Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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    TflE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19, 1912.
From Tlifese Merchants
We'll put this silverware into your home free
Every home cm
secure this beautl
ful set of Wa. Ros
en t Son' Silver
ware (guaranteed).
We are co-operating
with ether Omaha
merchant and The
Bee t give you this
besatfful tet free.
het: ma start tout
set this week.
Farnam Street
' '
Tie mil
AUVtbJs week 10 Bee. Silverware Coupons with a quart of
Vl-if.. HIIAEKFlTlir FOOD PORT "tflSi
i v t-iBO Bee rUIveareS Oonpons with every gallon
HiUer'a Fore Food Port. Wine, 1 quart 75t
Hillert Pure Food PoH Wine. 1 gallon $2.50
Scientists aad
physicians recognise
California Port wine
as the great cell
construe tor aad
tonic. There Is
nothing so Invigor
ating, so pleasant
for that "run down"
feeling as Callfor
nia Port wine. Try
this at our expense.
Prompt Gty
DeliTery. We
Send for Price
These exceptional (Si timely
bargains this week only
The Bee coupons for. Win,
airartr ir
WdiC 1 XUU Willi VVWIJf
Rogers & Sons' Silver-
in' our great store.
iinm, Tiusm bto.
ThS time of the year to paint
is bars. We have the n.aterleL
fries reasonable. Quality ths
Preston's Fast Color Paint
, , 1 gallon fl.M
H o
1 auert M.
Twenty-tight colors to select
from. Equal to any paint on th.
market. Bend for color card.
Lowe Bros. Hl(h Standard Paint
1 gallon 11.00
H (allon - ll-OS
1 quart : Me
1 pint SM
W pint 0
Low Brothers Floor Paint
1 quart can SOo
H sallon - so;
1 gallon i....i.t
Lowe Brothers' Carriage Olooa
Paint For porch chain, gaa torn,
radiator. Stands heat, water and
gives a brilliant varnish sffect
Eight colors to select from.
H Pint -
1 pint '"!!.
1 quart ...Tie
Lowe Brothers' Screen Paint
Black and groan. Makes screens
look like now.
Pints 0e
Quarts SOo
Fifty-two tints end shades to
select from, and white end blacK.
Bend or call for color card.
asm, BT0, Ooatiaaet
Lowe Brothers' Mel Is ton
Flat colora For Interior walla
woodwork, eta- Fourteen colors
and black and white to select
. 1 gallon ..: .LO
H gallon 10
1 quart ........ . , see'
lo Java Rice Powder, all colors,
at lee
J So Lyons' Tooth Powder ....lee
36o 8snltol Prsparatlono ....lee
8c Zlska Face Powder (Dorln)
at see
Mo Mennen's Talcum Powder, all
kinds lee
ito Packers' Tar Soap lee
Myers" Eronornr Bath and Toilet
soap. Full five ounce cake
Olycertne, Oatmeal, Buttermilk.
Blderflower, Hard Weter, Turk,
led Bath and Palm, well worth
ten cents special this week ee
l5o Myers Egg Tsr and Glycerins
I H -lb. bar Imported Bpanllsh Cas
tile eoep , .ete
Shampoo, this week lie
llo bos California Violet Soap,
three cakes to box, per bos. Me
rinn mnoxsTM
I.H Lambert's Listen no ....see
Oo Lambert's Lleurtne ...... eee Swamp Root see
Do Swamp Root see Payne's Celery Com p. . .see
(1 Ptnkham's Vsgstable Co--
leoFUtcber' Castorla "
Order Butternut now
and insist on having it
Where are faces of yesteryear?
HOW we long to see the happy faces of those childhood
days, or of those blissful times when as mild mannered
youth and maid we saw only the beauties of life. Y J
Thousand wish they could bring back those faces, those smiles of baby, those recollections of
- - .a-, a e a 11.. 1 1.1
father and mother and the care-free youngest son
Yes, if we only had photographed we now would have
those never-to-come again faces preserved for our con
stant delight Your boy and girl want to keep the mem
ories of their youthful days. .They can do it with a Bus
ter Brown camera. Our complete stock of these machines
gives opportunity for an excellent choice, and you can
make a pleasing graduatioraeat toyyopr; children
" O J " m Y 'H "SpVa I ' "Jl
Patronize us and got Wm. Rogers GL Son's silverware-
Free. Coupons with purchases made here.
. .
Megeath Stationery
Two Photographic Departments
Fifteenth and Farnam Sts.
Oh, if we only had photographed them!
will be increased a hundred fold if they bave a good cam- .
era. Make it a Buster Brown just the present for chil
dren from 6 to 16 years. It gives that soft tone picture .
which is so much desired. ' '
We carry a complete stock of photograph supplies :
with materials papers, films, etc for every; makf 'of
camera and kodak. Our developipgand finishing depatt
m'cnt'is one of the best in the y$kfail vVp
' 1 eflsste '
s - ;
223 South Sixteenth: Street
ii ii ii ii ii ii n " " " " " " " " " " " " ii, irmT n.
"Gesundheit" is German for HEALTH, and there is PLENTY r.
of "Gesundheil" in every home that's supplied with a case of
Paint your house and get Wm. Rogers & Sons' Silverware
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
1 " -s ' 1
New England Butternut Bread
WholesomeLight Nutritiout
New England Butternut Bread is made of the
richest and purest flour, and one loaf is just as
good as any other. It is the 'kind you relish.
Butter nut Bread fl
1 is made under the most sanitary conditions
in scrupulously clean bakeries by particularly
r; dean baker -Ithas not a single fault,
It is always baked fust right,
looks good and it tastes good.
1 1 zi -0 -i-X-J -I0 X
H 1889, orlnd. F-1377 vJ& I
Bfwd by the
Fred Krug Brewing Company,
Omaha, Neb. ; i
And while you are enjoying "LUXUS" that tempt-
ing, tasteful triumph of the brewers artfTmakel
A collection of genuine "Rogers"!
Silverware at NO COST . whatever j
Tirt "Eogexi SUverwaxe Certificates" or
TUTZ "Eogert Silverwars Coupons" novr ac-
company each oaaa of "Loxtu" Beer at no extra.'
charge whatever. Ten coupons equal one certilk
c&te and one may secure exquisite pieces of the
world's premier make of silverware for w few
SHS J VHIUiVSKw 4SHV mvu. wuiunwv
Certificates aad Coupons may be used in comblnaf?
tion with "Sogeri" Sflrer Certificates now being U
given, by various -other Om&na raercaams. see v
today's Bee for fall particulari or Phone- Douglas ?S
1889 or Ind. T-I377 or detailed information.
ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 'i ii ii it h " " " " ""rnr