Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 39

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You Can't Go Wrong With Mutt He's a Great Describer!
, Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
w a etc th,
A? WHO WON? ' .
THeN upjret&vr
HIM vtm .UHY
THl tXO -rue
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PwjR.- Fry e -Si-- J. Nine -- "
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" v ' N& TMAT'i ....
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.. Judgments ' -
IT WAS toe bad that Captain Lindsay
of Denver hurt himself a sertovaly
In FThtaya game, but regret for hit
Injury does not do away with the
1 fact that Lindsay had Hooped to aonw
fool hall playing from tha first of the
Same and It looked aa If ho waa encaged
la that when ha waa hurt. poaalMy not
Bcanlon waa running out aa Infield hit
and tha Injury aa when Lindeay. fall
ing to get tha threw, somehow obstructed
Bcanlon, who want railing head over heels
over first base. It la possible Lindsay
bad mada tha best effort ha could to get
a wild throw, but earlier In tha game,
when a throw want wild ha deliberately
blocked and threw Hick Johnson to tha
ground In vainly attempting to prevent
Hick from reaching second on the throw.
Lindsay aonther Urns tried to block Ryan.
Tha enver captain has gained the repu
tation of being'. Ilka Manager Hendricks,
a decidedly poof loser and an unfair ball
player when be Bads himself going up
grade. Owing to this fact. It waa easy
for tha crowd to tall Into the belief that
Lindsay another Urns tried to block Ryan,
was his Own fault. Denver takes a beat
ing very ungracefully. It waa given a
very sound one In Friday's game which
was heightened In Interest from the start
by taw etd-tlme Omaha-Denver fighting
spirit Early In the contest Umpire Knapp
threw both Mama tats the air by one of
tils characteristic dedsons at second,
which resulted In the expulsion from the
game of both managers; Arbogast. who
was catching, and Hendricks, who was
coaching. The umpire showed some an
noying discrimination, however, In send
ing Arby entirely out of the park, while
permitting' Jack to stand over behind the
bleacher screens and coach hia men. But
thai Is neither hare nor there. The vis
itors had a man on first and second and
'Wanner at ehort scooped a grounder to
Bcanlon at second. Bcanlon,' with his
feet' on the bag. fell from "lb effects of
sudden twist of his leg, to the ground,
holding the ban In both bands tn plain,
view of all. There waa absolutely ne
chance for aa argument as to the runner
being out. tor Soanloa had covered the
bag at least twenty, feet ahead of him,
but Knapp, wtlh bla hair-trigger Impulse
to call plays before he sees them, yelled
safe" from his position at the plate.
Then he ran down to second, as did
players of both teams, to see bow badly
Bcanlon was hurt, and when be saw the
situation, tha umpire changed bla ruling,
as, of course, he should have dona. But
before the argument had been settled,
Arbogast .and Hendricks mixed. Hen
dricks Is' a very clever manager and a
very nice gentle mat. especially If his
team la winning, and things are coming
hie way, but he has not learned to be as
good a loser as be Is a winner It win
belp him to leant that lesson this season,
for be has a good many defeats before
him, and ne walkaway.
Pa Rourke discovered a diamond In the
rough In young Jtm Bcanlon. He Is a
natural ball player of the Lajoie order.
He la destined for a Mg berth some day.
He Is one of the freest players this league
ha had fVr many a year. Long, loose,
rangy and alert, be beta, runs and fields
his position fine. He goes down after a
ground ball with ease and comes up
throwing. Hs Is developing Into a daring,
yet cautioua, base runner tor whom op
posing teams are beginning to hare great
The Baas Ball Magaafa loves to refer
to Ban Johnson as The Csar of Bass
BalL" Why csar? Baas ban doesn't need
any caars, and bass ball would be aa big
and great as It Is If there wore no Ban
Johnsons, which Is not to detract from
the dtstlnguUhed service to the game the
fat American league president has ren
dered. He is a brainy man and a great
force, but there are too many other great
men tn the business for Johnson to be
come a csar. ". ..
Johnny Gondtng la winning games for
i Omaha by bis coaching. There are coach
era and eoacbers. John really helps run-
. nen around, the bases . He display the
.S same alert intelligence ea .the Una as
, be displayed behind the bat for as many
, years and he is worth a large sum In
' sols posfion. . r
Jimmy rsl'st continues to perform
. wonders with bla Box, and ret Banbora
.-.says .taey are not really at themselves
sa yet Then heaves belp the other seven
teams whoa taey strike their stride. Jim
Is making the team go about aa Fielder
Jones did. only he has a- lot more raw
material than Fielder Jones had.
We do not know tha terms of the deal
k. -wma Tahit ant Claira away from
Wichita, but we are willing to say It
, was a mighty good deal, veu jaoines
: needed Claire very much.
tUnoola has got Into the game and Is
making them all hustle. Ltneola got a
frightful start and everybody Is glad of
the tight Manager Dwyee and bia mea
are now putting op. : J - .
Dale Gear has a bag team." tost the
. same. Perhaps Holland, na It on him a
little la the box, but we can't see where
We can't say so mack for Brother
Knapp umpiring, except that it Is ful
Qf bole.
Interest for the Day Centers en Fort
Omaha Contest.
Beams aad Crabs Excaaage Teaaas
Booked Workmen Will Battle
with Tewaseade Hollya
to Meet Soldiers. .
The center of attraction In amateur
base bail circles will b at Fort Omaha
today, when the Bauma play the Orala
Exchange and tha Workmen battle with
the Townsends:
Grain Exchange.
..First Dennlaoa
..Second Slgler
..Short .......... Hamilton
..Third McNamara
..Left Thompson
..Center Murray
..JUght Knee
..L'eteh Morrow
..Pitch Rathke
..Pitch Klnnard
A. O. U. W. ' . Position. Townsends.
Koran First Kennedy
Elliott Second Hall
Brown Snort McLean
Van Coetck Third Malum
Qulgley ......Left O'Connor
Fox ........Center Mullen
Prior KiKnt rsoer
Lighten..- Catch Cos
Elsenhart...... Pitch Morearty
Morton..- Pitch Adams
Wright. .'.........PHoh
The Sort Crook soldiers will meet the
Holly team on the poet' diamond with
the following lineup:
Hollys. v Position. Ft Crook.
Daugnerty....... f irst uiejnon
Atkins Second ............ Lewis
Olllham Short Payne
J. Kelly Third Frlnger
McAndrews Left lourosn
Falconer Center Burgees
Miller Hlght Smutek
Erlckeen.... ...... Catch .......-. neneitser
P. Kelly ....-Pitch I.... Black
Hlckey... Pitch Howard
Two games are scheduled to be played
at Farrell park. The Syrpua and 'the
Luxus lads' will meet and ths Klpllngers
and Sherman Avenue Merchants wlU
battle to supremacy. Following are the
Ferrena - ' ' Luxus
Kemp First Hachten
Karrell. .......... .Second....-.... Rapp
Kuoera.-...i .' Short. . 8mith
Baup Third Trace,
6peUman .Left..... Denny
Smith Center.. Melady
Preffka Bight Vancus
Ogden Catch.-.. Danes
Foreland Pitch Cunningham
Peterson. .........Pltoh......... ...... Dyke
O. D. ICe. ' - lFlret .-... B. Eatey
Outane .....Second.... E. Myers
Nelson.. ....Short. Stone
McOratb Third.... Swarta
Plats. .. ...... Left.v...--. Ritchie
Gladen.. Center ,.. Rualeau
Pfeffer....; ..Right..... n Clave
Davis ...Catch - W. Myers
Dineen, .pitch.... .- Kolas
Moraa Pitch...- , Pike
The Advoa and alamltn are booked for
a gam at Diets park, aad the lineup la
announced aa follows:
Alamite Advoa
Mccreary Flrat McOrath
Welch .....Second Hollander
Murphy Short Bow lie
Chrlstaneon Left Csrmody
Eastman Center...,...- Fe'man
Jenkins ...Right. Flanagan
Lynn Catcher Coo
Roberta Pitch
Kernan Jftch
Touna Pitch
Chamberlain Pitch Hal pins
The clerks In the auditor of disburse
ments office of the Union Pacific railway
company win Una up against ths clerks
of the passenger department Saturday
afternoon at the Young Man' Christian
association park. The game will be called
at I : o'clock. The team wUl lineup a
follows: . , -i
Auditor ' ' Passengers
Mains ..'...Catoh. Patton
Hunter First............ Goodman
Hoyt ... Second......... Davis
Trueisen Short GlUUraa
Lonersaa Third....... . McCarthy
Stringer..... Left Fleming
Norgaard Center .. Bowler
PelnM,ast. JUsht... ......... Boucher
Brady Sub...... Carrier
Matheaoa Sub Barney
fries Sue Motss
ema of tha Bewkti
At Athletic park In Council Bluffs the
Cuba and Ramblers go In tor a battle,
and the Merchants and Wagnxua win
clash. ' This Is the lineup Tor the latter
Merchants, Position. Wagmana.
Wahl v First ....Young
Hooce Second .... ..Parker
McLean. .....Short ..- ....Lehr
Deyo....... Third ..Murphy
Seanloa Left ....... a! add a
Goff.. center Monrroa
Evers. ...... . Right Knapp
Payne. -Catch Clair
Peterson Pitch ....Biggs
Humhach Pitch Madden
At PaprUlea the Bpsldinga wffl bock us
against the borne team.
Tha Brodegsard Crowns "WlU go to
Woodbine where they win do their
damdest to sweep another victory Into
their beg.
At Fort Crook the first show will be
put on by the Hanscom Parks aad
Shamrocks at 1:J o'clock.
At Florence the Woohn Mills sggregx
tion aad the Florence Athletics win greet
each other In what fs anticipated to be
a tough battle. -
Th Hectors win go to Harma and next
Sunday the latter team win pay Omaha
a vant when they win meet the Erode-
gaard Crown. ..
The mats team win have a fuss wtth
the Independent at K3mwood park at
l:M o'clock.
Thremgk the Kaeehele.
. Of course, as matter how good an um
pire is ne le rotten.
Harrv Smith of the Luxus team
It n five on the beak, stoie a pair of
Intercollegiate Champions of Nebraska
l-' "r
gmjsamagaj M snnwBnnnwl
Top Row, Left to Rlght-Kmpart (coach), Lobb. Brown, Btrtngfellow, Kldd, Hull, Hill. Bottom Row-MoMullen,
Garay. Van Allen. Chamberlain, Harworth, Neighbors, Hudson. ;
The Nebraska-Weal tyan team baa
played ten gamea, winning nine an
losing one. Tha losing game, went to the
Chinese team which I touring the east
Mo team which has played against this
aggregation ha mad more than seven
hit. Ths Wesley an team ha made II
score to the opponents H. The Infield
I made up of fast and exptrianoed men,
while the outfield Is also fast and a
bunch of Wvy hitters. Bevea of. the
player on the team are batting over JO,
end four ot this number era above the
. mark. It 1 the best team Wesleyan
ever put In the field and ha already
won tha Intarcollegtste stats champion
ship. Thi mat week la May lb team
wlU make a trip Into Iowa, and are also
planning on touring the state ot Ne
braska, starting ths second .weak la- Jane,
baga and mads several difficult step last
Sunday. . . .. '
Our boys are getting slong exceedingly
wall with the local barkers.
Falconer of the Hollya le still cracking
them to placea wheie they, ain't
That " proposed Saturday league Is
either resting la peace or piece.
Laat Sunday Ertekson ot the Hollys
wes spiked while sliding Into first base.
Remember, ladles, you can all glide
through the portals st Fort Omaha free.
Vot no you link of do way Bwanak
Plkla Oleaon of ths Bauma Is slashing the
PlUT . ..
Manager Strong of the Farrell Syrups
Is going to run his team from the bench
Frank Snellman oult the. A. O. U. W.
squad last week snd Joined the Farrell
Byrups. ,
Harrv Bajre amply demonstrated during
the Ail-Natlon-Stor fuss that hs I some
adjudicator. - ..
80 far tha Shamrocks have only dropped
one tussle and that one to the Columbus
Bute leaguers. 4
Well, those Wagman have been shoved
off ths bank. Now - keep your lights
piped on them.
You class B teams want to keen your
glim on that Independent troupe. They,
look awful good.
Morearty or Adams, two of Omaha'
best on ths firing UdOmWIU heave tor the
Townsends today. , .
Last Sunday Madame Rumor ha It
that Clink Clair received a snug sum for
catching for ths Wagman.
Nero Pasha, one of the salaried army.
assisted ths Wagmana to decorate the
Farrell Byrups In mourning.
Next Thursday at I p. m. sharp ths
soldiers and Ancient Order United Work
men will have another battle.
Van Cos Irk Is the new leaser signed
to hold down the torrid corner for the
Ancient Order United Workmen.
' One of our Crelghton medical student,
labeled Levy, baa secured a poslsb aa a
winger for aa Iowa congregation. .
Five cases of wedding syrup have been
won by ths different local playera for
boosting the pill over the fence at Far
rell park.
Both the Townsends and the A. O. TJ.
W. teams sent a call over Douglas 17
last Sunday, but the fir fighters failed
to respond.
It took aa tf seme of our bass ball
playera ' have been eating plenty of
atarchy foods lately. Anyway they are
pretty atifL
Ouees that boy known a Fence Buster
O'Connor was sure p 1 nting them la the
remote corners tost Sunday for ths
Joedy OUIbam ot the Holly says ths
only reason ws don't have more Jew
ball players Is because they hate u step
on diamonds. '
Wa are continually reading about dif
ferent dope fiends. We wonder what
some of out stov leaguers would do
without their oops.
Behind the platter Gene Ogden will get
a thorough try out wtth the Farrell
gyro pa today. He bea been chief cus
todian of the center garden.
Aa they don't play base ball on Sundays
tn the Mink league, Wlllard Qutgley steps
back home every Sunday and officiates
at Athletie park. Council Bluffs. - -
Frank Woodruff of the 'Ancient Order
United Workmen squad left Tuesday for
Clear Lake. la., of the Iowa State league.
He has already pickled a regular berth.
Behind the hit station for the Sham
rocks Yost la doing magnificently. He
stops 'em all. baa a good noodle end you
have to be a Ty Cobb to pilfer off of
The most Important match booked for
next Sunday la the Luxue-Holly game,
billed for Fort Omaha. A record breaking
crowd win In all probability turn out to
witness this event.
Boys, don't mind a knock. Just re
member that a knock la only another
niche for you In the ban ot fame. If
you wasn't worth talking about ye
would never be knocked. c
A new umpire, labeled Wlnle Holme,
broke Into toe ring a few wees ego. H
haa mad a decided hit with the local.
They all think he H big show (tuff. Mr.
Haskell pleas take notice. -
Last Thursday the Ancient Order Vnlted
Workmen team again gave the soldiers
an awful walloping. Frank Qulgley
pitched for the Ancient Order United
Workmen and not a run was scordjff
hie delivery.
George (Kay) Kennedy Is swinging the
wood In bis old time fashion this season,
although he doesn't receive credit from
the knockers' club, nevertheless hs Is
one of the. best hitter to or around this
part of tha country.
Whlls making ens, of his noted demo
dust slides to home plate Dougherty of
ths Hollys spiked Catoaar Payne ef the
Council Bluffa Merchanta. Although M
waa a bad cut Payne plucklly caught
the remainder ot the game. Dougherty
sprained his ankle In the eolllslon and
aa a consequence he bad to retire from
the battle.
Up to date the Star Triumph have
won every game, tfome of our Omaha
fans seem to think It's a shsms. Last
Sunday they rooted tor the All Nations
to get the game, but asvartbslese the
store eopped It ail the same. Hereafter
those fens ought to root for the home
boys to win ths ones that would stick
by them through thick and thin.
Six gamea played and six game Iced.
My goodness. Isn't that nice. That la
the record of a club earned Holly. Ouees
they are going some by golly. It they
win today that will make seven. Then
they won't atop till they pickle eleven.
If such Is the case we will all wish they
were In hades and we would be willing
to do the work with our little spade.
Topeka Wants More
Ladies' Days There
According to Topeka papers President
O'NeUl ha neat out formal aotlos that
very day but Saturdays, Sunday and-
holiday wltt b ladles' days, on which
the "feminine patron of ths gam may
pass Into any park In the league and
secure grand stand seat tor cents
Pa Rourke, however, relate that Proxy
Tip' bulletin says nothing of the sort
The notice that the bos ot tha league
sent out to the local president sped flee
that Saturdays, Suadaya and holiday
ar barred as ladle days. The plan to
make ladles' day of the five day at
the week haa aot yet beaa adopted, ao
aording to Rourks, although It has been
proposed and may ge through.
St Joieph Eifht Fielder Hitting Bad
at .484 Clip. V -
Fast Oaaaha Fielder la Aseee Tee
Oaes, with .SB -iT, at the .
.Denver has secored) the aervlee .of a
new pitcher and be win tola that team
her tomorrow morning. Manager Mo-
Aleer of the Boston Americans wired
Jack Hsnnrick ths other day that e
waa willing to let the Deaver dub Pr
ehaae, Leonard the nksty young Cali
fornia southpaw, whose work at S
Mary' college, secured a prompt stgu
n wtth the Bed Box manegar.
Hendricks lost ao time tn wiring bach
back for Leonard to eom with the great
est of speed. Leonard addition to the
staff will go tar toward filling tha swly
weak spot la the Bear ranks.
Maewln Mas Hesws,
There I some exmsoiatio In the fact
that Lincoln tost the first eight games,
when we review last season, says the
Uacola Star. Xaet year -toe Athletic-
twice world champions, tost sight straight
game at to beginning of the
before they got started. It
away after thai: Pet-nap that I tor be
tee outcome for the "Lopea. Let a bop
aad pray.
. '.....' .. .'J - J
Boarkea At Haw Bat-.
ttag Over .SO.
Watson. St Joseph's right fielder, ha
Jumped Into first place In the batting
column, while hi teammate, ZwIIUng,
I In second place, and Barney Rellly of
the same team la third. - Watson I hit
ting the ban at a .414 clip, with EwUllng
one point behind him. Art Thomaaoat
Omaha' clever center fielder, I among
the top ones, with a hatting average
Ot .Ms. ; .
Johnson hi the next OmabiHnan. to
Tbomaaon, with an average of ML and
Coyle comas third, with JK- la all Uiere
are twenty-nine Western league batters
ctoutlng the bail better than .let. while
seven ot tola number ar betting abov
the mark. Five ef the Rottrke ar
betting over .M
attlag Averagee. '
' " A.B. R.
Watson, St Joeeph.. m a
Zwllllng. St. Joseph JM M
Rellly. B.,pt Joseph 11 1
Durham, Wltehlta. IT I
Lindeay. Denver M M
Beall, Denver ... a) M
Guillen. Denver M U
Callahan, Wichita........ 7
Tbomaaon, Omaha........ H II
Borton. St Joseph It U
Tannest, Sioux City II I
Rogge. Dee Moines M 1
King, Topeka M 11
Cole, Liaoola..M. XI
Carney. Lincoln II 1
Channell, Denver a It
Meyers. Slous City f? II '
Johnson, Omaha....... Ml
Craig. Wichita , n , 17
Powell, Bt Joseph Kt M
Middle ion. Wichita N M
Coyle. Omaha -....lot k
Ricaest Topeka ...., 71 17
Breen. Btoux City st I
Caaaldy Denver 11
Kane. Omaha. .. at 14
Korea, Dea Moines..-., M I
Kelly, J., St Joseph...... M S
Hall. Omaha . B 1
Thomas, Dea Motnee....- 7
Clemena, Wichita.....-. 17 1
Pettlgraw, Wichita. . M 4
Mccormick, Lincoln. M 14
Barssar. Lincoln - .. at I
Dwyer, Lipcola ....... 1 M
Campbell. Sioux Clty.7 14. 1
coney, uenver,
Davhi. "Wichita
Melnka. St Jeeenh..
Miller. Lincoln....,
Osraner, Topeka
Huestaa, Dee Motnee.... It
Andreas. Sioux City.-..- il
is, uaeom
Smith. Li bco in II
oahr. Denver (4
Smith, Sioux City...... M 14
Lloyd. Denver w.... M It
Frants, Topeka.. .,.. M
Ccanlon. Omaha 71
Kenworthy, Denver at
I'latowakl, Dee Moinee.... tt
Douglas, Dee Moines M
Chellette, Bt. Joseph M
Hahn. Dee Moines
Goeeet. St Joseph . m
Lee, Topeka. .... 7
Mullen, Lincoln...... n
Frarabes, Denver 17
Cad man. Btoux City...... 77
NMboff; Omaha ..-..-a. t .11
Arbogast, Omaha .....- ) I
ScbmMt Topeka M
Jackson, Wichita - - U
rugate. Topeka -is
Freemaa, 6t Joseph...,. 11 1
BeldenTDes Moines It i "
Leonard. Dea Molnee 11 I
.CoUlgaa. Dee Means M T
Hucnea, wwita . at je
Castle, Bt Joseph ,- ,. 41
Snath, Topeka - 14 t
H. Pot
41 .4M
I ..417
T '.HI
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M Am
a .uo
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Relllv. Sioux City.....
Koerner, Wichita ....
Wanner, Omaha
Roth, St Joseph
Brooks, Bloux. City..
.tw, a
..... 17
Kelly, ft. De Moiaes.... W
Leake. Topeka ............ li
Davidson, Omaha ......,.W1
Claire, ls Moine.. ...... M
Me. Wichita a
Ferell, Siuux City a
Oear, Topeka 71
Emery, Topeka 7
Johnson, St Joseph.. ... M
Curtis. Dee Molnee....... M
Cobb. Lincoln n
Justice. Omaha
Chapman, Topeka
Woldrtn. St. Joseph.... 17
Utrstton, Lincoln a
Stark, Wichita ,. M
Crutoher, St. Joseph.,.,.., II
Schmidt Wichita ........ U
French, Bloux City I
Wo! vert a. Lincoln T
Brhretber. Denver ....... U
Coorehem, Topeka a
Wacob, Wichita -.. I
Olmstsad, Denver M
MeOrew, Dea Motnee..... 17
Walker, Lincoln 10
Hicks, Omaha, U
Bachanl, St Joseph..., 11
Robinson, Omaha a.. U
Young. Topeka , 14
Haaerman. Llscola ...... M
Brown, sioira City U
Perry. Wichita H
Klnsella, Denver 11
Mealy, Denver a
Coyle, Lincoln ... I
Carney, Lincoln
U il .114
4 ,13 .Ml
I ' 7 .211
I n .m
I I 14 .111
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e 1 .
M H .1
II .191
1 1 .IK
N 17 .!
IS .1)
I .1S7
7 II .117
1 11 .1
t 1 .lw
1 7 .17
1 1 .174
I I .147
4 I .!
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1 1 .1M
1 1 , 141
1 1 .14
I .1U
I I .ltk
II .lXi
I I .126
1 I .HI
I I .100
1 .1 .on
1 .41
1 1 .01
I 1 71
1 1 .on
t , . .000
i .wo
1 . .
1 e .
e. '
A. B. Pet
a . i.
Kwlllmg. St. Joseph. ..... M I 1
Doyle, Uncoia I t 1
J "h neon. St Joseph. .,,1. I N 1
Woldrlni. Bt. Joseph,... 1 11
.kt e
.. 4 1
.. 1
.. 1, 10
.. 1
..mi a
Helllv. B.. St. Joseph.... 1
Baohant St Joseph...),. 10
Leake, Topeka ... I
Ltiolirehem, Topeka t
Smith, Topeka . v,U
Brown, ataux City....- a
French. Slous City. . .ml.
Tennant Sioux City IT
Arbogast, umana
Robinson. Omaha tl.
balden, Dea Molna..
Wacob. Wichita
Pstllgrsw, Wichita ...
Devls, Wichita .......
Middletoa, Wichita ...
Klnsella, Denver
Bchrelber, Denver .....
.Olmetead, Denver
' Beaton. St. Joeaob...
Koerner, Wlahtta- ..ik-.lld.
Lindsay, Denver ,.W II
Oardner, Topeka ....... ,.M II
Johnson. Omaha W I!
Chapman. Topake,, 71,,, H... I
demons, Wichita .,.... at M I
Ulaiowakl, Dee Moines.. M M I
Schmidt. Tosek , ....4 . 14 , J
Shomaa, .Des Molne,.. tl a 4
yera.' atous?-City... J... 1' I "
Stratum, Unooln, J Mi 1
Dwyer, Lincoln 177 14 4
Stark. 'Wichita L,..i.A.-7n.l t I
Craig, Wichita a I 1
Beall- Denver Mill. 1
Cad man, Bloux City . ....W7 41
Caaeldy, Denver M
auuer, wncoin s s
MoGrew, Dea Moines.... a II
Kane, Omaha ja a
Hushes. Wichita H a
Andreas, Sioux City 74 41
Durham. Wlehlta I, a
' 1000
Smith. Lincoln
Brooks, sioux uuy..
Hall. Omaha -.,
Spahr, Deaver
MoCormlck, unooin
Ooasett St Joseph..; ?. M
4 n
174 II,
t a
a a
Das Molnee.,
. I II
. W st
. a m
las, U
Healv. Den
Lloyd, Denver ..
IjaehAli I .tsteraskleal
Coffey, Denver M 44
Tbomaaon, umana st
Perry, Wichita ............ 1 U
Kin,, Topeka 17 I
Ferret, Sioux City... - IT t
Hahn, Dea Molnee IT 1
Kenworthy, Deaver a T
Campbell, Sioux City 1 17
Hagerman, Lincoln I II
Claira. Dea Molnee ,. W M
Bcanlon, Omaha a . 44
Watson. Bt Joseph M I
Breen. Sioux City a I
Nlenotf. Omaha 17 M
R. Kelly. Dee Moines.... a - I
Oear, Topeka -.... 17 I
Msiaks, St Joseph.... a W
Cole, Lincoln M m
Rogge. Dee Molnee.... 4 a
Colllgaa, De Molne...,.. a 44
Davidson, Omaha.......... a 4
SulUan, Denver. ...i. a a
ere he, Wichita i. It
Jacksoa, Wichita......,. I
Wanner, Omaha.......,., a
Channell, Deover... ....... 11
Hicks, Omaha I
Crutoher. Bt Jeesph....l. I
Rellly. Bloux City a
Frants, Topeka., W
Frambe. Denver ......... a
Korea, Des Moines el
Mullen, Lincoln 47 tt
Kelly, St Joseph II 41
Cobb, Unooln B I
Rick art Topeka..e..... a - I
Wheatley, 8t Jeeeph. ...... 1 , 1
Wolvsrton, Llneoln........ 1 M
Powell Bt Joseph a 1
I 9
n 1
1 I. JO
.1. A
Coyle, Omaha.:....-... T? I
Smith. Bloux city.. ee
Emery, Topeka at i
Leo nan". Dee Molnee...... 11 , U
Caatla. St Joseph M .10
Curtis, Des Molne .
Justice, Omaha IT M
Callahan. Wichita 11 4
Freeman. St. Joseph , , u
Schmidt, Wichita f
Toung, Topeka 1 11
Mee. Wichita W M
Chellette, St. Joseph...,.,, 1 A
walker, uncotn 1 , it
Lee, Topeka
Roth. 8t Joseph....
Filiate, Topeka
... ritchere
i m
11 .
I : .147
i .m
tt : jrrt
, 4 -Jtm
I .170
t .wr
I - .wa
14 . M
. 4 Jll
"tM .ni
...... T
11 -XI
Boorde. ,
Wea. Loot Pet.
Ryen, Omaha ....,.. I - l.m
Wolverton, Lincoln , 1 .-
Kenworthy. Deaver ........ I 10U4
Healy. Denver - 1 ' .aM
Johnaon, ttt. Joeepn e ' a .ear
Woldiing, 8t Joeeph..AA,.. 4-i.rj
Schreiber, Denver ,,..,....i4 , I . ; .
Slaughter, oux City,
Hlcka. Omaha ..........
Toung. Topeka u.-.. 11
Campbell, Sioux OWy. ...... I . 1
Robinson, Omaha --I., - I'
Freeman. St Joseph.... ... I .1 t
Vhrllette, M. Joseph ..w 11
Durnam. WK-nna ,,vi s
Kinseiia, Lnvr
Hall. Omaha
01 mat tad. Denver
raoer, De Motnee.
nogxe, ves
Ceereham, Topeka
Leake,. Topexa
twyie, UDcoin ....,,,,,j
Jackson. Wichita
Brown, Bloux u
r URia luywa ...M'
Walnwrlght, Topeka
Alderman. Tooeka ...
Kllla. 'Wichita , .a.-.- I ;
Routt Wichita ............... 1 " I
Perry, Wichita 1 -1
...,u..t..wt 1 s
' ,M7
,.,.,,,..,..1, S )
. -.. -J
. ..ee1.e I , ( BW
Ii.ih1I aaal t. 41 etWi
ee M jlnss....r,,... J .
10PK ......4.1s. f 4 ,9 i "
'sift .....'.. eeft.f. lj J , .W
Jill ...eiasS v I .WW
rtl-sh .tesw,e j .1 eeWwT
ichita ;.;-'...; J i m
...'.V..'.,. I 1. . .Ml
.. 1 ,.w
Herebe, Wichita
MUM,. M'tl
Crutcher, St.
"tKIXir 1"-S
Miller; Meux.Hy.Me.exfI-'. nl '
Whaatlav. m. Joaenh
Denver ...( r a
Moaer, Sleux .01ty...-i,y--,
Olffen. Sioux Cltv
Hearna.' Omaha i...,.r...;,t v' 1
Lot. Omaha ..-..,.,, .t4 1 ,
Khodea,, Omaha ,..,..,,,..... f
Tucksy; Lincoln '. ' I
Wagner, Lincoln ....J..i.. till i J)
. . ' TWA WORK.' 5-.- -
Batting SV,, Jul) Denver., JM:
Omaha, .Ml, Luraoln,. Jf7 Wichita, .S;
Topeka, ,Mi Bloux Cltr, Ml; De Mel sea.
Mi. ' ... ' " v " ,
rialdlng-penver, . Mil Wichita, .Ml;
SJoux CTMi Vmte'WpU Motnes.
.M7: Unooln, .Ml; St Joseph. , Te-
ltWl4Baae.cephTfV 1
Sioux City. ; tahcoto. III Omaha, a;
WIchBa) Mi ,:. JSs MoieeeTtt
Sserlflce lts2vu!hlta,tl; Tlenver. M:
Utieeto. a-saeueWrUji. .oWe" 1;
St. Joseph. M, Dee Molnea, B; Omaha, It
The tokorkag.ndlvtdusa. player have
stslen tea or autre bases: Wataon, ML
Joseph. If.' rowan, St Joseph, M; Coffey,
a-fJUTaii w
'';vf Ur'V
' -r..fcirV' I
MoodiT Evf nint Miy Kb,' 111!
Base Ball
IBAT IT, IS, W,'Bn - " ,
i Friday.. May 17, Ladleef txtfv
, Monday. Mar 19, LadW Day.
Car leave llth and Fartuun, 1:1s,
' Game sailed l it.
Muscallonge G&lore
Over 4 tbkee. adcemod'artoa fwr M
gneeu. Baas aad Mueceileng flab-
la at the door, write lor. 1
booklet Bus meet all train at
win cjon 0x0,
Betwot, Bubbard Cwaaty, BBa
'" . :" - ''-.-. ,; j
"'" '" . 1 , ' '.."Ct mm "' msmmmwxaannm. .
THB WORLD'! niii tl -.T??.D.D '.pr
; , . ,:rvgBr.
h-r tfb.a",t.'5
Tennis Supplies , Golf Supplies