Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: : OMAHA. MONDAY. MAT 20. 1912.
yy tij Celebration isd Field
Bar Ikiaed by AIL-. "
fjlewlaaj fMe ef k faulte MMtl
la Urn Made VomoraMv tr Srlrn.
.' did Preasesaa te Be Given
br the replls.
flay festivals, eiaas day. Mar oar
elahrstmns and field days viU be kald
en severs! achooia the latter part of thl
meatn and the Bret week la June. CUf-
ion hill will hoM a play (clival an tha
afternoon sf May . i-tuM"Ul psrk has
class day May H. A eUsa day program
will be rendered at Maaoa, May PW
day will be he'.d at Lincoln. May XL
'Windsor school wtil nave a (laid day oa
tha aftsrnon of May U. aad will have
claat day la tha afternoon at Juiia T.
Central Park will give a program May If.
Tha pmgreme la the eeversl schools
follow . .
Central rrk. . .
This !ll ba tha program at Cantral
Park school. May 11:
PART 1. V .
Bong. Eighth' grade, historical play.
Tfia conioromlaes af the constitution.
Cast: willlBia Liewey. Roland Foff.
Harry Hcwart. Thomae Elvlna, Aba
Gross, G:sn Orosje-in. Edwtn clerk,
Moar, Stanraard. Audler Sallendef,
Earl eterling. joy Fullli. Clyde Case and
r aan Rannle. Life of William Bhekee-
rear, by Hlan Qulnotte. ettbry ot "Aa
Toj Llka It?" at tha Court of King
J'redertck. Ethel l a tey; n tha Forest of
Araea, Edna starling: all ones as tou
Llka it." Hannaii Hargadlna Music,
"A Spring Morning." flrat vloiln. Earl
Sterllne-: eeeond violin. Morton Clara
."vlano, Edwin X lark.- Claaa poem. Violet
'Jughes. Claas prophecy. Harriet Barry.
-tmm ntstory, ssagarei oriuxw.
Folk dances:- DanUh lanes. - routth
frada: began porridge hot. Flft grade
wedish weaving dance, Eighth grsd
Aorwaalan mountain march, sixth grade
Engllih May pole dance. Seventh grade.
Wladaar School Field Day,
Tha field day at Windsor school will
fcs held May 8, 1 p. m.: '
Kindergarten. "How Do Ton So?"
Japanese game: Flrat grada, wand drill:
Second grade, liberty bell march: Third
Srada, Carsoaal; Third grade. Hungarian
anee; Fourth grade, "I Bee Tou,"
Gwedten; Fifth arade. ace of diamond
Seventh grade. Mey pole danea; Eighth
grada, weaving .game.
Windsor Claaa Day. -
Tha e'sss day at Windsor school will
be held on June J, I p. m.:
Piano sola Fay Emery; Bongs, w
Mammy's Voice," And "Old Black Joe;''
recitation, Edna Kahra; piano solo,
ad "Going A-Drsemlng," claaa proph
ecy; Vlano solo. Reno Cowan; piano solo.
Charlotte Reyaolde; recitation, Lola
Byrd; violin solo. Pearl Kllngbell; piano
solo, Read Corless; piano sols, Katharine
Reynolds; songs. "Lullsoy and now
tha Day Is Over."
Field Day at LlaeaU Seheol,
The field day at Lincoln school will
be held May U. whan boys sf the fifth.
sixth, seventh tnd eighth grades wtU
give the following:
Running broad Jump,' running high
Jump, fifty-yard daah. relay race one
eighth mile race and tug-of-war. Kinder
garten win give: "how vo iou var
If You Were Walking" end "The
Xnighte." First grade will give "I
You. ' bean bag relay raoe. shoemaker's
dance, washing the olothas and Swedish
folk dance. Flag drill by third grade!
callsthrnlc drill by fourth grade; fifth
grada air la will give a circus folk awrae.
bean porridge, aoe of diamonds; sixth
grade will give f oabaage patch (Bo
heralan). mountain- march' (Norwegian)
and Hungarian folk game; seventh ana
elshth arade airla will slve the Iwedlah
weaving game and (he Chimes of Otnv
aira.. Tt-
.Maaoa Itrhool Claaa Day.
Program for' May II;
Hon. "The Beautiful Blue Danube,1
by tha school; recitation, "Ths Princess
. Mary," tiiai-e Dukes; recitation, "Keep
on Just the name, Herbert c. Larson
Instrumental duet. 'Rondo Mllltalrs,'
Bessie Jaikeon and Roaa Bredksy: red
Uilon. "Wet Weather Talk." Evangeline
Robertson; recitation. "Ths Soul of ths
Violin," Ma bolker: song, misers from
"UTrivotore ' by school; a recitation,
"Little Peter's Parley." Rosa Bredkey:
recitation "The . Bummer's Boarder'
Rosa A. Olson; piano solo. 'Ths Chase,"
Hannah Graets: Act V, wane I from
"Julius Csesar" by ths following pupils:
Alex Bolker, Clifford Hokenaon. itoy
Brackvllis. Herbert Larson, - Arthur
Johnson. Clarenoe Flahel Carl Nelson,
and Edgar Rothery; piano aolo. "Waves
of the Ocean," Grace M. Dukaa: recita
tion. "High Tide at Gettysb'w '' Bs
Bradrvllle: recitation. "Ths Vagsbond,"
Alex Bnlksr: piano solo. ' Tarento." Kims
Brodkey; recitation. "Modern Mcdteine,"
Hannah Oraati; aong. "Plratae' Chorus"
bv ths school: Weaving game by Ureas
Pukes. Irena Jnknaon, Hannah Gracia,
Dora Gioe. Evangeline Robertson, Ida
Bolker, Bessie Jackson, Olive Oleew,
Rosa Brodkey and Huth Bandateadt:
reclurlon. "Whan the Train Comes In,"
ttuih Banadaadt. .
Moasaaath Park Class Oar. .
Fxsrciiea to be held May B:
PonK. "The ' Mariners." Eighth grade:
piano nolo. "Meditation." Ruth' Alcorn;
Baerilsh claTJ danrs and bean, porridge
lint by Fifth grade girts: aong. ; "Beren
a.r' by Eighth grade: plane- solo,
"Love's Oaprlce." by Ruth Weeks; clses
prophecy., Arthur Martin; weaving game
by Kig'itii grade gtrla: song. "Silent Now
the rjroy Hird," Eighth grade; piano
et.iA. ' Ft ii m uf ths Shepherdess." Haasl
Smith; Hungarian folk daact. Sixth grada
girls: "Suaanee River.'. Eight '(.aoe;
ilano eto. "Hearts and fwersj Man
geret Campbell 'Ptatte:- "Boston Tea
Party." Eighth grade, grrta. alramaUaa.
Hon ' of the second coottncntaJ cen
great and Declaration of ' Independ
ence. Eighth grade . beys:: piano sees.
"Valse." Myrtle Beflaon: song. "Now the
Day is Over,'1 Eighth grade. "
- rtlfttta Hill Play reatleaL'
: Pupils of Cttftoa Hiq school wul pre
sent a plar festival. May a St I p. jn.r
Msy morn trig song, "Partner Right
Merry." kindergarten;- "Annie Went te
tle Cabbage Fatck.'' Foarth grade; Swed
ish e-eevtng gams. Eighth grada; song.
"In Spring." Fifth grade; eoior gams by
the kindergarten; meeting and grsettrig
by Secsnd grade: bean perridga hot by I
Fifth grade; Norwegian mountain march ,
by Third grade: Hungarian danea by
Sixth grade: V ay' pole dance by Seventh !
grade: rhymes. "To Market.' High Stee
ping Horses," "Birds." ths kindergarten; I
"America." .. ; V . I
Kodsrt Woodasi to Hold Bif Xeet-
s-" . ' inf b tttet Tanrtdky.
Pwegla ef Magie City WUI Cm dart
- Oa and Kesker Market Ala'
Fwetssaere Etter taeceede
. ' 1 ' Baa Thesaaa. " , .
Lad Travels 1,500
Mifes to Lay First '-
. Brick in Theater
h first brick ta "Star land Palace."
the BimreSeia ' firm's new moving
picture hoase. will be laid by J. L- Er
vine Brandeis. ths young; arm of Arthur
D. Brandeis. whs will travel Utt miles
from New Terk'to Omaha to officiate
at tbe ceremony. . , c, .
this ta ths foarth time that this young
man. who Is ths only representative of the
third generation of "the - Brandeia mer
chants In Omaha, "has 'officiated ar a
similar esrsmory for a' Brandeis build
ing, a - . ' ; - ' ' .
Six years ago ErViitg Brahdels laid the
first brick tor ths Brandeis bunding, a
fsw years later he, Isle ta first brick
tor ths theater; and 'shortly afterward
he put In place th ttrsf " stone In'the
American theater. His Identification with
Brandeis buildings trill not oaaee with
kla saseonry. as he Is aeetiasd. to make
his home In Omaha In the future and
carry on tha progrseslve policies eetab.
Ushed .br Us late J. L. Brandeis gad his
.,.--.'' ' .. '
Farewell Eeception "
For !Vfii5s Whitraore
Was Xmraa .Waltsnere, whs has bssa
principal ef Lake school for twenty.eix
years arid whess fsrty years' sctlvt assa-
aiatton with the Omaha eoaoots Is flnlahed
this year, was guest at honor last night
at a reception gives br Mrs,- May H-
Flnley. HU Burdstte street.
Forty members of the Blast! R -e'.sae
sf Lake school wars guests. Malcolm Fin'
lay, a mam ear- of the alaas' being their
boat. All the teachers ef the school ware
In attendance. .
The Flnlay hems was decorated with
Mis purple and sold of the school, flowers
and ribbons conforming is tm eoior
schema The school children took part la
an amusing entertainment, the feature
number of which was a' whistling set
by Miss Lucllls Dennis Instrumental
mualc, songs by the class and games
comprised tha pregrasa. which was lalsye
to la ted by the serving sf rsfrssbnwnts.
Ths teachers la attendaaas vara: . .
Mlassa Emma Whit mora. Elisabeth M,
Elesck, V. Vgy Rlrhey, M. Elisabeth
Hewitt. Alios Host. Maael next.
wnittatners, otiaerta t. Wiliiame. Uare
Blackburn. May U Tarrey, VIWn Alvl-
. Caeate F, Bays. Marie Makurinaa.
Suaan Tataa. Katharine Duniuean. Masai
crsignean. Hsiiie sterianty. Harietts U
aaana, Lots M Tllunsas, Hsiei
Bsrtka Vaughaa. -
Wewdaeea weetlac CalrreL
South Omaha Camp No. teas, Mod
era Woodroeo ef America, request all
inembere to bevreeeat at their regular
meeting, Thursday .evening. May 3.
at their hall,. Sit .Vetrert, Buaincss
ef special Impertanoe In regard to the
raise la raite will be transacted. .
C. '-yKWIa, Clerk.
Rv Dennis, Xcrthrup and Wtl
Mchots. , - ,
ism Mc-
Buckingham Buys
v HinjPichs Property
Everett Buckingham, general manager
of the union Stock Tardi company sod
king ef Ak-aar-Bsn. bought tram t, X
Hlnrlchs ths fins modern residence al
KM Woolworth avenue. Mr. Buckingham
will ecoupy ths property. - The so nei dera
tion, tll.MO. la a further indication of ths
strength of realty values In the Field
stub district'
In selling the property Mr. HlnrMis rs
oompletltig his plana fur removal to fhi
eago, He renentlr tsslgnad lh presi
dency of ths Omaha Crsokeey eetapaay,
which he founded tan yeira sirT and was
Sleeted vice president of Alls Mereltinif
yndicate Catalogue somnsny. ftlnf
aaout two If ears arow.ik ontsha rapilal
ths compear has extended It business
Into every Sec lien of the t-'nlts4 Btaese
and tke aaid davinr!me)lt la the sasiam
states makes It nscsssary to eaadugt sr.
ganlsatlon work fraea Chicago: Mr. Khv
noh's family will leave for Chicago about
tha middle of Jane - t
Hoodliiins'Beat Boy vv
and.Attack Father
whils "seeing" why his two 'small boys
were beaten Friday night by a band of
'young boodluma who. hang about 'the
, rtcinlty ef the Venus theater en Six-
tcenth street near Dorcas. William Ferry
j can, JT'd Castallar street, ;was badly
a . I stabbed by the same crowd
tn3sfA nirrt rOt-OF Vnfr t his sons. Ferryman attempted
I ea aJViss : g,t . civil sxpUnation from the young
' " " " ' ' men when the leader suddenly set upon
eXaaBsaaxaxaaanaaja ' him and the rest followed the leader's
example. He was chaaed to his home and
KhHe fleeing to eta bouse .ens ef the
assailants stabbea Mm Is the left leg. -
Dr. Peppers a Heeded the wound and the
nollt-s were railed to disperse the crowd
of young ruffians. ' No arrests were made,
for when the eeHre arrived they bad fled.
T'le gang la -cm as posed of boo s and men
ranging ks ages between sf and bV
' By thu use of . Gold Dust
you ran, at 'all times have nice,
soft rainwater right at your
elbow for the asking.' Imag
ine what a' help this would
be for washing clothes, and
for all, cleansing purposes.
Just a' little Gold Dost added
to any water softens it. takes
out the mineral substances !
and brings out the greatest
cleansing: value.'- '- -v
Gold Dost dissolves dirt and
grease works Iike, lightning,
and relieves house work of all
Us drudgerv. .. '
Fur your ppor hack's sake,i curr,a y.hs. knights m buiMirsx thetr
i', I,.. 1 f, :il ! auerters at XX Dodge, street . -
ut GoldDttstV
Omaha oAuacil of the Knights of Co
lusnbus is planning to give a mining pic
ture and vaudeville entertainment In the
early part of June In one ttt the local
theaters. A film In three rtjht entitled
'The Ivmmg of Columbus" win be pre
sented. This picture e-t nearb- MUM.
the largest sum rrer paM for one picture.
In sraking the film the Knlghtt of 0-t-iunibua
rendered nrach help. . -The - pic
ture was prevented before Pope Plea, wke
nvs hla tmnrsl Af tm I-wwIiWIm,
! The pioceeds ef the entertainment will
be vaed to help defray the expenses ln-
Local snembsrs ot the Modern Woodmen
of America are preparing to take' up the
Use crtiteria Joined In showing attention
te the vtsltlhg Omahana. . - V
question .of Increased rates thai' -
proposed by the head camp Thursdsy
evening, the members of South Omaha
camp No. MM will hold a special meeting
to vote en . the proposition whether
special tsx of JS cents shall be levied upon
the local membership In order to assist
In the tight against the Increased rates
Already ths camp has levied a tax ot
cents per capita to aid In the fight made
by ths district
The off leer of the local, lodge refuse
to put the question ot the Increased tax
and claim the protection of the laws In
support sf their action It la maintained
bv- aoane of those acquainted with I he
question thst whatever luetics there may
be In tha protest of the old members who
are opposing ths Increase of rates, the
bylaws permit of no rellrf snd therefore
the action of the officers in refusing to
aaatat Hi a tignt teei ra orrwewu sawus
the lave pt the organisation la logical
and right, '.
On the part of ths members, particularly
the elder ones, there Is a certain amount
of pathos In the fight made by them to
keep dawn the retro from a stage that
they claim will practically force many
ot them out of the ranks. -
At the merlins next Thursdsy ths
matter Is lo be threshed out thoroughly
by the local camp., A court In a neigh
boring state . has already upheld the
action of camp officers who refused to
levy or pay any tax directed to the ss
atstanca of the Insurgents.
setter aree4e Tbeaaaa.
Postmaster Lew Etter has returned
front Lincoln, where be was elected vice
Brsetdent ot the State Postmasters
social toe lo succeed Ben F. T nomas ot
Omaha. The meeting was bald Friday
and waa for members ef the executive
committee alone. It was decided te ca
the stats convention of postmasters fot
Jans II, U and It Postmaster Etter was
accorded, a considerable honor In being
selected to fill the place made vacant by
tha former postmaster of Omshsi.
Pel ire Board Dare Xa Meet.
Although a number of saloonmen stood
about the city hall yesterday patlenliv
waiting for the meeting of the tire end
aoHea beard the members of the board
failed to meet, except tor a few minutes
before noon.' One license only was
granted and all other business was post-
poned. Commlestonar John, J. Ryan was
not present at the meeting and Mayor
Hotter snd Commlsskmsr Ptvonka seemed
disinclined to proceed without a full at
It Is said thst ths board has made
Strenuous efforts to divide the patronage
of tha board between the many deslsra
Nearly every brewery. It la said, has been
liven a mora or leas "equitable number ef J
Tha next meeting of ths board la set
for Tuesday morning at f o'clock,
' - Acres. Acres. Acre I
Any else tracts: any. price tracts:, all
close In. pear car line: a wtir Improved
tract' for-axohanga, .A. W.. Jones Co.,
a V. trth St., So. Omaha.
Maale rlty BHefe.
Sunder chicken dinner. Atlas Cafe, M
N. Mth St. ,
Judge Levy went to Des Moines Pslnr-
day. for a visit with his dsugnter.
Mrs Richard Novak haa returned home
after a pleasant visit st wanton, is.
' Try the Atlas Sunday chicken dinner.
SO N. .34tb St.
lira John O'Hern will entertain the
Motueeelle club Monday afternoon.
The Junior class gave their annual
plcale at Child's point Friday .evening.
Family Sunday dinners a. specialty.
Atlaa Cafs. SJS N. Mth St. .
IMaa' Bathe Todd and Mauri ne Murdork
attended the .track, meet at Lincoln last
Mrs. J. E. Chids ot Atlantic. Is., Is
the auest of her daughter. Mrs. R. E.
Schlndeli '..--, . '
Fine chicken dinner: splendid service
Sunday. Atlas Cafe. -
Mrs. Msry Huxford ot Cherokee. Is .
Is the guest of bar niece, Mrs. Harry
Tremeell. . - - , - .
Atlss ftundsy chicken dinner, 11 ra
N..2ilh 81.
Crosby Broad well has again taken up
his work at tne university stter s snort
visig with his parents.
FOR SALE One snd one-hslf story
house, s rooms finished: built by owner;
modern except heet. 151 N, Kth St. -
Mlee Msbel M etcher went te Lincoln
where she will be ths gueet st a bouse
party this week at the home of Mlee
Dora Reedes.
Five dwellings for sale. One new
room dwelling: modem, eery pavTneme,
. J. Kvao. sni N. st. Tel. ati or lei
Mr. atid Mrs. E O. Smith entertained
at four 4ahlas of bridge Thursday even
ing. . Prises were won by Mrs, A. Dudley
and Mr. lagweraen.
Mrs. J. M. Caughey entertained at a
o'clock luncheon Saturday In honor
of Mrs. F. Young of Denver. Covers
were laid for right.
Ma W. B. Routt wee- hostess for the-
IH2 Whtet cleat Tuesday afternoon. Tne
curate of the afternoon were Mrs. W. H.
Hancock ana Mrs. i. v. cnitek. -
Bold) Dust ig
ssul ia SC stse
ksd Urg peck
sees. Tea lsrf a
Sscksgs sneana
(rester ecaxraesy.
"ief eAe COCO DUST TWINS eb i
The eemmHtee la rharge of the a fair
waa appointed by Qrand Koight W. A.
Sckan and ss com posed of 4 he following
K. H. Buehmeo. chairman: F.. F. Mo
Gaogh. ' John Bermeerlta. John Leery.
Pater O. H. tMaad. aUchard Kennedy,
Roy Klasr. Jeba Cobry. E. A. Dow gad
Frank Murphy. ' . ; -
. ' - -r, ,'
"My little ewe haa a very eenrere-cold
I area rersmmiadil to try Caanbertala's
Ceasrh Btsssdy. aad ssfy a sssauT borti.
waa finished bo waa. aa weal as ever,"
srrltsa Mrs. H. Bilks. E DosrUng str,,
Sydney. Austrafta. Tads rtmedy Ja- fs
sale by aU aeaiera' '. '--. s , " ' .
- 'A- ; . .; - - .V '
Mrs B. . M. t evert y end Mlee Vori.
Gtlrhrtet entertained the, W. W. vt -club
t (he botne of Mlse Gilchrist Sat u roar
afternoon. Fear tefclet of players were
Mr: snJ Mrs.' T. r Smith of Kansas
f'itv have been the guests of Mr. Seejth's
sieter. Mrs. Wllllsm MeNk-hols- for ths
leat week. Mr. Smith returned to bis
heme Saturday.
Mies HasH Cook entertained at a sleep
feast Friday eight- The gueet Mat In
cluded: Pearl Levertv,- Abbie lake.
Krancee Tanner. Ola A la worth, tiara Bar
num. JHeeen Rebn aael Adet Davie. -
For the many acts of love snd klndnsas
shows ua by friends, neighbors and so
cieties dujeina? the toes of our beloved
husband and father and for the many
beautiful floral offerinoa sent we desire
te -rxprese our Heartfelt -thanks. Mrs,
Oeorgs W. Thompson end family.'
-. jd... . ..-. m. . .-. Hear?
loMho'x will be cunfirened on Wednesday
corning. May C at Temple (era el. Perk
-venue and Jack son street. Omaha. Rc
.-epCon .Wednesday afternoon from t te I
nd from 1 in p. m- at their resldrncc.
'" tl street.
Mrs. WUHanr MeKkehe'a. 1111 North
Tweoty-eeeond street, wee hostess for
the Kesod Whtet dub Friday afternoon.
Vt re. T D. Smith of Kaneee City was
the bonor gnest. The members praeen;
were: Hearts wee A- W. Tacg. W. BV
Beurt, W. H. Hancock, a. Hetwr. E. O.
Fi-rea, Dr. Beck. C A. Clin. Frank ,1a.
Village of Florence
J; Enjoys a Regular
;' s Building Carnival
The building fever has struck Florence
snd many new buildings are under V ay.
The Fontanetle Building company Is
erecting a lli.e home for the Eagles.
Ths cellar waa completed Saturday and
bade for the brick work will be openeS
the -latter part ot this wck. James
Brcnnemsn's new brick store building
oa Main gtreet. Is up to the first story
snd will ba ready for occupancy by the
first of July. J. H. Pries will start
Monday on the erection of a warehouse
for his Implements. . The building will
ba arxsa, two stories, of brick. Henry
Anderson Is- having plana drawn for
brick store building, aa Is slso ths Senilis
Brewing company. Ths Krug Brewing
company will start Ihls . week on
twe-story brick building with two store
rooms, Msny new houses are slso being
built. '- . - .--.
Young Woman Seeks
to' ..End Her Life for
Man's Faithlessness
' Suspecting her sweetheart of Infidelity
and suffering from a tit ot ths blues,
Vtrgluia Bherwood. aged H. a soomer la
ths apartments at Sixteenth and Howard
streets attempted lo take her lite about
U P) o'clock last Sight. She swallowed
six permanganate ot poetah tablets., ss
he beard her erring loer and a com
panlon enter an adjoining room. 1
H. J. Kolkrtte of rta buc-ge street, whom
the police say ass the girl's sweetheart
notified the police snd Dr. El wood, a
alstant poltrs surgeon snd several officers
hurried to ths hotel. Thev succeeded in
resuecltstlng the young woman. .
Ths annual banquet of the Cretghton
Literary society waa held last night st
ths Paxton hotel. Twenty-five members
wars present snd Prof. D. I lie key was
honorary gueet. After the banquet In
teresting talks were msds by a number
of the members Gerald La Vlolette
aeted as tosaimsster.
James C. Hart net t talked on ths sub
ject, "Men of Power." "At the Turning"
ass Ins subject of sn address by Leo
McCarthy and Oerald La Vlolletta talked
at length upon "Old Men and Jim." Ed
wards Jaspers spoke on "Our Ideal" and
Maurice Orler paid a tribute In verse te
the society. Ben en Meyer tslked
"Our Mission" aad Thomas Martla en
Sixty members of Omsha Mssonle
lodges sgreesbly surprised Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Shook, Us Park avenue, last
nirat. ths occasion being the twenty-fifth
anniversary of their nsarrtsge. Thsy ap
peared at the Shook home at I o'clock
and until a late hour .ell made merry.
Bright new silver dollars were given Ike
impromptu sgsUA -
Bluffs .and Omaha' ,
, v (Teacher Wedded
Interest will be awakened In Council
Bluffs hnd Omaha by tha announcement
of the marriage of Miss Margaret J.
Wallace, one of the best known and suc
cessful teachers In III Council Bluffs and
Omaha public schools.. Miss Wallace be
an ma the bride ot J. T. Gallagher, a
business man of Bock Point, Ore., where
Miss Wallace went a year or mors ago
to look after Investments msds by her
self and others in 'Oregon fruit lands.
After being attracted from the Council
Bluffs schools by ths higher salary paid
In Omaha. Miss Wallace mad a fin ree
ls one of lb successful manual
training teachers. Mr. Gsllsgher Is mana
ger of the "Del Rio Orchards," a TOt-acr
pear orchard at Rock Point. They will
live at Del Rio.
Lacy Fox. a fluffy colored damsel, who
It as wily aa ths animal namesake, was
arrested last night by Detectives Fleming
and Dunn for rellevins Frank Oustafton
of Kearney ot MS. Oustsfsoa Is a printer I
whs admitted that he ought to have known I
better, but ha explained being In com
pany with ths dusky one by telling Cap
tain Dsmpsy whst "rollln' eye" shs had.
The money waa not recovered.
A. Peterson. MS Lincoln boulevard, told
the police (eat night that his boras snd
buggy, which ba had left st Eighteenth
and Vinton streets, had inen stolen. The
animal Is a valuable black one and with
the buggy Is worth several hundred dol
lars. At midnight It had not been re
covered. , i
some rfiW2Z0 t
-m12 :Kw
y Y audi !gip hi, a
.f ' - - -Venial 3nn'
jf'jjfYZ I krjr tKat is properly agsdV
t Xqfrf&jty A. beer tKat. will riot .cause .
Teyax jf jr a tiliousness. - A beer tKat is in-
" fl exactly. tKa sama condition' as .'
' ... rkJjjj wKen it left'. tKa. brewery.
sv TKa Brown Bottle keeps it
' It w 2. i ' eo. LiilKt cannot Karm ScKlitS ' ,
PsYHyy v in Brown Bottles. ; '
' sw Jn , ScKlita in -Brown ..Bottles
K v V ' costs you no more tKan beer ia
rjLSS." SchliU Bottled Ber Capet li III Iw lxifM !' '''
M M ear- ST aas- pw- at .aSV
The Beer
That Made Milwaukee
See that erown or cork
u braadti '"Schtilz."
Feorfal SlaasBter
of deadly microbes occurs when throe t
snd rung dieesses are treated with Dr.
King's New Discovery. He snd For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
A Moat Valuable r ood
The original Durum wheat was crown
en the banks of the Black Sea. and be
cauas of Ita rtchnese In gluten lies al-
waya been used by the Italians for the
erasing or macaroni Tne c a Astirui
tu raj Depertrneni imported some of the
beSt wpeelroens dT this Durum wheat
snd tested it out When they found
He right soil snd cllmetlc conditions
they produce-l the finest Durum whsat
S in worio.
From thle wheat, so rich In nourish
ing element, Faust Macaroni la made
For thle reason Fsust Macaroni la the
meet nutritious food of sll and. best of
II, It contains thst nourishment In the
most easily m seated form, it ia ail
food, good food without waste.
raust Macaroni ia a cheap food. too.
so package will make the principal
part or a n.eai ror a lamny or rive Ht
ill take tne piece ot many tlmss Its
rslus la meat
Use more Feuet Mscaroal and cnt
your butcher bills In half and he bet
ter reo. too. ah geoe oeaiers sell rauet
Macaroat fcc and ISe packages. Write
for our free Book of Keclpee.
tU g. Xosag Avaeasa. at.
1 A S ML . - . se
I ime
r ;-- rv,. c
r ..: i
hi . 7
'''-jy ' ' '' - -eF"-' &f' ., . , . -r & 1--- . i .'-
SWWoSKIW,Vtaa- ..
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t iii a si is i iii . i ..ii is, i .. M-i.ana.1 aa, a i n ,i i V, H i ' n
Summer Tourist
Excursion Rates
From Omaha Yl
Via -
Illinois Central
To Dtitinations in
Connecticut, Mune, Mevssacliusetti,
Michigaii, New Hampshire, New York,
Ohio, Vermont and points' in Canada.'
- For Tickets, Reservations and Detailed
Information call on or address ' '
rUrtr-rssM Hi; Wtpt itrt klUi
Home circulation brings advertising returns
The Bee reaches twice as many homes as any other Omaha psper, :-1
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