Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Brandeis Stores Extraordinary Sale Begins Monday !
No. 16 East 48th Street -
Bought for. less than the actual cost to import On sale .
at the most remarkable bargains ever known in Omaha
This concern catered to the most exclusive 6ets in New York and other eastern centers of fashion. We have never shown such
a wonderful variety of exquisite materials.:" The laces and trimmings are especially remarkable. J
-fh hum mm m I
Practically the Entire Main Floor of Our New Store Will Be Devoted to This Sale
Fine Laces, Bands, Galloons
Allovers, Nettings, Trimmings, Etc. .
. Heal crochet, cluny, Macrame, and princess laces, also ' rich
simulation of real laces in crochet, Vemse, filet, ratine, ma
crame, Betecelli and shadow effects-beaded nettings silk net-,
ting-chantilly allovers and flouncings---crochet, , Venise, Ori
ental and shadow, allover laces, flonncings, bands and. edges gold
and silver cloths and nettings rich -gold, and .silver -embroidered
trimmings, beaded trimmings, East Indian and Persian trim
mings, fringes, etc. - - ,
Arranged .in three big lots for easy selection. "Worth up to $5
a yard, at'
- . . .... , .-,.-... a . ..... !,,..(.. . ;i l.i i - t (. j.
-Rich Silks Dressmaking Stocks
; WORTH .UP TO $3.50 A YARD, AT ; $1.00 A YARD. ,
' Rich imported Brocades and illuminated evening silks, -satin. char
meuse, double "faced; satins, heavy, two ' toned corded 6ilks, 'beautiful
bordered -and allover patterns, Marquise gauzes and bordure
drap de soie, glace "chiffon taffeta s and peau Radiant,
heavy jetted silks confined on net grounds, silk and wool, v
poplins. . Rich effects :'from the stock, worth, tip to' $3.50r 1
at yard 71 ,".".?." . .'. . ... , . ... ............:.. .V. T7.TU
Partly Hade Net, Lace zni Beaded Rebes
Richly; embroidered (partly made) ;Voile Robes Chiffon Robes
(partly made) Rich crystal beaded funics hand knotted and
beaded blouse waists--lace jackets and coats in crochet effects
worth up to $35.00, at
$a50.$5.98-$10.00.and $12.50 Each
$1 and $1.25 dress taf
fetas, messalines, spot-
proof foulards;, pencil
stripe dress silks, peau
de Reifie,'Shantnng and
Pongee , silks bargain
square, '"at yd.,.
:: , sbc .
45-in. printed gauzes,
4-t-in; crepe meteor,
imported Radium
silks,.. .printed warp
taffetas "andlduisihe
silks,' .etc., "worth "up
vFirie Dress Trimmings and Laxes 1 v
1 4M?Tiov. the' ward dressmakino stock; . ; 7
' Fine crochet -and Venise "effects in bands, edges and galloons
silk chantilly laces, cluny, filet, Oriental, and shadow laces .and
insertions silk embroidered bands beaded trimmings--balr trim-mings-rancy'trimmings
braids, etc. an endless variety; worth
np to $i a yaron three big bargain squares at ' " Vf '
T l '.' - . 1 ' ...... n , " M
10c, 15c, 25c yd.
. chiiton
cloth ...
Street and evening
ues, at yd,
ExclflsiTC Freich and English Materials
Dress' linens, embroidered St iGall Swisses,'. Trench
voiles, etc.-worth up to $5 a yard, at yard
Mostly 36 indies . W 42
inches ""'wide, beautiful
Iridescent embossed satin
and sllli-clnrmeuse, 42- inch
chiffon , velvets," .Ottoman
weave silks with velvet and
Ilk . embroidered , designs,
worth up to 9, at yd.','.'
-.75 Single Box Patterns of','
Sheer marquisettes, bordered pat
terns and band loom fabrlcsrlngle
pstterns, at each, , .
S5, $7.50, J$10 and $15
""75c ALL WOOL: :
: ; CHALUES j ;
Borders,' allover pat
terns, dots, designs,
stripes, Oriental pat
terns, : etc. on bar
gain square, . OC
at, yard ...... C
if Silk, and Cotton
reps, bordered cotton
...69c, $1.00, $1.50
AH W Finished Gowns, Party Coats, Etc.
All the finished jetted gowns, street frocks, silk and velvet even
ing coats, street jackets," evening wraps and imported models
worth' up:, to $100 divided into four lots, at each, ...
AU the Jetted Pieces, Semi-Made Up Beaded Sets on Silk Nets, etc
Ornaments, gauze, sets and Various dress cover- N i C1A
. ings worth up to $35 all go. at, each. . . ; .';. ;: .".V 10 $1U
Sheer White Drctss Naterials
For Graduation Gown and Party Dressai
.A beautiful collection of all plain 'shee white dress fabrics for graduation
irowns includes French Mulls, Batistes, Persian -lAwna, Organdies, Crepes, .
KltJori, Llnsire, Ltewesve and Pearlln Lawn ranting In price .
from 10c jard op to,,.,. ...... ......... .85
Whlta Batfn Crepe is1 ihe season's
mo4 atyllsh dress , material verr
scrTlcMble eicelleat for dresses.
St-fn. width,, basement,' yard 75c
Wlt,e Hereeriaed French Batiste has
a Aft. sUky finish that launders
perfectly attractive patterns In the
4Mnv -width, basement, yard 23)
Imported White English Voile In
stunning corded and hemstitched ef
fectsextra fine quality, IT In.
wide, basement, at yard '..25
White Bt'Ga'ul Dress 8wlsses In beau
tiful dotted patterns our 10-Inch .
width, regularly worth SOe, special
t yard f 35
'No Wash Goods Specials
iieantirm tptton ' urepes in a
splendid range of printed pat
terns and plain shades a dur
able summer, fabrio excellent
for hottse dresses 30-in. width
basement, at yard 15c
18-ln, colored Dress Linen in pretty,
new patterns tn-plnk,-green, white,
blna and black stripes every thread
pur linen an excellent quality,
special, basement, yard . . . .25
Colored Pique and Ratine pop
ular fabrics in attractive pat--.terns
and colors fine, moder--'ately
heavy materials that will
launder perfectly, basement,
at, a yard .........,....15c
Printed Irish Dimities In dslnty floral
designs,- rosebuds, pretty ' stripes,
also tinted ' grounds excellent for
summer wear the J 8-Inch width,
- special at a yard .......... . .25g
ALL THE RIBBONS -0M m dressmaq stock
All the 6-inch taffetas, Desden and w arp prints just the thing for summer
dress trimmings-Mtn square near. ribbon department at less thanrtJ
J0D9 half,. their value; at, yard. . . .... . . , , S OC
45-Inch Embroidered
On sheer. Swiss and batiste fab
rics,: dainty Baby Irish effects
also English eyelet and new com
bination designs, at yd.,
98c and $1.39
27-inch Swiss and
Embroidered Ffonnciags
24-inch allqyer' embroideries,
wide insertions and galloons
chic, new designs in English
eyelet, floral, blind Yr
relief, etc, worth up afM
to 75c a yard ; at, yd..
j; Great Stic of Genuine French Hats, $1 750f
: I - Imported Mid summer Models from Suzanne X 1
. i TftTrint P nrrfir Jk flairirtta Wivla flno 4 r...i: -
J Talbot, Roger & Georgette, Marie Guy and Caroline
Rebonx. Hats that would regularly command $25.00 ' ' Beautiful 1 a c y
and $30.00. i ' ; . ' effects, chiffon I
hats, new panamas t
.. trimmed with
4VV black v velvet, Ee-
WSWmm .W-lors,etc,t
iV iSri--- ncn models for
vb. Monday.
New Summer Draperies SKST
Full slxe 8wlss Curtains trimmed with
i lace, at, pair 05
Swiss Curtalna with colored borders,
at. per Plr $1.25
Lace Curtains, 10 Inches wide, worth
- 11.00, special at $1.50
New Lace Curtains In the "filet
weave," at pair 2.B, $3.50 $4.50
Etamlne Curtains trimmed with 6-ln.
lace, Ivory and Arab color, at a
P" $4.98 d $5.98
Duchess Curtains In new patterns,
our own Importations, at
per pair c.,..$5 $7.50 nd $10
Rope Portieres, all the newest Ideas,
In Velour and Tapestry Bands, at a
Plr $2.08 $3.98 "d $4.98
Tapestry Portieres, wide assortment
of new pstterns, at a pair $3.25
$4.50 $5.98 nd ..... $7.50
Bun (ant Madraa for over curtains and
summer portieres, at a yard (J5
" - . $1.25
Bungalow and Filet ' Nets, at- per
yard ..... .65 98 nd $1.25
Cretonne, Crafters Cloth and Taffeta
In new patterns, at a yard .-19
n : 39
Window Shades, all colors, at
each . . . .29 35 45 nd 50
Curtain . Stretchers with adjustable
pins; worth $2.21, at each $1.49
Porch Shades, wide assortment
t 98 $1.50 $2.98 $3.98
nd $6.00
Extra Good
- Values
Handsome Spring Rugs
. During the past week we have received scores of new rugs,
fresh from the factories, in all the latest colors .and patterns
many are exact reproductions of magnificent Orientals, resem
bling them closely in design and coloring.
Hartford Bussorah Axminater Rugs specially priced.
9x12 size, special at , . .$22.60
8-3x10-6 size, special at $20.00
English Wilton Bugs, seam
less and very serviceable hand
some patterns beautiful color-
.ings. ' : ; ' '
9x12 size, special at. ... . .$37.59
8-3x10-6 size, special at $35.00
6x9 size, special at $15.00
36x72 size, special at . . .-. .$4.00
27x54 sue, special at. . . . . .$2.50
Schofield & Mason Body Brus
sels Bugs are among the best
wearing rugs made, small all
over and medallion patterns.
9x12 size, special at ... . .$27.50
8-3x10-6 size, special at $25.00
6x9 size, special at . . . ..'.$16.50
mvm pnurun-niu ruo-rrr stom.
Women's Smart : Summer Footwear
rumps, Oifords and high shoes in the new custom lasts
and straight lace styles with the 'smart low heels and
blind eyelets ; tan calf, gun metal calf and white
buckskin leathers stylish, well made shoes.
Women's Lounging Slippers, made of fine quality poplin
. cloth in many shades hand turned solfs, ' (M AO
covered heels, at, per pair
An Extraordinary Special Sale
Beautiful Human Hair Goods
We import our Hair Goods direct from France, Germany and
other producing centers of Europe. In this way, we can assure
pur patrons a selection of only the first quality and a complete
line of shades and colors. Our prices are lowest wherr quality is
considered as the special offerings below will prove. - - .
Women's Red ross Oxfords arid Pumps
These 6hoes are noted for their handsome styles and soft, comfortable, flexible
soles white buckskin, dull calf, patent leather and vici kid leathera
at, per pair . . . .$3.48 and $4.00
Shoe Department Old Stoe North Side. .
Hataral Wary Hair Bwltohw 18-ln. long 1H os.
lon( hair and short stem (oil assortment of
colors, except sray well worth $1.00,- Qf '
special for this week.' only OUC
S oa. C4-la. Ions; Three Strand Switches, made of
' fine hair a ! Talne, special at 5
Beautiful (Master
Puffs . of natural
wary kalr, la all
colors except gray,
special at $1.98
Ton will find a sendee In Ialr Dressing. Manicuring and Mas
tainc that will please you because the work of our experts Is perfect
la every respect. Appointments made by "phone. .
-o. ,
. Natural -
Wavy Hair 8wltchea,
piicew Monday at ..91.7S
411 Around Trans-
formations, made
of - first quality
wary hair; a $10
ralue, special $7.
Kotioa Tietnres Will Be Feature of
lew AdrertisiBC Campmiga.
(mlaaf "K.MW tatki" Wk H a
lactam Will Asa latmat kr
1 . lrla Amy Mare Thau ,
' f lOS la fiba, '
. "Look aJtaaaai. plM. Itea roar
ticad a Bttle to the rlsbt aod waieh far
MoTlac pletias of smythlnc e bf
tanat ta Omaha wis fee uaas sma, te
ned ia Um jaKlaa picture thiun
d urine tb Knew Ontha Twk, Ao4 H k
tin imin of Oscar A. Alareebt, the ta-
lraplMr. ts aav mortMac and STtry.
boijr kosklas at kts baM.
T. T. B. Martin of th fmral eontrnK
, promouns: Know Omaha compalsn.
kas pranaiad to Bars Lags tet ( motloa
paouaraphs of Um ahepptiK, niaiiuraeiar
tot and tobbtna Krlct of the cttr.
Hh a nttl rva anmnd tlx parka aad
boulevard threwa .ia. Pictures at las
Bscaina boasts also will b takes. ,. .
Tbaw plcturos will b start tbo first
of tbo eompolsa, wklob runs trm Jans t
w t, oa the roonda of tbo variooa notloa
pietaro thai Mrs.
Tbs aaaanxaeturm wia add intaraat ta
tbo aro)aot br offarlas ours tbaa I1.S9S
ia siiaos tor uiUis ooateata ta bo bold
la ooniuartloa wHk tbo wtoaow dlaplars
of Omaha aiado (ooda.
Tbo lataltoro era onthasiaetieanr oe-
wttb tbo auaoxaetBran. aad
ladlcsxloaa are that aboat M
oaau oxbiMu win bo aaada.- la oomo
at the wtadows, what are Urmod "Uto
oxtalbtto" will bo audo-HDocbaalcal nod
els la actual OBeratloa. Tboro will bo dm-
onitrationa sbowtna different araduets
la tbo pracoaa of BMaafaetura. Maay of
tbo feature duplari ars botes kept secret
so tbo Bauiufaeturer.wU! bavo a samrtaa
to sprlns; whoa hie particular display is
Funeral Directors
, Here Next Month
Tbe fuaeral direct ore aaaual eoaveniloa
will bo held la Omaha. Juao U to K It to
expected that it win bo tbo kwsoot over
beid. lavitatioaa hav boea ooat out to
draiora hi westora Iowa, Mtoaoarl and
South Dakota, besides all that ta this
Mate. An exhibit will bo atvea at tbe
Auditorium. . -
Key to tbo attuou-ia lie AttvortMng.
Conuaissioneri Make E ports - ea
ComplainU of Prisonen. .
f aaaaaaai
t the Mala. Ro Aareoo with Beat,
bat latter Iattamatea Patltlco '
to Beiau riarvd la Jmll
' road Matter.
Reports that some of the food seirtd to
prisoners la .the eouaty . Jell has. boea
unfit to oat and that other food baa-beea
food were mode to tbe county oamb
nere yesterday by Members Best aad
Blteeow, tbo committee appointed to ta
vosucato tto prlsoaers eomplalBts. The
Teport wUl bo takca up la eomaittteo of
the whoio early aext week, probably Mon
day. -
Commissioners Best and Slaaaser eould
not ssree upoa a report Tbo difference
between tbe two Is that Eiauser's, refer
once to the food are eieaked ia stroacor
lancuaco and ere made ta aa oratorical
stylo of diction, and Beat's report erttt
etoes tbo Jail authorities for report! ns el-
lea rd improper feeding to a partiaaa
-to 00' iiunoo oqt 0 jo pooem Jodvdaaou
, Tbo reports acres that the commission
ers visited tbo Jail, talked to the prisoners
aad were told the food was unfit to
eat; that they Inspected oomo of the meat
and found it first-class: that they found
the bread and milk good, that the meat
onndemned by Inspector Flelebman was
spoiled and was rightly condusaed.
In speaking of tbo food which was
found good, Mr. Best uses tbs exprao-
slona. O. k." anil -all rigbtr Mr.
dsatser uses tbs word "fine.- Ia
tug of the food which was unfit to est
sad which was condemned. Mr. Beet sort
It was "unfit tor tbo human stomach",
and "should have been condemned;", Mr.
riTimrr says it waa "green and rotten
and smelled to heaven and it would
make a person sick to stay la the same
room sritn that meat"
Both commissioners recommend that
somethlag be done to protect tbo prtsoa
ars against improper feeding. Elauser
leavea it to tbs Board te decide what
shad bo . done, while Beat reoommendi
that a plan be devised for tbe eouaty it
self to do the feeding.. - '
Best says It appears to aim that there
Is some polities ta the present charges
about the feeding 1a view of the fast
that tbo trouble wss reported to a per-
tisaa aoaipsiiei before was, reported
to tbo county com mi arte a. ra. and la view
of tbo farther fact that the toed Is the
no that was served the piisotiers while
SoerlfT McSbaao wss in charge of the
feeding aad for several years preceding-
Ad Club Pays Fine : i
of Speeders Who
Drove Waterloo Club
Chauffeurs who were pinched Thursday
sight by the bike cops wbea they were
carrying tbo Waterloo town criers ever
tka dty aa guests of the Omaha Ad dob,
saperteaeed no suffering for their viom
Uoa of the speed laws.
The. Omaha Ad dub wont Into Hs
treasury for the fine money. The trea
surer saya the funds of the dub were
slmist entirely depleted, but tbs fua they
gave the Water lee crowd waa well worth
the price. ' -
The Waterloo Town Crlera were earsute
to tbs Ad dub eonvention at Dslma. Ther
are snaking stops along tbe way, and
Omaha probably gars them the beat re
reptioa tbey received. - --