8 THE. OMAHA StfrDAY BEE: MAY 19, 1911 rfIEIMBHASmlH16 A June Bride Ua7)Sjar03TUi i Sport tad the Dialer Date. CKAHA5S- TiAgi TO TSATEL IkwmII Hall Atasanaa Arraae AaaI...lnhewB-Xaleety r r rjaji.r- -318 -,320 $osrrn 16th. St.' 5 JIONTtT-llMtlnC ! -itar.dM- Bridge club: tm.Krr Richard kwuti bride luncheon lor Miee Lola -ailemaa: Mr, r J. Cuefck. saeeting ol Universal Card club. wren.VWDAT-Wiiner-dar t Cwmtry rink urf rwM eluk; Mr. J. D Foraat Richard, luncheon at .Country dab; Mr. Gwr m. HihaV luncbeon at FieldlBlr. Mr. Oeorr tktni afur. aeewfceMgc Mr. and Mr W . QrtM, rrtorf for their aen.- tamanml GrKra'3. a HI, MaOrklaK at flajrmten cafe. 1 " t THl-ftiUAT-r-Mr. J. n- Fkreet Rich ard. lunchon a Country flub; Mi. B. t. A. fii aflnrWritWJ Ami rJM-tStr&y 1 irt; Mr. William AlUtr, n hjnerwon; May . ..! at lhwiIU .af Omaha: Mia Helen Fogae eriff David Pp"man ilr a. (or deninaiur "O of. lb high - i rhoo4 it nyf Mn and Mr F. I. B i We Aheni.&ib ot 0 hlrt-eeboai. to banal t Tnww -Meaa. krieuaa - 3 1 olet Wi jSf , MiefBlancha tm aATlb i tri Jlr. -Hrw. DXT-pnlg mmfff Hollow elufcj awner-and dan IT Club rewnall and .' VV. 1 aatUfsJE jir nenon ttnbflbba will, 0 par at marmarmeiL Already ha ) ajruatnlly hvri emmher ef we are Uflni foil aa the lub tnU a4 otfMtb at getting ut irtrWa t.'rVtf.:.A good aastfrf thl rJr, r planning la e4V tt ttr;trrb tour, ' M -JK-lb - Country; .eluk. .and IK Obit. r;rii i Happy Hoi' law rtob taoaaW nn Saturday nlng. S thd ealdour to, H full awing. Tb 9 rwioV trapesing Urn sight w ene t tt;totuaa mqt- aeeaeul ta 5 the Malory. jw dab Tb Bjaavi to wit -rjplr-feew ware ta roi Tw 5 efraaard bad tb dinlaf faaaw 1 ar, WlaVn-. aatU to JJandnf S aurtcd.' at I a'ctock and taua4 untu S BMn(U Otmb and whit, tb lub 2 aator. war d la ewmttaf ad th 2M lrtaafcJrW.aastoUJUrmR.'rtt . MttMmK. TP tlu hcuf kM fv" ' a frtah Mat whit paint 4 took vary rummry and attraettv. Taw- rtaid eNb win aa, th nntor tarorday ad W4rwdy daaea tabto bJta dlaaara, That wtll b tabt ku huabaaa aapwtoity far wamaa at tb rfu Twy tnt frMar aad a tabt M RrM'vlll W rrd two. day' in. Tb Bmadaai thaatar a. baxr win faratoa autto lor wtBemc Ttaa at tb Trrtra. WaadacluM aa taka boa aC toaay OaMbab aad a laraa awnbar ara plaa Mu la aU at awaU ta tptad tb aaajaMr la nana. V. Mr. Caaitoa Offull. MM TtrcWa 0 . full. Mr. Caapar Oftatt ant Mr. Katotaa lawi win aail Jaaa U Hat Ma Tark aa tb auaatar w Atotoardira Ura. Olfuit aad ahjldraa wtU Pnd b auaf aw taurine toiranlr. UmUk Surop. Mr. tototaa aoobi atoat la aa alranly la Oaana. wttaartaad. waar aa wW rtM wtta a maca taavUy, with wboaa Mlaa lUtoa atoaat atraral ataatha - t raw aa. Mr. raaala abraad tar paar and mi kW aanftat war tbar. Mr. M. T. ratrtok taar Ota ha th aaeeai wabk la aad will t Mw yrk ta Ha a party H (rtoada tar 'a MM Mary MaadbaaK ytoat a taaa la tottar pari t Jaaa ar flrat l luly aad wiu Ua tussmar m mtaanaaa. Mr, a t. CaidwaU aa aMMraa will tea aaxl wk tar Ttoca, ra, wbra ab wil VtoH Mr. CatdwaH- tar. Mr. aa Mjt. CaMwaB. Mta Fraa W alM bad Mr. Mark I. Caa will aa tb ' tMI wk 1a Joaa far HaHaa and win ara vrJ wk vrarUc M the UnaaC Jade aat Mr. W. A.' Radfctt toav tat Boato aat TbttraMy ( tabTaa a th Uw! far tmrbaat M la Hk, Th alii naali la Ettalan lor tlra t a with Mr. Heap a kla abacbUr. fbthar aa (War f Mr. Joha RadKk, ' whoa kttaa to aar Maaebaatar. Judy aa Mr. Ulek will U Oar aunr. Holland aa luly as ay KH Mr. Mr. T. i. Maaoaay for th trip tkroufk Uw Chataa eaubtrr at Itaae. Mr. tVam Itoccn an Ml Madr ftocart ar tatnc abroad for aa ladaflalta May a nl aad aa th am beat wit J ird a aa Mr. lUoick a Ik Mtk aa will aa , ant wa. i Mr. Jb O. Beark and dambtar, Mta Bourka an Mia t&aUaa, tort aa Wdaay far M Irk od a4 yw . bardajr aa lha Cntiat spaod it uaur la itatrlaa aa th TxjL , Mrs. .iauto , Bradlard. wb, aa tot . abroad, ajaa tarly la Marak an to at pnnat la rtoraaa. baa ancacad paaaacc (ar yaw Tark aa ta Cratto Jaw b. - Mr Oaarta arl aad aaurhtar Joa. awn aapMt la ta t iwiuartoo aaarla tb iianr. . t . M.a Mr. S. J. Carntok aafla r- tardar tram htm Trk far tw swath aa a bail abroad. Attar bkttriaa- b Chat arMrtot et PYaiM thay wit (a t-tuV ar rartaaal par tk raauradtr i .at tbair akur. y . 1 , . ft aayayar aa tb rtwlal laotud- lr Jir a4 Mr. Ilimi anally. MM Kant, tb ww ator. jtin a.ru aaj Mr. "J. W. Ck KTrthl toad Tttaaday at Waal Mi kaataftpiiailiiil tapaaa trtpii?"' fx??. tfwnt Jtoa, rraaotece) aarua. rebruary (. pvtby wW tnnl ta tWap far a : watt aetcr Iwbincag arnnm "i i i ' f it BiawamM Alaiaaa Lwexheaae. Tad 1 arunme tumbaea ' at tba BrwwneB Ba, alaniss wW a erraea thto year at tb Hail en Saturday. J as I la years thl aanaal aotieJ rraot f at wha kaaaj ajadaata traal ta Bail ha a warn at UXatnr eta, bat It has Wd' tbowgb avnw aparoaftat t ' gy tt ar aota aeoarraljaaimatee. Mr. 0orga..Tda.i,arh.w to tha Prat gradapua atoaa traes tba Ball, aa wba'to inMudtwaaliaiiiil wul pr- Miaa Gtaoya boiaanoa baa had the kiga. aat- SMear whtcb th atasaata at tha l'al earerty at Oaaaha caa fl keatawa bar by aatos aKd aaaa at tb May. la be crawac Frtday. May X at tba aaaaai galaw. aaanlaaa. Mls .ftotoaMa Is a toaMkar at tha-Jaater daa aa 1 - kacauaa at lutalaillj' Illis Latti VadaraU at tha arajbaaiari ctoas, wha ra- noxtrz ; WALXTX Oktrad th BMt alfbaai aaaibw f voua at lb lctlaB, will b wi at honor at th iMUItatlea of Mia lelomoa. Thto to th koo yr that th Raw aatwrttty bap hald th fat ay axarclaaa and It la th ptaa at th itudanli ta man thai n aaaud artnt Th rorontloa will b pctaeiilr. Th Ikroa wilt b altuatad la a cluaur at traa aa th aouth aaoipua. Tkl aeloaw will a ara far Ik court ant traa la traa a rop of flwra will b atratcha ta aaparata It from th apactatora. Tha throe a which th nn will tit wiu b eavr4 with flawvra. Yrhaad thr will a a eaaepy at at white bloaaam. Th color Mbama thiwuahaul will b wkll an yold. Th rlrla participating la th May pal aae will all a pawrM la hit. I th aatoy anca th ealr will wr yallow pparl aa tb patali whit. . M. . Baaay Toatoat. CMatMkmaat aay- Irfauta by th twara kaaar ataaaat at la Onaha Hlh aahaai mtor olaa wiu a kM toraorraw aflaraaon at tha ashool under th lre ttoa.al Mia Par V. Taylor, haad of th eaaatroatlT Enfllak oapartmant. Only th flrtaa path a Judfaa of lb faculty an to oaotaataau will b al tow to attan tha tryouta. which start pramptir at a'atork- ttudaat aa th Brosraai wiaat aditar r orally an wttkout nfanaa a thalr papw. Th all wha to tb aptnloa at tb Jodt awrtt th baat pppraval wll a plaoad aa tb oainraneaat arorram. OraduaUm narolaoa wtU aa bald rrtoay rnln. Jua M, at tb Mraaaai thaatar. wha skoat ptutaata will raoalv dlplomaa. raltowla ar tha ataouta waa wui taka part and tb subtooti t tlMlr aayai Ml Katharine P ran port. A taoua- taln atraam." . . . Mta Liaa mowi . raT'lwtaa Klkla. "Harwoay ia Car Hathaway, Th , Orwtk at tnxnf- . ..,. Phillip jonnaop. vw r". rTT. Ml Mar)orta Johnaton, "Baal Ufa. Mi Uaaaah Kulakofab. "laaal Aaatr tona". . . . m - mm Ewaaor lv. i i ducaUan." , , id war rarmn. nwi Miltoa Pauraaa. "tadtvtduaUty at th fkhoot" Mia Vtola Mare. Th Bacptlva At- tltuda." Fro itypiaa, -pnar. - Fraaab t,aaba. i Mlaa Ma Lauta Hamlltoa waa boat at a rraok lunchaoa aaturaay at ar koea. la ampHnat la Mr. Willi ai C. attor of Fort Craok. Th ooraatlon at tb taaabaaa wa ta Franak. Moat f tn SIMM bar at oonatdarakla Una la Parla. whar thr aVrote part ot th tha ta tha study at Ik T ranch lanpuaa: tha athar auaata bar all atudlad th l-nr-tr Mr. Allaira of rort Crook baa rsooatly ooaaa fraaa Wanna, wbara Cotoaal Altolra was vdlltary attaaba, Tha aaurt auuruaf f Ttoaaa. aa wall aa SMat at th aapltato at Barop la rtanab, Tw of tba naatts. Madam Borilum aa Mil Aadra r aatM faob. Th fuaata te- la Mr, atattlar t Fart Craok, Mia Naward BaldrMr,' afra Allalr of Port Craok. Mr. Craia at Iprlatttold. Madam aantaaa. Mr. C Will Haadttea. Mr William X. Martla. Mr. Arthur C Smltk aad Mlto. Andr. ' cblMiwa Mar Party. - lira MtaM tatty aad noraac Saward aatanataad a -aumbar at thtr Mttto M.a ki A ktaV aarty at thalr rtoranc kaulawd, yaatarday artr Piak i waltrcuj of a nty-poH and IRato saakan at atto tor eaek gwMt. nttto M BatrteAlaworth, Bloto fowell. aatnana A"o. , - u -'s . Oartrud A It ma. . Baatnoa Real. HaMat variiag, Ralaa Cia ;, J Oartrude Cola,u. Mahal EUa. ' tan Caalla, -Hai KsaA. . , Maraarat ParaalL . Oeorcla Reala. Fraana Ruffnr, Blanch Ryder, JtUaia ohwarts, MaMI Steney. , Ruth Taylor. , Rla Trap. Dorathr Wht. R-utk WTllnaky. " Ttala FareeM. -. Jen Aadray KHajera, Oora wuuara, . KHgore., . w t ' - ' jaaay .aiiawsa a vwa ara ua laasara- tba antertaulnc . ' jruntbar raturna bom tble weak, th ara JawrJ aiMeta xat4 aazt wkv- Mr. Hon Clark to spcte tram the beat today aa wtl bd tb sweat t bar mother. Mr. Bla Pxrutre. Mra. 1 Wfc It a aad at Dwaear will rrlr MoadayW aa th guaal ef Mra. Altoar at Pert C-aeai. Mra. Allalr wtU aatar- tala at a brtag htacaaaa Friday la honor Later Mrs. Waitiki win k the giwM at Mia Lyna Curt la, after which ah wit! lv for an ni rlalt. Mrs. C. X. Crala I th ruaat ef b paranta, Judg an Mrs. E. Wktoy, an is bain much ateruln urln( ha' wtatt. Mlaa Iran EvwaM. tb popular ruaat of .Ml Mlldrad Rogars, aipocta ta ra turn ta bar bona la Chleapa today. oooatpaal ay bar brother, Mr. W arras Evaratt. wha to apfndtne th wk and bar. Many social affair War flrea by th yotmgr aat la honor at Mia aartt. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Btedmaa of CM efa bar arrr t pan th.wk and with Mr. aa Mr. 1. D. rout an wtH attaadad tha Field dub. opanln tost renin. Ml Kara Forthm of La Ansalaa, fuaat at Mlaa France Nash, ha a boa. f friend bar and to bain muck enter tained. . . Mr. Baa Boyo at Chicago, tlancaa at Mln Miriam Pattanoa, Is th (uast at Mr. an Mrs. D. C. Psttarao. Mr. ftob. it Mnnln gav a dinner party I evening at ta Ouatrp olnb In. honor of Mr. Bare and Ml Patteraon. . . Miss Foatar at Wyne. lad., to a papa. tor guest at Fort Crook, whar eh to VIM ting Chaplain an Mm. Chenoweth. Dr. an Mrs. Roger Throop Vaughn at Chicago an Mm Burbank at Wast Cheeterfleld. M. J., ar natln Dr. aa Mr. X P. Lord. Mln Myr Breckenrldse will. entertain at luacbaoa Tuaaday for Mr. Vaughan. " " At the Field Club On at lha largaat dinner wi by Mr. an Mr. P. C Healer, wha had a thalr guaata! Mm Tea) MoOutra. ' Dr. Dwrr, Mr. and Mra. 1L R. Murphy. Visiting rv- . 3 I I i 2yB,.A VwwawfWp9- Mr. an Mrs. T. t. O'Brien. Mr, and Mra. Tbomaa Ft Inn. Mr. and Mra. T. P. Redmond. Mr. and Mra. P. T. MoOrata. Mr. and Mra. John O Hern. . Mr. aad Mra. P. H. Phllbln, .With Mr. and Mr. F.'l. VU warai Dr. and Mra. W.' K.' Fata, . in Omaha r-i WM;'a., BRIDE OF TULyJUJi . W A ' 1 . . .. f - ' " i ' 4t V;:'' 7 - '' . " . Ck ... . , -- , vJ . WW: Jl WATCH RU-AIS1N0 M Wark ttaaranks. llHMB) lMVMwaaH'Jbj x CDHOIM ' ' " tpjraaj Mr. E. E. RI. Mr. an Mra. W. R. Adair. Mr. and Mra. C. E. Bumatstor, Mr. and Mr. A Man Tonasn, Mr. aad Mr. Loula Ihotos. ' Mr. an Mra. O. H. Pratt had as thtr fueeta: Mr. an Mr. W. E. Palnattor, Mr. an Mra. I. B. Rahm, Mr. aa Mrs. ' Fred Hamlltoa enter- Mm Ma Hamlltoa, Mlaa Mettle Robartaon. Mr. Kin Dearana. Mr. aa Mr. W. R. Waa bad as their dinner guaata: Mr. an Mr. Oeorg later, . Mr. aad Mra. K. P. Boyr, ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manley, Mm tffli Malghl, .Mr. Jack Bharp, Mr. Herbert Kona. WIU Mr. an Mra. N. B. Cpdlka war: Mr. and Mra. W. J. Hyn. Mr. an Mr. 8. a. Carlule. Mr. an Mrs. Arthur Mats' guaato ware: Mr. an Mr. Arthur r. Smith, Mr. and Mra & A. OrlmaMi. Mr. aa Mrs, C D. Armstrong ntr tain: Mr. an Mra. Charla C. Royatr, Mr. and Mra. Bernard Capan. Mr. and Mra. atdaay bmltk. Mm Ethtl Tukey, ' Mr. Jamaa Alton. Mr. aa Mr. J. H. Conra sad aa their gutatai Mr. aa Mrs. Arthur Engltoh. Mr. and Mra. Frank Boyd, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Eidrldg, ' Mr. and Mra. D. J. CBrlea, Mr. aad Mr, p. W. MlkaaelL Tba Pope I ton Annua Car club mam- bra wb dined together wer. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vtortln. Mr. aad Mr. J. B, Blanc hard, Mr. and Mr. U H. Korty, . Mr. H. J. Pen fold. With Mr. and Mrs. Enmat tweet Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fradenburg Mr. and Mr. W. J. Fltiaatrtck. Mr. and Mr. C. M. Richard, Mm Virginia Reynold. Mra. C E. QllUwr. ........ . Dining together were: Mr. an Mr. O. M. Strain. -Dr. aa Mr. W. C Dasa. Mr. and Mr. Bard Talmaga. Mr. aad Mra. U M. Tlma of Grand (Continued aa Page Tana.) Abavorba Sldn, Chasea Wrtnklea-Youni Aain Tba ahaek at behaidtag myaalf la tha glaea artar ain Mag waass abed, nearly caused a ralaua," write Emily Ooleoa la Man Queen. The faded face, with It lloee of Illneaa an worry, mail thirty reare eider. Now. I thought. I could not attend my chum' wedding, ami days alt ta which 1 had toofcai hopefully forward. "8a baraatt oama ta say reaem th prouuia an ounce of nwoattaed wax, whlcb ah kd an cpraa oa Ika ooM nraanv, waahlng It ofx next noralag. Ap paed nigntiy, tnm apparanuy ab.omes tha withered akin, ao rentir I xsar- nea aa iacemfrt. Vpoa tb wedding vara tb pallid aamptoalaa had ntlraly slvea way ta oaa at yaathtul coaar aa toeeil 'And iner waaa't a wrtakto. Thto aa waaa letioa ma a kr niaannin aa ot eaxntne m a aair peat wttoa 1 we eminr wmsm emu ama a lamt awary Ua. A dr. . "The Owl's Nest Ta tha aaaia at ear aw owa stair 8oda Room - ta Tka Owl. lath aad Harney St. Watek tor aur opaalcg aasoaacworant. ' 1 Sherman tft MeConmtt Drug Company ROMS STIMMZR GARDEN Entertainers Photo Plays . ..Dine Out Doors , M Great Sale of Silk aad Cloth Suits Suits That Wck $29.75, $35, $39.50 The extraordinary Takes offered in this sale of high class cloth and silk suits' should be of great interest to those looking for style and quality. Every suit is a part of our v regular ittock. ' Th laiest models the smartest andniost becoming1 styles brought out this season. SiHc Taffetas, Trench Sergei, Diagonals, Whipcords, Mannish Worsted, and Imported Novelty Weaves. Some are severely plain tailored others cleverly de signed in novel effects and elegantly trimmed with .satin, Bengaline, rich laces and embroideries. The tailoring is faultless of the finest workmanship ' and finish ; linings are of fine peau da evgne. All aizoa fnr wnman and misRAa Hats for the Sweet Girl Graduate Our assortment is large and varied and includes the season's latest styles. If you are one of the large number of girls who prefer to have their hats fashioned after their own ideas, then this is the place to have them carried out No matter what you prefer you will find it here. 1822 Doutia. st Schadell 1822 Douglas St OI THE GREATEST r.llLLinERY SALE OF THE SEASON 125 Ta.ir.UD HATS TO BE Panama Hats, Street Hats, Dress Hats, Tailored Hats, Pattern Hatt, Sailor Hats r.in3.nic!BsMiATSiiop SECOND FLOOR CITY NAT'L BANK BLDO. Our Number is 219. Be Sure You Are in the Right Store. 01 A. EVERY DAY IsVashDayNow Haas cam jam afford to do raw washing; . at boa at the) price wa qnota betowi Spreads, ttfnged ' for Spreads, plain , for Se 4c Sheets ?...........2e for Pillow for. . , 2c Handker chief i..... 1c Napkins I for warr aamdu ot thto Uam t waaae4 awl trwem aapa ratcty, UMwwfara, ttoea mot. raajolra mart tag, . Abas., , lataty aaaitary. araehad ckeaa aad folded straight. No " aasty'or soapy odor. Urn baadla tor las thaa 7Sc . Kimball Laundry Co. - " TOt WA5H WORD" OF THK HOME. Dema tit. ,' . BICI WAGONS. . Jai. A-ltlt. Suits That Were $45.00, $50, $59.50 SACRIFICED AT Great Reiuctionx on Sprin Suits is loss is nxsm sroa or woolens usts Ilk I JD1S lawafcj Iff tat OritiatI L. KNEETER KiSS S044 Stta lit! Si fatt!: Datiltt 1049 Towel'-'''-'- 'a for 1C Towels, roller 11-. for ...JaC Towels, side f for........ ,k Table Cloths . . a. for CC I..- laa! ,8W! for 8B 8 D