Souin Omana K Hx. ; counoi niun;i mtt at. "Lineal a-Jb Utile aluudma. - , ' Chicago-life Marquette Uil'dl-g. ' Kamae" City Ite ilance'KUli Jing. : Kew Ynr-4 Wut nitty-third. V ahlntttn JJ Fuaeeotta lit., .N. W. CORRfcofUSDENCE. . ' Comrnimleetlone raletmg to and edltenef mi ihoul! be aadreaeed Onubft Bee, Editorial Department. .- . ' ' - APRIL LlKClLATlOS."1 ' - . . . - . 50,109. ntata'efVe'broka, County of Dbutm. at; ' Cwifht WMlUm circulating manf of The Baa l"uihig - ououmbv. bu fury owarn, aaya that the average dell Irmlattxn, tar fho month of. Apra, W& wee 410.. - .- - !v .'., . - nwtoxf W4U,i .....,.. Circulation Iajieer. - guberrtbed la my nreernce ana worn to before me tbto Ins rlv il Mar, liui, . , Sel.t HutlfcHT Ht'.NTfJUr - r,. . Kotery t-tc. . teberrlbe-r' leaving the ally , temporarily al . fca Taa i B . talM ,lka. AtMraaa will ba caaaafa aa afua aa ra- aarat4. It U ad longfcr " aimplr Mijr, ' The universe rrolvi about Tj Cobb just bow. cait (hem dandelion? Wt U dandy about them? , Emma Goldman aad Poo Reltman Itlck for being take at their word. Father's day eomea tba first of very month with bell an M; also tills; , .. V : Psrhape, Ct'mp Clark would make Mr. Hearst maaagfgg editor of kla cabinet, ' ' in I , , , i. ( Mr. pryaa wll) go to Baltimore wlta a skeleton kay to ando any deadlock. . A base ball strike-breaker should have no difficulty la finding Interest 4a kla calling - Mr, Bryan la waging tbta war "f gainst HarnoB fq the Interest of yarty peace. " . . . fit. Pan) could market water bonds -at 4 par cent: why .couldn't Omaha do the asm thing? ' .,' Soma atebangea are still complain ,'lng ' about "an overproductkm of gold." . Where did they notice It? f. Crop acarwa are all right an Us beard Of trade, but they cknaot af fect the Nebraska wheat fields. . ' ' err-r-rrrz- , . '. Nothing IB all tha Titanic invest.- gatloB kaa even, hinted at ah excus able reason tar lt sppalllpi trafedy, - Still, It sever occurred to us that eating diiSetlons on the preU'it that they were ."(rasaa" wsi gay way to Ctt evea-wlth tbem7 Tba bravest man In tha world baa frtt been discovered In Dr. BplUka, who aaya woman will never ba the iBtaUeetull equal of man.- ... St faul wf mora careful ot hie word than anything - else, and If Ananias bad been tblugs might have gone differently wilh him. . .."Mexican federals Expect to Crush the Rebels Within Three Days," says a. beadllne.' Tksy kava been at it only about three year so far. . . Vth George Ade governor o( l dlaha and Bevertdxe president of the United BUtes, , tha Hoosler state jsouid be getting a pan of Its own. ' ! ' "Taft.atands on hla rtcord, say no -Baa FrsnclMO Chronicle. If ;eome mas werf to- attempt to stand ,oa their record serloua casualties would aaaat.', ' " ' , Ceorge Ade bas been meotiGbed ,Jor governor it thdlaoa. , Oeorge .probably ow realise t value of -that agricultural college course he took at Purdue. , J After tba skirmish is evr wlU Prof. Wilson go bach to teaching t hose doctrines It political science wtirh he taught forjffrteta. years aad epodiated on entering politic? . .- That-brala specialist wha has dis covered tit tsivarlaWe' superiority, of ntsB'a mind overoiaaa's should at tend tto "acxt ob' club Waves t:ua tf be cam for a good time. St. Los is la proud of its moderti, fi Srjb! i -lssrovs4 Forea ; park, - but r Vorest park's best aaya were those ' i when barefooted boys "with cheek of taa" roamed through its forests and adjoining eorafielda to ths old swim ' hole. sad fiabiag pool, Them . . good aid day-- .. - "i . CoBtmiwioft Fonn of Oflvtrvm. The ommlsiioa form of fity or- ernmeat continue to f aia la popu larity. About 22 dtlee of a Jnitad State bar now adopted u or are operating under It la eonje phase or other. The trroneou atatement ha beea made that Omaha was the larg est city to adopt the commission plan, nntll ,St. Paul took It up about the tin at our lata eMy alert loa. But the fact' I. three nlher cities larger tbaa Omaha Oaklandh'.,Cal.; Blr miBgham. Ala , Hid Wetophia, Teao. are operating ander this plan. ' On aotable fact abdut 'this ten dency, re far m city government Is tha,t bo city aver adopting It baa per- manently revoked it. Galveston led the way itl: the commlasloa form In 1 01. Houston followed In 190B and Des Jlplnes cam along In 1907, when the scheme really began to make progress. Galveston's reform was Induced as a result of the tidal wave which nearly destroyed the city September 1, 1900. It was virtually wiped out and seeded political, aa well aa physical, rehabilitation. ; Its eitlsens thought It wise to change the fotai f city 'government and so de vised the commission plan. ' " i Its popularity-soon begin to spread as rapidly aa did that appalling hurri cane which drove the waters of tba gulf back, over the Texaa city that day. Tba plan I probably a good aa the personnel In any city. It is for the cltlsena to elect the right men and the men elected to do 4he right thing or this, plan will not accomplish the thing expected of K. " The. fact that Its popularity and growth con tinue ualdtsrrupted after - eleven yeajra would Indicate that the plan Is making good. This Is encouraging, for most student of government have admitted .that where' It Is weak est in this country Is la the munlcl- palliy. If we have lift upon the proper method qf - strengthening ourselves, then w bavs builded wisely Speaking (or the Middle Conhtry. Congreaamaa Martla'i oppoaltloa to tha nst of tha Paoatha sanal by railroad-owned ships and to tba ad mission free to the canal of ships en gaged In coaatwi trade aa the ground that either. proWelon would tend to stifle competition and de prive4, merican ahlppere tf mack ef tba natural and prime advaatagea the capaHj desigriad'to afford, la timely and Important.' tt is a plea especially for the great, middle section of the eountry, tb producing entr. The people of the United Otatee cannet affor to Ipveit in an enter prise with an Initial coat of $376, 000,000 ualese tliey are guaranteed very possible protection against me aopoiy in every form, one ef the fundamental purposes of this canal la beneficial freight rates, that will re duce the expense ef transportation by land and thua assist In solving that great national problem of the klgk coat of living, No one expects the eanat to Mpome a panacea In this or any other relation, bat it will be itfilghty disappointing S it doee not Every means aunt be used In plan ning the operation ot the canal that will tend t preclude tha possibility of unfair- discrimination. ; Special privilege must be given to no inter- eat or industry. If this la dene, then we are chested at the very 'outset, It elmply must not be done. ; . X rr- ; Tk Wfnltering Champ, The UncolB Starone of tha Champ Ciark papers, recently said of Ha pre ferred candidate for president: . - Whenever a great eueatlon .be artaea In coat ran involving a claah of intaraate between the maata end the SBtdeto vora n in government. Champ Clark wa found Is a serious moot. and hi vote and lc hay been untaltartnaty with (tiem (the maajes) and agalatt the uvoree ot government. r This ht Interesting. It bring to mlaa Champ Clark e moakey-ehlgee on reciprocity, which, undoubtedly, was a great issue en one side or the other, of which the masse and the classes were) Interested and legiti mately ao. Did that great Issue find laamp Clark in a aerioua mood? How did he meet itt Political ex pernancy forbade htm to eome eut and take a man's stand for or against reciprocity, ao be Joked about It, hel roared the bogey of annexation and later admitted that he ae ealr in fun. Xlke .the miechtevewa hoy who buna a rock through neighbor's window and when the neighbor aeiiea him by the nape ot the neck and de mand redress, the boy Whines out, "I was only in fua." , . ; But Champ Clark's fun taken seriously by Canada aad ragtaad aad went tar, undoubtedly, toward de feating reciprocity, not oely no, bat 1b cheating thto "great lasue" out of a serious hearing. r , . AgsiB. the tariff board proportion oi me prewent was a serious issue. l tis see how "unfalteringly" this adamantine Misaouriaa stood en that. ne nrst dvoctea . t ga "good meaaure. tnen h attached it and thea squirmed out of any deceive pe tition on it On tha subject ef nouse raca bo sw.tcbed twice. When Us muter amending the raeiprmlt. agreement, t) which he wa at first committed, ca se j la 'ommlttee, Clark ep posed it on the greund that any amendment would invalidate the agresoMat. - This wan early B tba year of 111, yet ia Jen. iio. Clark had delivered biffacif of this speech on the floor of the house: ' I i not knew bear ton w phall s iter, bti M, long a I pal kera I inUoa to f'tht for the nght to amend every eetian ef 4ctr vat kin which cone tnu tail trcuscv and I do ant rare a trw waetlter the democrats centre! Ui houae e Hie republican. What does It natter what Champ Clark aaya? Ha if her today, there tomorrow, with fixed viewa on noth ing, apparently, except what will make for hla personal political ex pediency. Unfaltering, indeed. coxthols ntTiosai, row SUTTEE Part eiere rrmHtmt Taft Thirty Kiaht .f Flftr-ThM. . New Tot Herald. A thorough canvas Juat completed how heyoad eetlae) that freaideitt Tart win ee In eontrol of the repebNcan national committee when it meeta in Chioace en June 4 to make op the tem porary roll of the , national convention. Till eanvaae was made by men hlsh In the coundla of the party, and they are entirely convinced that Mr. Boaaevelt eanuot dictate the" action of this im portant body, ' A matter an atana, thlrty-el(ht member an friendly ta sir. Tart, alsht te Mr. Kaoaevelt and five are doubtful, with leaalas twwerd 'the prealdent. There are fifty-three men bar ef the committee. The function at this body I avlwaya Important, bacsus It deddee In advsace be are to have seat wken ta conven tion la called to order. In ether word, it make up the temporary roll. Tha work Is especially Important till year, because at least one-third and possibly baa-half of the delegate will be con- twted. The temporary roll t recognised by the chairman, aad from tt be appoint the two highly Important oammltteea which finally decide all contests and draft the platform, v i ,.- Realising how important It would be ta eaiitiat the national committee, asents ot the Roeeevalt movement atarted out pre. elytlnc amonf them several month ago ad Intimated that they would have a majority of the member. But sow tt caa be Mated flatly that It I quite tha other way. . Breaking all precedent, the national ommtttee will convene two weeka ahead ef the Convention to take up the mere Imaortant eon teats, It b) gkely that It wilt U eontlaueualy until Jun Is. the date aet for tns convention. It will have before It earnests from nearly all the dlrtrleta In the aeath. : Mreit ef the een teats will aa taken before the convention. but they wll) than be referred ta a eam mittee which will have seen named by th Taft national commute and which Will be counted on te Uver the Tft onteatsnls. '' ' TeopleTalked About f.if!r Altheugk Alfred C Keaaedy waa - laatad la the recent lr eiecUoa for oea- eikwlaaer he still smiles and goae oa eallaetlrif eld booka and autasmph, babky afkis. "; t One group at ewetara back ht IIHaer) eeouaa anether areun sf esoaedlna th peed limit in diapenln( awdleina. That la a way et sayiag that lacraaiil Such BMthartna and smethertng Be the "motbae ef pieaMaete" naa iwealvad Sarin the week nlaee Mother Ohm la a ctaa bf aaraaif, Bevea days of atv deartng aeream uu the eM nuty ra eaadl two te pared t the 'Taaratna after" feeUag. Only five selaoaare ere effMalry ad mitted te have beea taken la tba Trt- soUtan wat eg ta data. The flguraa an belktvabl. A dry CI mate and daeert aftnd afford uaascelled tacllttMa putting captives out el riant. Tttrhs an partieuiarry shy boardtag bouse Br- naeaefits. Mia Maraares, Smith eg iaawaasaa. Ma., has the dlatlnetloa ef betn the only wamaa saaeaber ef ta Mew gnslaad lla- tall Ceal Ueaien' eaaaetatloB. MM Bmith beeaa her taalneae t artier a her ttaes aaatataat es retail eeal mediately after her e"!jtlea troeit the h'sh Scheal at ttaV TH bayaoM aanw-af Mark Twain Hannibal. Me, baa beea preaented bs the dty as a memorial te th great hunBiit. la end arened tb4 bo'ldlns acetamd meaiy ot the taeMaota walah kla matured humor faahlened two grrppinat atoeia. and bare wee dreamed the fanetaa that have saade the worid happier. reraver Banter B!ae'a cf Milwaukee, dareng Ma etuaa ef reat and meditatios at Leavenworth, eauabt aa W aome wln in y-anta In ta ttcksr gam, aad I aid to have reooased tte (mH turtun nce hla return to tlte actrvttiea pt the m b- The vtettane ef M Sr. OSS t fal-atiB have not beea reimbttraed at laa aammiui Tba rarity of a winning streak IB ttt Waabiactoa, base ball etub aed so gratt a nit an th taaa w eancrvaa a few ays saw Ctst tha augaM-ateit 'et m beaa et reprtenuatlve made a raid on tate eoaada for eaougb tuinn make a aaorara. - Only a lofty aenee a doty puaxad th officer oat af the amund betora the ftalsn ef ttw guaa. , Tliis Diay InOialaj r compuxd r rom (eB rii.i- n Thirt Years Ago The Sea print tba new city charter amendments which have Juat been to- acted d gone lata effect, the main fea ture of which i the creatiea of a Hoard of Public Works aad arortetoiM for pav ing at the cost Of pawng dletrtct. The game between the C A it. nine lr.d the. Council Bluff ball toearr aeraea the river reaulted la a acore of I to in favor of the B, A bunch. Thr Hit pf grand and petit juror drawn for the term of district court commencing tn Jun includes among other famHlar me those af Alfred oreaeen, J. f. Bron a, Charlee U V'snCamp, II, P. Peva velon. A. Riley, ullu Meyer, KJchr4 Ttaard. P. V, Barkalow. M. H. Bllu. Henry Bartliold. Oeorg Jlacoralnl. C, E. gquire. - ' About I o'clock this evening the hand (etn plc juat fitted up and opened by Joe piak Wll th eea of a pleasant sreeentstlon by the proprietor,! W. K Hlne. on behalf ef the many friend af Mr. Blake. In a neat little epeeeh gave kits a tore and beautiful steal eearvtng, ntl4 "Preaentatlan de la Marl," ' la a roatly frame. Tha sealpleM could not peak a he waa aa aurprieed, but at th eeneloaloa af tba perfermanaa ha opened as tae chaaseagn to th bore wttk a lavlah bead. : . c M. a Martlnovtch is rejoicing ever the Urth of a aoa . - .i The contract for the baaement af the sew Mabraak National bank btillains; a been let ta Martin A MaleuM. The baaement etory will rls is feet abov the ldewtB. .. The Uarfield houab at the earner af Fourteen I h and Jackaea strwt ha ebsnged beads. Charlee Dougblry, farmer aunager sf th Carlton house, will con duct It. Cllntoa Bennett, Just graduated at the Boaton Unlveraltv, Sjrrtved in Omaha and will 'probably locate her permanently. He Is a bother of Walter Bennett, the yetthg attorney. " ' - Captain Marsh aad Ran. Jam gtephae). en departed lor Chicago together. Twenty Year Atro - " general J. c. McBrtde, for many yean reitdent of Unceln, moved with hi fml'y to O,lveton, Tea., pytng A farewell ?IK to Omaha. MR and Mra. Thomas Kllpatrlck etarted for Scotland and th European cent!- an f i It, A, Whitney of Worcester, Man., wa th guat of Will Stash.'- George Potter, 17-year-old son Of Clirle g. Potter, ganarai agent ef th smertcui Eipreaa - comoeny, and Pea Kinney, a l-yer-old boy, living at Hit Half Howard tret. were playing with 4 leaded revolver when the thing want offend ptruek young Kinney In th heek. Fortune tely medical aid reached him enon, and then wees iiepee for hi leovety, Wailaea 1. Broetch. aoa of as-Mayar Breatch, gv a repeVter Par The Be detailed aeaaunt af the cruertle prae- ticed upon him at West Point wMoh formed hi reew for elvfng up' Ms In tention ef sating a aaMier. Ha- eendemaed the ytent of hedng bitterly,. - f 'B Year Agn ' Th city council pd the long de ferred Ms levy ardineco providing for S levy of St mtlla asoa taaable property la tha etty. the amount to be Mixed bstag . . , Word was received of the death of William Corteiyou, eon ef the late John O. Corteiyou, at tea Pueblo. Ihlllpptn lilaada Tba young men waa wM known In Omaha, wrter ha attended erhaatv' I alas thnugh the hlsh eeboai. , Th bleb aehaal faeulty was wvestUng with . the knotty smbl. "halt eur young awa be peemltted to sltand eahonl In hlrtwaltaK . rtrtnalpat WateTnaiea aaawered H in tne negative, when twenty. nine of the young sam Mm tnta sehaol without their eoata. Boat et the yaung womea teacher Were shocked at (hetr l.pteianee. t t. - ' - - v , Jlai..dla'ahl-iw.S.WMh ' J. a. White nigne a A nwmbaf ef the ccattve .oominliiaa ef the merclal etub, and the ieltctloa- af hi uoMtr wm referred ta a committee, et which X M. Dumant wa anairman. Albert Coha. J. H. Van Dueea and C. & 8alUok wen elected to membership. A Wew - Eenerteaee. - ' Sprtntrflald ftepuMleaa. f t la B new experience th present awa- ration la baring la bearing a Aa president sectars a areatdent of the United Mates as alt kinds of a line, Mr, Roeeevelt make a new reesrd In thai direction wtui each sveeeedlng effort But hp flrty euiuaaeed hlmattf la elarmg not only that tba prasldent did and ee, but that at was Impeaatbl he ewuht hat forgotten that ha did s and Mr. RooMvalt, you ea sets up sa Infallible authority aa the operations of another man' aitmory. , ladtana Are Nat VealehlaaJ. ' . . ' Philadelphia Ledger. The redakina now living tn th Cnllei Btstea aumbar Mt,gx, galrut the W.lSt ot a decada aaa. Tb director ef the eensvs reports that M, per eeat r than tr OiU-alaoded Indiana Then an tt Heat . Indiana la North Aaaer. lea, aiid their numher kt inureaainai they n aat "vaalahlatt," ladeed. tbaalofieal xperta y that th eoiitinent harbon perhap men aJmrtatne tbaa ta the day befon the white men . Jo tba bant. tag nag af etrtlintiea the aot upport many ladtana. lang oputa Planrnoen Fotttlea. Baltlneon American. , ' , Tha effort bs creata seligteua prejudice tn the preeWentlal eampaiaa I tba moat eentemstibJ and mteeatevna attempt, which baa yet been mods by hi cBCmte te diteredtt Preew'Fnt Taft. Kt baa acted tn ait ease with jtattta and Impartiality aad aia wanly retwanoa ef tb rharaa of favontiaan ta any denaenanay tloa Witt help hat eaaae with ed fair Bunded -aennerf Wna bettev la tn "qun dear aa -m Mttr f prUictple ss wn aa af won-ammdinn tbaery, . rerlle of- Arc Kavleratlatt, Beaton Transcript. ' -.. Four -da tb la an any from awntrtanen. Aa eroad and auytng power In the etr tncreaae it woato aewn aa tf tlte bncresa ef aan'ta aavtamtknt must be eadly dtp, preportieeiste. Two of tea dlatetar n porteg eeea emphastae tb . spertal Sanger ef paearrervcarrylng by alrebty After . eawerartaai. ; . Cbteago hewa. - , . Taking out of paHHc ta not eeatly ee paiarnl aa having Ht eehiac teeth extneteA. bat when tecomluewd It win afford aamflar rebeb ' Anarchy. OMAHA. May W.-Te tae Editor Th Bee! - Anarchy dnea nst aeaesaaetly aseaa eppoeltlon t yuetki nor en rtalen oa aoaittoa ta an anjust government. The anarchy that at aad for equal freedom, and that oppose government because tt areveate the eaerdse at equal freedom, i the bigneat Imaginable farm- ef human awe Ration. Tae prophet drwmed af tbi aa nnee K tns ntineanism. a stem a board of' swept was need ne fare vtotenea to naaa tkant do rlehe. If ad people wen wta and gecd they would have anarchy tn the tree moaning af th term. Really, t then aay sen. from the ideal atmdponrt. ht a part of the people paying someone u compel them to do what they knew tbey ought la da Wht is tha difference between tbl Idea nd III Ida af Theodore Roosevelt In heaven. wMh tha ;-big tiek'' fa keep down octailua and anarchy? Of pourae. w hava ta hava gevarnmat re long sf sama, of tha people will not er eaimot be good. But I wtah te dtlsea ta enter a Brateet ageisst tba peopla wb belMera ta avvarnmeat adopting diaorderly end violent methods to pumsb elld anaaeblata. Tha so-caUad good ctUsent of ga Diego. Cat., wha fltndUhly abutsd Mr. Raiunan. Emms Goldmen's agent, are bead end shoulders below the maa they tortured from all etandpeinta ef respert. sbttlty and honer. They proved that they an the anarchlata of the most dangerou kind. They am pot only th moat dan gerous lean-alata. but th moat dastardly and eowardiy. The Ian man -who rirs bis lit In. the misguided fight jnt ociaty la hare and brsv eltlsen oar, pared with a mob that will tH advan has of a lane . individual and act Hk brut and demons, even tj the Individual daw beilev In oclJ viofnev a belief that neither Mr. Reltmea s- Emms Qoldman uphold. .'.' The gsn Diego mob w eigno te elviHaaUoa, a burleetiu on humanity, a yoke a government, an insult to th Antaetcsa Hag and a tach In the nostril ef esanuM eeurteay, ' . , W1U4P nyDBrTt. j ' - Mara a4 UreeaTter. OMAHA. Mas 1AT th Editor ef The mi Th atatvaring af flewn by Mr Laetha an tha oeeaA wsters, whsn the Titanl psnk. in ewmery of her husbwd, ; Wh "loet his Ufs ". In that dlrsstw, wst pathetic Incident, viewed from, the etendpaint ( papular bHt tn tagars k eh ilata ef tha "" ' ,'' It rem lad m of a woniaB i one knew bo had 'lost" a baby boy. and wba the firs anew fQ on ll grave aha went sad 'Xlawad vto u her wa m-lrraMoa-th snow off Its grave. Be lit tle comfort aa aopulsr lehlng give ta Iboss who dpd upon It for ctmw- A sreat contrast was the demlea ef plrltualKt of Indltnapolts, whe requeued that his v-lts drees in whits- tt hi funeral and proenUed to give them map ifaatsUan t hi Intalligenl exlatenee. and. If we sndit the nawapapar report, bit Win end can have received vtritlcatlen of hit proaaiae. fstes ta Ufa the woauva wha erajMd the snow oft her Boys grave, with her naked band was B4s kaaoy by- oomamnnaauoM treas htm. Muek great aoet sror naw aaea Ben- toned fee those whs has net beaa e an- tagamette tknt ahey' wol4 nst tnvestl. gat facta tn nature, and If all than wn "lost" leveet en IB tne eawtut dia. any other way bad .tn aet- enttfle knowledge that eaabtea an te ksow th future stats ef esletanoa they f auk knw that n wb havw paeeed to th "hareed" knew all thlnga-eweey thought w have-snd can gupniy the"r very 'need front nature tooKhaastlbl tuppll af matter. - s- -, Ttt every evidence that ha ween gtvsa ta wrova the unlimited tnbtWgeoea ef en thr Immortal- aid Is rtdk-uleg by th pre. Nttnn't ttatt evbltttlenary proaeat Is a reeled book te tha majority. Th feet that Henry Wtrd Baeeher knew the wkaraabont of the widow's mitt which had b lost fer yean and whlrk fact ht eaastpunkMtsd frem the aa-cailed pint aid te mortal aaeana aotblag to hem. And Wata la but en of tbouaaade at (ueb heppenng. There r thorn wh wig net admit -vn 'they knew. The Byenie tasaarch eoeteUtl bend tvry aaergy la Invent ay tola sprat b explain what tbay do net Baderatend- And It ta amustag is read Itanwl -0 rials of gpeetee" and at a HUl tire. ssbm. to P aearreatea se jrequentry With the phtwae "natural aalectla).1 He M only Interesting (ram a natural kiatory etandpolnt. One , wonder that such aa enhauetlre rawer char tnta tb etytterte of nature did not think ta ac count tor the origin of type from which euek wonderful "natural selectla" sslMA Had ha don that no weald have had the key to the whole Mtuattan, the key thst-wnleefcs th doer to th Origin and destiny af the human race. - THE BCIKXTinC eTIBITCAi-lST. 1 Prayer at Tatee, ' OMAHA. May 17. -Te the Editor ef Th Bee: Maybe so, mein Qott, aaw that e have th honest. un and anode! men msteavd ef entry and grarty pen. gtsn t admralvtar attain and gevera eur eltys tnaybe o. I ssy. the com- sllan will move tha Iron tamp peats ami seme but woadaa pole ewt af the middle of tb Sidewalk, on taaBM Street, wast of Park.' se that an none Carina voter en t dark Bight, when tha lamp tight la out. won't bat let eat !f than tamp post and kneek bt brains aad aunwneh eat, aad tan hie bat. when a aan t s.mi re awwn oe r th etda af taw walk. Maya ao, aneaa .Oott. they wW de tlC. Tean very truly, A OtltMAM VOTER, Ceweot rfcaataa Newt, ' Brooklyn Eagta, -Oeveramant Inanetlnn ftad Uu b) eaed largely ta th atnmge. Tha not tamest ef Meataa M atuaily M per seat Johnnycshe and par cent at ewadty alflgnt bjiaedueta. Tha mJarepreawtxatleat eoaa not tajwn tha iwtMnrr. It thee aarVeayea at aa eukw are won whalcaom weather, that th pur variety, the seaat trust ta S benefactor aad It wntrttaatinc ctoaaly to the adnntlag eaaae of tarUtttem. We nn not be am at I id nor grottry asappeiBte to learn that pack' area of snaA raw an naisaead largoty af tantuUy gtaded aad aarted Wha-a tot tb ieawerf . . PniladSipbab Bew. . Bar" l not Hareaeo I becatntag more tatertetlrv ' M k whethwr a i jeaeioa tf defeats lasttfln a aaan In V aaanemg a Aeanorrat wha has stvwni tnwea tad ata paevy ta vtetery even ta a republican etats. lulv-lll. Caurter-Journal: "Harvwa Jolts Bry7 "Taft land oa Eoeaevett.' Reevett envaah Taft." Oa. bk w pagtHam.' Jiut politic. . Bieux City JeuiuaJU Goseraor Haymoa kt the logical oaipnmi oandidata, bat logic l tba least of consideration In tP present weird and woosy campaign. CMrago Trtbua: Jerimer baa pat lived wholly en vain. He M katptng aawtmely to bring abaut th election of Vetted nates, ratten by direct vet of the. people. - ' , ..... . Houataa Peat; One thing 1 certain, gemebedy hen convinced -Champ Clark that n candidst for prealdeat must avoid garrality, A maa eaa run batter whea be eeean't talk as ntucn. - Chicago Record-Herald: Hon. Champ Ciark la auppastd ta poaae a Strongly developed- aenpa ef humor, but It I re ported that h la ne long able to regvd Mr. Vaasrwoad esjeAWnvy a yk gt, Paul Piapaar Pre:. Daanocratlc pret-neettcator ' at Waafclngteo select either Clrtt 0r Vvim a end aa certain to be the eholee af the Baltimore canvea tton. . Tnta n aha feeling In "the Stmas. paar g tuas'ee, thauajh tt hi aupsorted by th fat that aa far the eraaraeeri beea beea ganting Ben deleaatee them the governor. ..- gsrlesfteld RasajbHcaa: At laat the aecret l out "My gratt sweet," say the eotonel, la that I bwve aaver keen eaetted over nay aendldaey. ana way ot the ether." Ta calm ha tadd beaa elnwat eppreeeive. A the- Jbdy brvd tn a aiay by o MaMarUnck's diKlpbta. VI am calm! V will be eajmt op, sty Qogi bow cetat I amr' - -, Direct sevfn-f senators, ; IndlawpoH Nrwa. By a vote of M to JB th bouw of representative. J yesterday passed th oongtttutlonsi smendment provtdlng for th direct election of utjrted itates en. tera, As th eerute Am tredy acted favorably, th amendment will now ge te the srst legislature for ratification. It f bettered that tha leaf-talked f hang In our foundamentil . lew trill tt last be ansa, stsny yrp ve here tofore uppastg the mfernt will, ta atir pinion, now welcome tt a at mail prfraM te cwneitiona Which have lately developed, ft tba people an determined tr elect their senalata, K Is much better that they thewld aa andar bur rather thaa ta ranabant trays andtr preferen tial primary Mevav er by a popular vote, ehtaa hea and oa aava a trgnl arfecv We 'hall t laaat aecap suck ridiculoua r suils aa thefnecag cbuie ef a demeenule eaatar by a rapubneaa MgtstataM, a la Oreeon, and tea dleveeerd bf Mr tee- latere sf the eawreaaed will af tba pae pl. as la Illinois, . ' Renalltaw name DertainiM. ' Wew 'Tork WorIA We en eober, phlegmatio people. In- capable of .rendering snap Judgment er ml using reci at dectaloos. Tour rear age a bill to restrict th equity sower of the federal courts tn th grant at Injunotlen was heated laeu. plow it passes the house by t large majority end nobody eiae seems to can ant "way or the ether, . , ' . Elcstrjo tigliling Sp:lls Danger from the u of matchej :i avoided 1 -'; , ' . , . .".. p ,v-, ' -V.; ' Explosions frequent with other (1-' . --.Itimintntttw iropwiible- C .'..'.-:' v k.,.: ; f Burglar fit. in terror below ij; ratoodolCst released by ptenni button. ' : , ' ' J - ' r. . ' ' , !l r ' . . As rnuch lilht or as little light ! ypu heed any hour or allhour '; Omaha Electric Light & lowers Co. Acroca the Atlantic for When You Go Abroad c 'wmmmmmmmmmmmm ; f Westcn XJnion Cable ten Vill keep;youvin';.clo$e ' touch with home. ! Before sailing, inauire -at ; t any Western Union ; office: ' for tie rates ; from your ,t home to foreign countries. . i FuB Inforwtsfwti gad Beta iy Tdephort the mm mmmmmmm ' CVTTTVJfl T.TST.S. wi o't" - - , "Human nature Is peculiar." observed tba theug hti ul loeldag Individual. . "Many a maa capable of giving P hi at la a lifeboat -ta a womaut won't give up nn r " RMtM Trait iw w a . "What's the baby crying about?" '. "Tha nara tpoughttaaly told hint that ahakeapean plW an wPPoeed by many to have been written by Ba eon. Get him hi Sarairrit Jlloeka They may dtvert hU atteotioo.'-Wartington ftar.--' . y :-J ' Tbl t a portrait of th Bah '. Pedhrofc. ana of my ancestor.', "IJm," ' "tt hat Ae yon thtnk af Wmf" ; a-WSli, my bos-, with eueh a atart. Tu daaern eredH for tuning out a well aa ysa hava." luivill Courier-journal, " . - -. Bfra. Kartteh-I think I' take , the bracelet. Tee are eure it it mads re fined geld? ... .1 . JeaeJrr-TeA, mdsm. ' " Mra. Nirtten-BeoauJ I deteat any. that that ton t raA--Baltimar Am rtaTaa. . "-' "I don't Warn young people for' being nther celf-confldent nd aggresrtva. ' aid tha centervatlv ettta-a. "Ton think the rtrtng genention to entitled to ronainer (tie if uperior?" . - "Beyond queetion. You are constantly beating parent telling wht mart thing their children aav. but you never bear children repurttng aay clever sbaerv tlerte by ' their , parent. " Washington Vharlle la an aw'fly loyal chap, don't you know?" ,, , ; - "I h? How ao, dean boyt' -"Why. b nw tt in the papen that then a etwlke of aH the London tailoce end n he's wearing ht otd sloth out ef aympathy for th tendon cbippiea. don't rou hnow,"--Clpvelnd Plain Deal er. . , ;. .-. i. . . t- M. Uwla In Houeta post. , . It's ttm fer everhaulln' ; Year flahlo' lina an' things; - 1 It's lima ta bear th eallln' i Of gwgltn' aaide tprlng! It a time to hear the lawin' Of eattl in your dreerne, lt' tlm you se a-goln' -- . A-tramplo' by the trawa. . The dream eetri ta a-tlenln' . Their, eamln' lt the dey, r . Te when the eap I ellmeiu' ', -. I p in th tne. en' 'way : Out aft tons) .the . meadow you re th ehantim hed O' green, n' dream $' sbsdwe An' af a (ere at gid. , . ' If funny about drnmln' ' Them dream tM time a' year, ' ' You tee wide trm e-tietmin Th air I eooi tnd clear, Th autlerflle go drlftlp' . A I ay to an' fro, . : -An' your two eye pre. Uftin ' v ; Te entile e" tang ago., .. , A girl la nitrate glMdn' " At yeu through all yeur dresms, . Her pink bn fet are dancin' , . . ' ' , Acroaa the ehallnw atreame. Her hand sr held eut to you ' . . Ts help her up th height, . ' ' And alwy then son through Toil' A thrill ef eM dkght, . . Work may await your doln '" 1 Tki know no tlm or plr,' Mut yeu know wind n ttrewlp' ., . Roe petale, and a face ghepea In the mlat befen yU ' And eye yeu loved oaoe gleam; .., The epeil af aprlng teal e'er you'. And yoa puat sit sad dream.