Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    m ."'? u ' 'fre Mtritri gr'vuiv vm. xfAT 19. 191?. '- : 'X
i - IP" 1 UUiltA T aowww-wmnwanaawaw. awawawawaeaaa M
Dam Autdmobilirt Will Urt for
C&ieago n Xmt 15. ,
oxaea kes vnx'ioxr THIX
Giwt CilkMlUB Hi
Threwejbewt Jtabraawa
Maar CawaHea Ara
rial rat la Ifcar
I.a Yeafs Automobile Hero,
The Donwr' Chamber ot
eoclabtlitr toar, tram Denier t Indlaa
apoiui and Chlcace. ota and rataralac
by way ot Omaha
os account ot the recent
la Colorado. Th Denver people hT
.deelOa ta t art ea J una tnetaaa' at
Mar tt. aa erlflnaUr pleased.
Gntt aathuataam haa be
ever thla tour throughout rlebraana.
County and townahle effldaia aloac
tb entire rouU bar planned ta ora
tha road and put It lathe boat poaalbla
condition. "
The Commercial oluk oY Omaha an
tha Omaha Aato Hour dob azpaot ta
oBtartala tha Denver people tit Omaha,
and a larta anbar of tha automobiilau
ara folnc ta Lincoln and potato' waot to
meat and pilot them ta Omaha.
H. s. mdrtckam for th Omaha
Commercial club 'and Odul data tor
tha Aato Motor dab bar had 'chart
at tha Omaha arrantemanta. " .... , .
Expert Gives ules;"'
, -for Use of Tires
- . : : . 1 "-- a .
' ,B. J. Cox. ehiaf ad)atar of tha Oood
' rear Tlra and Bubber oompanr at Akroa,
Os aara that motortau ara antlr-iy
M uaaat ta tha cara of tlraa. "A Uttla
attention would mats a caring of maar
tlra btUa m tha eoorsa of ft raar," aay
Mr. Cox. Below ara ft tew at bla
Pon t wear out 700 extra tubaa before
asinf them. Don't earrr them loo.
Don't lenoro eat. Thar ermtuallr da.
. etroy tha tlra If not promptly repaired.
If you twa ohaina ur. tner are
KmMrlv actuated.
Ba aura your Una ara lary ooa1i ta
aarry ear ana paaaanaera.
. Clincher Urea are ruined If raa I
Keep tlraa wU Inflated.. Teat
mti-m wiia a anod nuca . . '
tee plenty of rraaoh tala la tha aaamf.
Jt aravenu frwuen. , .
liw.M Mm mm tlraa BM a
Remember that undents Mr ara S
per cent mure axpenetv to- ran.- - '.
Blowouu are ueaallir dua ta orarload-
Dm not hind fcot air to1 Inflat tin.
. Ota injure tabaa, ' . -
Ba aura vour front wheel tab panllel.
TMv nc wnaei in aeo rut ana eueei
ear iruki artnda tha rubber off tha alOa
wan , '
1 Kaa Mia tlra la a darir. oaol Blaoa.
Clean euu and Injuria . Uoroufly
' lull ii.rYitiii .,.,, ' ' ' "' 1 '
Buying Public is
n aa .. aw- , J
-An aJyat of ntlow aaked of aota-
ta M aUxwan axancte
throu about the aooatry. whaa .pwt Into
aotnpoette form, aaow that pablte hrtar-
ip, motor cara a foeoaed chiafly as
tha matter af lastlnc quaUtlea. law eaat
amlntaaaaoa, atmpUdty and freedom
tram tlra trwabta." aald U K. Doty, local
knatwr af tha Ualted state Motor
npeny. "Tbeee nqutatua would asem
dafina tb ear witch will andur loa
aat la auaHo eatlmatlon and thay ara tha
element which have dominated the do-
la-B of Maxwell ear from tha begia-
Drirar n tha Blf ndlanapoHa Baca Laat Tear Who Dalloerataly tmehad Wj
xlnctoa Car Bather tbaa tilt fipactatora Croaalnf Wi Track Waa Awarded
a Hero Medal. . .. - - .
New Highway Laws ,
May Be Enacted Here
Tb laclalatlra aonwhtttaa . af the Na
braaka atata Automoblla aaoocuulea J
pmpartng thra naaura to b Introduced
at the' aaxt elon af tlM-lecialature.
Jlrat than id a pronrloo for a atata
hlchwar oommUdon, and It follow aa a
natural aqoao that thar mut b atata
la conatructloa and aaalatouanea.
Another law U ba an parmlUlnc tha
uaa at ooorlou oa tha roada, a plea to-
1 ' moat hoc awfully. prtndpaJir la
tha aavtfe. tbeuaii ala Wind adopted
ult aanarmlly m the wait. ) Nw
Janey lefUlature ftdoptad ft law por-
mttunf tha uat ot eoBTtcta a road balld-
Ind.' Tn particular taaana wby th f
braakana ara atartma thai early U I
oaua thay lnund ta oonautt -with llela-
tlr aaaoUdata, and will anly aupport
thoa waa baUer m ap-t-dt Uflnr
law. . . r. .
Hoaaewlra lesraed Rnf ado (hat tb
treatment of ft plana ana I an exoeed
Intly Important matter aaoVthat aa IB
advlarf laetalt w , marrt , clnlnt
procea mar rula ft moat valuable
of furniture.' Tha aara- of. ftutomoMU
' aodl M muck the amr preblan
the elaanalac af the piano oa. Tb
ncht procea la atmpla, but tb wrmd
pro are many aad deatntoUva.
"If I axtnmaly Itaponant,'. axBlaJna
rteyd FTaalar, foramaa af the patm ahop
at the Jaeaaod utotnoM. compear
Jacluoa. Mica., "that ao duot he wiped
from the eat with lthr a dry tW
. or a wet a. a mattef haw aott rr
ticle af daet will lnwHahly , aratct
the varalah If rued aaalnat It.
Ht ealy way to ramsr duat from
tb oar I by waahlnf. Tb ea ehould
. a tharouchly ahe wared with plantr
at waur before ana sona
It la ala wU, If ft 4-i Bw. ta
hewer It UmroaiDIr wltS wt eater
atartind ant. It It la ta b drlvaa la
rainy wathr or arcr muddr roada. Til
wlU prevent apottlnf at tb.rnla from
drop at mud r water.
1 Cfaaang antelope brar Tuaa arftlrte
with aa ftutamobUa and atchln thar
ailr ta ft moaera term at amua
practiced by Own MeSoilr of atarUac
City. Tex.
Ualna ft 1M modal, alr-oooled rraaklm
in tha panult, Mr. MoBaUre madV
lataat aaature-aa unimaaUr beautiful
paetmaa ot antlop oa May a, Wrttlnf
' to the rranalia Automoblla oompanr
main of tic, gyracuaa, M. T Mr. Mr En
tire oil en ta and to Byraeuaa not only
hotocrasa of th oan th antelope aad
the cowboy wba threw th Mrmt, but wUl
end tb oaatlT aatelapa prurnea
' MtomobUe awoar oar ta keep tha ani
mal 4 a pet. It ba been arranded, how.
nr. ta place th aataloae la the Delia.
Tx aso t or the prutnt.
, In an attempt to ran dowa aa antelope
a tew day aro. Mr. MeBKfre, broke the
. tram of th mt. Th tram of the
rrankia beios at raalUant, iboek-abaorV
Ina. moond-srowu aah and the ear Itaell
, bebif lurht la weight K I drtvea awar
.rouxhaat aeaatry wtthoat daadwr c
A fU a thoreuf k teat at all (ha run
about aa the market, the Waaler Bec-
rtm oompanr ba pUeed aa ardar wttb
United State Motor . ooranany for
fifty auodard Bruah ruaabontf for aae
by tha New Knfland Telephone and Tta
frapb compear. ,
Tha aornpany bad aJa purthaod for
their dlrknoa aaarintadndwrt at Boatoa,
toddard-Dart) fern? eaanfar lay.
brcefe toraed. another product of the
Unrrad dtatee" MbtoV aornpany. 1
The Hew BntUnd Tlerhoo and "ela-
(rapb aampany I eae at th laraeet near
thd'aaapasa truck, whlck I ala a
product at th United Rat Motor oav
pear, bavinf purcnaaed twenty Sampaon
th peat rear and ordered mora to
aarU dailwer.;. ' .. . ' ' ,.;r
Th D. X- Jobnaoo aompanr nana
faoturara at a Uaa at btoofc and poultry
preparation; 101 ' Worth ltth . Mreet.
Omaha, bar bouatit Ford r fnr the
ot tnalr travallAC aaleemea la this
territory. Thar hare bra eelearaen oa
the read, and have some ta th eonela
Moa that thdr boalnea caa b jraatly
increaaed by tha at th Ford.
11 I tmpamtba demd Urn fr
af a Maxwell aUtomobUa, A fuld pra
renta any application of awwer adlil th
scar ara propeflT maahad. That la way
(he haraa claahlac at tear fcv aarar
heard ,1a ft Maxwell car... , I .;
OricinaTiy th alx cylinder motor'wa
only la hUih power alaa aad tha
tor buUdlac It waa dmpry tha
demand far freatar power aad pd. But
vaera ot hl(h crade can woo dartre only
moderate power and aarrymlr capacity
dam and th alx. a I ahowa by the tact
that a empeay Ilk th ?erle make
thra dUferw. tmat '
la tha day wtaea the ala wa devotopod
there waa much ractaa betwee aptlly
built machine and multiply cylinder mo
tor wtr conatrucud ta compel la aome
partleular rrent. In Europe, for rnrtlene.
the Darraot company built aa alcht ayk
l near ear whleh. Brent un th lonxeat.
taepeet kill ' lit . France at Ubty-mln
muaa aa hour and took tha money,
"Allhoturh th motor car mduatrr ha
ortaa keen recanted aa aa utaTowth ot
the Meyela '(am and It I a (aat that
many of th man m It kars kad H
experience, it la true that almost (dually
mrt draft bar keen made ea tha rank
of the oaiTBum awJiufaoturar,' a
mil mentally t th fwrlma Motor Car
company recently. ; .
Boch.aajMa aa Studehakar, ,Durajt
d Vtli. know la th bora aablei
world, kar, attained promlnena la con
nection with automobile.' Many at .th
men who work' la tha elf factor! a .r
fur amr eerrlaia maker. WhUa tha aid
Bicycle, ma bar drotd tneraaelvo
chiefly ta th mecbaalcai or ml de
partmanta tha earrtaa mea bar taken
ap tha bodlo." y . .. rv
Maar mea of prominence ta th flaan-
rlal aad mercantll world are amoad tha
recent avrchaacra of Columbia Knicht
Thar la no placd ta th amndhlll war
an Oakland aar.wlil not ro, accord! n ta
John Bchwablla,' praaldant ot tb rvtt
National bank af Crawford, wba waa
rial (or at tha Mclntyra Aata .oompaay
laat Wed need ay. Ha haj drrraa aa Oak'
land ear for four raar aad aay It
la aa good runnlnf order aa tha day ba
boucht It- .,
L He ear the next oar fee la folnc ta buy
wlH he a Oakland, but not uat 11 th ana
bo la ualna now .1 worn out, and h
not car whaa that Would a. .
' I,-
John" Ruskio says tjiat beauty &
. is, "that'wjilch is adequate -'
tfiat ifhkh completely 'ful- y-'-t
" fills its purpose. Measured . , ,
bv this "stahdard the Ford is
: , theit.bst .beautiful car in all ;
the world another reason '
why, we are forced to make
seventy-five thousand of therr -
this year. .
All Ford ara Modal Ta all 4Uk a exnept'
tha bedhaa, Tba tw fajawaurnr raaabowt
coats M -tha flmj imanmir taortac ear '
$ th oailTory car 70 Um tow,
car M f. a. a. Dttnts. fiUdmity ,
acitfimeaL Oct tataat otaiccn traaa Fwrd
!wv Conrpany. Jilt Baraary Bt, Omab.
Nab. Phona Cov.laa 4(09. . .
The -two pai'pa," e
ear, 1 on ot the pnmulil inneratloa
of the automobile year. The Crat thr
aufhtr weeaeaafai ear af tad type wa
ahowa la ta atevana-Durr, xajbtt at
th autaasobUa (how thl aprins, aad tb
demand already indicate a hi-, dafra
ot popalarlty. ' .
Altaouch the dtareoa-Durraa peaoie
apeak af tnalr coawattlbl pbaetoa aa a
"twe-purpoae" ear. tt really caa ba and
'la three farm, tt caa be waed aa a
cwead car, aurt a weather-proof a a
berUn Irmooatna; or aa- a tourtaf ear
with ft bop; era aa eatiraly open tourtnc
ear. Aad the marenlnel Inxaaulty with
.wham th to part at the body-la -Kned
Baku aay ea at the thro term
ot tb ooaTorUbt a oaatpiat ear a it
Belt - '. -
lamlraa who he travwaat abroad
knew raat the diaunt tar Bambuar ear
by a mean at oaaflned ta taa.auaJ
It yea war la Tokle rwa wwaat aa maar
a should yea wlatt
the Hiawa air weald be taamd acandlaa
,ot Chmeae uiiTyara .
la ftoaU Aaaarka ara amor ear pra-
. daod by tha Hamklar factory, tm
partlculajty tro at MantawMa
wnama Aire, Bwrnhhw ear bara. been
aftiepad am thl year la Irmdna, Cisa.
laadi Berila, Oarmaayi Ttlaata, Aaatrlai
htk c&nsed many ur Antomobila tjwideU, Tw aroid
.: , , . Warm Withomt Offm.,.; t -i;.
J-,I,1- U tha only oertain, reliable, efficient eoonotnioal
JlEiii hnrn for vonr automobile. "' . N
t - J m,
motor can. abowma aa ktrraaarnd
aitioa of th repute Ooa whteh th BUent
Knlskt anaiaa baa earned abroad and la
eatabllahlnc m 'thla eeuatry. Amoac
thoa who bow own Columbia KnJcbt
cara ara Grant B. Schley. Anthony K.
Brady, BV IX Durkee. H. Runkst H. A.
Join A. a Parker. Tboataa
Jam MeCraa. A. U fiatt.
General W. T. Lanalns. Joha L -Watar-bury.
Jame Mcwtaomerr -Flads. Fraada
P. Ganao, F. C Donald, Thomaa Rood.
B. J. Cornea Archibald A, Welch aad
Hugh Boyd.
Elewtrlotaa Pat at SaaawtBa Ea
. time tea at lanetmeat
Total. '
That within another year the amount
ot money lnreetrd la electric rohlcle
may roach 3,om. hi tb aunonlon coa
tatned ta a report to be made next month
at Seattle, when the National Electric
Lurht aaaftmtlM meet for it thirty-
fifth annual eonratloa. T. C, Martin,
chairman of the committee ea pi can uaa.
haa beaa looktnc lata tha matter aad
flada tjm,m taTtetrd ta electric track
aad t.0O.OM tn dactrlc plaaaur Temelea.
Tha Ha-urea. be aaya, maj eaally be
doubled within a yeu.
Mr. Martin report til deeerib a new
method ot detarminlcx the real efficiency
of aa aleetrle ehlcl by !umf to prl
rata saraca cooaumera a card that mill
enable them to find out "whore they are
at" A feature of thla card, which In
clude column for act tin down the hour
aad ria ot ehajgtns. energy consumptlaa,
pedfie eTayttr. mile rua. etc. la the
absence af any pace for recordins tb
Tortmeter readoura at th bectnninaT and
and ot the chanainc operation. Th troit
C Indicated by ti battery, aaya Mr.
Martla, m at beet only Inferential of the
cnerty yet rematamic la the plate, and
aJthouch thla method la generally uaed
a a convenient index to indicat th con
dition ot the cell, many cue of battery
abu are on record whoa cauee can be
traced to th tact that voltmeter readlnn
alone were relied oa br Inexperienced
person for Inebea dm tof when to oeaae
charaina. ,
In ether eaaaa where cempialnts aara
beaa made br carac owner that -theur
charrioc eta war ruaainff unduly
beery battery expert have beea de
patched ta the pot only ta fmd that ta
tha effort ta brine a crna battery P ta
1U pmLilted and ot char- yeitaaw the
attendant was puttlnd about twice aa
many kilowatt hour nno the colla aa
they property needed: act aoly waatinc
narer aad caattag anfair renectlona a
the cost of runnlnc the car, but also
workinc damaca to the putea. New Took
HeraM. -
Bona While Tom Walt .
Jimmy, need . and Georgia, ard
who bred m the city, were rnahinc than?
first Tislt with thcar ala tor la th coun
try. They were much, tot created la th
farm animal, capitally In "Muley," the
bornlcaa cow. . - .
-Georala," aald Jimmy, "wouldn't yea
like to aee th muley cow atkk out bar
hornr ' -V t
' aaaawaaaaaaalaaSaaaaaaaaa
J)i1,a ."oonforin t- all the reqTiirementti 'of yonr tity
ia better than any bulb horn because, its warning
ia always distinct whatever the tumult of traffic
it better 'than any electrical horn, for the first
cost ends expense. - Nothing more for batteries,
ia better .than any pther exhaust horn, for it
operates with the foot aad NEVER CLOCrS. .
I - . v, ". ....
A Any motar car aacy, r.,
' axxtauory daalar r (ar-
of will ftful yaur ear !
with Jrarfch r JUb
. ni the -Ul wriil W
kM UbuiiOa .,.
Proves the
of a Car ?
T is actually Amazing and almost
insuKinf to tee the large Dumber of . '
automobiles oa the American mar-'
ket which strive to get your atten-,
tion and prove their worth by con-
stantly. featuring some one. more
T - or less, unimportant feature, such sv
aa rim or a starter. These things are '
absolutely trivial. When you buy . a suit
of clothes do you buy it because of some -new
fangled pockets or buttons? No.
You purchase fundamentals material ,
fit, cut, style and tailoring.
The value of an automobile is arrived
at on the same basis. Rims and guards,
color schemes, 'etc.. should be consid .
ered last.:.
Fundamentals establish values. With
automobiles it's the speed, power, capac h
' ity, construction, service, comfort and
appearance you shouldlook to. , .While t
i the Overland is the most modernly equip
ped and finely appointed car made, it is.
these basic fundamentals which we have
always pointed to a&Texceptional value.
A case in point is our Model 60 priced
at $1200. The important things about this
car the things that . really count are
fundamentals that cannot be purchased .
elsewhere for less than $1500. It haa a
' big powerful thirty-five horsepower motor
' " which can easily take you fifty miles an
hour if' you ao desire.-It
7 seats fiye large people
- T vrith comfort. The chas
, sis is big 'and strong;
I made of the best materials
the world produces. It is
-practically indestructible.
; . rAll. of our special steels
: are rigidly inspected and
: thoroughly tested la our
own laboratories. ' The
axles are drop forged in
V our own plants. The
frame . is of pressed
steel and has a .single
drop.- Th? rear system
'?is unusually rugged.
:; The finely ; cut and ac
curate gears are made
of Vanadium steel. ' The
Overland Center Contrtl
Tke nalaraf the ear la th amr practieal
lacatiea far bock orwrarmd Urara. faay ta
eprai, aiwaya ia raark, aad ftm hare frea
aae of beta for deem. -
. .. ... ... . ....
4 :.: r.t u u .. .
u uxBuixaoivia ib v uiv w- tMif m hoc aaaejera
lective type three speeds A trBon wai
and reverse, fitted with the bestbearings.,
The upholstery is of good leather, hand -stuffed
with fine hair. The finish of the
car is beautiful, rich and handsome, be
ing in dark Overland blue, and battleship
greywheelo. -
This description will fit any $1500 car
on the market. Compare and be con
' vinced. . ' - -:-v. i
So far as the other features go, you x
cannot find a car that is more complete
' nor more up-to-date than the Overland. '
It is a combination of everything that
has proven practical in the motor car "
world. One small but important feature .
is the famous Overland center control.
We adopted this several years ago.; In
fact, we practically started center control '
in this country. .. By degrees the others
. fell ia line. They had to". One well
' known $5000 car has adopted center con
trol for 1913 something we did three r
years ago. And until we find, something
. better we will continue center control r'
simply because it is the most practical
, location for both operating levers and it
gives you full use of both fore doors.
But don't make the serious and costly
mistake of buying a car on the strength
of a single feature or two.. Stick to
power, speed, comfort, service, appear
ance and life and you'll get the most for
; your money. Other mak
ers being higher in price
incorporate in their cars
one or two of these fea
tureless features, and this
,is their sole excuse to get
a much higher price for a
car that is fundamentally
no better, and in the ma
jority of cases not as good ,
as the Overland. That is
why you find so many
$1500 cars that are point
for point the same as our -$1200
car. . ,
Our $1200 (Model 60)
car gives you every iden-' .
dcalpractical thing found
in any $1500 car . made.
Investigate and see; Our
dealer is at' your service.
Handsome catalogue .on .
request. -
- The WiDys-dverlanfl Company, Toledo, Ohio
Oaaon Staff.
203 So. 19th St, Omaha Telephone Douglas 1311
oaa l-alle, '
' aalr b?!wt l " blawaeai
" X. awaaaw " aaaaaaaa. aarea el haa hi btcak aa bmea taieh. law am laaaaaMaae.
aUe-i N-T-tWam IU iaaaaa ker,I
ear. 4H K I aereaaewer. Bl
i ht beam a breai aaaaX
Iw-Fwidiivj Ci.
Aaefciaad, Maw ' Sealaadi
New lee hi ad; aa Maafta, t Marway
ta tt u rrari tmoyrijt aio aa the