7. iff What is the ROUKKES DEFEAT DEKYER H&nuner Two Pitchers A.11 OreiPirk s far Fifteen Hita. ,' j HICXS AIX0W8BCT SIX 'HITS Ouk' l.ltfl seenkeaisr Has ' . y.verythlag Vey, bat " , : la Lalte Pari ef6aaae ..v; : a . aw, $-- Omaha, 14: Denvsr. I ., ft Raufk' tlta Are,natr ' as awful drubbing M tk chacapion ytc. day afternoon I the third cam ef in hMm and gal'ifped off vita th Ian wit 'of a 14 t t sedr. T Davr tunarf mn fkiMid far t utal of flftara hUa iwaHa llttl Harry Hick let to Bean i arm wltk Mt uf mn. Klk ha thi Ml n "T an Dot m avail a imbKnra of a hi oMU ' rh fifth laalnr. wha ha ailawal tk i flrat aafa klncla . Omaha waa ttiaa all runa to tha oo). ana arhaai thT cam kTOM with aKM avra la tka aaat thraa Inateta tha youna Muthnaw lat a aa ka baoden tna the Batra tat ft aim frta for a total af thra talbaa. , Uonar4. tha ounft. liarr'a eaUatt altrhar wha waa aurckaaai fraaa tha Saiton fua aoi br Jack M aadrkki, mriad tha lama. Ht laata four liuilan and la that tlma was feammaras from oaa kad of tha aark ta tha athar for a t4al nf aavta fcita and aU' rana. Harrla waa iha Bxt vlotln aixl tha Ttavrkaa aaacaaa thair hlta la tha flfih and aavantb .ana nada aKht Mora ruaa. Tha gama waa thaa aa tea far Omaha and Hanarlckrl daeioad Dot ta waata aaothar attaaar. Paaa Vara Oat Ka Maaaa, , ,.Tha laraatrenrwd af tha aiaaon turnad out ta wtinaaa tha noma taaat arla Ant tha turnatlla at tha (ta raflatarat ,. Tha high wind which ttartaw Mewlnt - rlj' In tha aftarnoaa had no tarrora for lt taral enea, ana anca tnalda tha aark th wind waa hot had. ' ' Thamaaoa, Kaa and Nlaaoff '414 tn twavr work with tha atick. aah ataa aaing ta clout aul thraa hlta. Kani cam aeraaa with a thraa-bacaar la tha lrd Innlnt with two man as, baaaa far tha' Ikara Chan ml waa -tha only alarar ta mora than ana hit. Chan mH rot a aln(la tha aaoond tlma ta bat and tha aaat tlma aoHad tha ball avar tha rKluflald boarda for tha anttr tlr iit. .. '.. .-. ... Nlakoff atari tha ball rolHac la th frtrd br fottlac ta flrat an CoffaT'a 1 arror, Wannar aarntlnd. ' Hleka draw pa.a.. A aoubl ataal waa wwkad auo- j oaaafutljr. Datfdaea aopprd u to Uovd. foi la alna-lad to rtght, aearlnc NMwff tad-Hlraa, Thomaaea alnaiad to can tv Kan trlalad. . aeonaa; Car la aad Thomaaoa aad aeorad whan Cottar mlMd th Jhrow la froia Caaaldy. With ana down In tha fourth Mahoft doublad aad aeorad oa Wanaar a aln1 ta right. . - . j Nil! Mala Mar Rama, '' Cssl eaanad tha fifth with a walk. Thomaaoa baat am a bant. Kan atngltd t Utx, acorlng Coyla, Thomaaoa going to third. Jobnhea arauadad out. Qui I II a ta , Kanwnrthr. Scan Ion doublad. acorlng Thotaaaaa aad Kan. Xtabaff aacit aaa. km avar tha plat with a atneta t Hint. -ChaaiMil and tha flrat ran far Dawvar with t km ma avar tha right flwd fnea tn tha.aaraath Inning. , J - Thaaaaaoa got ta cead ta tl aavaath a Harrla' error. Kana baat out a boat. JoMiaon- advanced tha mm a baaa with an Infield hit. Scanton forcad Taoamaoa eat at Hia plat. . Kana and Johnaon aeorad oe Krtnnffa alngl to tort. war forced NMwff at ,caM. Hicks walked, filling th baaaa. tievtdaoa lent I 1 ; ' ' . - . 1 I ' : . wuw mam " uow wuu a inf;i lO lft. la tha eighth CaaaMr got ta flrat whan k forced Uoyd out at second. Baalt baat ut a bunt. Ovinia doubted ta left, ecor ll Caaaidr aad Baall. Scare; - - . OMAHA. - . 1 1 ' A.B.R. H. O. A. K. iHrtdaon If t ; S 1 Coyi. rf 1 I i a Thomaaon, cf 11 t 1 a Kan, lb ........... I t jnaitaon. c 1,1 "nmt. r i. 1 1 Scanioo, ' ! 1 t I I Hubott, lb 2 t 4 tvanaer. aa-....... t 1 t I 1 l.kk,. p .. ..... t I t Total M 5 5 U 1 '- ' ' den vi r. . V' ' - .. . O. A.' E. lleyd, .....4, - 4 4 Caaaidjr. rf '.,..... 4 ,. X 1 e bii. f a t l ii' 4uliila. b . -' ' 1 i f t Knworthr. Ib ..... 4 a It I einoHl, If 4 1 S Coffer, a ....:- J J mbr. .....i... i I t ' 4 ) iu4, p .. l a t ' Hrr!. p 1 3 1 Ptttcer l. -a a Tatala JbT ;t ".'' 5 Batted for Ltonard tk fifth tnalng. Omaha -. . Ruaa I t t t 4 -M Hits J....4 ! - nv-iiw , . . , Run t MUM . Kiui IMHIIM t Twe-beaa tun: Klaheff. Seaaleo.1 Dof. ttt. tau. QuiiHa. Thrt.aa ntt: Kan, lloow rua; t:hnojl. turubl py: Btr te Kan Hit: Off Leonard. I fa tur Inatiura; off Harrta, t la (our Ixainca Basse oa Sell; Otf Mirks. 2. s'f tora. 1; off Harrla. I finxt : ' Hlcka, 4; b- Lnr, ; ay '"' i- mairn aawa: Ni.hrff. HIcHa. t-arrilkr bit: Waaaer. lft a baa: . : lXMir. a. Tim; tat. Vntxr: ivn:-?. Atrandaac; t.M. M mt lb Came. A ' rtuma.lt heatar Bailed aer th bearda tkfi) aad asaaav .. . .. - . in aaaaa teaaj agaia tuday at 3 H. , Twee- I ladlaa day. ' ' '. Pfffr wat hito hat far taeaard In U fuih aad wkiKd tare una jn,f jar uasaaa BMa.arera artt aa Good of a Strikebreaker if There be, all tha -rest managed ta Plata. v Omaha batter are aomwhat different from those la St. Mary a oollaga. Leonard now has a pretty good idea af tha kind of batter turned out In the Western leafu. . Mshoff end Hlrks pulled otf a pretty doubt waal, N'lchoft mad a perfect "book" elide for third.. . -rjnvr did not try to ial oa "Hick ary" ytrday, being aaUsflad te bug the bag wbn thty did got oa. . That waa also soma drive Jam Kaa aiad. in th third and thr was also aoma fast baaa running ahead of him. TWtJITV HIT rOft LINCOLJI Ileal Take Leadasj Had ef rifteea - 4 Three ieere. . LINCOLN. Nab.. May It. -Lincoln got twenty hlta: many for aatra bass off Orllfln and Moear today, and they ywilded a total of fifteen runs. Moaer waa. alao fi with base oa balls Palmar, who had his first try for btneola. waa a pvaai to moat at tha Mow. Scora: LWCOLK. ' ' V. ikt E A. i I Millar, ef. 4 1 I t Col, to. , I I 1 It Baroour, so, s -I a j a HcCormlek. If. ' I r t Uvillen. aa. I I t t 1 tiwyar, Ik. lit 14 t Cobb, rf. w I t I 4 f trettoa. a. 4 1 tut t Palmer, a. 4 1 1 t Total II . H t IOUX CITT. i R. H. O A a. Panwlt, cf 4 , Andreas, tb. ,. 4 t I 4 I t V.y.r. If. .,. 1111 Tmnant. lb. t 1 . i t It Brevn. rf. 4 1 t t . ftllly ....-.... 4 1 . 1 rraneh, s. 4 t t t . 4 1 C art man. c I t t ' T f t Orsndorff ,. I d Ortffln. p. 4 t -t t Wr, p. ........... 4 I f i t ' Total I 1-5 i Bttd for Cadmea la tha alnth. Lincoln t I 1 1 d I 1 t -U tlaux City ......... IllUllt-l 'obi rim: Millar Thraa-has hit: Col. Mccormick . Two-base kltai Cobb4tf. Itarbnur, Ur. French. Doubl slays: Mrattoa te lwyar; Andrea to rnnelbte Tnaan; Fraaoh la Andrae lo Tennant. Left on bases: Lincoln, a; Mloux City, 4 . Xtolsn bas: Mullen. riwvM, ' fteiHy. aaartflo bits: afllKv, Palmar, dtraok out: By Palmer. II: by Grlffm. I. by Moar, I Baaea on balls Off Palmar. 1; otf Meear, 1 Time: l.si Vmplra: MakIL V TOPKK A AI.LtRI II " jriBTM lee-taw ttame Last 'by It. imrn by Mta te Elgbt. WTWRRN. taft.. TOPKK A. May M.-Tha locale battd tut victory In the ninth Inning. Prantl titrntng nt nrst gam ror xopcae. was hatted hard, but th Kw got t Free man In th euthth for five mna while Crutrr.er waa wild and Johnson allowed two l-mg hits la th ninth. whtcbd- eidsd tn a. Beers: . , . TOPCKA. ' " A.B. R. BR PO. A.. ttlrkart. If ., t. 1 I King, cf I I d Le. rf I I I t Osrdn.r. lb I 1 14 1 fulin. aa 4 I I 1.1 1 tmnry, b .: I t 1 t I t Walsh, fb 4 1 t Chapman, a llttl r rants,, p 4.11,1 , Tetl .... ........ l iT S U 1 ' ! ST. JOBEPH. A.B. R. BH. P.O. A.F.. Kelly. 3b ,. 4 1 I I Powell, If I 1 t - Wstaon. rf I I t t Zwlllmg. ef I t I t 1 liorton, , lb I I I 11 Helll). Ib 1,1 111 Meinke, aa t 111 osstt.' a I t 111 Freeman, p I I t 1 , t Cmtchr. p I 1 Johnaon. p I t I I I t Bachant 1 I t t ToUla "i li 91 U t Two out when Inning was scored, i Batted for Freemaa In seventh. Tnpeka llll-- It. iosrph I lllllltM Horn run: Chspmaa. Thteelbsss hit. Dunn. Two-bsea hlta: Rlckert. Osrdner. Kelly. 1 Borton.. Stolen bases: Rlt-krrt. Gardner n. Hits: Off Fremn, I In all innings; off Cratcher, 1 In one-third Mining; otf Johnson, t la two ind two thirds Inning. Bass oa ball: Oft Plant, t: elf Freeman. 1; off t'rutcher, k struck wit: By Frame. I: by Freeman. I; by Johnson. a L'anptr; Ktan. A IHIIGLA ITIIkll OIT tWUVI Bee ' Malaea ' Bastlp Beat Wichita , by Oevew e Te. ; Dr MOINKA, la. May ll.-rauglas truck out lwiv men, allowing the v le tters sva arattird hits, and I we Moines easily defeated Wichita today, f to I Thrr slngiea. followed by s bom run pv Thorns la the seventh Betted the io cs! four rune. Score: . . , , jh MoiNr,a i A.a R. H.tt A. E Hhn. rf 4 I, ll t turtle, ef i 4 e . Coiligen. tb ....... 4 t I - 4 I Clair, lb 1 tlllt Thomas, lb t 11 It Korea, e t 1 Beidcn. If 4 ' Meuraw. a , 1 I II 4 t lwuglaa. p I I I 14 t i .Totala II fail W It, 1 ; , - WICHITA1 i - . V A.B. B. H. O. A.' B. Crig. U I t It k!li)1or, cf ....... I I t 1 Petttgrew. rf ...... 4 I t til Koemer, Ib It t ' It I I liugli. lb I 1 : 1-4 I C Unn. aa I 1 1111 U. lib 4 1 111 tVarob, C .. ttt III Jacket, p .......... I t t 1 I t Bavl l t 1 1 -Total I ? M M l Matted for Jaeksoa la the ninth. -Dee ateinaa 1 -t lch.t t IIIMIIH Two-base hit. Hahn. Celllgan. Three base hit. Clair. Horn rua: Thomas. tcriflo bits: McOrsw if). Jerksea. Thomas. CsKshsn. Hsha, Dougiaa. ftasee balla: Off Douglas. -. off Jachena. 1. Struck out: By Ooualas. U, bi- Jscrs , i Passed bell: Metiraw. SlOlce iau.. (T'a re Left oa twees Dee Moinee, - ibtta. A Umpire: J sautes.- Tim: A' ' I'ersi stent AarerUeiuf as (6 Road ta Big; Ratunc, . ., . ,., THE BEEi OMAHA, MONDAY, MAT 20, natflaflTri dTTTrt WAV4r.TH Tfl TI1ITVT " IB BIDIASAPOLlS 2ACE. . EDBIB. RICKKNBACHER. Eddla Rickanbachar, an Omaha boy, III drive a nlnty-hora power Firestone. Columbus machine In the atd-mll Inter national wptaka at Indlanapelui aa tiacoratioa day. H will leave Omaha In a few day for Indianapolis Rlckn bachw waa ntrd tn tha Mg raot last year, bat owing t, lllnsaa was toreed ta keep out af it. Hs haa lived In Omaha for svral yars .and Is' manager of tha Flreatone-Cohimbu branch In Omalta. Ha I 7 rear af ai and haa bean driving racing ear for th last four yeara In the, fall of HOI, he waa In third place In the Mg Crows Point' Mt-mlla, race and Jost entering th last twnty-flvs miles when an accident ta h car-ditched the machine, putting him aut of tk race. In ItW ha won th laj-mlle . vnt at Celumbu. winning aver such men s Barney outlaid and other fast drivers. Chicago University Plans for Big Meet - CBTCAOO. May tt. (Ancit1-rmrl far th eiavtnth jiunukl Intnwhol.vetle t ta be held th Unlvtrtlty ef rhl-oago- cloe May . Many athlete! from tha High schools In tha mMdl weset have already, aent la their entrte. thu assuring the auccees of hia meet. ' Th I'ntvarslty ef Chkmge Intarschol astle come at th end af the athletic aaaasa and I th bis rest high school meet la tha country. Present Indication are that this year' entry Hat will as. oaad th rerard-braaklng Hat of hurt jrr. ' -.--,- V . Plana for tha reception ef, visiting th let are rapidly being formulated by the Intenschnlsstic x commission. ' Various spechi stunt are being arranged, tiiwag them being a short sketch from th fam eu piarkfriara. comic opera. Harms with His Bat Beats Grand Island GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May lA-iSae-ciai -Telegram i Harrae waa easily the kra of the Hastlnga-Urand Island game transferred to, thl city. He got feur e'ean htta out of four vttme an and la the fifth lined aut a bom run with baaea full. Score: R H. B. H satins .1 M t 1 I ! 1 ft It S Orand I tattatt-4 41 Better: Richmond. Mank and Jok er for reran Island: Allen. Shaner, Co and Fraiibury for- Hastinga Umpire: Nugent. Attendance l.na. errell at tea fewsa Laarel. CARROLL. Neb.. Mar r(Snc.l l la a gam of ball .played oa th Carroll diamond yesterday bet wees Laurel and t arson, cajcfl woa by a score of I te A Wsbster. a new lbmaa for Carroll, held th visit oca In hand for seven Innings, ahea h weakened and waa rtueved by Atkinson. Ratterle: CarroM. Webster, Atklnsaa and Ttft; Laurel, WUHford and wy ASSOCIATION xl ' Malswltt Beata Tatewe. - ' . COLL'MBUg, a. May M-Halswttts Won today's gam with? Toiad, batting In five of the eight nine, teerbrr tnppled aft West la the sixth after a stnsti by I Perrtag aad double by Mlliei and Hats win. , t ana ass seat u West relief and nude a wild pitch, allowing Oer ber te ai-ere the winning run. Hove: - . 1 . AB M O S g. a BOA at. IMRe.Vt . tit IS'lteia Jk IIS Ill I I I ihMlt a . t I 4 ClnseH. it I 1 I -teews. a I 4 I I riaa . I I i I sms. si ... 4 t a Holer, tk ... I I ta I aMetoea. rf ., II I II ReUeltt. B.IJ 1 I SIMrr. lb., llttl rer. as... 4 I I I lr.fWk. t... 4 111 UmHK ,4 I I t W, ... ! It kss. .... a et-.. .,... a s a a "llsm, t t Teule.....a 11 a II tTalesa ..... 1 a - - twit n sun a Betted for Cann in eeventb- Coiumbu ....I Ml 1111 I Toledo t I 1 - Stolen bases: Keitoei Sacrifice bits: Connlton, H. Hickman. Two-bas hits: Con salt on. Miner. Smith. Bronki tat. Tnree-baee bit: Oerber. luble play: Oeraer to Miller to Peering. Lft cn bases; Columbus. I: Toledo. S. Bases oa ba.ls: Off Brack. I: off West. I; oft Csan. I: aft CoUamere, A "track out: By Brurk, 1: br West t Balk: Colia mor.' Hits: Off West; I la ftve and tee-third tnnlnae; off Caen, 1 la ene thlrd binlag: erf Collamer. t la two tnnmss. Wild pitc-h. Caan. Tiro: l a Lmptrea: Bisrbaitar aad Ceaaaliy. y w ' is Nv) Strike REDS REGAIN FIRST PLACE Crowd Giant from Letd by Scorisf 0 in Tents Inning. TEBEE SrJGLES TU1I. TSICX Asses Keeps Hlla Well Scattered tstll Flaal laalaa Trld Get Tbr-Bsaar Tws Deables by Mart-ay, CINCINNATI. Msy tl. -Cincinnati won a ten-Inning gsm from New Tork 'today and thereby crowded the -yumer out ef flrat place rn the National leaiua race. Ames kept the hits wen scattered antll th final Inning whea three surlesdv singles brought horn tb winning run. Bear: " 1 BBW TOUK - ' C1IC1I.TI. - i AB.H.OA C. S H 0 A.I Peesf. if... 11 MsfHea. it.l I il I nrie. I i t i unmi. h i i I I liuanUB. SI I I 1 HeMllzel. Ik 4 I II I S tuner, if... III! rmittaeil. rf J lias Meraia, ik.. I t la a state n ,f i i t Hsteet, Ik. . I I I I SPlxlae. lb . . I I I I I P1eMr. as. I I I t IBaiMHi. as.. 4 114 1 Mren. a I I 4 I llilai, i .l II I es. 4 I limn. ,..t Ilia etai......T im t, Tsuis.....ss u mni -On out when winning rua -was eared. New York '.........I I t t I I t 1 Cincinnati t t 1 IIIIim Two-bas hits: Murray ). Three-baae. hit: heverold. Stolen baaa: Phrlan. 8sc rlflcs fly: Hohlluel. . Double rtay:' Fletcher to Doyle Is Merkl. Lft on bases: -Near Tork. I: Cincinnati. I First base on balls: Off Ames, t: off Pugg. 1 Hit by pitcher: By buig. Hsrsog ill, Myers, struck out: By Ames, I: by Buggs, I. Wild pltrtie: Ame. . Tlma: I 14. L'mpires: Johnston and Cason. ' CHICAGO. Msy 1.-Pitchsr ft iron was too muen lor Chicago today and Brook lyn won. to t The visitor bunched their hits. Daubsrt fielding wa a feature Scora: CHK'HOO. t ' BROOKL.TM. I SB H O A I AB M OA . sktekael. M. 4 I I I eMans. nt. , .. I l 1 IIMIer. rf ... 41 StN.ksn, k.. I I 1) i I as. lie. rf . I I a u. amita at I III toa'nsa. Sk 4 I INmhs. St. 4 till ItetiasB. Ik. I t 11 I la-Mat. If ... I 1 1 I f Tteber, aa... I I I I SHmaaMl. A I I I 1 I (ra, Ik.... till IToelsr. aa... I I 4 I I Nesaiuie. a. I 1 I I sm.is. ... I I I I I v weiia. . a a erase. ,... a i UeanSsr. V I Z v bales?. .. Tatala.,... mil I "onea ....... I e I . e ' , , Tole......l1 4 It 11 I ",-t ' Batted fot Lavender In th eighth. - " Brooklyn 1 1 f I e-l Chicago 1 I 1 I I I -t Two-baa hit: Hummel. NeedhAm. Rita: Off C. i-mltb, J In on and on-twnty-third Innings: eft Lavender, 4 In sit and one-third inninss: off Maronay, none In one Inning. ftsertftc , nit: - Tooley, Phelps, Hummel, Btoien bases: i. Smith. Moron. Daubert. Phelps. I .eft on basss: Chicago. 1. Brooklyn. A First bass on ball: Off C. Smith, 1: ff Rigon. 1: aft Lavender. I: off Msronev. 1. Struck out: By C. Bmltn, 1; by Ragon. 4; by Ul ven der, t Tim: I. SO. Vmplrea: Bran naa and Owens. , II. I.aeia Defeata Pbflllee. BT. LOC IB. May lA-Althaugh Harmon waa wild at times h tlKhtned up when hits msnt run snd fit. Louis won from Philadelphia. Score: T. lHiia. PHILADCLrKIA S H O Alt. A H O.S.I. Hassles. I I I I IKeaM. Ib... S I 4 1 I Kills. K 4 111 aTltas. rf .... 4 III Hosresr. at. I l I I if.... a 1 I t 1 KMMekr lb I 1 It -eiuaei-es, lk. I 1 1 I I K-a. if.... 11 IPuttrt. rf . 4 t t I HtMsr. as.., II I I iDemr. . I III Osksa, ).... lit IDMlta, m... 4 1 I I aiese. a.... Ill IM, m.... I 1 I I 1 Harasea, p.. I I I I tnr.n.. .. I I I nralk .... 1111 Tsiaia ts I rt 11 l - tmsis n mil i Balled for Brennan in th ninth. St. Iul 1 t 1 Phlltdelphl I I I I I I I 0 J Two-bas hits: Dooln, Wlnge. Psakert, Cravath. Three-base bit: Hsuser. Stolen baees- flonln. Msg, lltttaer, Oskee, lowne'; Knabe. liotibl plar: Hsuser ta Huggina to Konetchy. Bases en balls: Off Harmon. A Struck out: By Harmon, 4; by Brennan. 1 Tims: 1:5 Umpire:. Klem and Bush.. , Albon Trims Many -7 Competing Schools ALBION, Neb.. May Ml (SpaclaLV-Tse second annual field mt of high schaoj teams frora Oekdale, Tilde n. Neltgh, El gin. Genoa. Cedar Rapids. Newman Orova and Albion waa held at th fair grounds at this elty Friday. ' Albtoa won the meet with at points, Newman Grove second. B; Elgin, third. It: Cedar Rapids fourth. 11; OekdsJs and Oewoa tMng for firth with 4 points each Foliowtjkg are tha events and results: , l-Ard daurku Cacy. Alhkm, and Trow bridce. Eiirta, tie tor first; Irish. Ocaoa. second. Time. d:!.. KnnalnsT broad jump: - acy. Albtoa. flrst: Irlh. Oenea, econd: Tinkem. New man Orava, thirw. Dutanca, 1 lest, 4 Halt mil run: OUon. Keermaa flrora. first: Osncs. Xewmsn Orove. . second: Carr. Albion, third. Time. !:1T. Running high lump: Hsuge, Newman ltw. and Terpin. Oskdsle. tie for Brst; Bherry, fclgia. third. Height. teet, 1 Inch. 13.yrd hurdle: ' Cacy. At men. flrat: TVowbiiaare, K lata, -second; Trump, New men Orova third.. Time, KV Pel . vault: Kslietead, Albion, first; Sherry. Kigln: aerend; Roanlnewr, EisiS. third. Kenabt, I feet. I tnchea. Hirer throw: Gray. Cedar ' Rapid first Sherry. Elgin, second; Howe, Elgin, third- Distance, lit feet. Xjb-yard dash: Hlnman. Newmaa Grove, first r Tramp Newwuva Grove, sec ond. P. Cocy, Albion, third. Time, t:14u Shot put: Uray. Cedar lUpids. first: Ttnckom. Newman Oreve, aecond; Howe Elgin, third. Distsnce. V feet. 4 mchee Mil run: Nh-boits. Albion, first; Oa nes, Newman Grove, seBd; P. Cacy, AlMon. third. Time: lit , . Btasding broad lump: fialc, Rlgta. first; Hailstead. Albion, cond Bwosk. Cedar Rar-bea. third. Otstaaca, t feet, I Inches. One-halt mile relay: Elgin, first;. A U won. aecond. Newman Orova, third. , Atteadaac was very targe. The" Pare -stent and Judicious fee at Nwspaper Adverttsiag ta ta Road to Buaiaoe goccess. . ,."..'. 1912. - ' t Prawn IXFTY IiTTl. SOBTHPAW TXIXS THE MIGBTT KOUUTAmEIES. - ' HARRT HICKS. ,, ' I. Pitched Omaha to-Victory Yesterday. BLUES. OVERCOME. ST. PAUL Downey'i Double in Twelfth Scores t O'Connor from Tint ' HL5E TO EIGHT' D ITRAL SCOSE Locals Tie Beere la Elabth . Alter . I'pklll Fight la -Wblcb 'Fear , Pitcher Are teed A a trey , . i Besy with Bet. '" KANSAS CITT. Mo.. May U.-Downy doubla In the twelfth Inning here today after twa bad barn put out-scored O'Con nor front flrat. winning foe- Kansas City from St. Paul. I- to it : The locals tied th soore In th eighth after .an uphill tight la which four pttober were used. Fast ajork in the field- by , both teams featured th last half of the gam. Score: T. PAt'L. "'.., KANSAS CfTT. il.lt.ll, . sk.H.OA.B. Bailer. If.... till Aftarkeev, All I 11 Maffissa. rt. I I 4 1 ISi-kallsr.' if.. Ill Meeer. rf.. f I I kfoulten. It. 1 I I I I Mc- , si I I I Osrr, Ik..... 4 1 If I atrr. Ik .. 4 4 at areitMes. at II I I Oeoeaiaa. tb 4 1 f Leeu, Ik.... 114 lerk e Ill OCT Cramer, e. I 1 I I rMaer, Ik. .-4 til I riM. at ... i t i I SPneall. ..:. ! Ill Tkeeua. ... I 1 bseaa'ere, pi 1 l 1 Aitrerk. a... I Tstall...'...4l ! '. tMsdcioi, a'.'.'. Hill , ReMr4 ..I t- ; I .- Tetale....4l II N ! I Two out When winning run scored. Batted tor Wither in tb seventh. ; St Paul .........";. .Itttllttet Kansas Cltyi .. .. .. . ,.1,1 !lt!!lttl- Two-baae bit: Bsrbesa, Autrev (t, Schs4ler, Lewis, ' Downey, Kkr-bas hit: . Schaller, Ssanflre bitsr" Autre'. GAodman. tWrridon. Powell.' Maddox. Sacrifice Me:. Ooodman, Butler. Htolrn base: Autrev. .Coula.,n.- Bates on bells: WHBsrs. ... Off Thorns. 1; off Dscannlerr, 1; oft nsrrr, i. on neweii, 4; ort wnhars. 7. Hi .-.ii- W n... - Xa,. . . w I nlrre, 1 by Ksrger, 1; bv Powell. I; by Maddox, t. Hits: Off Thomas, t In four and one-third Innings; off Deecannterr, I In two and rwo-thirda Inninga: off Kar ger I tn four and two-thirds innlnim; err fowell. in MX Innlnrs: off Altrock 1 In one-third Inning: off Withers. 1 hi two-thirds Inning:, oft Msddox, 4 In flv innings, ion on, base. St. Psul. 12; Kansas City. 4. Hit with bitched hall By Powell, Butler and Hoffman; by Det annlerre, F1enetsnoCaulson. First base on errors: el. . rsui. . IKJUnie piavS: Corldoo to Carr: JtoConnlck to Autrer. Tims: J:. -Cmplrre: -Anderson and ciuiu . - . . , : Miller St fke-ef Brewer. MILWAI KKK." Mar' ' n.-Mlnncaeolls secured flv lets off Noet In-trtV eighth inning and this. In connection with two costly errors ti .Kendall and, 'nark, gav tha visitors seaeh run fVevtoa ta th eighth Minneapolis led Milwaukee, 1 to le ocora. . inrtiBAnut . - MtLWAtrfCBg. s- jjao.ii. AB H.U.S a. etrsssr. ef .. 4 1 ' t t SUeknll, ef. 14 1 144 Atutsr. s.. till lussll. rt,. I Klllrfar. hi I II a -karls at.. I WIIHaais. II I I I tel, SS.... 4' lit lilt ft.A I t cnau.4f.,. 4 I t t.t 4 t It Ums. a.... t PsIlbsalT. 11 1,1 4 Jam. It..:.. I It 1 am. ik t jlat-t. irtrk.'-i.... flit p. 4 it i a Manaaiw... -rt '-Nee. 4. w i, , . . r , III 11 i s Tetala a lilt lit ' , f ' :, St, .Tatala..... . B n I Mlnneapoil ,.t..t tit.l.t 7 a-w Mtlwaukes ......:. M 1 I tl a,l Two-baas hit: . Williams. "Rossman. Charles, Lewie: . Sacrifice Mta; .Aitrser, Delebant. OiH ; -fit. Chart. - Stolen bases: Clymer, . AlUser, Detebsnty,- Oil I. Uoubte Slav: Lie bald ta Clark. ' left oa bases: Minneapolis. I: Milwaukee, 14 na on sails: .. un - otmsteae. t; on Noel, A . Struck out: By Olmstead, 4: by Noei. x. ' Balk:' Noei. '. Timer 1, unsptres: Maya ana Irwin. - - -i r, rrelabtea le Fleeaee" Te. . CRBIOHTON, Neb.. May .-Spac1al. At a meeUns af the baaa belt fan rvi- day R waa decided to pUc fast ball team n tlw.Xleld the coming seaaen, J. P. Winters waa eiacltd president, F.'R. Hufsmlth secretary. Brie Rlsstaess Ueaa- urer and Dtl OeLair field Mnager and captain. A suffjclent amount bas be subscribed by- the business ruea to Ipsur a tint class team anVf It at proponed ta excel the record made by Hum Colt last , Fellertee to Laid Lear." SY rnwsena w.k v.. , ciaiv-st, Edward defeated Fullertea yes terday in a first-gaxn at ball, 4 ta A , R H R, ft. Srlward .. I" J tit xi u 1 rr?ltoa .... .1 tllMHMIi .rtc-- se. . i--r' -.. - :.-t Murphy; FuIVerton. iriUr and.Thiermaa. By Mmvhy'll; byTbieaau. liTbre-" base kiu. sHiies..Jerre - for The Bee by OMAHA LADS IN SPOTLIGHT Locil Eight ' lUe First Plce in KebrRtkn Atnletiot. . . WOllX i OTDEB. DUTICUITIXS For Flnt-Tlmc- le History -Basse Beys Take Flrat Hemera la State Field aad Track ' . '. 'Bveata, By winning the big high school track and field meet at Lincoln Omaha high school Jump into the limelight for the first time In th annul of Nebraska in tarscholastie athlstlr -pa the premier school In , track, and baiiiet ball. Tht local bv carried off first hwor In both. th. branch of athletic In competition with other f 1-ools of ' h stt la lilt, a precedent which never Ukply to a dupllcatd. Starting la September w'th th doubl aesslon rrangemnt at claue prohibit' Ing much outside practice In athlattc. th boys at th echo, have had an uphill fight for encouragement. Th atudsut body failed ts aupport th football team and whan lilt started, athletic at th Capitol hill school were at a- very low too. 4 , i , , Weaderfal thaage etd. Nevertheless, during th first four aaantha of this year a wonderful change haa Been noted, chiefly through Jh un tiring fforti of Athletic Director F.ee.l Strlet rule of eligibility have been er. served, cigarette have been tabooed and lata hour have been abolished. The boys who hsv taken part In athletics have mured into their work with a spult which hat seldom bean , noted betr. Likewise student Interest haa been arous ed, phd th faculty Is beginning ta en eeitrag sport features. . In addition to showing up among high schools, tha purple and white tad won tha Dig Indoor athletics meat htld under tb auaplce of th MT" at th associa tion auditorium last month, winning aut over. eolletteA .universities, athletic club and "T" associations from ail part of Nebraska and lona. V ' The lade who deserve credit for the success of the school thl year are Ver gil Rector, Leslie fturkenrotd. Hugh Millard, Mark Hughes, Beryl Crocker, Howard Blttlnger, James Gardiner. Cole man Gordon, John Drexel, Sidney ateytr, ran nownt arm other. Much new material will neve to b de veloped nut year aa Rector, Millard, Crocker,- Bltrmger, Meyer and Downs all gradual In June.,. BEEMER DEFEATS DODGE ' ON ITS HOME GROUNDS BEEMER, Kb.,,My U.-(8rxcial Tele gram.) Beemer won frem' Dodge on th bom ground today by th (core of 4 to. X The feature of the gam waa the bom run by Butler In tb sixth Inning. Scar; . ; ..- Dedgs ............. f) I I I I 1 I I 4-1 Bceaier 11114 1 4 Horn run-- Butler. Struck out: By Hartley. 12; by .Walworth, I. Tims: 1:1. L'mnire: Oardela. , ,.-.- - - . t 'i 1 - Bee Psvelba Wlaaer.. ' CREIOHTON. Neb.. May M.-8pecial) Ben Pavelks of Verdlgr df rated Oscar ' Anderson of Chicago here last night In two straight fail. He secured th flrat fall in 2rVj mlnutea with an Engllah bar and half Nelson, and the, second In 1? minutes with the famous Gotch toe hold. Pavelka weighed UZ pounds and An derson 21& iiounds. Take Warwlwaj. Den t lot tomaeh, liver nor kidney trouble down-you, when yoa can quickly down them-with Electric . Bitter. 36c For aale by Beaton Drug Co. Kay to the Situation-? Advortiaing. There's ccnteoplativs OldAfabitlia kind ef beaff tiat yoa Ilk to think of befor yoo (Jrlnk tor, thar ia sisck piurar Ib Ubsaftas; Bpom' th sparkllnj fluid sad reallilax that ' yoa at coisuj to kav a (ood, aaUsfyiiii drink.- .- - -. , r - The Amber Dottle keep Old Asa aver pure, by piMventing .Bckt, from darcajiac it. Ask for tb amber bottle. , . ' . "Bud" Fisher f TARKIO TRIMS OLD BELLEYUE Track Mpn from Kiisonri School ) Csptnre Track Meet ' SLXTT-FODl TO ' FIFIT-TEBiE At Time - DerlBaJ Heel ewre ) Steed rrty-Oa ta Forty K. ! aaarkesbaah Leads lor , i . Bellerae. ... i TARKIO. Ma; May lWSpecil Tele- j gram.) Th Tarklo college track men j bung crepe on th door bell of Bellevue here today, defeating; Bellevue college in a dual track met. Final scor. Tarklo, I 44; Bellevue, kl Tarklo won nln flnts, j Bellevue, four.. . For Tarklo Oowdy won twenty-four j points,-.Captain Sloe of Tarkio cam second, winning thirteen. For Bellevue, j R. Quackenbush lew wit ten points, , Tarklo took th lead at tha start and waa never beaded, although, at one tune ( tha score wa: ., Tarklo forty-on. Ball- j vu. forty. , Oowdy for Tarklo. broke the ' college ' record In high jumping, doing flv teet four and tied th broad Jump with a , leap of twenty feet, seven Inches. : This: I Tarkio's second track victor this season. Summary: , ' 100 yards:' Sloes "Tdrklo. first: IJp- man. Bellevue. aecond; Kowler, Bellevue, third. Time, riots. Pol vault: R. Quackenbush. Bel lev u. first; Oowdy, Tarkio. second; McOlli, Tsr klo, third. , Height. I feet. 10-H Inches. Mils run: -Little, Tarklo. first: Mil ler, Bellevue, second; OrrnstU Tarkio, third. Time, 4:4. Discus: Oowdv. Tarklo. first: Jones. Bellevue. aecondf Fowler, Bellevu. third. Distance, lot feet, 1 inch. alich hurdle: Hill. Tarklo. first: Kearns. Bellei-uA second; Brandt, Belle vue, third. ' Tim. :lli. Running high jumn:- P. Qiiackenbuah. Bellevu. flrat; Oowdy,- Tarklo, second ; H. Quackenbush. Bellevue. third. Height. I ft, I Inch. 440-yard: Thompaon. - Tarklo. first; Ohman. Bellevue, second; Ctffln, Tarklo, third. Tim. :2i - , - Hummer: Oowdy. Tkrklo. first; Cur- tls. Bellevue, second; Jones. Bellevu, third. Distance, It feet, I Inches. Hhot out : ' P. Oiuackenbush. Bellevu. first; Oowdy,' Tarklo. second; VYIthrow. Tarkio, third. . Dietaries. S teet. Inch. Low hurdles: Jones, Bellevue, first; Sloes, Tsrklo. second; turtle, Bellevue, tniro. Time. ;jik- SD-yard dsh:- Stoas. Tsrklo. firs: Fowler, Bellevue. second; Jones, Bellevu, third. Tim. :. . . Classes Teday. - Western Lessue: Denver at Orhahi. Wichita at Dee Moines. St. Joseph at Topekt, Sioux City at Lincoln. National league: oBetorx at Pittsburg, Philadelphia at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Chicago. New Tork at Cincinnati. American lessue: Cleveland at Near Tork. Chicago at Raot on, Derrstt at Philadelphia. Sl Louie at Washington. American association. Minneapolis at Milwaukee. Toledo st Columbus. Louis ville at Indlsnanolis. St. Paul st trn City, Nebraska Stats lesrue: Ceumbus sr Hastings, . Fremont st Seward, Orand Island at Superior, Kearn"? at Tork.: Mink leagu:- Auburn at Nebraska Citv, Hiawatha at Humboldt, eBa trice at Fall A'lty. - - .. - Ataatea rffet Battle Creek. STANTON. Xeb.. Msv U.-flnrll Testerdsi- tfternoon. the Stanton team fhfeatml the Utuie Creek team i):, . tereallng kaic... I r Hi clo-ie scur of .1 to 4. Ths ftAlure of tne iraiue was th hitting of Selue! and Whalen for Stanton lire f-e-n-er gri .nr two lilts out of 4 time up. one of ti- .i bunrf rim uih tl latter reoeivil t nits out of I tl-nm n. a bom run and i two-bugKitia, to:: Battle Creek I I I I I I : I ' j Btsntoa t 1 t I II t t xs f - Batteries Stanton. Lassrn and Hopper; Battle Creek. Coombs and Scott Struck out. By Lassen, i; by Coombs, A Hon runs: Setdel and Whalen. Two-base hits; Whnlen (1), Laasea. Howard. I'mptre: D. Whaien. . The t,ld Hand " H) ' seen when Over Inaction and bowel , stop pane flie before Dr. King' Near l ife Pill, th sy regulators. X oenta. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. K v .- J ' ' oslWfla IK aa. 4 'tab. 1 k y