Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY -'BE: MAY 19. 1312.
I ' Nebraska I
Irrigation Board Conreaet and Le
. tides Interests Are Jockeying;.
tat AaeUter Flaaa Lllaatta ef
lawaraaea CMputn la Mat
. Savlm Tkaa ateeeivew ' .
; ; , ', ,
fm (Aora a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Slav U iTh. im-
cation board convened this BSDming to
am. ui cvmen Between noems; ana
j Baboock over water rtctata on the Loup
I river. A eontnuane was asked lor. but
tba board waa Inclined to bala.' Tha caat
.; j was put over onri! nam. Monday nrara
t Inc. at which time both parties were
- . notified to appear and Informed the board
. . aipected to have matters threshed out to
a determination. 'From Indication there
la eonauaraeia jockeying soinc on m
these power rlsht propositions and wlul
tha board la perfectly willing to have
them aettle difference! which are private
It does not Ilka the Idea of tha lntereatl
of tha publio belnc held up while Inter
ested parties are maneuvering for posi
tion, ' ,i "
Llaaldatloa ravatwau'
Auditor Barton has mad some figure
eiemparlng the relativ advantages
liquidation aa opposed to receivership. In
the osae of th German Fire Insurance
company of Omaha th examination
paired le.leMe and some f th reserve
' 'Investment la second rat securUiea In-
, stead of placing th company In th hand
I of a receiver th department and th dl
-rectors entered Into aa agreement with
(the National of Hartford that all new
1 business written by th German would
1 i automatically be reinsured la th N
i ttonal; but all th salaries and rent f
1 th German should be eliminated, th
(National taking car of th business for
- th plant Th results so far have asm
. ' ncouragtng. Th company baa tta natural
; reserve and. with no expense for a re
ceiver, if normal conditions prevail
'th fir loss, .not- only will th policy
'holders be protected, but th stockholders
will receive front J Me W percent f their
.stock.' If th final results are as sat)-
fact cry as promised It I likely-the leete-
- latur will be asked tar pass law pro
Tiding this method of winding up con
cerns. If In In Judgment of th Insure noe
department It Is preferable t a receiver
ship. . ' . .. . .
State Debating Winners
" - j
Little Boy. Saves :L
! - , Life of Another
r, BROKEN BOW Sen,. Kay ltMSpe-
elalr-Throuch th nerotsra or a f-y
Id boy. tha small son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Barbaugh of this city was sand
' tram drowning. It appears that three
little boy, on of them being th son of
A. U Ford, want to th wop ka pond
ta th afternoon to flab; becoming tired
of th sport, th -yar-old Harbaugh
boy climbed to th top of th 1c chute
and, lotlng his balance, slid down th In
cline into deep water. Without heslta
Vtloa th rrd boy jumped Into the water,
jand with great difficulty succeeded la
v getting fell little companion t shore. The
'cries of the third child attracted th at-
teatlop. of two aten who were working
tla th Ire beuse nearby, but when they
got to th seen the danger was over and
; th small hero who had performed th
I rescue act was wringing himself out pre
paratory to resuming his interrupted
V fishing. Outside of a good ducking aad
I experiencing a feW symptoms of croup.
th Harbaugh child was none th won
tor th adventure.
r " i "
. ' ' HARVARD, Nob.. May UL-8pclal Tl
-, efram. -A seaaeslon of the Clay County
Bunder Behool assocUtloa Is being Mid
" at th Methodist church in this city, and
among th speakers are: w. H. Kim-
barly of Lincoln and Miss Brawn, stal
". superintendent of elementary work.
This association was first organised
, about February. I'll la th lumbar office
' of th 1st John DvBaln-ln this city
by jobs w. email, jonn rsimer ue mr.
' ' eXevens, from Fairfield and a H. Soul.
T. A. Barbour and on or twa others. 4
Th first regular session was held at
Fairfield th following May K with Mr.
email as president and T. A. - Barbour,
secretary, at which time one of ta wsty
" bast eonTentlons sear held was , bad,
, 1 Statistical secretary I T. Oaca of Fre-
moat being present and giving asslstkac
- and encouragement t th work,
Jacob Woelflager passed away at hi
horn four miles north of this city Tuee-
day morning, aged TO pears.
' 'Mr. Woelflnger waa an early .reel.
' ., dent of this pise, opening ap t sum-
Tatioa the farm be continued to reside
oa to his death. .
Andrew Hochtai. aged years, died at
hi bom three miles north weet from
Harvard from Blight's disease Wednas-
day morning, leaving a widow and family
' of small children.
8a far the several light frosts do not
- aaam to have caused serious damage to
' fruit or gardens.
McCOOK, Neb.. May llMSpecial Talo
' gram-r-The McCook high school gave
, diplomas to a class of fourteen Bombers
- last sight th exercises being held la
, th Temple theater before a large audi-
once. Or. George . Condra delivered the
class address oa tha subject of "The Coo
, asrratlon of People." which was a ebar
aeterUtie uttaranc ef th elril doctor,
erne is s prim favorite with McCook and
southwestern Nebraska . audiences, . Cadi
' R. MeXlllea was dasa ssluatoriaa and
- Harold X Schwab valedictorian. Th high
, school orchestra played for th event,
which was on of th meat creditable in
th history of th McCsak high school.
. There waa a largo class ef eighth grade
1 pupils graduated during the evening.
Comaaoweraaewt at
tORTON. Neb . May M. Special.
The eommenoement exercises of th
Lortoo public schools were bold la th
. Hamme opera boose her Friday evening.
t Rer. C Eller. pastor ef the Oermaa
' Iitharaa diurch, gave th tnocatloa
. aad pronounced the besedldioa. Miss
OrlesweOe gave th salutatsry aa Miss
" Lottie Steffens tba atass possa and Miss
Yatada.'Woed th valedictory. Hoa. W.
-W. Aaaes. after a few very aparopat
, 'words of good advice, presented each ef
the graduates with their IIiiIisms t .
u,ni a c rraf
CkneTa Senior Takes lint Honon in
s State High School Irent '
Coatastaata Are S Nearly Evenly
Matched that Flrat MsuraJaaw
show Five Tied for the
; -First Finos.
LINCOLN, May !.- Special Telegram.)
First aoaors la the annual Intrscholas-
tls championship debate, la which eleven
Nebraska high schools participated, this
moraine went to Jess L. Ertst ef th
Geneva High school. Augustus Helmlg
of Wymor High school was second and
Arthur Ackerawa sf Lincoln third.
Th debet was held la Memorial nCll
before a 'art audience. Th Question
discussed . was. "Resolved, That th
Clssed Shop Should Recelv th Support
of Fublio Opmioa." . -
Prof. M. hi. Fag presided and Dean
Hastings of tha law oollega, W. O. Jaes
aad Prof. Larosslgnol of th political
economy department acted as Judges.
Excellent preparation waa shown by
all "of th participants and when th
Judges first submitted their markings It
was found that five war tied for first
place. Upon reoonsl daring th markings
th Judges then announced their awards.
Ertet, th- winner of th stats champion
ship was awarded seconds place last year. -
Hs la a senior of th Geneva High school.
Court Will Collect
Forfeited Bond in
White Slave Case
CHICAGO, May li-Unlted states Judge
George A. Carpenter today concluded the
long-fought Defaur whit Slav case by
ordering real estats worth nearly II. 03
sold and confiscation of Ht.9M In a cash
deposit, to satisfy a defaulted bond of
Al phones Defaur and Era Defaur, who
now are la Paris. Franc, war arrested
her and Indicted oa a charge of bringing
girl from Europe to Chicago for Immoral
purposes. Th Defaur were placed under
bond and then went b Europe,
Attorneys for th defendants carried th
case through nearly all branches of th
federal courts, but tailed to secure ertura
of th money or deed to th real estate.
MINNEAPOLIS. May lt-At a meeting
her today of th secretaries of Farmers'
Grain Dealers' associations In Minnesota,
BEATRICE. Neb., May H.-8pelal
Telegram.) The United Comrserejal
Travelers, at Nebraska closed their mast
ing her today by selecting Fremont a
th nest olacs at meeting.
Officers .elected are: Grand counsellor.
ST V Umm Weattit irVMvia hmlniAUti.
seller. W. H. Bonsy. Lincoln, gVand can Nrth ,8ou0 Do. Nrtr""
iiumne ins swwe, jihjis w,i, cvmi)kw
for the formation of a compact organisa
tion to embrace the -40.00S fsrmsr aow
holding membership In th ststs assocl
atlona " Th plans will be presented to
th state bodies by th secretaries who
were present at th meeting here.
Th organisation Is planned to Influence
federal, legislation concerning tha grain
due tor, A, Rand Kiev, Norfolk: grand
page, Clarence E. Harm an, lloldrege
grand sentinel, J. T. Hogan, Omaha;
executive committee, B, B. Abbott, Bea
trice; B A Plummar, Holdroge; P. T.
Patterson,' Chadron, and J. R. Oeddas,
Grand Island; representative to supreme
council, Columbua O., C. K. Craacieton,
Beatrice; Fred Hawk, Fremont; J.
Trapbagea, liacoio, and C. W. Hlnsla,
Odell Man Charged with Fwvaerr
BEATRICE. Neb, May A-(8paclal.)
Talp Taylor of Odell was arralgried ysa
terday morning la Judge Ellis' court oa
th charge at stealing MM and a shack
for from bbf employer. Andrew Arm
strong, who operates a livery staM at
OdelL Taylor pleaded not guilty and his
ess was set tor hearing May M at 1
o'clock. la default of ILso bond be was
remanded t th county Jail.
DnWltl jVsto Water Beaaa.
DEWnx Neb, May la-8peclsi.-T-
wltt yesterday voted tMl bonds to build
up-to-date water works plants. The
proposition carried by a vets of 1st to Ik
The Tillage board will select a sits at
sac aad It Is attended to begin work en
th plant Just as sooa as possible.
Missing Boy Probably
Killed by Auto and
; Body Carried Away
WEBSTEb! CTTT, lav. May IfWtpeeU!
Telegram.) iCoesutk county officers be
ll eve oaryi Marww, aged I years, who
disappeared from Loos Rock May i. was
run over by aa automobile sad that
the autoiat to cover the aoddent, has hid
den th body. Ths baby was plsyjng Jn
tha road with ' a younger child when
last seen. No tnformatloa can be gotten
from th younger child, but Its prattle
leads th of Hoars to suspect the Harlow
baby was run avt aad ktUedt ,-
11 Lswla WsKss Marrams,
NEBRASKA CTTT. May lA-8pdal.-
Tho body of Lewis Walton Marcunl. who
died at DaytoB, Wyo reached this city
is at evening aad was taken to tba home
of hie sister, Mrs. D. C Woodring. where
th funeral waa held this morning. The
deceased wsa bora October . UM, at
Iowa Point. Kaa, where be grew to man
hood, and moved to Rod Rock, Mont,
and was married to Miss Susie B Hons
of Dillon, Mont. Hs afterwards moved to
this city aad then to Dayton, Wye. He
Is survived by a wife sad two children.
Hat body was brought hers ta b placed
basal hi mother, wae died several years
ago. ' ; .
- Ckartew F. Mowers. : -Chart
r. . Rogers, - lormerry Omaha
repress tstlvs ths Grand Trunk nst
road, died saddealy Ja Chicago Wsdnes
day awralcg. At th time ef bJs death.
Mr. Rogers was assistant oosainoretal
at of the Orand Trunk at Chicago.
Th funeral was held Thursday with in
terment at, Fraaklia Cantor, Queboe,
TORE, Nee, May JaSpacfaU-Tea.
terday ' sflaraooa Roy AOon aal'Mias
Eaao Osorga. both of
Dad, jadga West
BHdge Breaks and ;
Nine Loaded Cars
Fall Into River
CALCMET, Mich.. May 1S.-A bridge
sixty feet high sad Kw feet long over the
Ftresteel river en th Mineral Rang rail
road collapsed today when a train was
passing over. Nine loaded ears at rock
la th center of th train dropped Into
ths rtver Ths engine passed over safely
and two passenger coaches st ths roar
were saved by th breaking of a coupling
No one was Injured.
DES MOINES. la. May ll.-Mlnr of
district No. U, United Mine Workers of
America. , today refused to accept th
Wag scat providing (tor an advance of
lM par cent submitted by ths subootp
mlttes of operators and miners,
Ths convention adjourned shortly after
boob today after refusing to allow Its
seals committee another chance to confer
with, the operators. Th delegates voted
to submit ths proposition to th rank and
file of th union, v
WASHINGTON. May tt.Th general
land efflc today decided that th so
called Freed, coal land entries In Utah
should bo cancelled. Entries la UM on
4,00 acres of coal lands by Charlee M.
Freed and twenty -five others resulted fn
charges of conspiracy. Ths Salt Lake
land office did not sustala th charges.
but that finding waa today reversed.
Chariton Centenarian Dead. "
CHARITON, la. May U.-eMrs. Cather
ine Lusk. aged K) years, died here today.
Her husband was a veteran of the war of
ttll.' She was bora In Wast Virginia, Oo
tober U, Mil, and bad lived in Iowa for
seventy-two years.
-. Iowa Newa Nstea,
SKJTX CITY For tha second Mm- In
success kin Rev. Father John Noonan of
this city was selected state chaplain of
the Iowa Knights of Columbua st th
business meeting of tha convention Just
closed.' Mason City gets ths next meet
ing of the knights.
TABOR The baecalanreata sermon for
tba Tabor public hlsh school will be de
livered by Rev. C. F. Fisher next Sunday
evenlnr In tha Coneveratienel church.
Tha graduating exercises will occur 'n-
aay evening. May M.- Th graduating
class numbers thirteen.
CRB8T0N Word -was received here
yesteroay of the death of John Woodruff
at hie late homo In Fort Wayne. Ind.
Mr. Woodruff was one of the early resi
dents of this place and one of the well
known and meet prominent builders sad
contractors In this part of the stats.
FORT DODGE Mrs. Julia Miller, whs
committed suicide by banging this week.
iti aa estate 01 to De squally aw
viaea among ner tnree little caugRters,
according to an unexp
discovery by,
relatives todav. . Part of the amount is
is aaah and part la Fort Dodge real es
tate. The children have bean takes la
ths bosses sf relatives.
IDA OROTE When Jamea Hartaetl a
farmer, started te drive In from th field
with' a manure spreader he placed his
t-year-ld boy in tha epreader because
the little bey Shed to ride there. Oa the
way In -the team iumoed ouicklv.., the
spreader slipped Into gear and tha boy
wae run inroosrn tna machine, being
badly cut aad bruised, but not dancer.
eoely hurt. -
CRfyrrOWTb thtitl-wlelb 1
parade of th fir department her was
: " . ; - ALL PLEDGES
, (Continued from First Page.) '
presidency!" he continued. "Representa
tives at ths republlcaa party dare not
Dominate either Mr. Tat or Mr. Roose
velt. , For the first Urn In a political
hi (wry, th standard of our political
Integrity has been dragged lower thaa
ever before by thee two men."
"Mr. Tan Is wholly mistaken about
th reason for my position ta this con
test,1' declared Walter F. Brown, Colonel
Roosevelt's Ohio campaign manager
today in answer to the - president
charge that Brown . broke ' with -him
because hs could aot bar his way
about judicial appolntmeata, -"In
1901 I supported Mr. Tan.
Mr. Brown. "In th past thro years
bar discussed numerous appointments
with th president quite so often on bis
Initiative as oa mine. I have never
eased him to make any appointments
which could In the most remote way
oaneflt me personally."
. (Continued from First Page.)
caused by heavy taxea and devastation.
Farming Is ths only Industry snd that
has seen largely killed out by tM hos
tilities of th last two years. Tha poor
are forced te enlist In warrfng bands and
prey on th richer people, "it Is h return
w uyjrini, xsn saiu. -
"Tha People do not know what they
are fighting for," hs continued. "In some
parts -they are shouting 'Viva Madera.'
in others "Viva Zapata,' and In still other
'Viva Orosco.' They are tn arms merely
for self preservation and a stats
seml-ebeoe sxlsts. If- It continues th
coustry will be swept clean of every
and mala citlsen and Soros foreign sower
wiu oavw in intervene to restore eraer.
"Ia such a condition Is Mexico that all
the mats ritrseos are being slowly exter
minated and even ths families of th men
are starving. I can't Be where they will
exist for long sc there Is practically no
attention given to the fields. Succor will
have to be sent to the starving people
or Mexico will be depopulated. The
people la tha United States do aot know
ths true condition of affairs that exist
In the- southern republic nor - do they
realise ths peril torelgnsrs are In."-
CORPUS CHRIST!, Tex.. May It -In
a revolver battl at San Diego, two off!
cars and oa other man, alt Mexicans,
were killed. Three of ths tighter were
Ths desd kre: . , . ' .
PEDRO ESMAL, county and district
dark of Duval county, , '
ANTONIO ANOUIANO, deputy sheriff.
SACRAMENTO, Cti'. May a -Colonel
Harris Wetnstook. special commissioner,
appointed by Governor Johnson ts In
vestlgat. th San Diego "free speock'l
campaign, carried oa by the Industrial
Workers of the World, find In his re
port -mad pubtl today, that "th vlgl'
lantee" of Saa Diego hsv ba guilty of
more culpable offenses thaa ths In
dustrial Worker aad recommend their
Stm7 woman's heart responds to
the charm and twee tacts of s baby's
vote, fcocaus aa turf ts tended her tor
wthorhood. Bat even th torlnf
nature of a motnsr'sarinki from tha
ordeal because tucb s tint is usually
period of 1 lafferlBf snd dancer.
Women who ox Mother's Friend art
saved ranch discomfort snd suffsrlnkV
snd thalf systems, balnf thoroufhly
preparsd by this treat remedy, ara
la s healthy condition to newt ths
Urns with ths least Dossil) Is gufftstDg
snd denier. Mothsr'g Friend Is
ncommtaded oaly for ths relief sad
comfort ot expectant mothsrs; It Is to
no senM t remedy (or various Ills,
but its msay years of sueeass, sad
the thousands of endorsements rs
Calved front women who bars used tt
art s fnarantes of ths benefit to bo
derived from its use. . This remedy
does not accomplish wonders bat sim
ply assists aatnra to part act it work,
Motlfcer's Friend allays aausos, pr
vents cakinc ot
tho breast, and , 1
' a eiM-ae, a.
contrlbntes to YlrWt&tla
strong, healthy ""'T'"'
motherhood. Mother's frtend h sold
st drag stores. Writs for our trea
book for axpoctant isyrthars.
UADnilO UCUUTOI CCL, Alkvata, Cs,
s -Isrge crowd wf spectators. Th Bur-
srurnssa and taw sctvoois sTTi niians sal va
ra after tba parade, mi hush's ear here
takes ea the feature of a holiday and
1 a
11 o to in ejezenoera. The I t w
anneal ball was hsid last night to whlea 1 J
a aaaas seamhsr ad slcksts Ha said, I
- ( t
Is a racosnltad In-'
vestment with- dis
tinctive advantages,
A "First Mortgage
loan oa s good piece
of 'lam land, in a
prosperous le 0 m
m unity,' offers bet
ter., security ' than
aay othei - form of
investment It Is a
elean-cnt, yosltiva
and definite secur
ity that U always
Increasing th valuex
For sale . In all
amosat. ."'-
J 't!V
Sjrefonne Draperies
V Every home should have hangings and lHirnishinga which
distinguish it from every other home and bespeak the taste '
'. and education' of the family. " . - i , '
Aq inspection of our display of cretonnes will convince you
that you will find both economy and taste displayed at better
," values than we have ever shown before.. . ". ?
. Cretonnes, the yard, from '. 20c to $1.50
Lace Curtains New with, the very best quality of net at
' , special prices. . , " ;.' V.
Colonial Lace Curtains, made on square mesh net Arabian
. color. Per pair ,. . $3.95
55 )
I all IHSISI isa ia i iiiWIiTiili lali
!rxminster Rugs :
New spring patterns in floral or Oriental designs in dark
rich colorings. . Extra heavy Axminster fabriir.y Size
5x12 sell at .. . ........ .7. .$25:0O
i Other Sizes and Prices
27in. x60in. ......$2.50
3 ft 6 ft. ;$4.oo
4-6x6-6.....; $7.75
6x9 .$14.50
I- 3x10-6 '. r. ,r'A : $22.25
II- 3x12 ....,$33.50
2-3x9 ,
2-3x15 ........... 4. $3.50
sen sm
........ J$55
,' aver '
Oil- . . . . . . . . . , .
3x9 ';.?;......
Made of all worsted yarn. These are all new and sell
-at, each $12.05
3x15 ......$11.50
Porch and Snmmer Rags
N Imported from East Indies.' Hade ot hard
India libra. Soft, pretty colors In shades ot
lue. green, brown, red and tan. These rugs
are appropriate tor porches, tun parlors and
outside dining rooms.
1 l-SxS .
" fixll
sill $11.25
...... ,
f 1.61)
Expert Repairing -
, ., Oriental ruga repaired by a native rag
weaver. Estimates cheerfully submitted. ; ,
Blssell's Gold Medal Bali:
Bearing Carpet Sweeper'
'Ask US to send -sasassaaBa
one out on a
week's trial.
price $3.25
Bakes brend or cake, potatoes or beans, roasts meats aiid
boils vegetables equally as .well," and even better than foods ''
prepared on stoves. Hundreds of people have witnessed the
good results obtained .by the Thermatio Fireless Cooker during v.
demonstration last week. Mre will continue the demonstration
this week and you are especially" invited to attend.'
..i.V j
, .', I. .
II IN '.l ' ., .', 1
(like out) '. .
Mir ,nj wt.
(Like Cut)
Solid golden oak. Ona drawer and ondershelf.
Top tl inches wide by II Inches long.
Price i.,....
.. , ....
Heavy two-inch post, .best laque'r. An
extra good value . . .. ,. .. .$10.75
, Our Brand mads to tire satisfaction and ssrv.
, lea, Jn thno grades, each 4 lbs-art Ticking.
uur special , , . B8.00
Bunshlna Folt . ... . . ..6.M
Imperial Felt .-........$12.00
DIMUVrin '- r '
(Lika Cat- v v. '
' Solid mahogany. Doll flnlstt. Span
ish lsather spring seat. An nnus
al value, each ........ S12.50 :
SWING :V.,f.o'Y
Khaki covered with windshield. ' '
Magaslno poekeu. ate. Complete
,-wtth ropes and hooks ,S10.00 " '
The ideal kitchen cabinet Alumi
num sliding extension shelf; sani
tary (lour bin and many other, con
veniences that go to maks tha Hoos-
lsr a time and step saver. The
Hooeler Special 828.00- -
' Wo want you to know tho merits
of tho HERRI CK if you are interest
ed in refrigerators."- Wo ask yon to
rail and 1st us explain this perfect
dry, cold air system. Herrlck refrig
erators come in spruce, whit enamel
snd opal. , Prices 814.00 Dd P-
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Gb.
Interest anowed la
Z per annma . . ..-
The United States
National Dank o
Omaha elves prompt
and courteous service,
affords absolute secur
ity snd has a most con-
as .. . .
j ywueni location. . - ,
rWSf . -7XV3 -
Cetatr n rvNa
Vrresf I f j L . 1 1 "".
mi fmm IU L V
flrsatj 7 V0QM$
. Slay is, Uia,
r. ... : ..
' :.-. '.
.. Block 313.
Do your customers
Jiye here
? ? 7 7. 7 7
" On Leavenworth Street, be
tween .35th Ave. and :35th 'Street,
there are 5 occupied houses fuid
in 3 they take The Bee; ff r ,
9b9. Advertisers caa cover Omaha with one newspsper. "
svasxsaw e . siasrsa . Vs 1
ody1 reads Bee want tids