Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 24

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    v x a. ' New Aerial Weapons Used by
12- vr;;'y v. the Italians; Against th e '
W : r - I iv- ' Turks with Frightful Effect Fulfill
t , 'tv:V f-n - V " -. '7;' Ilia , p "yEgU. ' -
' - V SrXZ ..:) : of : ; J
& Experts
," ' " f':, ' 6 eat. slmlUr. wtaforc.
"''. . .-KJr fy - nBt t7"wy of,tJi!lted Sm,
i -N ?!4 Ijrfjy - thrwjih- Abyulnlt ud th Soadu. 1
' n . f 7-3 hlntwLnd of:TrIpoU. Bt:
-'""vX Jtt '" ; ' '.ttm mh.-wi foot u km4'It .
tXt' -; y ? W ' .,(ettlM'rmttottbttngl.'
I I jytLy.-, ; ThoooriooiiclentlfleToiiiifTurki
' - 1 . ' fcT there,or una to tielronly
-, I Vf.1' PC ZZ? op-tt flgbtlDff MropteM. MlMf
i '. V-V'-:"r tik Z-: bvo purchMrt modeU of the bort','
- v ,--Vv",-yi,n.N,. l.ib (.yV" ' "htlBf nuchlne from U tbo coub-'
, . ' T "V'-i VAfVw JT jr ! tho world, tod tboro m '
. fr 1 zl no Koroi of them. They bto ob-
I --" " ,i J1 Uined them from Franee, Germany, '
I '"'i J ',";' - , , Enctand nd the ValtM BUteo.
" j x i. They hT the new EngUkh ante -
ill II I . French mmchlne which drope pack-
i J ; ;.
t , , it V
n't , . . r
. " V I . -
Henri Lanos' Wonderfully Vivid Picture of the Horrors of
I "War u the Air Which Is Now Being Realised by , the t
. Turks and Italians b the Tripoli Conflict
T-0R. the first time airships h1
, played a part la .real war.
They have been need by the
Italians In their -war agalnit the
Turk la Tripoli, and they wiU sooa
be used by the Turks In retaliation.
This means a great revolution In'
war, and a very terrible one. Its sig
nificance has not yet been fully
graaped. Aeroplanes have already
done terrible execution. . They have
proved tbemaehe capable of all the
deadly snd destructive' effect pre-'
dieted for4bm.:(.l-
Th wildly fanUatio scene of hor
ror Snd bloodshed foreseen by H. G.
Walls in hi" scientifically lmaglna-
tlv romano Tb War In the Air."
may soon be reamed. In fact they
bar already beguo to be realized.
The aews dispatches describe how
the IUllaa dictgible balloons at
tacked the Turkish position at Al
sia,tn Tripoli. Two alratalp dropped
bomb filled with shrapnel over the
, Turkish encampment Th ha too
they worked wa terrible. Hen and
norsea were blown to piece. The -i
Turk ran U-every direction and
quickly abandoned the camp.
A oorrespondent who was within
the Turkish lines, and who luckily '
. escaped with bis Ufa, thu describes
th attack of th aerial fleet:
"teetorday the enemy' dirigible
. agaia cam Into action, the two air-,
ships from Tripoli working west
ward over our lines and dropping
' bombs as they proceeded. '
' "They halted over Zancur and a '
bomb was dropped into that village,
which killed four persons and
wounded ten, all boa-combatant. 3
"The dirigible then turned
. toward Azixia. the headquarters of
fceeciat Bey. marking their path
with the Mack amok of exploding ,
bombs. ' '
"Slowly the ,Awa.airb4-s closed
right ever us. There was a moment ;
f suspense, ted tisea caate a taint, .
singing sound, gradually bccomln
louder, . until, with , a great crash.
the first bomb burst fifty yards
away from where I' waa standing',
wtth members of the headquarter
staff, including foreign attaches."
In the battle at the oaala of Bent
Hainan, the Italian aeroplanes flew
over the retreating Turk and blew
two thousand of them JJo shreds by
b Imply dropping bomb after. bomb
upon them. , ' ;
At another time the Italian aero-'
planes overtook a column of Turts
retreating through the desert from
Kaar Zafrsa to Unvel-Ghorbal and
blew hundred of them 'to piece.
The column wss so broken up that
thoee who were not' killed or man
gled fled into ths desrt.and per
hhed from hsnger. thlr and terror.
Finding from their first expert- .
enoes how very effective the serial
weapon are, the Italians have se
cured the latest and - most - deadly .'
models. ';
They have, among many'
vices, a bomb which, dropped from
- an aeroplane 'at night, will brilliant
ly illuminate the politico over which
It is placed, thus giting the artillery '
' 1 an opportunity to take exact aim,
which ha hitherto been Impossible
at night. i "
The lame bomb wtH crests a thick
cloud of smoke pver a position; last-
tng for upward of half an hour. This
will' enable the artillery' by day to
, fire accurately upon a concealed po-lUon-
. '
In order to meet 'counter attacks
la the air by the Turks, the Ital
' mn army has been -furnished with,
a doten of the new Krupp guns for
fighting airship. This gun. fires a '
shell that win not only, destroy, the
airahlp which it hits, but will release
gases that win suffocate an aero- ,'
. pianists within a range of one hun
, dred yard In every direction and
bring them tumbling to the ground.
Coyrrlfht lill.
. . - , , - ' 1 ' f - - - ' --!
t . - ' . ' ' -f t ''-k i
1. ; '.': . . ,.?x ' -v". v " , ; . It.
" ' " - , . . 4 : V v i 1 ' . ' -tc'. "rw, j
, , - , , M . - Vs. - ' ''5," "
S , ' , - 1, 1 ' ' ' - i ' ' ' v
" ..: . ... , . .... m
This gun can V fired vertically ;
in the air, 'and the sighting arrange- .
ment In so constructed with the aid
of mirrors that the gunner can alm ;
while he stands upright . . ''
The Turks, It -Is reported, .hive
now obtained a supply of flying ma
chines and are ready-to-flght back In -
, the air. They have decided that,.
, the one last desparat chance' they,;
possess t drive ths Itahaos out of'
Tripoli Is by airship, warfare., Th'
iToung Turks, as th men who have ,
gained control of .Turkey .sine the' -last.
revolution, are called, are not-,
barbarians. , They, include many me
educated ln: th best "European uni- '
ve rattles sad scieiiUfle achools. . :
, These cunning Turk know that .
they cannot . dislodge the Italians, '
whb are now holding Tripoli In the i
intereat of Christianity and dviliaa-
tlon. by any ' method of warfare
hitherto employed. The Italians
have th mea and th mosey. ; They '.
have the seacoaat of TrtpoB and ' '
they have th force and courage to '
bold it .... I , ; I
The Turks hare no hops of Bead-
lug ' great reinforcements by - ship.
They. have, indeed, succeeded in
landing email parties of men with '
supplies : and arnmuaittoa snrrspU-'
ti0Biy oa th coaet of Tripoli They-
by Aawrkaa-Exaalnerv - Greet Britain
- - Sunday momlBg a Taritlia alrstiip
.y f", should sendsa .Italiaa .toppling
V v " ' '. " .;v '.'.'' rwa e detruio on'the spike of
- -X- ' . ' '. 1 j.V .m Mohammedan mmdret!
' x'" " V This strange seen from Wens'
How, 5 ' description of the great battle is '
' the ' ' V the atr between the German, Amer-
" ' ' leans and Astatles sisy yet be rest
- 'New " Vf ' ; bed ta,,all Its essential detaito:
" ' 4 ' ' "Abruptly something dropped from
Italian. ; : CZll U
:t0 1 f
- Destroy .t 0,
- AirOaft C ' ;r
' - - - - - I
Right Baeervec,'
fee of dynamite accurately through
a hole In the bottom, and a German
machine that dealt out bomb filled
with potsonoui gaiea. ;
The Turk have been itoring up
the .machine for month, and
month.' They, have been' training
their most, daring soldier . to nee
them with 'deadly effect, and even
now the machine, with their crew,
are .' being smuggled Into . Africa
through tse rartou channel by
which gun and supplies are always
The Aeroplane) Shell in Transit,
1 Day and a Luminous Line at
Gunner to Correct Their rUng e.
How Ut Nww IjwSflo .CwTiod
conveyed to a blockaded belllterenL
, At any' moment we may expect
the moat fantaitlo and ..terrifying
eombaU;the h,uman mind )vnt. ooa-clTed,-combat
that mutt rack the
nerreo and aear the brain of thoae
who Teature Into them In a manner
never et known In warfare., '; :
In theae combat the altghteit In
Jury to the fighting . machine moat
mean' a terrible deathc to all within
It. One touch of aMwrolTer' ballet
on the delicate meenanlim. of the
roplane'a motor' and the whole
craft will go tumbling wildly down
through the air, perhapt 1,000 teet,
to the earth, or aanda. or rocki be-'
neath. Every human being in It will
be ernihed out or all: human . aen
How . the hit and doomed aero
plane, will struggle, like k'vidous
wounded TuKure, to inflict Jut one
.fatal, blow an tagoalrt before
it fall lUelf to perdition 1 ta many
' ,ce,-doubtIeM,, If tne.eombatuta
are really desperate, they must both
fall. together, to a common' doom ol
crushed and hapele-flah.'- .
What a1 bttte? ' comment . on the
progreu of dvlllraUon aad.nnlre-
sal' brotherhood -it- would-be-if oa
It Lea re a Trail of Smoke by
Nifht, Thus Enabling the
- -- v -
by Ainhipa I Aimed t a Ship.
the senith; something like a barrel
. or a bug football. . . - .
"Crash! It smashed with an im
". mense report It had fallen among
.'the grounded v aeroplanes that lay
among the turf and flower beds near
' the river. They flew in scrap and
1 fragment; turf." tree and gravel
leapt and fell; the aeronauts tlll
- lying along the canal bank were
'; thrown about like sacks; catspaws
; flew across ths foaming water. All
-the window of the hotel hospital
that had been shlnlngly reflecting
,' blue sky and airship th moment
before became vast black stars.
r Bang! a ' second followed. ' Bert
looked up and was tilled with aeense
-of a number of monstrous. bodies
swooping down, coming down on the
whole affair Hks a flight of bellying
blankets, like a string of .vast dish
. covers. Th: central tangle of th
battle above wa circling, down a If
to come Into touch with, the power
- house fight , He got a new effect of
.airships together, as - vast . things
, coming down upon him, growing
swiftly larger and larger and mors
overwhelming, until the house over
the way seemed small, the American
rapids narrow, the bridge flimsy, the
' combatants infinitesimal. A they
. came down they became audible as
' complex- of ..shoutings ' and vast
'.creaUngs and greasings and beat
', ings and throbbing and shout and
shots. . The . foreshortened , black
eagles st the for ends of th Oer
' mans bad' an effect of actual com
bat of flying feathers.
"Some of these lighting' airships
came within Ave iundred feet of the
ground.' Bert could see men on the
' lower galleries of 'the Germans, fir
ing rifles; could; see Asiatics cling
ing to the ropes; saw one mas in
'aluminum diver's gear fall flashing
headlong Into the water above Goat
Island. : For the first time he saw
the' Asiatic airships closely.,' From
this aapeet they, reminded him more
than anything else of colossal snow
shoes; they had s curious pattero
"lng is black snd white,; in forms
, that reminded him "of - th "engine
turned cover of s watch." '- '.
.Henri -Lanos. the. brilliant snd
imaginative Spanish srtist, has made '
a stirring picture of the kind of scene
w may witness in the aerial war
bet wen the Italians snd Turks.
Here the- opponents .nave fallen
down to. a oommoa destruction, a
of delicate machinery and life-
lea mea symbols alike of the
highest genius of man and the cruel
paasloas that (till posses him. .