8 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19. 1912. i B Concert la O minor. Op. Tf (first movement! Cadens bv Carl Retn- ... Beethoven Mlas Irma Podotak. Concerto in B flat. Op. 1 (first movement) Beethoven Tgrneet WehL The Robin Sings In tba Apple Tree. MacDosren Midsummer Lullaby.. MarDowell Wind . In the Treea Goring Thomas Miea Baldwin. Etude. Op. S, No. 1 Chopin Nocturne. C sharp, minor. ..Chopin Henrr Lots. r. Consolation. E major ..Ltsst Valse d'Amour Mosakowskl Mlas Sybil Nelson. Barcolle VenUienne Oodard Valae Chronuuique Oodard Mlaa Clara Hofmann. Ltttta The bread that is light, palatable and whole some. Jot made like the ordinary bread, but put through extra processes riaax hr wast saall ae ears? Ooa nraeS sad Battsr. Kotklsa bat "Sl'ND- ORKS MALTED MILK BREAD" will H. 4 rsther ksve tj aa eeelaa't rset Gavotte. B minor Batb-Sant Ssena Romance, sharp cnumana Melodic G flat - Mosakowskl Mlaa Edith Beckman. Praeludhim. from Suite. On. M MacDoweH t miring that gives It better coior. better flavor, better everything. It is thoroughly baked and'ta th moat di gestible bread on the market today. Look for the label e every loaf. Sold by all leading; grocers. Baked fresh every day by SDHBGREH'S BAKERY Shadow Dance...'. ..MacDoweH Romance - blbellua Mia Bennett. One Spring Morning Nevln The Laaa with the Delicate Atr..Dr. Arna Mlaa Baldwin. , Marcha Mlgnonna PokUnl Mlas Podolsk. Capricdo Brlllante. B minor. Mendelaaoha air. uots. Orchestral accompaniment on second piano played by Mr. Duffield. ASTTTT rXTT-S, -M TrrlvTga . sa-t J S9 -r a VERITABLK all-alar organ iaatloa will Tiatt this city aa Tuesday, Jum t, whea th Weber Field JubUo com pany of MO members will give a psrformsnos ' at Boyd's tneater. Tbls company Inaugurate a whirlwind tour at the principal cltie at Vtha country at Albany, K M., on tha night ot Monday, May it, and the goae Hlheet In IU epeciei train ot taa sirs, Maying no city, no matter what Ha H jnr Importance, mora than for ona day. CThlf ta made accessary by tha fact that St la tha deal re of tha Meeara. Weber and bleeds' ta vlalt ail cltlaa poaalbla aa far Weest aa Kansas City, returning to Naw tVork by tha mtddla of June. Thus, suoh tare ottles aa Philadelphia, Washington, Biraaalyn and othera W1U not have mora fbaa two parfonaancaa. . . . -Tb aaat of prtncipala Includta auch Jaraooa playara aa UUlaa KuaaeU, ray Tanildaton. WllMas ColUar. ' Oaerce Seban. Ate Lawla, Baaata Clayton, tht atanora; Helena Collier Qerrlck. Joka T. Kelly and rrankla Bailey. Tba aatar teinmant ia tha am ma aa araa (Ivan (or var 100 perfbnnanoea at tha Broadway I li eater. New York, to tha larcaat reoelpu In tha hietory of tha atropolla. It la called "Uokay Pokey,' with a abort burleaqua of tha Scotch oomady, "Bunty Fulla the BtriJiga,' enUtled "Buaty Bulla amd mrtnea," and la IU sraaanUtloa are mployad aU of tha prtncipala anumerated aoovt, baatdaa tha naual quota of charm- . In girle with which taa naraa of Weber and FleMa baa aa long beea aeeociated. M'eber and Flelda themaelrea. aa Mike and "Meyer, will bead the caet and dur ing tha prograaa ot "Honey Pokey" there M Introduced many at tha beat blta ef the old Weaerfleldlaa akita an affectionately remembered by a generation of play- (oera. There la. ot oouree, the uaual BUmaroua muatcal numbera, bin ta de scribe s WabeMind-Flelda entertainment 1a not neeeaaary, aa they have been famoua alnoe tha Brat tour waa - made aer doaea year aca . Tha.laat-tottr waa ta IWi but thla preeent organlaatlon laentaina mora f amouv aamea than wae ie tba caae ta any ona organiiatioa of fcaapaet. - t. . . , I hla anUreky Be program at Boyd'a, tarOag today, matinee- dally. L,man H. Mowa will preaeal a aerlea ot aatmatea naa, depicUng each haaardaua and W Vieult atep of aa expedition that reached tne hlgtieet pohua af tha Alpa. The accent l tba "roof af the wortd", atarta mitb a paraaadleular nde In a car of the Con Wheal railway of Montreal, and after reaablng taa top platform of, tale amhiua mountain kmator tha speotatora obtain a, aweeplng Mrw ef the, Rhone ttaluy. Thea another atranga Joarney la taken in a car of the Wetterburn gua yeaelo railroad by meane of which tha aadleant U traaalemd tram. ona of the fcrwar AJplne aeaka (a another, at the goot of which tha Obem sladar gUateaa pith anoar and lea, With danger of death t every atep, the camera foMowa the limb to tha hlrner nomu from which the Howe apectatora kwk dowa npoa a want roitti eee af etooa far below. A ptctorfcU tour through Italy, the land ot Jitaiory an romance; the wonder of the Grand Blear, uaon, Colorado; the latent ode of locomouoa through water and , air by meana ot tha hydroplane, and the XMWeM faanioca from Parte are only a tew of the many other teatuna ot ta . terast la ba aeasenlad. . - . a '- - - J t , Tha Airdoma, Omaoa'a big new open air yaqdevllla and moving picture theater, an Jaraajtt mtd Twenty-tlfth atreeta, win be opened ta the public with Ha tint aer- tomance on Sunday evening. Mny M, with bin awmeltiing auch vaodevtlla bead- lineta aa .Edna WobjUer. Kwtncky exmgblrd; the Kaiinowekl Bro'bere, oele- c rated Euiopeon arrobata, and IHuatratad onga, aB ot which will be tatarapened with Iratura reela ot tba lataat moving lactaraa. A fug concert orrbearra win be teatsre ot the new amuaement reaort. wbieti will have a eeetinc capacity tor mora than l.S ereona. Delightfully ait- vated on tha aomnnt of a baauttfol ter rene, a natuiai . tndlna, giving the asdienoa tha to preen a of an badoor my- ing brenen from- an mdea. "Whhe and green, the prevailing colore. wlU ba Uta- niinated by almoat IM brUliant wleetHc I ri. The atage. ancaaed la ateel aheet tst, eompietcly analwatd and win carry one of tha largeet picture curtain went of Chicaga, Through tea mo of tee lateet Jit-1--" -'W . . VvV gga ; eOe invention la "thb motto nlotura world, mercury are i rectifier, a Ught of than S.0M candle sower, will ba at tha eerviee ot thaoaerater and wtli be thrown dlatance of 4X feet ta tha apeclally prepared big motion picture ecreea on the tag. Tha feauira fllma, ot Which there will be three, will b changed nightly. Tha raodevtlle program will change . twice each week, i The Roma Summer tardea opened Sat urday .evening, May 1. with all aha at traction that go to make Metropolitan garden. A great deal of money baa beea epent In beautifying thte place. Character eong artlete will be featured during the aeaon..aa well a alngere of Illustrated and apot-tlght aonga Pour of tha btrgeat. beat and neweat, photo-play In tha went III be ahown each evening. The Rome orcheatra baa been augmented Iri) num ber and I . on ot the "flneet mualcal erganlsatloo In Omaha. It Include mual ciana ot note, who will be heard In aoloe alghtly. Any requeated numbera will be gladly played upon requeat. An entire change of program, will ba given every evening. In caea of rain the program will be carried out la tha Hotel Rome audi torium without delay. . A beautiful .vine covered trellla reeervea Urge apace on tha weat 'aide of the garden for . tha . exclusive ueof diner The at age ha been greatly enlarged and redecorated and . beautiful, new acenery haa beea procured. There , will be no overcrowding, aa l.oN comfortable chain have - been "provided. Refinement' will be apeclal feature of every nrogram.- ai nothing will aver ba areeented that, could poaalbly dlapleaea the moat taatldloua Women. and. children will alwaye receive apaclal attention.; Special feat urea will be on. the program dally. Ona of tha moat complete aoda fountains In tha wont ha beea Installed and' la la charge of expert. Other repreehrnonte are aerved and smok ing te' alio wed. "The nrogram Mart at t s. m. and rune continuously ant'l 11 a. m. D. X O'Brien Is In receipt ot a copy. ot tha Academy, - a London critical weekly, tha dramatic reviewer for which paper very anthuanutleaiiy write ot "Th Pink Lady." eepectally praising the charm of, Haaet Dawn, the singing of Alloa Dover and tba comedy of Frank Lalor. AU ot .thee people are welt ( known In Opieha. although thla city did not have th pleaaura ot seeing them la tha sleca. tt having been presented beta by another company. - ' i Tha popularity-e aba Oayety tkealar'e summer show will no doubt be very much Increased this week by the generou and unusual . program which will be offered patrons.- The-feature aet tha first half, of the week will be the European no ratty artleta. the Tritters. wHh their sketch. "A Study In, Rag." .Associated with them ea tha btlt will be those fa ventre ot ma steal enmedy,. the- MeConnell Hat era. Starting on Tharadey th pragram will agaia ba changed. Hilda Carta, a staging comedienne at mora thaa passing merit. Associated on bo program with her win be tha Itesmaas. athletes sxtrsordlnary. For the lover of tha "movtaa". Manager Johnson haa . made nirangmnents , tor a compter' ehaaga every any of all the newest -and most up-to-date films which have-uen produced by the leading ple tmenakera.ot the country. At every performaaee all week Lord Richard Bur ton, the. powerful vofcfid Snellen bari tone; wis tng tw ballad. - The Oayety' aiovtag phstaa. beea eee ml their ateadl nes sud brilliancy.' are the envy of all th other picture displays ta town. Th entertainment 1 continuous every day from 1 to 1 and T to 11 p. av . -1 . ' " While Elks are buying tha hulk ot the ttcirtj toe jha narmnaecf rharitj fund ( V' IOe benefit at tha Orpheum Monday and Tueeday, May r-M. yet they will let th public la to a limited anient, aad so are putting tha tickets ba general sale. "The Mikado" promise to bo what tha Milage msa call a "cream" for tun and music Miss Ines Later, who waa Tvetta In "The Jolly Musketeere," will sing ths role ot Turn Turn; Miss Bleoora Preuee that of Kstisha. Mrs. C. H. Boyles wlU be Plttl Blag. Miss Dors, Olson Peep Bo, Captain Henry W. Dunn takes the role of Tha Mikado, Jtoaa B Johnson ot Nankl Poo, B. a. Hamilton will ba tha Pooh Bah, Oscar Lleben Ko Ko. Ed Thompson Na Ban. A. W.- Kroeger sings the part of Plan Tuah." Dr. Preemantel la musical director, Oscar Lleben stags director, 8. S. Hamilton assistant ataga director and C. H. Boyles , stage ' manager, with a splendid ehorua. . ( v 4 "Tba Revised Proof. Is ths name ot tha Interacting little two-net play on tha printing business that wlll. bo given by tha TO -City Ben Franklin-club at the Lyric theater . an Wedneaday evening, April 8. The piece waa written by Mr. H. a. Griffin of Philadelphia, and tells a story of tha existing conditions of tha printing trade, , and has been pro duced with great auoceee la Philadelphia, Denver, Kansas City and other cities. -Tha cast tor ths Omaha production haa bees eelected with great care and includes well known. local printer. ' Refaeartale are well under way and tha show promises to on -of tba beet, amateur affaire of this kind given In Omaha thla season. In nddltien ta "The Revised Proof- John M. Hogaa, batter, known on tha stage 'a Prof. Hoganlnaky. will do his famoua knife throwing' not,, that cauaed so many thrills at tha Den hut summer. A quartet of local printers will sing some beautiful ballads. Jerome K. Latach, Irv ing A. Medlar, Harry Buraley and Clin ton R. Miller will. take care. of this part ot tha program. , Tha east for "Th Revised Proof Is a follows: Mlsass Edith Standevea. Mildred Cooncy. Meesr. C'E. Corey, Laurie J. Quinby, Bert Potter, Emery O.-Peterson John M. Hogstt. Harry U Tostsvta.'. C Jack Steber. Clinton R. Miller and Charlee K. Docberty.. The performance will be etaaed by; Mr. Docberty. assisted by Mr. IVE hundred auditor formed a eympetheUo audaanca In tha auditorium of tha Young Womeu'e Ourtetian aesocha HoB Friday night and listened to nineteen numbers of a mia- elcale given by piano atudenta of Miss Florenca K. Pease. Th program: DtaM March MUItaJra...Srtmbert-Tasaig Katharine Fetch aad Helen Fetch. Mey BU'' .....Bohm Charioite "Huntley. . . "Dragon Fly nance" ..AMttar Kathenn Iran DybaU.. "Coa Amor" Beaumont Helen Ivy. "La Bngana (The Ovpsv) Bohm Kathertn Oatenbersj.. "Silver Nymph' .....Hain !ee Ruhrn. (a) "Wiide" (Impatience)- Heller (b) Va se la D flat major Chopin Franrea .Kopald. "Monastery Belle" Lstebarg Wely Goidte Mel Cher. "Rlgolatto" Verdi Dora Cornelia CockreD. (a) "Scarf Deuce ' Chamlnade (b) "Traumerri (Dree miner). -..Schumann Nellie Dudgeon. "Valae Arabesque" Lack Bella Bomiaesa, (a) Huinweague ..Dvorak (b) Minuet In O -.Beethoven John Eldredge. "Rustle of 8prms" . Hading Edna Levtne. . (ai "OondoHeri" i.. ..Nevtn ,W "9SSA KUs-" aawuaaa. uaa-rviAj . Music ! . A- lilu Maa Co. ' "Moonlight" Bendd Cecllln Feller. "Witches Dance" MacDowsIl . Manna B. Kopald. Impromptu O sharp minor Relnhold Marguerite Rogers, "usbsslraume'' (Dreams ot Love).Xlast Helen Sturgeee. Valae Brilliant in A flat major.. ..Chopin Miss Orsce Huntley. Ballade In A flat major Chopin asiaa si:rarea lnurcnill. Wnlter BQraham will present his pu pil In th following program t th Cen tral United Presbyterian church. Twenty fourth and Dodge. Friday evening. May M. Invitations may be obtained from pu P'ls or from studio, H-i Boyd theater. Chorus-Tne Hilver Moon....Rhya-Heroert wiiun aoio awvening mar txann- hauaer) Wagner . .t .Mr. Oraham. Duet-When I Know Frans Abt Miea Dorothy Meriiam end Arthur (lrou Contralto Kolo-Pecova Proeba Bendi Mlse Beeele Jsblecnik. Tenor Solo-Answer Robyn '-rnn J. KacketL Mixed Quart et-The Bella Psrksr Mlaees Maude Butler end Msrgaret Brad way and Meeara. Lynn clackett aad , Arthur t .n. Soprano Solo-May Morning Dsnsa . Miss Msude Butler. Male Quartet-In A l-rnce. .. Dudley Buck MeesTs. Lynn Beckett. Walter Deeta, Jamea Love and Waiter Oraham. Soprano Solo Carmen Lena Wilson Miss Doris Duncan. Bass Solo-Bedouin Love Song....Plnsutl 8. Arthur Lynn. Soprano Solo-Calm as the Night., .Bohm ... . Mlas Freeda Woolley. Mixed Quartet-Miller's Wooing. .Fanning Mlaees Luella Miller and Gertrude Allan nnd Messrs Lynn Beckett and Wlllard Mlahaiivh Contralto Solo Sunaet Dudley Buck . Mlas Uertrude Alkln. Baritone Solo (e) Kashmiri Bong WnfnnlriMlM. b For Ton Atone Qeehl Mr. Wlllard 8. 8labaugh. Messo Soprano Hoio April Moon. .Batten ' Mlas Lurlln Miller. Baritone 8olo Prologue (PsgllscH).:.. Leoncavallo Mr. Arthur U nmaa Soprano Solo-Nymphs snd Fauns..... . Mlae'vi'rda oidTfeid." mbr - Miss Esther Pricks, accompanist. ' Two piano recitals are to be given by pupils of Jean P. Duf field, tha Brat at th First Baptist church. Harney street and Twenty-ninth avenue, on Monday evening. Msy la. and tha second st Mr. Duf field's studio, rooms Wt snd- 70t Boyd's theater,, Saturday afternoon May M, at I o'clock. Mlas Mabel Baldwin, oprano. pupil of Thomas J. Kelly; .will aaeist in th first program.' Ths program: - Concerto In C, major. Op U (first movement Beethoven , .Miss Helen Bennett. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S H.1T. ('HUJ)RKN. 18c; AW.LTS, mciAi IXQLHimi mrisii sensTsa of nilAUY THRILLING HORSEMANSHIP AND THE AIRDOr.lE OMAHA'S SUMMER AMUSEMENT PLACE cfeks s:::at iisjit. kat isui HIGH CUSS VAUDEVILLE and ttt UTEST KOTIOU PICTURES Witl FULL COICERT ORCBESTU - Taadevffle Program n Caisged , Motion Ptetave Beels SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Walts In C Ourlltt Master' Dickie Stewart. Sonata; C major (first movement). Mosart . Mian Wynne Fairfield. Schema, R flat Schubert Miss Marie Richardson. Flirtation tMaxurka-Caprlcei.De Creaenae Mia Olaa Met. Barcolle Kullak Miss Batty Fairfield. Youth and Joy Schytte Mlas Gertrude Koenlg. The Swallow Burgmueller Master Louis Met., Etude Heller Tarantelle Dennes Mlas Arllne MeCreary. Spanish Dance (four hands). .Mosskowakl Misses sieien feycae, uigs ita . August M. Borglum presents Mia Mabel A. Owens In recital at the Borglum Piano achool on Monday evening, Mny 90. nt t o'clock, ad Douglas street Program. L . Variations F minor Haydn Ah de Pergoless ....8chOTenka Salon Etude (left hand) .......Plrkhert j Romano F aharp .......Bcnumann Oavotta Bacn-Ht. oaens Etfrntaru Orleg wu rfi Oiitle ainsrt Schytte A la bien almee htt Poupee Valaante i-oiuiui Kamennol Oetrow Rublnateln Ruatle of Spring sinning Prelude.. Rachmlnoff i V. Carnival 8uite Schutt (1) Pretude, tzt Berenaa ganniiin, w Triateaee de Colombine. (1) Pollchlnelle. tt) Pierrot reveur. (1 Caprice Bganarelle. CtiecTtnl Idea Tornmyr said his mother, "graad mother I very alck. Can't- you go In and cheer her upT" . "Yea'uoi' aaid Tommy aa ba went Into tha etch room. But In a few mo menta las came out disconsolate. "Couldn't, ' mother. " ha aald. "She assmed to get worse." "What ' did you say, deerr asksd mother. Why, I asked her If she would like eoidter at her trjissral." ' . SUBE SIGN OF SUMMER Dry Cleaning Rush Indicates Hot Weather Soon. i - DEESHER BEOS. READY Equipped to Drj Ciena a Million Pieces If Nocaary Dnrinf HMied Term That I Rare To Come. Th human being, In com raapecta. 1 very auch Ilk tha bird that fore casts season with Ita migration north and south. . Ha can almoat Yer ap proaching Weather change Th hot weather 'feel'' I in th air and already tbouaaada of Omahana are making up band lea of last season's sum msr garment and are aandlng them to th Dry Cleaning Eatabllihmcnt of Dreeher Bros, UU-131S Farnam Bt, for a thorough restoration. Drsshar Bros, will take a 'last year a" summer dress, summer suit, haU-para-aol. plum, uniform, duater, auto coat, belt, glove or ahoa and restore It to ita original life, luatra and crisp nese, and that it "cost les to clean than to buy. la well known, no thla announcement ahould eenre aa a warning message to yoa If you are possessed of a bundle of cleanable" autuner things Even thoss lea cream, grass and per spiration atalna of last aummer may ba successfully removed In moat caaea. Phone Tylar lied or Auto. A-ltlt. for prlcea, or aea Dreeher Bros., branch ngende In Th Pompalaa Room of th Brand! Stars or Dreeher The Tailor, lilt Farnam St ,. ; . Dreeher paya expraaa on way en out- of-town hl omenta amounting to 1J.0 or orar. AMCIXMEHTi. TWICE DAILY 2:30 and 8:30 NOW S3c; KVKMNG8 5c, S.V, SOc Above the Closed la the Alpa, Frauare, Kaplea, Rnsrw, FVas cxece, - Entptioai ot . Mt, . Etna, 90 OTHER BIO HVW FEATTBES FARNAM AND TWENTY-FIFTH T. TvrVe Weekly; Three Cbanged HijhUj. Featco HANAN SHOES THE STANDARD OF FOOTWEAR . For half s century Hanan shoe have been the leaders of all makes of fine ahoes. They are termed the shoe without s hurt, for these experienced shoe makers combine style and comfort and quality as you will find It In no other shoe. . They are made for both men snd women. 95,50 to $7.00 1410. nnrvn 1419 Farnam 0?savirtew WONDERFUL RESULTS Bsnc aoooenpUsared fey the fantoua Chinese herbs aad Herbal Thoaaaad 'of- testimoaials iMMTtsOas, ' - ' Below re aaote esse of oar OsenoU Bluffis, low. Itap 1, lilt, r , lor Jee Hong Rath 0w f 11 N. llth St, Omaha. Neh. (rentlreoesi: Raving tried your Herb ear for Chiwnlo Rho nntlanA I snuat admit that tba remedle given have orovaa oura- . - tlv an4 henendaL nnd If It eliminate) th Crle aclfl potaoa xrom th rtra ears etteota a pormaaent eure, l nau give you a 01 plot tsellsiaosaj, . T. O. Ol , BCHNOOR. We have helped thousands, snd K yo are suffering ws eaa belt yoa. Ko charge for ootarultatloa. A free trial will con viae yoa what these wonderful remedies will do. SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Postg. WWi aVIaaW. Three Mocks Branch OfOMS "Wt tell furnltur direct from factory to you" ; i r -. ' ' ' Come and see our New Store, new goods, , new location and save from 20 to '40 on our new selling plan. . , Ru3, Llnolum$, Refrigerators, Office Desks. Etc. D.F.Corte Furniture Co. 24th AND FARNAM Complete Line of Samples as aar srv an sa a gasajg shw ss a M t k mm w - at emaatv- WAN I CWery IssAAA IDli With imT TtOXaTT MM TO OtJB SUMMER SHOW This Waek, sTtasttag Taaay at 1 . M. OAXX.-T t)lTIIA1T MOTTJI SHI S.ISSSS S F1CT II atM Hyton Vaudeville Tzmrt rous bats or wm. Sisters McCtBStn mJSSSZ ita'Zff TKE TtiLLEK aVAaTf TaTJUn SATS OT Wxn TKE SaSZ RILI1 CAXLE. PiclBm52r-.itini tts. AriY?lktJ10c,ter.t I DDy ltsl-.t e 11 . . fwur riniw I Pen sy ataaei away laaa L"1-1 1 flssay sTtngtag OOwsMasatessjaMe At Vewrr HUsnn AB Sansnsasci LCS1 El CRAM 8S1TCI Farnam - ari. frons gTatoftd patients, subject to f " .- - : r . recent ones; .. . ' i 90s Korth lBth BC, Omaha, Keha west of psasnfflce. ia aU ths targe cities. , So different mm the ordinary eating slace, U the expression of a greet many of th patron of ea BIX.KOBT- atSSTAtntAST - V hare an envied reputation for serving choice food to people ef good taste at prices that make you feel glad that you heard of ua One moat wlU ba eufflrtent to prove It falll trKOTS Bins SB BssAay u A. BT. ta S t. M. Oa, tOa. ISIS Doags St C iV. BALL, Proprietor Open All Night : Look for Larg Electric Sign. Borglum Piano School August at. Borglum. Madams But glue Pupils of Wager Bwsjrna. Pnbllo rarformance Ear Training Sight Reading. Will Teach Till Aagust First Telephone v Your Vant-Ad Tyler 1000 I