Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 34

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v f s . . . .
Wheat Showi T&Irly Coed XecoTeiy
frm ths Bottom Prioev
n.-... i . j
! t . I t - 1 .. ... - .
Hasverer, . Beeclpt Art Raaalas
- Literate,' Owias t th FHt Uta
Fimm In In Bear
. - e'lBgi t Deliver. ' "
' 1 OMAHA.- May 11 Mil
Wheat ha acted well, snowing a fairly
fooo recovery irom dmioq prices
y th nervou liquidation of holdera
ell Informed, mm ar of the opinion
"that coaetderabl bulla- by Um leedi.
bull aouaes haa bee gwlng oo uader
cover of th recent e-aeltament.
Nothing really new baa dev-etopsd in
rrop condition th laat la ya Re
! porta fro i svew an (rora tha nortbweat
am nv ouasioerebie luuteaea
Ens hi. clear weather ever tba oom
beit la a very baartak faatura, but re
i'iMi an running lighter awing u the
fast tbat tarawr an toa busy seeding to
nuuta dellterlea With a Utile Improve
meat la Um cash slluatle future aoua
I. in up ftr this decline.
Tbcra was little change la wheal vxluss
today. Tba market Itrmad up and held
stesdy. Cash wbet. aa firm at al
ienee. Kewa oa earn waa bearish, but buyer
vera supporting valuaa throughout th
session. Seeding la progressing rapidly
and wflpu at primary point ar light,
a a result. Caak aora waa ataady to 1c
Primary wheat receipt war W.OM an.
and ahipmcnt wer . tuL. agalnat
receipt laat year of 461 .tt) bur and shlp
menta of HK.KM ba
Primary corn receipts ward tltd) hi.
and htpmnt war W.M tri, aaalnst re
ceipt laat year of t;,M . end elp
menta of ITS.W6 be.
Clearance wen Ufa bu. of corn, XW
ba of oat and wheat and flour ual
to sTa bu.
Liverpool cloaed ttachangad to jd higher
en wheat and lid lower on corn.
Tba following caab aalea war reported:
Wheatl Na I bard, 1 car, tl.7V No. I
herd, t car. .. 1 car. U.M; t car. ll.-;
No. I mined. 1 car. Il.. Corn: No. I
wait, I oar. j-So. tio. I wbltsva or, 77o;
No. yUaw. j ur, 76e;. Nq.J yllow, I
car, 7JSc; No". 4 yellow. 1 car, 1 ear,
Vic; No. i WeVk 1 fr, c;"fh. I mtled.
1 ear, ?:' 1 car, ,r. 1 -eae.- Je; No.
mtred. can. He; ear, Moi ao grade,
1 cat. (7a 011 No. 1 wblta, f Cfrfc UMi
ra4)J jarc,, ... .., .
' Oaarc fan.
' WrWATNa. t bard. tMIHt.MH; No,
I band. Mo. bar. M'
L7. , - .
COR-V-Na t whit. THTVL N-
whit. JWkinc: No. I color. 7TJe; No.
I yellow, tHo; No. I yellow, 7t
RVr No." yellow, TltrTtc; No. i, liQ
tic: Na. i, flM'Mi No. i JirtTlc; o
Crada,. 7. , .
OAT-No. I white. tltftit! ttandard,
BH6V: "O11- lWB4li4; No. 1
whit. fcHSlc: No. t yellow, UfcvWie;
No. I yellow, RHtftlc.
BARUKTk-Malting. Na. 1 feed
IHi!4ai heavy feed. gtiov
. HYK-.N. i Hao; ha, V rt. t .
' i-"r Caflat KOMIpta. "
, .(, ....., TBnCooata,
rhlegf ..,'..v;.. ...)
Mianrapottt W. . .
Omabav 71 H U
XJuluth U ..... ...
Srvatr M lb Tradlag- aad CTaalag
lrta aa Beard of Trade.
CHICAUcV May H-Aotlan of th
wheat market today Indicated that r
cant HauMatkift by ' hoMera had been
tnortmim and that m-tca had developed
tendency rf rVoeer. The elo we
ateady t a net advaocw of Wfj!.o to Wo.
Tha rlnae left corn th earn a )t alght
, to mrV below, pat unchaiiged to Ho
down and provhnoa off to to tWrf.
Wheat tred waa mainly a at elping af
fair. Tha ten appeared nervous and
dealer war disposed to kep their eom
mintnrnl niM. At first th snarkat
sailed aa result of railroad report
that seemed to point to bumper yield la
Nebraska. Later 1 Sere waa considerable
paying under I ha leadership of some of
tha larger flims. Tha result wa aa up-
iura wait keld fairly wall uoill the last
our. - . .
Tsw-wiore friendly feellnr for th key
ing aid of wheat received Impetus la
Bert from eahet'dlefatehsa rmM Canadian
and Arwentlri oetwifOr vrer ssf 'mlser
01' tnjalltr dhd ttidt VerWf Phtnment
proved to he amsll. July fluctuated be
tween $1 oH.-l(rl'tlll elo
tng baa ay ataady ,eO V -nal eMiihar at
. ' ' ' v '
Corn prior ewumr anrastlw backward
and forward wirhiu a-nsrrow rana. July
rsnavd froi rlStJtWe to 1( V and closed
nervosa "ee net lp at Tl'y:. Can
(iwtee were ilw" 70, 1 yelld1, 7Mjtj;o.
Dpliormly god,criip advaa .weakened
th iwia narkat, .July anaM rom 4V
and e&Vetie IU, til tlue V. a apaa of
10 from laat night, e 1 mi
Prwelatawa.siid i aa awaist oa-ac-eant
of receipt of hae eotaveittir- a decided
galneaa aeseaiieeesl wettr-laat erek. nep
temberwtl(y of r'rtt ftet( A most,
tmn twie lM"drtw avaraged
bowt' tfti l-rwtid.- i' . f ;
: Cen iiMetiiete' wstrw fiUwi
Articfel ypaiu j riigh-i Low, Ciose.iYa yI
V'beeui I I. ... I ' I
.XapJ-4 HSi I lltr I MS! 1 lH
' July. hetttVl Vail vllnal l-wlia
nmUiv.! lw'.l lia-ai 1 r4 M
uns,.ieaair WW I Wat
loln-l r
, Msy.f i - Wtal ' TT
Jtlry . 7S V;VI ;i1Mh S
1 uee.jui,oi
bats l' 1
: My ri ,!
Julytwaea, r-st't
J Sept.i( Vl
ors 1
.- May. it S
Julr.tll .(
. -eepi 1 av
jeiy.t is sa
' r-u:
urt..) 11 sa
l. M U
Sept. I M kit,!
"ciah tiuoUt lonwr a follow
FLOt'H Kasy; wtntar pateata, ftHt?
tMs: winter straights, M auaaVl; prtng
ritefit-. li.Uf. spring straights, pi (we)
: haketw. hHM. -KYK-No.
X y. -
UARLEy Feed or Birring, aafllte; faJr
to chMre malting. ILlivvl 71.
SKKLS-Timothr, a.wHiU.t; elovtr,
H t.oi i,
rHUVISIONS Mas park, tit rVrtllt.
Lard tin tlaross), , tH.iv Short lib
'Oooee). IU.sV,
Total eleeranos of wheat and flour war
equal t 4. due bu. Primary recelpu war
BH.000 bu.. compared with U,is) ba the
cvrreepoodlng day a year saw, Ketlmated
receipts -for toawrraen ta neat, 14 cars;
corn,. iH. cars; eats, m car; hoes, 4,X
klcago Cash Price-Whaatt Na t
red, t) lfHf1": No. I red, IU.i0tTl.ir4;
Wo. 1 hard, B UHtrl 14; Na t hard, 1
1 IJ; Na 1 northern, tlJ7l.: Na 1
northern, No. Bert here. Baw
1 1: No. t spring, l.lln.l7. No. I spring.
Jl.cjVril W; No. 4 sprtag. n.)14j.Il; vel
vet chaff, U W1 1. durum. Caoni.ot.
t ern: No. 1 ;tiV; Na t wraie. Tsv
1c; Na t yellow,, TUMirSr: Na-, 1tv,d
7,c; No. I white. T;r": Na t yel
low. imeTTac; Na 4. JMTHe; N J
whlta v.ic; NO- yeilow, 7TH1p4e.
oats: No. i won, -; Na t whna-
e1rHetv Nov, 4 rhlta, gpaic; ataud-
, evrd. Mtiattie. - , , . .
f.yc. Ji YsH4vran.BtMIli
KOaS Eajiy: receliita4 Jfi.ttt
mark, . ou ahciULied, irvc;
finite. 1i'e: flrsta lac
. CHEbc.-r'teedy: delate. HWPi'r
twina laHV'iSc; young AaaSTtc, JSVtB
llrVc: long horn. lj.'c
POTATOKS Weak; recelpta crs;
Wisconsin, tl tf-Tl E; Uichigaa sad Hi
fceeola fl.l 'SI i ll
mn-THT-Llv, steacS-; tsrkey, Uc;
crkens, 141c.
VEAL-Weedy: Tfliae.
. rilvraelaea Grata Mfarltet
Ml'-WAI htc. May r VV HEAT-Ke
1 nwf f.erti,-; New- t port hem.
IJ ImW tS: No. 1 herd winter; tl.UaH.ll:
July. t.V. fcotesnber. t - - I
OJR.N-No, 1 yellow, TTVjrtiV;
n j . n
1 I'M
arW -aenf M4
- wVii 49l e
I 1 l4 lili
41 i
!; ' i--". 4.. .. I
I- 1 it B 1 u at
iitn4y v I u w tug
I law 1 J I 1 mim it aj
u.4.-..-l M4IHI1.TS4
1 as pa 1 I n in k;-w
It m I wm m at lie 17-J
I u HI um I it as 111
VtK 1 1 B i M-l IS a)
M UU W M ID at I M u
ai?l T-ife e,. M4a.- .
r i
white. W,e: N'a , IttJIWic; fT. Tc
September, 7Je. ..
OATa-Xtandard. KVraMc.
BAItlJEY-aUitlng. tlMVVn.
Daatatlaees at (ho Dap wa Vartaaa
' Metal Market.
NEW YORK. May l.-KLOt:R-ulet
spring pateota; winter straight.
tiX8.; winter patents, vt.i.t spring
clears,; winter extras No. 1.
H.JV5; winter extra No. t, M.lUJrt.l;
Kaoaaa tralghta. te.lSflS.aa. Rye flour.
steady; fair to good. e.u)J; choice to
rancy. s. U4 3L
COJtNMKAL-Easy: fin whit and yel
low,; coarse. .7WjL7i; kiln
dried. 14.8.
RTEMJulet; Ma J. tt.Cv ft L t. Buf
falo. KA RLE T Steady; malUna. tLnSlaV
a. I. f . Buffalo.
WHEAT soot market. Orm: No. I rati.
tl-HS c. I. f.. domestic basis ta arrlvs;
export. (1.Z1H a. L f.. afloat to arrive;
No. 1 northern Duluth, tl.RH f. a. b..
afloat Future market cloaed unchanged
to He net higher; MaV wheat closed ti ls.
July closed U.l. September closed tlWa.
CORN Spot market, firm: export, wsc
f. e, b. afloat. Future market, nominal.
Receipts, tap) bushels; shipments, 4.4U4
OATS spot snrakrt, ateady; Undard
white. 41o in elevator; No. t. lHc; Na
I. 4Ae; Na 4, arc; natural -whit and
wtilte clipped. Wt1i4Ka on track. Fu
ture' market, nominal. Receipts, 4J.7W
bushels; shipments, XW bushels.
HAT-Steady; prima II ; Na L K.S;
No. X tl.tiLM; Na t, ll.S4ll.aa.
HIDES Steady: -Central America, Be;
Bogota. MW&Vr.
LEATHKK-Fk-m hemlock first. Sfl
Re; seconds, MtMc; thirds, C83c; re
jected, lie.
PROVISIONS Porlr cteady; mesa, taan
OH .: family. . t30.iO(t21 00; .snort clears, .
tl. HH M. Beef, steady: mass. IU.009
la.: family, til wtyia&e; Deei rtm. tzs.ea
a 21.09. cut meat, quiet: ptcxied Delias.
H to 14 pounds, nLOutHltae: pickled hsms.
111.. Lard,, ateady; middle west prlnae,
IM64TM.;i; refined, ateady: eantlnent.
til ); South America. IU.W; compound.
TALLOW Quiet; prim city, niiga..
Ic:. special, 4V; country, i(rc.
BUTTER Weak; receipt. ,a tuos;
reamery. extras. ineiWc: firsts, trQ
ttHc: thirds, imirrVea; sute dairy, fin-
sat, BHMc) good to prim, tta.- .
rHEKMBHteadv and unchanged; re-
celpta. 1.8H4 boxe.
EQUS-weaki receipt, zs.iu casee,
fresh . gatheved. extras. Me; fresh gath
ered, xlran.flrat, atoraga packed. He;
rresn gainerea regular pacxea. aajwec;
western gslhered, whltea, I1SK12JC.
POCLTni Allv, firm; western row is.
lie; turkey, 11a Drwseed. asy; weslsrn
fowia, lttrlee; turkey. !(2c
TtTTTTy-n Ka. L 1-lk, carton. He; Nn.
1 In 40-lb. tuba tic; No. t, Vri packing.
CHKEeK Import el bwis, ec; Amen-
csa Swiss, Mc; block -Swiss, Mc; twins.
Me; dalslea, Kc) triplet a akt; young
A meii csa t3r; blvi tebet brick, lies Um-
berger, l-l. n; 1-ia ibc
Fish (flash iroaeni r-icaerei, sci wnne.
11c: pike. Uc; trout, Uc; lens erapples,
Utfltc; Spanish mackerel, lh; l, Mc;
heddocka, Mc: floundera. Mo: green cat
fish, lie: roe hd. too each; shad roe, per
pair, sl4c; salmon. Mc: halibut, o; yel
low perch, lc; buffalo, to; bullhealt, lie.
rulLTnl-nrouer, eo.wi.v per woe.,
springs, twite; hens, U4yle; encka lie;
dueka Vt)SJc; geeee, Uc; turkera tauC-Scj
pigeon. pr do.; gt as, Aiivs: nena, lift
llVec; old recover, fc-; old ducks, full
fas I here, is; , full feathered, lc;
turkey. Ub Hoi pigeons, par doe-. 7Sc;
homer, per deo, U.IU; aaaaba Ha t II W;
Ho. t UK.
Uc; Na I. Mo; No. , 14a Chuok: Na
1. fMc: Na 1 to No. e. I4c. Loins: No.
I, tic; Na t. tT4; Na X Rounda
Na 1, inc; na 1. ijc; no. e. iii,a
plat: Na L Na t. IHc; Na 1 la
V BU CT A t Us, S-Beet a, aid eroe, per pv
H4. Cabbaaa Wlaoaaaia, per ThTlfcit
new Califorala. par lb., 4a Cslsry, Ce
Itornla Jumbo, par 4oa- ILlai Florida, a.
ta rough, 4tis doa. per rasa Ml, ;
cumber hot bousa per hex. 3 uo. Kgg
rHeot. taaer rmrssa par aea, 12. OX ar.
Us. eilr laaor. white, par dna. ji,
Lettuoa ,r noy leaf, per eoa. a
Ualena Califorala white, hailing, per le
J; W isouosia ow tHobe. per , ej
red (Isoba par "., ta: Spanish, per rata
gt a Persl-r. teJier bauthera, par doe,
kvacbea ! t-araaipa fancy tnntZ wiuie stock, per mi.. 11 ul a,,,.
hago. ta sacka par la, Ik Taautoa.
Ftortda. per a-saa. crata gLit; Cuhaa
per s-se. arrsr, gut. limit, per to.
VmlTlTS, rW.-Apea-- ajxtra taacy
tbl.; M. fsy Miaaourt Plpains. p, aoT
hut; Idsbe Janataaa. xtr isnoy,
aex, e " """ s,piiBenurg. her
Lex. tt iswr Washington K. (Maui? .
hex, UraV; sVashtnatua eNyma itiuaea
per ,-' baiwsna! tane seieeb
p.r butaca, te.aWta.Mi J umbo, per .uaT.
U.lMal.M. i teateat Aaclaur hieaa. u-
at l-lb. Pka la bag, her box, fc aTbroea.
euair kraud, new. M 1 l-ia peg la hex.
per box, ea. i-igs: Cautarnua. per ease
of 11 el a II pegs, si, per Na
II pkga. M.e; lesreae. of Is Na I pkg,,
II; ku'k. is se-te. SMaas, pee lb.
per lbs, Ua; e-urawa lc aa-i. axM,"Mr
lb., lac. l-ro U. W-la, pW li,
j-.c. , Uiap trull: Fiends, Ue, w
crata . . per rat .: mTZ
sum, per crate, .. Urape; Malaga
ta BM-, asinn; Umuaisra
eelact.d 'jtst a. extra lancy, Ku-mu Ues,
per box, p; Lome Lim.mnik, faucy, sm
ew) I!" a. per aes, la.en; Ue-iA siu; va
per but lel uallturaia, lemons, ase-ea,
aUHHt, pur box, Hau.. fuaagea:' uau
loraia camuila b.eiiu. Kaveis, aaua
faasy, a-lsvle-i;eaail.i atssa psj
box. kt.s; extie caaoa eii ises, per hug.
U; xU.puent bipna, lee-laa-Le-aav-els aiaas.
per box. . iw-lM-B siae. per Ibaa
le-al. rmeappir --M ataea, par crate.
ta. straw mriiesi eesawss, l case at
u piuts, i.
Mia:aIXAIROLv--AimoRd. Urr.
goua per Ilk. lst; la aack Iota, I leae
Cocvaauu, par Kus. kiioerta, pat
Uk, leci la sack lota, la leas. Peanut,
rea!d. la sec 1st, per la. ltc; rueeta
las tba saw lota per lh. ha, raw, .per
UN, lc Fecaiuh larg. per la, Ls; la ak
lots, to tee. W aiauta. Daw . crop, lau.
taUrorsis, per lb., li; la ck iota is
law. Uur, new Nebawsxa, per le-gai.
'a bbl., per se-eel bht, M; N.e
7rk Moil's, per IV gel. fc, eoi, a.e; par
-ev(ai. bl.. Kea Huaey, saw, M fraitksa
tl. Laala Oeaerel Marhet.
T. LOUIS. May 14. WHEAT Firmer;
track. Na I red. tl.HHl tl : No. I hard.
1.14tyl.eMi. ruturea, clues, steady; May,
st-io- amy, ai.Sta; Btpttmoer, ll.taih.
COR.V-airmer; track. Na 1 kUSe: Na
t whlta Ha. I ut tires, dost, week: May,
Uh,' 1 II 1 V felui' I
OATS-Lower; ttaa. Na X Vxt Ka
white, Ka Futurea close, weak; May,
lite; July, 4Vi September, 4118.
I LOL'R Dll; red winter patent, BLM
17. extra lamy and atrata-hts. It.)
11: hard winter clean. a.a4.U
SEEle-ThwoOiy, li.. .
BRAN Weak; aacked aaat track, ttB
UAT-Wesk; timothy, $UMaM: prai
rie meJaet.
PROV18loNi-Pork, unchanged;- Jeb
htag, lit-ta Lard, aachanged; . prima
ptwuslile. Dry salt meets, ua
dagrd: boxed extra short a l;l l clear
liba UAle; short sets re. mat. Bacon,
unchansed; boxed extra, ar.orta I1L71;
oer no. ;. anon clears, ,u.
t-UtieVotusuj-, i;'AC
, e Recelpta Shipment a
FToar bW..,. Tea . ih
Wheat, ba...., . ))
Cora, ha ........ U.m
Oats, ba ; ...U.m ,m
Car fee Market .
market cloead dull, net I point
lower, I points higher. Selea T.sra bag
May. li'ar; June 11 etc; July, llio,-; Au
gust. UMc: Sep'embee aad October. 11.70c;
Nsveoer, ntese; iseeemaer an January
It c; February, lite: March aad April
UK-. Spot coffee, ejulet; Klo Na t. lc:
Santo Na 4. II a Mild, ajueet; Cordvva.
tjlfilc aosnioal.
per IO . f". -eiaaaseta Red
fcrsr ianr 0o- ihesd. ba, HJT
isiaoeaota t-ariy Mas sa4. pee i , i.v
bttaa Thupip seed, per bu.. flxai
Renewed Strenptk Shows in Hud
- Coal Stock. . .
Market Clears Aetlve aad Falrty
ttraaa, with Mare 6a I as la iteel
-. aad Other standard laser
OH Share Aetlva
NEW ' YORK, 4ay . - Renewed
strength In the-bard coal tcxa, a aa
tural outcome of the probable early ter
mination of the anthracite coal strike
and further bidding up of pclallUe -la
lite mtaceilancou division were feature
of today stock market Lahlsh Valley
advanced point, with a fractional
gain for heading. Wnlle improvement
waa recorded by such other standard
hat a Union - Faclflo aad Lai tad
Slate Steel.
Th Irregularity of the opening was at
trlbuud to foreign Influence. London
final quotations for American securities
showing mora Loose than gain, with
special weaknea in Canadian Pacific,
ahlch wa later reflected bar yi a
greawr extent.
4a the course of the first hour activity
In Texas company, Mexican petroleum.
t'nlted btte rubber. Seara Roebuck anl
Brooklyn Rapid - Transit waa resumeJ,
th latter rising ta syu ha beet pile
since HUM. Copper ftharae war imeat
anully neglected.
Th market cloaed actlv and fairly
strong, with more gain la ateat, Lnloa
Pacific, Amvticaa Srnelung and Amalgar
mated Copper. Canadian Pactfo altar
eoino recovary from It early beavlneee.
aaia declined. Tha activity In tha oil
ahara at higher quotation followed an
nouncement of advance la piie of th
crude product
Th on lea tut- of trie band market,
asna fruna lu g an oral firmness, Was th
rie a Brooklya Rapid Transit auavr
tibia . four Total sale par valua
amount to ll.434.tus. Lnlted Slat as bond
were unchanged oa call during tba week.
Number of sal aad leading aiaothUea
en baud today war: j
Balsa High. Law. CM
AllsvCUIasrs sfl .
Aaulasata4 CVeser ... 14.1
.MS' 4414 Mat
asaarlnas asm en seal .
.1st 14
IM it
Asiarlsas bast . . . ., 7
. M.
sneas us ......v.... asas sail
irloaa . A F let '
Aaserlcaa Catlaa OU..,..
a-Mea H. a t sal., let r
Asa. lea secarKMa 4.S4S Uj
nieaa Usees ....... . 11 lie.
Aaaenee Usoasstle ' set 41
essence t. A M t.asl hit
Aw. a a H. sn..: , .
Asa. Steel FDealrisa.i
twsar Rsntiis as lnu in
Assertesa T. A T eat IM lata
Aaaerleaa Tabaees pi... labS
Asianeaa Woaiae Is w. xe4 s,
Asaeesaa Mlatsi Cs.... I. set us. u
Atcsuaa , 1.11 Wsm Ml lete,
Alrkleaa St In WIS Xtta 1114
Atlaatl Caeet Use as) ms4 m ua
itasera A Okie Let Wis Ms
SetbleSoB Steal lot xlt, Ml
araaslrs Rasl Tr...... 14, MS tats at
(kaaeiaa ratlin ........ 4.IW Maw Ml
Caetral Uataw ........ est M K
t'eslral Lastsar pf St
tk-elml sf Nee Jersey r
(aaeasseas 4V OkM.......l.e Tat 1 Tt
caieaae a AHea .v to n u at
Cbkace a. W new...,. M II U ll
caieese a W. SI t
Ckloas d N- W
Cklcaaa. M. d at, P.
IM m la ix
C. c, C. a at. I...... si
CMeeae F. A I....... tr
l sure as A teetssnv H
aellSala OS - M lit 1111
Clara Prasaau 11
tielawaie BMaa 171
Dearer A HM Orssds.,. t at M P
o. a . a, m ......... w 1 ni it
DiMlllers' tetsrltli , u
n I, sal M is
Brs H4 I4 ' MS It M II '
arts M sis , S
Oaearal tleatrla set ITS laalt Mli
Oraat Narlkers p)4 lea 111 1X1 in
Oraat hanaers Sea eUs.. I.M 4 44 "i
lliaela Caetral est in 111 IM
Istarseraeik Met. t.M II M II
Isiee. Stat pM asas SJ IS
Islereelssssl Haivselsr ' sal lii IH
later Marine sfa
iMeraaueael Paser LSM II h 11
lateraetteaa! Pess
erae lainl .. ..,..
as car a -. at n t
K. c as. it..,., lei see,
set let w let
sa lee let 'us
44 lit Id III
st at, m a
W a AS s;
as UMt IMli lu
Us-siawUra A eiaakelUs
Miss A M, Uses
M . M. P. A I. . M..
Miaseeri, K. A T......
U.S. AT. eft.......
Mleeeeri Paetne .,.
Nsueaal hleeett .......
NatMsal Laa4
N R. R- sf St. 34 pfd..
Nee Ye CeeUsl , LIS US
N Y. 0. h W ..I.. a
NeeMk Weesans. ....
us m
tt B
na us
n n
a in
us 111
Nans astervsss .... as t
Kentier Peenis
ins ........ I ana us
lee n
aw I9f
Perltle Mali
resie e use I.saa in
P.. C". C. A It, U ,
rittatwrak Gael . ..
M Itt 1st lit
PraasssS ateet Car ,
Csllasaa rssate Or..... M lew US
elleer Itael tens.
iseaeinf sa,eav ITT m
rseevDiss sessa
M Mae4 t.....
I an
rt at
U w re. sM... SM
U A A F. hi pM...
..' '
111 111 111
It II Tl
at 14
171 17 tie
n 7
H. w
Tl Tt
tala A w
L. I W. set
Slice atierflell I. A I....
Sataer Parlfls aaS
atee BaHvar , - BSS
. Pallear sr4 saa
Tvsaaaaes tleeeer i.Sas
Taaas A recl'l Sea
T., L L. A W , MS
T. st u- w. aia.
Cslaa PerlNe A at. as
lane Psctlle set:
t'slle siatea Reaar..., I.Sa
fsltes A.ies Raaasrv,. IS. us)
t slte States sisal 41. la
II. a Steel SCI
risk reaper
V -caretta Caaaskal
Hsbeek tN ,
l.xa) U
IS si
ws t
aa w
li li
7 I
waetera starytaas
Weallnaieaea Itleetrst -Waatar
l;alea ..,....
sVMeltss A L
teklsk Valley ..,...,
t blae Cavaar
Par twaautlaatet
eat Tt Ti
r '
at. IM in 171 17a
I.1SS as a at
hat : IS
ABerteaa Tea
Tstel sales let tee saj, la. Tat aaansv
Kctv' York Maaey Market.'
call, koailnel. Tim loaas, easy; alxty
day. I pas' mt; ninety da a n, per
emit; six months, f-zlis per cent.
per cent ,
actual business In banker bill at H Mr
fur alxty-day hilt and at Ii.l7lt far oe
naand: umineretal btlie, Mai,. .
HILVirii atcxrten dollars, ea. .
TfuiKbis UovartiBTaettt. stsaor; ratlroad-
flrmer. v
Closing aueuueaa ua hsnst leaay war
ea fellewsi .
tl. A est, ta, rag...! later. U. M. .... 44
I siasis .i......le,Ve at It
C. IV as rag U e te n
to esasae imtL- O A 1st as.... n
TJ. A as. rag IK L.. S. tea 4s IMI.. t
e stetss IIL, A If. asL 4s at
AlHs-Caal. 1st la... at -M. X. A f . let as. H
aAsaer. Aa aa. let ia it
a. T. A T. a ..llteMa. rs-ifl, 4a II
ASV Tsesces ta.... at K It k sl H e )
ti uif, T. c. i.... ti
Ameer A Oa, 414a.. H teh Is M
AltUea Sea. 4a.,., f. Y. N. H. A II.
ee ee. ss...,......H ee. s 1st
a sv. ss. .W N W. M a .. W
A C. Is 1st ..... 4 ds sv. 4e.......lll
Bel. A ekks 4B. rerine aa. at
a la M at
te a at. tt a, a l rtea as..,, it
Braax. Tr. av. Is.... at Peee. ea le IM.. W
SO. el OS. Is. "S te eaa la lei
acta. Uataer la M aetata aea. ... at
r. f M. J. a ea..ui A i t t p. ta. 4t ta
Ota A OS la 4a.. in e tea. as at
eat la ri. b t. w. a la. 17
CkMsse A I., tt esg M pg, ta... st
tlitl ta.... a U 4a It
sea- tt . pea, tat, n
H. A A P. A at ti e ee. a. ... at
Ctilf. tan e let rat, ..... tt
as' rtas. Is.. , tUllwer ta. 17
CM la, as... M da see. ea. H
Cale. hut. as. Vslea raelrta aa,....ltl
C A A r A s 4sH Sa ee. as...,,,., Jet
p. A If rr. ......-. IS Sa 1st A raf leTts
0. IT. 4 4s....... tt V.A.Raeear
aa ret. la.. ........ K0. A txaM M vs...m
Oteltuere tt Tt Vs. -Car. ctew. at.. SMI
art P I ex stWscas tat as. ma
e sea Tt aa let A as. Ss...
av. as, tar. a. rWettsrs MA ax..... r
tanas A. tanwasa. aiee. sv. la. tl
enaa Elea. tv. aa..MeWai. Casual 4s... tl
ni. Csa 1st ret. as.. KHsle. pae w ..,. n
attar Met. tt -T- , g, u,s.
Taadltta X TteaatMT.'
WASHINOTON. May It At tb. begin-
alee af W, .m. .iu .
. , , wipjiirvei as
th United Sute treasury waa: Working-
eaueserv in treasury, paxes axe: In banks
and Phtllppm treasury, The
total balsnc la general fund waa tlO,
Zajmt. Ordinary receipt yeeterdxy. ttlxl.
Mi. yrdlntvry dliourseuieoia, va.ts7. -
Hcit t date this Cacal year IlljBeJa.
as aaainet a aurplu of tSshalM at this
flm last year.
The figure exclude Panama canal
and public debt transaction. ,
Dearie Hawse Butt Stall me at.
NEW YORK, May IL Th statement of
clearing house hanks for th week shows
that th bank aold tl'Jsn.Bs) reserve In
exceea of legal require menta Thta la an
increase of HM1.H In th proportionate
caah reserve a compared with last weefc.
Th atatement follows:
Dally Average Increase.
Loans ..011 at. li.fcioss
opect Jbe t. la aasv.txw
Legal tender.,...... M.SS.O1)
Net dertoatu L7er9
hltrculatlon . 47.M.VD
as. Mwtw, ,waKw,. ,1 .ev
Book' cash reaerv ta vault, t.a9R.
Trust com pan lea1 caab reserve la vault.
Aggregat cash issei , rMi.W.uw.
Trust comtMLnlo' reaerv e with clearing
bona members carrying ft par cent cash
reserve. las.tie.W. .
Aetual condlttosa increasa
Loan J.U,oJ H3.OSJ,0u
Igal tender..
Net deposiu....
pireit.ijra) t.Wi.M
8j'a tot 1,s,m '
Sl.lt4.tnt 1 m.0i !
Clrcnlellon ....
Ex. lawful reserve. .
rxailK casn rewwrva in Taun, e,a,vrw.w
trust cwsnpmusw wu are el ,e Ms .a.
Aggregat caah reeerv.
Trust companies' reeerv e with clearing
bouse member carrying 21 per cent caab
reaerv. sKIM.OO.
Summary of Mat bank and truxt
companies la Greater New York not re
porting to th New York clearing house:
Loan ................I eeS SXf Igil.SOO
Sped ' , . M.403
Legal tenders......... U.UC.IO) lii.
Total deposits i -,xs,tv.Jiw -i,si,jw
Jeraa i . e t
Isslsa Hack Market,
IlKDON Mar 11 American ecurltla
were dull oa th a lock exchange here to
day. Price opened around parity and
later declined under the lead of Can
adian Pacific and United State Steel.
Th closing wa quiet, with Canadian
Pacific t points lower and th rest of th
list from bov to tt below Friday'
New York cloning.
London closing stocks; . ,
nasla awaay.. T7 tt-IILeetavUta A If WH
ee aososst 17 Is-It 14.. X . A T X
Asms!. ' Uraesr....... SN. T.. Caetral il
aaaeeaes ...v:..... INNerfaTk 'A 'W Ill
Afklsoa .....lev ce ld....; - tl
ee na.... lis) oatarle A W
Baltlassrs A Otl...llt,raaarlrsste
CaseSias',aaa4 at uses
Cbaaasaaks A 0...- St,rtea4lsg M
Cklaea 0. W HHSeetbar Rr ,
Cel.. Mil. A St.' P.. II pf4.'....' n
svaveutsere recuse.... .u
SI Isle Pacific ill
I4 M
MHO. i. Real... Tl
tl As set -.IK
Dealer A Rat 0.
ae I4
So 1st ff
s at st
tWassa .... I
Ores Trssk.. ...... to as pft.
. XI
llllaeli Caetral let
SILVER Bar, quiet at Ut-M per oa.
MONEY- per cent.
Tb rat of discount In th open market
for abort bill I I per cent; for thrs
month' bill, ll-lt per cent. .' . .
Baak af Ooraaaar Statcmeat.
BERLIN, May U.-Th weekly stxte-
ment ef th Imperial Rank of Oermatty
show th foliowlng change
Cash la hand 4T.Ml.lkO marks
Loan ' 741.0M marks
Discount .....rM7t,oot mark
Trsasury kill a?1.0lo marks
Note la circulation e7,4M.() marks
Deposit M. 101 000 mark
Oold In hand tt.lU.oa marks
Baak Clearlaga
OMAHA. May U.-Bank c leering for
today were t3.W7.tU.71 and tor th cor
responding day last year Th
clearing for tn waex amounted to 111,
H.M xt and for th same week last year
Kaaeas City Orala aad PraTlalvaa
Caah unchanged; Na I hard. ll.07ei.U;
Na X n PAtjii.ii; na a, i.isti is
CORN i ncnangoo; na i mixed, ntvyo:
Na , 47c; No. 4 whlta Vl Na A
UAT8-TJnchtngd; Na I whlta
No. I mixed, Ktvc
t-hssln nrlce of future: Wheat. July.
H 4ost3i.KAa; September, ttfT'4c. Corn:
May, niktl JUty. Itvaty'tc; rjepiemrasr,
Ul4c; December. 47Vti7c. , , Oats,
July. 47n; Septewaher, 41ac
R v ss si tfr2e.
V'HAY Unehutged: choir timothy,
tji; chore prsllte. e-.'.rgid.iw.
, t-reanwry, aes-i iireta, are,
seeonda tr: parking atoek. c,
aHJUS-Kxtr. Ulec; firsts, lic
Recelpta Sbipnienta
Wheat, bu U.W .4 s
Cora, bu ' - ,oie)
Oat, bu SM . - MU
Mtaeeapello Oral Market.
U... el IXi I Bl ItLlSlt 1XU HentsRI.
kber, tl.NHttl M. Caah: No. 1 herd, i. it-;
No. 1 northern. li.lfeji ui; no. t nona
ern. ll.12i.Wl Hit; Na X eV,leSl.ll',
FLAX-B.3W4. ...
CORN Na I yellow, W9TTO,
OATS Na I whit. 4a
RYE Na X tmc.
RRAN In 100-lb. sacks.
FLOI'R-Flret pal en la fe4ues4; sc-
onds, ihioxjaas. . .
I'ettea Market.
turea closed easy, doling bids: May.
11 11c; June. lLlic; July, ll.lvr. August,
II.ITo: rleotrmlier. ll.Hc; October. ll.Sxc:
November, ll.asc; Ueoember. ll.hjc; Jan
uarv. 11 S2n: February. ' ll.Mc: March.
U.41c. Spot closed quiet at 11 point
lower; middling uplands, 11. mk; middling
enlf. 11 7Sc. Si, lea 10G halea
Spot, quiet; price 1 point higher; Ameri
can tnlArillne. fair. 7 MM: stood middling.
L7M: mlddlina. AIM: low middling, AIM;
good ordinary, a.;d ordinary, l end. Tlx
sales ot tne oay ware i oauva.
- Omaha Hay' Market.
O VI A HA. lar Ul-HAY-No. 1. fttMt)
72 M Na X Vt.VXl'A M. Na A lll.Milht;
Na' 1 middling, fl.iOs)tt.4ri; Na 1 row-
land, fX.tmsHW; alfalfa choice third nd
fourth cultlnxa KO.0Of721.4S: tint and
serotid cuttlnga t2esfi2Xv;.Na 1, nLv9
.t); Na X lis Omit. 08.
Drr Oaode BLarket. . -
The tobbcr ar doing a uttia mora aeuv
trad la was lanrics aaa wane gooaa
primary cotton market rut quiet aad
firm . Linens nil very firm- and burlap
for quick shlpanarUs ar scare la first
bud her. - -
tr MarkuH. ' .
NEW YORK. May lt--8UOAR-Raw.
quiet; muacovada tt test, lite; cen
trifugal, tt test, I': molaase. St tut.
IPC Refined. lady; crushed, t-aOc;
granulated, 4.10a powder, svlOc. .. ,
- Pewrtst Market.
Ur. Us lower: Na j yellow. Tte; Na I
yellow,-Me;'Ra -vetiow, titeci ra e
nixed. Ttc: samaia ztt&4a
OA Trt-8 toady; standard, BVtc; Na t
whlta tic. ; .. .
Weal Market. J
iT. LOUIS. May - u.-WOOL Steady;
terrttary and weetarn roedljma lot) lie;
(in medlumq UtUa flnq latgUa
St. Laat Live (lark Market.
Receipts ISt. head, 'no TelaV enaiJtet
-tv nifir, lul ai i is a BVawteS xt: DrrtrS
and helfera t&MHKM: atoekarw and feed-jbuenc on axle . . - ' '
ets. !47H7.4t); Texaa and .Indian eeevW Country u,Ut a longer I1t
6.te7.; cow and . heifer. asotj7.2;
calvre In ear, load-lot gjs7Sa.v, v.,-.-lUtlt-eiM
tnr.e . ixa Ilea l: -'market
taady; pur AntKr.ertts,! H.j-M: mixes)
end barEnars. fi.evai jaj; gooai aeavy,
HnEtT Ania TjASXtSD riCKvapw, wr
heed; market ateadv; natlv nautto
tsj; Umhq sxjagij.
1 gtaek txt statht. "
Racaalpts of live mock at th five prin
cipal wester saasraels y eater-lay:
Cattla Hose. Sheep.
Sooth Omaha - Tt t tVD v 43
St- Jop l."w ;. a-.vw v te
K ana. City ........... Its) t . tsm
St. Louis - - e
Caicagu "MS U.0 lasv
....Lst saw um
Kr (a tb SlttiattoB Bat A4vrtinv
Cattle for Week Are Steady to a
- . - - Qaarter Hig-ter. -
eoos mi lip raox usi wnx.
Few tkeep aaat K Waelrd Lass he
Caaslagts Balk af Receipt Cwsw
ateUas at ghera Laeaba
H warier Vat tear Week.
Receipts wera . Cattla Hosa Sheep.
Official Monday xm 7 .HI . I.U3
Official Tiieoday l.tet ltOtil 4.SI4
Official Wednesday.... XJ51 M.3I7 . l.t
Official Thursday I V 11S64 l
Official Friday As till 1,
Estlmata Saturday .... 17 Xst B
SIX 4r this waak..ll.44
. 12.174
73.44S ecu
Sisnssv Have laat SMI 1
arn day I week ago tt.f:4
a,B )TS I week ao 14.71
eiuw uaii a weeae ago 17.1.S
Sam day laat year.. ..ft, 471
Tha following tabl anoat th receipt
of cxtUe, hog and rheep st South Omaha
for to yr to dat at compared with
last year: isit 11 L Inc. - Iec.
Cnttl X3.m XK.M v 40,70
Hog J,41.4r lUa.ti7 417.542 ...... .
Sheep ?7.U te3,tll
Too folio wine table show the ranaa of
prices paid for hog t South Omaha lor
th last fw dava, with compart sons:
Data mi. Iiu.ji8it. is.;iwi.ii07.iiit.
May ..
7 65e
I 771 I
,1 17i I t I t tl
May ..
a eel w ew
May it.
I Ti t t t W t l I 24
I SJ I I S7 l4 4 J6 I IS
itilBIMIti 1 1 el
I ti 1 101 T in) I tt S -
e t i T l I :i t Ul t a
May 11
May U.
May 11
May 14.
May 11.
May It.
I st
e i 111 HI t so s av
10 T I 14 I ltl
t XI T Ml ( t HI t
I 7 oil I ll t i t 3
May 17.
May 11.
T tla.1 I B)l
Racalnt and dlanoaltten of llv stock at
th Luloa Stock Ytuds. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hour ending at 1 p. m,
yesterday: :
Cattla Hog. Sheep.
C. M. tt Bt. P .. " 4
Wabasti . ':.... .. - '..
Missouri Paclflo 4 .
Union Pacifto . M
C. A N. W cast '.. 4
C. N. W., wrat i tv ; ..
C. Bt- P. M. AO f.. "..
C. B. U- t 1- 4 j .
C. B. 4V J.. west 20 P .east 1 ..
Illinois Central 1
Total recelpta 1 M t
ChtUa Hogs. 8hep.
Omaha Packing Ca .. .... 177 . ....
Swift and Company .... l.titt ....
Cudahy Packing Ca .... - Lib? '
Cudahy from K. C 43S
Other Buyers 10 .... - ....
' ToUl M UU U
CATTLE Thr wr no fresh recelpu
ni cattla rhtB mjrnlnf. at least none of
any ounseqticnos, and tha total for th
week, a will be Board from th tabl of
recelpta, hat been very light a oompared
witn nrevioua waex ana very nuw
lighter then S year ago. la consequence
of th moderat run th market ba
been In a good healthy condition through
out this week. ' .
Th best grade of beef steer hav
old during tn week aa blub sa taie, the
hlihtst one ever paid on thta- market,
At the close of th week tt I Ufa to
quota th best cattl a fully tio higher
and In rood demand at that. It 1 fo
to assume that a prim bunch of beeves
would bring a much a .. On the
other hand tha abort fed and half fat
steers hav been very uneven seller all
rna week, and while Bum flehy steera
of good quality on th yearling order
have ahowa about aa much advane a
have heavy at errs, other hav shown
llttl or no advanoa .
Th best cow and belters hav been
stronaT sellers throughout th week and
ar at th cloae just about at high aa
they have been at any tlma Medium to
common grades have been uncertain sell
ers and tn ton to th masxst ha been
very weak owing to tha faot that cattle
of this latter class corns into airect oom
petition with tb cheep Texas graue
tht r beginning to arrive at southern
market In sufflctsnt quantities to make
their Influence fell. Val calve ars avujtc
higher than last week s close with mixed
tuck such aa hull, stall, tc, ateady
tn slrana.
The .trad In Blockers and feeders ha
been very light a.l tha week, supplied
being limited and bsrely sufficient to moet
ths rMulremenl of th moderate uniiit.
Price have been steady to atrong
throughout tba week.
Quotation on cstike: Good to cholcs
beef alecra. I Hv.; fair to good beef
eteara. l7.filaNA0t: common to fair
steers. KSo7 W; good to choice helfera
14.7047.74; good to choice Cows. ta.764.74;
fslr to good cows, B Zu4r4.7l; common to
fSYtra-nsva XI tlnerA stood tO ,'holc BtOCk-
er and feeder. It sue7 ; fair to good
atockerg and feeders. t.rfi.; common
to fair atocker ana tataer. st xttaaaa,
stock cows end helfera M.utia.S; veal
calve, HUHr-; bulla, stag, to. Hat
tT7 w.
HOOS Unfavorable advice from east
ern hog markets exerted a bearish Influ
ence upon the local trade and bulk of a
moderate aupply had to Mil t price a
nickel lower. Some business, largely Ih
shipping grade, wa transacted early in
the session at firm fururea but aa toon
a outside support w withdrawn values
wknd. Demand lacaea me louowmg
first roumls and movement was generally
low, with clearance rather lata
Recelpta were potted at 4.608 bead, and
quality of offer! nx. whll seasonably
good, ws Bothing to brag about. Ship
per favored the better kind ot Soj3u
pound weights and bought about one
rvth -tt the entlr crop on ordera
Spread remained normal, good heavies
and common lights MlUng about tt cents
apart, r t .
Heet lard offering changed hands at
IT.Vi, th same a yeeterasy s mgn pnoe,
while hulk of receipt landed within the
IT.itwjT.ts aalea Bacon hogs usually sold
at 17 M and leaa but there wa practi
cally no business don below, tha 7.4
mark. ( .
Compared with a week sgo, etrrrent
wrtcaa tor koa average about a Qlme
higher, th market opening a llttl lower
on xtonaay, out acunu piw,s-s " -j
on tha following day. Packing demand
baa been reasonably active throughout
aad nothlnc especially new haA'developed
to change the general altuatlon. although
supplies hav been (airly barg for cora
panting lima -SHEr-.POalr
two load of sheep and
lambs a are received today and they were
consigned direct to a packer, leaving tha
open market empty and nominally ateady.
Tba main feature of trade during th
week ha been It uncertainty because
of th very USht receipts, tunc a wee
I. ,.. n lion head hav Arrived.
mnatly shore uunba Wooled stuff, ha
practically quit corning area raaiuita tnui-
tnsts hav been - decidedly scarce at- all
time. Oa Monday the crop waa Untiled
to ten Mad and Mllera were Dasie4 to
rva larea tulvaacta During the
malnder ot the week packara bought
alnwlv and medium lamb. In patncuiar.
ware neglected. These kind ar selling
la unreliable fashion at present whll th
Hnl. shorn lam be show s set gain -of
about a quarter aa compered with values
at .laat week' cloae. strictly ntgn-crao
lamb ar now qtrataole around Itsu.
. Sneep shipments were usually mixed
and In moet Instance tsu and wether
sold In email bunches. Prime ewe minus
freec reached l.3 ant good pipped
wether also landed tn The stun notch.
There hav been no yearangs of
t,w-k .jsetllnsT la full' load randwnot bleat
wtnlrslerta-lMea imrcestded an OLStai-ic acv
OiUITtt , if tie- weea. Buy oa. snearera- raoa
seastves1. v. v, ui ,u, - ' -.w , i ,
amount to lea than tot head. t
Shorn sheep and lambs: Lamb, food to
rnoiea taZ-ajXaa; lambs, fair to a-ood.
rr iStKiss; yeari Intra. t.aa4y1Jt;- wetnara,
tVleu-a-ts. wea Iti-Zitj. SA .
Kavstess City Uvt Stack Market
Recelpta KB head, lacuding 4N outh
ens; axarket sesvdy ; native stew. 7.c3
tB; southern steer, ti tteiiD; sotnhcrn
cows and helfera KSttAU; natrve cow
Bud hellers. H.iX: stocker and feed
era ! 7. ti; bulls. K7W7.r: caivee, ti-tk)
s W; aestern steera f-i-ioys.'TI; western
cowt, KSHte.,.
H".XW Recelpta ltS head; market
steady ta sc rower; bulk ef sale; 7-Si
IM. hea7, fl.rfflJSi istacAsrs aad putca-
eTaK.lvTJS; lights. a7.gT.C; pic, KJ
a saa.
enter- aio, lAaDj-nww. - -
mtaa; BTaarxet stewoy; motusna, esv.w.
lamoa a.tvc?,.tv: ievnea wesiteae - is
yeaiiinga KXa.7$; rang ewes. P-etaj
4.5; Texas goats, tt-0S3-aU -
for Bss - . !tad;
- aad ha "ee.
CHICAGO. May .- i TLK-Receipts,
let head: market atca'r: beevsa BtwJ
t.ti; Texas steera a.tssSJ.7: w astern
steera taKeji A; stncaer and leeoere.
Hr7.t: cows aad - lxeifen, . p.uul.0-.
civea fesetrr.
HtXir! Recelpta It 0t - head: market
Blow and ee lower; light,; mixed.
I7.43Si.Mi heavy. 17 67 -to: rough, a 'Sf
71; pig.; hulk of alea, 17-700
head: market alow and unchanged: aa
live. U.7ESX.B: w eat ern. tv0fi4.; year
lint. I6.?i7.S; naUva stuns. JfjS.S;
westeTn, i.7iO.9. .
St. Jaaeith Live stxrk Market.
ccipta l.Aa) head; market steady: stee-s,
pi.MWs.w: cows and heller, IJ.23tj.l;
Culves, le.0Vaa.tu.
HOOS-Recelpu, 4.S0S ' bead: ma-ket
Week; to?, 17.; hulk of aalea Ti W .
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, toft
head: market sacks nxrd: lambs. 17.00-J
Crenoreted Apeloe aasl Dried Fralta
APPLEe-Inacttv but ateady, owing to
mall pffenngs; on th cpot, fancy, luty
UHc: choice !ec; prime, Tfjsc.
DRIED FRUh'S Prtuta. steady, with
a quiet Jobbing trde, quotation ranting
tram 444Vc tor California up te iv-40s
and TtsUSao for Oftrtma Amivota oulct
and ataady; choice. 12tltHc; extra choice.
ITstauo; itnoy, ifitc. i-eacne. inactiv
but ateady, with light ottering; choice,
IHtitV:; extrx choice. t,ic; fancy,
lhvlea Raisin. Inactiv and sy; loo
muacotela. itjteVc: cholc to fancy sealed.
HttitHc: MsdlM. txjiiwc; London layer,
tXtuLH. .. -
IttorneY. General Wkkenham Dit-
cuieff Recall ef Deoitiom.
H Say Ccturtx D -1t Hv Fewtt
to lsclrNVaIU laws tkaf
Cafllrt'wrth'-ls Caa-
" tMtrts.:
piritr of th Impatient social reformer
ot tha French revolution, not th tplrit
ot tha Anglo-Saxon frecdonx, which ad
vocates the Strang depart ore from
our national tradition and our national
Institutions," declared Attorney Oentral
Oeorge W. Wtckereham tonight befor
th law alumni of th Unlvaratty of Penn
sylvania ta sa addreaa oo "Tn Judicial
Function.1" vhsn b referred to th prop-
oaltlpn that declslsn ba ubmltted to tb
arbitrament of popular election.
That th rights of all th popl can
bt advanced by destroying th Indspsnd
tnca of th Judlcjary, making their al
ready brief tshur subject is th uncer
tainty t momentary popular favor and
tibjactlhS th dsclxlona ruulUog front
th aaraful eonsidcratloa of nlc questions
of relatlv publio and prlvat wlfar la
tb light of constitutional provttlons tn
Um arbitrament of popular lections," h
aid, "It on of tboa string delusion
difficult for any student of law and his
tory ta comprehend.
"Moat of th recent sptclflo rltlclsmj
of th Judiciary ha arisen out ot decl
are na concerning tha . constitutionality,
under Mat or, federal conatltutlona of
leaTlMatlaa passed ta, th exercise ot th
pollca power for the real siv ostenslbls
purpoBs of protect m lb health sod
safsty of th popl or of correcting no
otal and acommls inJuUca ' :
- 'Tba fbnctlos of th Judtclaryvwlth re
spect to such laws seam to bt itrangti
misunderstood and , trriavowsly mlarenr.
anted. Certainly . law . hooka - will ba
searched . IB vain to astabllah th con
tention, reowilly promulgated that th
courts hv power to d eclat such law
constitutional, aot only when tbey vio
late pclflc claua of th' state eonstl
tutloa, but to whan membsrs ef th
court regard th act as contrary to their
Ideas of aoclxl Juatlca.
i"Th only power which court of a
Mat hav .f have ever claimed In tnka
country over such laws It to Sebtrmln
whtther or sot they ooafllot with prw
vtatorat In th stats or federal constitu
tion. Almost all th atat eonxtlttitjorn
embody a declaration ot th fundamental
rights ot Ufa liberty and tb pursuit of
sapptn and asalnat deprivstloo of
property . without due process of law,
which arc found la magna charts, tha
bill ot right and tb Declaration ot In
dependenca "It mutt be apparent that on of tb
highest of th Judicial function Is to
determine whether, under tb constitution
of a-state, or within to right ato
guarded ta th elrlxen by th eonstittrtton
ot tba United State, acts of th legis
lature, passed ta pursuance of rll mean
ing, aoavetlm wis and sometimes un
wls efforts to benefit that port Km ef
th community, who by number or by
organisation eaa mod vociferously msks
knows their need, ar In fact reasonably
related to s purpose which It I compe
tent for th govern raent to effect, or-on
tb pther hand, conatttut arbitrary and
unreaaonable legislation, exacting from
tb dtlxena got directly bene filed by It
a relinquishment of that freedom which
our atat and national ovwwmsnts are
stabilshsd to secura . ; .
. "The utioa preatented tor th . eon
aid eratloa of every cttiaea today M
wbaUssr tb xerelae ot this delicate
function, upon tb right maatagement of
which I depeadsnt th continued enjoy
ment ( aa that make for tb curity
of Ufa hberty and property ot every eltl
aaa. eaa beat b entrnted to tb Judi
ciary, t be exercised fa tba futur as tat
the. peat; or whether tb constitution!
barrier shall b proatroted befor aa ua
ree trained popular electorate
r-Mistakea hve been mad by the Judi
ciary, ea hav ban wrongly decided,
sad tb extension at legal principle to
ateet new eendltlosta atvder Jodirial Intsr
pretatloB aad eoosvxtxstJoa has srten see
slewer tbaa mtpsOent reforinera destrou
ot Immediate, resulu. vreuld wish. Yet
a candid critic, eaa aay that, oa tb
whole, tb history af tb Amerlcaa Jaxii
ciary doa aot turtush as alga-It -wet a
higher example .ot adequate mult tbaa
thpt ot sthsr branch ot the sovra-
Henry First, hvlng t Thirtieth , and
Madktaa. Saath Oraaaux, hetievlxg he bad
tdentUaad ta Arthur SraUth. a Begre -played
la tb picking houxes, the max
who -taaulted hi sister jamral. days ago.
saarcbed ftenlth for aevwn blocks early
last rranln at th poinx of a gun (a his
owa bona fr tb purpos of eacntifkav
s. Tba young woman Seclared be wa
aot tb man aad BmKh tna ashed Ftrat
tor. A elgaretta Flrat ihea fired at th
aegr who wu net Icjurtd. j
Ariaiigtmeiiti Completed for Ban-
tjnet to Jolia E. UJieriL
Tata GUseeale, Hart by rail
"Car, at Same Tim er Pievs
' af Sietrr'e Death Drtll
Trass Take rrta.
tt was announced laat night by an un
official source that th banquet la honor
of John E. O'Hern would ba given otv.
next Thursday night at tha Liz Stock
Exchange bundles. A committee meeting
wa held hut night at th Henshaw hotel
and definite arrangements completed for
th Ms function. Beside - th . business
men of couth Omaha, under whose aus
pice th affair la given, there It a large
contingent from th Llv Stock exchange
and from Omaha. . It I said that tb ban
quet will be a fitting tribute ot respect
to John E. O'Hern. wbo . number Ma
friends by th hundred whether la busi
ness or social Ufa
Although A celebration ot th Fourth -
ot July waa announced some tlm back.
llttl or no headway la being made In -
developing th Idea. Laat year tb eel- I
bratlon under th direction of th Boot-
r c'.ub wa s success and this year tt
wa hoped by th bastneas men tbat ear
tier ' preparation ' might Insur a nor
flnirhed aad formal program, .. i
It la understood that A tentative orrani- j
gatloB wu formed recently and aa ffort
mad to enlist the g-ipport ot tb businssa
men of th city. However, th busineea j
men gv It their opinion that the'
work should be carried out by the Boost- I
n and nob by any othor commute or ';
It I understood that Mayor Tom Hoctor ,
hat th matter under conMderatlOB sad !
will probably call s meeting ot th biaxl- I
Bas awn of too dty within th near ;
futur at th city TialL Bom of the lead- '
Inf business men ot tb town are under
stood to b giving th matter tbelr par- ,
onal attention , and developnteqt ar
looked for within th next, week. , .
. Teat eJIUraple lalared.
Called to th telegraph otflo at ths,
liti otoca evxenange ouiiuitig i nuraoar ;
night-to receive th new ot hi sister
death la Nsw York. Tom Glllexpla a well
known and respected reatdtnt ot this dty,
ws thrown from a moving ear and tuo
talned severe tnjuiie about tb head and
Gllletpl resides at Thirty-ninth and
L street and received a aotle ot his
sitter's" death about II o'clock Thuraday
night He hastened to the exchang ti
end A reply to relatives in New York.
At th sxcnangt building h Attempted
to alight from tb strmt car, which Is
aid to hav started befor Glllespe bad
cleared' th tepe. H wa thrown to
th ground and severely (ashed about
th right y and about th head, i
II wa removed to bl horn whera a
physician dressed bl wounda - Th In
jured mas yesterday venlng waa abl to
leave for New York to attend th timet al
ef bit sliter. .
Dear I a Stay. -
Nothwlthatandlng he - actually - aided
Dog Catcher Andrew Obal la putting a
nooa shout th neck of hi dog, Frank
Johnson of 1914 R street waa unable ta
get rid ot his Great Dsn yssterdsy.
"Of bi a doff Ucenta" said Johnson -daagusisdly
to City Cisrit Wheeler yes
terdsy noon. ' "I want th llcenaa not
bee us l want the Aug, but lmplp be.
oeuse I caa't get rid el tb beast-" .
Then Johnon told th city clerk how h
bad slruggied to ssnd hi great . Dane
dor te the tty pound. U had helped
Dos Catcher .Obal - to corral! ths brut
snd bad ven put th nooa about th
dot's neck,, but when they had succeed etl
la everything t the dog's body proved
too big for the entrance ta th pound
master a wagon. "I suppose someon
wished that dog oa ma" muttered John
son as hs took his llctns snd ambled;
out of th halL - ,
Drill Tease Take Heeere.
South Omaha Chapter of th Essters
Star carried boat th brigh honors to
drill work at tb three day eeton-ot
th convention a( Fremont. " The worl
ot th Iocs! drill team I said to have
ben the best ever seen in yesrs. The-
...nil aelll Mens, Sa remake- ssaval
year. ' '
"Of tb South' Omaha chapter th foU
lowing war present: Mesdamea J, Y.
Mfllw, V. . Nlenor, - C C Clina P- Ki
Campbell, X. J. Clark. George Majors, p.
X. Fsrrall, & Brayton. C. a Vermillion,
O. McCsxaaugbey, George Brewer, N.
M. Oral, Meatsrs. and Meedamas i,
U'Vaa Sent, Arthur Bowa O. J. Ames,
Perry Wheeler, Misses Effl - McCoo-r
naughey, Freda Bauregarten. i
Cbureb Servlec. '
Brows Park Baptist Btbla school meets
t t:4t at Twentieth. and 8 atreeta
HiUsdale Baptist BIM school meets at
1:10 . Forty-third and I atreeta Pastor
I laley areacbe every Friday svsnlng al
t p. ax.
Fleet Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and
H streets; Rev. C T. llsley, pastor j
Morning worship at 11 and evening wor
hip at 1. Bible chool meet at 1:4.
Young People meeting at T.
8L Luke s Lutheran church. Twenty
fifth and K streets; Rev. 8. H. Yeriota,
pastor. Sunday, arhool at t:4S. Morning
services at 11, conducted by the. pastor.
Confirmation claaa at t o'clock.
First Methodist church. Twenty-fourth
and M streets; Rev. J. M. Bothwell, pas
tor. Sabbath school xt I II Morning ser
aio at 11 by the -pastor. Epworth league
at 1 o'clock at Brass' chapel. There will
be a special anniversary day service with
Installation of of flecra 1
Letter Memorial church. 'Fifteenth and
Madison streets Rev. Thorn A. Bag
abaw, pastor. Sunday school at 14. Preach
ing servicee at 1L The financial commit
tee has a very good report la readiness
trnicn wilt oe reasi at tore time r,Hsmt
leegu meet at I o'clock, with Ml Ella
Kennedy a leader.
anew a rtlracur tt Toa haeea'l sssa
Flynn' spring Hit of wearable. We feel .
positive you hav not seen the heat or
th moat deal re hie value. Let u show
you this beautiful prtng stock. With
out new clothing lack lour own Inven
tion) we eaa show you fifty suits with
lea effort than it took to show one.
Com aad visit with ua It Is sure a plea
sure ta anew goods new. Jobs Flynn ai
Cnlted Presbyterian church. Twenty
third and L atreeta . Rev. W. A. Pollock,
pastor. Bible school at l is. Public wor
ship at 1L The subject will ha "Without
Me Ye Can do Nothing." Men' Barace
claaa assets at 11 M o'clock. Young Peo
pie'e Christian union meets at 1, with
Mla Cordelia McCatiech as leader. Th
abject of the- lesson I ''Why and How -te
Please God.' The subject ot th vesw
lag service Is "Chjirt'a Yoke-
Meats City nssBlp. v
Th dog pound U located at Thirty,
tread and D streets.
The Fire and Police board Is el pec led
te hold a set lion this morning at IS
A larg crowd visited the erhool ex
blbtt at IM North Twenty-fourth street
Mat Bight.
Barest, tactx sterttasas way te traa fj, txr-S
eases threes New Tar
s aaat Beets Aes. wh
kssar tw bee esactel Isreraaststa s. I. BIR.
CAUS (tt. VU trest. Asw Ysrk Cuy