Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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EemarbUe . Interest ii Shew tt
' lot Ansel Carnival
f lw Tbaa Eight WkVi
ft tar taa Chase Arm Kate.
Itehed a Bntn la Tin
, Dare ( Placing.
' In ell prebabtmiee the moat bltereetlng
phase of tha recast carnival at Lea Aa
gelea was tha remarkable revival of In-
j ra ma events ior uc at. popo
pnena van. riacing la this de
partment promises to ha faster and more
closely coatrated than aver. If tha Lea
Acaelee fields ara affording- a comet
Itna a tha situation, in t"ie Itfht cat
division of tha Bnta Monica toad race,
and In tha events for thla class an the
Motordrome, tha day following, repra.
sentatlves of SOO.tOS out of tha estimate.
SS,W to be made In tha United Stataa
tola rear look part. . With .but am or
two eieentloas all tha leadlnc maaufae-
turrra of light cara participated,
with one car and othera with
Ford. Studebaker, Maxwell. Regal, Xeo
and Eulck were all prominent
No len than eight world s records for
tha class were astahUshed ar peatea hi
tha tare dara of racing. Of thaaa,
Ivans and Tower, tha Studebaker drtr.
ara, captured no lass tfcaa eeven. Ha
of thaaa fell In one mesa Of fragments
when Ivans whisked his Flanders W
radiator across the Motordrome's chalk
Una at tha and of tha tan rallea In 1:30. Be.
During tha flight ha had dona ana nil
in :&.. two miles In 1:44. k three mllea
In 1:.. four Biles Is I kX, tire miles
ta :K.S. Both tbe five and tea mile
marks wars held by Nlkreot, tha Lot
Angeles flyer, and have stood for lone
thna supposedly unbeatable. Evans then
worn tha five mile event, which pot It
up to Tower. In tha twenty-five mile
race, tha tatter, while showing hie sturdy
r landers "W rear axle to his pursuers,
heat to a froth tha old world's alas,
record of Anthony, who, la fast, was
himself a starter la tha event. Tha no
figures, for tha dlrtance ara il 42.15.
Studebakers Name
Benson as Manager.
of Auto Division
Tha ajrodebaier corporation has ' Just
anBendosd tha appointment, of Braast K.
Bensoa-as sales manager of tha auto
mobile division.
Together with Mr. Be neon's dutlaa a
head of all domestic sales ha will have
chares of tha Btudabaker automobile
Canadian business, whloh centers at tha
Wsjkervllle plant and also over tha com
pany's foreign experts trade which la
already well established In all parts of
tha world.
Mr. Beneon. who for five years has
been the salsa manager of the Cadillac
Motor Car company, brings tar tha sale
of Stndebakar E-M-F "W and Flanders
cara an experience which Includes
tha development et the automobile In
dustry. Mr.' Benson's Dullness experience began
wrltt 'the Pope Manufacturing company
of Hartford, Conn., pioneer bicycle mano
f animus, with whom ha waa aasoolated
for twelve years, during a0 of which time
ha wee engaged in the sales ergantsaOoa.
Later for four years he waa with tha A.
O. Spalding A Brother company la their
retail business. Leaving here ha again
entered tha Pope organisation and for
several years was secretary for the
Hartford rubber works. While bar ha
eeaie la close contact with tha automo
bile Industry and again his attention
waa given to the sailing and of tha bud
nee of whlcl. ha had entire charge. ,
With the Studebakar corporation Mr,
Benson believes ha baa found tna widest
opportunity tha automobile field pi
eenta. It Is his ambition to bring to the
man of moderate means even mora sue,
cessfulty than In tha past, tha oppor
tunity of awning a Studebakar E-ht-f
)' or Flanders "M" car. Before tha
8tadebgker concern, with its enormous
resources and equipment, Mr. Benson
beMevea there ara extraordinary .pea
stbniUee for ' the company and tor
Btudabaker owners. ' '
tt la understood that ao radical changes
arc to be mada but that tha sales policy
of,tae company win bo brought tato ac
cordance with Mr. . Benson's Ideas of
Bound, business organisation, confidence
for taa dealer and service to tha owner. '
f? A Difficult Taak
lame men were discussing tha sudden
death: at a neighbor who had left a
rather belnleas family. .
f And the worst of tt is." said tjnele
Jared. "thab there lent one of Hhoee
boy - that baa tha bead to fill his
' father's -shoos."
Bo Sore Cheeks Cured by Cut!--curt
Soap and Ointment. Also
Used Them to Heal Deep Cut and
to Treat Ingrowing Toenail. .
SIM Taw M., Onekawti. Onhv "-aty
si ae boi'a eheeks bsgaa astting asra tana
years ago. 1 tried everything I ever heard.
mi but Botha cured aim. At last I sen for
Cuticura 6oep and Ointment. After tout
treat mm ta ax fscs begsa getting better and
three weeks' treatment ha waa eared.
"The tat of July my oldest son lea end
Bit his band. The rut was vary deep, AS
tbe tuna 1 was la tbe country and tt was
bspoariMs ts get him to any doctor. I Med
the' wrwt up sod pa on ths Concurs Oint
ment very thick, altar that I washed tt with
tba Cutfcora Soap and eoBUaued using taa
Caurare Cmtment. He had ae pam after
the ChntasaM wee sppHsd sad aooa eras com
pletely cured of the eol with not amark left,
'Nothing a better for arrowing aaaatla
than Cuticura omtarnt. For am than
eight yearn I rusated with aa tagrosrtog naO.
It "am est am wild. Two amnios ago I
aunad la am Cutkma Outmsat an tt. A
najfci I wished tha foot with bet watat and
Cbucnrs boeo. then I would apply Cutknra
OaHMM ea aattoa aad ene the fees- a.
The ontmeat eafteaed lbs bard sk sod
It ccukt be mssoved witboat pam. la a
week's tune say loot wis much better, now
r entkely weB. ' " '
Imt cam and bnrhai t tfcmk -amsMwj
them otth Caticura Soap aad aparriag Cou.
sma Omtmsal is the beat tbag oa aartb.
For kteset biwa tha bMs H washed wak
bat water aad CotKam Boaa, and Cuticura
Omtmeet aspoed. one will leeerre aamedaua
rsiad. I have trted II sad know." tflaaad)
Mm. Arend, it- Saae. il. 111. -
Cutieara Soap and CattcarrOailiaasl ara
saM by drupwa sad ilmwn tnrsughout tha
smrld. AsawMSstberieaaulneamt. Liberal
sample si sack msued free, wttk H beak ea
the -care of aW akm. Addraa) "CnUcora."
Dc-t. T. Bcatea. Tracer faced
stare attk Cuticua asas aaavipg Sakkv
Hue Best Liked
The width of this car represents total
production of StudebaJcer E-M-F "30"
and FUnders 2(T car to Maj IS, 1911
m . "- "
The ' 'widdi' of 4 this ' car represents total - productioss of Studebaler
IM-F 30" and Flanders "20" cars, -fear Utor, to May IS. 1912
r The immense growth in numbers in Studebaker
E-M-F M30" and Flanders "20" cars within the past year
is irtrildng fact .. . - 3.:'n
i Between May 15, 1911, and May IS, 1912, thousands
more of E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20 cars were built
and sold than had been built altogether in three previous
years of their manufacture, rich as those were. "
1 Everyone knows that when the E-M-F 30" was first
; put on the market it created a furore. Others declared it
was too good to be true, the car couldn't be built at the'
..price. Yet it was built, and everyone of those eirly cars
is still in service and giving satisfaction. Then with rap
idly growing . production Studebaker cars maintained
their original promise of unequalled quality at their price
and kept on giving satisfaction. ' .'' !
! Here is the result We have built and sold in the last
year more cars than in the three years before put to-'
gether, and there are over 65,000 Studebaker E-M-F "30" jl
and Flanders "20" cars on the roads today.
The American people have tried Studebaker E-M-F ,
"30" and Studebaker Flanders "20" cars, put them to ,
every conceivable test'and said, "We're satisfiedl These
Pars Are Right." v . ..:
In huge and fast increasing numbers they have '
backed their approval with cash orders. And every:
' E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" owner will be proud ? r
tell you the car he drives. - ; -'V,
" Studebaker.E.M-F "30," $1100 "V c . ' :
A$k for Our jVu Art Ca'alogam.
.1912. v-: ':,.;v:--
Tht Best Liked Cars in America. Other good cars V .
have their-loyal owners, too, some as l6yal as Studebaket'
owners, cut tneir cars are too xew to oe compaivj :.;
Ji ' - ".' -iff .:.. . eT ",-6 ;
One or more alleged competitors, it is true, sell many $Jr
cars, but not because their, owners are proud to
them. Nowhere in this world is there such trtsseridois'
eteal iwiiwnipMiliTkta .MeMe1 ..mam ev . e mtm Mlta rwlO
aim uivuuuvTUUUlS ayt uvw ujrwts vcu au e M 1,if-,r
spoken conviction of the Arnericari rpleSlikWbstvkei;-
.44 Ul Ms,-Wttf '
nnl tav miiw) "
M 94 1m Tin! Mtt'
E-M-F "30" and Flanders cars.
, There are a hundred other reasonrwhylSfadAar
E-M-F "30", or Flanders "20" should be your cWc-3J3 GT fcX
f'L .. J !il : l al L- . i - .-?a fi'uO l
wnne iu us ana wo wiu go over uieDa wiuigou -an inin
We can convince you by them alone. , , ; ttytd
But greater than these, standing alone becauxei T10,';.'
other car built can offer any comparable argiunertvia4Wf'V(
one fact . . .. I ... ,
", The American public has tested Studebaker E-M-F
"30" and Flanders "20" cars and found them not wanting.
The conviction has gone home, and confidence in the
Studebaker product has made theryear Just passed wggjer''l,'!"
m oraaeDaKcr saxes man an me years pezore. r r
I i ' " ' f ' . v. ?
Measure up all the arguments of other cars and theiv;,
weigh them in the balance against this judgment o Jthft; ,
American people. . . i,...
" " 1 . .Staaebnanders "20,- iW0
It Will htmTMt tit.
V-flt?f, a it ..iftirii
r -af. . . r ' v-.'5! ?
The Studebaker
. Detroit. Michigan
. -1 W ' ,l 5 ,ti JUJi.'W
V'O.iiw fi TVt ? xt. ,
" 1', ,m . A
hvrt 'trMi'ita ov
r-t " nbni a e
... V aTl.'a!?!- siixO il iniu y
' T .!
i rfcn.o-ii JirV.n aMf w.-f
f r.j".) M rr? i sal
i .'i-u' Hi-:.- ijuiao j i
et ,ilff)ie 1j r.t.x-
V5l, )K-i;v"'H m-ii
: : i. .-.! t" r.u 1.-.;
,'f. v f'.'.. :, r, J'V.!'. - .
. . .; ; ' ti . t .
,r.,-s ,i !. .u .'.trdu eii
Tlaa to Prere&t Local Ante Clnbi
from Hoi dinf Vp Promotort,
Te Praroat AaoMaata, To Ball la
ta Bat Eeasaeaa faaaa raacaa '
Arraaa the Be.
KXW YORK. Mar tsTasra has bean
eonslderabla talk about ths ehanfee la
tba JtU antomobna eonteat rales. So
ot tba amendments ara noteworthy aad
others have sensed aomplalat, particu
larly ' anoaa; promoters. For tastsnca,
tnereastBS tba amount at tba saactloa
tea (or aa event ot y ajilss er more oa a
specially esnstracted speedway, aveb as
tba Indiana aolta motor apaedway Loa
Aatelas saotararoaie. ate, to n.a, whea
la tbe past tba fee has oely beea tua. It
someUimc ef a Jump. Inasmuch as It Is
somsttmes aimeult lor a promoter to
make aa mock .. after aaytnf aflaes
and ran nine ezpansea, this rollnc la lia
ble U have a wet blanket afreet oa pro-1
mot ere boldlnc meets at other eoureas
tbaa IMsaaapoMa. where of eeurse a ata
ereat Ilka tba Ova century sweepstakes
might warrant such a lea. , . f
r " ' alaa Deta-Ret.rsr.. -
. the tea.' meet nelat at 'tba Atlanta
motordrome did not avew anywhere near tn sale rsosipts aw-tba' final day.
srhea tba -Bna world- record was
broken. It Is to be atoakted 4f.aa thai
i nam could avar aw baid- that
Produd of Omaha Factory
pay Qe ararsoterwuak roflt tol
JjH ap tka kola left fm aoesuat
after, partnaT tba waaettoa fas. .At- I
liana del' Key-'award train, too. It MB
be haraV te aaafea aaaaab money te par
a promotlnc orffanixation lor He trouble.
Instead at dseauractnc speedway redof
(or aay wort of radbs prnpsrly rood acted
for that matter), many thank tba contest
board Bdatrr batter promalante a rallac
that wwnJd be twmlurlia to anra meets
batnc bsld.
, Tba re line ba retard to. aaaettoa to
prometera tn territory where there la aa
affiliated crab Is food, isasnncb aa It
wereTvrt stabs -ttoia "notdln sp '
Wtootara. . It Is Just as wroac tor a
tick to try o bold up a promoter aa tt Is
tor a promoter to nee sharp1 methods on
lbs' 'dob. Lsst season there were ex
amplee of both. Tba roJtec forblddUf
tha transfer of a saactloa bT tt Is bewd
to a certain club or aasoetattoa wttl pr
vent Iriaaponalbla preenotera g-ettroa; elobs
to poll nald ptomvteir cbaatuMla eat et
tba hot reels.
A number of tha rules recnrdlnc track
raoaa we're recommended by tba race
drivers themerivee. The tares of the ree
srtry card lda varlu- be tea proved some
what by. tba aaMBdmant wbackjssjoaaar
iequtrea alrtvers la reliability- coatee Is to
rcflsisc ' To sals racisa drlTara with
car drivers waa a
; Last tall attar Che ralrmonnt park
raea H was reeomuseadad that rule Not
X be amended. Tns raJe rarara to taa
ebaasa of a crew oa tba car derlaa- ths
race and abouid eliznlnate tba dlfoeulttea
which aroaa la tba ease of Bpsnear Wish
kit's accident at laJrawuat nark,' when
aia mscasmnan XM1 out of. the a
Wlsbart was disqualified for sentlnulttK
a short asataaca wltboaa tka sssilsialil
Tba rule wow ears that absuia ajecaa
aldaa leave his seat, tna driver must not
eeotlhtte ta tba raoa until the eaecbaat-
etaa Is aala ka tba ear. beass of dl
kUlty ar aceMeat to hat aeeteUnt, the
rter. auay, after atopvtna aod. toverO-
faUnc, proceed alone to tba pits and aon-
sult tba referee tor lnatructleaa., j .
Tba asublishlna ot neutral aonee on
ntlle tracks and ta prevent spectator,
rrera standi r wtthla forty feat of the
Inner or outer rail at tba turse and alee
W keep them out of- a Bene dbtrty feet
m- width ta tba straldrhtawaya sound.
wefl enough, but It will be extreme!)- bard
ts enforce tha rule whea large crowd)
ara present. - la that, at some races It
will be practically Impossible to entorea
KT That recommendation made br
drive to remove tha top rail Tram
faaoaa at tha laser and outer edges ot
turns doubtless will prevent bad acci
dents, for 4a ajeny casta et' ears going
thraugb tha since It has beea tha top
rail winch baa done tba dajnaga, this
usually bajng Just about tba rlcbt bright
to Injurs tha driver. ,
T.T1 E "'mini -t-
" a 'w w a. T3 w-IstJl
t-a TT" aa-k -ff-a l-Cr ' Hl
LJ I IV Smmnf VJ 1 V X.
Of Aufo m ob ilea nd Aooessonea
X .'.I J 1
a aV M m
"Deea preauientlal year ate be aay dif
ference to-Wtneeer It. W. Babson of
Boatoa was asksd. after be had eritvered
a laetura ta tha- Cleveland Advertising
club la that etty a abort thna are.
"I dea l kaow that It dees," ba replied,
"Preaklenu do not taaka business eoodl
tloaa, but buslnsss eondlUeas make presl-aaata.-.
Althetarh soslaeas gecwraDy throughout
tha country Is la a normal state, Akrea.
a. the etty of rabbsr, has Inereeaed ks
buataaas saotatssaty. Mora tare are as
mg tnmed out today tbaa ever before In
ka UatoryvPier kwtaaoe kni sales at the
Goodyear Tire and Rubber company In
creased UK par cent over trie sales, and
lml will greatly exceed even that large
percentage:- In mi wnoagk tires were
turned.. eat ts equip kaVM ears, and this
year mi tires ami ba manufactured at
thla phuit alone to oauip Mow automo
buaa. "taraodUtoa aba Oaodyaar aampaay
la tneraaabuj Just aa rapidly aad wonder,
fully la ether knee at rubber praducta
Motor track tires, aarriage Ursa, aero
plane fabric and rubber heals aad soles
esan titles.' The plant as being worked ts
Its utmost capacity so keep up with the
demand and three fan ablfta a 4a ara
betas' worked.
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
ma aad i
, B. KDUa Baal afgs.
VanBrunt Automobile Go.
(hrarkn. IH Ptp.
BaTtiori . Beba.
nil nni A PI 0U MODELS omomMcnam rTT
AnlOl :iSai5tf
X Cr I Cm Salesroom-Cer.Tifilli i-lawB.Jt,
Ni!firb.7 Omaha. Nebraska, r i
HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Street
motor cAii'.;; 220 raam Street
nflrfQErn Ondirgronni Gxxclits Syjtscx
UVHMVawali Ktrata aad public su-sge- L. B. Otbtber,
aajeat. Phone. Harney 687a.
Latest News!; 'iMy.
1 he WmanaJSee