Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 35

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    -HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19, 1912.
mHS best letters Mat tbs
that tt was nor thin year editor eoold do to choose the very
beat. H h4 to call ta outold !d to mk th decision. Tb
molt is what roe sea oa ths pacs today. Of the three refresh
ingly Interesting stories on travels the first plate) com to Oor
trade Keenly, who tolls us about tho "Small . Islands la tbs
Zuvder Zee"; the second to tEUxAbeth Robertson, who writes
of the "Beers la Tellowstone Park"; the third to Alfred Mayer, who con
tinues bis series of e&tertalnlac articles about the cities be bas visited
broad. , " ' , ' " ., 4 ' ', -'
l " From Alfred Mayer we kave also a word ot greeting to the Bed side,
of which be was king frost January 1 to May 1, and under whose leadership
tha Vim Am ma tnAee, mIm. 1 1, . k av. DUu T, la u mm n A mm that m la tiFAA
to hire the Red side ahead. And aow the Blue side must try it best to win
tho banner by next September. Today there is Inspiration for the Blues
in the fact that "Blue" Bees haVe carried off the prises. . One of these,
Illtabetb Robertson, is a new Bee. The other kew Busy Bee today is also
Joining the Blue side Myrtle Natt of Oakland, Neb. . .
Little Stories
fftret Prtet.)
. The' Znjder Zee.
8v Oertnida Koeala-. Asa 11 Tears. IX
' - Nsrth Thirty-first Avsaue, Kite Side.
r - We arrived at Amsterdam and went to
; the Victoria hotel, which Is acroa the
I .street from the station. We eteaned. s
a bad supper. . . '
We had a rood sleep and then had
j bfsahfsst. ror breakfast we bad an
t Unas at cheese. I suppose you think H
ory tunny to have cheese for -breakfast
In the morning alter breakfast we went
i to ess some very smell rtlaada, eae of
I Which to Baned Merkea. '
, eaa see the sea treat the snlddle at the
They carry bay eaa beat ta the carnal,
i which Is only large enough tor a beat
iTber pun tt along bs Bains they soul ast
paddle It also. " " -
Wa aow arrive at Basse, which to h
smell village where tbay saake the eele-
touted Xdam cheese. We vented to toke
the pictures of some Dutch people, or
rather girls and boys, and they said.
Honey. - - ' -
' Wa trarel oa to Wolteodam, where s
, treat many barrings ere canoed.
Traveling en we reach Markeu, wblok
has only one tree en the whole Island. ,
' In the spring when the Zoyder See
rises the people hare to m6Ve upstairs
because It rises so high. I shall finish
telling at these Islands Soother Sunday.
I hope to eaa By story la print"'
",' , ' (oeooad fWsa.)
Bears in Tellowitone Park.
By Elisabeth Robertson, tlM Dodge
r Street. Omaha. . Blue side. . v
After a long day's journey wa stop at
the. hotel ever sight sad after we her
oes euppsr we go cot te sse the bears.
IS back ot the hotel Is where the gerb
age is damped and the bears came there
' sverr slsht u get their suppss.
. While She black grinllee are peacefully
aatlag their supper the sthrsr tips (which
role sver the other bean) run doera tae
hill and pounce upon them. Then there
Is a area scatter and the bleak bears
an up the trees ta a- moment. Thar so
up there tor safety, because after the
stiver Stps are b months aid thcr-eea
not erflmb tress. - '
Then the silver Hps eat their sapper,
and after awhile the Meek hear- aosss
arettau, and area tt the stiver ttpa rsJss
their beads the ether bears dodge and
run tor a tree, .-. t : f
' All around the dump are people ssaad
tng and there are guard with fUae tt
provoai en rone from being hurt. .
'1 hope that my letter Sees set became
friendly with the waste basket,
X am a new Busy Bee and wish ta JoU
the Blue Side. - "
I . i .1 ." r i '
(Honorable Keotlos).
Berlin,, tia Capital of Osnaany.;
By Alfred Mayer, Aged U Tears, Omaha.
Red bide.
. We ere aow la Berlin an oar way to
the Hetal Saxoala oa Potsdam teresea.
' A . mm mm. hwnnk KA lr.niu.hUWa,
wa woader how H was sear brsught B-om
Bsrtla ta Parts and thea back te BerHa
again, but tt was and It was done la Itm
After we are la our noma and are
rested wa take a walk dowa the street
celled TJnter dea Iooea ee aailad be
cause trees are oa bath atdea and thsrs
' a a road tor people oa horseback and
earrtagss. , , .
Neat ere vtoHed the armory where all,
the esnaons and aid relics are kept. Ws
sse relics of the war of V and many
new modem of dttXerent things such as
belloeas, aeroplsaes, ell htoda of areed
waghts, and all the newest Oermaa In
ventions. .. b tbs aftsrnooa era went to see the
esnpersrs Beleoe. , --"
Wa -walked ta the eatnuaae tiem a
court. A easnoa M right la the middls
at the eourt. Then tor the first time we
' BOUced bow beeuufel everything is. The
ahalrs look Hke gold, tho way the dance
ban IS decors tad tt looks uke crystal.
Thea we walked ap eoese-stelre aad cams
to the picture gallery where ererythlng
Is decorated with all dtaeront
Moarty ovary beastlfut pteture you
want to see is here. Thea ws went to
the private theater. Whanevrr the
mperor wants to aea a show Instead of
testsad ot going U It, the show aamea to
hla end he with ale royal family ass It
prlratobv : ;,, : ,
' BoV
By Jtymc Ke. ared tt resrs
'. Neb, R. ?. D. I Boa St,
Bob si our dog. Ea la Mack aad tea,
and white. Bis fur to net wary tens,
hot tt Is soft end worm.
He bas freedom most at the day, but at
bmt wo tie him as. Ha is
swaths old so we reed mm maatir aa
mtlk, I have read that J to not
tr. trr ta teem htot to do Make, Bs
can aa a few- aow. - Be ahshsa bai
vtfh People. - We try to teach htm to an
aa hie blad saga. Bab to very treaty.
8a to wssy BtoyfBl, but be dees I
eo araoh mlsmlsf Be decent try te
f oflow us to schaot He Urns to ptop
w4, tbs amaD ehltkene. Bo toOe
as aboat tho farm. I am awry toad ot
me. I sboaSd Bke to tola
the blue aide,
to print.
t hope to sse toy let tee
A Smart Doc. .
By bTotlr Brawn. Ased 11 Tears, BU
South Fifteenth street. Blue Side.
'Wi bare a dog. . t
vnm QMJ W M, wwo wine
Kar bum aog wwos m no acuar w
Cklldrtm'i page this time tre to good
by Little Folk
. . , .BUST BEES. .. ... V.
mads a Utile bad, When I want ta the
cellar I saw htm.
Bs sleeps to the. seller .and In the
amrnlng scratches ea the cellar door
and when w let him set he win Jump
ap and play aad thea run outside with
ether doge and thea some la and Us
down.- ... i I- . .
' A Eainy DT.
By tydta esd. Aged t Tsars, MM H-
. ney atrest, vmaaa. stiue bnoi
Oa a tmOareay morning last September
the sua rase brightly ever the hills. ' "
Around soon the sky bsoaasa dark end
we thaught we would hare a big storm.
The dark eteuds bagaa to gather utcky.
Ur slaters aad I had geas over to our
nelgbbers to alay-"hska.". - '
Suddenly the wind bags to Mow heiaj
and the reia eama dowa to tomato,- We
all rushed to eleae the Open windows
and doors, but ths wind Msw so hard
tat It took three people to slsse there
tt was tooadarlBf end lightning aad
my ysongeat sister sad I became fright-
d baoaoss mamma was home all
to this terrible storm. We ware efratd
to aea the telophase biaaoss It was
lightning. Ws scald aot as hems to the
pouring rata, as wa bad to be satisfied,
Wa stood by the parlor .windows watch
ing the rata run dowa ths streets.
About two hours Is lor the sky got
Blearer la the oast tt was still ramlng,
but we were able to ga home. ' -
Wa hurried as fast aa we eould ge and
reached home -in a few artnttas. We
wore glad to got home, for mamma thea
tsM us at her
1 Our Feathered Friend. -
By Mildred White. Aged U Tears, SON
vnioege atreet, vunae Mee. sua Mae.
This time ot the year: ta Indeed so ex
cellent time to study birds, as this is the
Urns whsa ell our little feathered friend a
or benefactors, as wa may osJI them, are
coming from the bcesttfnt south to sum
Wa. have takea p the study ot birds
In school sad X find tbsm very Interest.
Among tho birds ws have studied, ths
goldfinch, the Orisla, the robin, the woo.
er, ths Masjay, ths meadowlark and
various ether birds.
One ot my favorite birds is the oriole.
This particular attic bird's wardrobe eon-
1. Write ptataly oa eae side at
the paper eely aad aambsr tho
S. lae bob aa ink. mee sm.
a. Short and potato arttolsa
will be givwa prsteraaoa. Bo aot
4. Orlgiaat stories a
aaly will be aeed.
S. Write yoar
at the top af the first
rirst aa easaa attsos of beoka
will ke givwa f ov the best two eom
, triketieas te this pago eaea wook. .
. Address all eowaiaalsoslsaa te
oamsmura BxraBrawr.
n. , wmaaa, area.
lists ot a beautiful let Mack an bright
orange coat-' Ha received his name from
Lord Baltimore, whose eost of arms was
orange and black. -
One of the amal Interesting tatnga about
orioles la the picturesque seat which they
build. They duatoa It between two twigs
oft a tree, thus making a comfortable
neat for ths little ease- 1
v Tit Golden t)ruf, f
By Bth Rhodes, Lander Wyo. Aged tt
isara. sua mas.
Dowa ta the southern part at Catt-
forms are ssaay klada ot fruit and among
them are oranges which grow la largo
grove. - Tho owntr ot eaa ot theaa
(roves ta a maa named Mr. Wast who
a wife aad two child roe, Donald,
aged It, and Marlon, aged la.
One day Mr. wort went cut to Inspect
his erangse and, as ha aaared hie M
tree, his aye eaught sight af an extra
largo ereaee which was aearly as Mg
as a pamoate. i '
1 mast take It home aad show it to
my family." be sold. "Oreolot-s, such
a bugs sne."
e saying, he deprived the tree ef its
tersest burden, and, with the anormeua
fruit la btt hand, started homeward
very happily. - ' i i
But after he had gone a taw steps
a was much astonlshsd to sse the
orange suddsnly jump from his anna,
roll dowa the road, and become loot to
sight But upon arriving home ha per
ceived the orange in a trait dish ea the
tobi .
The next morning when his wife saw
It she said, "We will cut It into four
pieces and shell each have a piece.'
Thea she took a knits and started to
out the orsngo, when, behold! There
stood a Httls fairy sxactly Ave Inches
tall, who was olothsd from head to foot
in orange eolorsd etothea and facing
Marlon, Is said, "As you are the only
ana la this bouse who ballevea la me,
you shall bs granted three wishes.
Thea hfarloa said, "I wish that ths
orange from which you lust appeared
aught ha ot pure gold, I wish that you
might always stay with me and grant
sry wishes, aad lastly I wish thst.sny
mother, father and brother and myselt
might always be rioh and happy, ,
Tour wlshss are granted," said the
tslry waving a diamond wand; aad tho
magic orange Immsdlatsly turned to pure
geld.' " -
This, happy family still lives in Cali
fornia and they have always been glad
that Mario believed to fairies. (
: " A Trip. .
By Csthertne Oooe, Aged U Tears, 11
norm aiuny-orm Avsnusk umana.
We starts tor California on the Lea
Angeles limited rrlijsy noon, Xune It, IMS.
We arrived at Los Acgeleo Monday at I
p. m, - ' ' '.
Ws want' to Rsrmosa beech, a baaob
twenty-two mile tram Los Angeles and
m Banta Manlca bay. The beech is a
fulot .yosldenee plaoa, but near . Venice,
a plaoa Ilka Coney Island. It Is a mils
and ens nslt from Bedeada beach, a ship
point, aad the situation ot the largest
salt water plunge la the world.
We stayed at Bormosa boson - uatil
Friday, August tt. aad than wa toft tern
Angeles for saa Francisco, arrtvmg tears
autarday morning. We stared at t
Hotel 8t rranols. Baturday at I p.
wa tett tor Ssattls. Wash.
Oa ths way wa stopped at Shasta
aprlngs for about tan minutes, got oft
the train and went to many springs and
drank many kinds ot mineral water.
We took a largo oup to tin .with the
minors! water to take on the tram.
Than we went to Portland, Ore., and
stayed about three hours. We saw many
magaltlcsnt rosea. Portland ta celled the
"City ot Roses."
We arrived at Seattle Monday and
stayed unto Saturday at the Betel Sor
rento. One day of the week wo sailed
aa Puget Sound to Victoria on Vancouver
Island, Ws saw dry docks where they
cleaa ships and many other thing. We
went bask ta Seattle an visited the
Alaeka-TukoB ' export Uoe. Wa stored
until Saturday and then came home.
; Sot from Put King.
By Alfred Meyer. OX Georgia Avenue,
pmane, Fee., Boa Bias. ,
- Door Buoy Beeei - i
1 am very glad cur aids woo (Red aide).
And I bops we will keep oa doing so,
I am going to. keep on writing unttll
Glass from Saratoga School
Their Own, Page
; : Busy Bee Abroad
f fj e -emMeS,
. i mm-- A .,
Alice Wlese, daugn'tar of Mr.'and Mra.
Ch A Wleoe ot Omaha, one ot ths biight
eet ef the Busy Bees, has Just returnsd
from a winter trip to Holland aad Ger
many, Bhe seej much that Is ef Interest
I am through with my atoriss about
Burops. v ' .
I hope the new king and auasn win
have a very pleasant reign and hear that
we are doing out duty by writing often.
And I wleh to thank ths Busy Bees for
there loyalty ta .'
. Boxy. -
By Louise Ttmmj sge 11 yesrs. 4JM
susnu street, mnwm -
Ws bed a pet dog whose aame was
Rosy. He was very alee ana ara not
Mte, ' When we said wa were going to
have company be would go to the car
Una to meet them, j
One day grandmother was coming, eo
Boxy went to the ear line eaa cams
back with grandma. .
Whsn my cousins eama down tepiey
with a thsy would stay awnns ana
then take Roxy home wtta tnem.' no
earns home afterward. .' v s
'One day my brother took him to the
store. When they were-out af the store
Roxy got raa over by-ea automobile.
They took him home and hurled him
under aa apple tree. :, ' . -t ,
la Cwektaa Cam Me .Diss,
, eats Are Sheens.
Trus ta hsr Oermen "education Km
Oadakt to a ksusfrsu. Shs Is proud at It
and those who know hsr only as the Im
maculate prima donna who sings In the
Metropolitan opera would be surprised It
thsy ooald est hsr during Us summer at
bar home la Berlin, busy la hsr kltehsa,
supervising tbs cooking ot hey favorite
dlahss. - ' e'
Mm. Oedski to proud ot the fact that
she knows bow to cook, and she eoneid
srs it ea Intareatlng fad, but aa more.
Tor while there may be moments la
everyone's lite whsa ths ability .to pre
pare a meal may be- very uoofii. such
memeata ara aot usually the most cru
cial ansa la a person's career. '
Most Oadski Is ef the opinion that
both girl and boys should specie Use and
aonosntrats their efforts on some one
subject It shy others, such as carpen
tering, cooking, embroidery, bookbind
ing, ate., eaa' be learned oa the aids and
without effort, thsy should, of course; be
aeouired. , "Learn all yew eaa, eepedelly
If it may be loomed without sffort it
may corns In handy soma day," the
prima donna asserts, "but such aeecm.
plishmsnu are not vital factors la the
auccees or failure at the boy or girl.
"Toe say the girl's work ta msrrtoge
that shs should be trained tor Iti Lleber
himmell Is morrlore- the asms aa f or a
maa to engage a eookT . Is cooking
srnonymous with the aoMsst thing in
lifst Mel Ko! v' '.....
"I em ast epeaktag ef the working
girts whs marry working maa an who
must themserrbs ds all Ote housework.
Per such -girl cooking is ascfal aad
- .' . . ; -
r ,w .-
to all whlls there, and had hsr picture
taken while In Amstsrdsm. AUo will
vary likely write some Interesting totters
to the Busy Bass about what she saw
there should be plenty ot schools where
thsy eould learn It But don't tell sm
that the average American woman who
hss a acrvant or two would bs a better
mother aad wife it shs pottered around
the kitchen all day. Oa tho? contrary she
would be wasting hsr time.
"The woman who Is at the seed ef s
beuee is like the man who la at the head
ot a large business concern. That aula
la not axpscted to do the type writing
htmself-as a matter ot fact moat bust
nana men eould never haadls a type
writer properly aot taka dowa a letter
In shorthand. Tot they are excellent
admlnletratora-and they .know when a
letter has aot been correctly written.,
IK eama principle appilss te a
woman, Bhe must have enough judg
ment to tell when ths dinner Is badly
prepared and shs must bs able to sug
gsst remedies, but tt It not expected that
she should know bow to taka the cook's
place, Her duty, when you Borne, dowa
to It, la much more to know bw to
spend money wisely, - , .
"In - other words. Instead at writing
The Peevioh
It Is natural for a child to laugh and
play an when U aulka drowsily or cries
you aay depend on it something physi
cal Is ths matter. If reu aee no evi
dence of a ssrleos alln.ont you will net'
so wrong a vau auietiy give it a aooe
af mild laxative that evealeg ea pu
it to bad,
The remedy
t snsrallv rooora-
m ended tor this purposs Is Dr. Caii-
waii'a Syrup J'cpcln, which, mothers
throughout too country havs been giving
their children tot a quarter of a cen
tury. Today thousands of families are
using it where hundreds used It thee.
and there rauet be good reason for tills
word of mouth recommendation.
It la admittedly ths perfect laxative
for children, women, old people and all
others who need a gentle bowel stimu
lant and not a violent eel t cathsrtts
pill or doctored water. Or. Caldwell's
fljrrup Pepeia will act gentiy. aad whsa
v is -aWJof.
Keep yours so. Nature had
want of proper attention, your hair has lost its
Datura, color, its
dead-call on,
want to assist
. f ' vTIs.
HflE L 'get
kmg magaslno artietes about turninc
glroj eoUege rota eehcebi af dueassue
arleaea. so as te prepere tne glris for
llfel I wonder IT M weaM sot bo better
to edvoeete that every daughter' to a
family be put te managing the kqusshold
aow Slid then. The experience of balaae
lug accoaate. or arranging menus, of
srgulng with trade people, would, I think.
prove tor mora valuable to the future
wife then the knowledge at bow te bake
porker house rolls , or chocolate layer
cake." ....... .
' - ' ' V. , i
Sanctity of Marriage
la.thsse days ot tooaoetesm, whsa irre-
sscBsible wrltsre of a sorts! s ashool
ssem to fled their ehiet delight to
pulling dawn all fabrics at 'belief and
giving he nothing la their place, tt'ta
small wonder that ana at the moat an
cient of ell ths. world's earemenlee should
be mode the subject of a saeer. One
cannot but regard vlth apprebencloa ths
lightness with wbtoh the marriage vow
held, and, the growing .tendency , to
contract Is without the saatltylatl son-
ronmsnt at a religious aarvloa
The flippancy with which the subject
la discussed by modern plarrlgbta, who
claim to be ta the van at the "Intel tac
tual movement,' 'whatever that ntey
, la also a reason tor disquieted
At the present moment OB the stsge the
plays ara permitted to be acted la which
the whole theory ot marial fldslKy Is mode
the subject af hilarious baa lor. and audi.
encee era made to laugh Incontinently at
situations te which husbands aad wives
bald uo to ridicule the eanctlty of the
marriage tie. ' '.
The type ot playvrrlght to which I re
fer doss aot. It to true, pose as a teacher.
Ha claims to mirror tbs teadehelea of
hthe ags.and ha gee orally tries to make
aa muck e he eaa out of It He etoee
tes prurteaoy pays, end tt to
ounentebl ta think that whlls the Sensor
ana to a soane ht a 'play written
by sa earnse man with the abject of
stamping sut a growing evil, be will
tightly pass a work to which tea meet
acred relationships at human Ufa are
treslod with a disgusting isviiy, Tan
form ot eatertalameat naturally aooour.
agea the growth of a eeepttoel. attitude
toward marriage and an that tt mea
It leads to the heller eo prevalent la this
country that marriage to net a omuraet
wttbin the mean lag -of the oonstltuttonai
law or any ether tow; that It eaa be
entered Into tightly and broken a lightly
aa the fU molest at pretexts. '
.What Is the ettact ef all this upon the
aatloat Oooe It toad toward' aa , up
lifting of the heme Into cere no atmos
phere of the domssfJo toy and aopplaaa
aad te mutual respect sad lava between
maa and wtfet Does it act rather
suit ta a aoul-dsstroyln scepticism, ta
which ell hemes relailsashlpa, besides
marriage, are regarded as s little value?
Boca It pot aaoount for the hundreds of
ones ot demsetie unhsnpiness which are
found is our law eeurte, treat the highest
MtMiSela ' the taereatf '
II mortage ts regarded so a civil act
sura sad simple, tt to Uksto to baoome
a thing of the earth earthly, a thing ot
laxity end Irresponsibility, ' It ea the
ether bend, tt Is looked upon as tt ebould
be. a eae ef the eaored eereseoelee of
ew Uvea, charged with mysterlae
sating freak the ; Divine esuroe at ail
thlags, eerTTtng with Sf ebUseAteas aot
aaly to the paa-tiapaAoys, bs to the race
and the aauea. Ahem' aoas ks tofluance
wteok -rt bailds ap arm. have Us founds.
uonBia rigoiowuoncoo, , (
tsksa before ratirtna Will bring
sleu satisfaction to tho morning. After
a short use at tola rosvsdy all font
outside did can be dlspeneed with
nature will egala act aloe I
use al (DM reef one bu lorrae ai
All elaeeea at see American people
asea li la taa aome ur urn si tae etom-
sch, liver an bowels,' an amass the
thoasanda who have written the doctor
that they will never so without it are
Mra Mary J. Paddookr htoacheeur,
Iowa, aad Mrs. li. Scovllle,- Oaveola.
Iowa . A doaa of it baa cored many
stmc vVflmr aerriotia tltnsea. t
Anyone wnhlng te make atrial of this
rsmsdy before buying It in the regular
way at a druggiat at fifty cents or ooe
dollar a larre bottle (ferally also!
have a sample bottle sen io tee home
free ot eherge by.eitnple addrssslng Or.
W. - B. Caldwell, 41 Wvhlasten 8L,
Montecello, 11L T our jksUDw Ana A&rmi
OB ft portal CdlXfl will da!i
iSxpert ettetrei e4
, prtres all" work- la charge ef ea-
ail woi
atecuuMa inscru-
events - seed. . PnroelaM-' flUlnas
lust Ilka the teeth.. Meet mo4
, emiy squlpped office In. Omshs. .
rauan vloob. paxvob Btoox.
7 OoreeT iota end T mrnrnm S t.
It itarted right but if for
silky softness If It looks
your ebTigtet-iea him you'
nature with , a fifty cent :
-. :
Q-Ban fJdr Restore
a aexics cf ilhi
levrar OB tb Cs
Trte4rfSBt of K!i
8calp." Thewaleet
of nscful kx
Bo iotb
them, - -.e
Beaaty Bssbms aad the Btoatoel Profee- ,
etea Stead Agfcsst In Ajaosemsst btoa-
Vettag' at this Woadreaa Mew tooths
ef BssuvUg WrUktea, Which Sea r.
' tor Ages Baffle the Leading '
Tew SMh le eelr tor snoisi wee V te '
ly (Tew
Trees- '
Befesa t
Offered ,
Others ill
Mew eUthad of Basuvtag Wrtakloa.
Boa Satslty fee Thto Btea WTiakhl
Book aa Btarl at Once to Be- ;
move Tear Wriaklea. -
vntd roe otcr ess s Jsscsem wessm wnb
Until oMwenlest DM roe evw ms sas wlte
vrteSMe, In uno si ssst Tees teue kew
tekic I
ore e wlomiso nVrer' botere arro
Oariotea a s tees sste to solve tae ni et
UMsa srNessI boietMe, wkecs euoi sad tmrwm
airs hem tee sours! thnea the seek. Bel ot
et tews
ts e aeaaas
of oteerty None I
OS erosstkf SM? ths
wHaaw, aantsUos, ell
of leswvkej
reeMo, lo
ret ISM sesaia-
SMuawa sse B B ampte i
st keane bus
A letter teSes awat Mm, B. B.
ate essr Am wnueiol tor We
her wriskMs are ail geso, aad ste
mi teal her fees to ss sweet, w tt
see ekeoet sty we tmet to prste) et
ass CeMiie et Tens osus teet eh met tee
wiiiasM eiete ears sad bw Swe a) ceUrwr
tnc shwrojkua ae okc Is w, Sousstet' bel ska
tes tesad isamktep esMwOl keep oar lim
cewr. . . . ft v "'-.
A tenet re, seodeal aa tea isto-s smoi tta.
A b aams, seer e m a mm. stews Wat
ete vw SeHsSwl wnt sew iiaitastien
wfletle gestaieet. Tkel B lemeel. SU MS
vtukMe sad left no isc smc eaeeia as aa is.
Bet's osd stesee las BUS bees ssd lM kea
'tin. tt W, tmt to bw Wtter oMSsii 'Tte
meeM Teste WrtnSls TreMaMat to eeMUeot,
Um tartter eUM thet B act eelr nonil mm
vniviie, m Sttoe sw not
velvet, sse that em sever kelen InieS a reojMr
vklek WMMT aefcc kcraif leoMeg, Ve leat
she tried -Owkom ate Tom Iwileaen
it eaei levsaaK " t fn i -
yreai Me cm lea loUors ft stoles eaariea to.
II to Slices! tkel IkM warttla sMl hee
s veruekto osetuea sod Bueo St lea
Me kesiei us eceaUkeet aMet? MMO
reaeai tilvi . Mlk StetSeS .01 MeiUllea
osse leu teg, teelshisg oil stsos si sse.
Bet Beat to Katie Ovesj TO '.
Tte Mhos Tekk) seek to ties le evarr key
sea Te Ikeas tee rriee Tekie omk.i. ea
ten! as ten iol thea. asvs eefteeed taea)
elTei te? curk aes oertec. a le ueeoMlMa k
eeaem Ikrssjk Uds tosstoas ehei to. yeen) et
sse, .'
If res arc eaWtrs. Vealf ym lite to best
miimays' B res sre nn rears ef sec
S res wle te leek like S a4es14 roves
s sl tweatr-tieet to roe' we tens nemd
lies le leek Hao e Slrl real Oct ot oer Vaeet
Tkea toroe Ukt tA will M ot Uihuumo
nw, fleep evu St SUSS. Tkeie s ae ekerao
sw the pnaoaes gtossi Wttoue Sees, mua
rare aiouee tar laciet waaoia e aawa-.ot tep
s to raws ariskics oa sayus. rsetk-
""'' a;:. L - " Q' r.s .
ioMNHs: mm MMtrnM:
ITeSer BS WrevejetsoeM out' aeaar Se
octet Mr loe rMneees TMIO Seek eeeaS wUealea
It It re re eSeeleielr nee, to ete a (teao s
rs sits S wullts oea4, te one e tellevej
rhet tern . tec SevceS Ike aoM li 1 His Ser
lor aaittoio worses si SU tees a u eeeaus.
It Is s a ai aim mt ate seat keenr (ae( Mmm.
est m scute eerthioe Aioerteu, a to a treat
to Bs Alreet taetreeUeoa All rte teet ok as to
Is sree eat Set lor s ykBa avrr, SStmhiftte
Pneewa teHa S O. SONS' taa
bellSwa Seaeer. fete. ' :. )'
Tes ass raa etearaa taat ass weeu wm be
m to a sms sn)v T-
n Mia tew W mm eeerv. wMaSle te eo-
Unlr eew IrootaaM k eetr aeste eers.-
ST, B. ArtssareBwate kava. beaa atada
wheveky au ear rise taa asaa roaeive all
that te e!fsesd fssa, aa yea meat aa
eloee a etemp ea wsewe yea are rosily to
asaa ay a eeies wrtasue ;
Erery .
ihotjld i now about the
' Woudariul
, MetrrtJ mirlintSprBir-.:
Brat tafeetw stoat eoowsont.i
' ' . Cteansas instantly. . .- !
H year eregrict sssant oaeiSf rht'
MAKVii seaa stats piorinairraawa
9m Bate by
Sara Car hteU
W aeWU mm aallaata e- W "
pllaltir Bnaersk Vaiewa UwMte Late
issiu taw. oeeadsW booklet free,
Joseplii&a La rerra Comp&sj
svafteatjeUa. Pa,
Beid by Beaton UrCg Ci ine Bell Drag
Ca. ea tea Baaaea Compear.. Omoha
.. ' s ' t ' - V
Omaha CereeA Home Tmfr U
aovaiA abd strBfetKS) BBSOcxra.
,- Wool dfth Stowed.'
... . r. on., .
BOS) IradB atsato ssl gtoeaateraa,
A maaeru arepiaW betal to the
aaaVtot aha theater, etub aa kotel
rStetl tissaali I te all ear Iteea,
a'aia i neita 1 1.' 'Jtei a iw ttesass
Treat larestTostMral teUoJreSS
wav ears wltbewt tranatir. Prcsa
' rasaajtveate Stattoo. rib Avaaae
sen without trsastsr. ; Bookiat a "
jasasst, . ," . , .
B. B. SBABES. Prop.
MsJrraar osmt. Donaa-r. ai.v
m tka rteo lilies el ITinkaai Sn
MS touts troa too twlo OUIej aa eke arret
Merleem. Oeet teooe mStic felOee ee teett.
Ckerne minitu Sen ktasteieece tut lea le
too bWOweav. We ooe bat onset e S
nts cast m ream ' eaam- mm aaasac oe
ate. iaraew. a sacs CS
ust tte tMsseie-uevs set bom micskes.
taws is oa ketare enry iworteio mts
wisms tea i Ilii nr. tes mk snewteose
Tte rileim PssM WMskhj Bosk
osest SM P TesBj asw Mass
wrlstloi iBia oaraau eMosav
tae, or til airs or eauim cseUee
- Buses SMS oM ever ssmtMs prats
srctcNI eeaoa.
OsaoMM ami
weeks osS
a. I
Vm 4
l Stt aetlid Ceatsajc aire c Seas I
IV- hrretesblawledlee. - I
eseeecea at ooa.noii
CaTOawo eabtekteda '
A a. etoM.BfTSI,