Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Each of my pat
terns is exclusive.
I make only one
suit of a pattern.'
T h e y are good
goods well made
at a low price, $25
to $40 '
MicCarthy-WIion Tailoring Co
804-800 Soot Sixteenth SI.
Kin Simonrh to Let re Cits School,
Kite L. Btvn to Sueowi -
: Reduce
v Fat New
v Fat
? Vanishes -;Ona
' a Day by
My New
; Drugless
.'Get This
'Free Book;
' i n
( flIIU DCglU
id fin .
" - No drug to taks; no body-racking ex
. eroisrs; no starvation diet; no sweating;
garments, no pill, oil;, eathartlce, saiia,
' no medlclneo of any kind. I loat my anor-
mous weight In a abort lime and have
, never been atout stare. JOO.OuO MKN AND
prove my drugless trt atment anything but
, safe, quick and liarmlea In fat reduction.
' . Thia Book Bant Free
C a im iiilIh ma send you thti
n'treai hook ana an
l offer FREK ao you
may commence re
ducing at once. Thie
hook tella of my
method, ohowtng
how you may safely,
quickly and easily
remove Much or Ut
ile of your faL
It telli low to mo
move Double Chin
Mow to Bedac Big
at! pi I kow to Re
ooe large Baatai
iillfl AMomeaj
Bedoee any wast of th Bod
Baalrad with thl new common-eenee
. treatment of mine endoraed by St prom
" Inent Denver Physicians, and praised by
.- 100.000 satisfied customer. .
gffedloal Profsssioa Damfoanded '
, At the scientific logic upon which thla
treatment la founded. It la etmply aston
ishing th thousands of grateful lettera be
ing received from the medical profession
. and o there regarding the high excellence of
thla remarkable treatment. Dr. Bright of
, Covington. Kentucky, write that he loat
B pound with thla harmleea treatment
- after all drug failed to benefit him.
i ' Dr. Teener, graduate of Rush Medical
College, states that the treatment la
founded on a genuine knowledge of the
.Pathology of Obealtv, that It la aale
and harmleea fat reducer.
Dr. Allen Ransom make a' positive
etatement that thla treatment la free of
thyroid and all drug and that It la baaed
on the only real fat-reducing principle
known to acience. v
Dr. M. H. Seer of the Northwestern
University Medical School, atatea that
thla drugleaa fat-reductng treatment la
one any doctor might aafely recommend
and that tta action produce a sensible
reduction of fatty tissues. I
Elbert Hubbard, esteemed a the great
eat sag of all age. In one of hi famoua
lecture, acknowledged thia treatment ,
perfection for the well-being of humanity.
Louie Dresser, America' nvot beauti
ful and' accomplished actress, has an
domed thla treatment to a legion of fat
.men and women.
Writ me at once for thl Great Free
Book and thus learn of the only truly
great fat reducing method known, which
not only reduce your fat permanently,
from I to ISO pound, but which will In
crease your health and give you the Tim.
vigor and Joy you have long (ought
- Write teetr sr thM treat nee bees, sad let
m wed yea all I wa to eta AheolatelT Fan.
s yea ess set Me et sear tl Mote year Jet
set. rls et yea. est a that re auy reeeeg t
eesstlfal tehee evalterlag aawaiar
kt rete yoe et all eerafeft.
IWm aew ttle way ao rl yeereMt et ee
etnat tat. waKk to e Ststevtlss. aot eely t
sms. eat all eeaiea et renseweat. 4 aeMel
er letter leeeeatla tea keek brles by Met
. ait P471 A Central Beak BlAg-,
Denver, Colo.
i n ,11 t'A!L
1 si
- how
, will make Ants disappear
from any bouse within
twenty-four hours
l- 25c
At Grocers and Drngsts
Many Other Ckaage will e Mad
. r the Beara t Edacattva 'at
. lta Meetlagr at Maa-
y Kvealag. ;
Mia lUry aVStmonda, for thlrty-flv
yean a acbool teacher and ana of the
moat potent educational factor In the
city, will retire from the prlndpalakp of
Caa school at the do of the year. - Her
Plica .win be taken by -Mia Kai I
Brown,-present principal of Bancroft.
-Mlaa 'Mary A- Fitch, principal efCn
tral achool. Witt be mad principal at
Lk ntft year. Mia Emma Whltmora,
present principal or Lake, will retire,
having taught for thlrty-flv years.
These and of her change will be mad
by the Board of Education at Its meet
ing Monday evening. The entire lltt of
transfer and change of principals, -aub-
mitted to . the teachers' commlttea by
Superintendent E. IT. Oraff. has beea ap
proved, according to W. I. Bourke, Chair
man of th commlttea.
M. F. Bears, member of the teacher
commlttea. said the list submitted by Mr.
Graff, including the transfers and ap
pointments in the larger schools of Lake
and Case, was approved because It waa
"a good list and met with bo objection
from It oommlttea. . ;
, Leved y' All.
With th retirement of Miss Blmond
Omaha lose on of th best beloved
teacher on the staff.' During her teach
ing experience here b ha held th prln
dpalahtp of Can, where th began wbea
th building was completed, until now,
when sh retina on pension.
Parents of children who attend Can
chool have ahown Mia Slmonds many
favor and bava ' repeatedly expr eased
their confidence in her.'
Mlaa Blmonds cam to this city frost
Burlington, la. Har teaching- work tn
Omaha extends over a period of tverity
nvea years During that tlm she has
worked aathuitaatJcally for a better
school system, hut she modestly request
that har work "be not exploited."
Mis Fitch, who soccMd to the prince
palahlp of Lake, th second largest school
In th city, has taught tor twenty- ven
years, beginning In Omaha... Sh Is a
graduate of th Omaha High school and
has taken work st the Peru Bute nor
mal. ',
For elevtn year aha has been principal
of Central, going then from Leaven
worth, whan ah was principal for six
years. She was principal of th Dodg
street -school before It was converted
Into th city Jail. Har first school waa
In the Pleasant building where sh was
soon mad principal, a position aha held
for your years. . ..-.
"I Mlsa .Tttrb ,! rtenaea.
" Two eears ago Mlsa Fitch, aeoompanled
by Mlas Katt McHugh, principal of th
high sobooi, went, to Europe and spent
asveral , weeks then studylnc school
6 he was much plea sal when told that
th taactMrs committee of th Board of
Education had approved her for prin
cipal of Laks. "I consider it a promo
tion and am very (lad," ah said. -
Mlas Brown, whs will b principal of
Cass year, has haw principal of
Bancroft for asveral yean. Her transfer
to th head of Cat la a Promotion, un
solicited by her because sh was "greatly
njoylng" her work at Bancroft-
Change m th amalley school prtn
clplthlp have not been mad publlo by
th commlttea. "W think It best to have
th entln hoard- act bafon th list Is
published," said Chairman Bourka.
Then I a possibility that some
changes in th list will be made," said
Mr. Oraff, "but only, a possibility. I
think th Ht.wHl go through a ap
proved." Other msniber of th board
hava not .been consulted, but those who
have seen the list approv It. Th mem
ben of th teacben' committee an W.
T. Bourke, M. F. Bean, C. T. Walker,
Dr. J. J. Foster and XV J.' Straits.
. Aaalaaaaeate Maaday Klaht.
AaslgnmenU of other teacben . and
vice principals wtU be announced at th
meeting of the board Monday night. Th
Uat of teachers and principals oon tains
mors than MS names. Th achool chil
dren of th city number at, 000.
Other Important changes hava been
mad and will b announced at the meet
ing of th beard Monday night, although
member of th commute will say noth
ing further now. Among other reports
I the rumor that Mlaa Mary Henderson
of Dupont school will retire, - go west and
become th wife of a ranchman.
During th week principals and teach
ers bava been waiting; eagerly for news
of Chan res. They has, bean nteagarly
rewarded by . the committee, aa- tha
changes an made without consulting
(hem. . Several, principals hava besieged
the office of th superintendent In an
effort t what, th board was
contemplating.. ... ' J
Lives Two Montlis .
: . . On Bread; Alone
Subeistlrig sixty-two days on bread and
eoffee would make skeletons of many
men. but thl tan seems to hava fat
tened John Klplnac, aa Italian who ha
been dlaeharged from th county Jail.
Nlpinao was arrested March IT on aom
plalat of his wife, who alleged that he
had abused and threatened her and their
children. Ever- since Nlplnaa baa boon
confined In tb Mil b ha stsedfastly
refused to eat anything but bread,' . ;
Just befen tearing th Jail this morn
ing Klplnac displayed a ting af tha rev
erence which a foreigner feels for tha
ruler' of hi country by grabbing Jailer
Cahlir band and kissing it twice. The
act, which showed the prisoner's appre
ciation of what tb Jailer bad done for
him, caused Cahill to blush ambarrtsa
Ingly. -....' '
Tha graduation exerclaes of th nurse
of the Omaha 0nral hospital will as
held next Wednesday evening at tha hos
pital. Fourteenth and Capitol avenue.
Then are nine young woman la th class.
They an: - ' - " ' "
Misses ' Misses
Pauline Bane", - Mona McLaaghna,
Elfrlda Brugger, Elisabeth Martin.
E. Martea Carter. Frances Btlatwa.
Genevieve McNally, Edna WUaoa. ,
irma u rav.
David Zeelea, capitalist, of 8aM Lake
City, ss In town and took time to remark
that Omaha looks pretty gooa t ana.
Frank W. Hobtosen, the new assistant
to th director of traffic of th Harrlmaa
system of rairroaa. is ra towa from iru
caga. Mr. RoMnaon Is on hi way wees,
snaking a tour of tha Union Pacific aad
otaar company bocsv
Special Train LetYei for Kational
f ConTentioa at Dallas.
Back of LoesU Delegates Wear a Tan
Straw Mat Aroaad Which la m
Yellow Baad with 'Omaha'
Mated an It.
On a special Burlington train tha d de
lates of the Omaha Ad club left Omaha
at t-.a o'clock yesterday morning to at
tend th national convention oh th Asso
ciated Ad Club of America at Dallas.
Each of tha delegates won a tan straw
hat around which was a yellow band
with Omaha In black letlen on It Th
Lincoln delegation met th Omaha squad
at tha depot and all 'left together la th
am Pullman oar. They arrived In Kan
sas City lata yesterday afternoon, when
a onang was mad to th Missouri, Kan
sas Texas, which will take them Into
Dallas at S o'clock 'this morning.
Oale Is Called Away.
At tha last minute, A. U Oale, Presi
dent of th club, announced that h had
been called saet on kuslneea and could
not make tha trip. Oale was to have
delivered a lay sermon at tb First Bap
tist church of DaUaa Sunday morning.
tn order that tha pulpit might not be
vacant Robert a Manley volunteered to
deliver Gait's sermon. Manley will mem
oris It on th way to Texas, ma ttxt
win be. "What the Church and Adver
tising Can Do for Each Other."
. Thoss who mad up th Omaha dele
gation an Victor Whit and Mrs. White,
Frank Boflta, 0. E. McCun. William B.
Conlay, H. B. Mabaffay, A. C. Scott Har
old Thompson, D. R. Mills, J. M. Walsh a,
Edgar F. Hows, J. A. C. Kannsdy, A. &
Wallace, N J. Baker and B rower B. Mo-Cagu
Boyle and Dailey
Contest Winners
Stephen . Boyl ot th tenlor . collage
aad Arthur Dailey of th senior
high school etaas wsra wlnnera of first
place In their respectlr divisions of th
Cnighton university annual elocution
contest held at th university auditorium
last evening.
Th speakers wsn divided Into serrJona
th tint section being composed of five
student from th senior class of ths high
school department while ths second drrt
sloa. was mads up of nine students of the
eollegs department Louis Kavanagh aad
Omar Bullvaa tlsd for second pises In th
second division, whtl Francis Roberts was
awarded second place In th first division.
Th contest wss spirited from th start
and the result wss much In doubt Thar
Vara many different opinions as to ths
winners, but th large audience greeted
th decision of the Judge .with much
applause. ' Th pieces wen well chosen
and well delivered, Bhowtng oerefu! prep
aration. "J . '" "
Stephen Boyl, winner of first place In
tha collet division, gave an , excellent
rendition ot Edgar Allan Foe's "Raven,"
while Arthur Dailey spoke a semi-humorous
selection entitled "Flash." Judge
Duncan M. Vlsoohaler announced, th
decision of th Judges. Th program was
aa follows: . , . - - . " ...
Overture. "Under th Banner of Vic-
lory - university urcnesira
"Prince" Gerald LaVlolett
"Flash" Arthur Dailey
"Father Felldan" Thomaa Martin
"Richelieu e Defence?' .George Lee
'Clarence's Dream" Francis Robert
"La aorella" University .Orchestra
Rescue of Lygia"...., Henry Sullivan
"Pen Longtn" Paul Tobtn
"The Raven" . ..Stephen Boyle
"Th Royal Archer'a Proof
John Beveridge
The Chieftain' Daughter".. .tJohn Polskt
"Glum" Raphael Hamilton
"The Modern Cain" Paul Harrington
"The Soul of a VmHn"..Loul Kavanagh
"The Old Actor' Story"....Omer Sullivan
Simple A ven" university urcnostra
Decision of Judge prof. J. F. Woolery.
Judge Duncan M. Vlsonhslsr and Arthur
C-Snath. - . . -
Kavajo Rag" University Orchestra
Jury Acquits Lindsay
of -Murdering Mother
, . t ,
After . finding Jamas T. Lindsay sot
guilty of murdering Christina Lindsay,
his mother. April it, last a Jury In dis
trict court recommended that hp be held
la ' the stat lnsn asylum for three
months, an til bo recovers bis .mental
faculties. Although satisfied with th
verdict Lindsay eras hot plssaid with th
strmg which the Jury attached to their
verdict Attar considering K, however,
be said the Juiyiuea probably were right,
that be should be confined la such aa
Ltnstltutlon for a while so he could gain
strength to fight Honor.
'Do yoa know," exclaimed ' Lindsay
while riding back to tha county Jail tn tha
wagon, "that runs-tenth of all
s man's troubles com from drink? I've
boa a drunkard since my ninth birthday.
seat t hava taken my last swallow. I
want to nvo down tha suspicion aad
shams that suiiouuda th death sf
mother. I did not kill her, or ma
harm har, knowingly-
"They say I'm crasy. Maybe I has
been. Drink win make a man crasy.
When I think of tha fight ahead ef me I
am glad of th three smiths la the
asyrum-" , k
3 .........
Yctrr cAotc of $25.00,
$30 and $35 Women's
and Mis$' - C
Suittfor. r-iw
d Misies'
Worth $25.00.
$30,00 and $35.00, .
'Sails, Wo
- . " ......
Great Special Sale of Women's, Misses'
Tailor Hade ! Stilts
VERY one of the suits is perfectly taU-f-'
ored in the very neweift ' styles and of.
the fineA all wool materials such as Fench
Serge,. Beautiful Whipcords, Bedford
Cords, English TweedsrDiagonal Serges
and Handsome Novelty Materials,
All sizes and colors, including
a very large collection of Blue
Serge Suits and white suits are tov
be found. Just think of buying
ani Orkin suit worth from $25
to $35; on sale Monday, only
1510 Douglas St ORKIN'S 1510 Douglas SL
t . " t ' I'M " i . '
VS. r sT
A Blestdr Aftatr V
la rang bamorrhag. Stop It and eon
weak lungs, coughs and colds, with Dr.
King's New Disco very, loo and SLax
For sal by Beaton Prof Co, -'
Bay Beet Prist It
Ugktlag FUtares Burgss-Orandn.
. B. at. Clark, signs. If th and Douglas.
Sam Will Balld Brat J. a Kata
will build a 111. 00 brick horn at Thirty-
seventh and Jones stpeetsFrd A. Hen-
nlngar, th architect, IS , now drawing
plans tor the. residence, and excavation
work has already bean started.
Bsw arags la artarasa Excavation
for tha Paxton-Mltchel saraf. Twenty-
sixth and Farnam streets, hss bofuts)
Th Byron Reed company let th contract
to William Busch. Ths bulMIng will cost
about B,oo. i
Bammaf Sals sTsat Week Women of
th Church of th Good Shepherd will
hold a rummage sale at the guild room of
th church. Twentieth and Ohio street
Tuesday and Wednesday. They say they
will hold th aal In apite ot th action
taken by th recent council of th
Bsw Sodf Street Boras Th Byron
Reed eompMiy will build a new house on
tha props; ty at Twenty-eeventh and
Dodg streets. Tb residence will cost
n,om. Tom Nelson has been awarded the
contract and will begin work within a
week. On house already has been built
on ths lot and sold.
Cross to St Joseph Chtsreh R. O.
M. Humphreys, a. recent graduate, of
Omaha Theological seminary, and for a
time Pastor of tha Saratoga Congrega
tional church, has been called to th
psstorats of the Hope Preshytarlok
church at St Joseph, Mo. He will move
to St Joseph about Jun L
Assistants to Fort Arrive Master-at-
arms Arthur Swart ' and B.' H. Parker
hava reported to the naval recruiting sta
tion and will be stationed hers as assist
ants to. Lieutenant Post ot tha station.
8wart hss been In tha service at Shang
hai, China, before ordered to Omaha and
Parker comes direct from ths U. B. &
South Dakota,
B echelon Bntertained Sam ; Reenlk
entertained a crowd of stx temporary
bachelors at hit rooms tn the Roland Fri
day night Oeorg Duncan. Bid Ranger,
O. W. Preston, Dlck-Carrlngton, George
WUsoa and Emit N us bears composed
tb crowd that enjoyed, aa elaborate
spread and dlven and sundry divert
thereafter. Mr. Resnlk is visiting with
relative In Wlsner, Neb.,. ,
I stalling Bew Ftp Organ A hand-
pipe organ la being Installed
In ' th Northsld Christian church,
a th gift of th ebolr to the new edi
fice. Tueeday, Jun t Prof. Edward
K reiser, the eonoart. organist of Ksnsas
aty. will glvs th dedicatory recital un
der th direction of Mr. Kirchsteln. Miss
Elisabeth Bamllnc. soprano soloist will
Prof. K reiser, -with Mrs. Louis
Shaddock Za brisk at the plana. ,
Vnel Bam atlwra Sea Statist! .
The United Slate' Department ot Com
merce and Labor has written Gas Com-
mlaaiooer Crowley asking for statistic
on Omaha's system of measuring and ob
taining th gross and net heating values
of gas. Mr. Crowley has sent reports and
statistics covering the period since th
gas commissioner's office waa created.
Tb department tntende to recommend a
chang from gross to the net beating
value, which does not . vary as much.
Omaha has used heating value
method since the gas commlslsoner's of
fice was created.
Slurged by two unidentified men, who
then robbed him ot what small Changs
be bad la bis pockets, wss th experience
early this morning of Ed Fitch et COS
North Nineteenth street
Fitch had Just taken two young women
to their home, near Twenty-fourth and
Crystal streets, and was walking back
toward town. At Laks street he waa
stopped by ns man, wblls another struck
him from behind. When Fitch recovered
eormricasaeas about thirty adnata later,
he was la a restaurant Dr. Etwood, as
sistant ' polfc surxeon, - attended him
and had Mm taka to sis home. Fitch
could not glvs a deeotiptloo ef his as
sailants., er" the amount ef money that
wss taken from him.
The Persistent' aad Jodscloua Use ef
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Most Expensive to Build
Most Economical to Own
'The Best
Built Car in
TIRE ECONOMY Every one of our "48"
Six-cylinder Cars should average, with or
' dinary can, 5,000 miles on one-set of tires
of any good standard make.
GASOLINE ECONOMY 8 to 16 miles per gal.
Ion the normal performance on every
1 1 "48" Locomobile Six, varying with, road,
traffio and condition in which oar is kept. 1
UPKEEP ECONOMY: Barring aocident or mis
' use repairs and replacements are unheard
. of. .With average use, annual overhauling
is neither necessary nor recommended.
"Jhe Best Built Car in America" does not
need to be humored or'coddled, ' " '
NERVE ECONOMY: We are the only manu-
facturers furnishing a oar equipped with '
Ten-inch Upholstery, and this, combined ,
i with our long wheel base and perfect bal
i" ance, makes a car that. never tires sor ir '
: ritates. . , . -. :
Tha Locomobile Comnanv of Amsriea . r'
Deright Automobile Go.
1819 Farnam SU Omaha Neb. .
Yellowstone National Park
. "
Comprises the greatest region of natural wonders in the;
' World. Few have any idea of its stupendous grandeur.
. Plan your vacation next summer for a visit to the Park
by way of the Western entrance, at Yellowstone Station,
Remember that side trips may be arranged to Denver and
Salt Lake CSty both famous summer resorts. You will
enjoy your trip from the start by traveling via d
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
New and Direct Route .
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals.
Excellent Dining Can on ALL Trains. ;
For literature and information relative to Park, '
, call on or address
L. Beindorff, C. fV& T. A.
I3i4 Farnam SL Omaha, Nek
PhoiYM: Donf. 1928; In. A3231 ;