Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Women Are :. . v
Doing in the World
teAiu' wvwm m nun' ww ass
w I I taking to the wood. Mot that
A I tbr ere abdicating. Far from
It. They an merely transfer
rins; their activities from Is-
aoors to outdoors.
Ths Wychs Story Tellers' toaroa will
picnic tn Hanscom park next Thursday .
will has a laa supper oa tha grass la
tha svenlng aad tall stories of flowara
and birds and trass. Members ars sx
psctad to bs oa hand at ths pavilion at
M p. m. Ths leaders la ths story tail
ing after sapper will bs Miss Mary. Krebs
and Mrs. B. A. Holyoka.
Ths Omaha chapter of the Daughter of
ths Confederacy will hold Its aanaal pic
Bis la Hanecom park ths aftaraooa of
Jons I la honor of ths birthday aaolrsr
ary of Thomas Jefferson. Mrs, Osorto
Coven, president of tha society. Is ar
ranging ths program,'' which srlu consist
of papers aad talks on tha Ufa of ths
confederate president
Ths Omaha Woman Suffrage society Is
planning to hold a Bomber of picnics In
Banaoom park this summer, as tt has
dons la ths but two summers. Ths West
Omaha oMthsrs club Is also planning to
hare ssvsral outdoor meetings this sum
Ths West Omaha Mother crab win
ha" a program at ths boms of Mrs.
Clifford Burkhardt, 1111 North Fortieth
strset, Friday afternoon at t o'clock, la
which stories' and story telling will be
ths chief suhjscta Friends, as well as
members are naked to attend. Tha pro-
,ram will bs: '
Instrumental music, Paul Bonorden.
"Value of an Acquaintance with Lltsra-
tore to Story Telling." Mm James Dorr.
, Twenty-minute discussion, led by Mrs,
JL C Dollar.
"Story Tolling," Mrs. F. D. Dietrich.
"Storlee with ths Children," Miss
Blanche TruesdslL
Vale of Stories," Mrs. R. A. Macfar
Jane. ,' A story. Miss Isabell MeMIUea. .
' The Daughters of ths American Revolu
tion will bold their last regular meeting
. at ths en eon Monday afternoon fat ths
' publla library to elect officers for next
.year and to transact other business.
-"Medical Temperance" will bs ths aub
foet of study and discussion at ths meet
ing of ths Franoss WlUard Temperance
aaloa Wednesday afternoon. The whits
ribboners will, have aa all-day meeting
with business easel on starting at 11 a. m.
aad niaohson at soon. The-meeting wHI
i bs held at ths bonis of Mrs. J. A. Tag
tart -. :.
' Ths Benson Woman's Christian Tam
psranos union will meet Friday after.
boob at the boms of Mrs. H. J. Grove
Mrs. D. C John, county president. Is pre
paring the program.
The Omaha Woman Buffrags society
nskt Its last regular meeting of tbs sea-
son Wednesday at ths Young Women's
Christian association, endorsed the ac
tion of ths publlo shool teachers tn aakv
1 1: ii
This is a special message to over
worked housekeepers. Garments
made from "Serpentine Crepe," the
"tnost" beautiful, ' longest wearing, and
most graceful draping 'cotton fabric
made, ,do not ever need the :uncom-
portable work of ironing, but always
look pretty and attractive. A- f
" Serpentine Crepe "is the econom
ical fabric for the housewife, as it is
, sold at a very reasonable price, and can
.' be used" for either women's' or' chil-.
drenY dresses. r x
If . a 'survey o( your morning ward
robe reveals any shortcomings, always '
remember that they cari be supplied .'
economically with " Serpentine Crepe."i
Just examine the Spring and Sum-!
mer exhibit of new and handsome;
patterns in many choice colorings, and
you will be convinced of its superi-?
brity over any other cotton material. J
Look for tlie words " Serpentine Crpe " on'
selvage, as tLey guarantee that you are secur
ing the genuine "Serpentiae Cr?pe." ,
. Sold in Omaha tiaH leading department
' stores and retailers. ,.
. i V it.
1 11 i'.'
' v
pQawg o? fojk ttg&J
: , h tfj
Y A 5 "" 'H
,A J m A. A.-
-; ' v - ' r ' I - ' ' 5
. . ..i . i - ;
v - t ' I . J :
: r - -..':
W$aO qml U)Smmmmc)S
sWssWsasassaaaw-sss--- ' - . am a a III mum II mm mm Mm mm mwmm mm
Ing for higher salaries and rotsd to send
cheering greetings to ths ssrsa new city
Tbs society did ssass active
work last week selling tbs Wossaa't Jour
nal, ths national suffrage paper, on the
streets. Tha members plaa to continue
selling papers Tuesdays.
Having coma safely through one per
formance on "Bow ths Vote WssWoa,'
a popular suffrage play, ths society plans
to sirs It again next Tuesday evening
at ths Suburban theater. Twenty-fourth
street and Amss annus. It being ama
teur night at tha moving picture place.
A suffrage tea the first week la June
at ths bom of tbs vice president, Mra.
George Oovell, Is oa ths society's sched
ule for the future.
From Dr. Ines PhUbrlck of Unootn.
president of ths Woman Suffrage asso
ciation of Nebraska, scmss a notice of
th Mississippi valley oonfsrsnos of suf
fragists ts bs held with ths Illinois JBqusl
Buffrags association at tha LASalle hotel.
Chicago, next Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, Ths last days work will bs
transferred to Milwaukee, In order that
ths suffragists nay help directly ta ths
Wisconsin campaign tor equal rights
Ths first two days of ths oonf ersacs will
bs spsat on "Local Problsras and Meth
ods of Work." . v
Among . tha delegates atteadtnc ths
twenty-sixth annual meeting of ths
Woman's auxiliary of ths Episcopal d lo
oses of Nebraska hers last week was
Mrs. Ik L Cowan of Ashland, who to
prominent la tha Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs aa wsll as In church
work., 8hs was tbs guest of Mrs.. F. H.
Ths Omaha Visiting Nuns associa
tion ts being represented at several large
conventions by Miss Lillian Stuff, who
oomee from: Lincoln to Omaha ths middle
of next month to take chart of tha as-
No Ironing
sodatloa's tuberculosis
Gardner hall. Miss Stuff la at
attsadlnf tha International
sanferaao aa Wasblnstsay D. C-
thers sas wtu to u CaJcagw to tta Ma-
ttoaal Graduate Nurses' sssoslaMoa oea
vention, June T to Ml. Wall la Chicago
ah will also sttend a meeUng of yiatt
tng Nurs assoaatioa worksrs from all
over, ths oountry.
. s . '
Ths prospectus of ths eleventh Meant
convention of ths General federation at
Women's Clubs la Baa Francssoa, June
to July t, is at last In ths hands of ths
club women. It Is a Beat aad oomprs
henslve pamphlet of twenty pagee filled
with Information. Ths Bams of tflors
and oommltteea, programs at business
addresses aad en tart sin men ta, of which
there will' be aa etmndaaoe; informatios
rsaardlns hotels, credentials aad railroad
routss; map and pictures of Interesting
California places ars gtvsa la th pros
Mrs. F. H. Cols,, general federatloa
secretary for Nebraska, la busy
shalltnc ths Nebraska fores for tbs eon
van tl on- 8ho has arranged with Mr. Bsta
dorff of the Unloa Paetfi for a spsctal
oar over ahorter and lees sxpenetve
routs thsn ths on originally announced.
By tha new arrangement It wtu be pos-
slbi to attach ths Nebraska ear to a
train leaving Omaha June n at a. m.
It go direct to Bait Laa City,
ths day may bs spsnt at Lk Tahos,
aad arrives' la Ban Franolse June M
at T a. m., giving ampi tint to prsssnt
credentials aad become settled at the
hotel before the complimentary ooaosrt
glvsn by ths local biennial board In the
Auditorium Monday rsnln
It eighteen women want to go by ths
short routs ths car may b bad; the
choosing ths longer rout may, be ar-
raofsa xor separately, ...
-. y
Tbs Woman' club of to railway mall
servlc had aa sspsdally practteal pro
gram at the boms of Mm, J. O. Goad
Wednesday .under ths leadership ef Mr.
C. K. Erwts. Mrs. Krwin reed a paps'
on "Bread and" Bread Mafctu-.? and Miss
Marls Erwln, who attsnds Bellsru col
lege, had a paper oa "Domsstlo Bdenos
la th High Schools and Colleges."
Miss Marguerite Walker of ths TJnl
vsrsity of Omaha read "Ths Tsa Party."
Miss Helen Hamlin of Bsllsvus collage
sane "Ths Joy of th Morning" aad Miss
Mary Taylor far a piano sola, .
The Ladles' Aid society of th First
Methodist church will hold aa old-fashioned
oounty fair la ths church parlors
early In June for th purpos of raising
funds for ths church work, Mra Palmer
Flndley Is chairman of th sommlttss OS
arrangements. ,
(Continued from Pegs Two.)
Island, '
Miss Pick sting.
A Dutch treat party lacludsdc
Mr. and Mrs. JC. A. Hlnrlchs,
Mr. and Mrs. John Benin,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ds Bord.
Mr. and Mrs. John Guild
. Judgs and Mm. George A. Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward p. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Lss Huffs guests wsrs:
. Mr. and Mr. J. O. Blford.
Mr. snd Mra. H. B. Sidle.
Mr and Mrs. Daniel Baum, jr,' bad as
their guests: " '
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clarke. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgees,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Preston.
Dining together were: ' i
Mr. and Mr. E. Buckingham, .'
Mr. and Mra Jay D. Foster,
Mrs. Emory Btedmaa of
Mr. and Mr Fred Pre res. . '
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilkin.
. Mr. and Mra M. C. Peters,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jordan, ,
Dr. and Mrs. H. C Sum nay.
Mr, and Mr. George U, Kelly,
, Mra Byron Bruit h,
- Mr. Robert Buckingham.
Mr. aad Mm Mark J. Coad bad a thalr
Mr. and Mm 8. a Caldwstt,
Miss France Wesssila, ,
Mr. Frank Pollard,
Dining with Mr. and Mm J. W. Wood
rough were, ;
Mr. and Mm George Ukert. . -.
Dr. and Mrs. Hj A. Waal.
, Mm C G. Dybail. ' -
Mr. and Mm B, F. Moffatt bad aa
tbelr guests: u
Mr. and Mm J. B. Porter.
Judge nd Mm J. J. BulBraa, v
Dining together were: ,
Dr. and Mm K. H. braenlng, . ,
Mr. and Mm H. M. OouloUng,
Mr. and Mm Albert Krug.
Dr. Sachs, ..... .
- Dr. Anson.
e Mr. Karl Bock, ...
sir. k. union Btunt
Mm Potter of Shelby, 1st
Dr. and. Mm G. A. Young sntertalned
Captain and Mm Dony,
Mr. Conrad Tounc
Members of th Harmony dob, wh
dined together at th opening this year,
mcludsd: . , r
, Mr. snd Mm E. D. Van Oourt.
Mr. and Mm Frank Swiss.
Mr. and Mm W. H. Munger.
Mr. and Mm J. F. Dale.
Mr. and Mm R. D. Pollard.
Mr., and Mm R. W. Brecknrldsa, '
Mr. and Mm F. L McCsy.
Mr. and Mm D. V. aholea.
A Dutch treat party Included:
Mr. snd Mm J.-W. Parish.
Mr. and Mm E. W. Martin.
Mr, aad Mm C. E. Bsibsca. -
Mr. and Mm i. C Bufflnatoa,
Mr. and Mm H. S Culver
Mr. and Mm Jsmss U. Morton. -
Miss Chamberlaia.
Other dinner partJea were gtvea by A,
A, AJUsss who bad oovsrs plsesd tor flvs;
siiru wth ,P u
"'"laV I IUWLJl v.- rr.j-r ps
- nm
May IP. IMS-Mr. K. T. Donovan, a
noted mining evert who had been
government asrvlo all along th PaoiOo
slope, was united la wedlock with Miss
Mamie Fleh. of Cheyenne, Wy., at the
Metropolitan not! at Omaha. Miss Fish
Is the daughter of on of the wealthieet
eattl kings of Cheyenne, aad wsa ooa of
th most prominent soelely belles.
May n, UODr. Cugen Hsuck. a suo-eatui-phyMaf.Bt.
Louis, Met. aad
Mis tony Mots, daughter of PnCMeta.
th well known brewer of this city, were
married by Her. J, a. Detwetler of th
Kountss Msitorlal churob. Th cere
mony wis, witnessed only by th im
mediats relatives aad friend of th con
tracting parties. Tbs brlds aad (room
were unattended.
May 1. IHP-Mr. Issdors Shan and
Miss Bertha Feller, both , of Omaha,
Adolph Btors, sli; W, B. Roonsy, slghtl
F. J. Coad, slst- J. F. Stout, four; ft. F.
TUlsy, sight; W. & MoCaffrsy, eight: O.
T. Wilson, Ma; R. K. Sunderland, twa;
W. H. Rhode, fourj, W. H. Buchols,
four; XJ. M. Contnt. four: J, R, McDon
ald, four: S. I. Potter, four; A. L Crelgb,
tw; F. J. Weama, two; R. K. Welch,
four; O. C. Holme, three: L, D. Carrier,
two; Dr. Shearer, two; D. knapp,
I ouri A. W. Oordoa, four; Jama Waugh,
two; F. K MoConaell, four; Oeorge O.
Bowman, four; H, a. Susmaaa, On; U
W. Blaesing, tour; M, O. Colpetser, six;
John Steel, Or; H, C Kvarta, two; Oscar
All, eix; J. C Sharp, seven; O. W.
Dunn, fourteen; Frank Barrett, four; W.
R Cahlll. four; Henry -A. Koch, four:" J.
Tan. Renslar,. tour; W.- H. Murray.
frs; Paul Weraher, six; J. Bex Henry,
flvs; R, M. Bedwl. two; H. A. Camwon.
two; 1. A. Russso, two; U H. Drtahaus,
flvs; H. o.' Bdwards, sights C A. Both
well, twor. W. . H. rVwnsy, tour; C. K.
Bsyles, two; R, L. Huntley, four; W. C
Nicholson, six; Dr. a A. McDwmott,
sight; John T. Tatee. fesr, Charles H.
Brown, four; J. C. McClura, two; A..V.
ShotwsD, flv M. P. FeO, fourf T. S.
IClly. two, . . . y, . . ; ..
At the Country Club'
Last svsning Captain and. Mrs. Rjfed
berlck entertained Captain and Mm
Cowan of Fort Omaha, CHaplala aad
Mm CbsnawsU of Fort Crook, Miss Fee
ler of Fort Wayne, Ind.. and Mr. Elmer
Cop at dinner at th Couatry alub.
Mr.' Luther Draks gsvs dlaasr for
Colonel aad Mr. WD Item Allaire ef Fort
Crook, Dr. and Mm X S. Sum mars, Mr.
aad Mm E. W. Dlxoa. Mr aad Mm
Howard Belongs. Mis Cortis. Mis
Dpan aad Mr. Charles Is linden.
Mr. aad Mm C E. Tost bad a dlaasr
of forty oovsrs la ta grsea safe
Mr. Robert Dinning gav a dlaasr fsr
Miss Miriam Ptsroa aad bar r i i.
Mr. ban Boy of Cbleecs.
Other dlaasr partlss at. the slob last
evening were given by Mm Warren
Rogsra, who had tsa guests; M. T. Bar
low, fsar:--A P. Oulsu.. ton; M. B.
Poberts. four; U C Masa, six; Mm D.
H. Wheeler, feor T. C Byrne, seven;
Hal Brady, four. .
For the Future
Mm X..A. Benson wUI
bndp xt. Thursday aftsnwoa at her
boa. . . , . j,',-,;; ,
Mm WBllsia H. Atialra of Fort Crook
win sntsrtsia at brlds Frtdsy aftaraooa
la honor of Mm Whitehead of Denw.
' - .
CoawUBMBtary to Miss Vats Allemaa,
wbos wedding ts Wilssa Aula win take
Slso Jaa t, seversl social affair arm be
en. Tassday, Mm Richard KJtehaa
wia sntsrtala at a brtdg hmcbsoa: Wsa.
Sesday, Mm Own Atkins will give aa
aftsrneea brtds. , and Thursday, Miss
. -p -
Your Unrestricted ChoiceSbf , Any
lYoman's Skirt m Our Store
RegJirdlcss tf Former
Over 2,000 skirtsnone reserved
all must go. ; : v: r V ,
. Never before and -perhaps never
again will such an opportunity present
itself to the women of Omaha, v Think
what it means to take vour Dick, from
over 2,000 high grade skirts at this .
pxitc..v -; r "
The materials are fancy Worsteds,
Chiffon Panamas, Serges and Voiles,
all in new, up-to-date models. . Don t
fail to attend this wonderful skirt sale
Monday morning: y
Several hundred of these skirts are
worth up to $15.00.
Cloak Department 3rd Floor.
pllghtsd their troth at Oeodrtoh ball,
RabM Banana officiating. After th cere
mony th guests repaired to th rapper
rooms, where aa elegant banquet bad
been spread. -
May It, U-Mr. Walter J. Culler and
Mis Msbsl A. Btsthss of Halifax. N. .,
solemnised" their marrlesja at St. Barna
bas church. Rev. Jobs Williams per
asnnsd th ceremony. Th bride's at
esndaala wsrs Mlsss Edith Caltsy, Jssele
BlMltoa sad MIM PartrMg.- Messrs. c.
W. PartrMg. K. W. Tyler and Jack U
Culley attended th groom.
stay 1. lttt-Mn Brant X. Tata, at
Omaha and Miss Psarl Msllor of Malvern,
la, were married at th reeldenoe at
Rev. George O. Rlc sf Counoll Bluffs,
la. Only a few friends of Mr. Tstss snd
Miss Mailer witnessed . tbs oeremotir,
which, without sstaoutkm, waa bsautlful
In It simplicity.
Amy Lawrls will give a card party.
Mm J. D. Hie will give a May break
fast Wsdnssdsy moraine May B. at ths
Nsw Hamilton eats, when she will enter
tain fourteen guests.
St Philomena branch L. C B. A., will
grr a csrd party Monday svsning at
Berlght hall
Pleasures Past
Mia Emma Whttmor. wh for twen-ty-Bx
years has been principal at Lake
school and wh this Juns severs bsr con
nection with th Omaha public school,
wss honor guest Saturday evening at a
rsesptlon given by Mm R. A. Fin ley and
bsr son. Malcolm, at thstr boms, Ml Bur
dtt street for th htk grade .gradu
ating das.
Aa a token of esteem and gratitude
for bar efficient work th class presented
Mia Whltmor with a sold bar pla set
With pearls. . . I. .
Asnsung wsrs Miss Dud Is Dennis, Mis
Elisabeth Flslsy, Miss Irsos Shspard and
Mis Maud Roy. ' ' . ' i .
' Thoo present were:
Mlasss- . MIssss-
Emma WhHmora, Ottlile Luebke,
V. Var Richer.
Lola M. Ttllotsso.
Helen Beet,
Dorothy From,
Jeonl Frtedmaa,
Emma Trues.
Alio Root.
Bu!h Whltmortr
Claia Blackburn,
Vivian Alvteoa,
Buaaa I a tea.
Iran Bigger.
Katharine Dumlgan. Buth Lot.
Kelllo Mori arty, Eltxsbath Hunter,
France Edwards, Klole Hears,
Elisabeth Elcock, Sarah Adler,
M. K lies bet h Hewitt Marlon Kerr.
Mebel Root, Bertha Vaughn,
uiisana v. interne, sleMa Blokler,
May L. Torrsy,
Oraos Woods,
Doss Danlllvisa,
Mildred Hartwell.
Casat F. Roys,
Mart Shuremsn,'.
atsoej uraigneea.
Margaret Fordyc.
H arietta u Lear la. Viola Wsugh.
Maris Johnson. , Minns Smith,
Agae Laresn. Judith Jobaaoa. '
Flenc Lmc Measm
Messm Chute Egger.
Arthur Strehlow, Maleotm rmley.
Cart Rswltser, . . Robert Strehlow,
Auguet Rasbs, . , Thomas Johnson.
Wstter Sniltb, Harden Ahmaaaoa
William Pelaek. ,, Alex. Crawford,
Paul Hungate, - John Zltslabsrgsr,
William Tegtmem Arthur Frtedmaa.
James Bsumgardner.chartss Kellogg.
Donald Mscfarlsod, August Ernst,
Alls Garner, . Robert Ftaiey. .'
Robert Chnetle,
, Mr. aad Mm R. A. Finley. -
' jack Braaooa gsvs aa enjoyable party
last week, when bis guests were:
Fanny Kneetar.
Molly Bailsman at
rvuneu Bluffa
Leon Brsmsea,
Eva Splegle,
Filed Trustla,
Ray Brmrasoa,
Ann Israel,
Ross Orsts,
Clam Kemp,
M eaters
Hsrry Rnbsnstsla,
Abe Horeohmaa.
Abs Adsrdta,
Mick Keteiman,
Ae Ketelmaa,
Harry Ootdstroto,
Herman Motdar,
Dora Shunnsn.
Anna Bcfteccier,
ftamm ghurmaa.
Anna Kemeaaaaky,
Mastsrs' . ,
Sol Orata -Elliot
IL' Mliiler.
Jsek Bramsen. .
EUlo sorgemna.
Sam Baltsraan f
r4i Bluffs.
Hymaa Sotgla,
Miss Rata Hlartoh was boteea Satsr-
Skirt Sale
$45 SISTEK : $45
. . Thl g an exceptional opportunity to buy s strictly man tatlorad
ult and w civ you th Drafaranc of any matsrlal In th shop to
chooM from. W (utranto 4
Ol-a City ,
Bak Bldf,
day at a beautiful dppotnted hinehsaa at
her boms, which was given la th nature
of a farewell party, s sits leave early
m June ta raids- In Chics go. Th table
was dsoorated with' rsd rose and those
present wor:
Misses - ' Mlssss- "
Bybll Nslson, " XtheiinCrochri
Jesn White, Mary Megeath,
Helen lngwerssn.. Sera Seem' '
Dorothy Myers. Msrgsret Oetten.
Helen Oele. Jennie !,eee,
Ruth FltueraM, j H.n mmght.
Dorothy Msrtln, Manon Towls, y
Alios Jaqulth. , Halcyon Cotton,
Florence Liver, Mebel Allen,
Naomi Towle, Jennie Leee,
All" Duval, . Florence Kahm,
Hi ivt'o, Ruth Hlnrlchs. .
Mm L. A. Hlnrlchs.
Mis Jessie Rossnstoek sntertalnsd at
luncheon Saturday at her bom for Mis
Ruth Arnatsln, wh will leave Sunday
for th east and a short time later sail
tor a sis months' European trip. Eight
guests were present at th luncheon.
Th Omaha Guards' dans, which wag
bald at Chambsrs aoadsmy oa Friday
svsning, wss on of th largest and moot
successful partis ever held by that or
gsnlsstloa. ' -
Three hundred guest war prevent,
many of whom were soldiers la th com
pany yean ago. Among; th latter war
Luclaa Stephens, a charter member of
tbs Ouards la 1SR. Other war A. T.
Petrie, a vetsrsn of th Ouards' gatllng
section which toured Europe and A mer
les !vaudvUle after th Spanish war,
and also Frd Shearer, on of th "big
four." National Guard afflosn prsssnt
wsrs: Colonel W. E. Bsshr, Captalw H.
P. Eleaeeir, Captala Jo Lllli and Ltso
tsnant William Leary of tbs msdlcal
corps. , , ' . ,
Tn baD waa dsoorated with tb ant
pur colors, purpi and fold, and alas
with tt national colore.,, ,
Tboss present war; ,
Mlsss Elsl Fomstsr,- Mr Russstl. L
Fltsgersld, U. Blsl, J. ,Aeksrman, Tler
ney, Bergnogg, H. Relmsr, Budds,' -o-Mullea.
Und. Chrtschinle, Ksrgsrd, Stsr,
u. si. assansy r. uong, i urro. aiae
Hooge, M. I. Snyder, Laura er,
Barrack. M. Kale. O. Baldwin, F.
lard, C. LoMrgan, Oleeeen, W. W. Went,
A. English., t. Spsllmsn. O.- Cook. a.
Hsrrls, D. Klselie.. Lynch. Chad wick,
Petersen. Ooff, Cool Id ge. Sharp, Beremen,
Schuits, Mueller Smith, . Hash, Lsfka.
Carlson. Lown, Sas. DeLaney, Stsrtord,
McKsmsm Rasch. Ward. XsVor, Cham
bers, Mahoney, Llerbers, Jensen, Era.
Sherwood, Davie, Dumt, ' Mebie, Slaven.
McMillen. Vedicka, Oreer, Bock, Arm
burst. Vsnskyks. RalL Hutton. Merrill.
Fellem Wkitmsr. Wsat, BnaS, Mm
a. f.
'. aloe poor.
L-Ll. Mv MMrphy, .
Ltesieosnt Harry .. 6 IL Ustatas,
Heath, Jo
Aefcetwwa. A, J.
atssd,' J. sl Everett, Arttflosr Stsvsas,
F. J. Phillips. L. D. MJUss, U Hansen.
H. F. Trusible, J. R. Brewn, R, C. Lucke,
A C. Alston. R. Frank is. Captain H, .
Vesburg, C. L. Detlman, A. Mehman. R.
Meichloe. P. W. Nsieon, O. Richard eo,
A. W. McDonald, C. Lsoagsn, F. SL. John
son, W. W. Wssth. U. Roach, Ludwl
Merlnderf. Lieutenant E. T. Harris, C
Stenenek. O. M. Steele. Dr. W. J. Deary.
E. H. McCarthy, H. H. HaakSr, "W. Peier-
son, . a. Boa. atuatctea Barney, u
Oleea, B. P. Troys. A. J. Xoeb, P. F.
BtlsweMer, w. urummy, at voa oeareB,
Cauda Do Rlx. - Captala U1IM. F. W.
Hubbell. R. J. Stollneki, R. E Kehr, B
F. Stevens. F. C. Mills. R. B. -Wricbt. J.
Ksnney. J. F. Btxler. F. R. Shearer, A-
J. Jackson, H, Goedrick. Q. O. Tosn.
noroorai F. E. Powers, csstain K. E.
Ptsrrlcker, D. Sullrrea, Sssat i.und,
R. V. Martin, W. Marua, F. H. Taps-
II t, J. jsaeea, t annua, u. Anoerson, m.
B. Johnson, C. H. Howard, O. S Uooo
rich, W. Raao. T. A rev. R.- M. OUmob,
B.J. MeMIUea. O. Vadicka,.. E-- A. -ier-maa,
L W, Oreer. 1. Volts. H. Bock, L
T Wright, F. a Danisls, J. C. Hutton,
W. a Shrum. W. Fsltsm T, J.' Mt-
atsre, n. m. crone, J. n. btowb. 4.
ntspatnek, . Mustsiaa Auprsy a.
wortny. '
Mr. and Mm T. W. Jaywoa. ".
Mr. and Mm A. T. Petrtek - 7 . ...
Mr. and Mm H, C Wsiia. . ,.
. i . ; ; i .'e ,.,
Skirts worth .cp to
ib:. -.VtT a4
FmlOBS'ObT-,.. ;.. .. .(.n-i Slo
perfect fit aod abaoluts HtlaXactlon.
' Mr. anil. Vm A, P. Lnekett. i','
'? -.
- sir. siM Mrs. a. K. Thompson.
t ,yt i.,i - ' - - .'-r. , . 1
r' ;lgagem'eiits!. '
b . s. . - saBi t? .,
Mr. snd Mm S-Welnter of Council
Bluff amwune the nggeMent wf their
daughter, Anna, - to Miwlowsrd .Srboa
berper. They will be U Mas M thslr
friends Sunday rnhgr' ' i, 1
, 4 iien e t y j-,!
1 Mr. and Mr. Tv W. bfcfMllough sn
sounos th -esaetsnt of their ti
ter, Alice, to Mr. Hubs Keywr Owen,
Tb wedding will tak pfct ta hha fall.
The wedding -ef- Ml' Ruths slough,
daughter ef Mrr aad Mrs. Irar f). plough
of tha -Hamilton Mr.
Jha OUysri Budefci whlnhvpup .uletly l
celebrated .Weflneertsr evening t Wclock I
-, I.- hH.. . ... l 1 ( l.t.l., I
14 Ua.4.A j.Sbt itT :1
, n... bl.t- .'tMe ft Ji '
,.'.t?- 1... ijt.C iflli ' r
V.V1 !! '. -
Rot. Frsdertck Rouse, cam, sa nults a (
surprls 4e thslr frlendK. ;, ,,, ,
. Th wsddl pany Incidsdjjh only
guests, at. th .wsddln .Miss Margaret
rugltt, maid, sf honor, .ne Mr, j Hairy
Esstwood. best man.. , 1 , .. ." .' ,
' After tb ceremony they. Returned for
the wedding supper to th llaipllon cafe,
where they wr Joined, b Jr- and Mm
Ira D. Hough, parents-o tb brjds. and
Mr. H.. E..JTugtu., . . ". ' " .
Mr. and Men, Butler Jeft Tnucsdax even
ing for.Cblpsgs W thrljtTpsjr' to Oflvetts,
Mlcbw wUra tboy'.aAlf wkstie) floras.
. rersonai'
1 e aM C
Mr. artfm'l'rankV'iVsWlH?m- will
b hont ddy'frofu'S prirw f tV Wp.
Dr. aad Ml Qlffffrd 1igvt frp?9 Hot
Springs. Vil';. h":'?"1' '
Miss aiarth Fonda sxpertrt wis to- .
merrew foK ier,'summer"Vnicr W Wts
i..!. sen e-.i-f n! Iset
Mr. Oeotg Enrr'-TefirhfTdiy
from fortnHttf,a ' ITtrslslor
Spring. "-
Mm LawalrodVti recoeeeln front sa
eperstlon. She it at th Pssbyeriaa
boepltaf.' n-f -;.t
. ... r ;r ti i !' '
. Onr cwkctioni osnets
frori, $2JW.tcl.tKf- r$nuces
so gteat a tombfir-ct models
each designed for different
fie8-HBAwa.stUtIJ''lJia in
onr fittrnf TDoTflsMHn(i each
manship sjxi. ekits-io-the
making; thatTFithjBttf Vf&ct
fittins; serrioe -th'ers i'so
figure !Kafijffraet
witk absolute eatiafactioa.
Csrteti Oeuti ul Reftlrtal
j ( .-;r
Pbooe for AppesntBMBrti Doogl-
7 1 . .:,14. - .f;.
ft e -, - wy