'A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19, 1912. v B The OMAaxSuKDAY Bee. SOUNDED BT. EDWARD ROSklliVAifaK. TyiCTOlTSuSliWATEB. EDITOH. '. BKK UVilAiUMr FAR-S AM AND 1JTH. En; -red at Omaha postotftce as second- mstterc t -. " .-rr-r. - TERMS OF SUBSCsUPiWii. Sunday Bee. one year... A...... CM 41y BeaTm Ottout bunay), ons vser-" Umly bee sad Sunday, one year. ',) Kunmii " - .... MUVlED KIT XAKiUER,- - Evening 6 wuh Sunday), per mo....lSe Wily Be (including Burnley). Pr ms..c liiy bee (siuiout e'unoay), per m0"-; Address Ail complAinwTir erregularltiss U delivery I) CM? arouletlOB BfiTTA-VXEo. Remit k,v-ft or MMj r ta'T. flu iihbttiiintf ocmpeny. only -cent strtr.DS received payment fif unall rCiUJ-L VjoiiAi e!lCKA'U' eept oo Uuut cad strain sxcsstign. nl sccepted. - Onuba-Ths" Bee BmWU. -f r council Bluffs-IS Scott Si. Lincoln 4k Luti Building. . L't ' "'. QhicAga-ltm HirnuHU Building, - . iaseas Clt Kejiinct Building. . ew fork-Si Um Tlurty-third. . ssmngtoit Tit Fourteenth tie K Jv. COKKAaiNDKKC& fonwianl cations relating to, newi fsnd eeuoris? -nmr hou id e nUrmw ij4M Be, attitnrial PcyirtawPt. Ai'Attt CUICliLAUON.- f tint of Ksbraska, Counts, ef Poagiu. ss: Uwlgnt 'Wiiwrni,' mreuiatlrm msaer ol Ike BM Pu wishing company; vpeing wuir ivtM, ears iex .ns e.ea .iiW'J circulation Knr -tbs tnentn ot Apis. leJ. was w,mb. ... .' , . 1 t- WIGHT 1uiU!Us3 V Circulation Duvar, Subscribed V my - nrvseiH sl sora to oeiors u mis us nirni stay, tun. (lwai. itOltjJil 1H NTMi, - - swy .Pubs). Ssbserlbers leavlsa- ths city temporarily sbsslel 'Aa .ma aaalla I ' (koa. . AMmss win a ckaafa H a (Ira aa jra aataa. - '' Tha "gjlent Jfrttui, a tli Jok Erea tha direct primary baa failed ( car all opr political 111a. It (i plain vhy tha ipirtt of mo UU who lira la Nebrukt mould p proud. -1 " V. : ' ; '. r , Work wall you work and play wlill yon play, and do not forfrt to do both.' ' : . . ; PrMldcnt Lynch ot tha Prtntora' ualod did. not stand pat 4a vala, U appear...;. ;- ,-.v .,' W aiuai aooa m to Ohio ap praclats Wla( eallad tha "Mothar ot PiMidant. . .': Kaasaa yrai for rain, whlla N. braaka return tbanka lor It. Th ajiiat and th Joat. : . . I-:-, ' A carload ol Omaha ad nan lft for Dallaa. That 1 th way w ahlp thm fcy tb earload. ' f On might auapact that J. Ham Lcwia waa Mipplad, it bta been so long lnc B ran for an oftlca. ' Thla country baa'aurvlrad rry calamity that far, (Tea th prof alosal political raformar out of work. U , 11 Th Hon. Lobock had bettor let is that annual congressional fame ot ball this lumtner while h has th Shane. -t ! ' . Prealdent Whit sdrlses tbs jalirers to aocspt th tarms ot ssttls aent and' return to 'work. Second th motion.- ..... ..r . ' , Artistic :tB paramenia often fads after tbs sunshlns of oourtsblp dls solres Into ths noonlai nUht of proaaie (aarrtd Ufa. .. Congressman Klnkaid may hare alept during a speech In th house, but w luaraotee "Old Hose" had seen to It before h dosed oft that ths switch' was not open. It doesn't pay to b to isager to ahow visitors a good time, especially when tie'police ar watching. Thla fact will be appreciated by a number ot Omahk automobile owners.' A young speed maalae ea a Joy rids with another maa's wlfs happens U sa aeeideat which kills ths woman and dstrgeronels lajurss fclnv Out of which u Isast two asorais may be draw'' iiJ-;!! , Th Episeopailaaa are tiadlag la Onaha Vhat - other : deaomlaaUoaa bars dtacossred, that Ideas of a few years ago regardlag tbs city's growth bars rx dtspelled by actsal sx perieae. s.M" . Th jcartooB .aUowieg., J!r.. Bryan bitching the democratic. mule and tb mats raising hie hind leg to kick is true 10 .life, except that, ths mult U likely to find - himself kicking againattbs pricks. . It Is promised that Omaha will know oa Monday whether tt Ja to com ato immediate possession ot ths aterp!ti4 pr wait another in defluiin , period, .Ths ."immediate and compulaoryT purchase plaa Cer tainly ia Wi tedious " A Boston man eat a hot mine pi sad driaka a botti of champagn srery morning for breakfast and 3. P. kforgaa takes a' hsm aaadwich and champagn for lunch. Those ftcaacis appetias arw finicky. ;r Ths Ptesbrterisns aow In cenres tioa st Loolatllle complain that golf keps aq' trandred thousand . boys troa EuBdsy school srery Sunday. B afoi gslf waa lnaud tt was sosm other attraction. If acting , more than th old rwUaBUitg boie, - Iflconrainr; Figures. A report just made by the National Aasoeistlon for th Study and Pre vention ot Tuberculosis come aa a bright ray of light amid th general gloom that has surrounded th eon sensiionisu of late "While la nearly all other hrenoes ot th effort to are, morallx. qr fuUertally, diaap polntment has sj far rewarded onder- taking, those goodpeople who bare devoted themselves to propaganda against ths great whit plague In the United Statea, find thsmselves pos sessed ot such a showing as la most encouraging. S ..v.'. '. 'v It la suted on ths authority of tbs association named tbat ht th decade from 1901 to lllo th death rat from tuberculosis - la the - United Stats declined from, it-9 per 10V 600 persons living to 10. Z, a de crease of 1S.7 per sent, wane tn general death rat deollned but half aa fast, or 1.7 per cent The figures can b a little better understood when expressed In alight different terms. They mesa that the - great total of 17,000 lives ar now---an nually saved that formerly, fell to th reaper who earn "fit consumption's ghastly form.". . - ': - . . This Is not a triumoh of faith. but a victory for common sense. At the time the work of overcoming the ravages ot tuberculosis" ambtig ths people was undertaken. It was looked upon sa visionary, especially becsuas scientific men wer not agreed as to th xaet origin ot th disease and its method of communication. While th Bebat want on, devoted Individuals pressed forward the apread of cer tain rules for living that must be beneficial, no matter what conclusion may eventually be reached In regard to some of th mor abstruse fac tors la the case. Common eenss in preparation ot food, of ears for chil dren, and particularly babies, of hygiene tor all, waa the keynote of the crusade, and Its answsr to ths world Is tbat 27,000 Uvea are now saved that at another time were use lessly sacrificed. This result surely is th most encouraging that could b hoped for, and th day will yet com when th whit plague will hav disappeared. JM t Brilliant Han. King Frederick waa sot a brilliant but Invariably displayed , sound 9 la all political and flnan- 11 matters sad, by bis simple sad dem eeratls tiaMta, snaeared almaeU to all Us people, This was said ot the Danish ruler at bis death. It takes a bit man to be th kind of a king that Frederick was, a man bigger than brilliance or grains. Th Creator hss sot en dowed many of th king of th arth with th glittering spark' of genius, perhspa becsos It too often only glitters when a steady, glowing light Is needed. "Sound, common sense" much mor in keeping with th sturdy people over whom Fred erick sxsrclsed powsr than brilliance and "slmpls,.dsmocratla habits," bet ter than austere, autocratic manners. Possibly frederick might hav mad a good king even It h had been a brilliant man, but not without hie other qualities. Democratic sim plicity and .common, sens usually count tor mor In king or peasant So, this tribute to Frederick may offer encouragement to th millions of other men who ar not brilliant and cannot b Ingenious, bat can bs sensible. The world needs, lta gen ius, but manifestly not aa much sa It bsedi Its plain, aensible men, els tber would b mor of the former than of the latter, for ' Providence made no mlstakss In perfecting Ills great plan. I ' Athletios and Citiienthip. Cyras H. lfcCormlck's I2S.000 gift to Princeton's champion . foot ball team may hav been Influenced partly by th fact that Mr. McCor mlckaaaa S ton at that university who plays foot ball, but it signifies th premium big men are today placing upon th vain and Im portance of stblstlc In ducatloa. A speaker la Omaha during the week went so far as to say thst if we ar going to have clean citlxen shlp la th future,' we must hav dean sports aad athletic today. That might hav excited ridicule a decade ago. Not so now. Our colleges and onlvsrstUes and even graded schools recognise., this principle la making athletics a part ot their eurrieulums. First, they See 'the Importance of strong bodies to tlert minds. Ths germs of srviMoing do not ordinarily lodg easily ta ths boy with a whole some, well-developed physique;' aad, ot course, th germs of physical dis ease do aoc l. . ' ' But this, important as It Is, Is only a part ot ths system. Ths strenuous rivalries aad oompeatloaa of toot ball, has ball, boxing. ' wrestling, running aad jumping ar calculated to bring oat and develop the best there Is In the ybnth. They should first ot all develop' th mnscles, then they shonld teach th necessary lee son of self-restraint under difficulty, self -to eatery against odds, cool-head-dness, th ability to think quickly aad accurately and think and execute at the same time. Life' eompaU Uous ar mors fierte oftea than thoae encountered am c gridiron; or a dia mond, or a met. Kicking ths ball over the goal aad pinning aa oppo nent's ahoarder te th floor do not cease with fradastloa from, a school or eolleg..! Tber are higher goals and box skillful tackles, suyngar grapplera and harder mate outside than inside educational fields. Athletics, to be successful of their purpose, must, be clean and must teach men to be clean. A good maxim baa been laid down, that it la better to lose on the square than to win unfairly. And It take a much better sport to lose than tt doe to win. The young man who 1 earns how to play fairly and squarely and bow to loss courageously,' even though he loss more contests than he wins, la the young man who haa got the best his athletic training had to give htm. That la one point of articulation be tween clean sports snd citlxenshlp. Fires and Inioranct. ' Th most frultfnl. cause of spon taneous combustion," says Fire Mar shal Doyle ot Illlnols,"ls the friction between a big policy of Insurance and a small stock of good?." ' And hs sdded thst this cause kaows no race distinction. Moreover, he adjured ths insurance men who heard . him that they could not escape their due Share of th responsibility.. In no other business Is ordinary 'prudence so recklessly disregarded, according to this expert Incompetent -or- careless men are sent sbroad with bandies of promissory notes In their hands, to mak over to th first lndivldusl they meet with; the loss, which Is almost Inevitable, la met by th community. For th loss entailed by a fir is total,' Th owner of building or good destroyed ta personally reim bursed from a fund collected from ths general public by tha Insurance companies, - but the wealth de stroyed la never replaced. . Aside .from his message . to the general public, which la pregnant with Unpreaslv truths, but little ap preciated, Mr. Doyle's1 argument ap plies most directly to the Insurance companies. Thla paper pointed out many years ago that th "moral has- ard" ot a firs risk is fostered by ths carelessness or Incompetency of the Insurance men themselves. Stricter Inspection ot risks, cjoser supervision o agents, and a mor rigid regulation In all regards by th Insurance com panies of dealings with thalr patrons will go very far toward tha 'awaken ing of th public to lta responsibility ta the matter of the present tremen dous fir wast. Th first steps must b taken by th companies, though, for th sssy-golng American people will not seriously consider th "moral hasard" pass ot the question until th Insurants concerns divest thsm selves' entirely ot their shars of ths risk that Is a menses to all. J Antot and Religion. . .The, churah hss cause to praise the automobile. One religious bu reau haa made an fitlmate that 10,- 000 country church which had been closed and deserted ar .now open and . holding well-attended weekly services as a rssult ot tha coming ot th auto. Prosperity among th farmer ha snabled them to buy th rspld transit vehicles, and they are going for- distances of fifteen and twenty miles to their eharches vry Bundsy, aoeordlng to thla census, , Asid from ths, primary fast that these thousands of sd If Ices ar ones mor filled with worshipers, ta this vn more Important fact to th re ligionists." namely, that tbs long ab sence from divine service apparently did not mean Indifference to religion or a falling from grc so much ss as tha lack of convenient means of reaching the place ot worship. 1 Th automobll waa at first re garded with disdain by many devout persons, specially if it wer uesd opon th Sabbath day. But it must not aver again be called a devtc ot th devil. Let It rather be praised aad blessed aa th swift chariot ot the Lord, which the Psalmist found to be uwt "twenty thousand" In num ber, a reopened church for each chariot, and to David the twenty thousand chariots were as "even thousands ot angels."' Her, then, Is modern Invention doing yeoman service as a missionary evangelist tor ths church In the out-of-way place. Over In China and Japan foreign missionaries are whisking to and fro between their widely separated sta tlons on motorcycles. Evidently our twentieth century progress and pros perity ar among th first fruits of righteousness. At lesst they bsvs In them the power to be snade such. Pr-Naptial Tests. Dean W. T. Sumaer's plan ot mak ing marriage contingent upon a cer tificate ot oond health -receives stout support from the Illinois Home opathic Medical association, which declares that marrtsg without a p re nuptial medical examination Is a sin. for "the greatest sin any man or woman can commit ta th deliberate, premeditated bringing Into ths world of diseased offspring.' There Is a point at which aln be comes crime. ' Ths lntimsts relation between hereditary disease aad crim inality, aa ths records ot every stats will show, lays Solem atreea upon the necessity of taking every possible precaution agslnst Inherent disease. Ilea do not deny thee truths to themselves; then why saoegd they Igaore them when thy go to dis charge their duties and respooslbltl Ues to society t Tbs trend of public thought haa led toward social re form. ' Th multiplicity of divorces, the laflseoe of pre-natal conditions npen wrong living and Insanity, ar fsca tiiAVdojJt Ajmlipf ttounyad yet society halts upon the threshold of. perhaps, the most Important and apparent ot all social reforms. .. kIt will undoubtedly be difficult to spply any set rule at first seeking to thwart mlsmatlng In marriage, tint moet reforms worth while are at first difficult It is agreed that it to easier to prevent domestic Infelicity st the altar than It ta to cur It la the divorce court, and yet nothing is done to msks it less difficult for any one to get married who takes ths no tion. The sea of life la thickly strewn with human derelicts because almost no attention haa been given to this very subject of hereditary dis ease In its relation to ertms and In sanity. These streams of error can not be controlled except at their source. Attempts at damming them up at their mouths only drive them over their banks and cans serious destruction. A Boost for the Wireless; . Th naval appropriation till Intro duced In the houas emphasises ths importance wireless' telegraphy la to play la ocean traffic and communica tion from now on by the inclusion ot a provision for $1,800,000, $400,000 of which ta o become .available this year, toward establishing a wireless system around th world. This item seems to bsvs been inserted in ths bill after it bad been drawn np Snd doubtleas It Is resultant. Indirectly, from the Titanic disaster. Ot all the somber lessons thst tragedy taught us not th least wsa th inadequate ose 'mad ot this phenomenal mean of communica tion. The fault ta not to be ascribed wholly to the unfortunate entrance ot th commercial .spirit, either, though, of course, that had its dele terious effect, It would be crlmlnsl negligence not to profit ss fully ss possibls from the lack of sufficient wireless facilities on this terrible oc casion. Sines It Is nature from which we ar drawing these resoTrrees, ws may ss wsll maks our drafts as heavy aa necessary! tor th resources srs inexhaustible. . ' .' ,. . Th purpose of congress is to maks th servle equal to the almost emergency,' to make it capable of re laying distress signals at ths same Urn it ta accommodating commer cial interests. Congress, of eourss, does not mean to scold tor in iaca of progress msds with this Infant In vention tax the world baa scarcely recovered from the first shock ot ths smaxlDg wonder ot It The eelerlty ot modern progress is aptly exempli fied Ja this very demand and mov tor a . globs-encircling system ot wlrless.- ; . ,i j Tbs stsndpat rank-and tils out voted .the progressive bishops on ths smusfmsat rule and Methodism will continue; to denounce ' dancing, theater-going, card playing and a fsw other proscribed pastime aa sinful, whlla many good Christians la that and other churches eontlnu to In dulge in soms ot these diversions. John Wesley, himself, waa advanced enough to as that thla waa a matter tor the Individual conscienee, but th general conference at . Minneapolis. Which refused by a vote ot 44$ to 30$ to change the rule, differs with Wes ley, . But when did a man-mads rals accomplish what tha rational appesl ot the gospel. Itself, tailed to accom plish! . A very present menace to peace aad good order Is th unlimited li cense Indulged by political speakers. Never in the history ot the United Slates wss a campaign marked by such assaults on th personal char acter and public capacity of our offl clala as hav been Indulged during th present campaign. It tha self appointed leaders ot thought aad ac tion in America Indulge In such con tinuous sbuae ot men with authority vsated upon them by their fellow clUsena, whst may w xpet ot th unthinking and poorly trained men tally among th peopUt Is It any wonder that anarchy aad mob vio ls ace bars disgraced our country? One of the best pieces ot news that baa corns over ths wtr for some Urn tbat th anthracite miners will ratify th proposed seal ot wages agreed to by their leaders and ths operators. This insures peace. The miners have thus set a good exampls to other workmen and th operator are entitled also to credit for their patience and conatderation of Inter ests oatslds of their own. "Who will roll away the stone?" But the fslth that moves mountains doe not pans before Imaginary ob stacle to worry over that question. When they reached th tomb it waa open, and It to usually th case that tha strong, trusting heart fin da it possible to cross each bridge whan It to reached. - Tbs Lincoln Star expresses its de spair over the situation la , which Nebraska democraU find thsmselves, aad weepa In large type because their animosities are hreconctlabl. Bat Mr. Bryan will soothe and solace all after th Baltimore convention. so th Star may wait aad be forted. Lincoln is about to adopt a mu nicipal lighting plant, aad haa Just received estimates from its engineer as te the cost of Installation aad maintenance. - This might be a tip to th Omaha commission. It would do no harm at least to seeor reliable lafonnatloft pa ha wlUnrt QjocWBackrard TkilliJ roHriuarROM ou SU FILE 1- MAX 18. Thirty Tears Ago There has not been a funeral la tms ettjr since oae weak sgo today. (TosMtaiag ulte remarkable. The "Wyoming," which left this city restersey morning. mU in sight ot the city all day. having lodged ea a saedbsr. Forty canvases - eml grant rossed by the TJnloa. Pacific transfer sag paeail up Faraam street oa tselr war te Idaho aad Oregon. Tber from Missouri. - A book reception wtib vocal sod Instro- Bsental muste took pises la ths reading room of the Toung Men's Caristlaa aaso eiatlon mat evening. This new resort Is finely furnUhed with books, earpet and orgaa and all tbat can saaks tt atcrsetivs. BUSS'S palace, which boasts of beiag the finest sample room In the west, is Open tor patroness at Xt4 South Fifteenth street Joe Blake, the proprietor, Is well known and popular among our dtiseas, snd Colonel Floyd, whs will assist him behind the. counter. Is a" whole host Ol at tract! oas himself. '. - Ths. next, smeting -ot .4he- Episeopsl ohurch oounoli, Just concluded here, will take place in Lincoln la May of next year..-w ' : ; "' ' ' t' . 'l A ckn for a meeting of 'the Omaha Teamsters'- unioa - Is signed by Tw 1. Quick, secretary. r- v- i '.' IX Havefly; U Dodge street, ask for ths recovery of a light red cew about 4 years old thst has strayed sway, Twenty' Years : Ago ' Mr. sad Mrs. J. H. Kyer toft tor s visit la New York city. Mrs. Rutherford. Miss Rutherford. atlas Mastle Stephens and Miss Maggie Collins left tor sa extended European trip. , William Amisoa of Kashvtlle ex-presldsnt of the International Typo graphical union, wss a visitor to The Bee office. . .. i Omaha Board of Trade offered aid te the flood sufferers of Sioux city. A committee eomposed ot Messrs. Kyer, Goodman, Wheeler sad Mason left for Sioux City to see whst could be done. Mrs. Krickenbarger and Mrs. Ksarn of Clartnda. Is., were the guests of Mrs. C H. Chiasm of Orchard MIL ' Mr. and Mrs. John MeCormick left for their new home In Oregon, where Mr. MoCormlck owne a mining claim and 500 acres of timber land, both ot which he Intended to work In addition to raising poultry. . . , . . Tesi Tears Ago . . t - " ' ,- Omaha beat Denver la ths mod, I. to 4 Mordeoal Brows pitched for ths Rourkss. At Oermanla ball Cantata Edith Baker ot the basket ball team of the Toung Women's Christian aasoetatlenj led ber team to victory la 'a warmly contested game with Tabee sollege. Boars II to t Robert Cowell wss the speaker ot the evening st tbs Ak-SAr-Ben den. Oliver T. Baker snd Miss Hmnt B. Konander cast their lots together snd started down life's lane. Mrs. Samuel Hanover went to Lincoln ea business for ths Boms et ths Friend- leas society. Vtoter B. Caldwell, treasurer of the Martinique relief toss, reported tu. fs band. " . ! Douglas county populists were arrang ing to carry to the state convention a preposition for a constitutional conven tion. George A. Maguey said thst bs be lieved the state needed a new constitu tion and that tbs pupullsts should be th leaders la setting ens for It- fllS MAY FO BRTA,: WkF This OfjpoalTlaw Feerth 'KsmtBStteaf ' 'V .. Mew. York Herald. ( .-- We should like to laqulee ot ova neigh or, the World, why should not Colonel W. J. Bryaa be the owuioorsas candi date for president rf two-thirds of the Baltimore eonveotioa want atmT "' Mr. Bryan is aow a Has example of mature sad experienced manhood. He te Is years old, Hs raa for president three times when the figures proved that the democracy was sn popular. Now that the party Is undeniably popular, why should .not Colonel Bryaa reap the re ward of keeping the fires brightly burn tost , Hs la certainly stronger la the east las ever was before. The money power, -which was once o posed te him hostile. Only the ether day Colonel Bryaa was entertained . at luncheon at the MetropoUtoa club, this etty. wbea about fifty well-knows men of wealth were present sad Uatesed to the witchery et his words. Doss he sot bbbssbb the honesty that Is requisite to a ssisoeratle candidate? Al though e targe land owner, does hs not live ta the stmpUctty that Is becoming ta great democrat? Hs does sot He, be doss aot split aslrs, hs possussss the eld eoerage, attacking democrats, gnat Hs savs to ear republican statesmen moet of the Ideas oa which they have beea making political capital, while they have beea making- - capital walk the aleak tor twelve rearm. fastis Mlass ths Mitt, Baltimore Americas. A court of SomeeUe relation la Chi- oeete has decide that a wits Is aot sbUsed "to follow ber huebaad and sol out bar hand Uks a monkey for mosey," Is entitled legally to her share sf means This will bs regarded ss aa mtoterab- assault upon sacred an vests lights by the class of husbands who think a wtfs hss a ass for mossy, bsyond carfare, aad that while ths wife doss ber part et th business of ths do Bisstte firm, the husband Is the eair sn sn titled te handle tbs cash. , mssataSm fss SlewUsus Striker. ' M. Loals Reoublleas. W weald sssiistfully resstad, Messrs. Oomea, Orseee and ether strikers sgainst the partial ry estsbUsbeg erdstv la Msxtos Oust before a rsvolutMBsry "govern meat" sbtsla rssognKloB by power its authority must l by tbs dtiseas of a r who ttve under Its ktws aad pay taxes for Its support. It most hsv s eapttal, a system ef taxation aetaslly prodocmc rsvesss aad a psdscssl systsia. Sssss ta pwuttes. . ' Waaalngtsa Star. Boss ef the theories svotvsd by eoOes tor the anxosBsrjt of ths party plsirasis sound Eke exceedingly stwipls aad strslghtf orwsrd resdirg. , , , CrvUtoeS WlSsi. , -Kew Yerk Sua. If bssss toat etvUlsed. what orviUsation sxJtIhsBQdto4 Btstsn - SXCUIAA SHOTS AT PU1PIT. Indiana polls News: Ths way ths Meth odist conference hesitate about lesying tbs question of "amusements" to the oon sdeoc of Its members doern't. seem to Imply much confidence ta tbat eonsoti Bt Paul Dispatch: A Chicago bishop thinks It would bs a bad more to place salaries high snough to tempt mea to enter the ministry for th sake of the pay. It certainly would bs a bad thing for some already la If anything ware to bs doss to start a stampede orators at tbs sireetioa of the pulpit. . Boston Transcript: Tbs Kattanal Fed eration of Gospel Missions, aow m tioa here, is serving to sliest inspiring sunss et ths good deeds done by msa snd women whs aoralster to the helpless sad hopeless people wbs seem to have so ether friends. There are many such mission workers. Probably anost at them srs of that class. Rut we Wish that, is ths general taterest, ths National Feder ation might find a wsy to differentiate such. Persons, explicitly and publicly, from the heartless pretenders who found a missloa or a rescn home or some such esUblishme-it Tor whst there Is Is tu" Chicago Inter Oceaa: Ths Rev. Dr. Sa-ridgs of th People's church la Omaha has united S.0OI couples la marriage and with the tees has founded and maintains a heo for oM people, where fifty or more aged couples are supported ta com fort. a He Is not only well sdvertlsed as a marrying parson, but has a matri monial drummer to bring blm custom. This sgsnt to aa attrsctivs woman who haunts the oourthouss where couples go for licenses and makes ths rounds of the railway stations when trains are due nna can ."spot" marrying couples at sight , She steers them straightway -to Us Uosase. clerk sad thence to' her par son's Joining room. Tks only thing tbat troubles us about this to that Ber. Dr. gavidg tnil feel time hang heavy on his hands In heaven. -, People and Events V It yon srs observant yon will notice that several changes are being msds tn the stores within sur city. Ons of ths newest stores Is that la which Fred Bredegasrd' - housing his Ons Jswslry assortment. Mr. Brodegaard bsllevss la doing everything well; visitors to his new establishment Sixteenth and Doug las, srs agreed that he has dons things op hi fine shape. - sometimes Jeweler Fred likes a Changs In ths every day business routine and then hs holds a wedding or pulls off a duel la his store. The boua' dawg song, as It moves from state to stats gathers surprising Tolums.-and other things Without tbs sestet an os of animated phonographs. ' 'Ths reappearance of former O ever nor Psnnypacksr In the publle Mfe of Penn sylvania lends as air of probability to the charge thst the late primary upheaval woke s the dead. Thlmmis Fsddsn" hss broken' Into congress, George Ade is talked of for roTemor f Indiana, sad Jeff and Mutt are getting sbssty. AU kinds of fua sa- Uvens th camps! go. . , A roster of the revised " Seven Wonders of the World" put out by a Cornell prs- nr, falls fist because It emits tbs greatest et all wondersthe amaaing versatility sf sialmants of convention delegates. Here, surely. Is a msa aad a patriot Mayer-elect George A. Kosmer ef Bar ron. Wat a former railroad msa, gave up th honors of office rather than sur render his railroad pass. Suck loyalty te aa old friend challenges a Carnegie If soMTrsss Sseldes oa the col nag of t-esnt pieces, s vlrnett ef Tees Johnsos would be th most approprlsts dseors ttoa for tbs new eoln. Johnson's success ful bat Us for S-oent fares to Cleveland wss the first empbatle boost for "three la one." ' ,- v A Refreshing Shower : and a Cool Plunge Hot Summer Days J , mogi enjoyable . " , . . " 411 Summer at the Y. PL C A Men $5.50 Boy WITH LOCKEX FREE Join Now Y. H, Co A. Jota Now . Outing Park on Carte Lake. fSJH) "'' OSE TERM FOE PBESUJESTS. t. Brooklyn Eagle: Ths pro position to Bmlt ths president' te a single term of six years -to not designed to spoil the song ef any peerless candidate who runs but sever srrlvea - Chicago Trlbunef At this moment thsr proposal for a Changs is ths presidential tenor involves two sjaestlons. aad eae of them by rights should not be raise. That is the soeetloa sf opportuaisrs. This is not the time tor tne proposal, . in sincerity of the senator whose nam Is attached to the resolution to not doubted. The sincerity of many of the mea who give it support to. - - Sioux City Journal.- Not only has the need for a hard aad fast limit ef tenure been Impressed, but ths advisability et relieving ths p reddest of ths incentive to fight for any renomlnatlon ' has beea realised as never before. The combina tion: baa resulted in sincere sentiment la favor of the ' single six-year term. The terra Is fixed at six years as a com promise based ea sentiment thst a four year term Is too short for a good ex ecutive, whits th eight-year term to too long for a poor er indifferent exeeutlva. Cleveland Plsin DealerC The movement to prevent a president's re-election or possibls . perpetuation in office grows, rapidly Into definite snaps. The senate judiciary committee has decided to pre- ,, sent a favorable report oa the Works,' resolution This measure, similar to one that to la the committee stage tn the hosss of representatlvea, provides tor V constitutional amendment extending the; prssldentisl term from tour to six yesrs,' ( sad maklns ths president ineligible fos re-election. If passed by both houses th amendment can be voted ea by the states 1 within two years, and. If promptly 'ap- proved, would become effective before the election of Bit, ' ,' - '; .' THESE GIELS OF 0UBA ; : "My father talked me Into taking this Course In domestic science, " "And how do you Uks domestto set- ""Welt It- looks like ordinary kitchen , work to me. If my suspicions srs eon firmed I shall drop the course snd maks father buy me s S3 hat-"-lulsvtlls Courier-Journal. Ethel lack rsauy oas a boh spws his heart for ma .t May-How do you know thatt Ethel tie say hs is always tanking ' me. u.Rnt you know man dosssrt think with his heart. The soft place , must bs la bis bsad.-Buffale Express. ; -vna ii.-w't reallv broken with hlmf exclaimed stlss Ascum. "Why. I thought he wss your loesi. ... - "So hs was." replied Miss FickslI, -but ss soon ss I find s mas who sties up te my Ideal It Just essms to be any kick to ssvs ths fashions In Ideals change." Cathollo Standard and Times. "It Is really by little things that one can tell a man's charaoter." "Yes; I think that was, the reason Julia . . i .ns.Hnunt Umr UMt tA bring her such cheap shocolstes." liaiU insrs American. , ,, "Myrtle, eaa you cook?" No. Lionel : can you afford to keep aa autor' , -No, deer.- - . . j.; bo they did not marry, snd they rived happily ever altrwsrd.-oston xrest script ... .... . ' - r ' - t ehs said, sweetly. Ta sl-i most through with houss cleaning. But I'm up against s ternote pruiu sw. , What's the matter t" . , ' i i And any Dlace to bans rout clothes." Detroit Frss Preen, . : ; : u wr t.khn iii Boston' News IMtsr.t I'm sure God's Curs are the fairest flags -it aw. eall. tarlslaa tsTrsV-lrl , in BUI UIO W IUS) wesssv - ' ,-' And they tell so true what the wssthefB .t When we fee their folds unfurled. .. crimson sob b" ", " . r ? Ths following day will bs dear and bright A long. STsi fish In ths evening eky -Jsek Frost Is hurrying fast thla wsy. Long, slrvery rays shot' through with TwUl'nls'soaM where before the night . Tirht fleecy eieuae in s ciewr, o .r. . Uks th snowy sheep In toe pasture nigy Ths day will be fair for work or play; , Rsjotos and slag for ths msrry May. f A streak of light 'neath s Issdes dome- , BDOWIiaaes immue j - - . . .- it Black clouds, rolling, hurryln by. Boreas whistles snd sweep tbs sky. 81111, so still, with s eoppery hue- ' . Eathquaks weather-no sign ot blue. -: ( I'm sure God's flags srs ths .fairest flags in sVfi i no wiuti, wbsasj wvs . -They tell so true whst the weatherTi . . w nen ws ess ww Absolutely Correct . Every prescription filled at any one ' ot oar tlvs stores must be filled Just as tbs doctor orders. No substitution of drugs ta per mitted only the purest drugs Used every proscription checked snd recheeked by experienced, graduate pharmacists. , Your pre scription can't go wrong. , ."This service costs yon no mor than yon havs to pay elsewhere. SJicrnin & McCoiisell Dni Company ,. $2.50-52.00