Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1912, Image 1

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eVaVe C V4W
Generally Fair j
.VOL. XLI XO. 289.,
wTkree Thoniana-llile Tour Through
I Eery District - of Home
State Ends Monday, i '
Talks Optimiitically of Primary to
1 rriendi ob Car.
Thousands of Firm en Give Hear
ings to Executive. , -Z- .-
Vtln I . ASd) laslst
, Shssrlag Batkaslass few the fm
Ul, Despite tinti is . .
Hit Dowa.
SPRINGFIELD. O.. May 11. -Confident
that his appeal to :ht prlda of Ohio la
aa Ohio president had been of um avail
and that his chance ot capturing tan
atata's delegation to th republican na
tional convention had Improved greattr
ainca as crosaad tha Ohio river hut Moo
day. President Ta(t lest night dosed UM
week's campaigning with a speech here.
Only ona mora day, Mnnday. -will ha da-
voted by tha praildeot ta thla campaign
'When b make hla last speech in Dayttfu
Monday night ha watt bava traveled al-
moat .0 mtlea ta Ohio, will have apoken
la every eoogreestonaJ dltrk't Id tha state'
sad have visited saventy-thre ot its
elghty-etght oountlea.
Ohis pollUdana who bava traveled with
Mr. Tail say that never 'a the. state
notary haa there beet, auch a campaign.
In hla talks ysaterday to tha (srmars la tha
counties along tha western border at tha
aula, from Lake Kris southward, the
president' feeling . of confidence ' tha
outcome was reflected In his manner.
AlthougL be used plain langsag about
Colonel Booevlt and tha -ihlo boe"
at times, his old smfls wa again In evl
dente and he talked optlmHttcally of the
coming election with frlendi on board hit
private car.
. To tha farmer! yesterday tha president
talked about (Canadian reciprocity and
about Mr. Rooeevelt urlff ravlaion pro
posal. Ha bluntly averted that Mr.
Rooeevalt had changed bis opinion In re
gard to reciprocity to get blra votes
and charted thst hs was "iialnttng aom
thine to sell and not to use" shea he
made public hla tariff proposals.
- Farmer l.lta ta Taft.
' Tha crowds kept coming to sea and hear
the president and the bright skies and
arm aua brought Into tha Iowa where
ha maned tksusanda of farmers with
thU wives and children. lr. Taft' a re
mark wars always listened to rPcl
fuiiy and of lea applauded. Hi value,
which same, near iuftla5 entirely earlier
In tha week, stood wall under the strain
ef a dasrn Meeha and hla adviser
felt certain that ad i would, be able
to finish the campaign next seek without
inconvenience, with a day of rest to
day at tha home of hla brother, C.
P. Taft In Cincinnati.
Tha president's opinion of Mr. Roose
velt's Urlff reform Idea was tersely
art forth at Paulding. Ha Hid:
"Now Mr. Roosevelt ha finally come
as answering a question on protection.
aamethinc which he haa ' avoided for
year and years. He has now reached a
discovery. He hv In favor ol that kind of
protection that will produce a profit in
business so that most Of It gee through
the office down into the pay envelope of
the wsge employ. That la a very good
kind of protection If you can get It. '
'"He states tha conclusion that be
would Ilka ts reach, without staling how
be at going to bring It about."
Old Soldier for Prealdeat. "
"At Lima, yesterday, an old soldier was
m the audience, near the platform,, who
pass every time the president asked a
e.ues lion, snd usually tisd an answer
ready that showed his approval of Mr.
Taft'- administration. ,
"I ask your support next week m the
primary for an Ohio president whs hs
anade good," said the president.
The old soldier rose: "We will elect
you again." be announced calmly. '
. Tha presld'pl suggested that he take
hi cst ' , J
"Go to It eld stocking, go ahead eld
boy.' continued the soldier,
"Wen t you sit down?" asked the presi
dent. - , - .
"No." said the old maa. "I'm going- to
stand op snd Ustea to yen."
When the president came to a discus
sion of the Lorlmer ease and Mr, ftonae
velt'a charge against Mm m connection
with It. be wound up by asking if Abrsr
' asm Lincoln would have scted In thst
. matter a Mr. Roosevelt had acted.
, "He would have dropped dead first."
aid tha veteran.
Automobile Driver
Killed in Accident
TANKTON. a V.. Msy . -(Special
Telegram.) James Hamilton, an automo
bile dealer, aged 4 years, waa Instantly
killed Saturday nlrtit ta sn accident
caused by the breaking of a wheel. Ham
ilton's aeck was broken. He -leaves a
wife sad ten children. He was returning
from Mlastoa HID, where h took a party
for a dance.
The Weather;
FOR NEBRASKA Unsettled: probsbty
Meal shower and somewhat cooler.
FOR IOWA Inereaalnr cloud I
probably showers In west and centra!
remperafsrs at Omaha T.estvrday.
flour. . L
s s. m ....43
4 s. m M
1 a
I s. m
.... i
11 a.
U m ..
I P.
C 1 pi minli!""I".l
i p. m..
D 4 p. m ...M
" P. m .......
p. m to
7 9 - ts. .. .... ...... .ft
Presidential Contel to Date
Instructed for or favorable fci Taft:
AUllt i....
Colored (st large aad 1 districts). .,
Ieiwr .,.
District of Columbia
Hawaii .
Illlnol a diet)
Indiana (at lerge diet's.)
Iowa tat tart dist'.)
Kansss (I diet.)...
Kentucky (at large and IS din a.)..
Michigan (at large T dot al M
Missouri If dist
.),.. u
Montana I
. Mlsslevtppt at
Nevada d
New Hampshire . s
New Meilco I
New York tat largo and S Ml',.. fs
North Carolina t
Oklahoma O dlst's l 4
Pennsvlv:ipla ItSi dist's). I
Phillipplnes ... 2
Porto Rico -
Rtiixle Island H)
South Carolina - 1
. Tennessee (at -large and W dist's).... 34
Texas (I dist al
Vermont tall but 1 dist.)
Virginia ......,........ 3
" Totsil for Taft J
Instruct! for or favorable to Roosevelt:
Arksnsss U dist.) S
Idaho .. '.
iiltnoia tall' hut I diet.)
Indiana li dist's.)
Kansas (at large and dist's) II
Kentucky (114 dist's) 1
Msme 1
trlsd : I
Massachusetts -.-.. ...,M...'... w
Mirhlawa ta dim a) t
Minnesota 9
Missouri (at larga and ( dist's.),... . U
Nebraska '
New Mexico.'. .'..-..... I
New Vork (3Vs dist's) J
North Carolina .
Oklahoma (at largo and 4 dlsr.)..T... M
Pennsylvania (at bug sad rt dist'.) 47
Vermont (I dist)
West Virginia -
Total tor Roosevelt .......
Instracted for Cummins:
lows .. dist s.)
Instructed for La Pollette:
North Dakota
Total for La Pollette
...... Is
....... 4
, 1
, 14
..... io
Unclassified snd disputed.
Missouri (I dist'.)
North Carolina
Mafsachusetta -.
Total unclassified
Total number of delegste
Needed to nommsts (majority)..
Needed by Taft
Needed by Roosevelt
Tet to be selected ..-
GoTtrowent Damnidi that Valoriza
tion Flaa IU Declared Dleg-aL 1
Federal eart Useete IS Bstolai
remmHtr' frwss WMbkaldlaa
Caff from Market
raall ' fowolsed. '
NEW YORK. May UX-Attorney General
Wlrkmham moved yesterday against the
so-called coffee trust'or Brsjlllsn valoris
ation scheme, la a petition la equltv
filed In the United States' court here the
valorlsstton plaa la declared to be a via.
ltl,on of the Sherman anti-trust law.
The court I asked to decree the scheme
unlawful, to enjoin the valorisation cam
mittee from withholding coffee from the
market and to appoint a receiver to tall
the. bags valued ad llO.O0O.flOB, aw
aHeged to be stored la warehouses sf the
New York Dock, company. ... k
The government alas applied for - a
temporary- Injunction restraining the
valorisation committee from reman-In
or disposing of coffee held In AsserKa
pending the termination of th 'issue.
The members of the vslorlsatioa com
mittee hove agreed and conspired gmpag
themsrrve, the government charges, to
withhold from the market larg Quantities
of oof fee under their control for the pur
pose of -raising the price to aa annatnnl
snd unreasonable estent. They have thue
attempted. It Is declared, ts restrain the
coffee , trade throughout the world, in
eluding Interstate and foreign commerce
of the United States and ts 'Injure snd
defraud the publu) for tbjelr owa enrich
ment" ,
raalllaa gtare laTslvid. ' "
The suit bss a distinctly Internstieaal
color. The Brssiltan state of Sao Paulo,
the greatest. coffee dtstrictla the world.
Is Deny to tha agreements which ar-
declared unlawful as America.
The government hoi da that the Vasll
ma state was Induced to enact laws and
enter Into agreements ta connecboo with
the vslorlsatioa plan of thee Interested
In maintaining end roe rearing the price ut
coffee. The- fsct' thst the alleged agree
ment and conspiracies were not unlawful
m Brasil and were participated In by a
foreign state, the government holds, can
not justify the commissloa of sny got ta
the United States to restrain trad.
Tbs defendants are Herman Slelckea of
New York; Baron Bruno Schroeuer of
J. Henry Scbroeder A Co. of Lend on;
Eduard Bunge of Antwerp. I. E. VI
comte De Tooches of Havre, Dr. Pauls
da Stlva Prsdo of Po Panic, Theodore
WHle of Hamburg. The Soelete Oenerale
of Paris sad tbs New York Dock com
pany. ..'.
Alt the defendants eaeept 'the last
named are members of the valorisation
committee. ' -
William T. Chantlsnd. special aaslatsnt
ts the attorney general, whs Investigated
the alleged trust, has charge of the gov
ernment's case.
Queen Louisa Faints
at Frederick's Coffin
COPENHA6EN; ' Msy " A-Dowager
Queen Louisa was- so affected when
placing flowers on tbe late king's coffin
today thst ahe fainted. When revived
the) eaeea abandoned herself to her gr.ef.
She wished ts remain bestdeg the body
aad King Chrtettea aad others bad much
difficulty la persuading bar ts stav ths
cbapeL . j
t -'
: , Democratic
Instructed for Clark:
Colorado ........w
. Massachusetts
Nebraska (at large and 4 dist's)..
New Hampshire ..
Oklahoma thelf .'.
rVnosvlvanla (I dist)
Wisconsin (1 dist's).. .v
" Womlng
Total for Clark.
Instructed for 'lleon:
Delaware .. v...
. Tlltnols
'Okishom (half).....
Pons Rica
Penney lvsnls .
Tessa -
Wicoata '
... X
... I)
... 34
. 34
... I
... H
... M
... M
... It
... W
... I
... I
... I
... t
... t
... I
... H
... M
... 4
... 7
... U
. Total for Wilson
Instructed for or favorable to Harmon:
Main t 4
Nebraska 4
Total for Har
Instructed for MsrshaU:
Indians .
Instructed for Burks:
North Pskota
t..Hri fnr ITndeewood:
Alabama JJ
Rms 9
. MlsslaalDDi
Total for Pnderwoed M
t'.n.lru.-twl and UBClaSSiflad I
-Alaska I
u.ari u 4
Maine I
UlhlHn 31
New York.
Vtah- '.
" Wlaconain .......)
Total unclassified - '1
y.i.i nHMhM nt tfteleeaias 1.44
Needed to nominate ttwo-thirds) ?3
Remains of Seven
. Bodies Are Buried
in One Casket
YANKTON, S. D Msy l (Special. -In
one eaaket there arrived la Yankton
for burial the charred remains of a hus
band, bis wife snd their fife little chil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson, for
merly of olio, this county, snd their en
tire' family, burned ta death ta their
little home on tbe fsrally claim at Freehs.
There was soma doubt at first sa to the
cause of death, but this waa removed aa
a search of the ruined bouse by Marti a
CM sen. a brother, of Mr. Peterson, ft
a found thst an rncubstor bad so
doubt get fire to-the house and the flame
were got discovered la Urn far tha tant
Uy ta eacaae Boata. The eldest girl bad
Jumped eat of k window, svtdentty, as
her little chsrred form found out
side tha nous. Ths bones of the atotber
war fou ar) near tha kitchen store, and
tha remains of the balance of the esrnllr
about tha house. The Ore took' lace
at night sod there are no witnesses to
th terrible fate that for tha first time
In the history of the state, had overtaken
s 'family, of seven by fir. The funeral
took place at Volln, near here. ' ,
Tuberculosis Serum
Found by Physician1
Gives Immunity
CHICAGO. May 11-ln a paper pre
pared by Dr. Karl von Ruck of Aahe-
vllle, N. C. and read before the Chi
cago Medical society today, he announced
that he had discovered a rum, which
he bellevaa give Immunity from tuber
. The phyajrisa says his vaccine will kill
the germ of tuberculosis In a latent
stags sad make the subject Immune
from further rsvsges of the disease. Ex-
pertments made oa children and counter
expert meats made on snlmsls are said
to have demonstrated ths efficacy ef the
The. preparation, which I have made
aad uadd," said Dr. von Ruck, "contains
all the- soluble protetd constituents of a
tubercle baocjllus with ths addition of a
small amount of fatty eitractlvea. It
would require much apace to describe
the mode of preparation, but thla shall
be done at an early date."
Dr. von Ruck says his vaccine is harm,
less and powerful enough to act by one
or two applications.
Eicheson Soothed by
I Fpurteen-Hour Sleep
BOSTON. May .-Fourteea hours of
sound, refreshing sleep todsy served to
transform Clarence V. T. Rleheson, who
swslting the call to the death chair
In the Maaaarhuaerts'aUts'wrlsoa, from
hysteria to calmness and apparent resig
nation. Reports from ths court house to
night Indicated thst ths slsyer of Avis
Ltnnell was regaining the remarkable
composure snd sett control which has
been the wonder of an whs have studied
Rleheson this afternoon broke a fast of
thirty hours when be Joined hi spiritual
adviser. Rev. Herbert 8. Johnson, and
Chaplain Stephens m a substantia din
ner. ' It wss the first food that
passed his Hp since he heard-that sll
bop of executive clemency bad
wept away. - v-
That Rleheson will not be wholly with,
out family friend on the last day or two
sf hla life was Indicated when Attorney
Mora announced that a brother of the
prisoner. Douglas L. Rleheson, wss
bis way from Chicago and would arrlvs
tomorrow. He will be the only member
ot the Rleheson family who will see th
murderer go to kis death.
Information today that his body would
la all' probability be burled 4estda the
grave of his mother la the family lot
la Virginia brought consols ti on to Rich ,
sen. .'-
Appllcatiaa far the brain of Rleheson
was made today by aa official of the
Harvard medical school, who desires to
exsmrne It for abnormal features. The
I to BJcaesaa'sl.
wis) b referred ts BJcktasa'
. J:IH1
--' a. I tli.llla all Hil.rwill.. . s ..-w . v
From the Cleveland Plata Dealer. ' ' ' ,' '
Strike Kepeated Satage Blows at
Preddent Taft.
Deelasws Aetlea of (kief Kseeatlve
Takes bp Bank Prealdeat Mlaht
Be Breaght Before Die.
trie! Attorary. .
CLEVELAND, O.. May .-For on
hour Idat night Colonel Roosevelt fared
large crowd In ths Central armory her
snd struck blow after blow at President
Ha ssserled that th president had msde
untruthful statement about him. H
declared that -the president's action In
the rUllraaat esse was- sues that had b
take seeki a course as a president It a
bar), "h would have been la Imminent
danger ef having tha matter raid before
th district sttorney. ...
H attacked Mr.- Tafi tor alluding to
ta fact that Dan R. Hanna of Cleveland.
on ef th let Heaator Mark Hanna.
was eu penning him. and that Hanna had
been indicted on ths charge of rebating.
On by on hs took up point on which
President Taft has assailed him. and
when ha brought big speech to aa end
he said. ,"""-'
"tm against Mr. Taft because Mr.
Tart proved mil hies to ths cause of the
American people."
Colonel Roosevelt ' spent the dsy In
traveling through central Ohle and In
making a dosen speeches. la Cleveland
tonight he spoke flan In the Central
srmory, snd then went to th tee mill
district In the south end of the city and
delivered bis lt d dress ef the dsy.
He will spend Sunder- "Un James R.
Oarfleld, el-secrctary of th Interior, at
his boms In Mentor, O
Hesrsla AStsrks.
Mr. Tsfl Is not content" ssld Colonel
Roosevelt In opening his sddrea at the
Central srmory, "to fight thl Issue on
broad grounds of policy. Yesterday he.
in hla own person snd through his privst
secretary, made a number of bitter, snd
Incidentally-untruthful, personal attack
upon me." '
Colonel Roosevelt discussed the charge
of re hating on which Mr. Hanna waa In
dicted snd Its 'subsequent dismissal. II
ssld the facts of the case showed that
"there wss not ths slightest moral de
linquency oa th part f Hanna. because
of th action for which he was In-
dieted." . .
Colonel Roosevelt then ssid that If Mr.
Taft would read the current number .of
a weekly mags sine be would find name
after name of men among hi southern
delegate and supporters, who have been
Indicted and had evea served term of
Impel "on men t. He said thst one , Tsft
candidate for delegate from the District
of Columbia, "who Is now contenting the
eat of the rightfully elected delegate
ith Mr. Tan cordial approval, was
not only Indicted, but served a Jail sen
tence." . ;
The newspapers, he conl nued. have an
nounced thst In New Jersey next week.
Mr. Taft as to a th guest of a Taft
candidal for delegate, who was Indicted
ta connection with tbs , wire pool Inves
tigation last year.
Colonel Roosevstt sum mentioned Pat
rick Calhoun, who was Indicted la San
Coloael Roosevelt thest took up the
charge that he had refused to prosecute
tbe International Harvester company,
making much tha same statement In
thla connection aa la previous speeches.
Colonel Roosevelt' reference to the
BalUnger-Ptnchot esse wss the first ex
tended discussion of this rase la the
campaign. He asserted Mr. Taft "sup
ported Mr. Bellinger against every hon
est offlcal In the Interior department
aad especially Gilford Placket and Louis
"Olarela." be continued, "put fnto the
bands ot th prealdeat a detailed report
showing that th Cunningham claims
were fraudulent as every en knew snd
now admits that they were. Mr. Taft
did net read tha evidence la the case
and he actually placed the dcrtstoa of
the ewe la the hands ef Bellinger and
sissedl ths !e;r prepared by Attorney
Oscar Lawler In Bellinger a office, which
whitewashed Bellinger and directed, the
ezpulatss of Olava from office.
tils letter. Mr. Taft stated with
The "Honeyfugieri:'
': ; - t
Circulation Agent ;'
Dies from Stroke of
Apoplexy Sunday
Immediately after he uffrd a Mrok
ot apoplexy. Myron E. Thorns, a circula
tion agent fur Ths Be Publishing omn-
naay, .told an acquaintance that ha wss
djlng nd that h wanted to die la hi
room at th Midland hotel. Thla was at
Fifteenth and Cass streets about !:
o'clock. ,'
W. J, Marshall. Ua) Park avenu. and
Oacar smith. S4I0 North Twenty-first
treat, who picked Theme from th
ground whsrs h had fallen following tha
atroke. started to assist him to hi hole!
st Sixteenth and Chicago alreet. When
half way to th hotel Thomas asked th
man to let him alt dowa an a bench la
Jeffarso Bauer park. 1 They did a sad
whir en wae calling a doctor dlsd. .
Thsma waa about M year of age and
had .represented Th Twentieth Can turf
Farmer and. Tha Res tor sevsral yaara.
Ha had been In the cHy only flv dava
though he hid rented a room at tha Mldr
land (or a year. . . ; ' n y
An Inquest may be- hd today by
Coroner Willi C. Crosby, wh took
charge of the body. , , ,
- (From a Staff Correspondent.) '
WASHINGTON. May ll-ISpseial Tele-grantur-Th
Borah bill I till In confer
ence swatting an agreement by th
enste conferee. If such agreement can
bs reached. It I not all unlikely that
the conference committee will disagree.
Representative Mondell of . the bouse
conferee Mid Concerning the. measure:
"'It the people of the west - will stand
by their conferees, a thrae-yeer home
ted bill ran be eventually obtained
without surrendering to. the Impossible
demand ot It-pa whose real purpose
ere to retain so far ss la possible, all
land title In th federal government
Lacking the courage to declare against
homestead settlernent they seek to dv
oouraga It by Impossible limitation on
title. .
"A reduction of th period of residence
en homesteads from five to three year
would be helpful In a grant many cases.
but wa cannot afford to verturn our
entire land ay stem to surrender the Juris.
diction of our Mates, to give ear citlsens
s title Inviting Iswsults and subject to
confiscations, for thla shortening of th
homestead period.
"It I true that those who secure leads
under agricultural title do not expect to
obtain mineral and reason eb I care
should be narclaed to make It eertsla
that homeatead kinds -do not centals
minerals, before title pass." But nothing
could be more disturbing to land values
or more likely to lead to confllrtloa, than
a policy of titles, end or which proaneet
Ing might be carved on oa a man's farm
af any' time' and under which at any
time In tha future, a multiplicity of f ties
of doubtful extent might be attached to
the asm tract of land." ' -
The senate conferee are Insisting' upon
Incorporating la th Borah bill a pro
vision .that "ta sll existing end-- future
homeateads the' settler shall have title
only to tbe surfs e. title to mineral and
water to be reserved to the government
The house conferee ar oppewd to' It
for the reason given by Mr. Mondell.
DENVER. Colo.. Msy hV A Denver
girt' dream ts response! bl tor stories
reflecting upon the moral character of
the Row. O. F. Johnsoa ef Roc ford, rt,
for tbe slleged circulation of which the
Rev. O. A. Toting and ,A.C. Leafgren
of thl city have been asked to apologise
by tbe Free Swedish church of Rockford.
The young woman In sn sffldsvtt here
confesses sll sns slleged was s dream.
At th time she first told the stones
she was working In Rockford. ' Rev. A
C. Leafgren hoard the stories and. it s
said, asked the Rev. a A. Young to Jew
with him la aa Irrvestlgatloa. Mr. Toung
It ts said, refused. Rev. Mr. Leafgren
then wrote letter to Rockford. which
fed rate, the hands f
rtocatoH aaatotar.
Santoaa Eeld ' for Carrying Anal
'Contrary to Proclamation.
Deri si v Aetlea t Bs posted Wltbla
t Tbre Pays Or e Ca
tratlsc m A rear Sear
Chlbssbaa.. . ,
NEW ORLEANS. May ll-TKe steal
lla tamablp Saataaa was salted la ihalpisyers war nor guarded M their talM
harbor here- tonight by th Units Stat
raven us euttar. Davey, chsrgsd with via-1
istwr t larms ot rresuent Test prec
lemeiiou or Mrca 14. frohlstuas the)
shlmnset ef arm and ammnmtloa to
Msiloe. The Santona, whiek bad cleared
and aaHed ton Prog. MsxMs. had
board UUm roun of rtfig aiiimstiW)
and ten- case of eSebtnaa.- , - 1 ' ,
Agsnt af the tsmshlp eompany 'pre
duoad oo ale of th consular Mil of
lading shewing rhat fh war musJtteht
aboard .th .Santos were .consigned
th governor ot th Mat of Camaocha,
Mexloe. Th ship manifest file' at thel
custom house did aot Include these muni
tions, 1 '1 ', .. V .1 .. -!..' , .1 I. ..' I I
Captain Manson . ef the cutter Davey
placed a crow aboard' the Bentons and
the stssmer will be detained peratlna;-re
ceipt ef Inatruatton from Washington. I
Captain, J. c. Bojd. maator of th
sieanier, . disclaimed any kaowledg ef
the prnc ot arm and ammunition
aboard until after ha was under ,way.
when th mate Informed aim ot the ship.
mnt Captain Boyd waa set taken 1st
SL PASO. Tex, My M.-Th Mexlraa
federal government, by a aeries ot ombou-
vtra that are expected to aom ta a oil
max la the sent three days, hopes to asal
crushing a blow to th Inaurrecto
movement in the north as I disperse
th hitherto orgsnlssd army of rebels
While Oners Orosco, with I.OOt rebel,
I holding strategic poetuma between Ret-
Isno 'and Jlaitnas. and Oeaeral Huerta.
UttBllH . AS S tMla
la only fifteen miles away today, press
ing aorthwsrd to attack ths Insure set os,
sharp fighting la bow looked tor all th
way to tha American bonier. Juarea
likely will fall Into the bands of th
constituted government again.
Chll ahaa, whr there ar hundreds
of American residents, will be eat off
from both the north- and the south and
the govermTtent pis as to drtv Orosco
back Into thst city snd fore him from
sll directions to surrender or - take to
th hilt.
WASHINGTON. Msy b. -Convinced
that there, waa no hop ' of completing
th reading of tha Panama ssnal admin
istration bill last night the bout gave up
In despair and adjourned. . It la possible
that consideration ef th measure cannot
be resumed before Tuesday. Debet was
so vigorous, especUlly on tn section
providing for tolls, thst all th' hour
legislsllv aaacttfasry could aot mora
the mess lire along ea sahedul time.
A half dosen emend meat were offered
to tbe loll section, esc) designed to
rperfoet the measure." These multiplied
so rapidly snd ao asany mors threatened
thst . ths ho us . finally ordered . them
printed aad then put ooraldorattoa of
th toil - auestton .ever until .the first
reading ef tbe bill Is completed.' Repre
sentatlve from tn Atlantic. Pacific and
gulf coast states continued their fight
for tree pssssae through tha canal for
American ships, , whim the who sup
ported the bill's provisions for universal
charges sa sll shipping, ItiespectU ef
nationality, contended that such a dis
crimination would - violets th Hsy
Panoforte treaty.
Representative . Boriead sf Mlasourb
called sttentlon to ths necessity for pre
paring for attacks on tbe canal by air
ships He declared that the works thst
cost , ths - American people f40A.6ee.4Ot
would be at th mercy of lr craft carry
lag exp'oalvee. , - .
Bepabltr (esapeay Psya Flwe.
Republle Oil company today paid a
fin ouster Judgment to th clerk of th
supreme court The eompany. which wss
convicted of violating the anti-trust law.
will not ask to be allowed to reman) In
th state a H withdrew to suit
was asa .
Both Sides ia Base Ball Playtn'
Strike Stand Pat oa Pre
? .... Tioai Aotioiis.. .
.'v ;aawaaxa.. , ' -.
Avaita Arrival of ' K.Tin. Before
Taking OeoisiT More. :
Another. Patched 'Uo Team .Will
Take the Field.
Isslat febb Wae Felly Jestltled la
Hlltlaa Spot-eater la Brer York
' - Bream Mere Swarded
la Talk. ' ;
Johnson, president ot the American Bate
Ball league, arrived her thl afternoot
to investlgat th etrtk at th playact
ot th Ds trait club h found bo chant
la th ettuatiea. Mr. Johnson said
ull "(toed sat" oa his action in sua--
sending Ty, Cobb, which cauasd the r
volt af tha player, and th Utter say
they will refuse to play tor Detroit un
its th lauspeastoa la lifted.
Mr. Johaaoa srrlved la Philadelphia
from Cincinnati shortly after I o'clock
went lata conference with Hugh
Jesntngs, manager of th Detroit: team.
What occurred at the meeting waa not
mad public, Mr. Jehnsaa merely eeylng
he bad had aa extended talk with th"
manager. Ha said hs would aot discuss
th matter further antll tha arrival her-
tanlght ef Frank Navln, president af th-
Detroit club. Questioned aa to what
would scour tomorrow la vnt th IX-
troil playsrs- still refused t play ball.
Mr. Johnsoa replied that Detroit prob
ably would put a team la th Held ,'nd
will have the asm klad of a same
aa that af yeeterday.'
Dvrlng th afternoon Mr. Johnson asst.
and discussed the ertuatloa with Ban
Shlb. aresMent ' af : the ' Philadelphia'
. i... ri. v.. kail eluh aad wrtls
Cennls Mack, in manager.
Th Detroit slayer keld'a meeting thlg
iftamoea and. ' Whll na aanouncemen-.
made, avrarsl sf the' players said
they 'would stir together" and uniee
Cebb era relnststed the pla-ra ' would
sat ly tomorrow. Th player Imuar
that Cobb waa fully justified la anting-
th soecntor.' Vallk ytrday. the
gad war dltno!md t issues tn mi"
tr for publtcstloa.' IS group they toak
inty rlaM about tb alty. ' '
TT'll!" -f Ttill - ''' J i
KilUng of Dillon
liives Dornuou 10
CHlCAOO, .May ,1.-Tb killing Ot C,
C Dillon, by a .trala sear Wllmett. a
suburb, yesterday probably partly anlved
th Lo Anseles-muertee mystery.
After piecing together various cluea,
tha, police, tonight ,eald they wer coa
vtneed the dead man waa ta myterr
Dillon, who had en sought by tha 10
An tela police, as the inurderer of lb
woman aad that th woman Is Mrs
Basal Jones. . - t t-- ,.-!' "
nvral' former .acqtwlhtanee ef Mr
Jane -today - ideatiriod a picture af tbe
lm we man as thst ot Mrs Jones, -
L'ntll MX ' week ago Dillon and Mrs.
Jon Hvd at 4U41 Evanatoa avenuej CrnV
,eft ,Bj . fBW gay. later k
disappeared. . Post 'csrns, mailed front
Norfolk, iVa- were received by aoquslat-
snces trora Mrs. Jenes. Nothing has been
heard from her since.. ... . ..
Shortly afterwards. Di Ilea's wife and
relative har received postcards and 1st-
ten from ' him. mailed In Denver aad
Lo Angeles. ; Friends testified at the 1a-
.... Mi.M ehm rHllna -eatureed frara
re" I'
Los Angla last. Sunday.
Th description . ot th Dillon" for
whom th California authorities have
been searching la almost Identical will)
that of th deed -man. Th tracks at
the point where th man was killed ar
elevateB, . ami this led th police ts be
lieve that tha men voluntarily ended hla
Ills - ' - i - - ,
One'lmportant link in. lbs chain of
evidence pointing; to ths Identincsiisn.
of tlx deed woman is .lacking. .Mrs.
Jones wss not a . Catholic. . while th
murdered women wore the badge ot tbe
Dillon. , however, waa a Cathollo and
the pollea boltov that be may have in
sisted that th woman wear the insignia
of his church.
I Mrm Dillon, .whoa found st 'the home
I brother-in-law- late tonight, aaid
hs did not believe her husband hsd no
thing ts do with tbe slb-ged murder.
8 he averred shs would .be sbJ .to show
(nat ht nought a -pair ef shoe la Sscra-
mento. Cal.. oa May 7. th data of th
Lo Angelea murder.
, Do you hT apisuto' '
automobile, watch,
knife, horso or any
piece of Inrniture that:
you do , not want. A'
Bp , want ad will sell
thfro. for you..; ' . '
- Are there many ar
ticles you do not have
that you wantt Turn
to the classified pages
of The Bee. It is a bar-'
gain counter. . ,
Yon probably will flad
what you want there. It Ton
do sot, send a message to
thousand! through, a littla
want ad telling . Just what, -jrou
want. - -
YonTl get results.' ' -