Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE OMAH -SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19, 1912.
Gossip -Along
Automobile Bow.
! Huff of th Nebraska Bnek Aate
eonpanr Hn th Butck radng ear ea
ter In U) Indhuapotia iiltf new
bee m ooBnectlea wkb tee Balcfe-cacaor
In anr way, but Is owned by an teal
vMual. Wtn Um Bulck factorr mA th
snouneuiMnt that It ted pcnntMatlr
Withdraw ! h . . -
roe kt mm. an nine tba. tlase has
aa sews sa H7 none ttmi. :
During th last week th W. U Hurt
asaa Aut eontpaay baa aerlrerea large
numhar of can and mad a aunber at
aw agencies. Jm Important dlstribattng
, bouee at Hastings, with Pre Neir aa
manager, kaa beta establish!. CSart WIU
be oarrhta n auuk ther Ir aelrrsry to
agents la tka aertb western part at "the
. state. Several carload shipments wart
mad direot from tka factory to Mitchell,
8. D.s Madison. . D.1 (Boot Walla, a. n
and Sioux Cltr. la. A carload ehlpment
was ale mad to the Bldiea Motor Car
company at Itacoln. .
J. F. Ban of Council Bluffi purchased
a tovrlnc car last week from Manager
Relm of tba Cadillac last week.
Ifenager ' Molntyra of the Mclntyre
Auto company asld aa Oakland -40' last
' week to Smith Brothers,' South' Omaha
live stock eommlnion merchants.
The Powell Supply company mad ar
rangements with the Nre-Scbaelder-Towler
company for. the sale of batterlee
to th company'! large string of sleva
tor. This Is' conaldered on of th lerg
est contracts landed by a local supply
bans this season.
4 SeeWfal carloads of Hupmoblles are ex
pected to arrive the first of this week.
Mauser Ruff man baa booked orders al
ready for these cars, and has prospects
lor several mora machines.
' W.'B. Linebarger bought aCadlllae
touring' ear last week from th local
'WJ tS Forater, manacer of th c4nae
Crockery ompany, la new rldlnc to and
from hi office in a brand new Oakland
f r ear, which he parebased mat weak
Xrm the Mclntyre Aat
. . Dick Stewart of the Mitchell Ante com
pany I one of the basleet dealers atone
aa row. , The treat demand fa th
Mitchell Llttla Six keeps him' etr the
sum? fettlnf ear through from th fae
tOk ' ''., P
H. If. Seett of tba Beett Asia eecBBeal',
Vertolk," called at the Pewett par
company last weak and placed a hurt
rtsfv..... . ; - - -' . ,
t i 1 - i --
Many twenty-horssi power Bupmoblles
fear delivered last week to retail buyers.
Mr. Huffman expect another shipment
of these ears about the middle of tba
I Benjamin T. Auld of Oris wold, la, was
v visitor at the Mclntyre Auto oompany
last weak. Although as earn t Omaha
Ma railway be returned vrlaad hi a
hew Oakland "lO-aralch Manager M
latyre NBoarlncad Mar it was keeassary
to bare, -', i ' , .'
, j y.'. :
, J. Or Martin of South Omaha now
makes hi visits In a asw CadUlaa oar,
wblok he purohased tram th tooal branch
a, short tims ago. A , ";t '.
t)uri( tits last wsek tka Powell Sappiy
company made several shipments ta The
'Walter' lewd company, Meybura, Saskat
chewan, Canada. Clarke Powell said he
wouldn't be a bit surprised to receive aa
order from screes the water la th Beat
few months. However, be dldnt say
whether be meant from aaroa the Mis
souri or th deep blue sea, .
R. K, Ore en of the Ooodyear Ttra'aad
Rubber eampaoy faetary , visited ' with
Maaagar Qraree of tba weal braaok last
week, aa alao called aa tba O
dealers. While bare be visited Fort
Omaha and Inspected tba large balloon
parens sad recently by the government
. Six Omaha racing fans will leave May
SJ for Indlaaapolla ta attend . the ante
races there Memorial day. They will go
by railroad. la the party will be Dick
Stewart manager of the Mitchell Auto
smpaay; K. M. Fairfield, C.,W Hull.
Frank Parma!, M. 0. Celpataer and C.
f. Stewart ot,..CouaeU Blafta. .
Maaager T. T. drave c th Ooodyear
TIM and Rabwer eiwnnay returned last
Tuesday tram trtp t Chkaga,
Th Apperaon Aat company has not a
atngla ar left on tba floor of the ealte
rooms that has not been sold. So great
aa bees the demand tor this ear that
Manager Corkey could not va keep k
demonstrator, A large shipment at ear
Is expected la this week, and th factory
has promised more In. the near future.
Three of the Powell Supply company's
salesmen are making their, terrltorlee la
automobiles. The saving In time and ax
pens I remarkable sad 'the company Is
encouraging all its reprenntatlve to uss
machines. . ;
Manacer Eellv of the Midwest garage
at Benkleman, Neb., was to the city last
Wednesday and drove home la a
Flanders .
Arthur lipp of. the Oakland factory at
Pontile, - Mien.; will take charge of the
repair department of - the Mclntyre Ante
company In the near future. Mr. Upp
has been In- the employ of the factory la
this line for some time and known the
business thoroughly. "I believe la giving
the trad tba bast service possible the
reoalr department.'' said Manager Mo.
Intyr. VT win e that all Oakland
owners having repair work to be done will
be attended ta at, enc and' la . most
satisfactory way." ;
The following sales were. made by the
VR-.Wllsea Aoto oompany last week:
F. ' Oarrteen, Omaha; ' E4f -F; Charles
Blakler, . Omaha, Lexington! Charles
Fry, Thurston, Lexington; Ferry Fulmar,
Cedar -Bluff, Lexlnrtaa, .....'.. .
' Tba Arthur Utors Supply company has
red sort the prtee'of repairing puncture
M tubes Iran oenb ta esnta, Aa a
result' ths-repair dapartmeat Is working
overtime to keep up with the work.
Six carload ahlpmants nt .Cartel earl
and ene carload wf Mats machine were
aaioadsd ay tha Carter Car company last
F. R.. tteaabraok, . aaletmanager C the
Fowefl Supply company, mad 4 flying
trip bte the Iowa territory nut week end
opened up several big accounts The
dealer In that section are jubilant ever
tko business outlook, and art stocking ap
hee-rUy... , .- t.
1. 8. Oreenwetl, traveling rspreesnta
ttve ef the Weed Chain and Tire Orlp
company, vltllw Maaager, Arthut Stora
of the Bton Supply oompany last week.
Mr. Stori placed aa order tor several
thousand sets of ehalae. j
several -tloii 'oars were sold m th tar-
rHery antf a. number ef city J-wer
made by Maaager Bald ef the Lion Motor
company last week.
Contract for tha sale of Carter ear
were closed by Manager Foehler of the
local branch but week, with I. 8. Cap ran
or Ord. J. c. Satsbrook, Soott's Bluff,
B. a Nolle, Elkhora. -
A large shipment of Brlggt and Stratoa
vlbralers, ee pec tally for Ford cars, was
received last Wednesday morning by fte
Arthur Stora Supply company, and be.
for evening every one bad beea asld.
' Th Carter Car company made, the for
lewmg carload deUverlea la the state last
week: Lincoln, six; Bralnard, two; Oak-
mad, two; Butte, four.
A ehtptnent et rugged thread Federal
tlree was received by the' Arthur Bton
Supply roams ny last week.
The neetrto Garase company sold
three-ton truck, ta the Alamlto Sanitary
Dairy company Mat week, which wID ar
rive here Monday . after ' which time It
eaa be seen before the run ehlnee la th
morning out thirteen mile on the West
Dodge road, returning at I M e'clock,'the
aUieare regartertng twenty-nta miles
then goaag ta Irvnegtoa, returning about
a-M ecleck. making the depots between
ttaad.1 aeloek, ctvtag the drtver ketweea
I and o'clock or a UtUe rest. At
e clock the truck makes another trie out
the Jodge jead, returning about .l:M
clock, ttle making a total miles cf a
days run between sixty and olxty-tlveJ
miles, thus not only making better time
than teams, bufprevectlng the sou ring of
the milk In' warm weather by being de
layed go long oa the road.
Cole Motor Car Co.
Opens Branch Here
C P. HendertoiL general salea manaa-er
of tha Cble Motor Car oompany- of In-
diana polls, will arrive In Omaha Tuesday
to establish a direct Omaha branch of
the Cole Motor Car company. Mr. Hen
derson brings with him to Omaha a car-
lead of Cole motor oar and he will es
tablish temporary Cole headquarter at
1103-4 Famam street. B. B. Bigisr will
work with him In hut preliminary efforts
relative to establishing the branch.
A recently completed big addition to
the Cole plant with aa Increased output
fees It possible for the company to
extend better aervtee to Cole dealers and
owner In all parts of the country and
to more fully supply the Coie' demand of
Omaha and vMnlty. j
The Cole company aow markets seven
models of cars and It'haa beea rumored
recently that for the season of Utt the
oompany Intends to munch a medium
priced Cola, From what can be learned
this car Will wmbraee all the auaHtiee of
Col eonstruefloa, but will be smaller la
oerula details, suck aa cylinder dlmea-
skos's and, wheel base. .It. Is said that the
new car will be .called tha Cole Junior
and that the price Is to be around fMo.
la referring to the Omaha attuatloa re
cently, Mf, Henderson refused ta discuss
BMce viable tkst yea dldnt bsvt to wear
boes. Oeeibre teot mtMnrl tjUUTTTX eow
tbs sttek yes, tAXATlTS-UisI reatrktblt
foot MSef that ku etertled
abHrleoe sad broof hs bbertt
to Uoajtads ol sore-root!
tore-tooted ilrrei. SiMATIT!
MAWS OCT tit FAlst sad
sad beelt your
VrlsBBlBnT'sxBf bbb?
wounded, bunilni, tiled tMt
Bwtsntlr. BlklPLT DC8T IT
TOua yEsT at the stere
mi, ead tbt ens via thin
,B dty teryoa, POX'f
trust powders tbtt mere
ly Base your feet SUs
pers. SANATTTK Is to
PiyyEkKAT 3l9reat
from ,11 Athera. Tl e
.rflSna, atelfae. teetblss aiedt
Is s PSI yonsf. sntlMDtw and unlterv
- rellffjbtt CURES CR!tS, If SECT B1TFS,
It seotbes, eoelt ud drlirat-Hasies you ntl
BU doisg a Blgblesd tuat, yea setl se yena(
astla. reoDlt who wslk er stand eonaldarabtv
wboet ttat saretilte, salt er bar should BB
WAkll rrbey tr eeurtlsg BermsneBi bodily
Inlury that wtB bum dirt ef mtaarr. Try
lAMATTTgewnr DRUOOIsT win you
wish s We or sot psehate, If sot, it.HD V
tor t larra packate, poattld, direct to The
o r,auauvaMa) bU Va Bl
lueei, Dtaver,
III I tm,. - ...t V ''
1H erl - w --waJa-
tstj! s ' ' l. I ' Xo owoer irio hu jutt bought iit fourth Maxwell car told.-'. '
HI HI . , ," , ns that he naj 4na 37,000 mile and ia fix yean ba4 never,
1 : been atilled oo tbe road, never beea lenoutiv ddayetj even- by tire
, , ; .:. rrotible, a ever had s broken part except, ene which wit 'bit own"
; . r .' r(ttlt hkd practkalljr oo repair expenie sad makimum terricA At,
; it- ' , ,. mmitwuii coat. . . v " .. . .u. . .
Maxwell IVlascotte" $980
: - Ezperieiieet like this tre common. They explain why Max- ;
, . well cm are used by aj.UUU ownert, bfli.sw phrncisni wbo ,
' T . - A k
sattst have reKabilitv at any cost, by 6,000 talesmen in 2,800 buti . "
nesaet who must he economical tervice; in tbort.lvvevervoo who
wsntt rniximuta emce at tnirumua price.
W went yon to rid U the ''Masnstw'. Tttcpkoa'
fer appoietmerrt er send for our Catalogs de Laxs
aad erbcr literatut eVarribint the Maxwell saedtls. '
; : t -, ,
Ohm ItlseUs ,
'J, - a
' ', . Baa til Tatttri; .iTVmtnt '
I liiime Terw Car. rally "
arieieees. mewt lag nil Menu,
" timt laTlpaa ' " ' ;
Msvwaa -Mt'ainrti- Fi aslss.
stamweB'Mimaaaii-Biiailss. '
- sVsssssJl ks a, , '
-M , f) Uclted Mpt Qn&t Co., 2115 Famam St
I ill ... need sVasa Os Cwaaofl attalT, ta, I Waleh Wnabat. Teteseaa, Boa,
attH Wit . Walaa, lew. saiMia St Tiitisib. Wabae, Meb.
' ,: l A. B. Beswaa, ABatekea, Xswa. saws ) kUlasiaa, Fiaaaeat, sTrb.
4 I ' ! B i als IB Awt Oe, TCalSf. Bewaaa. . Best atetoe CM, Savra. Casy, Beta,
- Bert rkBpet, Wasytag Waeaw, Bea, Trnlmts j Biiih. xsIils. Baa,
the opening of the aew branch, other
tbaa to aay that la hat opinion- Omaha
was the most Ideally located center la
th west tram which to operate a sale
eampatga-aneh aa ha baa- ta mind. -I
have had my eye on Omaha for the past
tew year,' said Mr. Headers aa, ut It
la only ea the eomplecloa ot plana for
ear aew factory that I ave felt Justi
fied la treeing thai' new ' territory;'
nek eve the- Omaha's raceptlott 'of 'the
Oslo will be whole hearted a my Impreev
ttea-ot Omaha at favorable."' Mr.- Hen.
deraea will apead esraral dare la Omaha
eoeou mating his plana. The establishment
ot'thie branch Is eoojlateot with' his
Plans for work lag oa an eVen'more ext
taoatv dletrlbutloa for the coming lilt
sasaoa, - )t a said Mr. ' sndereoa" wlB
-work sut a tajb-agency for-OlnsUia la
connection with the local distributor 't
be appolntsd. : .,.,. j
- sUteee- ta Defeat. 1 , t
The late Colonel Wilbur F.- Sanders of
Montana, who was cm a united State
eeoetor from -that oemmoawealta.. mixed
a good deal In politics, and oo Utpe wnea
be ran for tbe fovernorahtp was defeated
by a widely known democrat. l
. Oa eJectloa airht tbs democrats ot .Hel
en held a jollification meeting and Han
dera went ever to eee what watt going
aa. . Me stood to tbs edge of the crowd,
but wss sooa recognised and called upoa
tor a peeoh. - . i 1
- "Frlenda and "fellow dtlsens." be be
gan, "wheu I waa nsmtnated dor th
high office of governor by tbe repub
Ucans. my ' ODPonents - and. demooratla
frlenda told me they oould beat net wlibJ
a yenow oog. - . , .
There were loud cheers. '
- "And." shouted rtenders, -they dld."-
Ssturday Evening Poet., -
Revitalize ..'
Ypiir Car
Yob cm get th Rrmjf May
acto, th beat magnrt Is tht
world, tot kn thta tht ceet of
retain) w your oM end steal W. I
...... 7 -ll-.K ...,H.I..
this epeartunitjr aik ul 10 tcjl
ynasbeattbs -,
. . , , " ' ''. '. ;
' - Ry . .. ,
' Exchange Offer i 1
aeebeSSiSarSaVOatliM aeatstS
Onvsivi Rubber Ca
- gtJCaVMmiUtr. I
t-i). -I'n'. t"-v I "i t : : ;-; ' . , ;
v .-. ..,'..'- . . - 1 : ' . - . ;
I'- 1,1'- . ... f ' ''im-' 'v'l'' I ' ' .
' t-BTVl 1 '
,v ; i ne oniy
' -. av. . - 1-
' - Complete -
S fl-
You may tetrclt the entire, market rot
.i another medium-price car with Courier
feature and not find one.1 It bat
nukual value, as ihown by those irn
v port ant details which most interest you.
. 'v - -.'' "';-..- " v i:. I
Body Courier, bodies ar paciot,
, t 1 ' . deeply apholttered, finithed in dark
coach blue.' They hare tosh tided, in-
-' :- i:i.u v-..'j v..
SW6 -contrui, aicaeaua tjiica. a va w ev .
cooling and dasl Ifnltion, . Itds simple ,
' and lexibk throttles down to mere
't mevwsaent and ''akka tip" easily aad r-v
Quickly. ' If you've ever irfraw another '
car you'll appreciate the Coorlcf engine,.
,.t "
. Brake) The moat importtnt part of a.
, motor car. Courien have sour Urga
' r brtket acting directly on the rear wheel
.a it., -at j .a-i--r- r ,
-eiv 0
and musHv rBcrt!v When nwyefne fatv
. glad to motor wub your lamur 10 s car t warii, or aauwaro sown um w in-- .
, oi the Courier's self-evident clss. , - stance. TDeydwBotr'P. but
e-. - , . . ;AT-gwothly tad firmly. Tha con&deaca,. t,
EtTttrptadnt Its "Cbmpleteneu mfckes you fee) when these brakes are applied
' Courier price nil the more 'wfraordi-' .4 It pleasint yos aften do not get .r '
, nary,.. You bare no expenie for eee- ' other Cart sren expenirre ones.- Vf .
sories.. Your Courier hu aelltirter,v . - ...7 v,i'"
j mohair1, top, top boot, tide curtain. ' LWealsOe
windthi'eld, gtt tank and headlights, oQ ' circulating system for the motor,, Hat- -r
''tide and rear limpthorn and tool. . : in a galloB of oil about erery 100 anwi.' r .--'
" v ' ; Many mite cum aw-Btwdewowveb.
Mototi It it a quiet running 30 h.r); spring thackLH. ,Me'rrlf ,ennm!fin;
. . M imm Ik. Mat ja arm...".'
stroke gives it continuoui pewer and V' :r 1 : ,-.; ... -Vw -)'- wi t
greater economy. It it can an bloc, run , .ATeleplions of wrlto Md.wa'acAil And",
onbsll.besrinn.huthentoo-vohoowter 1 take you for a real rid. -v e?,r!ATa fi: id
' ' - ' ' - ."-.'.. ' : '. r-a e'..' " ' '"" 1
The T. G. NORTfflr ALL CO.
mil. irxsxitll
fj . I . Ill.a .'-a..-'.
. - - ., - . , . - : ... -' ,s ";:
:t TheCble.Co
'-' e '
: ! G PsHenderson, sales manager. of the'GoleM6tor, CarjCdn.
; Pany Indianapolis, will be in OmahVTuesday, May 21oe8J t
. . feiWJar, ''Aim Atft aPtTB a'4 eV UatrtMrsll Va 4 aU .sae ll aVartaV mcS ltM aAABtjaftMMW U We.
. lauiuii a taut vi dviui y tuuiiwu ui.UM) v.uyivi uis cuiiidiiye..! ,ium,;,i
-::x headquarters will be at 11024 Farnam'street.n .;, -
A Carload Ne w? Automobileo ;
O I 114
te,ell rtt.'S,
I ) nrt nell'i
T etta r'
proceefierj tlm. ; He to now ready to talk territory td JWted timber ,6( Uvwiro, rellaWe, gper"
"-,?- . v"iencedVub-afaitg. Is this YOTJt! " V " .: "; . .
, . , , . i jf 0, it u JQva gjy mjjajj, connection of jwir. life. Bee. him AT ONCE. w.ijr will v
.' b limited to a few dayi. See the wonderfnl lelf itaxtiM.' fiTiiaino' Electrio Llirbled. m-iaM wheel-
''':. tatS,' bij, rooriiy, S1XEJIT COIlV--tlie car you'll be pryild to lelU'iot hpo. tell you about birdia 1 5oT
" ' i Iributioa plauia.' ,t -,'. .. -.'5-; , '.;;,': '.n-a .
1 I II.. .....1 -1 JJil u ' 'm ei " e -lit "a L't.'tl t it.' -i !' ir"
t , vueBOU up Wlktt bUO giCHaCBt SVUU Dlgges UUUTiauai DUULCTI 01 sVawmODMU JB blB IRttt fl AUCUaepfc, )n
ana, the recofniied gaeoliiie hub. pon't delay. Territory will be gobbled, let (luiok.- Thoui nmjv. ' - J
beT,Doutfla4 3811, !Uk aa ftintmeot NOWe -"' r ;. - ii,'"i-
a' .-tS . It
Tire convertible levea pweiiger COLS Touriaf car.; -
- ' '. - -
... , ..
.1 v. ' : ' .
- v
a l , -- - .
; v; This is the Car They all Want . , .
. Call Tuesday at the above named address and learn Just why it is tha easiest tiding and easiest
selling and longest lasUng car ever put on the American markftt at its prioe $1,883., This price ia-
cludes Cectrio lights, self starter jand demountable rims one extra rim as regular equipment. ; .' '' '
. --.. v". ; - ' . ?' ' 't, ' ' - - . .'
f " ' ' ''' . ' " t 4
7 '
;. - . "--'"j " .':' .;.v - . ; '..?02r Xi ..'lf,r
- - . ., ' .. .
a- r . ' f ' -
' .A . .
tvfAU .-:." s)
'"', '" r'
-n trV. . ,sw