Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 22

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    unday Bee I
ff5 o ydi&MMZ vJ;X:t'.-
C bnutf if Mfe jp j.; ;
v - m ' 4. -7 ! .
1 iSI I OiWkw 4ocUM Panier vf,f- ' ''.
,$lKVl fM i troa-gwy hmpJ cyffon oref ' - V ' ! ' 5 ' , .
I I taffetas. - - , v i-' ' ' V ' ' v
,'fLBciUw. of Londoa, and foremost ere. -
' ator -of fithkm'n the JtodoV writ.
. ciar:VK fsJuon
prajtouftf .4. that twwert and Jst, jo itylei
t. 'LDtCotim new Paris ttuUlihnnt
1 bring her-into dote touch vrith tkt centre of
tthion.'.' i ' ' , '
- ' ijdy-hff-(lrdon,s American eelsWuhment
j V t No. 17 Wert Thirty-sixth street, New
York pity.
v , 0K0, clinging lines are the principal feature ot the
I ' two gowns Illustrated U the sketches 1 am sen
it f One of them Is an afternoon gown of the new psaler
An The lower part ot the skirt Is la tree gray drape .
Iffaaover duU blue, and the ptnler effect, the eoet and
corsage. Is ot queer blue taffetas, with a mauve aaah
around the waist. A row et buttons which tastes, the
1 -n. otr in front furnish
tat l.
6H eUlUeCllV? KIiaQUCH qUIMI fjiuuJ. 1 UV essfcae ee, ee
l muici t t lie e a aie bbj v
ea 'fr?T: fn, other sketch shows e semi-tailored eostume !m
Tf whits silk serge, which will so doubt be much worn at
t;?4i the rases th is season. The Jacket Is severely plain, ew.
jog it distinction to
it m the
' 1 & effect. It ahows that Paris still shows Its prsferenoe
for the one-piece wrap, for the sleeves are cut in with
'ahe body of the Jacket These sleeves, by the way, are
Uui lie ew, long, narrow
l recalling the fashions
' 11 aoS lone. The back
lit tath drtar ia arranaed
It jli j ,- rtttnor. this skirt Is very narrow at the teet and gives
f i the so-called hpur-Klats figure.
,t ...KThere is a siraignt, nat giroie or wnuo saun cnar
V f niejM with one end decorated with Persian embroidery.
1 Bc-l"riit hat ts typical of those worn this Spring at the
jiaaai racest It la of supple straw, wlds nnmmed sag low
!,. '.crowned, kavlng a flat feather trimming, r
ni ot ltd svuthe photograph
.sreatioe of pink auuvs enuron ever aeea color etiar-
tat 1 ;c 1 wl(h a B)lTer blu( viutband embeUlshsd with a cameo
p F-.ark) -won with It Is a hat ot pale blue lined with
Ud Si hiyte mauve and trimmed with wood roeee and mauve
16 0 e. ....And, now that yea
, , j , . , biuret, J want to give
7 1 vh tsilofmade modela for the coming season, and
. r ?s .tiwtrtek win show yon to what sensations! lengths It la
"1 1 .ipoeelble to go. evea If yo restrict yourself to the eoet
irl hrtiUt tt-mA kir form ot attire, which 00c. jspoe a time
A &iit,iaJvf'wPicai 01 an almost severe simpuaiy.
tnt. .V 1 1 ! I
ilIe'W Wi;;'1, W", !-..
. . as xdnuiuuiuc av mnv.Eni, ea win wane
""Scantiness U so extreme thst walking la only made
r fVlMHitt and iwMixihle
; to
f a iha vtnt Af five
mti fiii f. V Mnrltn- nt MlfjwlarMl tnU anil m faw Buttoata of
. . eftamrf fn the same
,!.. .
4 (U.penplMfble and smart to wear black stockings and
i-shoes,' while tor the further. and absolutely correct
, j CQuiftleUea of the eostume .there Mt Also be added
i-i y s iaUorat shirt of, white .lawn. .with. Just a loosely .
kaoued scarf bow ot black satin to finish oS the
slightly down-turned and entirely soft collar. For you '
--9,,. m mat know -sod yoa
;v j the knowledge that
lend simple of shirts
0 . jtu.lar.and becoming form
- ?- liave once reallted
3' ! both as regards eoerfort- and charm having
fmni ft so entirety Imposswts te revert -to the oid
bondage ot sllff and high collar, fewed that something
bad to bw done to meet their wishes and thereby save
the tailor-cut shirt from practical extinction.
Well, now, this is the first and simplest torn et the
coat and skirt costume, while, then, 00 the other
hand. n most striking, tot. ttf say startling, devau
opment Is represented br,tfee union ot. a cutaway ,
CpRDON CLudl")
the only trimming. The gewa. ts
14. .1 1 rrk k.e ltW U La
Its lines.
left side and Is extremely cutaway
sleeves sdged with deep ruffles.
ot tns uirecuure penoo. oimtiar
U a draped circular effect The
lust sbova the knees. Contrary to
ahows a somewhat more elaboreta
know alt about the actual plo-
you jon a woro-piciure ec two
uu-sm iwaiuiiia -,u vpvue
h Ita allftlnr n at allh.- atila
nr aiv InAhM. -Tk abIv tHmminff
vivid ninlc rimmii Mil vita
... M 1 Mk -l.t
wilh surety be well -pleesed by
aowaosys eves mo meet sporting ,
are being made with this parti cu-
ot neckwear. .The women who
what freedom' for their throats
article fVuWipsM,
Copyright, If 11
Recent "Lucile" Creations,
Showing the Long, Clingingi
Lines Which Distinguish
A semi-tailored
Costume ot white
silk serge, cat
on MTerely plain
tines, The sleeres
are of the new
long, narrow ra-rletj.
a fty.' ii x
f ' 1 r- v ... . y .. A
t .(, 4 i. -I ' wit
. 1 1 I fjV - : I f
i - ' i s . '
-; . . .. ; : ' V
r , A "LwcUe" creeiboa in pink mainre
cluLrmense and Laces. , ,
by American-Examiner.
Omt Britain
'the New
Spring . ;
-l; Gowns
eoftt of white Mtia, wltli a abort aa4
T aeaiitr iklrt ot blaekfaeo cloth.
Further detail which help to mall
this contrast still mors notScetble
are, for Instance,, the facing of the
coat collar with black satin and the
black borderlnc bf the socket flaoa.
which are placed on the watst-tlne
at elthrr side, the buttonholes, too.
being all outlined with black pip
ing, ana tne one which figures on
the left-hand lapel being provided
with the piquant and permanent
companionship ot a long-stalked red
ns. As to the others which can
effect fastening In front they do
so In conjunction with big pearl
buttons, or would do so, that Is, If
the cost were ever closed, it being
Intended, however, to be left open,
so that there may be fully displayed
all the depth and the clever drap
ing of ue waistband of black satin
and all the daintiness of the blouse
of Irory-toned net and lace, through
whose veiling transparency there
come "alluring" glimpses of a lining
ot tesh pink chlllon and a broad
banding about the bust ot bright
rose pink satin ribbon. A frill ot
lacs cascades down the left side.
too, and this particular and pretty
trimming ; la continued half way
down the skirt beside the curved
row ot pearl buttons, which here
are really put to practical use. For
the rest, the skirt Is untrtmmed, but
ust in front It takes as upward
carve, wnicn gives More man a
glimpse of the wearer's ankles, and
so makes It most desirable that the
hosiery should be of the finest and
most transparent black silk, and the
shoes of the smartest blending of
oiaca patent leather and white an
telope, their combined effect being.
I think, more fascinating en the
whole than if high, white-topped
pootawerT .worn. ,
E 1
'bf: w
cfaiffoa erer Sean color I
Eights Bererved.
V sVV A V neck by
. MvSecpetFrhpm rfv
By fme LinaGavaliepi
t amous Jjvmbofeautv
No.l7S...Frait Treatment
for Beauty :
ject of the friut treatment for beauty. Mot penons do
not eat cdou(4i (rah, as moafperaoai do not drink enough
water, for their health's sake, and nearly every one would be kand
omer for a greater ettenbjon to fruit ai an item of diet. Mme. Cava
Keri tells m detail, and with her customary pawstaldngiMw, the value
of certain fruits to certain organs and functions. ThU ii one' bf the
most valuable articles m a series rich m value. , A
STRAWBERJUEa ere nearly
ripe. That thought, brings an
other, that fruit la one ot the
best friends ot beauty.
Consider the strawberry, for In
stance, in Its relation to beauty.
Fumous beauties ot the courts ot
Europe ordered quarts ot crushed
strawberries poured Into their bath
tube to bleach their bodies to a
beautiful whiteness. American wom
en are leas luxurious but they are
willing to apply the wisdom of ages
to solving tns problem ot how to be
more beautiful It they can use the
remedies la -nod -ration. Very well,
then. While strawberries are plenti
ful and cheap, call in their aid.
A strawberry crushed sgslnst the
" cheek and passed ever the face
elesnsse It ef dust snd helps to re
move taa aad freckles. Rubbing a
erushsd strawberry ever the nssk
whitens It A pretty girl always
flings away the earmlne ef her
dressing table In ummer and pink- ,
ana her nalia Instead with straw
berry Jules, simply applied by prase
' Ing the strawberry against each
nail, allowing to dry, and afterward
, rubbing the nails with the palm ef
the ether hand.
Ne toilet table ner shelf I com
plete, nor bathrem well furnished,
without Its lemons. Gut the lemee
In half when you rise In the mern
Ins and preee the Juice Inte a (lass.
Add to this the same quantity ef
water and drink the mixture. Or, rf
you prefer, best Into this the lemen
Juice and the white . ef en egg.
Either ef these' mixtures Is a tenlo
for the'stsmaeh. It sieeneea It af
mueeua, eleerlfig K for the dey ae
the fastidious person Soee her
Beauty Questions Answered. I
"Mr hair Is a good color, aad
seems W good condition; U thick
and glossy. But. I bare a , great
deal of dandruff. What will be good
7v V
either oily or dry?"
first lire the. scalp frequent
shampoos. ' ' Every other day, or
evea dally. Is sot too often, for a
week or two, It the caae be aq 00-
etinate one.. After shampooing and
on other nights rub carefully tat
the scalp e tablespooafmt er more
of the following: ,. . ,
Bay rum, 114 eza. . -.
' Olive oil, at. ;
: Tincture of csnths-Mee, V r
R. L aays: -WiU yos kindly.,
euggeat aomethlcg for sa oily akia,
especlslly oa the nosef
Oust the face often WKh this dry
ing pewdsri . ; -.
Bicarbonate of sods, 9 sea. -Pulverized
orris root, 1 esv " "
Hiivertxed spermseetl,' 1 drem. '
Mix tnereeghly and keep In e dry
place' .
timely talk'twlay is on tfe sub
meuth by using a tongue
A few drepe ef lemen Jules
sprinkled Into the wstsr In. which
you wash your hands whltsns them.
Or If the face or hands be badly
tanned or freckled half a lemon may
be advantageeuely rubbed ever
both,- The uebocemlng brown
tings that eetlee upon the neck,
being left there by high cellars er
the etam ef furs, er by neglect of
the dally eerub with e sett brush
that every neck should hive, oan be
removed ne more quickly by any"
egency than by the lemon.
A el Ice of lemon bound pen the
affected part ef the foot aeftene e
corn and makee Ita removal eaeler.
Lemon Juice mixed with en equal
quantity of glycerine, poured wpen
and rubbed Into the hande efter
washing them snd before they are
completely, dried by the towel,
ceftsfia and whtteno them.
.'V Jules diluted as I have
described, the Juice of ene lemen,:
taken meriting and evening, reduces
the weight Incidentally it wonder
fully clesrs ths eemplmisn.
I nave told you before of the fau
eos French beauty, Mme. Cresptgny.
admired even to an extreme okl age
for the clear, Infantile beauty of her
complexion, who confided to a friend
who confided Is other friends who
finally took the whole world Into ,
their confidence, that abe believed
she owed the exquieite semi-trans. :
parency of her skin to ths fact that
she etc thirty-three oranges a day. '
Tour own ay Irwin, woo has a '
charmingly babylike eompiexloa
alter more thaa a quarter of a cen
tury oa the stage, drinks two
glasses of fresh orange Juice every
morning before breakfast
A SMliae diet alUallu , fruit
and liquids and copieus wstsr drlnV
. Ins ahauld ana !, k
kn. . Alternate application ef hot
" to kl" MP
eiear .rt
A pinch of Iodide ef Nme
Is a glace ef water. In daily deeea,
for week. -will aid In the body
eansinf which n necessary to
. banish ths tendency to belle, A
few Turkish baths wiM aid the
"What Is a good remedy for
blackheedar continues this earnest
Seeker after knowledge.
I consider scrubbing the affected
parts with green soap, using a com-.
flexion eruaa. and, whea they have
been softened, pressing out ths
blackheads with the aide of a nee
die that baa been .-sterilised by,
psaentg H through n flame or"
through boiling water, ts the best
aad simplest means. After press
ing out the blackhead place cold
eream oa the effected parte he bee.
the irritation. j . .
'i I lis 4 ( t U 0Ai .
f Hf - ; ; ) lt '
'- ; i. 1
K ', I . ,v jf h .
' ! I , X k fT,
- f't i' i!.'t
( . i .t i ' i - v n
c i ' t H ? V ' . -.-
1 ' t !
t" -
Dawn and Loss
LACK thee la the noonday light, .
- 1 want thee In ths deep ot night;.
But most, when sadder thaa all 1
words, .
I bear the voice of waking birds,
The seem I most of aQ forlorn, 1 '
"When I behold the day reborn; " ! '
There Is no mercy la that ray. "'
(k hopeless fancies eemee the day.
Then la the hollow world re-Bade,
God! but that image wOJ not fade; '
That gbostly chorus from ths leaves
Reminds, and yet again bereaves,
- - - 1 ;
The widowing beam Upon me' tans.-
And to a gray remembrance cellar
JUbu tided is the dismal teat !',;,
Aad rerected is the cross, :-.
For In that, dimness ire had Speech, ''
Simple and prudent each to each;
Slow on my shoulder fell thy head. '
I held thee dose eg akiae grew red, "
O deer wert tttm la silent dewj " "
Thrice dear In deepening of the h)ne , ,
But now I are from this dirk rocen
Only the glimmer of a tomb. '