Sunday Bee PAST THREE MAGAZINE - PAGES OH TO FOUS PAST THREE MAGAZINE PAGES 052 TO TOTS The Omaha VOL. XII NO. 43 Heroes of ITH th eomlnc of "horteleu cwrlaf m," developed Into portable buncVm, ' racy ro.diten,' llmoutlnM of (rueful Hnei and high-powered ' raolaf mt chlnee In lees than a decade, the fol . lowers of bicycle riding hart been rel egated to the Umbo of aportamea, bnt thirty years ago a bike rider waa one of the world'a wonders and waa marreled at by aa large a follow log as a circus gathers or the home team com mands There were less than fifty bicycle riders la Omaha In the early '80s and they were looked upon as venturesome souls who eared. for neither life, liberty nor the pursuit of happiness. It waa Just thirty years ago last Sunday, oa May 14, 1881, that Emmet 0. Solomon, It years old, and his friend, John 0. Hitchcock, a lad of It years, stirred up the residents of a peaceful, law abiding city and 'created asensat!on talked of aot only In Omaha, but In all eeatera Nebraska for many days. The newspapers called It a wonderful feat People said It meant aa awakening to the possibilities of the bike and ceased not la . their prophesies until the fall harreet demanded Un divided attention. Even the city council of Omaha, awoke to the possibilities and the! dangers, and forthwith attempted to curtail the growth ol tn In fant Industry. In this attempt the council waa supported by the conservative and the cautions, but youth rebelled and was aided and abetted la rebellion by a progressive corporation. Fanners Wonder, This wonderful feat constated of a Sunday trip from Omaha to Lincoln oa the old, high-wheeled bicycle. The machines were the Columbia, manu factured by the Pope company of. Boston, with flfty-four-lnch wheel, and they were neither com fortable aor safe. Early la the morning the two adventurers rolled their bikes Into'tho street, gave them a mighty shove and swinging Into the aeat ' ever the big front wheel headed eouthwsst They arrived la Lincoln that day, rial ted. the state insti tution the next day and on the third day returned to Omaha. Farmers bsd heard rumors of the trip and turned out everywhere along the rout to watch the passing of the cyclists. Lincoln banqueted them and otherwise made quite a fuss about the wonderful feat. Cltlxens of the capital city balled their coining with delight. Hotels, business houses and soda fountains were for a time emptied, : for the two young Omahans had broken records for speed and distance. The Lincoln Wheel club, consisting ' of halt aidosea members, wss elated and gave the two tnvelere an enthusiastic reception. Solomon and. Hitchcock would have been feted fqr. a week, but on the morning of the third day they ; agreed they had , seen the sights, that to remain would be a waste of time. Also, they were eager for the labor of the return Journey. ' BidfTS of the Early Days ' ' Solomon and Hitchcock were members .of . the Omaha Wheel club. This club, had a membership of about fifty, practically every. bicycle rider In the city at the time. Among the devotees of the bike, each of whom was the proud possessor of an "ice wagon," were Gilbert M." Hitchcock, Emmet O. Solomon, John O. HltcbeochyTnomas Mcfsgue, K. C. Barton. Thomas Kimball,' Richard Kimball, Tom E, Parmele, W. A. Paxton, Jr.: Hale Dickey, W. A. PUley, C. J. Canan, Gus Epeaeter, Glea Ltvesey. Tom lilckel. Thomas McCague : and' T. W. Ho Cullougb, They were the pioneers, but . tea or twelve years -later when the-"safety-bike .cam .Into general use and hundreds were sold they lost their identity as pioneers and became one of many riders of the lees dsngerous machine. ' Many other residents of the city now recall with ' satisfaction that they used to rde "the high boy" and live to tell the tale. He was a hero Indeed who bestrode one of those old-time "boae-ehakers,' aa the wheel came afterward to be called la derision, bat the young fellows of thlrtx ' years ' ago . didn't aslad It so very much.: They were adventurous, ovea foolhardy, aad several bow look. back upon escapades undertaken in a reekleea spirit ' they would aot again try for any Induoesmeat, even If they might roll off the accumulated . years. Tha wheel of that day was for the boy whose only out look upon life waa tha . Immediate - present, and whose cheerful confidence is his owa ability sur passed the wisdom of all the sages. - Were Coearidered-Du Devfls. Hitchcock, Solomoa. Canaa aad Frank Schtoider i 7Jmjf OlfciU'l JarerdeYlla fJh tlactoj (tiff - V w b V 8 I lJ V e . r r.v 1 aw I ' l V y l i x VP S i rV$ HH' PJK V W f-V'M ?-,;r v:i i 1i M.-: m w 1222 lowers of bicycler have been rel- I IV -.-C 1 ?rY U' 0 ill il If I jf 1 the High game la-the -early: days. -They traveled on every good road la Nebraska, and Iowa and some of these good roads were no better than our. worst today. Some of them will stlU'groan at the physical agony they endured' la these pleasant - little excursions, ' but In their ' boyhood days It was an excitement that surpassed ' broncho bustlnV - Parties made frequent trips to Waterloo. Blair, Elkhorn, Fre mont and Glenwood and. nearby towns. , A favorite ride waa to Florence and return before breakfaat. This they would make two or three . times each week, getting op. at 6:30 o'clock "for the majority of them' would be at. work: at 7 o'clock.; . Mr. , Solomoa Invited the Wheel club to hla fruit farm, a short distance out of Omaha, and the entire membership' spent a Sunday.-there. They consumed! untold quantities of grapes,' Water melons,, muskmelons and grape Juice. "I remem ber Billy Townaend,' Gus Epeneter, Walter Morris and others who were there, that day," said Solomon. "Such Sunday ' excursions were . frequent and , we alwaya enjoyed them." The assemblage broke up when the shadows' began 'to lengthen toward tho east. A' few who bsd partaken too much of the fruit of the farm'' objected to an early start for home, pointing out that the ride would be much more pleasant In' the'tVlllght But their objections were over-ruled " and the machines . were wheeled Into the road and in a few minutes the slowest had disappeared la a cloud of .dust toward his home. . -t - 'ftltgrm iowa Bhakea." . ' ' i- . .. ;...':'' . ' . . On the day President Garfield waa burled Solo mon, Hitchcock; McCague and' Schneider hiked over to Glenwood.,' It waa aa evenf ul trip and they will never forget tt.v They 'arrived la Glenwood about soon and-wero given a quiet reception for Glen wood was sated -with-such excitement ' Suddenly : aa explosioa' shook , every house. It was not la Glenwood, nor had 'any salute been fired for tho Intrepid riders, but a car, load of powder had ex ploded in the railroad yards In Council Bluffs. Next morning the boys returned. .-Passing through Coun cil Bluffs, they, dismounted and viewed the wreck-' age, strewn for blocks around. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1912L Wheel Recall Boneshaken Day unorganized sport, and because It waa attended, with great danger It had many followers. Solo mon was one of the best amateurs In ths game. At the state fair In 1881 he won a gold watch la a race against Dick Kimball and others. That same season he was awarded a silver medal In a contest with Council Bluffs' riders. In 1887 he took his last trip on the "high wheel." He pumped that old Columbia from Denver to Colorado Springs, through the Garden of the Gods to Msnltou and visited the Grsnd canons and Pike's peak. . Many and severe were the tumbles the riders of the high wheels took. He was a fortunate blk 1st who could come la from an extended trip with unbattered head, unbruised shins or unscarred physiognomy. Not a street In Omaha was paved In 1888. Street cars were operated by "hoss-powah.' The street railway company had planked the right-of-way to keep the mules out of the mod. This planked stretch of roadway was the favorite race track of the bicycle riders, for to ride on It meant fewer falls aad greater speed. However, the street car company clearly did not respond to the enthusi asm of the Wheel club men and until the mules be came, accustomed to the unusual sight of a man perched astride a high 'wheel, grimly enjoying hla work, tho company did not cease to object to tho use of the right-of-way by the bicyclists. Dog Cpeeto Wheel. . One day Solomon was riding east oa Farnant near Twelfth street aad had developed a creditable speed when a pompous little cur barred his way and defied him to pass. Solomoa back-pedaled. Ha yelled. But the mongrel, conscious of Its owm Importance,.-would aot give an - Inch. There waa aothla left for Solomoa except to fall aa easy aa he could. . This he tried to do and gallantly plunged for the softest part of the street. But In falling hla . feet became tangled la tho wheel, so that he could aot move. A horse car waa approaching from behind and Solo moa jlecUres h$ had never teen, a BUlq travel so fast The driver wss having difficulty In bringing the ear to a stop, and Solomon waa help less oa tho track. "This time I didn't even yell," he said. "I Just dosed my eyes and waited for the crunch." But the crunch dtdnt come. The Missouri mule got ovsr his flight at the boun" dog and the wrecked rider and machine and consented to lapse Into the position from which It usually required ' warm language and a black-snake whip to make htm more. Passengers on the car helped Solomon un tangle himself. With the exception of slight brulsea he was none the worse for the experience, but he believed he had learned much concerning boun' doga and mules and It waa a lesson he often remembered and by which he frequently profited. While dogs were dangerous, aa any-other ob struction In the road would bare been, and doubly dangerous when they persisted In frisking about la confusion before the rider, there wsa one advan tage la riding the high wheel. It was a large dog and a good Jumper who could fasten his teeth In the trousers or leg of the rider. Tho danger waa In being thrown, in which event the cyclist: waa often more or less disabled and left at the mercy of the canine. Another danger that required a clear head to avert was the somersaulting of tho machine when the small rear wheel kicked up over a hump la the road easily negotiated by the bis wheel. Unless the rider was very wise in the ways of tho high wheel bike this waa tho signal for a header. Streets Set AsMo for CycUsta. Aa anti-high wheel feeling brought about the) - passage of aa ordinance by the council denying tho ase of certain streets to the blkista. On of tho first dead letter laws la tho dty was this ordinance, which the Wheel club Ignored, after, first con ferring with eminent authorities. The bicycle la a nuisance." the council asserted. "Horses are an djrjfchtonedaad woeand children, isr SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ondsngered. Traffic Is Impeded and young men, grow reckless and tear through the mala thorough fares at breakneck speed. We foresee aa Increase of recklessness If such swiftness la not atrlngsntlyl dealt with. We can't force them to a moderate peed. Further we understand that In emergencies the&e machines become unmanageable, which la a)' strong arguement that something ought to be done, : Plainly It Is up to us to do It." - And they did It, for the bicycle had scarcely, made Ita appearance until the city council bad for' blddea the enthusiastic to trundle along street.' where it was Imperative that they should travel U the bicycle1 was to be a commercial asset Also, these were the only streets where they could rld without dsnger of plunging into a mud-hole aadf' thereby coming to an untimely end or at least sust aining serious Injuries. Hence a loud protest waft1 raised. The council was sppesled to but remained' obdurate. "Tou'll have to keep oft these streets'' was the ultimatum. Bicycling In Omaha might have come to a close then, but the Wheel club had a happy Idea. "We'll see what the Pope Manufacturing company think about it," said one member and others agreed that the maker of machines ought to be consulted In such an extremfty. 'The city council has kicked us off the down town streets. If we-caa't ride oa Farnam, Harney, Douglas and Dodge you will not. sell msny more bikes here. .We're up against It Advise us." This answer wss flashed to Boston, and back came the answer: , - - . .- . "Psy no attention to that law. - Smash It Dls obey It Ignore It Ride on any street at any timet, We will psy your fines.". Such enthusiaam was; encouraging and the Wheel club fearlessly followed! Instructions. They monnted their blkss and they rode wherever they willed to ride. The council looked on aghast at this disrespect of the law. There were whisperings In the' council chamber and the) people were stunned at the daring of the thing. Wholesale arrests were planned. It was believed; the council would make a horrible example of some body. f. But no rider was molested. Not aa arrest followed and from that day the law was a dead letter and bicycling thrived. . Safeties Soon Popular. " Later the "safeties" were put oa tho market They made aa instantaneous hit and hundreds were) sold la Omaha and other cities of the state. Tha old make lingered for twelve or fifteen years, for there were those who hesitated to part with it, but at last even the latest high wheel, nickel polished but a little scarred, waa silently stowed away and finally carted to the Junk heap. Improvements were made that eventually forced tho ownera ot the first safeties to discard them for newer models, Then came tho automobile and. .tho motorcycle, . -until twelve years ago used by few. Whca tho automobile waa a demonstrated success there were) several Omaha bicyclists who could afford one and they Invested. But others were never able to break; away from the bike, habit, although they could purchase a pretty touring car,. and so they view with regret the diminishing number of tarn and). h tocreuslBX number of bon who ld Bicydes, t