Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE; OMAHA MONDAY, yAY 20. . 1912.
S17U Ken Fail to Sidetrack loin
Hie VrWa Ar Tel Barllar)
twiwi Tai rata ia T
Deadlock at fatfHs at
'- V.f M, ---V- ?;'
-iTrim a. Sta.'t CorfesDooenO
KS MOlNEilar I, tSpclal. Tha
wtHm ot th Osaiorreiie cosvea-
tion. bald .e' si Buranctenv as
sure ta.eJeii,ion,W Ju4te" 7thrtln. J
vdii at Iowa iSrtp ta be the fowa ma-
bar of the dwgmiii national commlte
tee. TiB wad 4r m pf ttw'tjr
portu. nttsnjatnvers. thoajh
It didrBot so appear en u surraos.
.. tar dumber of -tit tiiwiui' of th
tat bpiBf.r ff"t fr Meat of
Wad. .-He. fcd JMtU -Of the "cold
twwwl' never fully MeMlOet with
the Bryan wine of lb party. rboocb
recast yean oull frlendlr with Bryan.
He ni ar1tnlV7 sehMted for a place oa
the eoormlttea.over the protest ef the
Bryaa people.' Now the delegation
woe as of maa who have laraelr beep
opposed to Brrea m t& pestr and Wad
ia aura of re-elertVm.
The deleaattoa la ana aat aipi atalaf ep-
poaad to tha aendasUsa o( Brys at
thia tlsse,' M ! aUny of tho. h
ia the past have foucht Bryaa bow say
that be t the IBfteal oandldat, provided
too republican coBventleq make It nee.
eary. The ffort to fet semeUilnr Into
the atat convention' favorable-a Bryaa
railed, out tb Bryan booster were mi
fled that they lacked the element of Hnss
lutea m (Iretr acrteno i and oucht to
wait aatn the aemoeraele aaNonal
vein B daalloclied before they afar
at far a dark hers movement. There
la little doabt that W Champ Clerk aHa
of aoauaatiaa and Ihor la a c bancs (or
Bryaa. be oa sec am of-tae
dele tlsa. perhaps all of It.
Akaoact th saaim art ho aWiocela
Htti oaavsntkss lor eon tret wa lively
aaa, II la mated ay tka dexeooraU
Mthbsc trsaaslnl t prat the party
preaanxlna salted treat ta Ike
Salt tkia yean. U aa develop
that than, la altar lack at latoraot In
H bar at or oonyreejtanal aaadldaloJ
aanoac ta daiosrsli bene nee at aeaeraJ
belief that thejr wUl atand a aao
escusa BOOT tt pjimanr, , ; , , . ;
Bcvafd ale eh at I Maa.
A nvaxtsi In lew Retail
Mercbaata- Um bum
Oeacere sassi.aus will e hold la Cll.
toa Ula week, with awatbor frss all
away Us at araieai, It la wpoeted
there wtU b W er mere preeect Thar
rtU a ae ezpealtteo at lewa anad and
Pure od Broduet. klaoy. Of to Bier.
cbanU wtU CO la lenlnc cafe, which
anil BeaaUn at OtoUtri durlu lh on.
eUos Jar. Ulr W. a Ula tHf Bill h
Bnr'dd., . ,., ..
eel deaaeoaltea AaUwo.
The Bwy fanaad Beef Breodor'
MatioB baa beea octiv i reeeal sxaib
la atartam work of iacouraa-m lb
avoaueiioa t oeei oawi in low. Tb
BeaoaUatoa aa field OH In tb aeraoa
of Re Brrtaford and pUn are helnf
laid for. a auaymitn duilrtd the Nmmer
and tali: tbat.'Blli HV ih aaef tatUe
bnotneea J, ti toerrt , Tfo'thfot tai yr
B aow ia t rafpett in the Baal.
CWa- Aaaaoy Kaaaa nr.
Tbo otat oriaea on tukorauloei
' atattM
acala IMr Um year oialnH tl fcouae fly
Md I rt hrwavuiii to undertak
tb himn -0ft -he-me early In tb
Tbla work at lUrrlnc up eentl
r hliHa h ft baa eolv
uBoa-tn fuaarauBMai oeportraoat. reav
hmie arVIMemtaS In'tB ouaioet.
The oventy-tkwd aanaal aaratlB of
tb Ceajrnaallunal there bee at Iowa win
be Bold tela week, owaiiii and TweancB.
at dfharWa Oty. Baajar LoavrU at WaMrt
leo Win a the bii maet Nebemfee
Boyaton at Broektyn, nvxtefminr at the
aaUonal body, WIU apeak aa nxataraa.
JanaWaen aad ta Maw Day.- M. B. die.
attaraay tar to anra Aaa-BeJaea aaawa,
M ta wDl nan lattalauoa
to t r proittanfry. k i rr ataM. Ihe
orator, wm laoM all tka BUaMart
at !
A rooo'te
' aaw anttk IHtoMt ot ta Varied
Btataa dlatrlet eoert will a kaad dew
hi oplnloa la the H eeot r cbaaaary
oocfaaoa at Aoaart O. ' aiea of
ytnaaueu. Jatiat-anam
roled that ta enpw et Da ktatat
are entitled a a returoen at M aa
ta arta at tea. 'Wheioer a aectsee (or
the cHy or dettar aaa, either th etty er
tt a eonipaay wtn epoeal direct to ibt
Baa wtU set liaai rr(l wnia Mw
ku aaurt aa rated oa, Ik Mnr of Ibi
lotne ooaie. .
Barly Vleeie-' Baoo' IrarrteaC
' fcve at th ttht fdrty bMttaT orratt
on th low tat fair' Uot ot
race far the Uii enpnetttan fillet with
tlx taryedt iron bar of entrle are ra-
eerred la the auk rn at tb fair,
aeeordlat I th 01481111 If 1 H
Ceroy, eaeioUiy at th atat aeord at
Th only weant that, tolled be tl b the
t-year-eid aaa. WkMh wdl a tuid oft
' Kntnea to Ui r etak ooaat oloatd
Bay IK Th tabulation at tka eettta
tatalni wa Maiiiinl toaay. .
etal T)earBL-Th Knlcbia at Clua
bue Wtlatfd , elan of fifty here today.
laaradiM away preouneat .haaliim and
rotoMoal reea Irani erntrei and aarta
ara tow. Blf delecatlen attaadod from
Badfa rwe. Maoow City. Port Ewd-,
Waawtba, Dwut parroll, Maa,
ttaraaalllowa aad Booa. .
' BKXTt ftU,' M. IX. Way lh-faW
ataLb-Whon tb rank ot to aalry
P wf bM-ear pbwper waa takea
kxsl Peltr beadqnarwr It wa at.
aoed that ene at k tara wa (he peo
aeeaar 0 a ecruaed ebeok far JVB.'
Th owner ot tb ebeek wa Wunsai Alriaa. Mian, bet
" Iatir-t Ultbmor BfiCvHara.
. O. Th eertiOed check balanced W
hint. Jnr betac e aata of Weallh. a ap
pear that O-Deoooll'i nimrlial p.
cotwaw Irhaowa aa betcc laaaabai
niteerly. Father h expertd fh wiianj
eceejary to kc rt a lwtri. he arieeted
box ear In the railroad yard and ap
parent i Mywmc ttw ;rad oh.
tort th ear afforded' rha tb piie
triad tbiir daily ronadoe nue aua.
aoditioa te tbe eertitled check QDa
ait,h4 CJi.ta eaja.. .
' , ' ' i'1 ,!
Feraetmt Adrertlatnc !a the Read kg
Class of Nineteen
at Broken Bow
. BRCHtBfl BOW.-Kea, la SaWBpe-
ctai-Th Broken Bow hlcb orheol eonv
mencenient oocarred on mday pltit- at
th. oBera.-honm rOntK.Btat ruperln-
tendent R- L Elliott of Uncoln deltrered
the comrnencement nddrese. Previous to
hi atata appointment, Mr.' Elliott
connected with the 1912 clue for three
yen,' auperlnundrotof Broken Bow
rhool and haturaBy took much Interest
In K. . . .
Puperintondent S. ' H. Martin made
the clM prearntat.lon.aod Pmatdrnt A-'H.
Humphrey :of ;'th .board of education
presented. UM dlptomaa. The members of
the rtaes ara; Beatrk hi. Greene. Lacy
SprlncstuR. Lovlee. Marlon Ledvlclr.
Mory -Nedra .Bowman., Alberta Fern
Fodc. Ina "May- Davis. Byron' (fordo
Hay. Joseph El wood Palmer. Ckp Leslie
Diets. Helen - Louise MeCbntas. Roena
lone Roaeom, Lulu Louis Taylor. David
Olenn Heller. Llda Franc' Beck with,
Forrest Wells. John M. Jeffords,
C-arenr Armstrons. Elisabeth.'. Weith,
Rita D Cslmce frwwney. . , . -
(Continued front First Face.)
the utmost eleaxaes that hi dectolo
wa th result of hi wa Brseal read
ing ot the : whole record. statement
which was eonfrary to lb facta.
"When i "the tnt voted as Inquiry
th political Importano of hartat; the
public remain lenorant that th white
wash, letter bad been drafted la pelluv
fcr's office and that be himself bad not
reed th rldenc on January 7 lA h
answered th popular demand tort Infor
mation aa expressed la th senate's crdo-
hitloa. ' -
He deliberately suppressed th Lwlr
rnemorandun upon which his dwiiloo
was based and cent to th senate ta lis
plao a brief stcned by Attorney General
wickeraham dated tw day prior 10
th president's decision of the case te
September , which was about three menis
before I was actually ptspantd. at
afterwards discovered and proved before
th InvaaUcatlnc rsaimlttsa ay Louis V,
Brandel that this brief put In evidence
by th president before th senate of th
United Stale a basis of the decision
rendered by th executive a judc In
th. ClIevts-BaUlncer case, wa not In
existent at the' time Mr. Taft rendered
hia decQoa;' at""lSat'' Una Mr. Wser
Slir laf hf mss y ths vUeao;
that the. brief had' aeaa .wrlttea attar
Olavis had been rtUred to prlvau Ufa by
Mr. Tat uuat dectsloa,"
Bwoooeelt B Blla4 BoJIol.
DELAWARE, O . May .-'Thre 1
but ene feattu of th eotlr Ohio sttua
Ua which make aas aavol any doubt u
all." ld Colonol fVtoeevalt hers todari
' bhki Id th fot at Ui BUnd halM
W tried to hav th republican. tat
central committee put ob th ballot th
name ot Mr. Taft. Mr. La Fet let t and
myatlf. ' Th Menmltte refused becaust
did not went yen to express 'your
far, Th committee haltered It
aM foot- yv aad i want yaa to
I waata t flat rk kedor yeu t
Ma In biath wb ta RaeaoveM aaadl.
t. slew, mlad yowt yeu won't
Bud air loess en th hallo Te
Bud St Wief herd Ik Taft manaaer
. BooaBorto Aoae Tatt.
WA1H1NQT0N. May MMtmasi
ooataiaJac arlioa of a letter from fort
mar Altaraey Oeneral Boneicvt In wktea
ay loat Mr. Toft, ad atorslary of
war, toe prt In tha oabawt saestlas
at whlab It wa decided to wttkkalt prose.
bob of the lalsnuiltoaeJ Harvester ooss
paay hoosuaa at th aureaa at asrpsnv
tlona lnvstiUon. was lsud by lea lor
PBio tree th Rssssvelt Mtloaal head.
tosrtasa today. Th tatement teek th
somt at aa answer to thai Issued front
h Whit iimpmi Mt asyht by charle
. i-uwm, eereiry to in freSMenl
"Bathing aioto assateabl and decrsdln
haa ever oesirred In the hlatorr of Amee.
waa pelltlce." tha statement said, "tha
lh attempt at Mr. Taft through delta.
rato. kwtnf aad sastamot falsehood
misnprassnt th tacts roaardtnc tha
a at th tnternattoneJ Harvester onm-
P"y aa to avaid pnwtal naponstbttny
tar sanaotloa In tha oourth by th twr-
Riawa aanmal thai company. The stmt.
aauat a th Whit Houee hu
atctit I but a rec of mandaetty that has
ebaraetorkral ta OMtr utterance aa Ik's
Tha tools -tbeeasarve. at wklek Mr.
Taft la andtoiably awara aad brhioh ar
sepahle f eemplete dsiistaatiaU, shew:
That atr. Tart w
that b ot war? had tuM hnowtotf
to ! r u ok dtesdiai pan
in etrpiasissa.
"Tkat the sens', span aajna- s
awar at tha UaaUaa ay tsesinr rlaas-
sfouca. duttmwly satusod w atop la av
voaUf atiea, by th bar at eerperaileno
ad permit Ik Papartanat ot JasUe to
ahead with II prosecution.
"That Senator Haaabrouch. aa
veterata opponent of lh barvesur cora-
pany. wa Um first ataa to b adrlssd at
in at leattoa Vy th wremey mmtnt aad
that h BaaMdtataly attamptod to ateura
aet Ion by th senate which would permit
th dsparUBMit I pacta court proceed-
Trouble Ajdobw Caieta Caiued 07
Idllj sTrmmo- Tfjlre
teafaaloaj Aatoae; Tw Cosapaaic
Assists CoaeiderwUe Peat a to
WhethCr Offfewr Dloetpltaed
, War Sallry. . . ,
. From a Buff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb, May l.-(8pec!aJ.-Wlth
the return to the dty of the uni
versity cadets the facts cnncernlns the
events which led up to th court inertia!
and request for th sword of Captdla
van Dusen aad Lleatonaata Wood aad
Kennedy ar oomlnc out and ranch yn
pathy la expressed tor the thro Mean
aad a naovusont Is already oa foot
obtain their relnstatsenent
Th tiaahl all appears 1 hav started
over a bib ordered by fJonraaandaat
Tate. Th OTonhut before the
had danced until a hua boor, ta ac
sica belBC th hop which ess th ctathu
ana prime sod! feature of lh acamp-
ment.,. This lollowirui a streououa Um m
camp, at whlnh th reculatlon had ba
wueh mere .Mrlo; than eomman. found
tho embryo akller both Urd and la
a somewhat ruffled frame of mind, wbtg
tb alrnal w unexpecteirry riven for a
Mka at f a. a. ther war mutlerlnc of
dlsoxmioat, which crew louder a . tb
march protreaocO.
Trra Cwasswalos Mixed Vm.
Tb company over which the not) sod
oftioArs td ooramand became mixed ap
wl(o soother throuch the medium et the
darknsa and a harped wtr fence, and
Juat about tola tlm Commandant Yato
walked hack dowB the it.. Mm board
sosno dooldedly aacompUmentary yamarks
eoaoornln hrmaelf Sid also noticed the
r Incident to tho ontanclement
with lh wtr tone. He called th off!
or to a sid and was taiklnc to them
when Pme ot th privates heaved a few
clod in hi direction, one of thorn strlh
mc tho. commandant It wa for this
disorder that tb offlosr were kroucbt
to book on a oharc of failure to main
tain order In their company. -
todeata aayri I by a awaa
tola, that th uncomplimentary remark
or the clods were hurled by members ot
tho company of the accused, but that
the members of snot her company took
occasion of lh mlxup to turn th trick
irora too raaka at aha irnl company.
TH report of C. J. Smyth of the ex.
snsea ot lb Woodraw WlrOB .a
paln disclosed that Jerry Howard re.
eoread ITJi for his labor la wrttina- th
of a - tar number t seefclruf
houps employe to th primary petition
of Judc Wssureer. Tb petition showed
several paces et names to one bandwrttlnf
Jarry aiplelaed It by aaylae;
whoa ka weal mreock th pacaliui alaaU
ta panda at ta ma war creasy
he did the wrtttac at th requert et th
Wsass lertee 'AMeca. -
HarttoM Rood, who wa released from
tbo penitentiary since tbo ktHlnC of
Deputy Warden Dsvls h February, bids
fair to return. Its wa brootat la from
Valparaiso tnd Indeed In Ml by Sheriff
Hyera chr,d WlIB attaofcinf Mrs. Maud
Tost, widow resldtna near Raymond.
tbla county. Mrs. Toot, acqordlne to th
lory, was Mb us-necloue by her aa
silab"' Tb afUlr ceurie4 A'doss
day. but th offleiala war not netuied
U Ksed hat mad his aoap aad k
kot kxwMd until lata laat bum.
la Bald to hav boasted that bt
turnhrhod Albert trtaca lb keif wRk
whisk h killed Dan and Wed aeid far
trial oa that share. M was la th
Uneern Jafl lor ttaw o that chary.
but wa released n his own rec-skunc
because th oounty attorney waa eoa
vlnoed ther wu not sjufrtetmt evidence
to coavwt. , Bo kl rla front j0
Reed had hem worhlnc aa the Tost
place, stood told hortft Itysra thtt It
la ever taken, back to th peniten
tiary tbora will be nor traubl at lh
Oroup N. t of th fbrsk Banker
assoclauon will meat Tiwaiay at th
Unaola beta) la, (hi city. A mo tut Ihe
1 at lh asaston will p Prof. J.
LawaBc LauchllB at Chioaco salvenlty
Kiminel Writes to "
m DrWoo4"of (hnaha
CHJCAGha. May M.-DT. . Ooorve .- W.
hOtchU at Feorta, toraMr chief at staff
at, tka IWaato Oenoval Iaaaasr asyluaa
dearth aWHsarrUM, ntt Sr. Lasaa WUdar
today reaorted to mental test to
tannine the Identity of the patient who
declare he I Georc A. KlmmeL
Dr. atltcben waa fnvttod to axako any
tost be desired and) chess the .mental.
Klmmel waa ked to apoU seveaty-flv
word, which he did Mcceestullr. mla
spelllnc but one. rnarate." la which h
used aa "a." Ha tsUlasy exptoirted that
as a youth that word wa always
stumbunc block. Bd wa bItob tests ia
translatlea at Esailah tato LaUn
Latia ta Bnlkd. .
Th toat Ouarluced Drt Mitchell that
Klmmst had bee tollmc th- truth' and
tkat the "operatle br aacoess. 1
Today 'Klmmol" West bis seoood letter
too tbo operation. It waa to Dr. Wood
at O ha, who had wrlttea "Mm not to
put too nock atralB upon bar brain until
Bator had repaired rt InjoyUa.
Qirl Drowned; but.
Youth Who Stands
in Canoe is Saved
Mart Brace, a student of Cornell col
s, at Muat Vernon, who family
recently removed there from Crawford.
rtli. - Ittd., wa drowned at th" Pall.
sads. twerre nrlres bekrw that- dty thtt
arnooa. Jossph ' Lode of - Colorado
Bprtn, Colo., a fslisw - student, nearly
lost hi llfa 1
Um Brae,' acalnat ' her mother1!
wlshea. It is said, accepted an Invitation
to co banoelnc with tb younc man.
In an attempt to insert b their name
on a cliff, he stood up in the eanoeand
It waa upset. He 'waa picked up by .pa.
other boat, but th body of Mis Brace
waa not found for eeverat houra after
ward.. . j .
- J i-
Holdups Get $1,700
From Circus Wagon
ROCK 8PRIK0B. Wyo., May lPTk
achat wacu at otrwe was held ap and
rsbhsd har today at fd.Na, Th sakbar
arrived a tha ouw crouad aooa after
th bow started and after tahrcc th
money acapsd Into to mountain.
BLOOktriRliD. Neb... MV ft-ttp-
cual) Rev. FatHer J. O. MeNamara. pas
tor of Pt. Andrew' Catholl chk hard
far tha past twetv. yaar. sift Friday for
throe month' - trip through . Europe.
Ho will visit relative at Winner. Neb..
and at Chlcaco for a couple of week.
He and hi father, Jsme Mrjlamara of
WUnerIU sail from New fork, on 'Jup
A crowd ot hi pexUhlonsra semMd
t hUt .harn last alcht, aad surprised
htm by preeentlne him with a vary co.
erou purs. . Dr. Mullen nad th pro.
aentatna speecb and reviewed th splea-
work tkat Fathe. McNamar .had
doa ia this pariah since bra coovlud psr
waive yar aca. Jal her ,VU Naraar IP
poauiat and selovod; maa 1 this oors
- X?t? sr.x
j iI. 'i--.: I ---- -
In Tu)6 Months the Gillette
- , ... .... . ; J .r 1 - ... ... . . '
Razor Sav
ed a New York
Man $11,80 ,
a Btaft Oonsspsdt)
WA8H1NQT0N. Dl C. Mar BW
tl eWs-rm Ben to Bpawai said k
h bad kitissit t War
Nikeaata Hsbjkl aa
O ktorkat that tha
Ukary to be 14 BP aa Moaaay. bew-
karo. Tka Lorlener ram aulas hi
rnaha Ma iwpsst M Say.-
In us th
aavtotod tkat tka wrtooaa to snch
trance asaras Lirlisn the tt aa at
tka Brat ertol aad Peel H bt duty to
kav bis veto iii asdit. '
V. H. Pried aad rtP frsmmt are
tka dry th tweets of Bi si'isiulenv
tona. Mr. aaa Mrs. Frwd are to
start for Barop la a lew day to remain
tar seen BsMtk. .
Th wmnH aluiiM at Indian sfraif has
offered Levi Levtnf at Pwuder, a Poettlon
aa tearher la the Eufala radtaa chooi
ta Ohiahonta. .
Mis Eta Hwaerto at Bel lev ha assa
elected by th tupeelalcadwat at sehoois
of Porto Rtc for a peattioa oa that
krlsad."" " - . . v. . . .
F. U OalUcher, a banker of Roasits.
hu beta ta WasMtfytoa tor a tew day.
U left for Now Terk tonlckt.
heaided fcr Steam.
.by a flro. apply Bw fee's
hrnjc Balv. Cade Ptles. too, end the
worst sore. Guarantied, Only S toat.
For set by 'Beaten iruc Ca.
ALUAKTI. Web., May t.-(9pial.r--
Mra. France Parker etruppor, mother of
Mrs. R. T. Watson, dlod Sunday after
noon at th advanced s of at roar.
Funeral service were conducted by Rev.
Mr. War, asstotef by Rev. Mr. Baker.
after which lh body, was token to fea
rer for burial. Mr. Brrupper leave tour
children, Mr. M. L. Pharea of BsWae,
pnrt. Nek.: Mr, g. t. Watasa at Spade.
Neb : Oeorr Parkto ot Puyallup. Wash.,
and Mr. K T. Waawa of tfcla city, and
Irueband. T. J. Srrappar. sis at this dry.
With tb aswMach at tk elestaa at the
All Mac putrll ch4 toaay veat an
beont crowded tot tk few day kitsr
vesAnc. th Brat bewi th Bmssr tontor
banquet ttaturday aldht at la
1 was et a th Phstaa
1 aua Be near. Thv 4UBal bsnsust
BLOOUFTEtJO. Kh.. Msy .-8pecll.i
"Tha, Northeast Rear asks ' hich School
meet wa. pulld off her Frldsy beforb
tore crowd. Th Omaha ralh-okl ra
. apoeUI trafn of six coaches frora
Wakefield to Bloom field. The so
; Bloomtleld. KVj; Whyn: V.
Wakefield. Mi Randblph, Uf, "Laurel,
Wakefield. It; Hssilnr,' ; Crelchtda.
i flalnvlew. Osmond. V The cold
medal, foe th most Individual pornta,
wa won by Ray Ankeoy of Laurel and
th sliver raoda by. Plbya' Kim ' at
BlootanaidV .V . '
eaawSBBSaMBB . I
HART1 KOTON, - Neh, Msy hVfSp.
claD-Tha KalcbU ot -Columbus Initialed
a class of over seventy candidate la
this city today; Th order attended maa
at Holy Trinity sburch ta k body this
moraine aad thia f uvrnooa th Initiatory
exercise took pise In th lode halt
Thia evenlne a banquet was bald at
which Arthur Mullen of Lincoln mad
lh address of tho day oa AawrtcA
oltiaenahtp. Th Kalcht at Columbu
hav recently moved Into thtfr sew OL.
OB huUdtnc. .
May B, to sradua-
ttoa. sislssj Tkurstoy valnc afay M.
aad the rswtty and atshtk arad sra4ua
texa oxsrctoi rrktoy aXteraooa at V
PhsbiB sen ksass. Th caawasmeemant
address mm be glvaa br Oovornor C U
Aalrtoh, .-.
Tfc.aaatto at ehare at entertain
ment tor tho toclursowar' convention fc
SMklse eerery effort to secure th pra-
ear darwc Ik soavvntloa of the Twelfth
Vaitod Btatea oavslry. 1. K. Task spent
yestarday at Fort Root neon eeafemnc
wltb Celoaei C, H. Murray to rcrd to
brtnsinc th troops bare, hut could to-l
cur a vary declerv answer for the r-
aa that th radment at under order te
do tareet practlc oa th eavi
date and also to sold Itself ia readme
t proceed to tho Mextcaa border. My.
Task preswasd that th tercet pat'Uts
should ho don at AlBswea. as B wauM
b very kslarestlnf ta th trtliesi well
aa visttora to tjt apvntloa. Tba Fort
WeCowk Feed Star Burned. ' ,
X'COOU Neb.. May n.wSpeclal.-rtr
Biht mornlnc destiojsd' the two-story
tee tr of A. V. Oreec. The s k
boat ?., covered y insurance, w
ws with ersat difficulty that' the Motel
across tb street and adjctnln' Botldtncs.
war save. Mr. Oreec s family lived to
th asooad story ot th feed Si ere. Most
of th furnttu.- wa saved. Th orleln
of tk Br B sot definitely kaowa. but
R Is said tha alas was started by a
park treat a nearby chimney.
O. A. tlmassaa. wh for th last three
years baa hesa see of the treated
play so t th Borlloxto weQ as aj
araoat warksr for th betterment et ta
dtr. haa dlapowd of hu) now heme and
wltk hi wtf will Shortly leave for Waoa.
Tax-. Where Mr. Res sea WIU ttlr op Ms
studies ta th Baptist mires preparatory
to hi entente th silnWtry. ,
" ' v 1
e toee of M aide r.
Brow of this dty I udec rret here
rharced with murder at Madisnn. In.,
laat winter. A alleeed eeoarpltas,
wheo name te net seven, ks heinc p-e-eued
by wffloai of tola oounty. Urowa,
who la a earpenter and has lived heee
for the mt three yar. dnte an mewl
ed et th ward. In lent (fiais
are expereed here In a day er .aaa at
tak the prisoner to that etal
fWmmeaeesseat at
OVERTON, Neb, May nWHperrel.t
Tha Overton Hlch school bold R six
teenth samnd cemtoericernetit xercls
Friday overiTnc. May If.', Th craduatos
er Bert Koran, Bertha Crandan. Cleda
Botia. Roosllt Prt and Max Hny. Ca-
mencemenl week kecka wlfk tha junior-
ssnlar baaouet, Msy Th class stay,
"Th Elopement f Elleo." wa ctvsn
Hay H, Fnoay morrJmt The class hkld
skua day wrcsss sad preseatsd tb
kick school with st eiertrl bell rrsteos
aad a reoet of -Washlnetoa Croestnf the
Dokjwar.- , r.'
Shaving Had Cost Him 20 Cents Every Day For 10
, . : iv'V'H,.0'
1 .SniaD sums paid out iarly iribunt up big: in the long run.
Statistics sho-vV. that the enormous increase In Gillette users
accounts for a substantial additioato bank deposits of thousands
of men all over the country.. , . . . - ,' : "
Money that used to spent for shaving' is. placed' now to the-'
credit of tho Ijousehpld -to buy necessities, property, hemes, clothing:
: .aWdluxiirieis.'"..:; :XM''.V.,.;."i;:-.;;' -:
For years men resented the expense of being shaved. v But they .
, couldn't give tho time to shave themselves with the 'ordinary xuwr--
. with the fuss of stropping 4md4ioning'a similar nuisances. :' :
-., .The-.Gillette'was what men :wantec an: easy, safe, quick, con- '
venient shaye ad tho cost so snL scarcely worm figuring. '
; . What the Gillette Will Do .;';.Qillette-wffl 8avc you time and money
'" for Yciu ' " .r??" ; . .
' ' , Whatever your shavii UUtt may f ; 1
no matter how tender yrjur . kin op tt'Z
and wiry your beardf the Gillette vl- ft regularly a you wash your,
no wry your rxara, .WTO,wuiMew iTbe convenience and' simplicity -
. Itvvgivcyoua.hght-haye . .V'T-
'shave (cloeer than .bca-bfiaregiv'1' : -
k "tod-mat"' ar hdv.rTherrrfk ftW'ritrrtrS.''"- tmirlrrny nil the r.iiw.'t- Llir V '
f V . . " , sF " -w W a-r "ld 1 T f' m vw lUMUW H4 VWIIIIW ,
. llt,hohmllg?. .Zl'r r-JUidnomyithouMbintbeh
4ette and you.ffl 4eartf tittle. y r- .ffi2aS?,Tt?f .V 5. ' '
Bhavrvdimnlifvinff trK-th everv'ilnT vntV- tf
, ' - S-r -w ' i uun, xu tuyui
We it. , s ' -. ,;
.' The' wonder of the Gillette "l it
adaptabilityrHhe. way It meet, iflSivi1
Herds. i .. - i -.,' t--j. i
; The very. nt tune you aes b GiUetfa In a
toee windav 4q in and talk to the nuui about it.
n.Rkamina the raeof buy it taJtd it hotne. -'
s'Sfamlaf$S.wOtrvywhefe. . v
'Pocket eHiHrtna. Tnfl tntfi em ' -
Every man's' face la l,TvV TwytifctV and lewista tets. So.00 to ts&ML
beard la Individual hi the way 4t growa -3..CilJttt' Blades, packet of tiz (lz .having
anditJrfiavingTequirement ... 'S "j14 ?,nn "pUted o'twtM
The adent of the dl&tte Stn
auit 'your beard and, yQurVddh. ;.The .trfthehawtagk, tT. .-( .7 ! .
- 0 kaaxaw ' "
aBBt , , 4 4tbb.
aSbjw . )!.
No HoninJ
a . t,'
- M '
J! 1
Base Ball
nounjtE PArni
T t. u, i, aa. ,i
frlday. hlsr IT tf. .
BJ.-mdar. Mav M, lutes' fVr
Cass 4ea Ittk aad Pferwass.- 4
- Ooeass ealled I IS
EfcUrtainer. A Phaio Playa
mi mnwam
blD&o atAodation
Firit to ylniiir aiicen victim of Titanic disaster.
J- A. - -..i a.. VsT wlal 1
. ' . .'. r.fe .-.
I 1 'V K r ' '...'"J Jl JJ , ,, J. .11" ii
FacufniU U$50OO.09 cltck paU to mother of W. F. Hoyt.
who was tt paatmngtf evrlVa ill-fated ittamthip Titanic
' " .'" .i. - C , -v- ' ', .... .
The I lL A., is owned and managed by traveling men exclusively.' "
Membership 97,000
- .'
Surplus 59,wwanr."
... Vr" far fkilaee
Coat of Irsuraace $9.00 a wear