Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 31

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iw t-acr (arm. near Douglas. Otoe
county. Nebraska; e aerrs under cultiva
tion, balance blue grass; no buiMing:
deep, black soil, sloping ftv.Ur to to
outh: to acrea under cultivation: 3D acres
m blue grass; M. P. R. R. right-of-way
cross land. Price. 111. Loan fua.
Will trade tor merchandise. If good.
SM Level, smooth quarter section
farm; Thomas county, Kansas; black soil,
clay subsoil; I miles from Oakney; very
desirable. Price, H.OODl Incumbrance,
CM. Equity (or hardware or general
(T2SW-,cro ranch, on Elk creek, t
miles from New I'nderwood, South Da
kota; 7(V acres tillable good alfalfa:
plenty of water and springs: close to
school and well improved. Price.
Will take !!. tn merchandise, elevator,
hardware or small farm.
(76) MVscre, higbly Improved farm, five
miles south of Bartley, Nebraska; IS
acres in cultivation. Price, & per acre,
Would trade tor stock of merchandise or
hardware. This is a dandy bargain.
A-11 338 acres. Pierce county, near
Meadow Grove; ISO acres cultivated: l.t
acres meadow; St acrea pasture; beautiful
spring lake, six acres, stocked with fish:
smalt house; barn, other improvements;
close to school and church; good black
soil, clay subsoil; fins for corn, small
grain and potatoes. Price. ML Will trade
for high priced land In Nebraska or Mis
souri. (B-110-li acres. Irrigated. Hi miles
eaat of Culbertson; two fine sets of im
provements; all cultivated; some alfalfa;
all good alfalfa lond; r.nundance of water
for Irrigation; fine soil; land perfect.
Price. iM.OM. For western land or east
ern Nebraska.
11-IIalf section farm. Cherry county,
Nebraska; well Improved: fine blnck
farm tend; near Dakota II n A Price, tn So.
Exchange for good Income property; pre
fer i to 1 acres near good town. This is
a splendid farm,
(112)-l)-acre choir farm. 1 miles
Wlnnetoon. Knox county, Nebraska; one
of the best farms In the state; extra fin
soil: well Improved: lies fine. (105 per
acre. Will take tlO.O stock of hardware
or close-in residence property. A bargain.
(131 1 800-acre ranch, t miles from An
sel mo. Nebraska: all fenced and cross
fenced except 18 acres: I wells and wind
mills and cisterns; small house: z small
barns: acres of alfalfa; practically all
clay soil: 300 to 400 aores can bs cultivated.
For merchandise or good Nebraska faro.
Price. CK.00O. Clear. Will carry bock. -
1M MO-acre farm. i miles of Napier.
Holt county, Missouri; very finest of soil
no wast; all In blue grass, corn, wheat
and oats. -Price, $150 per acre. Mortgage.
S6.00S. Will trade for hardware stock,
good western land of same or less value.
W Brandets Bldg. Omaha, Ken.
710 acres In Rogue River Valley. ( mile
north of Grant's Pass. Oregon; fin fruit
land, B to 70 acres set to fruit In past
two years; good I-room house, barn, all
fenced: S5V acres level land, balance billy,
good fruit land. Price B per acre. Will
consider Improved In Omaha or land near
Fin new, apartment building, excep
tionally well built of stone and concrete
porches, best pressed brick on three sides,
well located and clear. Price, 3S,j0.
Owner wants a good first class farm
within ten to fifty miles of Omaha. This
is gl It-edge.
D. V. SHOLES company;
91) City National Bank Bldg.
Tel. Doug. ; Indep A-4s.
Clou to town; no waste land; not far
from Omaha; good terms; reasons for
selling; no agents, auorw
is. Omaha Bee.
Montreal, llavie, Plymouth. London.
Tha Ptcturesoua fit. LewrcnC Route.
Four days on Hi oiean. Ihre days
In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine
learners. Batoon, sccoou-csihd ana im.u
ciass. Superior ene-ciass tenia service
Cuulne unexcelled. Courteous attention,
bend for circular, rates, plana, i
Allan Co.. W N. Deal turn tn.. Calcam
Anclior Line bteaimliipa
New York. Londonderry and Glasgow
Nsw York, paietmo ana Napie.
Attracllv rates for tlcksts between New
York and all scotch. English. Irish,
Continental and Mediterranean point
fcuperlor accommodations, saueilent cib
las, efficient service. Apply promptly
tor reservation to local asent or Anchor
Lin or Henderson brstiura, Ueueral
Agents, Chicago, 111.
WE hav buyers for all classes of prop
erl v, if you are anxious to sett and
your price Is right, list your property
with O'Nell's Rea: Estate and Insurance
Agency, rtione Tyier ltai. A-P13.
WANTED To trad for squlty In s or
(-room residence a 4-cyllnder (-passengsr
auto In good condition. K Ci. Be. ...
Household gda, clothes at Uoi tiim
id-hand good a Ketser. liii Center. D-MS1.
WE psy most tor old cunning. .Natoan s
lsn Olflce. ICS So. IJth. .
Chfcsso buyvs, id-hand clothes, shoes,
hsts; best prices; will call. Tyler tits.
WANTED To rent, lease or buy. hotel
furnished or unfurnished, in good llv
town. Nor agents need apply. , Address
H W. Bee.
WANTED Room with board for two :n
Kountse Place, near car line, at SM,
Omaha Bee.
RKbPONHIBLE party would like oare
of furnished home for 'summer du'tng
owner's absence; best of reference.
'Phone Tyler HOO.
bhip . stock to Hoots omasa, fcav
mileage --and shrinkage. Your orasigo
msnu receive prompt and careful atten
tion. - i
Lie Stock Commissi) Merchant,
rivers Urea at Co. String and responsible.
WUOO BROS.. ZH-fc Exchange Bldg. -
rjreat West. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver.
Clay. howMon St Co., aw Exchange mug.
CLIFTON com. ce . IS Exchange Bldg.
Cox Jones Com Co.. bunch of bustiers.
U t- rtUijt.Kls at OJ. USExch. Bldg.
aisjtia tolos. ex Co.. u-4 Efch. Baig.
Uuu uriun. handle cattle, nogs, sceein.
Deiiosit i.-,-M9U of shipment la tot oca
Taioa ' 1 1 aiia. Jnur bank at yard.
iliiHAiia ur t'liUk
Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract oZ-fu-e
in Nebraska. M Brandela Thester.
NKALK 4k C'AMPBELU liM lima at.
Miu.ri' (ArosMaiiua
Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver C.
Ideal cement Cowlilh and Cuming tfta.
Fucbs. boo si Blind, painting, decorating.
M 'Ifl-'ri'Si.S ac taa N,w Roiling Fly
Dllt&Iia bcreea and others. X. U.
Welrlch Fixture to- IS; N. Mth St.
H. Gross. 1cm. wreck'g..plb & at Paul.
AlkbAuK s'OK lALkl
Oria S. Merrill. UU City NaL Bank Bud
Chickens Fruit
Eight aeraa, 1H mile northwest of end
of Ame Ave. tine: high ground: excellent
view; mil west of Fort Omaha; M
tree, apples, plums, cherries, straw
berries, raspberries, fst Concord grape
vines: balance of around rich, mostly
v train soli: no buildings, taw per acre;
term. Will divide.
0'Keefe Real Estate
left Omaha Natl.
Doug, or A-HS.
TWO acre. -r. boue, ham. well,
mail fruit, etc f. D. WEAD..UR Far
sua St.
A( rxig SAtK
Sightly Suburban
In sight of Omaha. Near tntenirban
car, macadamised road, school, church
and- market. We are offering IVcr
tracts in HlllH. SIGHTLY Kalxoa acrea
Addition, directly adjoining the green
groves of Keymour Park and od look
ing the Country c:ub grounds and beau
tiful Seymour lake. The Country club
la now erecting a crab house and
ar expending a large amount of money
in laying out a .coif course and ol her win
Improving and beautifying their ground.
When completed it will be a veritable
park of lawn, shad trees, shrubbery and
Buy a Home Site
In the most ptetnrcaqu spot la Doug
las county, wher you will escape tiw
beat, dust and njlse of the city, within
easy reach of your business tn Omaha
or South Omaha, and where you can get
goir. boat and picnic after busin hour
In the summer and the children skst la
the winter In sight of the home. You cms
buy on or more of these 1 Vacr tracts
now at a price that will more than double
wlthiu the next two years. A small cash
lyment down am easy monthly pay
ments If desired. A plat and full in
formation lor the asking.
Ralston Townsite Co.
AGENTS -Ground
Floor, Between Fa mam - and
Open Saturday Event nica Until i O'clock
Ma & 17th St.
Telephone Douglas ' v
Acres For Sale .
Be at for J, 1, S nd I -acre, tracts
near Omaha or South Omaha, gold
on easy term..
N. P. DODGE & 00.
' lSth and Harney 8ts. .
at ACRES. miles north of Benson,
near Brandets farm, new bouse, good out
buildings, i seres alfalfa. F. D. WEAD,
1801 farnam St.
LIT a' rKOrtUTY fug SALsl
EIGHT-ROOM house, modern; s-room
sottsge, cheap, to be moved away, as
owner wants to build on lot. Address
H-, car Bee.
H.7t0-Flv-room cottage with sewer,
water, gas snd toilet at fTiil Plnkney
8t;nlo corner lot. 40x11, ,
I1.XO Seven-room story, and one-half
hou; wer, water, gas fixtures and
toilet; bouse In good order; lot, Sxluu,
at 31st snd Burdett. This property hss
sn KM) Building and Loan mortgage on
It: can be sold on small payments or
will take MM cash for equity.
ROOu Five-room cottage, modern ex
cept heat: tn and Shirley tits.; paved
street; lot, tuxlOO; smalt payments.
S2.&0 Fiv-xoom, new cottage, modern
except heat; well built; lot, euiltf, north
of .Betnls tark.
ti36o-Elght-room modern house: large
batement: good furnace ; bouse well ar
ranged; large porches; lot, SuxlX; paving
paid: Rd and Willis Ave.
tlSW-lx-room modern hous In food
order st to) N. Mth St., eaat front lot,
XxlaT), with a garage; paving paid.
M.UU0 Eight-room modern house: flre
plaoe; mantel: laundry; lot, JxlU. at
i'.17 Howard St.
4 260 Seven-room nw modern house,
four rooms ud snd three down snd re
ception hall: hot water heat; oak floors;
larg basement, all bricked up. cement
floor; large front porch, lot soxl corner
fronting south; a good bam; psved street
and paving paid for; nice-shad tree;
tn ideal horn for someone; very con
venient to car at iw Pratt BL
With Sewer, Water and Gas
MM-East front. Vth and Sprsgue; lot,
K.S-Corner lot, nth and Burdet; lot,
fOxH; brick sidewalk.
tv.n-0xLZ7; oorner th and Seward.'
ftO South tront on Manderson Ht,
near tb; lot. Wxltf. .
avsft-On 3m h near Sprue St.: SOxl);
new bam costing tUi paving paid.
CM Omaha N. B. B. D MM; Wsb. S8M
Nathng Ilk It In Omaha, reception hall
with colonade opening, living; room with
colonsd opening; dining room with
beamed celling: kitchen, two bed roems
and bath; Walrway to attic oak finish,
furnace, modern plumbing, eombtnatlon
lighting fixture, cemented cellar, brand
new. ready for occupancy; nice yard, all
sodded: permanent walks In yard and In
fron( lot- 40 " balance time.
iiicjij Brandels Thester. Phone 6M.
M3 N. 5th St.. full t-story. strictly
mnern. hot water heat, combination
light. -rooms, full basement, garag.
corner lot, owner moving away, worth
ID.iTO. price. r.W).
FINE CORNER LOT c.oe by, full sis,
paved streets and ride walks, all specials
paid, wortn ii.w. pno i,w.
411 Be Bldg. '
Red 13tt
. 828 PARK AVE.
On account of leaving dty. I sell my
choice S-room residence, lorassd on the
finest part of Park Ave; east front; home
in good condition: fine natural oak floors;
absolutely modern; In fact everything
going to make im a perfectly equipped
home. Lot faces on both Park Ave. and
Wth SL, with room on Mth St to build
or rent. As an Investment proposition,
will net per cent. teJSO: worth over
K.onu. only about P 000 cash Is required.
Call at the abor location for , further
partlciilrs. . .
We have a cash customer for a 6-room
eotisge, wtlh a large lot: must be In
good repair and a real bargain and not
over n.": West Leavenworth district
preferred.. . i .
we nave ror sale- a neauiirui s-room
bungalow, near Krug's Park, Benson;
larse lot. -oak and map! floors, all mod-'
em, two stories and an attic. For quick;
saw on easy terms at . ... .
Gate City Investment Co.
Rooms m-4,' McCaeu Bide.
. ' Thon Dour SSI. . ..
Why Pay Rent?
When (or 300 cash and $20 per
month you can buy a fin (-room
modern, except beat, house that is in
the best of repair; house is at I5J6
North 19th 8t; possession can be
firen at once. For particulars call
. Creigh, Sons Company,
Douglas 209. (08 Bee Bldf. .
Two Big Buys
Sis rooms, new. all modern, oak finish
dawn stairs, a mighty cosy an splendidly
bunt house, east front, fcs-rt lot. Fries
D.2S Eaay terms. Look at 4M No. lata
SL Key at oorner bouse aero street.
Five rooms, ail . modern, oak finish
down stairs, n better arrangement In a
one story bungalow. Built last year,
newly papered in elegant shape. 4111 No.
Isth St. Mt- lot. Price, lifc. Easy terms.
Key at hous oa corner south. .
D. a EFNER, -
UM Harney St. Tel. D. Uh r H. tltg
'BEAUTIFUL new house. CMS, worth
payable 124 down and M a month.
Larger and smaller house in prop --t ion.
Buy direct from owner. Ernest L. Squire,
,H Omaha National Bank huildlnc. Es
tablished rj5."
ONE acre of good land, fenced, aspara
gus bed, fruit, good well water, trice, new
e-reom house, eellsr; close to- paved
street, ear hoe. school, church, etc Call
est owner. Dr. Parsons, or pbooe Beasoa
citt rMutKRTV tost si.a
3 Good Homes
Special Bargains
Owners Must Sell
W offer for quirk sale three nearly
new, all modern homee which must be
sold Immediately. On I a five-room, all
modern cottage, located In Cretghton s
First addition, near Hanscom Park, and
the others ar I and s-room, nearly new,
all modern home. CLOSE IN. Tb price
asked ar at least Vi leas than actual
values. He sure to investigate these be
fore buying, for splendid opportunities
Ilk thee ar scare.
No. 1-XB4 heath Isth, St., a s-room. an
modern cottage, built three year.
Hs oak and maple floura and Is
equipped with screens and storm
sew'i complete. Small bain. 14x1a,
can be uaed for garage. Eaat front
lot on paved street, owner 1 mov
ing away from the dty and can glv
Immediate possession. Price tXHUS;
reasonable cash payment, balance
Ilk reut.
No. a-KW Sprue street; a splendid, well
built T-room house, between i and a
years old, convenient arrangement,
having a reception hall, parlor (col
m onnad opening!,, dining room,
kitchen, pantry and rear vestlbul
' on first floor; 1 larg bedrooms,
mple closets and hath room on sec
ond floor. Full basement, cemented
floor, brick foundation clear down;
outside grade entrance, furnace heat,
laundry sink, gas water heater, gas
range, storm sash, screens snd
shades for all windows, the best of
plumbing, combination lighting fix
tures and decorated throughout;
corner lot. facing- south. Just across
the street from the poppleton horn
with Its specious snd park-Ilk
grounds. This Is th last and on
of th best of the group of 4 houses
which we placed on th market a
few weeks ago. and at undoubtedly
on -of th tiest properties on the
market for th money, considering
th close-in location, quality ot
building and pr)c. t3,7jO will buy
th property. Owner must raise
money; therefore, make th prlc
attractive. Reasonable terms can
he arranged.
No. -64 South ffth Ave Strictly
modern s-room. -yeers old, having
reception hall, parlor, library, dining
room and kitchen on first floor;
three large bedrooms and bath on
second floor: large floored attic, hot
water heat, full cemented basement,
laundry sink, outsld entrance, east
front lot. Bxli:; alley In rear: paved
street, paving all paid. This Is a
close-in piece of property, being only
ten .blocks from th center of the
retail district and only four block
from Mth and Farnam 8ts which
some day will be the center of th
retail district Buy this property
ither for an Investment or a horn
and you will surely make good.
Owner leaving city, has reduced
her prlc to 14.600 for quick sale
This Is your opportunity. Get busy.
Can be seen any day after I p. m.
or afternoon on Sunday.
Payne & Slater Co.
Exclusive Agents,
fit Omaha Nati Dank Bldg.
-r. modern hous near Kith and Martha
8ta 2,u9.
7-f. modern hous 8d and Leavenworth
8ts . B.60O.
t-r. new modern residence corner Xth
and Mason Bts., oak finish, larg lot. wet
front, cost 17.001 to build. Must be sold.
s-r. modern nous, ma ana Marina bis.,
K Hon tins eaah.
i-r. modern except beat, ltth and Martha
Sta. tletm
hVr. modern house In Hanscom Park,
larg lot, must he soM at once, St. 600.
t-r. modsrn except heat. Sth and Flare
St., t2.Hu.
D. HOT. A-SMt 411 Karbach Blh.
Open for Inspection from to IS a. m..
and 1 to p. m t brand new up-to-date
t-room cottages, built by day labor,
contains reception hall with open stair
way; parlor, dining room and kitchen
n first floor,-two bed rooms and bath
on second floor: modem except heat; beat
of plumbing, bath room finished In white
enamel; nice cemented cellars with floor
drains; eaat front lot. 41x140, permanent
walks In yard and In front of lots. Prices
411. W.3(; 4W. fc'.JW; 4M(, comer. 12.40),
FM to 1400 cash, balance assy payments.
These horn r located on 4Zd St., on
block from new ilMM school. H block
to car and clone to beautiful Fnntanelte
Eark. Salesman on ground above stated
ours. Don't mis seeing thee today.
tit-313 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Doug. MS.
Handsome Residence
Creighton's 1st Ad'n
Seven large rooms; finest oak fin
ish; hot water heat; large cemented
porch, with ornamental brick pillars;
big east front lot, with paving paid;
one block from ear line. Owner
leaving town and has cut this price
for quick sale; $6,000 will uke It;
cheaper than any other house on the
street. -
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1530. . 210 Sonth 17th St.
LAROB M-room house at 230 Franklin
SL, gas and electric Ihrht, water and on
paved street. Lot 10x111 feet, house Is
newly painted and In good condition; buy
from owner and save dealer's commission.
I will sell this place for fl,ay; Km cash
and balance en easy terms. Call owner.
Red 4301. ' . '
Two corner tots. IttxUB feet, In the
heart of the wholesale district with R. H.
trackag and extensive Improvements; oc
cupied by owners. Price 1156.000. Owners
will sell and Uke a K or 10-year lease
paying f per cent NET. Property carries
a mortgage of 170.090 at I per cent, which
can be paid or assumed. This will pay
you nearly 7 per cent net on yowr money,
frea from all taxes, if roortgag Is al
lowed to stand. This property Is worth
2.0I mora than th prlc and Is In
creasing In value.
Phone Doug, no im Farnam Sf..Omaha
Think of
Buying a Home
Like This fr $1,400
7zi itortn 4Zd 81, 4 nice, large
rooms;-full lot; only .half block to
street car, oa Ames Ave. This la a
dandy home, and awfully cheap.
Terms very eaay.
. t .1614 Harney St. .-
$700 CASH .
Balance very easy, bays nice (-room
house In Benson; -scre fruit In
Bearing; floe garden goes with place;
half block to car; balance easy terms.
Most be sold at once. Price, $2,100.
(42 Paxton BIk.
S ROOM Modern House. In desirable
loeation-aa Pin St. across Brownell
nail, irxms 10 suit. .
Good Buys
Mr. Homebuyer. your house hunting I
not completed until you hav seen the
home we have bated. We certainly have
a fine listing of houses of all descriptions
ana among them ar am real bar gins.
ror example:
1714 Cuming St, Cathedral district: lot
ilie; s rooms and modern oak finished
throughout; hot water heat tile bath;
garae with cent driveway: tin lawn and
shade tree. The property cannot be
duplicated for leas than ICsOu. For a quick
saie, sa.ivu.
13 N. 4th St.. rooms, corner lot; hot
water heat; garage: paved streets on
both side. Prlc 8am party
own both ot th above mentioned prop
erties snd he is leaving the city and must
sell, se don't he afraid to submit u an
TM N. mth St., east front corner lot
50x100; 8 room, all modern, hot water
heat. Price RS0. Make an offer.
sa-SH S. Isth St.. se-foot fronts.
three bouses and barn; revenue s a
monin.. rnc st.NO.
Investment Six T-room apartment flat
located In the very beet residence dis
trict and conceded to be on of th bet
constructed fist proposition In th dty.
Annual rent IlKtO. There I a loan on
till property for one-half It value and
th owner will take clear property for his
quity. .
O'Neil's Real Estate & Ins.
IMS Farnam 8t
Tel. Tyler MX. Ind. ASUS
6-Room Cottage
2415 Webster St.
Has parlor, dining room, kitchen, two
bed rooms and bath on the first floor.
Parlor, dining room and on sleeping
mom are iinisnea m oak, one sleeping
room Is finished on the second floor and
another one can be completed without
much expense. Flrst-ciass plumbing and
heating throughout A aood ham. which
has cement floor, which cost from ISO
to ISU. You can look through the house
sny time during the day or evening, as
the owner lives in th house. Tn Mth
street ear line will be extended to Miller
rark very soon, snd this property will
then be within on block of car, and It
I now only 3St block to car. Th prlc
nas seen reduced lor quick sale,
Kit Harner 8
9-Room House
. $2,400
See st one. 1S1I Ohio St. ' A corner
house, t-room, all modern except beat
house was lust remodeled with new
plumbing, new floors, newly painted and
decorated, A comfortable home. Make
an offer. Tou will get a bargain, as th
owner must sell at once. Immediate
Harry Wolf
Ol Brsndels Rldg. Doug. KGa, A-S5T1.
Why Pay Rent
Buy this (-room, sll mod. horn st 40t
Jackson; only tMO cash; baL (t par
month, paving paid.
iii in. j,tn, t rooma, mo. . ex. neat
VM cash;
; Dai, n
If you want a first claas t-room sll
mod. hou?, look at SOU Cap. A vs.; living
room, with fireplace, beamed celling,
breakfast room, eto; flnlahed attlo, with
heat, light and hot and cold water; sleep
ing porch; fin yard.
I hav several fin Dunde lots; let me
figure on building your hou.
E. W. Stoltenberg
D. 7510.
43 B. of. T. Bldg
This bargain contain reception hall,
living room, dining room and kitchen on
first floor; open stairway to second floor,
which contains two large bedroom and
bath room; nlc cemented cellar with
sink; No. 1 furnace, combination lighting
fixture, modern Dlumblng: house a little
over a year old. Prlc has been reduoed
for aulca sale to SLiaO. lxt la nicely set
out In shrubbery and trees, Just Si block
to Benson car line, adjoining Bungalow
City. This rise Is easily worth
noma cam; tuiance easy payments.
JI0-M! Rrandels Theater.
Brick and Stucco
Queen Anne Cottage
South and east front, at corner
41st Are, and Burt St., neatest mod
ern cottage In town; hardwood fin
ish; five large rooms downstairs;
apace to finish two more upstairs;
paving paid; easy terms.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 153. 210 Bouth 17th 8t
Five splendid business lots, fine
for store buildings, with flats above;
corners, 27x72; , Inside lota 26x72.
Prices, 11,800 to $1,700. See our
descriptive sign and, make your se
lection. .
Birkett & Tebbens
D.,4754; A-1754. 423 Bee Bldg.
tllv Hllk all nukM
conveniences. Includ'inaT steam heat
mantels and grate, four extra lavatories,
steel range, etc, six blocks from post
office. Income lea per month. Price, PS.H.
Terms 1U0 cash, assume mortgage tiOOO
at m per cent Balance, monthly, pay
ment. J. H. DUMONT & SON
Phono Douglas 090. - - 1401 Farnam St.
Big Bargain
On West Farnam Hill
The handsome ' modern 10-room
residence, lit South 28th Ave., be
tween Farnam and Dodge Sts. Owner
going away, moat be sold.
HICKS, 219 Board of Trade Bldg.
Office ph., D. 3714; bouse, H.1368.
Burs two house on North 17th ttrtxH.
On bouw has tight rooms sod Is mod
ern except best It Is In fins condition;
the other Is s small cottage. Large lot
Owner would coneider a small dwelling
ta exchange. , .
Peters Trust Co,
IM Farnam "t
Hanscom Park, West Side
MM 8. Mth SL Choice -location: T-r.
modern: front and back parlor; dining
room, kitchen first floor; 1 bedrooms,
bath upstairs; full, basement: good fur
nace; corner lot, COxlS), worth about hi
price asked for all; paving paid; shade
and fruit; for quick sale. tt,7u0. Owner
will show you or phone oftioe, Doug. Ut
Sundays and evenings. Harney MS.
Geo. Marshal,
" ta Board Trad Bldg.
Mailed free on application. Cnaa. K.
Williamson Co., real estate, insurance,
rental. Car of property. Omaha,-
and See
m-asi North lh street, two new bun
galows. Just completed. I rooms and bath,
atrlctly modern in every respect; vesti
bule, living room and dining room fin
ished in oak; full cemented basement,
large attic, floored; all permanent walks.
and Just on block to Ante avenue car
une. roc. urn.
27 Plnkney St.. new t-room. Mrlctly
niMlm: hard wood Mulsh both first and
second llo rs; four line bedroom, kitchen.
pantry and relrigerator room; very nicely
ananged. The hous Is on a corner ut
and vary convenient to th ft in street car
Une. price, 4.:i.
SjZf. Lincoln boulevard, new and strictly
modern S-room house, with hardwood
finish and hot water heating; on of th
nicest srransed houses In th city, stand
ing In an Ideal location on a south front
lot. with plenty of shade tree and every
thing that makea a beautiful home. Price,
ttut LJneoln boulevard, a new ana
strictly modern U-roora house, hardwood
finish both first and second floors, with
three nicely furnished bedrooms on third
floor;, hss hot water beating, very nice
flxtui, larg pantries snd refrigerator
room, full cemented basement. This hous
is located on a south front lot on th
boulevard and right In th very heart or
ll.mii Park. Alley la Deved and all sne-
clsls paid. Will make en Ideal horn tor
anyone wishing a house of this sis.
Price, 17.10a.
G. W. Garloch
SM Hawthorn Ave. Phone H.
I nuvTm nil ir VTrt ee
Home." ald a Reman lawmaker. "Is
a place from which when a man depart
becomes a Wanderer, and to which when
n returns cease to se a wanaerer.
Buy a home, b It vr so humble and
nialn. to mart with, especially if lucky
enough to b offered you for your rent
money. This I your anchor that holds
vnn ta a fixed ournoae. to-wlt. the final
possession of real property. PAID FOR
and acceptable security to any ouiiam
association for th money tor a new and
modern horn later.
Hav you ever thought of It? On less
than an arr yeu ran rain 10.000 chickens
a year. You cannot only make a good
family living, but put away KM) a year.
And you will not be carrying on your
back th burden and toll to make some
body else rich. It does not take a ll te
niae to get there. We can give you
actual poasession o tons AT OM'IS on a
very small payment, balance like rent.
Hsa email nialn a-room houae end only 7
blocks from car. lie,) per month. The
only on led. see us at once.
Remember we give free $M0 Accident
Insurance Policy with any property sold
while they last.
101 8. 16th (Cor. Dodge-Street Floor),
Insurance. Rentals, Loan,
Abstracts, Ktc.
Close in Stuff
.. $12,000
Buys tha three flat. 713-16-17 North
JOth St. These are new and rent for
$1,400 per annum.
$23,500 Buys Trackage Corner
66x132, covered with brick buildings,
opposite McCord-Brady'a wholesale
house. Must be sold to close estate.
A real bargain.
J. B. Robinson
Douglas S097. 443 Bee Bldg.
Eight Rooms '
East Front Corner
35th and Poppleton
nearly new ana most attractive
hot water heated and hardwood fin
ished residence, AT A REAL BAR
Owner lives In house and will show
It to you, or we win call for you with
an automobile If you phone ua.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1S36. 210 Bouth 17th Ht.
Two and fraction acres, all kinds of
fruit, 7-room hous; good bam, chicken
house, etc.; most besulltul spot In Omaha
for a home D9 feet eaat frontag on
Boulevard; 1 block) from car line.
T3 Bedford Ave. Tel. Webster 7S7
CHOlUsi corner for rial or apartment
building, 17th, near high school and walk
ing distance. Kastern estat must b
old. Three smalt house now ranting
ever sta par year. Moom on corner to
bund apartment houae without moving
houae. Prlc only H0, but best oiler
get It.
Wl Mouth ltn Bt.
Must dispose of horn. No. U2a r.ll.
forma, bit urge rooms, i closets. Full
basement, shade, walks and paved street
strictly modern, clue to oar. schnniis
and churches, CALL AT. HOU8B.
HEW home In best nf Wae k rna m
district; rooma, hot water heat; beauti
ful shade trees; prlc reasonaois. 'pnon
nerney SMS, '
18th and Ohio Ste.,
- Large frame house and two two-story
pressed brick, foot front ch; ground,
law teet south front on Ohio; cost In
stitute U,0U); will tuk StjO if auld
. W. H. GATES,
Ml Omaha N. B. B. D. 1294; Web. 1BW
Nice, t-room house modern except heat
porches, trees, and cement walks, cistern,
lot OOxlM; good neighborhood; near car.
Phone Hrd 10.
FIV& room cottage, isitti and Larl
more Ave. Only II.SOO. Phone Webster 7U.
SAVE commission, buy from owner.
First lot eaat of &7I Evan. Harney asl.
TO Bbr, ktuuk sttii, 'ikt aca
Corner lot 1 and . block W, Albright's
Annex. Bouth Omaha, l
Lot 4, blocs t, Plain View Addition, IK.
Lot U, block i. Plain View Addition,
Lot tm Webster Ht I2.MS.
Hous and lot. till Webster SL. U.0e.
Buy direct from owner, -' .....
v. Auisan,
Third St. Milwaukee, Wis"
FOR C:jlCK BALE Owner haa reduced
Uie Mice of bis modern 7-room bom In
most beautiful location In Bern Is Park.
Larg lot, tine garden. Ideal surrounding.
Tel. Harner stu.
lunh side: seven rooms and receotlon
hall; hot water beat, gas and electric
lights; fine cistern water piped to lauo-
arr anc i-u-iwi, wi
. . I. ' . . . J J u a- t d a
Hot CASH down will buy a good t-room
house, modem but nest: barn. Dared
street; dose to ear. Do you want It?
Call at M Omaha Nat'! Bank Bldg
t ROOM house, modern except heat
close to oar.
Pay what you can town and balance
asm a rent
1 hav properties In ail parts ot th
strut. MI1UUD utUEU
2701 Brown. Tel. Web. MM."
7-RO02U. umdurn, hot water heat: on
Ud between Dodg and Davenport, M.ZM.
Terms, call Doug. &04 Monday. Nielsen.
47 CAPITOL AVE. Must be Bold.
7-room, modem, nsw. Easy terms.
citt paorgRTir rost iau
VYt,, "Mfl ve among ideal surroundings with beautiful
W liy IN 01 trees and fine lawns, large lots and every,!
modern convenience, when the cost is no greater! There is n
more beautiful spot in Omaha than the Florence Boulevard and i
Miller Park, and Norwood lies on both sides of this Boulevard, J
and front on Miller Park. - . ; !
$750 to $1,000 . "
for large lots with all improvements. Only a few lots left ! '
Four Lots Sold Last, Week ;
COME OUT TODAY and se the charms of
24TII STREET is to be paved from Fort street to the east
entrance of Miller Park. ...... . . . ,
their line from Fort street to Miller Park on 24th street'
THE OMAHA OAS COMPANY is putting in mains to pro
vide gas for every lot'in Norwood., .'
THE BOULEVARD is to be macadamized from Grant!
avenue to Miler Park.
LARGE ."WATER? MAINS with water for every lot in Not
wood. . - '
The sidewalks on the Boulevard are six feet wide and the)
Boulevard in Norwood is from 120 to 150 feet wide. .
These lots will be sure to double in value when the above
improvements are completed. The wise ones will buy now. j
400 Bee Building. D0Uglas 4270.
$150 CASH; '
: $23.40 PER MONTH
PRICE $2265
Th lot Is toxin, less than a block from oar Ifn and In splendid location, all .
good and new bouse surrounding, fin neighborhood. Th outside appearane of
this neat little hous la between a bungalow and a eottag, hss the bungsjow
roof, with a squsre box ooratoe, giving it pleasing lines, yet not xtrm7rront
porch 7xJ, built under main roof, front door three long panel with oblong bevel
plate glees top, a hue design: nice, larg living room and big dining room wltlt
three high dining room window to south, sll In on long train; Very ooovsn
lent kitchen and pantry, well arranged, Inside entrance to nice basement under'
entire houae; two splendid sleeping rooma, well plaoed for ventilation; both goo
slsed and large oloset for oli. Roomy bath room, fully equipped with high-
Srad futures, heavy roll rim porcelain tub. wide lavatory with l-lnch apron. low
own tank water closet, with tank finished In golden oak; sll plumbing In
stalled by Emll Carlson and fully guaranteed; Vgal, rang boiler, with hot and)
cold water to kitchen and bath; electtlo light all through; living room fixture
la a four-light ceiling piece with cut glass shades; dining room fixture a three
light oleetrto drop shower with amber abed; It Is nitty all th way through and
well built; floor of living room ot Plain red oak. hlxhly polished: all others oC
pousnea oeiecu; en noors uoudio, wun
naiiea el every joist; lower jowia are sen,
In every way. Th prlc for this pretty and well built little eottag hem 19
r-'.M.W; tM oash and fa M. Lt your rent pay for It. 8 m today. Th tlver
roam eottag advertised last Sunday sold quickly. Com t lis bo. cialeyea.
$175 CASH.
Kouih front tot, on block from csr Una, sis Kxlls, all grsdtd, In nlc neigu'
borhood: front porch TxM, with aided ral ling, which glv privacy to porch; fust
quartered oak front door, good-alaed library or den, with wide opening to large
living room on south and eaat; another wide opening to cheery and light dining
room; very larg pntry and kitchen, Ineld nd eutsld entrance to concrete -basement
under entire house; splendid furnao that will heat th hou right: twe
splendid sleeping room on second finer, with three Urge closets; nlc bath room'
fully equipped with am plumbing described In alwv house; all instds finis Is ,
lumber eeleeted and of high grdi pollened red oak floor, with maple lis .
kitchen; electric lights tour-light railing shower In living room, wltk tuff shade
In a bell pattern; dining room piece to match, with different glassware; construe
tlon throughout boiutly flnt-olsas; no Inferior lumber or workmaashlp; wilt
stand a close Inspection. Let th rent yon ar paying for somt old house ntk !
tha navments on this oretty littles home: I17S cash and Ci? Bar month will handle '
It and understand th monthly payment a
actually cover an required payments, ri you nav tn pnviieg oc paying any -part
or all at any time. Property will b d eded to you with onmplet abstract of.
till soon sa deal la made. He m today, go through th house-you will HkJ
It. Come as early a possible, for these houses nil usually th asm day. Takay
Benson car. get off at Halcyon Ave., com south to No. lis. Fhon Bsaaom Ll a
or Benson U Com today or any arenlng. a.- .
Save the Commission
4106 to 4112 NORTH 21ST ST. . '
Actually Worth $4,250
Our Price $3,650
Tour choice of three new home of six snd seven rooma each; all full two star '
lea, strictly modern, oak flnlahed on first floor, pin finish with map! floors up
stanrs; guaranteed open plumbing; guaranteed furnace. Th construction and
finish la of th very best; nothing but a A NUMBER OnTOS lumber used; sll lum
ber and material furnished by the Updike Lumber and Coal Co., who hav tb
reputation of celling nothing nut tha beat,
such as screened-ln sleeping porches, b'JIIMn china closets, window seats, colon- .
nade openings, tiled bath, nifty combination light future, roomy closets, easy -stairway
to storeroom In sttlo, etc. s'ull cement basement with cellar drain, c.
ment walks, sodded yard and screens. irgs east front lot ttxlM, wltk good black '
soil for garden.
Th location of these home Is eho'ee.
new home will b built m this adtUUo
of th beet.
We are In poeltien to max a terms to s
snd want to stop paying rent, don t be
If you ar a cash buyer, compare tliese
page and you will see that we give tb b
The horn will be open for inspee
can be seen by appointment any time, at
they ar home you will line.
For more Information fHONE C1IA8.
.W asv luat completed a dandy t
room strictly modern house, with sleep
ing porch and fir place, at til No. alst
street. This bouse ca be bought on easy
payments, a cash ana fa per montn.
Keys at our office.
Creigh, Song & Company,
Douglas W0.
101 Be Bldg.a
FOB, 81
S' rOOiS BUgWD BWM. Ml. " '" . .
or two vacant lots. End and Wirt St. Best
location in aouniM rmw. . vu . .
.vl . . .Km H.h m4m 1'm II
soinetiuB vl . i 1 f
Douglas iTOi or Call at CM Wirt gt.
Prlc SUM.
FOR SALE By wner a U-roora bona,
modern. Rent for ID per month. Tw
block from car Une. Psved streets, ce
ment walk. Tak a look at this place
Key at tft Franklin 8L
MAKE offer, lot block t. Syndicate
HIIL Will accept reasonable offer. L
Hall, Ills D 6k, Saq IHege, Cat,
rea ronn oetwen, ever no. 1 eniplsp, wi
well onageo. It I null! strong and I
Iways Ineltid th Interest; NT per month :
near car. church and eehooL Over m
a this year. Thta surs is proof that It la '
alt all buyer; If yoa haven't much cash
airatu to suomit your proposition to ua.
home with others advertised on this
est valu for th money.
tlon this afternoon from I to I o'clock or
ake arrangement to see them today, for
, 'nOME i i
- "-v--" "-'WW once ItOOM
"rz.Zrz e lJ?
of the latest style, trlth tiled hath room,
servant bath, solarium, maatal anS
ami Im. mtmtm lu. . -
- - - . . uwotvou Oman.
quarter as wed oak floor In tint storvl
mini. flAAM flntaKt . '
and Is xqulaltely decorated. aV5
the cost of th bouse without th lot. Too
e-ii -umi. serma ss.a
cash, balance at 4 per eent, r will take
" wwi prvpirrr at It
cash varu la par paymenL .
Phon Doug, cm Mm Farnam St. -
BARGAIN Must be sold at snoa Gul ,
lot In Bums Park district. Ready to
una upon. ioc to oar. sava trct.
Owner, UK K, Mth Street. J