im OMAHA MX DAY 1JLK: MAY 11, 191::. 5 2 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR. StI.K. These Pieces Must Be Sold This Week Figure With Us and Make An Offer I S.50. ll.J Georgia Av u front 00x140 ft, streets and al.ey paved and . , Pld. T roon' bouse, mod. except beet t.ii.0. On Park Ave. near Mason St. Etn front, food house, with two hath wiiib, .JIM. 1UL On lid Ave, aar Poppleton Ave, house; hot water heat: lot 50x181 "'J" elly. Almost your own West Farnam District I One of the handsomest corners 16 ft. fine shade, beautiful grounds, splendid It room house, handsome Interior, beautifully finished In hard woods; fine built-in bookcase, solid mahogany: handsome dining; room with built-in buffet, very finest plumb ing throughout beautiful oak floors. Good reason for stilling. Want to cioee out before June 1st . . DUNDEE t 0,000. On Dodge St. between 48th and 40th, very attractive, brand new house, handsome arrangement full two story. 7 rooms, beautiful large living and dining room; euxU7 ft Only offered before the owner movee in. . . ... en II sold will build on lot adjoining. Get busy QUICK. 0.000. On Dodge Bt between 48th and 49th, a handsome, welibuilt brick and . ... Prt frame, 7 rooms beautifully arranged; new; and nearly finished. I 7,3(0. On Douglas St between 40th and 46th. a dandr near room exceptionally well built house, fine hot water heat tiled bath, beautiful sun roon.' and SleeDlna DOrch: Id atorv fullv etnlshsida' leundrv tiiHa anrf cistern. Rnautlttil oak floors op and down, with I I.IOO. Capitol Ave. near 10th. fine. uown, siren tip, with oak and maple floors throughout; beautiful location. ' Cheap. I 8,704. Davenport Bt near tOth, T room, new, two story, thoroughly mod. with white oak floors and mahogany finish down stairs, birch finish with maple floors up stairs; sun room, sleeping porch and large attic. A dandy for the money. t MM. Just East sf the Dundee) Line, high and sightly view; II No. 47th St, (0x100 ft, 7 roon., new, completely mod., 4 bed rooms, oak floors and finish down, gum finish with Quarter sawed pine floor op stairs. A bargain. I 1, 80s. Near 40th and Capitol Ave., a nauasomeiy nnisneo, una decorations. Field I M0. East front on Jth two blocks south of Leavenworth: SO ft front a dandy. iwo aiory e room nouse; beauurui attractive tnrougnout f 6,100. On liith 8t South of Leavenworth, walls all decorated in oil; handaom oak finish; first class condition. A Bargain. I T.TsO. Texll. ft beautiful, attractive yard wlfh hedge surrounding, beautiful shrubbery; room a well built quarter sawed oak; large living room with brick fireplace. Owner moving away. Wants to sell quick. See thla $ 8.000. S5th near Poppleton Ave., a dandy, well built 0 room house: handsome living roon., with brick fireplace one on Id floor. Large grounds: practically new. 112,000. A handsome cement and concrete house, beautifully arranged; very f handsome living room; with brick fireplace, handsome dining room; lava- 'I tory, kitchen, etc., on first floor; handsome oak finish; four beautiful bed rooms on second floor with fin tiled bath; besides one room with shower . oatn. iarge lot and garage. INVESTMENTS t 4.160. On Evans 8t near 15th, I rooms, new, mod. house, nicely decorated, and In first class condition. Can make very easy terma Thla will bear the closest investigation. line Bom and a good neighborhood. t 7.&00. Rental 40, Owner want to raise some quick money. Price reduced for quick sale, but offer considered, if sold immediately. It 1 a bar gain. Close lr and a comer. - 114. S00. Mental 11.710 per year, three very finely built, well located: doe to the High school, mod., up-to-date 7 room brlcka Don't put your nvoney in the bank at I and 4. whan vou can bur a mod fcaraaln Ilka thla. vvw.vvv. .vena, , o o itiuunu iiiftiu worm 1-i.oHV. witnin rour blocks of the court House oh Harney St i ne nest, cioae-in investment going. - ' D. V.SH0LES COMPANY. Telephone Douglas 49; Ind. A-J04I. Dundee and Happy Hollow Omaha's beat new residence guburb It only SO minute ear ride from tn Business and shopping center. improvement ana convenience of the attractive well located luburb. To own Hollow mean owning property In provement are made directly benefitting property owner and Increasing value. ..''.' . - i This, together with the fact that Dundee and: Happy Holtow lie in the direct line ot Omaha' beat residence growth, which ha always been Westward, make the owning ot property In thla luburb Ideal for a home and safe and profitable a an Investment Now la the time to Invest while value are itlll low. Dundee I 700. 47xi:t feet on COth Bt one block from the car line; In good neighborhood. I 750. 60x120 feet fronting on 00th St. and 00th Ave., double frontage; high sightly location. First class residence near It Investigate I 171. IVxlM feet fronting North on Webster St.. lust 1 block from ear Una City water, sewer, fas and cement walk in and paid for. Paving to be laid thla summer. Reasonable terma t 090, (0x190 ft, fronting South on Cuming Bt, between 00th and Hat streets: all speclsl exxept paving la and paid for. A sightly lot at a reasonable price. . i I 00. 10x111 ft, on Webster St.. 1 block from the car line. All speclala In ex cept paving. A small cash payment; balance monthly. .. 11.000. Mills feet south front on Burt Bt, between (1st and Sid, Bt ' High sightly lut. Terms 100 cash; til per month. 11,000. OOxWS ft fronting; south on I sard Bt. One of tha highest points In Dun dee. Bewer, water and cement sidewalks Included at the above price 100 down; II per month. I1.0&0. North front lot on Undrwaod Ave. near the Happy Hollow Club; eurrvuml- ed by first class houses: all specials In: sublect only to unnald navln. 11.000. 00x11. ft, fronting south on Chicago Bt directly east of two good houses This le the cheapest lot in thla to be delivered at thla Dries. 13,30. For a double corner, fronting south, lust t blocks from the car Una All specials In and paid for excent saving. This is an excentionallv avail located corner and offered at a low price. Investigate. - 13,500. For I lota 100x111 ft, located at the 8. B. corner of list and Davenport . Bta All specials In and paid for, subject to unpaid balance of paving. This Is a high sightly corner, surrounded by good homea Owner might consider dividing thee lota Investigate. ' Houses Well Located at Reasonable Prices .fuel rrauej irom u,i3, in as cv nee wet-. a tviiimvtH avaeas. VI liatwj LMIiaj JUU1WCI, UOOtl DeaVTIl. large lot OJxl to feet ' 13,300. For s modern ap to date bungalow, practically new: I large rooms. Lo cated at 14th St In Norwood Addition. This was built by the owner for a home and is being offered at a low price as he I about to leave Omaha. ,l,lo. New room bungalow, In Kountse Place, This bungalow has a large liv ing room, with mantel and grate: bullt-la bookcases; stationary settee and beamed ceilings. Panelled dlnlngroonv, with bullt-ln buffet Decorated and finished la oak; t bedrooms and bath second floor. Corner lot paved street 1 block from car line. H.ieO. 1 etory modern house, located near the Omaha University; convenient to ins car una- 1 nis nouse nw rwrai ana reception nail, QSCorated through out and In excellent repair. Immediate possession. 15.200. I rooma strictly modern I story house, hi excellent condition; decorated throughout; 0 bedrooms and bath Id floor; stairway to floored attic- oak finish 1st floor. Oarage in the rear. Paving paid la full Located oa Blnney Bt near Sherman Ava 5,30. For a well built 1 story modern bouse, located on corner lot near 14th and Henderson Bta This house has 7 rooms, finished In selected oak witn oak flosra Full cemented basement with hot water heat , Large cement porch. In excellent condition and very well built 10,200. 7 room I story mod ere house, reception hall. Located In the West Far nam district Close to some of the hleheet Drtcad and mo. ,ttMi, residences in this district 1st our, w ii La wnaiiia, iinian. uvswsisq inrougnout. JTU11 OemcntOd base ment Reasonable terms of sale, 17.500. 2401 Bt Mary's Ave. This Is a 10 room, strfrtlyy modem frame house, with I large rooma finished on the Id floor. Oak finish let floor- 4 large attrsctivs bed rooms Jd floor: decorated throughout Let 54x107 feet j a , ins jmiu. tsjaius inwini George & PhMi n TEI or A-I7S. Will Take A J - J T . T T a I Good Lot In Payment On two houses, at 1441 K. 1Mb Bt In I llrst class condition, you can live In one ind rent the other. Houses rent tor du per annum. Price, KM. Harry Wolf K Brandels Bldg. Door. 000, A-KTL A Block of Ground Kruating on three streets, tw blocks from car and school; located la aa en terprising neighborhood, just a little north of Fort Bt Price eaiy HOU. one lot worth at least half t what asking tor ait Rasp Brts. M MoCagu Bldg. Douglas KM ' A-Hl A BARGAIN. Am leaving the aty and will sacrifice my 7-room, modern borne In Dundee. Large living room with beamed celling, fire place and built-in bookcase, dining room and kitchen oa first floor, rour sleeping rooms, fir finish downstairs, tie plastered snd finished; laundry m basement Lou of small fruit Kiss, Sbo'it half cash. Haraay S!a Sit "RTFTCF rooms strictly modem. At-Iiir AH-beautlf ul shade, fun lot mil K. Hd, 1 black to car. Forced sale. Cail erwaer. Wee, KM er Doug. . - - REAL ESTATE CITT PROPCRTr FOR SALK. large, roomy, well built, oak finished ft with larca barn and aarace. Owner price. Asking 17,000. bat want aa offer in the varv mam rastdenr Motion 105X SPECIALS handsome quarter sawed oak and maple new. two atorv. room house: oak finish dandy, well built, I room, hot water heat Club living room with unusually a dandy, good, well built; f room house and den; four bed rooms on second and 11., wwm I CIV price Biun. AiupruvanMSiiia Ill City National Bank Building. Dundee and Happy Hollow have the city, with all the advantage of an a lot or houM In Dundee or Hddv a progressive community where Im Lots block and will have to be sold thts wee r-orio iiti Bt, s room mi! modern houat floor finished In quarter sawed oak. Id"; Company 001-11 City National Bank Bldg.' Near Miller Park ,nru h discriminating buyer for freer - Tr. as? JtiiVl" r'ul finished In hardwood inroej-nout, wttB nne sleeping porch; ncisnes m ess oa nrst floor snd white eusme) on second floor; fine lot witn flosrees and garden. House has ehades hung snd m ready to move light Into Only tu la cash required to buy this fine home. Call tomorrow and ewaar will show roe through. Peters Trust Co. MS Farnam St. Close-in Bargain New, alt avodero, 5-mrni, large and Well arranged rooms; sll newly decorated, nice combination lighting fixtures; open nickel plemblng: full basement: laundry connec tions; furnace heat butler pastry, ice box room; fine south front lot, near ear. Here ie a dandv, fine house for someone. Price only tAMO; about IBO casta, rest same as rent Rasp Bros. Ml MeCagu Bldg. Doug. ICS, A-TO. TBRT CHOICS. CLOBt IN. VACANT. Th most desirable rasMex nm.i. la Omaha, cioee to eeheol. churches, three s-nas irons saa to Si. SUB. GALLAOHEB KELSON REAL ESTATE CTITT PROPERTY FOR SALE, Harrison & Morton Farnam St Business MI feet, near Hth-fTTl.000, - 17 feet, near 20th-dU.OOO. ISO fret near Mth-,0t. 3 feet near lSth-t.O0O. 41 feet next First Nation al-WS, 030. Business Property 33x00 feet-mOOO. Near W. O. W. Bldg., (West). Kx feet tK. 008. HHh, near Farnam. CSxlS-)6,00u. Cor. Douglas and 19th. OSilSS-113.000. Cor. Uth nnd Jonea SsxlOS-tSO.030. Cor. Dodge and 20th. Pacific Express Bldge.-$1S5,W0. Corner 14th and Harney, tvani oner. Flve-storv brick warehouse. 90 square feet floor space. Price t&SM. Missouri Faelflo trackage. Trackage S aauare feet on B. M.. at crossing of JOth Bt-(l,uu- iXxiB-40.ooa" Corner 11th and Jones. Comer Oth and Opltol Are. 130 feet square io.w.- Home of Homes 4 In Field Club district. I rooma convent ent complete in every detail. There are four bedrooms and a sleeping porch, nur sery and good living rooma Lot ttxiao feet Well planted to shrubbery and trees. The finest yard in that district Owner leaving the city. ' Will close out for t.;tO. Lan give possession at once. RESIDENCES ON PRETTIEST MILE Elsht-room new house, esst front lust north of Home stiller s-ei.wn, Five-room, almost new, complete bun- ralow. a little south of sillier rata. Oround I0x840-&3u. Five-room bungalow, a little north of this; M feet of ground 46.0OO. New House West Between the Farnam and Harney car lines, five or elx blocks from ths Farnam Una two blocks from the Harney line, on a broad but shallow lot at southeast cor ner of Mth and Cass Bta We emphasise the location because It Is desirable end eonvenient and In a growing, developing district A square, tun I-etory nouse, with full cemented basement with laun dry room and fruit cellar, good living rooma finished In hard wood; rear vesti bule and refrigerator room, and a real pantry; three Inside bedrooms and a sleeping porch; also stairs to attic It Is a complete, well built house, planned for a comfortable home and easy house keeping,, and the low price we are able lA make Is what selle ft-oilr R300. We can arrange reasons bis terma Open for Inspection, but 0 eareiui ot me newiy finished floors. West Farnam House East front on list Ave., In the block north ot Dodge St., I rooms, entirely modem and In good condition, only U.ooa, This ' has. not been offered before. Csll for , full Particulars and for th key. Keasonaoi terms. Little Real Homes Fire-room cottage, corner Lartmore and ZM. All modern except furnace. Ce mented cellar; plestered attlc-ti.ftv. Four-room bungalow, near the above. on Grand Ava. near Florence Blvd., suit able for young couple: living room beau tifully finished In oak. Residence Lots on ' Prettiest Mile MS feet front unobstructed view to th east-IMOu. . KxlM fet-el.!50-near Elllstone Ava (0 feet Fowler Ave.. Just off Florence Boulevard-tl.Ouu. (Very cheap.) 8 Rooms, 2 Lots A large house, with bsrn snd chicken houses, all In fair condition, but not new. Houee has modern convenlencea This a half block east of 48th St., on Daven port Bt.; two blocks from the Dundee ear. Nonresident owner will let go at a barsain mice. Make us an offer house and one lot or both lota Wants .Local client wants to loan out IIOO.IWO In one or two loans; wants I per cent, but might consider OH or even 5 per cent on very choice security. Local client wants to rent 43.69 square feet (one acre) for their business: would lake 10-year leas from some one who would build. Foreign client has trackage lot. 1. 711 square feet; would lease same 10 years at low rental. H,6M squsrs feet corner Harney snd 19th Bts.; wsnt one tensnt or a number smsll tenants for a building to be erected oa this ground. Apartment House Sites Corner ITth Ave. and Harney and Harney and Dewey Ava; 311 front feet In all. on the three streets., streets all paved -;il,0W. ' 01 feet-front on Sth Bt, just south of the Merrlam-fJ.OOu. e ' Residence Lots Kills corner Uth and Webster: Brob- ably best lot in Omaha-UVK. , W feet oa SMh Bt., east front. H,0nO: west front fl.S); Farnam district. Also two lots on Kth Ave., near the above, K500 for the two. M feet on Farnam, opposite Charles Turner' e-M.009. Acreage 44 acres. joining Field Club, formerly used by tt-,008. M acres, where Ruser road, going south. u. r. it. fv 10 acres, short distance west of Hsna- com i-ark-H.aou. f acre, on N. 10th, near Port one left out of a Bsimber one sold Friday. Price, Miscellaneous n-raom house and feet front of ground. Just a step from th high school -10.000. 15-roorn bone on Bth St, opposite the Merrtam-l.Ma. HARRISON at MORTON,' fl Omaha KaUonaL REAL ESTATE C1ITT PBOPEHTT FOH B0I.K. A Home for You "Our Way Is Easy to Pay" If you are renting we would like to talk to you shout building a bouse tor you on one of our low priced lots, and selling it to you on terms oi OXK-TEXTH CASH balance easy monthly payments same as nuiiding and loan association rates, or no more probably than your monthly rent at she present time. You can select the plan: our elm la to suit our customers. We have ISO plans In our oflice and can probably assist you In selecting what you want No charge for plane. Monthly payments alwaya the same. Interest Is figured so that you pay It every month In order NOT TO" HAVK double pay ments some montha It has been right fully said by several hundred families that we have built for that "OUB WAY IS EASY TO PAY" You should utart rlKht now to Ulan where you wmiM like to lire. We bv lote north. - west ra south and c surely ault you. HOMEY HOMES Let us show you something a little different than the ordinary house. It only costs a little more to have your house different than dosens ot other nouses. Bulitln bookcases, beamed rell inaa, exposed rafters, attractive win dows. In fact a doxen features that will make your home attractive. Hee ue. we csn show you HOW TO OKT A PRttTTt HOME THE, EAST WAY. HASTINGS A HETPE. 1414 Harney Bt. Price Reduced $500 On 1908 Spencer St If Sold this Week. This beautiful home ta located-In a very choice part of Kouutxe Place addition. Owner 1 going to move to California and has marto a very low price lor quick sale: haa vestibule entrance, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen, with targe pantry and Ice box, all on first floor; finished in oak excepting kitchen; haa four well arranged Bleeping room and bath on the second floor, also stair leading to large attic, which la floored; house 1 nicely decorated throughout; haa very best ot plumbing and heating; large cel lar; full basement; south front 60 foot terraced lot; on paved street. paving all paid. You can call at the house any time today tuid look It over, and If you want any further Information today call Webater til. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney 8t. New Field Club Seven-Room Home $6,000 Eaat front lot, one block from cor and Joining Boulevard; neat and at tractive home, finished In oak and birch, with reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, four bed room, bath and sleeping porch; pav ing paid; lot Just being graded and will be ready for occupancy In ten day. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1531. 210 South 17th 8t. Ten-Room Brick Residence One-half block from Joilyn' beau tiful home; close to car; large lot; house newly decorated and aa mod ern and attractive a any In town for the money. To close out thla week, 110,600; very reasonable cash pay ment, balance at 6 per cent. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1S3S. 210 South 17th 8t. Buy a Snap The owner of K14-M Blnney 8t. moved to Chicago. It I a I-story house arranged for two families, occupied snd rented for tin ner month. There la a II. XO mortgage on It Make an offer for this equity, will give you a chance to make some money. Will use a lot as part pay. Harry Wolf 41! Brandels Bldg. Doug. ones. A-K71. Just-Take a Look At 4160 Burt St The best five-room modern cottage at the price in Omaha; oak floor and woodwork; bed rooma and bath room In white enamel; finest of lighting fixture; beat plumbing and furnace: full cellar and large attic; complete with screens and decorated to your order; $3,600; eaay term. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1530. Z10 South ntn Bt.' Close in Seven Rooms Modern $4,500 28th and California, nearly new and a anap. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. .10 South 17th St. Owners Sacrifice 4120 M 19th Bt.. a nw. all moArn bungalow; & larg, w.UarranicrJ rooma; oak fin I!., nna rombmauon-nun ting fix ture; buttrul east front lot, urroundd by fln new homea: houaa haa only bern oi-cupted about 4 montha. 8es tha houM today. Talk with th owner. Him 'phone to. u vvrD. irk tiiw prtca tor quick mI fa t3,.Mr; about t'A cash or rood vacant tot will make tha tint payment. Rasp Bros. 101 McCague Bldg. Douglas 166. A-mU ' NEW Houee of seven rooms with hardwood re and finish, fine plumfrlng and d furnace. This house Is lust being finished and la locsted at the esst entrance of Miller park. This Is a very fine location and we Invite Inspec tion. Can wtaka good terms. Price, .ton. PtrrERS TRI'ST CO.. WS Famam. Bemis Park Facing south on Hawthorne Ave., bouse hss seven rooms snd si all modern with combination fixtures, good furnace and permanent walka Location is fine and lot is 40x13. Price. H'rtO. Another of sevrn rooms wtth Isrge living run wtth beamed celling and oak finish, very attractive: lot la extra deep, bee us for particulars. Peters Trust Co. KSi Fsmam St REAL ESTATE CITY FROfKIITr rofc 0 4I.R A Beautiful Home in Norwood $5,000 Seven rooma and bath beautifully finished In oak. Parlor, dining room, kitchen- with nten stairway on the ft ret floor; 4 bedroom, and bath on second floor. White enamel trlmmtriKS and va floora- Latteel up-to-date lighting turee: full cemented baseinent w.h ct rurttsce. Fine east front Hit ence Boulevard, and overlook g asa BEMIS PARK RESIDENCE $4,650 Wen built T-room dwelling, almost new east front, on pavedn atreet, within one block of car. ITa-to-dale In every respect and must be seen t be eppreclstrd. Can make terma HANSCOM TARK DISTRICT $5 200 GOOD TERMS Nine-room resMenoe, ftnlrhM In wh1l walnut and oak; strictly modern, n earn from lot. Stxiao; fine ehatte. Owner 1 non-reaident and la aniioua to sell. WITHIN HALF BLOCK OF HANSCOM PARK $3,650 $200 CASH. $35 MONTH Btx-rootn cottage, strsstly modern. paved streets, within one block of ear; cast iront lot, tuxisa, with line ansae. $2,100 $400 CASH. $20 MONTH Five-room cottage, nicely decorated hath, gaa, electric lights: full oementm. basement; on a alee lot 10x127; hedge fence and sll kinds of fruit snd shrub bery. permanent sidewalks, near car and ecnoot ON SHERMAN AVE. CAB LINE $3,450 A strictly un-to-date cottssa finish. nicely, with a full basement and large let; one of the finest 4-room cottages In the north part; on car Una near school. THE PLACE TO RAISE CHICKENS 2 IMPROVED ACRES $2,500 Pive-mnm hnuaa vrllh full eementea basement: within 4 blocks of car; pan rash. This Is a snap and must be sold at once. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY Open Saturday evenings until o'clock. at So. nth 8t. . Phone Wi. A Beautiful Country Home Near Omaha Twelve acre In sr. Dei loo cherry treea M0 plum treea. t,oi0 gooseberry bushes thst will produce an bushels this year. Thousands of currant bushes. acres In alfalfa. 0-room house, windmill, barn, buggy shed, wagon shed, large shop for boxing fruit, 00 acres in sll. Well fenced In: I miles from Florence, fine drlva The beet snap In lkwglaa county for I'.n,0fl0; part cash. The owner Is not sble to handle the place snd Is ottering II at a sacrifice. Call snd let us show you this property at once. Can make terms. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY 10 tta. 17th 8U Poo nee toff. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH tSKI rpg f Australia. VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED LANDS Tracts from I to 900 acres on Sin-year payments; price I to M an acre) set tlers csn Pay off land at any time and become absolute possessors: abundant supply of 'Tvater: climate same as Cali fornia; lands close to thriving towns with free schools; government wsnts settlers. Write to government sgsnts: Psck-Judah Co., 007 Market Ml., ban Francisco, for full partlculsrs aa to fares and conces sions offered to settlers. California. IF TOTJ are Interested In California land for fruit or chicken raising, call aa Flxa Westberg. 110 Bee Bid.. Omaha, i'REB literature will be sent to anyone Interested in the wonderful Sacramento Valley, the richest valley In the world. Unlimited opportunities. Thousands of acres available at right prices. The alaos for the man wanting a home In the finest climate on earth. Write to a public organisation that gives reilsble Inform' stion. Secretary, Bacrsmento Valley V veiopment aseocistion. wecramento. rai UNUSUAL ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE to doctors and other professional men. also farmers, and all who havs that rearing for a place to retire, now or later. Is bearing now. Why watt? Fruit and almonda Pay for Itself. Only I per cent cash, 1 per rest monthly or an nually. "Money back" If not pleased. By best town of north Barramenta You deal with owners. Fare paid. Oo with ua next trip while they last. Write or call at once lor attractive literature. CHA3. E. WILLIAMSON CO., OMAHA, NRB. (Bank and business house references.) DO YOU Want to know about "The Garden Spot" ot the Sacramento Valley CALIFORNIA Ask u for llteratyre and full Information with regard to LIVE OAK Rich soil, Abundance of Moisture, Ideal Climate, Best of Market, Unexcelled Transportation Facilitiea Mean Dollar to Yoa. Are you thinking of CALIFORNIA and vicinity. ' Do you want tbe beat? Be ure and see ua. , Trowbridsje-Bolisler Co., 404 City National Bank Bldg., Doug. 1093, A-2457. Omaha, Neb. Canada. CANADA LAND' 40 acre rich, black loam soli. One mile from town of Bruce en Urand Trunk I'a cifle railway In Alberta: SS acres under crop. A beautiful farm, well located, at a bargain. Th muiips-taiimer Co.. Wbyte Ava. Edmonton, South Alberta. Canada. Colorado. DOS ACRES good farm land near Graver. Weld county, at 07 an acra Tim on tl.H Box Z8b. Lienver. ioio. FoK KALB at a bargain, l.uat acres of ungated land la the bouth Piatte veiiey. Colorado, rrom one-nan to three in res from Proctor; old water rights: reservoir water neat year. For particulars write H. Miller, Bo T7S. Cedar Rapids, la 2.00 a eras Kiowa eouaty. Colorado, all level; water at m feet; PS an acre; te'ls sett: an estate Will contract to retail In on year for ft an acre net or buy all land not eoia. nox raa uenver. coio. t'lurlda. TROPICAL Florida, below Miami, where rocosnuta, ovscadoea and man goes grow safely; five-acre grove and grove plots: pur water, perfect health Box 14, Modello, Florida. REAL ESTATE. rami xtascH laid, row tiK $200 An.Acre Net Profit We are willing to guarantee you caa do thia. Th best of th potato Is the selling of It. - The pots to growers of our district In Florida will bsve marketed by June I about a million hualiela of I HaS dai.Ium This. eavtatA fields nuies tat afs tram 0 to B acres each. They tiring profits nunra. ana in potatoes wiu ae gathered in time mr a crop ot corn or any other summer crop. Now is th lima te see th district while the potatoes are being gathered and shipped. All Fotatoes Are Sold for Cash DO NOT DELATI OO NOW! TALK acre and prices received and be convinced that these farmers will get more net proms out or a lo-acre farm than the beet Iowa or pebrassa fanner will com lis screa Roll this over la your mind and decide whether yoa caa afford to pas this by without Investigation letter below Is a true ropy of one iuet received tram Rlvervtew Fsrm Headquarters, This ,. leuer wss not for publication, but shows so conclusively what at being done In our locality that w r-produce lit -WBST TOCO!. Fie.. May M, BBX "Benson Carmtehsel, Omaha. Neb. Gentlemen: "We thinned our first carload of potatoes yesterday and thev were ftna They ran to barrels to the acre snd m per rent were No. 1. er the best grade Just returned from Hastings, the big potato market scnee th river, and po tatoes they are shipping over there wear leaving In th field. Nevertheless, they ere retting a barrel on the car. "Mr. 0. H. tltlllman did well with his crop, netting HO en bis No. 1 snd S0 on his No. t. the whole NETTING him tSH an sere. Tol recollect 1 we old St ill man his land only a year ago for lit an acre. Thia his first crop of po tatoes, will net him profit enough from each acre planted te nay for sight acre of land. ' "Mr. U L Palmer also dM especially well, realizing tf.1t for his No. 1 and M.I fur his No. 1. "We expect to have our sweet potatoes m now In a few daye and esnrht to do as well on these ss we hava on our Irish potatoes. Our I acres netted us Just s little over ILWO, after paying far everything. Thla you understand. Is our NET profit "We will be glad to hear from row when yoa get time ta write. "Yours truly, "BV.N0ON B rvOTTHKlt . JOIN OUR EXCURSION MAY 21ST Oil JUNE 4T1L ' . WRITE QR CALL AT ONCE. Riverview Farms Company Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone D. 1721 GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC? RAII.RlVan. Land adapted to the widest mure of cropa aii tne money crops of the south Sieniiruuy produced. For literature treat g with thla coming country. Its solL climate, church and School advaalagsa. writ W. B. LRAHT, DKFT K. , General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. ladlausa. eja eV. ess - - . A . k.M . . iv ,mi ml imjw a -' 1 1 IV here: write foe mv free list. Hons snlea did trading Propositions. Albert 11. Love. Warthtnston. Indiana. easiest ersv ta final a bora, aas Ciur farm Is te insert a sens 11 want as) the Dee Moines Capital. Largest elr eulauea la th stale of low itouo dally. The Capital la read by and believed la by the standpatters sf lews, who stmpiy refuse te permit sny wr paper la their boasea Batae, 1 esnt a word a day: tLM per tta per mental uM ata erdlaarf words ta u Una Addrsaa IMa Mens tiwiss. ues ateuae, la. CHEAPEST FARM IN IOWA Contains 140 acres of fin land, generally rolling and ths finest of pasture, with some good timber. Oood Improvements and th best of woven wlr and oak posts for fsnotng; about twelve mile lion th s city on a fin road, and oue mil from a railway station. One ot the beet stock farms anywhere, and will ne so mi at de-ldad barsain it sold at Olio. If In ts rested get busy a time I limited en sal ef this. tM lepp BIk. Council Bluffs, la. Blsssisis. 10 OTJTHBRN MINNK80TA FARMI FOR MAI.K If you want to buy as Im proved term In fouthsrn Minnesota write fur catalog. Boathern Minnesota Land Co.. Blue Berth. Faribault Co., Mine. SPLENDID farms tor sals In beautiful Ika Park raalon of Minnesota: ww prices; cheapest sure crop lands In Amer ica; good fishing; llustratsd pspsr, maps and land lists free. Well Land Agency, Battle Lake, Minn Msataaa. FIFTEEN years to pay 040 m per aer for Montana's choicest Irtisatsd - farm lands: 70.uuj acres bow ones snder th Carey act at Valler. Mont.; W bushels ot wheat HO bushels of sets. 10 bushele ot flax per acre. Write today. Clinton, Hunt A Co.. Box I. Valler. Mont. KANCI1K-2,000 to tlOO.OOO. Ben for list nhopen C Ranch iiealers. Omsha, Neb. FOR SALE Keys Paha county, Ne braska. 00 acre M miles N. W. of Spring view, $400. J. 1. Case Threshing Machine Co., haclne. Wla HOHEtoTEAD-UO asrea rich (arm land for H7L, fllhtg hill. I. A. Tr an. d saas racy. Kirnbau. Nehk MO-ACRB RANCH with good Improve ments, some timber and running water; 10 seres under cultivation and mostly sll good farm land. A good ranch for In vestment or a home; a bargain at 111 per acre. Ray W. Hitchcock, Cody. Neb. Clint the Land Man At Culbertson, Nebraska, hss hss alfalfa, sugar beet grain and grsslng Isnds tor sale; Improved terma some under Irri tation; some not; stuck ranches, Writs me whst you want C. 1. KIDELU Culbertson. Neb. " ONLY DAYH MORIS ON TIIIH PLACET Mv Time Runs Out on June i. After thst I Nor No On Else Could Hell You This Tract for Lesu Than t-0 Per Acre. If You Deal With Me Now It Ues at IllM Per Acra 1.130 acres 1 mils out from Horn, a loading station miles north of Craw ford on the C. B. A Q railroad. Thla u are haa a son dirk soil wrm a elay subsoil with fully U per cent of good tillable (urm land. The place has a large, two-story irsme barn OOxa feet, wltii haymow; barn Is new snd all painted up In nice shape. Place le all fenced and. cross-fenced. 00 scree fenced with woven wire fence. Fully a acres of the draws cuts good (inland hay in average eeasons when not pastured. l.ylna as It does so Close to railroad. thla place, whlrh Is sxcellent alfalfa land, should bring CS to per acra If It was Moated in tne eastern pan ot ne Draeka or In Iowa It would sell readily for lino to 1125 per acre. When this uiare wss listen to me tne owner was In a financial stress, from which be has since recovered, but my Ustment stands geod until June 10 and up to that time 1 can sell It to you for SI 2. 50 per acra I can give yoa terms of one-blf cash and the balance back la five eaual yearly payments at 0 per cent This Is the blKKeet snd best bargain 1 hava ever offered out of all the land 1 have ever sold In this section ot coun try. fjon't come to me after June 10 and ask to buy this place, for 1 cannot sell it to you after that date. I hope some good live easterner will grab this bargain, for I like to sell bar sains to you easterners, for when I do and you realise big profits en your In vestment, you Invariably tell your neigh bors you have left back home and that brings me mors business. This place will cut up into quarter and half eectlons and sell off thts tall and next spring at from to 150 per acre or If you seed from 40 to 60 acres Into slfalfa oo each ousrter I csn sell It off for you for considerable more money than that This a big opportunity for some one, but vou must act at once. Come prepared to deal, for I know the place will suit yew, ARAM L. HUNOERFORD, Crawford. Dawes County, Nebraska Xevada, TOVACRE north Arkansas Improved farm, near town; about 1.090 bearing trees, 00.0. John U al surer, Omaha, Keb REAL ESTATE ran at at aura lasim ro oal to the growers undreamed of by northern at the Nearest Shipping Point WITH THK OROW8 as to tha yield Per OJarth larsllss . WANTED Hen to become Independent fanners In eastern North Carolina, th "Nation's Garden gpot " A card brings Information. Carolina Trucking Develop ment t o., U7 South ra Bldg, Wilmington, Oreawa. WILLAMRTTsT valley of Oregon excels very section of United Btates la diversity of crops; fruit raising, farming, dairying, stock raising, chickens; all pay well. Beautiful country; ideal climate. Progree slv eommunltlea It's the place for you. Write tor Illustrated booklets. Bagsn Commercial Club. Kugena, Oregon. Saeth Dakota. .. 0400 BDTS a relinquishment tn M.llerta ' county. South Dakota, la ths famous Rosebud county, located near Whit River, the county seat Jackeoa Bros., Omaha office. U4 City National Bank Bldg. GKKATK8T bargain In weatera Bouts. Dakota. 110 sores of eholos land oa White liver, 1 miles sontheaat ot station, Weta, Stanley eouaty, South Dakota; HO acres is level bottom land; oan all, be cultivated and Irrigated from Whit river If so desired. 1 have applied for water right and when plant Is Installed and .nisi n ditch established this piece of land will double la vaJoa Soil Is sandy loam, which produoss good corn, alfalfa and wild hay; M aore of timber; N acres broken up; am plowing more and planting to corn every day. All fenced and eross-fenosd. Smell log house and stable; one stock eorrel, good water cloee to house; t scree seeded to slfalfa; good protection lor stock and plenty oi range; tne piac must be seen to be appreciated. Don't stop to Inquire, but get on th train and com and If this plaoe Is not up to my description, ear fare will be refunded. mca fur next thirty days, ,-, win carry COM back at 4 per cent Yoa will deal with owner; no trades; crop goes with place. Will glv possssaloB n thirty day. Address Old U Bench, Weta, bVP. Veaa. UOtO ACRES solid tract Hid aa aer. Must go In a body. N trsding. W, M. Oraham. C'uero, Te. TRUCK FARMING. Evsrvbodv's doing It Doing whst? Raising crops sll th year around and realising from t2u0 to tl.Ou per ears. But you have to be In Ban Benito. Join our excursion Tuesday and see thla great oountry- Write ua or call at our otfloa UULF COAST DEVELOPMENT CO, m Brands! Building. YUaiala. FARMERS Make mora nMMievl came to Virginia, where yo caa get aheap aere age, long seasons, fine ellrnau. highest markets. For Information and catalogue of bargains address Douglas S. Taylor, Richmond. V. . . . 5 WaaklaatsMB. -i WALLA -WALLA. Th valley ot many water, offer countless opportunities to - small tract farmera The climate Is glorious winter nd summer. Exceptional educational facilities. Land value are reaaonabla Write for Information regarding fruit tract a farm lands, truck gardenias.. dairying, etc. Ask for beautiful free Illus trated booklet U, Commercial Club, Walla Walla, Wash. . FARM LANDS-Prt.ale Irrigation pro ject 1.000 acres magnificent fruit land; Ideal tor colonisation purposes: on rall- roaa; eesy terma n. w. IMSgranfea, Kennewlck. Wash. JJlseellaaewaa. INVESTIGATE the fertile Northwest United mate. Excellent land la Minne sota, North Dakota, Montana. Idaho, Washington, Oregon, .adjacent to North ern Pacltlo Ry th best developed sec-' lions of the Northwest obtainable at low prices. These lands under tlie "Btars snd stripes" are as productive as any oa ths continent; sse what YOUR OWN HOMO COUNTRY haa to offer. Stay near home markets: a lack transportation: close to good neighbors snd good schools; no Iso lated pioneering. Free U. o. uovernment homestead- land: state land oa easy terms; deeded land at low prices and on crop payment plan. Climate tine for man, beast snd crops. Big money In veg etable, grain, alfalfa, fruits, cattle, dairying, poultry, hogs. Cholos localities being opened by branch Unas now build ing. Write quick for free Illustrated lit erature, aaylng what state most Interests you. L. 1. Brtcker, Oen'l Immigration Agent 121 Northern Paclfle Bide bt Paul. Minn. GOVERNMENT farms tree: our official la-page book and paper describes every acre In every county In United State, contains Stste Maps, Land Laws. Rain fall, aiapa. Tattles, charts, lsu Township section plats showing exact location va cant Government Land. Price M eente, -postpaid. Address Hameseekera, 8t Paul, Minn." AN unprecedented "Three-for-all" land proposition; think of It; SZiO; payable 110 monthly; buys a contract for a fine fruit land farm; three railroad townslte' lota and 230 shares of fully paid and non assessable orchard stock in a LOuKaere apple and peach orchard. W are dispos ing of our holdings on the contract or auction plan of sals. Our proposition Is Unique and Novel and autckly appeals to tbe bomeeeeker and Investor, aa It Is entirely different from any land pro posi tion on the market today. Hustling land e rents wanted everywhere. Our commis sions era th most liberal ever offered. Write today for eur Three-for-One" booklet maps, views snd other valuable Information. Address Reynold County Fruit Lands Company, 14a) Ureal North-, era Bldg, Chicago. GOVKKVMKXT NOTICES . ' FORT LOO AN. COLORADO, MAY IS. Mli Sealed proposals, ia triplicate, will be received here until Nan. June 14, 1012, for the sinking ot one 0-tnch tubular deep well at thie depot Blank forme for -bidden, epedflcattona and full Informa tion may be obtained upon application.' The United States reserves tha right ta accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should bs marked "Proposals for Tubular Well. and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Logan, Colorado, 1. T. Frlsseu, Captain and Quartermaster, V. B. Army. MlO-U-U-lsJU-U