Omaha Sunday - PAST PIYE " WANT AD SECTION PAGES OSS TO EIGHT. WANT-ADS YOL.T-XLI NO. 48. it OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1912. SINGLE , COPY ; FIVE : CENTS,, the Bee MAIL ORDER BC8IXE8S amaau norm u miioou tVMl sea e4 M ta MjMrjMk I (Mr sum iMkfl Ik MSA, eta,; Mrtw watuag fei an ye ijb: free alesustei tsstreMies Mtt k;ram - TOH, XM WEST W ASTHMAS br kM v ft. ggJS FREE TEST TKEHTKEITi MIM. pi a, "7 - r j mm a4nti tan at I .,' w r. av-srka WANT ADS Waat ad received at aav Urn bat U Insure proper classiflcalioa aiust be preecated befor 19 cfock m. lor UM ercaiAg editloa aad before l-as p. aa. for BMniBS aad Sunday cOt tioas. Want au received alter suck hour trill ban thotr Unt Inaertioa aadcr the IwsvdiBg ".m. Lata u Uaaalfv." - ' CASH RATKsToB WANT ADA. REGULAR CiASSU'iCAXJOS V , AMcrtioa tH (eat per ward avad cast par or for each gabeeqiuBt consecutive lasertlon. Each, huer tloa made oa add days 1 " pe word' 91JM per Una par moni truea ad i gun ri!lnut change ul eupy. DEATHS AND FUNERAL KOTICKS. BUTTS Wlllard H., Jr.. aged year. Funeral Sunday, May 1, ai . m. from family residence, Wil Worthlngton Place, to rarest Uva cemetery, t unrai jin. vata ' ENDRES Peter, aced a) year. Funeral ervlcet at Leo Bottman'l par lore, Sunday, t p. m. under auaptcee German-American camp. Woodmen of tlie World, No. UM. interment uurei ttui eemetery. PKOSFUCT Htll cemetery, 32d Jf araer 6t.; low and aingie Interment tor ale." CABD Or TU1AK.S. ' WD wtah to exnreaa our slnoer thanks to our many friend and relatives for the kindness and sympathy Shown us during the sickness and death of our belevej father and grandlatner, and especially for Us many tloral ottenngs . MR. AND MRS. A. HTNEK. . MAMKlAGbl LlttC.NiES. The following; man-lag licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Ag. Abraham Nagxamln, Omaha.. .......... 13 Annis llabler, ymaha Jacob Bauer. Benkelman, Neb.. K Ine Btyer, Benkelman, Neb II William 8. Borlen, Omaha.. 17 Mettle B. Grady, Omaha K Benjamin H. KinselU Omaha.... , 31 Dorothy M. Btelmle, Omana. 1 James Pelnar. South Omaha 11 Aivina Sporl. South Omaha 11 Daniel Spencer.' South Oman II Ida Henkel. South Omaha - BIRTH AND DBATtla. Birth s-F. ' r. and Cleopha BrlghUn fcurg, BUI Chicago street, girl C. K and Myrtl BordwelL 1M1 Park avenue, boy; B. A. and Dolly Dotson, 28M Davenport ; street, girl; Henry and La von Flnke, I70S North Twenty-fourth street, boy; Cbarle aad LllUan C. Jacobs, M1 Brown street, boy: w. L. and alyrue Johnson, (11 Hopkins street, boy; J. and Katharine Kettleson, ll North Twenty-seventh ave nue, girt; E. F. and Fannie Rutner, 1W Celllornla street, girl. . Deaths Theodore Delta eg years, St. - Joseph's hospital; A. D. Sutler, a years, i St Joseph's hospital; James Rhodes, M years. Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue; Mary Mulball, 71 year, BM Pop- , pleton avenue. . - t BUILDING PEMMITg. . Rasp Bra.; ICS Laird. MM Elllstsns and 1214 Elusion, frame dwellings, turn, ' gam and !.; William Redgewlck, sU South Twentieth street brick dwelling, $4,600: A. R. Thatcher, KOI North Thlr- tleth, frame dwelling. iz,m; J. A. Moran, lllll Pratt frame dwelling H.600; J. a. Tltton. 441 North Twenty-first frame dwelling, z,aw: i. r. Flanagan, 33 sner man avenue, frame dwelling, 12500; Norria A Msrtln il North Thirty-first, frame dwelling, I2.W; Byron Reed at Co., DM jiarnam, stick garage, nun; wames Niel sen, U23 Boyd, frame dwelling, 12. MO; William Hutton, 1111 Cass, frame dwell ing, RDM; Emma Schwell backer, kitM Northwest Boulevard, t2,7t. HELP WANTED fEMALH - Aaeala aaid saieswosnea. WANTED Lady agents, local and trav eling, for Mme, McCabe, La Corona and Cor-du-Roi oorseta Profits large; style nopularl St, Louis Corset Co.. St. Louis, LADIES, Everywhere 100 per cent pro fits. Handle our well known ladies and babies' sanitary specialties. - Nothing like them. Write for agents' terms. King Sales Co, toM St. Lawrence Ave., Chi cago. - -' WANTED Refined women solicitor, no house to house work, call only upon re quest. Only best need apply. Address F-lOW, ear Bee. Clertoal aad Olllce. v Stenographer, construction firm, tat. ' Bookkeeper and stenographer, lumber firm, &, J7V . Bookkeeper and, stenographer, good JioTirs, m W0. Stenographer, law experience, fS. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. J01S-1 Oty Nt'k Bank Btdg. ' aeaHkMsK aad iMeaeeities. - THE SERVANT . OIRL - PROBLEM BOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until yoa get the desired result. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff Bring your ad to The Be attic or telephone Tyler MO. - WANTED A girl for general, So wealing- jui Lanraore. ' GIRL Cuming. for .general Harney 4S. housework. .411 COMPETENT girl for general house- work; no washing; S3d St 4 " Ka a. I VITAL MASSAGE, baths, electric sibrstery and radiator treatments. Dr. Asm D. Fisher. 40) War bik. tot & 1Mb. , p. XX. " ' GIRL lor general housework. Met Doug la. Dr. JVtack. . WANTED A girt tor general house work; good wages. K& Davenport St . WANTED Girl for general housework. . Kffi Woolworth or A 4J7S. " WANTED Experienced whit girl tar . ' general hooswwork, la family . at two. B. tHh St, Harney TOM. - COMPETENT girl for general hoas work. MM Farnam. Tel. Harney TW. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Sis Dew, avenue. TL Harney 80. , . - . WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family; on who can lliip at .Apply ta So. ttth Ave. - - WANTED Girl for general housework: 1M washing; bet of wage. Tel, iff Hti. - GIRL family. for general housework, small lilt South m. Ph. Haraey-1717. WANTED A oompetent aura .to ear tor child U montna old. Mr, s. cnigbtoa. Ul South Mlb St Tat. H. iaal Co, Drawer D, Kut Orange. N. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A middle aged lady (Br gen eral housework. isM N. mi m- ' COMPETENT girl (or general house work. Three to family. UK No. tth 8t GIRL, tor general housework, fit So. 9U Bt ' GIRL tor general housework. muM be rood cook. Tel Wb. 114, Wirt 8C WANTED-OomjMttat girl tor general kouatwork; small family; good wage. Mrs. C B. Ruatla. M 8. nth St. Tst lltmr TAOS. GOOD girl tor general bouseworlt, W 8. tb Ave. Doug, wen. WANTED A second girl. Mi So. Md Ave Phone Harney ML i AN experienced girl tor general house- work. amity oi tore, m bo. sain . i 'Isrney ee. - WANTED A koueekeeper. No laundry werk. t'taone Doug laa TIM. W A NTED Woman crippled man. MS I Dougla TIO. aa attendant lor . Mtk Su Pbone COMPKTBNT girl t .general bouae work for tbla summer. Mrs. K. A. ista son. mW Dodge. WANTED A girl . tor general nous. work; no weaning. (Apply t Bo. exh. Harney el . . WANTED A girl lor general house work. 1508 Park Are Harney Met. W ANTKD Experienced girl for general Housework: small tamuy, in. narnet fi&i sue uoog. wxKTCli a airl for seneral house- work. KM N. Kth. Grocery Store, or call Douglas ia evenlnga WAN-TED Good alrl for general house work, thre In family. Mrs. & W. Qunther, Ml N. toth. Phone Harney BH. GIRL for general housework, no wash ing, good wages. SI) Dodge, Mrs. Che. Rich. ' - WiNTK.r Comoetent girl for general housework In small family. TeL Harney 560. t N. tlst St. WANTED Girl to take care of child between 7:M and I. 11U Ho. ad. Miseellaaesas. TOUNO women comng to Omaha si stranger ere Invited to vim the Tousg Women's Christian association building at St Mary Ave., and fit St. where they will be directed to suUabl boarding place or otherwise satiated. Look for ear travelers' guide at the Lnlon station. WE WANT women and glrla to learn halrdreaslng with the Herrmann perma nent wave, manlcuilng, tadal massage, chiropody or electrolysis; beat- paying work for ladlea Ws arrange Cbrtstian homes for students walls her. Writ Moler -College, Chicago, IIL WANTED Scrub girls; Millard hotel. good wages. WANTED A shirt Ironsr at Hawkey La-mdry. Boone, la. WANTED Plctur play writers; big Day.- We'll teach you. Fret information. Picture Play Association. San Francisco. t-.iu PER DAT paid on lady In each town to dlstriouts ires circulars iot con centrated flavoring In tube Permanent position. F. K. Ban- Co.. Chicago. WOMEN to do plain sewing at home Tor a large Phiiadeipiaa urm; gouo money and steady work: no canvassing. -inri ran v -tnveinDe lor uriuee wu. verssl Co.. Desk L Walnut 8t. Phlla. Pa - WANTED By consulting librarian, two assistants over a. with college education or equivalent (teachers preferred); able to meet graciously men and women of highest culture. neaani. prome-. .u. Rare ennortunlty for nerson of strong, pleasing qualification. But experience and educational advantage Addreas ? sua, cars uee.- LAD1ES make shields at home. 110 per MO; work sent prepaid to reiisua women; nartu-ulars lor stampee iuww velope. Eureka Co., Dept u, K.aiamasoo, Mich. BE A TRAINED NURSE; earn IIS to 1 weekly: train at home In a snort Oms; free catalogue. Rochester jnur Institute, Rocnesier, f a. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, saleeiaea aad gollattase. ani iriTOBtl WANTED by farm paper of naUoaal circulation. Proposition offers sood pay and permanent position for re liable and energetic men. Only hustlers Should aPPIy. U'V r OCOra Ul prevniua eiDeiieno also three good reference, it interested, write F. M. Walsh, Circula tion Manager, gpnngtisis, v.- nrs n. ia to lug monthly salary and expense to men or women to Introduce toilet articlee, perfumes, eatracta, etc.; s articles; yearly contract W mesa business. Look Box 774, Roam U, Cedar Rapids, I. WANTED AGENTS Legitimate suo- stltut for slot machines; patented; sell n sight for C particulars, Giaha Co., Anderson, ind. ; 8ALESMAN WANTED Earn IS per month; sell dealer highly aavarusea article; xcluslvly or side una; no csn- Bles to carry, imperial to- . lo. ' WANTED-SALARIED -SALESMAN TO MANAGE TERRITORY IN IOWA FOR LAROlii HAnurAUlUKsn j In KVTtN-lVfXT ADVEVRTIBED sv-on UPE1-IAI.TY KNOWN BY ALL GROCERS; STRAIGHT SALARY AND EXPENSE; NO COMMISSION; PROMO TION RAPID FOR RIGHT MAN WHO WILL WORK BNTHUaiA-rriv.-AJui.i s DATS EACH WEEK DEVELOP1WU TERRITORY AND BUILDING A PER MANENT r"Ul nvjn rvrfc n-ojr-i-r-ippi if a SITS MITST HAVE A SUC CESSFUL RECORD OF AT LEAST I YEARS KL.1-1NVI A orM.ii.i m' ABSOLUTELY CLEAN RECORD E BENTIAL TO BB CONSIDERED, AP PLICATIONS TREATED CONFIDBN TIALLY IF REQUESTED. STATE EX PERIENCE IN UElAk, vB. SALARY EXPECTED IN YOUR FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS BOX. 130, U SO. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO. BirrflUCI. t. Mil en STOcers. oonfeo- tloners. general atores; 11 a monthly and expenses; yeany whu.h. 8, Main St, St Louis, Mo. WANTED General state agent (or Ne braska. Our contractt insure against sickness and accident: also prowa ounal k.ra and dividend Of tt MT OOBt Wnlcb are not to b found in - other - potlcle. Splendid commleskm contract to right party. Waat era Ufa and Accident Company. , B-iu BM rNMiver. t nl uaa whs Ha.'ii "-ei - ' . vi'm aa-eat: write us today; we hav a aplendld propo-itlon for you; K day easily bum worxin - iw . v tVri.a nerer and receive our catalOOM 01 article w manufectura and high grd nremiuma. Addre Bog 144a, Edln. MO. AGENTS Mak lot per cent profit -ell- ins- our sold window letters, novelty .," ."Tnaiisjaabla sla-ns: ) varieties. Enonnoua demand: catslogn free. Sul livan Co.. AIM Vaa Burea BL, Chi cago, I!l. Vde-s. M.Mnu- aheolutalv new article: X per cent profit; write today. Seed Filter Co., 'ew York City. ' WANTED Ambitious young men to be come traveling aaUeswen'and eara while they learn. Writ for particular. Brad street System. P-ochester, N. T. A TlV'O minute demonstration make every iaU a sals with large prom. Post tHelf fc jjgeat bonansa out FVea samClf and. patrtcuian. a. V. Sales Co, 11 Spruce Bt. New lork." Neb. to handle self xlllng necessity. TM la a Mrm. snaker. Betxer Co 1741 S. !ttb. Unco In. Neb. - SPECIALTY aaleaman easabie of earn ing IM and upward; staple Una; high commissions paid promptly: order every town. Address 7vS Houser Bldg., Bt Lonls, Mo. 1 WE start yoa tn business, furnishing everything: men sod women, ttt to Hut weekly operating otrr .'New System Specialty Candy and Popcorn 'Crtoperte factories- boss, anywhere, year round. Opportunity nietime, nooajei ire. fcags- h71. HELP WANTED MALE Aet, taieaameai aa4 aettctlwn. AGKNTS-Wonderful opportunity; act quick; sell "Ambrew" concentrated beer extracts, makes real genuine beer; light neme. oy aoaingr water: saves 10 per cent brewer' price; not near beer: not substitute, but real lexer beer: n liquor ueense required; small package: carry week supply; deliver as yeu selL 'An brew" Is the concentrated Ingredients of real lager beer; same matenal used by Biewere kot ore wing um neei Deer; but Seller: enonnoua demand: km profits; just send postal; we'll snow you now to mas money etnek. American Products Co.. Dept. JOM, Cincinnati. O." tt WEEKLY selllns eollectliui cabinets to merchants; no competition; exclusive territory. W rite for free samDlea and de scriptive matter, gayer Co., Blag.. Bt Louis, Mo- FLRST CLASS solicitors wanted, dead money ror rtgnt men. Expenses guar anteed. Call Herman Balku California notei. AlitSlK WAMKD New. attractive article of merit; lio competition, klsn looking for good, permanent business wanted at once, c u. Uoae. I1U UUoin. AGENTS Men or wosoen wanted Ja every loeallty; great opportunity; no ex perience necessary. Write now.; J. H. atutiegan, larroiiton. 111 SOMETHING new (or agents, no capi tal needed; demand amonr . retail mer chants: s la ILU a dav sure; Inveatinfee ' an-auiiHa. ..v vwn pvywiuw. Butler.-tol Plymogth Place, Chicago, III. SALESMEN wanted to handle complete line of formaldehyde funugatora, liquid soap, sweeping compound, modern disin fectants and sanitary supplies. The rarmiooM cnmD&nv. ea tlnii,. Hi Maw, ark. N. J. - Good men ar bard to get They don't wander around the streets looking for signs lu window When yoa need good help advertise In The Bee, Bee Want ad ar read by keen, anergetlo men who wish to better their condition. Rate le ptr word if run two or mure times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler IMk AGENTS coin money selling I'. S. Fire Extinguisher; WO per cent profit; buyer everywhere; exclusive territory assigned; district managers wanted. United Mfg. Co.. 10M Jefferson. Toledo. O. WANT0D Live, experienced traveling salesman (or Nebraska and Iowa, to call on banks, merchants and doctor Must be first class. Good pay. Address la confi dence. I care nee. EVERY motorist buys ons on sight you mak t00 on each tale. Our free booklet telle how. The A. -L. M. Com pany, Kansas City, Mo., Bos 711, Dept AGENTS make big money selling our Metalllo Letters for office windows, store front and glass sign; anyone can put tnem on; sample tree. Metallic sign -0., 437 N. Clsrk St, Chicago, III. lt PROFIT New Idea combination purse,' sells on sight; sample toe. Hasol Co., 417 uth Ave., Dept H, Brooklyn. w. i . AGENTS Our patented speclaltlea sell like wildfire. Send for free catalog: and sample, worth luc. Home Supply Co-, vox is, rarmington, utan. BIG profit to agents. Big side line selier. Big value to consumer. Big sal Write today. Address Sterling Co., 3t Lumber Exchsnge, Mlnneepolls, Minn. SELLS like hot cakes. Nsw laundry starch, perfumes clothe with lasting per- lume. working outtit c new uiier. m. B. K. atrr., 13 water St, New lork." WANTED Llv hustling agent to sell "Story of Wreck- of Titanic." Authentic edition. 10 commission. Writ guick tor oaroptete outfit Anchor Book Co., Desk zi, I'ayron. unio. WANTED Crew managsr and solicit era. Nebraska Farm Journal. (94 Chsmber of commerc Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SALESMAN oalUng on retailers la small towns," to sell on commissi on Strong side line, blankets, flannels, dree goods, novsltlsa Direct from the loom. The Lakeweod Mills, Box 414, Phils, Pa. WANTED Salesmen stopping best hotels to double Income handling cele brated Pall Mall Gin Slde-ltne. Flv minute dally. Pall Mall Gin Co... Kan sas City. Mo ' - ' SIDE-LINE, pocket samples; W min ute,' tig commission; high grad men only; no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton. I. CITY Salesman, active, progressive, at to ev; uoerai Mianre paiu oy iu r,u- abl firm; ITS to llf per month. CaU room 1W Board of Trad Bldg. Inquire for W. C. Draplra. ' BRIGHT, capable ladies lo travel. demonstrate and sell dealers In Nebraska. Iowa, Minnesota and. Dakota; to ft per weex; ranroaa sare peia; icecnere, milliner, eta, desirable Goodrich Drug Co.,' ltOS-10 Harney St. Omaha. Neb WANTED District msmsgsrs to eatab- Ilsh county agendo; position good tor S209 per month of better. Act quick, 1U1 Farnsm, upstair. EXPERIENCED salesman wants posi tion to city or nearby territory, employed now. B-0t, Be. AGENTS wanted in every county In Ne braska to writ neal,th and accident ln suranc. Liberal commission. Address World Accident AasoctaUon. W. O. W. Bldg.. Oms ha Neb. AGENTS WANTED Capable of sar- nine big money. Communicate at once for particular and territory; something new; patented article; ready June t. H. De Bhon Mfg. Co- M Dean St, Brook lyn, . !. IF you ar a macaain aollcltor. writ for psrtlculsrs at one; w hw a erackerlack sronositlon ror xtertenca magaxlhe solicitor. Arcade Subscription Agency. Minneapolis, Minn." AGENTS everywhere (either ex to handle latest novelty In woman' wear; nearly 100 per cent profit; ready market: particular tree, write to xtorwit Hickman Company, Dept. O, Vlnewoa. N. J ' HIGH-GRADE salesman and lnsurano men can mak largo money sailing our Canadian Townslt lota. Our property is inside lots tn all new western Canadl town: low price, easy terms, aulck Mil- Ing. W hav a splendid, clean proposi tion. Writ quick, giving reference la first letter. NaUonaT Canadian Towns! I Co, Pioneer Bldg.. Sc. Paul Minn. AOENTS Salary and oomralsslon to llv. np-to-dau solicitor. On of the eldest and most popular magaalnse In th country, uppincoil Msgaiin. Pltluv. derpnia. Fa. . . . ley. , , OFFICE boy wsnted.' Apply Monday. St Bee Bldg. Clerical ss err. .A BETTER POSITION. ib of amnuon is. desirous or bettering hut position. How to do this Is th puxxiing question with tn arerag WE MAKE THIS EASY. for yoa through our system of confiden tially looking up better position for tnos Jready employed aa well ss those who sre out of position. See us st one, ar writ. All bnslnee strictly confidential. WE NEED IN PART. TRAVELING SALESMAN. Mer- ' eantlle line .1101 M BOOKKEEPER, Whole! house... 7.t STENOGRAPHER AND CLERK, j mail wholesale bouse K RETAIL CLERK, gracenee (.. 4i.4 STENOGRAPHER AND CuEItK. . Mfgt - m Wl STENOGRAPHER, railroad offle.. n.m BOOKKEEPER, generaA store. MuM be able to tak interest In -- business Matt JUNIOR CLERK K.W TRAVELING SALESMAN, liquor.. IX-90 We also hav aumerou other opening ta different line for which w would be glad to consider you. 1 WESTERN KEF. BOND AB8K. tM Osaah Kat 'L Bask Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Clerteal and Offle. FULL dress suit and party dresses for aaie; also lor rent It w to ( a night JOHN FKLDMAN. SM N. Vth. IX litt SAVE MONEY and time by seeing us In regard to a position. W r constantly In touch with practically every firm in Omaha, coun cil Bluffs and South Omaha and are therefore in a position to place you on snort, notice. POSITIONS NOW OPEN. Office man, credits and oolleclioos-taotv Saleenuvn: must show sood record. SterKigrapher. ass't mansxer In real es- tata eiiica. Hi. Bookkeeper and stenographer, lumber arm: sis. As t bookkeeper, tnfg. firm, NX Collector, experience wtlh loaa Pny. gso. btenographsr, must be A-l; rt-g. Uviuor salesman; experienced. ll.ftOA. Csll and ast acouainted: new ODenlna aaiiy. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. I0H-1 City Kat Bank Bldg Faetwy aad t rades. Drug store (snap) )oha Knlest Bee Bldg Tinners Wanted First -ciase sheet metal worker and furnace workers; opsn shop; good wage. Muatsr Sheet Metal Worker Association. Jams B. Green. Secretary, lea Harney St WANTED First class barber. No other need apply. Wages III a week; chance tor raise. J. A. Louds, Crate, nee. WANTED A sheet metal worker, also wood worker. Apply Brown Truck bug. Co., Kaiston. Nab.- DRAFTSMEN AND DESIGNERS. Architectural il KS to S40 per week Mechanical. 17, lis to 135 per week structural li, Siou to 11M per month THE ENGINEERING AGENCY. Inc.. Monadnock Block, (Est 1M8 Chicago. WANTED Draughtsman. Mlsener Stockham, architects, 4tt Rsmge Bldg. VAN TED stsir builder, must be first else workman. . T. H. Weuich Fixture Co. CARPENTER with plans and to build for a ooupi plain 4 and I room houses. Call at once. P. D. Ludwlg, 101 So. l-th St. (Cor. Dodge). Mieeellaaeoae. TELEGRAPH Doattions guarantsed yos bv tha Union pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training la eur school. Practice on R R. wire. Ad dles for particulars, H. B. Boyle. Pre Boyle college, omana. Ne. WANTED-Mora people to raits Pou. try with the Old lrusty Incubator. Writ for tree catalogue. M. M. Johnson, Clsy Center, Neb. ' - THE UNITED STATES NAVY alms to mak a successful man of avery boy who enlists and to return him to city I If a useful cltisen. The development of the untrained boy Into an efficient man-o'-warsmari begins at the time he enlist The Initructlon given apprentice seamen at the big train ing stations Is continued after the men go en board navy vessels, and to young men who have the necessary qualifica tions special Instruction Is given In the trade schools for electricians, machinists, musicians, seamen, gunners, yeoman, etc. The great variety of dutlea In the navy makes It possible fof young men to do the work for which they are best fitted. The pay la graded according to the skill and ability required; and, whether a young man remains In the service after asrvlng one enlUtment, of decides to re turn to ctvtt lite, four ars' experience In the navy with n heaorabi discharge Is th MOST VALUABLE A8SET HE CAN POSSESS. Call st th Navy Recruiting Station, Posiofflce Building. Oms lis, Neb., and In quire fully about pay, hours, promotion. Or writs for "The Making of a Mn-o WaMfHan 1 an Illustrated booklet ex plaining fully all the advantages offered la the navy, tree, tsis mis over w.n sour Barents and send tor this bonk. Ad' dress Bureau of Navigation, Bog HO, Navy Department. Washington. P. c,1 ARE YOU THE MAN? HKRB IS your opportunity. No matter where you live If you want to mak big money and eetabllah yourself In sn INDEPEND ENT business REUUIRING NO CAPI TAL W will teach you by mall til th secrets Of the REAL ESTATH BITS. NESS, Including thorough COMMER CIAL LAW COtJR4!, -Hat with you readily salabl propertfta. co-operate with and assist you tn permanent success. Our S4.PAOB FRVS) BOOK fully- mains our methods end tell wht II means in be , the local representative out est and largest Co-Operative Reslty end Brokemg Corporation in the woria. Write today ' to INTERNATIONAL REALTY CORPORATION, 360 Manhat tan Bids.. Chicago. III. MEN and boys for best paying work tn existence, th barber trade. We teaeh he free work and csreiui instruction Our methods have their dvantaes. BeS whv. Write today or can. Moler Barber College. Ufi 8. 14th St. SALESMEN to tak order for cut rt grocerlee: outfit free: experience unnec essary: tM weekly. Standard Mercantile Co., Hippodrome Bldg., cieveiano. u.- W ANTED Yard man. Millard hotel. tan monthly fitting eyeglasses; prof. It .hi, hull nee eulckly learned at home. Both men and women successiui. mnie Immediately (or free Information. Alli ance Optical School. Erie Pa. - WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between the ages f U and ; cltisen of United Btstss of good character and temperate habits wh caa speak, read and writ th English language. For uiformstion apply ta re cruiting officer, Uth and Douglas St. Omaha. Neb.; 7l lib St, Sioux City, la.; lit N. 10th St.. Lincoln, Neb. YOU ARE WANTED (or government position. In per month. Send postal for Hot ef positions open. Franklin Institute, Department MT P.. Rochester, N. T. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOPS. Th largest finest and best equipped plant tor automobile training. Do yeu want pleasant outdoor work, with thousand of nwney-nuklng oppertonl tteef Write or call en aa. Day er night nut Unlimited aourse; liberal terms. K'ATlw AL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS N, gl4 W. avta ax., umans. sea 7 BM GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Writs (or fist Franklin Insti tute. Dep t at P- Roc better, N. T. BIG wege ar paid to workmen in South America.- For condition, seal of wage, send Me silver for booklet No lamp. Sooth American Exchange, Apartado-tt. Colon. Panama.' MAKE money writing abort stories (or newspaper. Big pay. Free eookiet Tens bow. United Pre Syndic ts, Saa Fran elsoo. ' ' MEN WANTED To seU trees and plant' Highest eo-j!elons. payable weekly. No experience or capital required. Writ for free outfit. Perry Nurseries. Rochester, N. T. CANVASSERS To sell Automatic Screen Door Cstches; big money; ex ceptional proposition, tempi Catch postpaid Sc. Auto .Catch Co., Harvey, III. - ' not MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute sample for big manufac turer; steady work. a. schener, am Sherman, Chicago. ' MANAGER wanted for sn sastera bag factory; a man thoroughly experienced la the burlap ana cotton manufacturing bualnee. Address, Opportunity, care Van Cieve Company, Bt Fifth Ave.. New York City. - WANTED Buyer for notion and book department by firm In middle west; city of 4a. Sit); only men of experience end successful record need apply. Addre. Y f. ear Be. Persistent Advsrtisuia, the Atojui w Big Returns, - HELP WANTED' Mtm on ftkAtr.. lMMjEDlATsf Increased Income. Women, men, glrla. boy Convincing .proof of many earning lis to t& weekly. Weaver to wearer pis a tor the celebrated "vital ity" Brand Dress Goods. Hosiery, Under wear. Glove and Ready-to-Wear gar ment Insure Immediate success and steady duplicate order Free! tl.a fold ing ambreJla to customer to advertise our roods. Irresistible selling arguments. Experience or cspitsl unnecessary. Refer ence required. Handsome "Opportunity" booklet- free. Rath application. Consumers Importing and Mall Order Co, Balti more, aid., u. s. A ANY intelligent person may earn steady income corresponding lor newspapers. Experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Waaalngtos, It. WANTED Male and female agents to sell Weie Brother Famous House hold Medicine. Hustlers sre eoinlnc money. Address Wet Bros Medicine Co., 41b K. stn tt., uayton, unio. x WANTED Persons to write and oopy letter, tie to (ca week readily made by following our practical direction Send self-addreased envelope for particular Brooke Copying Co., 1140 Pa. Ave, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED SITTATION'S LACE curtain specialty work; guar. Hsrney USX LAUNDRY work taken home. W. list, WASHING end ironing done. T . H. H. BUNDLb! washing. 0 cms a doirn. rough dry. X cents s dosen. Webster US. Carey L'ndry, out rates. Tyler 14, A IM MAN wants uesltien as interpreter ur soms other position. Can soeak 4 dif ferent languages instantly. German, French. American, Ureek, Italian' and Yiddish, t ail Doug. FUtTO. Family dt bundle laundry guar. 1, AO.....U .HI UWM,U. Vf . I ID Hf , white, reliable women. 'Phone Web. toil FIRST clas practical aura. Harney M10, LADY wants day work. Call Red IX. WANTED Dsy woik. cleaning or Iron ing preferred. Phone Dougla ITM. EXPEHT STENOGRAPHER - Wnts position, beat of references. Addrsss U SM, Be. WANTED Day work by 3 colored girl; would like housekeeping or sewing, or work of any kind. Address S 1(119, Be FAMILY wsshtng rough diy or bundls. Call Harney 6448. WANTED Work by a colored lady. Tel. Harney Iff. REGISTERED Phartnsclst wants work 1 relief clerk. Address Druggist IU1 California St., Omsli. EDUCATED Isdy wants position, typist or general office work, Tel. Webster lis. UNDERTAKERS. ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER. Caskets 14 trust price. Pbone H. T. Brass Co.. a 111 or F-I7I1 and save money- AMUSEMENTS OMAliAFlLMlilX. Motion picture machine aad film bargain ANNOUNCEMENT! THIS IS WORTH luo on your bill lor repairing carpet sweeper or grinding iswn muwsrs. Nun , ... Addre and 'Phone We do th work at your home. - Call B-tm. E. H. Sherlck, S3 Cuming. BEST bracer for men. Grey's Nervs Food fills. 1 per box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb, J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDER TAK Kit. mbslmsr. 1M Chicago St D. 1160. B-l KI. rONTKNTO HABANA CIGAR Boa M, poatpald, Cil: try half dosen: II not aatiefiActory money refunded. UEA TON lihUvt CO., Itm f srnain. umana. NEW PHONES, A-l!", TYLER lAUt CAREY LAUNDRY. CUT PRICES. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKlNS. Ill a liTH, UPSTAIRS. GET your diamond! at Brodegaard' M. E. Morrill, ehlns paint tM Brandsls Th OMAHA TENT CO. Tsl. ta Douglas. Stsvnsoa. carpenter, cunt Both phone D, 8. Grlffltk. wig mfr.. II f renter Bl MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rata. In sums t tuit bv nee bius. Plione AJoug. 1 UNION LOAN CO. Omaha Bill Potting Co. Hit Har. D. Hat OFiTilliMAN LalW! Twtnty per cent lit Ihsn Oms ha prlosa HOMhl FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L bt.. South Omaha. Upbolatertng, piano, turn. rep. 1A Far. 'Red aur Ultimate (re Cettrell, arch't SOD SOD SOD SODDING DONE. BENSON 714 W. WaNTKD Heotlr work of all kind: grinding and saw filing. Call lnd. B-tat, PHOTO aunsuee. Ausoo film and saper, Sarstoga Drug Co., Mth and Ames. W. lit bee mvErH'n. :t W call and deliver. Both phone. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING CO, tut Paxton UH., circular letters, ny Quantity; oiaeat sstaousnea com pan, i peru of Multlgraph and Neoetyl. rifir'.VlJ VI a M Plum bl tut UA A iiiuniiii m.n. 1 carloads bathtubs, tlt.tft, Ills Dougla Bt DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44, GUOKlliNCE CO, Iran and wire fences cheaper than wood; hut a llf tsmi M N. 17th. Phone Had la ED ROW'S. Wall boring. Benson tn. Las mowers shsrpsaed. uerfsct work. Keasonabl charges. Mth and Corby. B-MM Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D, Mil, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. tfiinAKS East rasa Goods, compiete tUiJi-iVO ,tock LarsaM fialsBlag depaKmexit la th west . Alt, suttr.1 iibaroian v. tug Far nam st and Mt a. utb St - Neb. Seed Co. UOt Jons. Both phooas. GLAZING 4IARPENTER WORJt AND REPAIRS. A C. Tylsr m. 1JM Lea. tt H. Cot Sign C. D. liM UM Fiirnara. will be forglvsn. Mary. If yeu will meat m at ths tig of tn Crown and th Ooictm Stairs on UJth and Douglas nraae. .That Is whers BRbDEGAAUi) ells those lucky wedding ring. ADIT' T TTV Hair Food will put the -Utt-Ul i. Id ! 1- , healthy oonol- tjon. Mme- Frayer, 1421 Fanram. Bt LEARN MUSIC Musk; teachers, atudeat and musically tnciined Daobie t nsio nromoto our to- Operatrve Studio System of mcsical In structloa for Vslcs, Pisno, Violin and other Instruments; no competition pos sible. Write for free information, of fle Universal School of Music. At Pax toa Block. AimMOHIXE MurphyDidlt REPAIRING, TRIMMING, PAINTING. DRUMM0ND rvna an. S-oaa. ear. worth tl.Ht. . (or 950 at once. 1m h and Harney St. np nCWf will repair and nleanls UatVJ-Xl any puactur or bloweul, tin: lilt Farun. Doug. 111. Garag. tn California Phone Red 462t Tour TIRE EXPEtiflES cut la two. Expert tire repairing: work guarantsed. AUTO TXR RfiPAlR CO, list Fsroam, AUTOMOBILES HAVING dlaountlnued bsadllng AUTO. MOBILES, we offer eur remalnlna Mock ooaatstlng of three high grade Firestone. touring car at bargain ptloss. Racine Sattley Co., 10th and Jones St. 6-ism Tour car. H. P. Bee. M-Ns. TIRE lAllUNOi'ja. tire. W mk them almost a good as nsw. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Star Auto Supply Co., JUW Far nam. . . 1 OOODRICH-DIAMOND-HARTKORD Pennsylvania G. A J u a w rir Site, Casing. Tube. Site. Casing. Tube. Sxl .....J 114 n WXJ .... I Jt l it ttxlUj.... is m .i "SI " J ( 14x4 .... II 4.4 Lstest bulletin listing all slse now ready. Goods shipped C O. D. subject to In spection and approval on receipt of lr. TUB AUTO TIRE BROKERAGE CO.. Hb Michigan Ave. Chicago. New Hudson Roadster Lees than factory cost; also two 5-psjjugr Hudson "33" touring cars; the can are big bargains, as we are closing out tbla line. H. E. FREDKICKSON AUTO CO.. 3044-t-g rarnam 8t Auto Ismps repaired. Omaha Sliver Co. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES BRAND new s-room hoiu. all mna.m large living room ltxtt, colonial brick flreslaoe, a beauty; full lot paved street; nsu Dices 10 car: nne neignborlMod, Price. W.W0. Will take good J -hand aute mobll as part pay. Address M Wli, ear Bee. WANTKM AllTnii.llirl.K NSW 7-room all tkindern hunt: Mak ft. lah ...I.. h.. 1 . . , . , .. ... -- . u.j mauv. ccirnm wsiaa io a.,iiu. inn tass good a-band automobll a part pay. My price, ti.uuO. la rlglit prlo of machine must be right. Will give urn on oaience.. Address o mt, ear Bee. . ROYAL Tourist, (even-passenger tour Ing oar for sal. M hp. snglne, tire all sooa; tuny equipped. Thoroughly over hauled and In fine condition. Snap price it unmeaiaie sale. Algona AUtO m Ada- ciune v:o., Algona, la." SEVEN-PASSENGER It'll Packard; need very little; In xcallent conditio end fully equipped. Inqulr efflo J. I tsrauueie m nona EEBUTLT . STODDARD DAYT0NS T. la T-tMuwenesr.. a r . T-psssenger a w. umousin , ,...lM,.,.a, 10) a A. -psenger , jags nbVMVAU Ul MKK rakkh of CARS AT REDUCED PRICKS. . . 3. J. DERIGHT COMPANY. I'll rsrnsm St Omaha, Nab ON hi Itll Paige Detroit Touring car. tlras. In sxosllsnt condition, fully gur anteed by ua. List tttV Our price, Mt, On UW Overland, la good condition. original cost B.Ouo. Our price. uo, , E. R. Wilson Automobile Co., HMD-It Harney St, Tel. Doug. TBI.. 10M Farnam St, Tat, Doug. Ml Fifty H. P. five-pa senger, pony Tonneau, alx-cyilnaet, high grad car, quippd with leotri kgnia. Top, wlnddileld. Klaxon born, Warner clock and speedometer and biuch up-to-date special equipment I hav excellent reasons for sell. Ing snd will offer some man who appreciate Quality a rsrs bargain. Address, A HJut, Bee. ... llUaUNKriS CHAMCB& TO set la or sut of GANUa.H'1 AD, 404 Bee Bldg. yet, p. Mm Ed. Rotbery. Bualnaa end Real Katai exonange to., ttoom sir, Mocague Btdg. TO gst In or out of buslnss call os WILLIAMS. Boom ill. McCsgus Bldg. 'lo qulckiy buy sr sell biusae, any klni snywh e. Kenmbeok Co., sal Bee Bi g, Ora, DRUG stock and flxlure complete; es tablished trade; best location In St Paul; IMOut preeuripUon file. For sale at leu than half Its value; a old stock; excep tional bargain no trades considered. Act quickly, bred Mohl, owner, ill Capital Bank niqg.. at Pain, Minn. CONFECTIONER!- In good Nsb. town: up-to-date place; ekieest Inspection rea son for selling. Address Y II. In cars Bee. FOR SALE-Bottling work fully quipped, all modern machinery. Crown system, Twentieth Century Soaker. Auto matic caruonator; sos cases and bottles. Plllei', etc. Plant is located In ventral Nebraska doing a good business. Will max urm to riant party, tail or ad dress. Charles at sain. Broken Bow, Nsb. FOR SALE The Franklin Moving Pic ture theater, on of th best paying t ho siers in Omaha. V. III stand inveatiaatlua. r. a,, uon. air r ranaiin at FOR SAI.E Best market la town: a bargain; ha good trad. Mr.. Addis, snnoen. reo. LEFT IN PAWN-1U-K diamond stud tia, sanlngs, tM. Fried man s Loan Bank, 1-11 DOUSISS Bl.- FOR SALE Drug store, well located, doing good business; easy Urm. Ad dro, Box 41, Wayne, Neb FOR SALE Drug ttor; postoffloe In building; postal saving bank open June 1. 1 B , - .. .,.. U U, Frerlch, Lorton, Nsb PATENTS secured or money refunded; end sketch tor fro report as to patent ability guide book and what to Invent (with list of Inventions wanted) sent rr ll.40u offered for Invention. Pstenti advertised free In World' Progrea ; earn pie free. Victor J. Evan Co., Wasb- Ington. D. C. SAFE Investment Preferred stock all th profit of th corporation la th beet posslbl opportunity lor carerui and conservstlrs Invssurs. This I your op portunity. Robert Mitchell Co., Detroit Mien. , 'MAKE HO to IJ0 weekly at home sven- ing or spar time. Ws manufacture ear naiented sDectaltie and hav mow nvakirujT proposition for thoss who wish to sntar tn man oroer uansa; every thing furnished; ex parlence unntcstssry large profit; quick returns; no can vassing. Our year of xrjrinc, per son! assistance and up-to-date Id as sure your succssa. Writ for positive proof and free booklet. Pease Mig. t-o. Inc. Dept. AM, 144 Broadway. Buffalo. N. T. WANTED Trustworthy, competent man with -ttt cash end apwtrd te ea- tabllsh and amnaas permanent m sldlary busineee; t-0 a month and ex penses and extra soar of pronta. targe manufacturing company; well known staple line; ha excellent opening for steady, capable man.; Favorable Invest meat; high class business; good for t.oa) a year or better lor tn ngnt man, wttn big future prospect. For particular ad dress. Box 4. ear Nslsoa Cheeman A Co., Chicago. - DENVER, COLO. For sale, a good paying t-chstr barber shop; best location m city; stana investi gation. Denver Barbers' Supply, Denver, Colo. ' PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. Books. Advice. 8erch snd pPJTV List of Invention Wanted. AM-ljJ-. Send sketch or model for search. Highest reference. Beat result. Promptness as sured. ' Watson E. Coleman, Pat Law. 'r ffiSFSt, W. W. Wsshtnrtow. TV C. I HAVE some money and some Irieiaj With money. I might assist tn estabiiso ing or increasing some desirable business. Entire issues of stocks and bond 'van died. Emeat L. Squire, 141 Omaha Nat l Bank Blag. Esubilshsd Utt. , BCBIXES8 CHANCES A Tea Dollar Note for a Flyer will esnr s a-wenl elaaurte AS tu eesr lea ' ess usw tsuy rl Jew tark HwaM, . tsnes. BaiUswr Neva ' raT rseee. HeraM. r-avtSeMS TrlBaa .'.- mbmo, vweai t eeini Nee Hsvss Oaarlar. On MelsasH. a Lesser, St ll (Maba-Dea., Deseer saaesocas. ZZU?J?' Tnmtm Onslela. XKexiSM Fie Prssl, Ailui Oaaautetlas. Claelssatl Kssslrar. Dalle Xws, ssSMSia rrtMss, CSicese Raeors-aartM, Datrelt rret rrae, . Kiaau Cay Jaaraal. TM4 Bl, ' naM i UlVk TUlt tT A TTUAUT JISSMIess, t...j , v Ill rssswar.N.T. Rudolph Ouenther, . iteter-ii. PeeSet O.I4S tree." CEMENT bleak and til factory for sale; a) per cent profit; no eompetitloo; U.6W. Box tM. Madlaoa. 8. D. RARE business aooort unity: exoep- tfonal. clean tock dry goods, shoes and grocer ie; snout x,wai uooo sutinesn, beea eetablished two years: excellent store, build truff. with flv living room: ' cheap rent Smalt wtra towo, draws '. trade rrom radius seven to wenty-ven miles; only general store. Thickly set tled; proeperous farmers; land selling tM to t per acre. Closest competition I fourteen mile. Stock clear of debt Cir cumstances (err owner to MB quick. Cash only considered; will aacliflce. First to invwatltat wishing established " buslne will buy. Writ or telegraph quick. P. L. Plerpont Millard hotel, Omaha. SOME building and loaa aaaeciauona w hear are TURNING MONET AWAT beesuse they cannot place it with profit to their stock holder. ws hav a doses or so or aut-sdged first mortgages on Nebraska irrigated farm. Sean lis t ner cent interest: the security being st least twtc th smount or in loan, wnica w oner at ic ana accrued Interest.. . These we can. conscientiously recom mend to the man or woman with fCOju to M to Invest, To thoss with a smaller sum w adviser lnvestlgatloa of our . , t. . . SAVING BONDS, SECURED BY FIRT MORTOAOES, t BEARING t PtR Cl-NT INTEREST. and Issued In K auvunta or multipla Call or writ PATH! IrTVESTMBNT CO , . . A Uth and Famam. Omaha, Neb NICE little confectionary ator, cheep, rent good ptsx. tab. - GANGESTAD. 4M BBS BUVJ.' W-ROOM hotel, oountw sea tew a., stilsndld protnsltloB. tl.400. ' GANGESTAD, 401 BEB BLDG. LOCATION WANTED. for noot ball, oountr ' ytnwn. sr will bur Sood pool haU or eakw yhualnee. Ad res W-H04, care Bee. . X SHARES V Hupp Automatic Mall Exchana Co, stock. ki.W saao. Address. r. iit ' . . . FOR SALE Slock o( genera1 merchsn. diss that I realising' per sent on th Investment- located tn , aorthaast Ne braska, progreasiv tow; stack clean; no old goods; trad thoroughly sstsb llshsd; best oi reasons for teSlruV; deal direct with waer. Addreas t It, Car Omaha Bee. LIVERY BARN. FOR SALE Heal barialrt,. U Korsss, t carriage, (ally equipped; building 14t feet long ey m feet I oouWs stalls; best tows in Wyoming, 1H health cause. Ask tor particulars, 1'hi 1 a np; part essh. H. O. Duhllng, Cssper. Wyo. Partner wan tad for butcher ehop; good buaiaes. AddreM Lock Box M. Shelby. Nsb. NORTH DAK. drug stors for sals: clears t4,Ot a year; full particulars tree. McDeweu. Pslmers. n. u. (Knsiit ymnri Asjency.) LAUNDRY ia cits, in eastern Nsb.: good opsnlnci hen If taken at one. Addre T M. car Be. - ' FOR SALE Ntwtps per and Job plant In crowing town of l.tot: pisnt will In, vole M,0uu: eyllnder, tw Jobbeni Junior llnolyp and all dispisy typ In weight fonts. BuslnsM avsrssas KK0 Der month with M payroll; Hon); ti.aso cash will buy.. This is a good one;, isvestlgsts t c. Address th Argnsy, Ansiey, Neb j We hav i. lur aats choice mortgage oa . improved fam Nebrsaks farms bearing I fj per cent ranging In amounu front $M to KtOO. " Non of the 'mortgases exceed tt psr cent of th msrket value of. the farm, Call on ug for further parti o- uaira, v KLOKE IWK8TMENT C. 101 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb WILL aU half interest nsw patsnt to est started mtg.. It will sell Id svary home 24 hi i-ajavenwertn.- REAL estate buslnss avsrsgmg B.0J Kr year for Mew; or an Ir.teresi; peor altti. ' Addre N -Pst, Be.- -. INCORPORATE IN DELAWARE. Best sal est chsanesi. Law and forma free. DELAWARE1 INCV TRUST COMPANY. tth and Marks. Wilmington. Del. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and new buslnsss; rent of MoT and three nlos llvin room. ttO: aood lease.' Jrlc of fixtures, stock and household goods, tttot, or without household furniture, 7tt. Re ceipt averag M a day. Death cans of aslllng. See WILLIAMS, room ill, Mc Cague Bldg., 1Mb and Dodge Sta - LUMBER YARD for sale: aeod one; grounds, buildings, Hook and all about 111 Out. Rsaaonabl terms. It you mesa business snd wnt a good thing, call on me. WILLIAMS, 411 McCsgue Bldg.. IHh snd Dodge Sts., Omaha. . . VARIETY STORK, good one. nic building; rent with thre nice living rooms, m- Pries ( fixtures and stock a hoot li.toa. . Sail confectionery, ice cream, ends, cigar. aw, dry goods, no tions, school auppltee, ladle' and men furnishing, etc. well wonn u-vesugss. Ing. Se WILLIAMS, room 411 McChgu building, ltth and Dodge Bt.' Iliss ateates iws Sale. aooD t-r. Komlnz hous; Income flat month: elos In. Q 7H. csur Be. FURNITURE. I room, tide. Hit Cs Bt. trr.o a I.B Furniture aood wilt of a U-room boarding house, in residence dis- trlei; walking distance; rwr rou... tf taken before Jua t Tel. Doug. MA. BCSINK88 PERSONALS f ' Attsaraoya. , . ( , t O. W. Shields. Attorney. PT R of Trada WTfMTg OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Na. ajaa aad Paean Maaataatarasa. Wsoden Boa Prtckaxe Co.. ttttt N. Uth. tjsatat, Saad a aad aad Stoma. ' r-ruirVT block and til factory (er sal: e per cent profit; BO eompetittoa; UiU Box Mt Madison, R P. DR. ROT. MOt r-raB. Douglas e. Clethiaug Maaatfetarwe. Wear Id! dres shirts. It. E. BmWh Ca, Cermtoer aad eet OeUlaga. ' CARTER Sheet Metal' Workav Omaha. Creeaseriee. Palrie aad Saaltsa. Fairmont's Diadem hotter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Dsjsetag Aeavdssal. tr 1 fir ! I'Q Tnc1ng - aa tt-AVIAM mi lw-t,l. fkrae Sl-aaa a reek. Corns sny time-, ASM Harwoy. U EtSA Meeeweivesv .... U W. LONGNECKF.R tBT gjirbecb Btk. Omaha Secret eerv.. 43 Paxtoff bik. DhTOA . JAMES ALLAN lit Neville Bik. Cvt daac secured hi ail case, 1 c CM, - '! V