A HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19. 1912. 7 Ninety-Two Busy Years Now Behind Her ( The krtllisnt Illumination of Aa-8er-Ben U to Mrs. Qustsvs Fedorow, whe ton week celebrated ker ninety -second bnthdsy. the greatest achievement of the lut century. MrC Fedorow, who was born May U, 1K in 8L Petersburg, R'-ssls, came to tola country flfty-alx yean ago with her husnand. a wealthy and owner, who waa a political refugee under the relm of Cur Alexander IX I r. PJnnw 1 - I li . . . . wnw.Lra nsr mruiaay ,a Wednesday In the deltchtful Rus sule ana oerman way. Juat In formal afternoon coffee and eases and surrounded, by relaUvaa and friends and a quantity of beautiful flower aent by those who would tend greeting! and congrstulsttons. lira. Fedorow. who haa rent the greater part of her life la St. Louie, came to Omaha two year ago to make net home with her daughter. Mi Ferdinand Smith and Mr, Smith. She alto has two grandchildren resid ing her. Urn. Arthur Met and Mr. Arthur Frankiyn Smith. La it Wednes day ah enjoyed a motor rid to the horn of Mr. Mats, when the birthday celebration wa given. Th wonderful electrical Baarant nf Ak. Bar-Ben reminded Mrs. F redo row by contrast of on of th court parade giTea ib BL Petersburg over half a cen tury ago In honor of Czar Alexander. Th only lighting. poeilbl at thatitim wa amall lantern. These were held by mea Blaosd at Interval along th root and th lantern war lighted Jut before th approach f th pageant, a IfRS. GUBTAVA FEDOROW. , th lights would burn only for, a-abort On. ; . . ; Like an well born ladle of Russia. Mr. Fedorow la a great Untwist. She (peaks and write six language, Oer 'man, English, Preach. Italian. Russian and Swedish, and the still corresponds In th astir tongue with relative In Rue- sia and Sweden. When a 'young girl Mr. Fedorow waa Interested In music and a great friend of the famous composer, Rubeostela. One of th moat enjoyable events of Mrs. Fedorow' life waa crossing th ocean la a huga sailboat, fifty-Ms year ago. Fortunately she waa an excellent railor, for they were on th wster sixty day. Th fare eat sailboat which waa quit luxury for thst age, had uan passengers from flt Petersburg end Mr. Fedorow sars Se never enjoyed any thing a much s th ocean voyage. They landed at New Orleans and came up th river to St. Louts, which teemed quit wild and crude after reel ding la iSt. Petersburg. ' ! Mrs. Fedorow remembers Incidents ot th civil war; of making bandage for th wounded soldiers Bhe met General t-e and remember the- reception given th general while la that city. Later Mr. Fedorow moved to Chicago and after' th great fire there returned to St. Louis to reside. .. Mrs. J-Vderow hss ten grandchildren and a large number, of treat grandchil dren. Although she haa lived nearly a century, Mrs. Fedorow retains all her faculties and . her .favorite pastalms Is motoring with her grandchildren ant: great grandchildren. . . TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Omaha May Hare Thirteen Bepre tentative at Loniirille Meeting. IXCHAKOE OBSZ&TtS BTBTHDAY addealr Hesslsded that t Was Tweaty-riv Tear Old, It Free Meat Call tew Bxtxpetsn - BteaalBlseeaeee. a ess Kemialss V Thirteen Omahana may Thirteen Omahana may go to th an nual convention g th National Real Estate Exchanges to b held In Louis ville, Ky., June Is, and 11. Only two. 'so far, C. F. Harrtioa and Fred Crelgh, an certain that they will go. Questions sent out by Creigh, -the sec retary 0B4 the Omaha exchange, brought lack th Information that eleven mero- wie mv wnitmpuuni isajna; cue inn, but up to the present Urn hsv not been able to Mat definitely whether or not iney will. Byron Hasting and C. C. Oeorg In an probability will help sweU th Omaha .lepreseniauoa. unless wear plan g wry within th next few days, they aretto be counted on. Because of th distance, not much In terest is being taken by th Omaha realty men In' th Loulsvills convention. When the annual convention waa ' bald I IMnver last ysar, Omaha took away on st th pennanta for the largest represen tation. The distance 'waa not so gnat and Interest la the program ran higher. The program of th Loulsvills conven tion I enticing, however. Among th feature of the entertainment will be an evening t Fountain Ferry park, which haa th vetststlon of being one of the prettiest parks la th United Stat, It not In th World. This will tak place th flrel, evening of th convention. The next afternoon, Thursday, a steamer excursion on th Ohio river It planned and on Friday th delegates and their wive will be taken over th city of Louisville tat automobiles, th trip to be followed In th evening by a' huge banquet ' Saturday ther will be an excursion through th mammoth cave, on of the natural wonder of th country. Ther are also plsnned many Interest ing things In the way of real sststt business education. Among th tub. jects to be discussed by able speakers art: "Advertising Real Estate," "Li censing Real estate Broker." Subdrrl Mont," ""How to Conduct Rental De- uiicni, c, l , u t , w Aslnws, ine Multiple Listing Systems" nd "How te Develop and Hsndls Salesmen." Addresses of welcome will b made the erentnf . day by Governor Jam M. Me. Cleary of Kentucky and Mayor W. O. Hssd of Louisville. Oeorg W. Grant, president of the Loulsvills Real Estate exchange, also will mak a welcome ad dress to th visitors, to which response will be made by Bamnel Thorp ot Min neapolis, president ot the National As sociation of Real Sstste exchanges- Th Omaha Real Estate xchange rather suddenly waa sailed upon hurt Wednesday noon to celebrate Its twenty fifth anniversary. Although Incorpora tion papers were taken out Try th or ganisation October m, 13. the 'real or ganisation waa ftctsd exactly a quar ter of a century ag hut Tuesday.. It was. this fact of which a newspaper man reminded the member when they gath ered for their weekly meeting, and l was thought unfitting that the occasion should go by uncelebrated. Th presi dent Immediately fathered a resales tores and started R. An Informal discussion as th list ot charter members wa read off revealed th tact that many had died, several had ten th city and th whereebouta of some sre unknown by Omahana, Th original organlsattoa had sixty-two members, and out of that number thee ere now only eight men remaining en th ester. Ot them W. H. Oreea waa vice resident ot th first exchange- The i there sre George Wallace. A. P. Tukey, 1 C. Fatterscn, I. V. "holes. F. D ve Quickest and Survat Cure For All Sore Feet ml 1W1 Weed. J. W. Robbln and W. T..jQrahaa Th officer, ol th first exchange yore: T. S. Clarkson. president; , W. H. Green, vie president, and P. B. Woodiest, see. retarv-treesurer. Th rtglnal roll-M-..... - -i : . s ' Omaha, Real Estate W. T. Graham ..t-r-. and Trust, pom-D. R. Archer , . Kny. by' Alvln John W. Paul 1 under. 'pres-W. A.-Bpenoer-ldent ' i D. C. Pattere. The O. F. Davla W. C. A. Gardner company, by P. L.A. P. Tukey Perlne, secretary Morris Moerleon M. A. Upton Wtmkt Wester- W. A. McCsBdllsh field D. V. liholee Btrkhauser r Blu Oeorgs N. Hick mer , t Otto Lobeck - Nebraska Settling Th Mead Invest- and Supply com ment company, by pany David Jameson, R. a Berlin ' treasurer Georce i. Paul J. B. ttvant ' Theodore CM eon : Creary Crsary Gate CltvLand company. v W. Jbt, Taylor, secretary Hutchinson Weed Stringer A Penny Mumaugh KrtcFiett Lewis a. Reed CO. L. J. (Donoho Rrneet Risll aj Co. . Wall Blaynet D. U Smeaton Star Land and Loan company, by R. H. Wick, seoretsry Muir 4k Osylord m: F. Roys C, M. Power - -.- IL a. Clark G. H. Amee Groves- Stevens George P. Beml Curtis A Sackett C. L. Jaynee At C W. O. Shriver Thomas F. Tuttl ' Alexsnder SmltB H. t. Robert T. C. Bruner t B. R. Ball W. R. Homan El M. Stenberf F. K. fcarllng H K. atowe Benson A. Caralch- Ernest O. ael O. J. Collmsn. T. C. Clarkson K t. T. McVlttis, whose -cigar ' stors lri th Orpbeum at known to everyone I Omaha, haa leased a place. la the Board! of Trad bunding, su South l(enth street. Candy and special -lines will be carried In stock In the new place and Cowan will be sold there. . " Burd K Miller, the arcblttci ia Just Issued a book containing some bungalow and nous plan h and hi designers hav drawn. There . are design for bungalow boom and tins residence, ranging In pries frern II, NO to mor than 110.00. Th book IS an usually attractrr. Th engraving war mad by th Baker Bros, company and A. I. Root did the printing. MARTIN FAYORSCANAL BILL Congressman Would Bar Free Use to Railroad Owned Ships. SUBSTITUTE SUOAK BILL UP Measar Reported (Ost ( f ieasle Ceaessittee ea Flaasee aad Chaaa lea Hosae. lager ladaetry la If I'aeertala Way. (From a Staff Correspsndent.) . WASHINGTON, a C, May U. -(Special Telegram.) The sweeping provision In th Panama .canal bill prohibiting th use of th oanat to railroad owned ves sels, bow before the house tor debate was supported yesterday . by Representative Martm ot South Dakota. If such vssssls were admitted It" waa almost aurs, In Mr. Martin's opinion, to lead to ths Stirling of compstltloa 'and Jesssa ths benefits that would otherwise be conferred upon America Industrie by th opening ot Itfi greet waterway. Mr7 Martin also opposed th admission free to th canal of ships sngsged In the coastwise trade. Declaring that the Pa clfJo '-coast steamship companies ware en deavoring to secure tree tolls, Mr. Mar tin said that thsy already bad a monop oly and that It should not M runner rec ognised by government sanction ot free tolls.- . Th' ooeatwls .states will reap ths largeat benefits anywsy from the Psn- l'saiajcanal, because of their large ahlp HpiQg Interests." said Mr. Msrtln. "It I their' vessels are to b admitted tree. It S'ttl-result In Increased taxation, which must be bom by Interior state In a meaeur entirely out of proportion to th benefits accrulnsl to them. , It Is sstl- rmafedT that R wil sost 9,aoo,oM annually to maintaia the canal, and to that muat be added 110. 000,00 for th Interact on bond. It would not be fair to allow free use ot ths canal and then tax the Increased burden on tboss who do hot nap th benefits." The season's best in comfortiving creations INTEREST of the wife whose care is centered right now in putting her home into a condition that will make for comfort for all the family. This store offers things beautiful and cool in our drapery department that should grace every home. Here are some special bargains for a short time:' Porch shades for every home Shirt waist and utility boxes TVe are just entering on the season of the year when the porch becomes the most popular place. In order to make it comfortahle and attractive it should be well shaded. For this purpose there is nothing on the market that is any better than the German Wood Web Porch . Shades. These are made of a narrow wood fibre and laced together with heavy thread. They come in browns and greens,' also cream colored and mixed cream and green. These shades are easy to hang. They keep out, the direct rays of the sun. In sizes and prices as follows: ' 4x8, $2.50; 5x8, $3.50; 6x8, $4.00; 7x8, $4.50; 8x8, $5.00; 10-8, $6.50; hanging is 50o extra for each. , We will send a man to measure your porch and give you an estimate of what it will cost to equip it with these shades. ' , We have an unusually well selected stock of Shirt Waist and Utility Boxes both in fancy and plain covers with Japanese matting and bamboo trimmings. These boxes come in all sizes, some with, trays and some with out A few of the special values and sizes are as follows: Heavy Birch box covered with Japanese matting, 27 inches , $3.00 Same quality of box in 33-inch size $4.50 Better grade of box, 45-inch, finished inside, covered outside with best matt ing $9.50 Special box, 37-inch, with matting cover, shirt waist tray, and separate drawer to poll out at bottom $12.50 Special value 48-inch box with matting cover with tray ht ...$8.00 Beautiful matting covered box 50-inch, trimmed with Circassian walnut ......... ..J $15.75 Cool summer lace curtains Light weight' overdrapery Kl'rX'IAli VAIA K KOK S1.00 A FAIK. We bare number ot exceptionally good value ot Bwisa Cur tains with colored borders, lace dsins or Insertion tbat are wortb at least1.00 a pair. We are selllni these at f 1.6U per pair, tied seta to match tome of them. BFUCIAIj VAUK 9S.UO A FA1H 1100 raluet n Scrim and Marquisette curtails. Plain Mar quisette In ecru or white color. Exceptionally good valuea lor 13.00 per pair. ; SPECIAL VALUE $8.00 A PAIR. $5.00 value In lac cartel ue. Lacet Arabian curtain with medallion In corner with heary Arabian lace I an exceptionally good value at fS.OO a pair. - Marquisette curtain with fillet lac Insertion, a beautiful cur tain for library or dining room and a big value for fS.OO a pair. Novelty, net curtains, five or six good pattern to select from. An exceptionally good value In ecru color for 6.00 a pair. ' We.carry a large line of the newest and best patterns ; in Sunfast mercerized madras over drapery fabrics. These goods are 56 inches wide, in all styles, designs and color ings. They "are made in plain and figured as well as two or three toned colorings, such as brown with soft rose' and green figures, and green with soft blue and tan figures. These goods are all 50 inches wide, and two yards will make a beautiful pair of over-draperies for a window. - , ' ... - At II. to per yard It I very Inexpensive. Colored Bordered scrims, many style and a variety of color from xc per yard up to 'toe yard. Cretonne, taffeta and chlntaes, both plain and colored, -In all the newst styles from 6e a yard up. . . .;.. . .. : Miller, Stewart M Beaton Go. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street. Architect H. A. Raapks stems to bsve a spsclal llklnc for drssrlng plsas for physicians. In the last week he hss com pleted drawlnss for twe bomes. te tx built at Thirty second and' Cretsntoa avenues by Drs, A. A. Crandert and. L., W. Morse man. They win be pretty rast dsncee and face beautiful HanseoBi park. For Dr. A. P. Jonas. Itaapkala making plans for a private museum and library. It will be built as a conservatory etvtne side of the home at lot South Thlfty-J first avenue. But the architect does not eon fine him self to physicians only. Recently be fin Ished plans for a MO. 000 apartment house te be built by Edward Johnson at Thirty, sixth and Poppleton s venues. The house will contain twelve apartments of five rooms each. Its bedrooms and kitchen will be fin ished ba gum wood, whlls ether rooms will be finished In hard oak. A beauti ful balcony and two esnooled entrances will be among other features ef the building. Machinery of1 the T. P. Stroud com pany will start again tomorrow. The amount of floor space la the rebuilt fac tory will be double that ef the Are de stroyed structure In width. . The new Scottish Rite cathedral will be started wtthia. a few weeks by Oeuld on, wne were awaroea tne contract Friday. Th building nu be oomisVstsd by next year. It will face the Omaha club aad stand on ths southwest corner of Twentieth I Douglas streets The edifice Is to be three stories high and measure Mxl2l L John Lai sneer, drew the plana. The following la absolutely the sorest mr.4 c-ulckeat cure knows to ciessos for all foot sllmente: "Dissolve ' two tabls eiqoosf uls of Caloclde compound is a basin of warm water. Soak the feet ia thla for fall f If teas , minutea, featlf rubbing the sere parts." The effect is really weoder- ow rui All Bareness goes Instantly: the feet ted so good roe could sing for Jay. C r B a aad cai leasee sea be peeled right eft It givees iamiediata relief for sore bunions, sweaty, smelly end schlng feet. A sarncient te cure tbe worst leet. It werke throsgh ths pore aad rewweee the cause ef the trouble. Doe't waste time ea ancsrtaia remedies. Any drug glat has Caloeide ceennouad te stock er he cam gat It la a few sours from hie wholesale bene- It la net a sclent medicine, but U aa ethical prepare una J Kinkaid Takes Nap ,.; as Mondeil Speaks WASHINGTON. May Is. -The bouse de bated the Panama canal adntinlstratloa bill yesterday and at the Bight session until U e clock. There will be three hours of debate tomorrow and the bill then will be taken up for suneodansnt under the nve-mlnaie rale. The debate todsy cen tered about the proposal t give is Aasert caa ships tree peaeage or very lew tails. ne contended the Hay-PaencefoW treaty prevented that. - - - The Bight session area stow. At one jBBCtare Representative Hooded ef Wye. mine who was making a speech, dls. covered fleoresentattve Kinkaid of Ne braska asleep and awok him. Sabetltute laaae BUI.. . Ths senate .committee ea finance today reported out a substitute on a free sugar Mil which recently passed ths democratic house. Ths senate bill eliminates the duties, standard of color teat and the refiners differential and leaves the duty en raw sugar as It Is at present The senate report ehamplona ths cause of the boms sugar Industry as unesulvooally ias ths house report championed the ceuaa ot the American refiners of Imported rsw sugar. It oltes ths tact that the refiners marked up. the price of refined sugar last tall regardless of ths low price of raw sugar, and that the coming onto ths market of the home beet sugar crop brought down the price. nesrly 1 cents a pound and thereby saved the consumers of the country many millions .of dollars. The report goes Into the Indirect agricul tural benefits of sugar beet culture and shows that ths sugar beet termers ot both Germany and the United Bute have doubled their yields ot other crops through growing sugar beets on their fields one year in foun Ourdoa W, Wattles of Omaha waa In Washington todsy.' Business In New York City has brought him east and while awaiting development ot certain affairs la which ha hi Interested he came over from Ootham to try the golf llnka of the Columbia tlub with Senators Hitch cock and Brown. Protest agslnst ths passage of the Old field patent bill has been made by the North Platte Buelness and Professional Man's association. They fear that H will damage merchants by leaving the price of patented articles open to mail order houses, chain store and other Uke con cerns, snd that they may use their patented articles as leaders and thereby make It Impossible for local merchants t res rise legitimate profits. They ssy alee that It would retard the movement of people from the larger ettles to ths smaller towns. Both senator are asked to work against It, likewise Representative Kin kaid ot the Sixth district DISCOVERY OF CHARRED BODY LEADS TO TWO INDICTMENTS tUFTD Crrr. t. D, May Il-Tke grass Jury today ratal lis d hsdtctsssets against F. M. Oases aad Henry Andrews charg ing theea with the mhrder e Bert Mar neon ks ItowsBubsA mi. storrison-e boa was fsraad hi a homed claim saact near Cany Lake last January The body was a mass of charred hones. Clothing found smder th arsopits served ' to Identify, the Body of Frederick ; Lies Before Altar of Castle Church COPENHAGEN. Ksy IL-The body of the lass King Frederick VUI ef Denmark reached ths Danish capital today and bow IS lying before the altar ef ths old Csstle church at CbrasMaaborg. There Ivwtll re main warn May tt when it will bs taken to Roekude 'and Interred in the tomb (-petal Bins the bodies of most of the fnrmsr Daalah kings. Frees ToMbedea wharf la Copenhagen harbor, where the royal yacht Canneoro leaded the bedy at boob today ths coffin was horns by twelve officers to a hearse and conveyed threagh streets Uned with treopp Snd rilled with silent crowds, to the church ef Christ lanborg castle King Christian X of Denmark aad King Haa ksa ef Norway, with other male members of the royal family walked behind. The ejeeea mother, the new queen snd other women ef th family followed la state carriages. Railroad Officials Held for Deaths of 'Twenty-Six Persons WASHINGTON, May ll-Offlclals of ths Oalveston, Hsrrisburg at Ban Antonio railroad were held to bars been st fault for ths explosion of a locomotive bollsi at 8sn Antonio laat March, when twenty six persons were killed snd thirty-two injured. In a report made to the Inter state Commerce commission todsy by In' spectore who conducted aa tneulry. Ths explosion wss due to exesssivs steam, said ih InspectSrs. caused by an Inex perienced employe tightening the scrswa of the safety valve NINE MOORS IMPLICATED IN MASSACRE CONDEMNED FEZ. Morocco, May ML A court-martial today condemned nine Moors to death for participating la the massacre In ths middle of April, when fifteen French of ficers and forty soldiers were killed and twelve French rlvttlsns massacred. whlls four French officers and seventy soldiers were wounded and over 10 He brews were slain and a large number wounded and mutlllated. DESIRE FOR DRINK ENDS IN THREE DAYS Perfect Results of Neal Treatment. There is no longer any reason for men and women to suffer torments In their efforts to stop drinking The marvelous agency In the sure, easy and quick redemption from the liquor habit Is the nationally known Neal Treatment Three days of the Neal Treatment are sufficient to rid any one of all craving and desire for alcoholic drink. ' Business and professional mea who recognised the danger they were in nave been quickly changed from Slaves of drink to master ot them selves. Three days of the Neal Treatment Is the most profitable business Investment any drinking man can make, because It dears the brain, restore the nerves. In creases business foresight and earn ing power. Men who demand "Bracers" before breakfast and at increasing intervals the rest of the day nntll "night-eap" time, have at the end of tnree days treatment found themselves with all desire for drink gone forever.. Th Neal Treatment consists of the administering by physicians ot s perfectly harmless vegetable rem edy taken internally, with no hypo dermic Injections. It neutralises and eliminates all the stored op al cohol poison in the system. When this la done the drinker Is restored to his normal physical and mental condition. tsauafectlon Is certain. Guests while taking treatment en joy all the privacy and comfort of home, club or hotel. Names are never divulged and alt 'correspon dence Is held In strictest confidence. If you have a relative or friend who ought H rid himself ot the drink habit, don't delay a day; call, write or phone the Neal Institute, 1602 South. Tenth street. Omaha, Neb, A i ... . , " I - ,(' . .-. -w i ' . .' jf W (' :;J V t I. ' ..' ! Your Employee In Our ; Factory P . . .-. . , the ever-present, ever-exacting inspector insure, extra mileage " service in every Firestone Tire. Every detail of material and workmanship, every pound of rubber, rvery square inch of fabric, every step in the development of Smootli Tread HP 0 . ana Non-sky i ires ninit recelre ths O. K. of relentlesg Inspector. Every gUg-a of develop-, tnent it supervised by an expert. His approval means each tire bat more than met every requirement which the tire user could wish, or the tire builder conceive. For example: ' Every iquare Inch of fabric mutt thow a resisting streugrth many times greater than any possible road strain. It mutt be made of the finest Combed Sea Island cotton. Carloads are rejected for glight imperfections every year. The rubber used must be up to the last detail in standard of excellence it must have the fullest resiliency must have full inbuilt service properties . or oo O. K. will be given. , ', From receipt of raw material to shipment of finished tires, your employee, the inspector, demands perfection, until bit final approval guarauteet to every Firestone user, beyond question, '. ,. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR ' THE FIRESTONE TIRE if RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO-AH PrtadeJ Citis. ' "Amtrka'i Lrjttt Extktnn Tin anas? Rim MJurt" The Firestone Tire & Rubber Cj. DISTRIB9T8BS II OMAHA 2228 FAR1ASI STREET