to;OMAiA Sunday Bee Magazine PagS r The Pierpont Morgan of Ancient Pompeit Why He Was like J. Pierpont He financed expeditions to other countries for rare product. He collected wonderful bronze, paintings and other objects He collected rare editions of Creek and Roman Books. He loaned money to the patrieian of Rome and had special laws made for his benefit He was not only a patron of art and -.' letters but loaned portions of his collections to museum. His bank was the strongest In Pompeii. , - Naples. May II A MONO the amazing mass ot ' saw discoveries in ancient Pompeii la that of banker who may be fittingly described aa the Pierpont Morgan of the Summer capital ot Roman luxury. Ha occupied the most beautiful palace on the newly eica rated, ex clusive portion of the 8treet of Abun dance, which haa already been re ferred to aa bearing jesemblence to the most luxurious part ot New York' fifth Avenue. Thla dlsoor ry adds, In a highly picturesque manner; to the resemUances be tween Pompeii and New York pre viously noted. The Pompellan banker's name la believed to have been Lucius CeclUus Metellus, although there la till some doubt about the spelling ot the name, on account of the blurs and mutila tions occurring wherever it has beta found written. ' -t ' , A fine bust of Metellus was found In the (reat atrium of his beautiful house. Strange to say, he had a large, pendulous nose, with s wart on It Otherwise' his taoe Indicated great intelligence, overbearing de termination and a keen power to enjoy all the good things ot the flesh. Indeed, the furnishings of his house indloate that there were few forma of enjoyment with which be was Sot thoroughly familiar. It appears that at the eg of flfty-'.Vr. nine Metellus retired from the act- i Ira pursuit ot money-making In or der to devote himself, like Mr. Mor gan, to collecting precious objects of art from all parts ot the world. The Roman and Pompellan spendthrifts, however, taslstodo continuing to borrow money from him at upwards ef eighty per eeat on the best of security, such aa solid gold nsea. Tbu It happened that his Income continued to roll up without any effort on his part, and he was able to devote unlimited wealth to buying art' treasures, without troubling about their coat Surrounding the columned court yard, or peristyltum. of his house, which must have been beautiful with birds, towers, fountains aa4 statu ary, there stood a eerlee of build ings housing the millionaire's art treasures. " " ' " , ' There was the library, stocked with manuscripts from Greece and Egypt, and with the mora recent productions ot the poets ot Italy. Many of these manuscripts have btn recovered , by the excavators, and ccastitute the most valuable ot the latest series ot finds. ... Then there waa a hall set apart lor the masterpieces of Greek sculp ture. ; Another building waa entirely Ued with arms and armor, SOU another was given up to dainty ere attoaein gold and precious etonee crewns, Haras, necklace, girdles, brooches, bueklee, and thousands of beautiful pieces of Jewelry usee j tea and women as ornameu ancient times. - Egyptian papyri and palimpsests, amphoras and crateras ot Etrus caa. Trojan and Mycenaean work manship; Greek drinking caps of gold, called seyphl sad canthari; Taaagrs) figurines ot all periods; eurtoaa stetoettee from Chalcedon; rare example ot sculpture and Jew elry In the Phoenician. Cypriote and Oreeceo-Egyptlaa etylee; polychro matic marble Statues of Hercules, Venue. Bacchus, SHenue and all the Pagaa Pantheon, enriched thla won derful collection. Tbo accompanying photographs .bow a few ot the treasures reeev r4 from the halls of Metellus. These ohjeeu represent widely sep arated periods ot Greek art. Hera is a eomewbat archaic treooe repre senting the Oreeh hero Tfceaeua kffl lug the fabled Minotaur ts the Cre tan labyrinth, and here la a be re lict presenting a Beochanaliaa piooetstoa that Is la the meet Advanced atyla of Creek art. This U worthy of Phidias. As exquisitely emboeood helmet lh' at Inlaid cold la another example of the finest Greek style, and was probably produced i m tr w 1 1 i 1 1 i 11 s I '-ma 7y E-r.' - - . shortly before the time of Pompeii's destruction. A piece of statuary known as a -"Hermes" from Greece is an ex- wWelia y Metug. A hermM . u unH ... Bni.P with . bust at the top, placed at the corners of streets and is other conspicuous places by the Greeks. The bead Wsj originally that ot the god Hermes, but later other- gods fro eneatly occupied his place, l Metellus possessed an . Immense collection of ancient Greek and Ro- paiatinga. One ef them for example, represents a spirited com-' A Rare Bronze Hermea from ChaJcedos (J ' ' t .! .- - . ; '' X i ," ? j I, " .-. ' - - " " r' k A f ' El ' ' 1 P r . '.. ' JT 11 SBBBBBBBBBaml M 1 . S 'I s . "i ' b i & a . v.- .7 sr . jsnr 'a i a ft m t ' T A 'k - ' !..-eL J'- L , " -JWI , I 1 Copyright 1111, Morgan " of art i bat ., between centaurs . and men,' which was for ages the favorite sub-' ject ot Greek artists. Evidently at ' some early period the civilised races' ot Greece hsd a severe experience with some wild race that handled horses with superb skill Thereafter they preferred to represent their legendary enemies as half men and half horses. The ancient Greeks and Italians probably produced paintings to a tar greater extent than we have hith erto realised. Works of this char acter have- Inevitably been more am "7 W of time than any others. In the vast majority of ' cases the paintings must have been completely effaced by time and de cay, even though the medium ta which they were painted may have been preserved. It is only in such places as Pompeii and Herculaneum. where the rellea of the past have been hermetically sealed up, that we can expect to and many paintings preserved. The Pompellaae were especially fond ef paintings, and the finer bouses were invariably decorated with beautiful painted frescoes. In the house of Metellus the searchers bsve found not only fres coed walla, but detached examples of paintings oa wood and stone by Greeks, Egyptians and Italians ta tact, by artists ot every country where the art waa understood. There Is little doubt that this will prove the finest collection of Greek paintings ever found. We know that the ancient Greeks painted their statues In the majority of esses, snd we must believe that the greatest sculptors who ever lived Exquisite Creek BasvRelief Representing a Bacchanalian Pro caasion, from tho Collection of Metellaa. by Amricn-Kxaminr. Grtt Britain did not put Inferior painting ou their work. Some critics have argued that a Una piece ot sculptors well painted ' should be the highest form ot plctoV rial art, since It combines the two kinds. i , . Modern artists, however, have never been able to effect thla com bination successfully. A painted st.tue usually haa a toylike air. Perhaps the collection of Metellus will teach us how the ancients solved this mystery. The Pompellan Pierpont Moryaa possessed aa Immense collection of I II , ' --fcA ' Rights Reserved. Carious Fresco Depicting Theseus Slaying the Minotaur, Indicating Metollua's Love for the Grotesque. manuscripts. Of these the excava tore have caught only a glimpse. Many ot the sheets hare adhered to one another until they form a solid block, like a piece of carbon. They will be separated by a delicate chem ical Process, and the writing made legible. Here it Is likely we shaU find orig InrJ manuscripts by such Latin au thors as Horace, Virgil and Ovid, by Greeks like Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Sappho and a thousand other famous or forgotten elasslo authors. Compared to these treasures te. Coptle manuscripts oa which Mr. Morgan has lately been lavishing large sums in Egypt, are cbeap tri fles. - The earliest of the Coptle man uscripts had not been written in Me-! tollus's time. But he poaeeseed the manuscripts ot the illustrious fore fathers ot the Copts, tho great Pha raohs and their atatesmea and gen erals. It may be that the Investigators will Cnd in thla library some portion , of the Bible older than any yet known to exist or if sot that, aa in dependent Roman account ot the Crucifixion and the events leading up to It That ia a document which has slways been singularly lacking, ' for it seems certain that some Roman must have described that great world event Metellus literally scoured the whole knowa world for treasures ?. antiquities. His ships traded to the Levant and Egypt and even brought him in eotnmunieatloa with the Far East India and China. Ho paid aay The House Caecilius Metellus, the 'Richest Banket of His Bay, Who ; ,. Ransacked they- Whole IQndwn' World fortsJ& TreasuresfFdund with M Its Precious Contents V ' - .v-V-" y - ' Bronse Portrait from the CoIIectiosi of t Metellus b the Finoat AtherJaa Greelg Style. ' Excavating the Treasure Filled House of L Caecilitu Metellus ' i at ! Pompeii. pries for that which was rare or beautiful. His captains knew that, they could obtain s greater recom pense for a Babylonian stela or a , Sanskrit veda tfaaa for the .richest . cargo of silks they might bring. : He Uved at a period whea the' prioeleea accumulations of Greek art , had Just been bought or stolen by the Romans. The choicest ot these ' things lay within the reach of hie discerning eye and Inexhaustible , purse. - Here probably we have the rich-. est storehouse ot antiquities ever' found. ' '. Wax table found la the house revealed the character of the bank er'a business and hla methods of' conducting it While the methods were perhaps simpler than modern onea, the badness waa ef a souo-' der character. MeteUua ventured., hie capital la no enterprise without good security. He dealt ta tangible things such sa lands, bales of silk, cargoes of -wheat and objects of p rectos aw. of Lucius OO90000 a A-i" tal His ships raa to every port ot toe Mediterranean and be lest' money to ether march asU be bills of lading ef their goods. t,' Among his business relics are S large number of receipts, some In' Latin and others Is Greek. Mlsy . refer to transactions ta which the i banker acted as auctioneer, r R T. presided at the sales and made his profits oa them in variotts-ways. , He lent the buyers the ready 9 money they needed for their pur chases and oollceted hla debt at the end ot the month with a high rate -of Interest ,-",'i Hs raa up the bidding at the sal's and received s commission from the '' sellers oa the price obtained. At . the same time he Increased, "4he ' earns which the buyers bad to bor- t row from him. He was manager off" the communal estates ef Lamsnrta among numerous sources of profit i One of the receipts of the banker recovered reads as fellows: "Ja the consulate of Ntre Caesar, coosul for the second time, and of Caatius MarUslls, oa the tenth day before the Kaleada of January, at the re." quest of Pullla Lam purls, we. Sex. Pompeius Axloehua, bear witness In writing that Pullls Lampuris has -reoslved from h. Caecilius Metellus the sum of eight thousand five bun- dred sad sixty sesterces and a duum.-. ; auadum, tho proceeds ot a sale By auction. In accordance with a eigned and sealed agreement" , , . 1 The transacoona of Metellus -m . np into the millions. . They were ao vast that he seed a special sya- ; tern ot turners Is not found to other recorda of the time. In thesw s- -merals tbe thoosaatfs were denoted by a numeral ilk our "I" lying oa ; "aside. - - ':, .it, The accounts of Metellus toll-. ; eats that he rivalled the American, : Staadard Oil Compaay aa a maa. ' ipulator . of legislators. Oa ef his estrie reads: "To A- Pompeius . Jucundus. in eonnectloa with - the Cappadoctaa ruby miaes, ItfiM gold : denarii." There I oohappily strong reasoa ' . to believe that this sum, a vast one in the values ot that age, waa paid n to the Soman Senate for aeearmg:: some valuable special privilege to Metellus in s foreign possession of Borne. . .-. . ......... J